Beyond the Cusp

February 28, 2018

So You Think Ahed Tamimi is Just Misbehaving


There are people from the leftist let’s hate Israel group that the Arab teenager and serial gadfly which slaps and curses Israeli soldiers as her form of protest is innocent and does not deserve being arrested or tried. Well, let us take a serious look at Ms. Tamimi and her career of activities. Here we can witness a family picture from our article “Palestinian Propaganda Brought to Ithaca Third Grade” from Tuesday, ‎September ‎22, ‎2015 where we covered a small introduction to the Tamimi family and their production of terrorism. We were specifically covering the father, Bilal Tamimi, and his production company where, supported by family and friends, he instigated confrontations with Israeli soldiers and he films the entirety. He then edits them with care to produce films with which he tours the United States and Europe and shows the cruelty of these Israeli monsters in uniform and where he collects funds to protect and defend defenseless Palestinian Arabs. In this particular article, we discussed his invitation to ply his wares to a third grade class in Ithaca, New York, a location we found particularly troubling. He has made a good living off the fools who provide him the funding required to continue these projects. His lovely daughter has been raised biting, slapping, striking, kicking, punching, spitting, cursing and abusing IDF soldiers with impunity as she was under age and thus the soldiers were forbidden from even detaining her, let alone bringing charges. In this picture below, we see the Tamimi Mother and another adult holding down an IDF soldier while Ahed Tamimi, wearing a stylish pink and yellow t-shirt and jeans biting the fingers and hand of the now defenseless soldier. This was a part of the young Tamimi’s upbringing steeped in hatred and actions which were immune from consequences. This lack of consequences may have been one of the reasons that as a prosecutable adult she went too far and was arrested.


Tamimi Incitement of IDF Soldier Biting his Ancle and Pulling his Clothing and Hair attempting to Provoke an Attack


You will be glad to know that little miss Ahed Tamimi was not injured or disabused of attacking the soldier with as much viciousness as her little heart desired back in the pictured confrontation. The attack for which she was arrested was actually a series of provocations over a week of disruptions in which she was very active along with other family and friends. She was acting as she had done much of her life spitting, slapping, kicking, punching, cursing and physically assaulting the three IDF soldiers who each were toting their weapon and each followed their orders by refusing to be provoked and attempting to walk from any non-life-threatening situation allowing these degradations to continue. The Tamimi films are also shown to Palestinian Arabs with a different editing and intent. These films they find the worst attacks they can and will cut them to show the IDF soldiers and other Israeli officers walking away to avoid reacting to any and all provocations with the speech typically describing the soldiers’ actions as timidity and fear of the attackers. They play up that the IDF soldier is scared of even Arab children using the orders not to engage actively or with force unless no other alternative is available against these young soldiers. Many of these young soldiers are a year or two out of High School and are being put in situations in which many older and more mature adults would have difficulty keeping their cool, yet the soldiers are well trained and also know that if they react to the provocations, then an investigation will be conducted where their every actions will be judged harshly by investigators all too often chosen from NGO’s who are hostile to Israel and the IDF in particular.


Ms. Tamimi has reached the age where one is considered to reach the place in life where they are responsible for their actions. This is something new for her as she has enjoyed complete immunity from prosecution and even to arrest and detention. Even were she arrested previously, she would have to be released as soon as an adult family member demanded her release which in her case was always nearly immediate. Still, Ahed Tamimi at some point each day resorted to her usual routine which included serious assaults on the soldiers and when the soldiers were debriefed and filming of her confronting the soldiers were reviewed, the decision was finally reached to arrest her and have her stand trial for her assaulting numerous IDF soldiers with particular violence. By now, you have seen her cousin, her neighbor, everyone from every direction all-depicting a young girl protecting her home and friends from the IDF soldiers coming to shoot the children playing and murdering them for being Palestinian Arabs. If you believe that the IDF soldiers were attempting to get a shooting vantage to murder Palestinian Arab children playing and would ever get away with such an act without the entire world all but exploding and the United Nations holding thousands of emergency meetings, then you are delusional. Israel has been dragged before the court of online opinion with videos intended to slant everything and tell how Ahed Tamimi was valiantly saving the world from Israeli invaders. There are references to the Israeli communities having fences and signs saying only community members may enter and armed guards and even soldiers protecting them while the free spirited Palestinian Arabs villages are open to anybody and are welcoming and even Jews can come visit. You believe this then let me ask that you read an article which includes what happened to two IDF soldiers who made a wrong turn and entered Nablus included in our article “The Only Two Endings to Arab Israeli War” from which we took the liberty of taking the picture below and included it here. This is not an abnormal reaction to Israelis or any non-Arab when entering an Arab town, as they tend to pounce on anyone. We have included a few links to other such events including, “Israeli Attacked After Entering PA Village” and very recently, “Israeli Police Save Czech Tourists from Palestinian Mob” and lastly we wish to also show that there are very wonderful Palestinian Arabs who are not out to murder every Jew as this article showed, “Palestinian Prevents Lynching of 5 Lost American Yeshiva Students in Hebron” but, as the article posits, they are in the minority and place their own lives in jeopardy when taking such actions.


Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands

Teenaged Terrorists Displays Bloodied Hands Sending Crowd
Gathered to Witness or Take Part in Sacrificing IDF Reservists
Tearing Them Apart with Their Bare Hands


Ahed Tamimi has spent her life steeped in hatred for all things Israeli or Jewish. This has affected her and her normalcy of action has been altered, especially when confronting IDF soldiers who have always treated her with kid gloves and with deference. With her life consisting of regularly being sent into presumed harms way and attacking IDF soldiers with some results which you have not been told. She has caused numerous contusions from kicking and punching the soldiers and has broken at least one soldier’s nose. This would be in addition to some levels of frustration which soldiers were required to deal with as just seeing her and her family and initially filming equipment and now cell phones in the ready and they would know that they were supposed to hold their position but were about to be berated, punched and generally mauled all while being required not to respond. She also would hit soldiers should her family ever be able to get a soldier alone and then swarm him and get them to the ground where they are defenseless. She had a habit of attempting to grab away the soldiers’ firearms and it has been rumored that she and her family have attempted to discharge the soldiers’ weapons even when held slung over their shoulder, as they know that a soldier will face disciplinary charges should they unnecessarily discharge their weapons. Such a discharge would be considered sloppy soldiering as soldiers are required to have their firearms in safety and no bullet chambered for safety. The entire Tamimi family knows that they are all but immune from any acts of violence and pretty safe from prosecution for much of their activities. What has become understood is that the innocent village had required having IDF securing the exit towards the neighboring community and this has been true ever since the weekly attacks held by the Palestinian Arab village for Tamimi to film, as they would go to assault the neighboring Jewish community.


Now we will address the signs on the Israeli communities and their guards and soldiers and the open, no fence required attitude of the Palestinian Arab villages. The difference is a matter of security requirements. Where the Palestinian Arabs have often attacked the Jewish Israeli communities with rifles and bombs, the Israeli communities had to take to fencing and security guards or, if fortunate, an IDF outpost. The Israelis do not attack the Arab villages and thus they have no need for security measures such as fences and guards. The difference is demanded by a difference in the level of security required to protect the lives of the corresponding villages’ inhabitants. Another complaint the Palestinian Arabs make is they are humiliated having to pass through checkpoints. First, almost all of the checkpoints are at the entry points from the Arab Palestinian region under Palestinian Authority control into the areas under Israeli control which is the same as entering another nation. On the other hand, whenever I go to the bank I go through a checkpoint; go take the train, a checkpoint; enter the Post Office, a checkpoint; go to the main department store, a checkpoint; go to the movie theater, a checkpoint; go to watch a parade, a checkpoint; go to a concert, a checkpoint; go to a sporting event, a checkpoint or go to anyplace where there is a crowd or a restaurant or other eatery or mall or so many other places throughout Israel there will be a security checkpoint which will have metal detectors and a wand in case you make the detector beep after checking your pockets and removing your belt buckle and it still beeps (even if you do have a plate in your head or hip or too much iron in your blood). An Israeli probably faces a minimum of four or more security checkpoints every day, and the number of more is probably more true than most would care to admit. Israelis live with tighter security out of necessity. Part of the reason includes the Tamimi family who were behind the planning and execution of the Sbarro Pizza Bombing which claimed the lives listed below plus injuring at least three-hundred more.

Zvika Golombek, 26, from Karmiel

Shoshana Yehudit (Judy) Greenbaum, 31 (5 months pregnant), from Passaic, New Jersey, U.S.

Tehila Maoz, 18, from Jerusalem

Frieda Mendelsohn, 62, from Jerusalem

Michal Raziel, 16, from Jerusalem

Malka Chana (Malki) Roth, 15, from Jerusalem

Mordechai Schijveschuurder, 43, from Neria

Tzira Schijveschuurder, 41, from Neria

Ra’aya Schijveschuurder, 14, from Neria

Avraham Yitzhak Schijveschuurder, 4, from Neria

Hemda Schijveschuurder, 2, from Neria

Lily Shimashvili, 33, from Jerusalem

Tamara Shimashvili, 8, from Jerusalem

Yocheved Shoshan, 10, from Jerusalem

Giora Balash, 60, from Brazil


The really sad part are the families where part of them died and others survived with too often loss of limbs and other life-long injuries on top of the memories and mental difficulties, especially the children. Malka Chana (Malki) Roth, 15, from Jerusalem was one of those lost and her parents took a different path than many might expect. In 2001, the family of Malka Chana (Malki) Roth, a 15-year-old victim of the attack, founded The Malki Foundation, a charity organization that supports families of children with disabilities. All services and equipment are provided at no cost to the families. People of all religions and backgrounds are eligible for assistance. The organization is a memorial to Malka Roth’s life. In the end, during the 2011 Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange, relatives of the victims of the bombing vehemently protested the release of Ahlam Tamimi, who chose the Sbarro Pizzeria as a target and drove the bomber to the location. As we stated, Ahed Tamimi comes from a strong line of terrorists who live for the murder of Israelis.


We know there will be those who will continue to believe, against all logic and evidence, that Ahed Tamimi is the victim of Israeli perfidy and fighting the good fight against the occupation and that Israel is the monstrous force which needs to be brought down. We understand that you will claim you are not an anti-Semite and that you love the Jews but it is the Zionists and the evil they have wrought in claiming the lands which are rightfully theirs under International law because the law is wrong and evil and the land belongs to the Arabs. You will claim, as does Mahmoud Abbas, that the Arabs were in Jerusalem and the entire area thousands of years before Moses and the Jews showed up. Some will claim that the land belongs to Ishmael and not Izsak. We even understand why it is just Israel you have problems with and maybe the United States as they are the sole lands founded on the graves of the rightful owners. For the United States, they must return the lands to the Native Americans and Israel to the Arabs. You ignore that the Jews claim to the lands of Israel predates the Native Americans’ claims to their lands within the United States, and also Canada, if we are being honest. Mexico does not belong to the Mexicans as most are of mixed Spanish decent and the same goes for the rest of South and Central America though in Brazil they are partly Portuguese. Much of China was conquered lands as is Germany and much of Europe and even the British Isles. In all honesty, virtually every country on the face of the globe were founded through conquest or settlement and stolen from some previous inhabitants or through mixed bloodlines as another form of conquest, just send males of the prime age and then conquer through intermarriage and then force your religion or nationality on the indigenous tribes and peoples. Much of Christianity was spread thusly and all of Islam outside Mecca and Medina, and even those were taken by force from the pagans, are not native Islamic lands but the result of conquest (do we really need to show the map again).


Of all the world where conquest established the current rulers and peoples in virtually every nation, it is only Israel, with possibly the United States provided the wrong person is the President, with whom you have problems. Basically, it is the Jewish Homeland and potentially the United States when she stands for her founding basic Judeo-Christian Ethos, then you have problems. It is that Israel (and understand the United States under the ‘wrong’ President) with whom you find fault because Israel refuses to accept your ethics of postmodernism. Israel believes in Judaic values with all of its rules, ethics, morality and all those things which your postmodernism claims are worthless and inhibiting, thus worthy of your disgust and that Israel is thriving with their values and you flounder with your lack thereof drives you to a frothing anger. How dare Israel show up your postmodernism for what it is, a recipe for failure and eventual takeover by an authoritarian dictatorship which you believe you will run. Look around at the other places which have discarded the original principles and religious morals and see failure after failure. The sole exception has been China where they have adopted quasi-Capitalism and allowed some morality to return to the society and even dropped their disastrous one-child policy. Russia is just beginning to revive its core by readopting their Orthodox Church with all of its trappings. Those who were once postmodernists claiming that religion and its morality were really empty shells which you were going to prove by discarding the baby with the bathwater and adopt nothing as your guiding principle, you will reap what you are sowing. Meanwhile, Israel will continue to thrive and succeed for as long as she is capable of surviving the attacks upon her by the rest of the area’s nations including Iran and her allies. You can hate our religiousness but please just follow your postmodernism, believing that Israel is allowed, even under your nothing has any intrinsic values and anything goes morality, that we choose our anything, not you. Your job is to care for your requirements and not impress your life onto others. Postmodernism preaches to each their own and everyone can choose their own values, and Israel has chosen its values. That is not for you to validate or recriminate, it is yours to wish us luck and then leave us alone. The rest of the lies can be dropped because we know the reality of your spite and it is against Judaic values.


Beyond the Cusp


November 17, 2015

Today Europe Labels Judea and Samaria, Tomorrow All Israel


The European Union has voted their fate casting their lot with the anti-Semites, the anti-Zionists and the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement) which was originated by Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) which is the terrorist group made legal by the world’s insane drive to destroy Israel, to destroy the Jewish State. The European Union has decided their future is with the Islamic world and they will very likely get their wish as Islam is poised to crawl over the rotting corpse of a dead culture spent and tired crawling towards extinction as they forfeit their culture for expediency. The Europeans’ society has fallen so rotten in its core that their reproductive rate has fallen well below replacement levels and this has bode extremely troubling for the now elderly society realizing that there are insufficient youth to pay taxes in order to subsidize their retirement pensions and other services the governments have promised. The European Union realizes this more than most of the wealthier nations seeing the dissolution of Spain, Portugal, Greece, and the possibility that soon these will be joined by Italy and eventually France. Then the European Union looks to the east to see the former Warsaw Pact nations, from before the Soviet Union, and satellite Communist nations imploded due to financial and other systemic problems. These nations are still crawling, scratching and clawing their way in recovering from almost a century of slowly degrading and collapsing governance which took a toll on infrastructure, lacked modernized systems for power, water, energy and transportation leaving a ruined near wastelands which have been performing bravely but still not ready to support the over-bloated and aging society of Western Europe and also facing some of the same demographic inequalities though for different reasons but the same result of aging societies as the youth fled to greener pastures leaving their former generations behind and not even looking back. This is the demographic and financial bombshell which is threatening to explode all across Europe.


Europe desperately needed more working youth to support the top heavy aging society and believes they found the answer in the Islamic world. But there is a problem inviting what they saw as their potential salvation in the Islamic world. The Germans initially looked to Turkey, France to Algeria, Italy to Libya and Spain and Portugal to the smaller states from the coastal regions of northwestern Africa. What nobody predicted was the tens of hundreds of thousands of refugees flooding Europe like army ants clearing the jungle as they open their path from the old nest to their new nest. They thought they were getting Syrian families who had no home left and were stranded in camps with no hope seeking a savior, and the Europeans led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel who announced in a speech the willingness of Germany to absorb eight-hundred-thousand Syrian refugees. Well, Europe got their refugees but they were not quite what they had been expecting. The refugees did not have demographics of families with small children, mothers and fathers but instead these refugees were not all Syrian and not anywhere near as many were families but rather military age of fifteen to forty years of age, alone and many riotous already and refusing food aid claiming it was not Halal. They have broken from any holding areas and have torn through the areas stealing and antagonizing the people who reside in the adjoining neighborhoods. Obviously these disturbances were minor inconveniences as we now know after the assault in Paris, France last Friday.


But the European Union is still more concerned with the possibility that Jews and Arabs are working together receiving equal respect, equal treatment, equal pay, and equal opportunity. With a mix of Arabs and Jews at every level of the companies except for one, the companies are owned predominantly by Jews, but this is not sufficient so it must not be permitted to stand. Jews employing Arabs as well as Jews and treating them fairly is simply unthinkable and as such cannot be true. Those all-knowing Europeans have assessed this according to their beliefs that Israel is in an Apartheid State and its Jews are all racist. The fact that in the Israeli Knesset, Arabs such as Minister Ahmed Tibi (United Arab List) insists that Hamas is not a terror organization while holding the position of Deputy Speaker and Hanin Zoabi (Balad) was on the Mavi Marmara when the deadly assault with Israeli forces enforcing the legal embargo took place and she is still protected by the Israel Supreme Court and serves in the Knesset as well. In virtually any European country at least one of the pair, if not both, would have been tried and convicted of treason but in Israel they are coddled darlings of the left and not only free but serving in the Israeli Parliament. The Europeans might not be as open minded towards Israel and the Jews as the Israelis are to the Arabs in their midst. But certainly this cannot be true, Europeans are as accepting as they come, after all, look at the refugees the Europeans have accepted into their nations.



Muslim Rioters Burning Denmark Flag Protesting That They’re Not Being Permitted to Shape the Laws and Society to Match their Islamic Homelands

Muslim Rioters Burning Denmark Flag Protesting
That They’re Not Being Permitted to Shape the Laws
and Society to Match their Islamic Homelands



Then there are the newest wave of refugees, or should we call them what they really are, front line shock troops. No, I am not going to actually claim that all the refugees are militants out to destroy Europe and there are likely many families honestly seeking safe shelter and a place to make a fresh start. Unfortunately, it does not take a multitude to spoil the entire European welcoming of the honestly needy and abused Syrian refugees, it doesn’t even take a plurality, it merely takes a remarkably small percentage when the numbers of refugees are approaching over a million souls. The other problem is that it often takes but a few well trained instigators to bring what would be an otherwise small problem into a full blown riot. It is what in the United States is often called a community organizer, and there appear to be quite a few such well-trained instigators amongst the refugees as riots have broken out throughout the heart of Europe. These riots are tame compared to the terror attack in Paris and we are not making any comparison but the rioting is disconcerting when it is your neighborhood. There have been reports that even in Germany there have been serious advantages taken by the government by sending hundreds of refugees to very small towns in the countryside which have long traditions and had agreed to accept some, a reasonable and justifiably reasonable few in proportions to their populations. This was exemplified to the ridiculous, even worse, this could only be equaled by the theater of the absurd as the tiny German town of Sumte, population 102, will soon be home to 750 refugees from around the world. There have been other reports, some from other than known trusted sources, which tell of numerous other towns where the numbers of refugees will completely change the communities by refugees equaling half that of the population to as much as double the population and this is just the first phase of German distributing the onslaught of refugees and other Muslims which have overwhelmed German capabilities to manage. There have even been discussions by German officials to try and place a large number of refugees in other European countries. The rioting which has been claimed to have become a serious problem of late surprisingly began farther back than many might believe. Here is an example in the video below from September 5, 2015 in the city of Budapest.





With such a number of incoming Muslims and the percentage of radicalized observant Muslims apparently amongst them, there is the possibility that the European Union might be bowing to the Arab Palestinian BDS Movement in order to transform Europe making it a more comfortable and sympathetically adjusted atmosphere. One might posit that by labeling the goods made by a well-adjusted, multicultural, integrated, multi-ethnic, religiously mixed, religiously blind, mutually profitable businesses which pay Arabs and Jews according to their positions and promotions are merit-based but are owned by Jews is but the first step by the European Union in ridding their shelves of any Jewish Israeli owned products. Their historic support of all Arab demands over Jewish interests, especially Israeli interests, from the 1948 war of Jewish genocide where Israel lost the Gaza to Egypt, the Golan Heights to Syria, and Judea and Samaria to Jordan who found Judea, as well as Samaria, as sounding far too Jewish renamed them West Bank and attempted to annex them which was not recognized as their possession was an obvious occupation which was all but impossible to ignore. What might be next might be the European Union folding to the Arab Palestinian BDS Movement’s oft stated goal of having all Israeli products so labeled as the Arabs claim is that all of Israel is occupied lands. Should such a step be taken it would be an even more obvious and threatening situation for Europe’s Jewish citizens. Such steps might even be taken as a move meant as a threatening acquiescence to such Arab designs and demands so easily and eagerly, there might be those who might believe that these moves were intended to be making Europe Judenrein for the incoming Muslims. The politicians will deny such designs were their intentions, but the truth will eventually emerge despite all the hype, screaming, yelling, knocking in doors and all the temper tantrums, the truth will eventually be heard.



BDS Was Never Meant To Free an Inch of Palestine It Was Always Meant To Destroy Every Inch of Israel

BDS Was Never Meant To Free
an Inch of Palestine
It Was Always Meant
To Destroy Every Inch of Israel



There is an interesting effect which has been seen by those who have bothered to seek the trends within Europe. The distance between the average politicians, especially those of the European Union, and the peoples have been ever widening. This trend has seen the peoples sliding towards a more conservative, right-wing, nationalist position. At the same time the politicians are flinching before the loudest complainers, the leftists whose international and domestic policies will estrange the politicians from the people. Part of any polls since Friday or over the next weeks will only show these gaps widening as the peoples and politicians each react in totally disparate ways. This distancing between the peoples and the politicians can only be resolved in one of two ways; either the peoples will replace the current parties and people with ones which more closely represent their growing nationalist and conservative views or the politicians will find ways of buying votes with programs, spending money or other investments to persuade sufficient numbers of voters to give them their votes to maintain their seats. There is coming turmoil in Europe which may result in a new map of the Islamic World as compared to the one we have used previously.



Arab and Muslim World After the Initial Breakout until World War I
Arab and Muslim World After the Islamization of Europe except for Switzerland and Israel in Red Both Standing Against any Islamic Assault or Tide



The world, not only the Europeans, is completely and totally obsessed with Israel. Their hatred is beyond the white hot rage which blinds their eyes to the facts and burns out the circuitry of their minds to recognize their completely off-the-wall crazy-insane slogans and actual points they chant and applaud whenever they gather in a group larger than a dozen believers. Here are a few examples to ponder while you have your third morning cup of coffee, hopefully rich and aromatic coffee. The chanted demand for “From the river to the sea; Palestine must be free.” Where does Israel belong in your claimed perfect solution of two states living side-by-side in peace and security? Next, “The IDF is committing genocide in” (your choice as you use these interchangeably) 1) “Gaza,” 2) “the West Bank,” 3) “Jenin which was wiped off the map” (proven by the special investigators for the United Nations and verified by the HRC, UN Human Rights Council, to be an actual battle fought completely within a half mile radius not harming the rest of a major Arab city) and 4) “Israel is committing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians” yet somehow there are over five million Arab Palestinians, that’s 5,000,000, all from an initial population estimated to be somewhere between a half and three-quarters of a million original refugees. Trust me when I inform you that should the IDF actually decide to cleanse the areas of Arab Palestinians there would be a few less alive today, not five million Arab Palestinians, like somewhere between zero and none. Of course you know as well as we do that such a situation would only be the result of a Pan-Arab and Muslim final Jihad against Israel and Jews everywhere were to be declared, and such would not be an idea from Israel, never. Then the IDF and every Jew with an ounce of common sense would join the fight as better to die on one’s feet than be beheaded stooped over on one’s knees. Then the battle would be to the death of one side or the other, the Arabs or the Jews, then you will see what genocide looks like, but we fear that the Jews will be at the wrong end in such a war.


Beyond the Cusp


October 19, 2015

The Perverse Fruits of the Oslo Accords


Rabbi Meir Kahane was right. Rabbi Kahane was quite accurate, succinct, and nailed what Jews would face should we permit the Arabs to reside within Israel and permit them their own societal structures independent of Israeli oversight. He predicted the incitement, the stabbings, the bombings, the shooting and the general terror war being fought out on the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Be’er Sheva and everywhere else in time. What Israel is facing currently is the fruit of her own labors known as the Oslo Accords. The problem of the Oslo Accords provided the seeds that promised to produce what we are currently reaping across all of Israel where the fruits of Oslo reach and are prevalent. The real problem goes far beyond Oslo and is prevalent today in the Ministers of the Knesset who are screaming for Israel to ‘give them the lands they demand, give them until they stop, if we surrender Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria it will stop.’ If you are unsure as to what these people today mean, there is an easy path to gain an understanding, go back and play every speech ever given by Shimon Peres over his entire career as he was talking Oslo before he engineered Oslo presumably in cahoots with a select group of other leftists and who thought we owed the Arabs a state because they should receive an award for losing the war, perhaps he felt they deserved their victory too. Whatever he thought, assuming of course that he did actually think, the one thing that we have to give Shimon Peres, at no time did he ever change his wide eyed dreaming in which Oslo was the key to the future and would spread his dream and our nightmare. Even today his speeches speak of his seminal achievement of reaching out and offering his hand in friendship and never realizing that they would have sliced from his arm and then his head from his neck if they had not perceived the great weapon of harm that was the Oslo Accords and the evil it could and would spread over Israel worsening each year as if a returning plague.



Shimon Peres Returning from the Presumed Oslo Accords with Words of Warnings as he Declared to Have Mr. Arafat’s Signature on this Piece of Paper and has brought us Peace in Our Time

Shimon Peres Returning from the Presumed Oslo Accords with Words of
Warnings as he Declared to Have Mr. Arafat’s Signature on this
Piece of Paper and has brought us Peace in Our Time



We should join with Mahmoud Abbas and declare the Oslo Accords as no longer binding on Israel as we have no other choice than to forgo the lofty intents which the Arab Palestinians refused to dare and make peace as Israel had invested so much treasure in lives and time all brought to naught by Mahmoud Abbas who refused any and every offer as he would wait for a total Israeli surrender where the Jews would leave or be enslaved as Dhimmis. Since the Arab Palestinians and their current facilitators of blood and violence whom either are full citizens or newly recognized citizens from Eastern Jerusalem who are permitted voting rights in Jerusalem elections just as is every other Jerusalemite be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim or any other religion or even no religion. The goal of the Arab Palestinians is largely based on a strategy which revolves around the murder of Jews and the destruction of their homelands. The Palestinian run media as well as Al Jazeera, their Madrassas, their news industry, their internet including especially Facebook posts and Twitter feeds, the children’s summer camps, the schools run by Hamas or UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), naming ceremonies for streets, parks, playgrounds, schools, summer camps, soccer fields etc. and a near constant barrage from every conceivable source there is constant propagandizing brainwashing the youth in particular to murder Jews even at the cost of their own life because if every Muslim died while murdering a Jew the Jews would be wiped from the face of the earth and it would be but a small sacrifice for Islam. Below is a video telling of how the billions of dollars about to be gifted to Iran will affect Israel and the regional threat faced by the Jewish State along with interviews with Hamas children’s camp children as well as school kids which reveal the face of Arab motivated terror Israelis are facing. The indoctrination from television, radio, the Internet and other sources is widespread through much of Jerusalem and throughout Israel simply by subscribing to receive cable television which includes many channels which feature incitement as their main fare or simply allusions to terrorism and the responsibility of every Arab to their people and to Allah to murder as many Jews as possible and that their death in such a venture will guarantee their and their families’ places in Islamic heaven with the martyr gifted seventy-two perpetual virgins who regains her virginity immediately after they have been deflowered in some magical manner which is never questioned for some reason. My deceit meter would peg and potentially spin so far past the one-hundred-percent guarantee lie that it would probably be unusable for quite some time as the words of deceit would slowly lose their influence. Unfortunately many of these youths have received such brainwashing and reprogramming by their society and its rulers that they know little else and that is a large part of this problem. Ever since the Oslo Accords went into effect twenty-two years ago this past September the incitement has grown from a heavy and distressing prevalence to a complete inundation to some form of irradiating presence similar to radioactive elements which poison all within a certain distance to the current flood sweeping the impressionable minds into an altered state where becoming a martyr who has killed a number of Jews is considered their highest quest and goal in their lives.





Yair Lapid has been busy adding his shekels worth into the mix so allow us to repeat a number of his statements or internet posts with you.


“ If Abu Mazen (Arab Palestine Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s nom de guerre) is lying, he is not doing it because of oppression or occupation, but because he is a liar who is trying to slander Israel in front of the entire world. If a Palestinian terrorist tried to stab a soldier, she is not doing it because of the checkpoints, but because she wants to kill Jews for being Jews. And if a soldier, in response, shoots and kills her, she is not doing it because she is part of the occupation, but because she wants to protect herself from the terrorist and because she doesn’t want to die.”
“Zehava and her colleagues’ (Meretz Party Chairperson) call to understand the other side is condescending. She assumes that everyone – except them, of course – does not understand what’s really going on.”
“But we understand very well, thank you,” Lapid added. ‘What’s happening here is rampant knife terrorism resulting from unbridled incitement.”
“In the face of terror, a political solution must be established,” Lapid noted. “But it needs to be based on a reading of the reality as it is, and not on the creation of imaginary Palestinians who do not exist.”
“I believe we must separate from the Palestinians, while the IDF continues to operate everywhere in order to provide security to Israeli citizens.”
“It’s time to separate from the Palestinians and set a high wall between us and them,” Lapid declared. “Not because they’re the good guys, but because they’re the bad guys.”



Apparently Minister Yair Lapid had once again checked for the prevailing winds and after taking their measure and the trending flow was towards such historic greats of Israeli history he almost sounded like Rabbi Kahane, Ze’ev Jabotinsky or Menachem Begin sounding much the nationalist Zionist. He lashed out at the leftist parties with whom just last week was their staunch supporter with particular attention given to Zehava (Zehava Gal-on) and her colleagues’ on the left. The entire summer as well as during these trying times the leftists have suggested that Israel simply turn over Jerusalem including the Temple Mount and Old City, Judea, and Samaria as doing so will satisfy the Arab demands and bring the violence to an end. Some actually have added to this line of reasoning the great success which withdrawals from Southern Lebanon and Gaza have worked out. Their reference is given before people sympathetic or completely supportive of their views and thus they receive applause at the appropriate time thus reinforcing the lies which are required for anyone to support such deceits. This viewpoint ignored the Second Lebanon War and the state of constant conflict between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the rest as they launch rockets and ambush people and IDF soldiers who stray too close to the fence. Of course these leftists likely would point to this propaganda map depicting Palestine the nation claiming the steady erosion by the Jews and how only through Oslo Accords were they saved from oblivion.



Arab Palestinian Depiction of History as They View Events as Having Destroyed that Nation We All Know Never Existed

The first week of April 2011 a sixteen-years-old student was the sole remaining student on the school bus which had just released the majority of the children ranging in age from the very young to the students graduating this year. The young man will not be graduating with his friends as he was hospitalized but after a week plus a few days of fighting for his life Raphael Daniel Aryeh ben Tamar was taken from us and was the sole fatality as the less injured bus driver is expected to make a full recovery. The terrorist who fired on the school bus was located in Gaza where every Jew and things considered Jewish have been used and propagandized as they are destroyed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad after the IDF and Jewish civilians were vacated. Still, the excuse given that the person who fired this guided missile from launching tube to target impact could not tell through the 7.5X weapon’s scope used as the sighting profile for the Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile did not realize that the bus they fired upon was a bright yellow school bus. The remains of the bus are all the needed proof that the terrorist who fired upon the bus knew exactly what it was he aimed at and struck and that particular target was chosen with the hopes that it would still have had students inside making for a most horrific and sickening murder by the terror entity who would have grabbed credit. Below shows the bus which was in remarkably good form after being struck by a Kornet anti-tank missile weapon such as struck this school bus.



School Bus which was struck by a Russian made Kornet anti-tank missile murdering one teen remaining in the bus to reach his grandmother visit

School Bus which was struck by a Russian made Kornet
anti-tank missile murdering one teen remaining
in the bus to reach his grandmother visit



Volunteer Picking Up Pieces of the Remains of School Bus Struck by Guided Anti-Tank Weapon

Volunteer Picking Up Pieces of the Remains of
School Bus Struck by Guided Anti-Tank Weapon



The saddest part of this situation is that there is only one direction this entire fiasco of a peace process will lead and that ending scene is not going to be pretty. The two sides are at an impasse and neither group will willingly end the situation because the two sides disagree on one extremely critical point, the right of the Jewish People to a homeland. This is the same problem which plagues Europe and many all across the western world that the Jewish People have their homelands back in their hands again after almost two millennia and have retrieved their ancient language which had all but disappeared and was only used when reading of the ancient manuscripts and in synagogues reading the Torah. It had become an ancient tongue which had been all but forgotten and was soon to die out, and that could not happen, not as long as Hashem was in the picture. The Hebrew language is back and being heard where it belongs, in the bustling streets and alleyways of the Old City and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It has returned to the sites and is once again a vibrant part of life in Israel and is only lacking in one small matter, the willingness of the rest of the world to please allow us our most precious ancient lands. Make those who hate and cannot accept 99.999% of the lands across MENA and allow the Jews this insignificant piece of land which was of no use to you nor did it bear its fruits for you and allow for an easier life for you but instead withheld the rains and scorned your every attempt to tame her. Yet return the Jews and soon the land blossomed.


What had the Jews done those others before them had not? The two things the Jews did differently were first they came with a do or die optimism and second several conversations were held in ‘Hebrew’ for the first time in nearly two millennia. The Jews knew that if they failed in Israel then they would fail everywhere. This was the do or die situation for the Jewish People as without Jerusalem what are we? Rabbi Hillel would have phrased this far better but that is why his teachings and commentary are studied by learned Rabbis to this day. The Arabs have numbers on their side in this struggle of the millennia while the Jews have nowhere else to go so theirs is a must win or perish situation.


The Arabs, particularly the Islamic Arabs, have what they fervently believe is the final given world from Allah and many proclaim that Allah and Hashem are the same entity. This is where the Jews have a claim which many fear to make, Allah and Hashem are not the same entity and Hashem is the venerable Deity in the Torah while Allah is the god in the Quran and the philosophy and sentiments of these two books and their religions could not be more opposing. Their virtues are opposites, their commandments differ at a seminal point which came over Mohammad somewhere between Mecca and Medina which is made all the more obvious once one realizes and researches the Quran in chronological order that this transformation becomes more obvious, and that is where the two religions parted ways once and for all.


This brings us again back to the only way this is going to end is once a final do or die battle ensues and only one side remains standing at the end. When will this battle take place? I cannot even begin to predict, but each uprising brings that fateful day one act of hatred closer. The driving force behind that war will be hatreds but the winning will depend on the love for one’s fellow man. That singular point will propel one side to do something remarkable though what it will be is beyond my ability to know at this point. I would love to be able to claim that the Jewish People will win this battle of two religions, but though in my heart I know that to be the case, I have no facts to back that claim up. I can back the claim that should the Jews lose Eretz Yisroel then the Jews will have lost all and might never recover from such a spiritually crushing loss. We have lost Jerusalem too many times though we have always had a large presence in that eternal city. When the final battle starts there will be an ominous feeling which will permeate the very air we breathe everywhere on Earth as the final battle between Islam and Judaism is really a final battle of proportions I cannot explain well enough to put into words, but some day we will cross that bridge hopefully together right here at BTC. Stay strong and stay well and bless Hashem every day for all the goodness that lives on in yourself and your life.


Beyond the Cusp


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