Beyond the Cusp

May 18, 2016

Free at Last, Meir Ettinger Will Soon Be Free at Last


Meir Ettinger will finally be allowed to go home after being released from an ordeal which stole from him over nine months of his youth. Meir was detained, arrested, held without charges or even suspicions of having committed any crime beyond holding political views outside of those considered rational and safe by people in the Shin Bet security police and is a member of groups of young dreamers calling themselves “The Hilltop Youth,” a name which they may have taken due to media labelling them as a disruptive group known for camping on hilltops overlooking Jewish settlements and known rock throwing vantage points. Meir was arrested without charge back in August of 2015 during the investigation into the deadly firebombing of a Palestinian house in the village of Duma. Subsequent to Meir Ettinger’s arrest two others were charged with having committed the crime but that did not affect Meir’s detention. Despite all of this, Meir Ettinger and Evyatar Slonim, who has since been released without charge, were placed under administrative detention as being a security risk though for what they posed such a risk was never released nor were they charged with any criminal act or intent of criminal act. Meir spent much of this time in solitary confinement, a mental strain and a form of punishment which has left lesser individuals permanently scarred and some even driven insane. The Shin Bet accused Ettinger of being the leader of an extremist collective nicknamed “The Revolt.” Meir was amongst a large dragnet of nationalist youths with whom the left leaning leadership of the Shin Bet and other agencies of the government, a shadow enforcement arm of such a self-serving security police with obvious extra-judicial powers, all in the hopes of cracking members of these idealist activist youth and getting their suspected criminal. That some were detained even after they presumably got their confessions, Meir was chosen for particular treatment.


Meir Ettinger

Meir Ettinger


What exactly was Meir Ettinger’s criminal intent? He desires a stronger and more self-believing Israel which faces down threats from forces he sees as evil and claims all of the lands promised between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. He would like to see the Temple rebuilt in its proper place and the return of Davidic Rule, the monarchy, something we pray for three times every day right after we pray to rebuild Jerusalem. He and any friends have never been shown, let alone proven, to house any thoughts of revolt against the elected government and only wishes for some changes that they see as necessary. Meir desires better protection for the citizens of Israel from terrorist acts with the rock throwing which has proven fatal a number of times to be properly prevented and the perpetrators arrested for their criminal acts. He has differences of opinion as to what the state could do if only they desired and had the will to do and wishes for leadership which would live up to the hopes and realizes the dreams of its people. Oh, and worst of all he belongs to a long line of trouble makers as he is a grandson of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane who was assassinated in 1990 for his controversial views that one day if Israel did not address challenges to its security the terror war would grow out of control, rocks would be hurled at motorists, stabbings would take place on the street, bombings would ensue in restaurants and other venues and public places and called for the transfer after buying out those Arabs who desired to leave and live elsewhere if only they had the funds and the expulsion of those deemed a threat to the nation and its people. For these crimes of association Meir was even denied permission to attend the Brit Milah, circumcision, of his first born son as well as missing his wife’s pregnancy and delivery of this precious child. The fact that Meir was held for just over nine months has this added element of mental stress and torture added onto everything else. Imagine being held for political reasons and due to your family heritage and missing almost all of the pregnancy of your wife, the delivery of your first son, his religious ceremony dedicating him to the Covenant with Hashem all because you are suspected of holding political views and being the grandson of an assassinated Rabbi with strong Torah views and great foresight and now you have a son who you can only fear will some day face the same torturous treatment. Let me display his thoughts which he included in a poem, not the greatest of poems and the greats need not fear Meir replacing them in any future great books of poetry, but it captures his essence which is what is most important. Meir Ettinger’s poem: as published in Arutz Sheva


You know, it’s not easy for us to be heard
The media hardly allows us a word
And he who dares say that the media’s wrong
Is ground into bits by their teeth and their tongue.


They have a system that’s oiled to perfection
One schemes, one directs, then they pen a confession
And he who dares question their machinations
Will find out that his past needs “investigations.”


Still, we will try to explain a thing or two
In the hope that you’ll realize it all rings true –
No, I don’t mind repeating our story to you
I’m in prison for months, there’s nothing to do.


If you’ve listened to all the distortions of truth
Then you shudder at hearing the words “hilltop youth.”


Someday we will tell you about the machine
That processes facts and decides what they mean
But for now, here’s a message we hope will hit home
(We’re writing our story in rhyme, like a poem.).


The hilltop youth – you won’t hear in the news –
Have hearts filled with love for their fellow Jews
And when they noticed the emperor’s clothes were awry
They couldn’t, like others, just let him pass by.


In their young minds many questions arose
When they saw that the emperor lacked more than his clothes
True, they had no proper contacts and methods and means
But were willing to try – after all, they are teens.


The truth they were missing, that is what they sought
To fill the lacunae in what they’d been taught
To them life was simple, they needed no frills
They went out to find truth on the bare, rocky hills.


Down below was erudition, with all degrees listed,
Could that be the reason so much had been twisted?
Only when young can this search be undertaken
We could step back from the crowd and try to awaken.


Families murdered on roads? In our land? – we asked why
We know it’s preventable, if you really try
Perhaps someone up there has a head that is hollow
That doesn’t keep him from leading – but why do you follow?


And when no one could give us a good explanation
It deepened our fear for the state of our nation
And led us to feelings of isolation
If matters so crucial are covered in plaster,
It’s no wonder foundations just crack all the faster.


Then many fine youths came to join and do good
Feel the pain of the nation – as all of us should
The establishment shunned them and on them heaped blame
And everyone else rushed to join in the game.


The youth on the hilltops were stunned by this ploy
Why the unleashed aggression, the need to destroy?
How could adults abrogate their own rules
And behave towards their children in ways that were cruel?


At first they had gazed on the children in wonder
But when truth posed a threat, they tore them asunder
For they know by themselves what we know very well
That power and honor is what makes their hearts swell.


We must have stumbled on some great mystery
Maybe someone is trying to rewrite history
Otherwise there is no way to fathom
What led them down to this moral chasm.


How turn evil into good and good into evil?
They gathered against us as if we’re the devil
Why create a new story every few days?
When we’d watch the news, we’d be simply amazed.


True, we do dream of ending our people’s disgrace
Hoping one day to see the Temple in its rightful place.
We believe that all of Israel is our eternal possession
And want our leaders to say no to secession.


This is what Jews prayed for throughout the years
Through gas and fire and blood and tears
So why do they treat us as if we’re deranged?
What Jewish aspiration has changed?


Why did they arrest us with such needless violence?
And leave us to languish in cells of silence?
Police made a mockery of the law
And when they caused us pain, broad smiles we saw.


Why does terror continue despite Tzahal forces
While the world keeps silent and its media endorses?
Our leaders with stopping the terror just toy
But command the army, “Settlement hilltops destroy!”


This policy did not emerge out of the blue
With every new government, it’s resurrected anew
Once again the British White Paper comes to pass
As each new government hopes that their power will last.


If someone notices that the emperor is sans his attire
He becomes a threat to be extinguished like fire
All the media join to burn the witch at the stake
With all of the threats and wild claims they can make.


You may feel that I am too rash in penning these words
But what we have here is a theater of the absurd.
Just one last question allow me to bring:
If my being free is the threatening thing


Maybe something very fundamental is the matter
If I, a singer at heart, am deemed the Mad Hatter.


All right, enough, I will silence my breath
Lest jailers administratively detain this bad poet to death.


That is his poem and perhaps frames his “crime against the state,” desiring it become a better place for which he was willing to live as an example of what could be while never calling for any overt or criminal act. He was admired partially because of his revered Rabbinical grandfather and because he was a leader and a figure respected by the others who believe as he does. I have never met Meir but would be honored to do so though not sure I would last too long at one of their campsites. Yes they have built temporary structures which have all been summarily razed within a week at the most by the authorities though he was at home when arrested, not sitting on some cold and unforgiving hilltop. His treatment will only have given him a more dedicated following if he so chooses and may have accomplished the exact opposite of its intents while quite possibly steeling this young man to lead more vigorously. He might even reestablish his grandfather’s political party though a new name would be in order as Rabbi Kahane’s party was permanently banned from running for election as it appeared to be garnering a following, cannot have a new political party which challenges the status quo and possibly even one or more of the establishment parties. That would reek of democracy. Nope, cannot have too much of that and did not the people realize the danger of voting for people they honestly believed in and wished to follow, nope, not that much democracy.


Meir, welcome home and may you live a fruitful life with joy and blessings of Hashem and all the merit you deserve and earn. Thank you for your stout heart and strong mind. Enjoy your new baby son and may you never be removed from his side ever again and may your tormentors be forgiven their transgressions as I feel confident you too wish for their souls and consciences.


Beyond the Cusp


April 5, 2016

Israeli Abuse of Power in a Purely Political Detention


Meir Ettinger is a political prisoner of the State of Israel. Much of his administrative detention has been spent in either actual or near solitary confinement. It has been solely through Meir Ettinger’s faith in Hashem and strong will that has prevented his going stir crazy from his ordeal. What, pray tell, is Meir Ettinger’s crime? No crime has been attributed to him and he has already been completely cleared from having any part in the Duma case which is another kettle of fish that smells about six weeks old. Meir Ettinger has not been charged with any crime yet he has undergone extensive and abusive interrogations. The presumed threat he poses is that he desires that the Israeli government be a Biblical government with a King, not him as King, and the rebuilding of the Temple and the reestablishment of the tribal lands and priesthood. I can hear some now wondering what might be wrong with dreams and we would say exactly except Meir Ettinger is the grandson of Rabbi Meir Kahane and that makes his visions dangerous. That is the position of the government who feel that this young man’s dreams for his nation to return to its biblical root automatically, because of his bloodline, a threat to their power and offices. Should I hold such desires, one must wonder if I too would find myself locked away from the world in administrative detention indefinitely.


Recently the detention of Meir Ettinger was requesting a reprieve long enough to go and attend the Brit Milah for his newborn son after spending the majority of his wife’s pregnancy in confinement unable to be with her through the miracles of life nor was he permitted to be present at his son’s birth. The Brit Milah is a very important moment in a newborn male’s life as this is his accepting of the covenant with Hashem as was the promise made with Abraham. But the secular Supreme Court which remains appointed by a small cabal of leftist jurists year after year as the manner for the selection of judges by the Judicial Selection Committee which consists of Justice Minister who is the Chairman; Cabinet Minister, chosen by the Cabinet; Two Knesset Members, chosen by the Knesset, since 1992 they usually appoint one member from the coalition and one from the opposition; two members of the Bar Association, usually selected by the two largest factions in the bureau; the Chief Justice, and two other judges of the Supreme Court who are replaced every three years by the panel of judges, the selection is usually by seniority. As these organization and at least one Knesset Minister and likely two if not all three members of the court which in most instances places often six but almost always five liberal to extreme leftists appointing new justices. In rare occasions a judge is chosen and they are then found to have been a closet conservative who believes in strict application of the law and not administrating laws from the court, a common practice of late along with choosing to nullify laws without any challenger calling for a review which was presumably beyond the courts power, but power is what you can get away with more often than what is written. This liberal body of Judges decided that Meir Ettinger and his thoughts are so dangerous that there could not be sufficient security set up so as to assure he would not taint the minds of anybody attending the Brit Milah. They did rule with great generosity to allow the Brit Milah to be held inside the prison and allowing a maximum of fifteen guests, at least there would be a minion if two thirds of the guests were male, with each guest meeting requirements and after they passed a deep background check, which takes a month so therefore no guests and potentially the child might be determined to be a risk being the great-grandson of Rabbi Meir Kahane, already decidedly a genetically tainted family whose mere bloodline is a threat to the establishment.



Rabbi Meir Kahane with Son Rabbi Binyamin Kahane and Wife Talia

Rabbi Meir Kahane with Son
Rabbi Binyamin Kahane and Wife Talia


The complete idiocy and spitefulness against the family of Rabbi Meir Kahane who was assassinated by a Palestinian gunman in New York City and one son and his wife murdered (pictured above with Rabbi Meir Kahane on the right at their wedding) in an ambush as they were returning home by a number of shooters lying in wait. The perpetrators were never brought to justice for the murder of an innocent couple. This administrative detention is purely out of spite and fear of a family which does not necessarily believe that all is perfect with the government. They and others believe that things should be different, but have never shown any signs of following any path for change other than through the existing system. These individuals include Meir Ettinger and friends and the many followers of the teachings of Rabbi Meir Kahane and are opposed to the current ways in Israel using methods which consist of pure hate and spite and are very unbecoming. Such a detention for thoughts should have every last Israeli up in arms against this atrocity as if it be Meir Ettinger today it could just as easily be any of us tomorrow. This act of malice needs condemnation by anybody with a heart that knows the pride and wonder of having a new child and the joys of those first months and the special moments, a Brit Milah, the naming, their first blessings and a myriad of other events which from all appearances Meir Ettinger will be denied because he dares to dream of change and of an Israel which is ruled by Torah and not men.


Beyond the Cusp


October 19, 2015

The Perverse Fruits of the Oslo Accords


Rabbi Meir Kahane was right. Rabbi Kahane was quite accurate, succinct, and nailed what Jews would face should we permit the Arabs to reside within Israel and permit them their own societal structures independent of Israeli oversight. He predicted the incitement, the stabbings, the bombings, the shooting and the general terror war being fought out on the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Be’er Sheva and everywhere else in time. What Israel is facing currently is the fruit of her own labors known as the Oslo Accords. The problem of the Oslo Accords provided the seeds that promised to produce what we are currently reaping across all of Israel where the fruits of Oslo reach and are prevalent. The real problem goes far beyond Oslo and is prevalent today in the Ministers of the Knesset who are screaming for Israel to ‘give them the lands they demand, give them until they stop, if we surrender Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria it will stop.’ If you are unsure as to what these people today mean, there is an easy path to gain an understanding, go back and play every speech ever given by Shimon Peres over his entire career as he was talking Oslo before he engineered Oslo presumably in cahoots with a select group of other leftists and who thought we owed the Arabs a state because they should receive an award for losing the war, perhaps he felt they deserved their victory too. Whatever he thought, assuming of course that he did actually think, the one thing that we have to give Shimon Peres, at no time did he ever change his wide eyed dreaming in which Oslo was the key to the future and would spread his dream and our nightmare. Even today his speeches speak of his seminal achievement of reaching out and offering his hand in friendship and never realizing that they would have sliced from his arm and then his head from his neck if they had not perceived the great weapon of harm that was the Oslo Accords and the evil it could and would spread over Israel worsening each year as if a returning plague.



Shimon Peres Returning from the Presumed Oslo Accords with Words of Warnings as he Declared to Have Mr. Arafat’s Signature on this Piece of Paper and has brought us Peace in Our Time

Shimon Peres Returning from the Presumed Oslo Accords with Words of
Warnings as he Declared to Have Mr. Arafat’s Signature on this
Piece of Paper and has brought us Peace in Our Time



We should join with Mahmoud Abbas and declare the Oslo Accords as no longer binding on Israel as we have no other choice than to forgo the lofty intents which the Arab Palestinians refused to dare and make peace as Israel had invested so much treasure in lives and time all brought to naught by Mahmoud Abbas who refused any and every offer as he would wait for a total Israeli surrender where the Jews would leave or be enslaved as Dhimmis. Since the Arab Palestinians and their current facilitators of blood and violence whom either are full citizens or newly recognized citizens from Eastern Jerusalem who are permitted voting rights in Jerusalem elections just as is every other Jerusalemite be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim or any other religion or even no religion. The goal of the Arab Palestinians is largely based on a strategy which revolves around the murder of Jews and the destruction of their homelands. The Palestinian run media as well as Al Jazeera, their Madrassas, their news industry, their internet including especially Facebook posts and Twitter feeds, the children’s summer camps, the schools run by Hamas or UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), naming ceremonies for streets, parks, playgrounds, schools, summer camps, soccer fields etc. and a near constant barrage from every conceivable source there is constant propagandizing brainwashing the youth in particular to murder Jews even at the cost of their own life because if every Muslim died while murdering a Jew the Jews would be wiped from the face of the earth and it would be but a small sacrifice for Islam. Below is a video telling of how the billions of dollars about to be gifted to Iran will affect Israel and the regional threat faced by the Jewish State along with interviews with Hamas children’s camp children as well as school kids which reveal the face of Arab motivated terror Israelis are facing. The indoctrination from television, radio, the Internet and other sources is widespread through much of Jerusalem and throughout Israel simply by subscribing to receive cable television which includes many channels which feature incitement as their main fare or simply allusions to terrorism and the responsibility of every Arab to their people and to Allah to murder as many Jews as possible and that their death in such a venture will guarantee their and their families’ places in Islamic heaven with the martyr gifted seventy-two perpetual virgins who regains her virginity immediately after they have been deflowered in some magical manner which is never questioned for some reason. My deceit meter would peg and potentially spin so far past the one-hundred-percent guarantee lie that it would probably be unusable for quite some time as the words of deceit would slowly lose their influence. Unfortunately many of these youths have received such brainwashing and reprogramming by their society and its rulers that they know little else and that is a large part of this problem. Ever since the Oslo Accords went into effect twenty-two years ago this past September the incitement has grown from a heavy and distressing prevalence to a complete inundation to some form of irradiating presence similar to radioactive elements which poison all within a certain distance to the current flood sweeping the impressionable minds into an altered state where becoming a martyr who has killed a number of Jews is considered their highest quest and goal in their lives.





Yair Lapid has been busy adding his shekels worth into the mix so allow us to repeat a number of his statements or internet posts with you.


“ If Abu Mazen (Arab Palestine Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s nom de guerre) is lying, he is not doing it because of oppression or occupation, but because he is a liar who is trying to slander Israel in front of the entire world. If a Palestinian terrorist tried to stab a soldier, she is not doing it because of the checkpoints, but because she wants to kill Jews for being Jews. And if a soldier, in response, shoots and kills her, she is not doing it because she is part of the occupation, but because she wants to protect herself from the terrorist and because she doesn’t want to die.”
“Zehava and her colleagues’ (Meretz Party Chairperson) call to understand the other side is condescending. She assumes that everyone – except them, of course – does not understand what’s really going on.”
“But we understand very well, thank you,” Lapid added. ‘What’s happening here is rampant knife terrorism resulting from unbridled incitement.”
“In the face of terror, a political solution must be established,” Lapid noted. “But it needs to be based on a reading of the reality as it is, and not on the creation of imaginary Palestinians who do not exist.”
“I believe we must separate from the Palestinians, while the IDF continues to operate everywhere in order to provide security to Israeli citizens.”
“It’s time to separate from the Palestinians and set a high wall between us and them,” Lapid declared. “Not because they’re the good guys, but because they’re the bad guys.”



Apparently Minister Yair Lapid had once again checked for the prevailing winds and after taking their measure and the trending flow was towards such historic greats of Israeli history he almost sounded like Rabbi Kahane, Ze’ev Jabotinsky or Menachem Begin sounding much the nationalist Zionist. He lashed out at the leftist parties with whom just last week was their staunch supporter with particular attention given to Zehava (Zehava Gal-on) and her colleagues’ on the left. The entire summer as well as during these trying times the leftists have suggested that Israel simply turn over Jerusalem including the Temple Mount and Old City, Judea, and Samaria as doing so will satisfy the Arab demands and bring the violence to an end. Some actually have added to this line of reasoning the great success which withdrawals from Southern Lebanon and Gaza have worked out. Their reference is given before people sympathetic or completely supportive of their views and thus they receive applause at the appropriate time thus reinforcing the lies which are required for anyone to support such deceits. This viewpoint ignored the Second Lebanon War and the state of constant conflict between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the rest as they launch rockets and ambush people and IDF soldiers who stray too close to the fence. Of course these leftists likely would point to this propaganda map depicting Palestine the nation claiming the steady erosion by the Jews and how only through Oslo Accords were they saved from oblivion.



Arab Palestinian Depiction of History as They View Events as Having Destroyed that Nation We All Know Never Existed

The first week of April 2011 a sixteen-years-old student was the sole remaining student on the school bus which had just released the majority of the children ranging in age from the very young to the students graduating this year. The young man will not be graduating with his friends as he was hospitalized but after a week plus a few days of fighting for his life Raphael Daniel Aryeh ben Tamar was taken from us and was the sole fatality as the less injured bus driver is expected to make a full recovery. The terrorist who fired on the school bus was located in Gaza where every Jew and things considered Jewish have been used and propagandized as they are destroyed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad after the IDF and Jewish civilians were vacated. Still, the excuse given that the person who fired this guided missile from launching tube to target impact could not tell through the 7.5X weapon’s scope used as the sighting profile for the Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile did not realize that the bus they fired upon was a bright yellow school bus. The remains of the bus are all the needed proof that the terrorist who fired upon the bus knew exactly what it was he aimed at and struck and that particular target was chosen with the hopes that it would still have had students inside making for a most horrific and sickening murder by the terror entity who would have grabbed credit. Below shows the bus which was in remarkably good form after being struck by a Kornet anti-tank missile weapon such as struck this school bus.



School Bus which was struck by a Russian made Kornet anti-tank missile murdering one teen remaining in the bus to reach his grandmother visit

School Bus which was struck by a Russian made Kornet
anti-tank missile murdering one teen remaining
in the bus to reach his grandmother visit



Volunteer Picking Up Pieces of the Remains of School Bus Struck by Guided Anti-Tank Weapon

Volunteer Picking Up Pieces of the Remains of
School Bus Struck by Guided Anti-Tank Weapon



The saddest part of this situation is that there is only one direction this entire fiasco of a peace process will lead and that ending scene is not going to be pretty. The two sides are at an impasse and neither group will willingly end the situation because the two sides disagree on one extremely critical point, the right of the Jewish People to a homeland. This is the same problem which plagues Europe and many all across the western world that the Jewish People have their homelands back in their hands again after almost two millennia and have retrieved their ancient language which had all but disappeared and was only used when reading of the ancient manuscripts and in synagogues reading the Torah. It had become an ancient tongue which had been all but forgotten and was soon to die out, and that could not happen, not as long as Hashem was in the picture. The Hebrew language is back and being heard where it belongs, in the bustling streets and alleyways of the Old City and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It has returned to the sites and is once again a vibrant part of life in Israel and is only lacking in one small matter, the willingness of the rest of the world to please allow us our most precious ancient lands. Make those who hate and cannot accept 99.999% of the lands across MENA and allow the Jews this insignificant piece of land which was of no use to you nor did it bear its fruits for you and allow for an easier life for you but instead withheld the rains and scorned your every attempt to tame her. Yet return the Jews and soon the land blossomed.


What had the Jews done those others before them had not? The two things the Jews did differently were first they came with a do or die optimism and second several conversations were held in ‘Hebrew’ for the first time in nearly two millennia. The Jews knew that if they failed in Israel then they would fail everywhere. This was the do or die situation for the Jewish People as without Jerusalem what are we? Rabbi Hillel would have phrased this far better but that is why his teachings and commentary are studied by learned Rabbis to this day. The Arabs have numbers on their side in this struggle of the millennia while the Jews have nowhere else to go so theirs is a must win or perish situation.


The Arabs, particularly the Islamic Arabs, have what they fervently believe is the final given world from Allah and many proclaim that Allah and Hashem are the same entity. This is where the Jews have a claim which many fear to make, Allah and Hashem are not the same entity and Hashem is the venerable Deity in the Torah while Allah is the god in the Quran and the philosophy and sentiments of these two books and their religions could not be more opposing. Their virtues are opposites, their commandments differ at a seminal point which came over Mohammad somewhere between Mecca and Medina which is made all the more obvious once one realizes and researches the Quran in chronological order that this transformation becomes more obvious, and that is where the two religions parted ways once and for all.


This brings us again back to the only way this is going to end is once a final do or die battle ensues and only one side remains standing at the end. When will this battle take place? I cannot even begin to predict, but each uprising brings that fateful day one act of hatred closer. The driving force behind that war will be hatreds but the winning will depend on the love for one’s fellow man. That singular point will propel one side to do something remarkable though what it will be is beyond my ability to know at this point. I would love to be able to claim that the Jewish People will win this battle of two religions, but though in my heart I know that to be the case, I have no facts to back that claim up. I can back the claim that should the Jews lose Eretz Yisroel then the Jews will have lost all and might never recover from such a spiritually crushing loss. We have lost Jerusalem too many times though we have always had a large presence in that eternal city. When the final battle starts there will be an ominous feeling which will permeate the very air we breathe everywhere on Earth as the final battle between Islam and Judaism is really a final battle of proportions I cannot explain well enough to put into words, but some day we will cross that bridge hopefully together right here at BTC. Stay strong and stay well and bless Hashem every day for all the goodness that lives on in yourself and your life.


Beyond the Cusp


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