Beyond the Cusp

July 8, 2016

Western World Dying of Love Generation Consequences


Western societies’ great experiment into free love and if it feels good do it will die of their corollary, love free of responsibility. That is love free of entanglements, love free of responsibilities, love free of children and love leading to no future. The free love generation which started with the baby boomers and though it altered its likes, it never really gave up on the main point; it is about the I, the me, what I want, what it does for me, where I want to, when I want to, it’s all my and mine and all without responsibility and without any downers, a bummer free life and anything getting in the way must be discarded, relationships, jobs, anything and maybe everything including babies as life must continue hassle free without any potholes. That is the problem because it is also all about now with no concern for the future because all the future has to be is trouble free. This has led to the lowest marriage rate in Western history. This led to a whole new way of employer-employee relations such that even the rules changed that there was even a new rule, a new law that certain recognized conditions are no longer reasons for termination. The most outlandish of these new conditions was if an employee was late to work more than three times each week then that employee has a disability which is defined as chronic time disability which was the act of not being able to keep a schedule and thus often being late for appointments including for work. The law was the Americans with Disability Act which basically if one could find a physician to write up that you had some chronic quirk which was beyond your ability to control, then you now were disabled and an employer had to make allowances for your disability. Granted, that liberal interpretation was eventually narrowed but the damage had been done and employment was now more of a loose agreement which was often in constant flux between employers and employees. Granted that in most cases the employer still held the upper hand but if one was willing to push it the employer often figured that it would be less trouble to simply accommodate the employee and try to make the best of it. Just the last straw in the hassle free lifestyle which had become the new normal, heck, even dress codes went the way of the rotary phone.


The greatest disability that has permeated the new society which the Western World had accepted has been that the future will take care of itself and we have no obligation to fashion or sacrifice to make a better future because our lives are defined in the now and leave the future to tomorrow. Of course Western society does not exactly admit their careless treatment of the future though they do enjoy their carefree lifestyles and claim that this is the way things should be and everything will work out. Well, after all the future has always worked out up to now and our parents didn’t seem to be all that different. Well, sure, they were usually more serious but they always said that our happiness was the most important thing and why they did everything they did. That’s what we are doing, everything is for our happiness because that is the most important thing on earth, our parents drilled that into us from before since we could remember.


It is obvious that not everyone born after around the middle of the last century is living totally in the now with no regard for tomorrow, but the end results of current Western society and culture is having exactly that effect. Couples both have high stress careers and put off starting a family and time slips away leading to them simply never getting around to having that family. Others simply figure they will get around to marriage and everything which goes with it and end up with the same result. Then there are the frightening abortion figures where in some communities the number of aborted pregnancies far outnumbers the pregnancies which go full term. Since Roe vs. Wade was decided and abortion became legally and socially acceptable in 1973, abortions have reached approximately sixty-thousand in the United States alone. Worldwide pregnancies resulting in an abortion since 1980 are approaching one and a half billion.


Reasons Women Expressed For Having an Abortion In the United States

Reasons Women Expressed
For Having an Abortion
In the United States



Percentage of Pregnancies Resulting In Abortions Across Europe

Percentage of Pregnancies Resulting
In Abortions Across Europe


Europe, as can be noted above, has a real problem as their birthrates for most nations has fallen below replacement levels which is a large part of why they are allowing increasing immigration from wherever they can find them. There will be reports to try and belay the concerns claiming that the number of abortions has been decreasing in recent years, which is true. What they will not report is the percentage of pregnancies ending in an abortion have remained at a steady thirty to thirty-five percent and part of the reason for the lower numbers is due to less women of childbearing age. In America the reason that the replacement level is being met is twofold, first is the higher percentage of non-European ancestral origins with a growing Hispanic community and a higher percentage of religious population which has also been growing and are anti-abortion and having larger families. The end result of the higher abortion levels and also much higher use of preventive measure such as birth control pills and other measures has resulted in a dropping population level amongst European Caucasians with some predicting a dire future where the numbers may reach a level where their influence politically will dwindle and become inconsequential. This will become very evident in Europe as the continent will slowly but inexorably become Islamic as the refugees continue to pour into the continent. Perhaps the reasoning by the European Union for their expansion into the Middle East and Northern Africa is not to subsume and take control of these areas as much as they are surrendering to them and seeking the best terms as the writing is on the wall. Europe is joining the Middle East and North African society. However one looks at the article we recently posted about the European Union planning on entering and merging the Middle East and North Africa and possibly somewhat further into central Asia and central Africa as they see an expansive Islam on the rise and are simply surrendering to what they see as unavoidable. The move by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to offer for Germany to accept 800,000 Syrian refugees which started the flood of Middle Eastern and North African refugees, both escaping warfare or economic difficulties, entering Europe was a tactical move to make transitions to join the Islamic realm of influence easier and make it so fast that the native population will be unable to prevent the surrender, and that is what is occurring, a surrender. The Brexit vote may save Britain from such a fate and once again the world may see a British holdout against threats from a fascist and threatening European Continent. Some in Britain may be groaning “not again” in the not too distant future and once again holding the line until the United States awakens to a dire situation where some disaster brings them rapidly into the worsening situation.


Some have looked at the abortion and the live for the moment and the future will take care of itself attitude in Western civilization and wondered and worried where it might lead. Many are starting to realize that things have gotten out of hand and may soon turn beyond any reason to control their future. It is somewhat more dire in Europe as their influx is almost completely Islamic while in the United States their influx is from south of the border which is largely Hispanic and Catholic or Christian and thus compatible with the United States Judeo-Christian history and ethics. The future of Europe, Britain and the United States will all be determined within the next twenty-five to fifty years and perhaps even sooner in the case of Europe. The slide from a functional culture to a faltering crisis started soon after World War II when after two world wars within a quarter of a century the Europeans tired of fighting for anything that they are largely exhausted and primed to surrender, or at least their political class appears ready to hand the keys to a new culture believing as multiculturalists that there really is not much difference between one culture and the next. They will soon realize how completely erroneous and empty that belief truly is. The highest turn out for any vote in the history of the British Isles has definitively proven in the end the British population, by a slim margin, wanted their nation back. Meanwhile, many will watch with their own measure of horror or sickness as Europe’s Judeo-Christian Culture faces a crisis as it is subsumed and then extinguished by Islam revealing to the remainder of the world exactly the true face of Islam. May those who desire to retain their culture awaken in time to make their way to safety before it is too late. The last time the continent fell into the darkness of Hitler’s Nazis and their anti-Judeo-Christian ethos and culture of death too many waited far too long and the world came to witness what horrors mankind can afflict their fellow human beings. May the world not permit a similar darkness to envelop and destroy a civilian population once again. Sometimes one looks at the leadership of their company or citizens’ committee or even their political class and cannot fathom what they are thinking knowing their ideas will lead only to ruin but remain silent believing others will make things right. May such not be the coming fate in the continent of Europe.


Beyond the Cusp


October 4, 2015

Ruins and Remains of Peace Process After General Assembly


The speeches given at the General Assembly are said, recorded and hashed out in the press with Abbas having the biggest implications while Netanyahu used some serious drama unveiling the reality and truth behind the Obama surrender to Iran on their nuclear drive to weapons status. The Iranian aim is not just atomic bombs but thermonuclear hydrogen bombs with all the sophistication of Russia, China or the United States. Netanyahu then followed his brilliance with a complete and worthless ending addressing the moribund peace process which had already been nullified by Abbas in his speech. Abbas basically felt secure enough with the backing of the United Nations, European Union and the United States, European Union plus numerous other nations, NGOs, and political commentators backing his claims to at the very least being gifted all of the lands beyond the Green Line including all of the Temple Mount, the Old City of Jerusalem and even possibly all of Jerusalem should he demand such from an angry world fed up with the entire process and willing to demand every concession and then some from Israel knowing that the Arabs are immovable in their claims and refuse to reason or compromise on any items and only to demand more. So, after these diatribes and commentaries by two diametrically opposed views, what will be the outcome as well as what should be the outcome as the two are not necessarily the same.



Mahmoud Abbas grabbing for everything within his reach including all of Israel given half the chance

Mahmoud Abbas grabbing for everything within his reach including all of Israel given half the chance



Let us look at Mahmoud Abbas and his supposedly bombshell announcement that the Palestinian Authority and Fatah and any other entity he was the leader of would no longer recognize the Oslo Accords. Abbas tied to this a demand that the United Nations and all of its member states immediately recognize Palestine and to even leave the boundaries as a fluid, ephemeral and inconclusive, undefined, inexact, set line open to further clarifications in the future but at a minimum set along the Green Line and all of Eastern Jerusalem including the Temple Mount and the Kotel (Western Wall and its plaza) over which they would be permitted to forcefully evict every last Jew or genocidally slaughter them in the process of purifying the Islamic lands as commanded by Allah. Mahmoud Abbas has taken a chance by separating himself and the proposed forces waging a terror war with genocidal expectations from their agreement to recognize a change from the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) into the respectable Palestinian Authority and the PLO transformed into a political entity known as the Fatah Party. By casting off the Oslo Accords there now does not exist such an entity as the Palestinian Authority, the Fatah Party is now remerged with the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and the PLO terrorist force. Abbas is betting everything right down to the kitchen sink that the world will no longer require the so-called Arab Palestinian entities under any name to hold viable claims against Israel for the Jewish State to provide them with their own lands and all other needs such as water, electricity and natural gas as well as anything else which proves to be necessary as there will be only Palestine and the Jewish State of Israel will have been subsumed.


Needless to point out that the current deficit amount by the Palestinian Authority and all parties to that body already owe in excess of $15.2 million in unpaid electric bills over at least 10 years, part of an all-consuming Palestinian power debt of $430 million that is at the core of the last official breakdown which was resolved by increasing the rates paid by Israeli companies and though not excusing the Arab debt, ameliorating the slow bleeding financially of the Israeli electric companies. There exist similar debts for water and numerous other commodities as well as taxes. Unfortunately the world has always demanded that Israel simply suck it up and absorb this debt repeatedly ever since the existence of Arabs claiming rightful ownership of lands in the heartland of ancient Israel despite most of the land owners being recipients of grants from the Jordanian government when they illegally occupied the land west of the Jordan River. This situation initially came about during the Arab War to Annihilate the nascent State of Israel between 1948 and the Six Day War in June of 1967. The Jordanian capture and annexations, recognized solely by Pakistan and Britain, occupied most all of Judea and much of Samaria as well as a piece of Benjamin and all of the Old City in Eastern Jerusalem. This occupation by Jordan, as a result of the 1948-9 War of Annihilation which placed a half dozen armies and more at the Israeli borders in all directions, piled into Israel on its first day of existence swearing to annihilate ever last single Jews and do so within a few days, a week at most. After two years of war and the loss of around one to two percent of their entire population, the Jews were finally granted a peace, or at least an arbitration which still left the State of Israel technically at war with a number of her neighbors, especially after the Arabs decided to implement the Khartoum Resolutions after a meeting in Khartoum by the Arab League. This meeting led to the infamous “three no’s” which were 1) no peace with Israel, 2) no recognition of Israel and 3) no negotiations with Israel. Netanyahu used the podium well including a prolonged forty-five seconds of complete and total silence and a stern look, which some claim can boil or freeze water pending Netanyahu’s intentions, to represent the lack of rejection of the path Iran has had cleared for them to attain nuclear standing after ten to fifteen years and potentially destroy far more than Israel and the United States as they are far more likely to take upon themselves the destruction of the Saudi Arabian oil fields and whatever other actions they may find to serve their interests before taking on the United States or Israel.


In the interim, Israel needs to defend herself and the Jewish People from slanderous anti-Semitism, anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism, what we think should be made into the three anti’s which every school child needs to be educated where that path leads once a people begin to tolerate even the slightest intolerance. Former Rabbi to the United Kingdom Rabbi Sachs wrote an article titled The hate that starts with Jews never ends there where he discussed the spread of anti-Semitism despite a society which prides themselves on their tolerance, the Europeans. In another more recent article by Giulio Meotti titled Anti-Semitism devours Europe he described a number of anti-Semitic acts originating, amongst other places, in Denmark from which I would like to quote one of his finds as he reports,

“Something is rotten in the state of Norway, as Marcello of Shakespeare’s Hamlet would have put it.
A few days ago an image was imprinted as a background on a credit card issued by Dnb Bank, the largest financial institution in the country. You see a Jew with a hooked nose, a yarmulke on his head, a prayer shawl and a cascade of gold coins.”

He concluded this article noting that the spread of anti-Semitism in Europe was akin to “comparing it to the dog rage syndrome or mad cow disease.”
Both of these articles speak of a vile hatred which overtook Germany leading into World War II and has been at the center of so numerous numbers of examples it is beyond accuracy to define any actual cause for the origin of such hatred. The hate of the Jews traced back even beyond those tales often used when making every knight “bloodied” before entering into battle in the Holy Lands by slaughtering the Jews in a stretch of villages which often was referred to as a pogrom against the Jews and such upticks in anti-Semitism almost invariably became a part of Jewish history, a long and tortuous history. The Bible, in the Old Testament, spoke of the origins of the hatreds to any morality, something the Jews had always been at the forefront fighting to defend righteousness and refute all the other false claims of idolatry and multi-deistic religions. Many charismatic leaders using deceit mixed with charms expounded deviant behavior but if one could only reveal the dark underbelly and shine the light of truth on such cults and reveal the hatreds which lay under the same rocks festering and idolatry and often human sacrifice, particularly child sacrifice, the humanity of Hashem and the truths demanded moral and ethical behavior such as equality and nobility of the individual, things not tolerated in the hedonistic practices of the false religious cults. The origins of anti-Semitism began as a defense against the abolition of idolatry, multi-deistic faiths and the large clerical corps of priesthoods devoted to their own enrichment feeling the challenge which Judaism and faith in Hashem placed their hierarchal structured societies and lives of privilege. The reasoning has changed but the core of moral behavior and a supreme creator with all men created equal in worth, potential and love from Hashem are still seen to be threatening to many modern cultural hierarchies and power structures.



Ancient Child Sacrificial Ceremony Giving of the First Born or Virgin Child to Ba'al so as to Appease the Wrathful Idol



Europe will have chosen where they shall stand with the coming invasion of their culture, already almost devoid of faith their traditional faith, replacing it with the doctrine of the human as the supreme being, about to be overrun by Islamic refugees whose faith is rising and will swell further in the furtive but spiritually barren slate before them in Europe. Behind these refugees in a generation or possibly immediately come the demands of Islam imposed through Sharia. The anti-Semitism coupled as it already is with anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism will only grow overrunning any opposition. European Jews will be fortunate to be free from Europe as the change will occur almost overnight. In the United States, and potentially Canada afterwards, this transition will take a while longer because of distance and a great deal of angry waters preventing any hordes of refugee entering its borders, but the change will come. The sole hope for Judeo-Christian ethics will be dependent on a reformation of Islam, a remote possibility at best. Israel will thus be the last and only stand for the Old testament and the remnants who follow the New Testament, the Christians will be residing possibly in South America and Southern Africa and potentially carving a nation out of the southern central states along the Mississippi River, Missouri River, Ohio River and between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains but excluded from the great lakes region. That will be the remnant and with any good fortune and the help of Hashem these areas may remain free with a world otherwise ruled by Islam. Some Christians have already slowly gravitated to support of Israel and the Jews and these Christians will be the leaders of the remnants of Christianity which by necessity will ally with Israel. Those who refuse will likely be lost in a sea of green and black. That will be the fate of those opposing Israel and their worship of Hashem and the keepers of the original Covenant and the Commandments. It is not promising, but if one knows the situation they face and makes plans accordingly, they may find their salvation; the rest will either surrender their will to Islam or die believing that mankind is the true master of their fate and will reap exactly that fate.


Beyond the Cusp


August 21, 2015

War Against Israel Renewed on Northern Border


Syrian Military forces, presumably responding to orders from Tehran with the return of Syrian Defense Minister General Fahd al-Freij, who was carrying the instructions from the Iranian leadership for the Syrian army and Hezballah forces to open a front upon the IDF in the Golan Heights and across the northern border. Their response to this directive was swift and immediate as there were four rockets fired onto the heights. The four rockets struck in the Upper Galilee region in the north near the Lebanese border after “code red” warning sirens were sounded in the area sending residents into their respective shelters for the duration of the rocket attacks. These assaults came at the same time that Iron Dome batteries placing one near Ashdod and later in the afternoon placed another near the southern city of Be’er Sheva. These precautions were taken expecting violence from Hamas or Islamic Jihad in response to feeding the hunger striking prisoner controversy who has been hospitalized after over two months of carrying out his prevocational hunger strike demanding he not be force fed and permitted to go free or die a martyr and be idolized in the Arab society. The Arab security prisoner already had six Israeli citizens which he murdered. He claims he should not be held as he has not committed any additional crime beyond the original murder of six Israelis for which he never finished serving the full life sentence. He was among the Arabs released during the exchange for Schalit deal and was supposed to not come back into Israeli controlled areas, which he obviously had done, leading to his confinement.


But the front which was lit up by the four rockets was an equally severe threat to the safety of all Israel. Any threat coming from the al-Assad regime or the Hezballah threat has as its potential the complete range of Hezballah rockets in addition to the somewhat destroyed system from Syria which pose the potential of carrying chemical warheads which al-Assad did not completely rid himself of all his specialty rocket warheads as he had promised as a part of his deal to avoid being incarcerated. Threats from either al-Assad or Hezballah are of such a huge potential problem, especially as their numbers of rockets they are capable of throwing into such a barrage overwhelming the Iron Dome systems that they would be incapable of intercepting the quantity which they would be capable of launching simultaneously. Additionally, with al-Assad assisting these rockets could have warheads using virtually any kind of chemical composition. This becomes even more likely as the al-Assad regime keeps being pushed into an ever smaller region that al-Assad may consider his situation so dire as to be unwinnable. This could present al-Assad with a use them or lose them to his enemies such as the Islamic State or al-Qaeda that he might consider himself better off drawing Israel into the fray in the hope of forcing those attacking his positions to now also be facing advancing IDF troops.


Bashir al-Assad would most definitely desire to have his family captured by the Israelis over either al-Qaeda or the Islamic State as he knows all too well what such an inevitability that might present. As insane as it might sound, al-Assad would want to avoid at all costs capture by the Islamic State, and secondarily al-Qaeda though at least his family might not suffer as badly with them, but most favorably would be capture by the IDF as they would not torture anyone of his family and he would likely face a civilized trial and more than likely not face a death sentence and torture would be out of the question in any case. Given a choice between being captured by a Western style state or an Islamic, be they Sunni or Shiite, the Western style state is always preferable. Thus even if the Iranians had not instructed al-Assad to attack and draw Israel into the fighting he would be better off having Israel sweep across all of Syria and remove all terror entities. This would leave Syria populated by his Alawites, and the refugees returning who would be a mix of Muslims, Christians, Druze, Kurds and other smaller groups but at least there would be no Islamic State or al-Qaeda forces which were bent on his capture if only for the pleasure of repaying on Bashir al-Assad himself some of the atrocities he had meted out on his enemies which included many of their own members.



Al-Assad may not have been quite to the level of a Saddam Hussein when it comes to torturing people, though he did so to gain information, simply as a punishment and as a warning to others not to test him or oppose him in any way or they may not only lose their life but be tortured inhumanly before their execution. Additionally, Bashir al-Assad, Like his father before him, had no reservations when it comes to punishing an entire city surrounding them with the military and levelling every structure as they both had done to Homs.


Al-Assad may not have been quite to the level of a Saddam Hussein when it comes to torturing people, though he did so to gain information, simply as a punishment and as a warning to others not to test him or oppose him in any way or they may not only lose their life but be tortured inhumanly before their execution. Additionally, al-Assad included chemical weapons, barrel bombs and other ruthless and horrific attacks on both the al-Qaeda and Islamic State forces and in some instances on the families of these groups which would only serve as a further instance for vengeance being taken out on him and his family members. One must remember that some of those who may eventually be his captors have had their families tortured simply by he and his father’s rule. That leaves a lot of time for grievances to accumulate leading to an ever deeper hatred for the man. Add in the religious backdrop and you have a potential which would be difficult to even get your arms around, let alone explain in civil terminology. Torture would be a weak and insufficient term with acts on the level of the Marquis de Sade or the Inquisition in its later stages brings to mind. This would be a very driving factor to try and bring Israel into the fray even if only to have an alternative out for al-Assad to place his family; such a plan still would likely leave Bashir al-Assad behind to his enemies and their merciless plans for him and those closest to him.


As far as Israel is concerned, it would be really nice to have a complete summer and fall go by and not result in another war, especially against Hezballah if solely because of the suffering and ravages such a war would bring on relatively innocent Lebanese living anywhere near or amongst Hezballah positions, or worse those whose residences have been turned by Hezballah into a fortified emplacement from which to launch rockets or set an ambush because such would necessarily entail the destruction of that residence. Should the end of summer bring on a conflict with Hezballah and Syria as a coordinated attack, one can only hope that Hezballah would fight largely out of positions in Syria and leave Lebanon as few and clear of Hezballah that the Lebanese are left uninjured by the conflict. A war with Hezballah would entail on the Israeli side heavy bombing and indirect fire on known positions south of the Litani River, the Bekaa Valley, southern Beirut and any other known Hezballah infrastructure. Israeli military leaders have warned Lebanon’s population and leaders other than Hezballah that should another war be fought against Hezballah that Lebanon would be facing a rebuilding effort beyond imagination as such a campaign would rain down ruination on their country.


Similarly, should Bashir al-Assad decide that his situation is so dire that Israel becomes a more favorable foe, he had best rethink starting a conflict with Israel even if he does have Hezballah assisting with the fight as Israel would have little choice knowing the extent of his weapons than to simply level everything in the areas still under his control such that those armaments would not be capable of being used against the Israeli public. The Israeli public is fed up with the constant slow bleeding from Fatah inspired terrorism, Hamas biannual wars and Hezballah or Syria deciding Israel is the more civil foe. Let’s gain support for our regimes by having a civilized war with Israel to bring the people back behind us as we are still the one’s fighting the evil ones thus everybody need assist al-Assad as he is their salvation. Boy, are these people confused and misled to believe such drivel as that but still a war against Israel would blunt much of the fire in the forces against him for as long as the war with Israel was waged. Should al-Assad lose to Israel it is entirely possible that Israel, in turn could destroy the terror groups including the Islamic State and then return control over Syria to a very unworthy but the least of all evils, Bashir al-Assad. A very muted and largely disarmed Syria would remain, warned by Israel against accepting gifts from Iran or others which might be viewed as rearming his military.


If the time is not now, trust that the time is very close where the leadership of Israel will be put upon by the people to end all these wars and terrorist strikes once and for all. When this becomes the domain of over two-thirds of the population the leadership will have no alternative but to instigate a no nonsense approach to terrorism and any overt act which takes Israeli lives will be answered with an unleashed violence aimed at only one thing, eradication of the sources of such vile terrorism. Should the Palestinian Authority allow its forces or those of Fatah or Hamas in Judea and Samaria to attack Israel they would be met with overwhelming force and a definitively disproportionate response leaving them with little or no claim to lands within Israel from the River to the Sea. As far as Gaza, an overt act out of Gaza might result in the majority of the people being driven into Egypt where they can sort things out with President Sisi, the same Sisi who was the driving force and commander of the Armies when the Muslim Brotherhood was driven from power in Egypt, I severely doubt that President Sisi will show much patience with any terrorists in the northern Sinai Peninsula which would bode poorly for Hamas, Islamic Brigades, al-Qaeda, ISIS and any other criminal or terror entity. Eventually, in every conflict there are only two potential outcomes, either the stronger but less prone to war easily finds the situation unbearable and they fight one defining campaign and destroy most of their less civilized or even barbarous enemies or the barbarians tear down the civilization and it takes centuries to work one’s way back to the technological level for the society.


Should Israel lose to the terrorist enemies surrounding her, the world will lose one of the technological productive society which could have assisted the entire region to strive for a better life but an Israeli defeat would be the destruction of that engine and it would be completely forgotten within three generations. That is the point which is racing towards the Middle East in the areas surrounding Israel and even those somewhat further away as Israel knows who and what are the enemies and where their major weapons are stored or readied for use such as fueling rockets, a very volatile location if attacked when expecting a launch. Israel knows something which will drive her to fight with the vengeance of a wounded mother protecting her children to the bitter end and those children will be protected and nurtured no matter what it will take. Israel knows that should Israel fail then the eternal people will be reduced to small little pockets whose numbers would be an insignificant anomaly rather than being capable of being that light onto the peoples of the world which is presumably their destiny. For the Jewish people being capable of providing an example of what kind of a society mankind can aspire to and to produce miracles in science, medicine, and all other fields including agriculture, animal husbandry and such sciences not usually thought about in a high tech environment, but an area where Israel has made some important strides such as drip irrigations and selectively breeding both animals and plants as an answer to naturally produced crops and animals with the benefits of genetically altered examples as by selective breeding one can gain many of those advantages without the dangers of forcing nature unnaturally. Israel knows deep inside that there is no other manner of salvation of the Jewish People should Israel fall ever again and the end of Judaism would have some disastrous affects and effects on mankind going forward, some very unseen and unpredictable deplorable and dehumanizing consequences which would severely undermine humanity as a whole, a place nobody should desire to test. That is the price and the choice mankind will make in the next couple of decades, please for all mankind’s sake, choose wisely.


Beyond the Cusp


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