Beyond the Cusp

October 23, 2016

Barack Obama’s Wild Search for Any Legacy

Filed under: 2016 Elections,Act of War,Administration,Afghanistan,Afordable Healthcare Act,Africa,Amalekites,Amnesty,Apocalypse,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Bashir al-Assad,Blue Water Navy,Breakout Point,Chemical Weapons,China,Chinese Military,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Crimea,Egypt,Europe,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Femenists,Government Health Care,Health Care,Hillary Clinton,Illegal Immigration,Immigration,International Politics,Iran,Iranian Pressure,Iraq,ISIS,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Interests,Kurdish Militia,Kurds,Leftist Pressures,Middle East,Muslim World,Nuclear Disarmament,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,Obama Care,Palestinian Pressures,Peshmerga,Plutonium Production,Political Identity,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Vladimir Putin,Progressives,Proliferation,Recep Tayyip Erdogan,Red Lines,Russia,Russian Pressure,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Shipping,South China Sea,South Sudan,Syria,Threat of War,Trade Route,Tribe,Turkey,Ukraine,Union Interests,United Nations Presures,United States,United States State Department,Upgraded Military Capabilities,Uranium Enrichment,War on Religion,Wealth Redistribution,Weapons of Mass Destruction,WMD,World War IV,World Without Zionism or America — qwertster @ 2:21 AM
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President Barack Obama entered office with even a great number of Europeans having sky high hopes for his future. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize largely due to his soaring rhetoric describing his desires and designs for a world blanketed in peace rather than strife, free of nuclear weapons rather than bristling with them, shared bounty benefitting all replacing areas torn by hunger and want, and his fresh message promising hope replacing despair. There appeared to be other areas of the world which also caught Obamaitis, a feeling of great hope due to dulcet tones of rhythmic rhymes and rhetoric promising the end of deprivation and the opening for all a grand cornucopia providing great giving filling the world with divine satisfactions and serenity, comforts and calm, lullabies and love. The world had to be at the leading edge of the Age of Aquarius.



This expectation of greatness and having found the leader for the new century who would wipe away all the old and stodgy ideas which presumably underlined the policies and failings of his predecessor, George W. Bush led to the reelection as if the expectations which had begun to fade could be brought to fulfillment if just the people would show their support and promise to stay the course with full support and continued adulation. Americans, as a whole, virtually all hoped that President Obama would be the President that all America could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with and repair the real problems facing the nation. Even, or possibly because of, many who initially feared that Obama would rule as what they perceived as an extreme leftist progressive anti-American still grabbed on to this prayer, this hope. I know as I was one such who had predicted that President Obama would be a President Jimmy Carter on steroids. I was wrong as I missed the part which would rival President Lyndon Baines Johnson with the steamrolling over all opposition; Constitution be damned. So now we sit in the closing months of a wounded Presidency which failed in even its own measuring stick. Gone beyond repair is Cap and Trade, Carbon Credits, the end of coal for energy, fracking continues, livable wage remains a dream, government run healthcare is in a shambles and the final crash is still ahead, universal nuclear disarmament is dead with the promise of proliferation like never before is about to spread these weapons across the most unstable Middle East and into North Africa (MENA) and, worst of all, there are numerous more wars with entire nations in various stages of disintegration as in Libya, Syria, Yemen and the Ukraine and the world seems closer than ever to the Eve of Destruction.



Musical interludes aside, the world is far more violent with more conflict and more nations in a state of complete anarchy where the governance has either disintegrated or no longer cares or represents the population. The continued anarchy and destruction in Syria and Libya can be indirectly or even directly attributed to actions or lack thereof by the United States under the directions of President Obama and largely the State Department. There have been reports online and in the mainstream media of recommendations made by the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs of Staff being ignored and even directly countermanded by the White House. Examples of such advice being completely ignored which led directly to many of today’s problems include pulling almost every American military force after refusing to provide a new set of terms and protections for the troops as President Obama refused to permit the Pentagon to work with the Iraqi government leaving the State Department to negotiate which was postponed until a mere ten weeks before the then existing agreement lapsed. Then there was the shifting, sliding and finally fading to nothing Red Line in the Sand to bring destruction down on Syrian leader Bashir al-Assad if he unleashed chemical weapons. The final example we will give was the entire concept of leading from behind which directly led to the decapitation of Libyan governance without providing even a modicum of force in place providing time to form new governance resulting in tribal internal warfare tearing the nation apart.


Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Pentagon

Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Pentagon


To the present we are witnessing a change and President Obama taking the lead very quietly while attempting to force what his passivity failed to accomplish. We have witnessed stronger language targeting Russian President Putin while arming rebels more directly, though which rebels has been kept somewhat vague. Some reports claim they are al-Nusra and others who were once claiming allegiance to al-Qaeda but have since renounced any allegiances. Some unofficial sources not aligned with the State Department or Pentagon has shown alliances with some of these rebels with the Islamic State. Even more troubling has been the unprincipled support using American air power of Turkey President Erdogan bombing the one group which deserved the greatest support, the Kurdish Militias (Peshmerga پێشمەرگە), who have been the most successful against the Islamic State all the way back to their initial ISIS or ISIL stage and the main force rescuing the Yazidi while the world governments sat silent feigning helplessness with one exception which has provided light weapons, anti-tank weapons and special forces to train Kurdish fighters, a nation which must remain unnamed. President Obama has made the known fallacious claim that Turkey is fighting the Islamic State when the reality is they are attempting to wipe out the Kurdish forces and people in a genocidal war and assisting the Islamic State which has recovered Aleppo from Kurdish control. These anti-Kurdish efforts are pushing some Kurds to seek protection with Islamist forces they once fought against. Talk of turning friends into enemies, what a great strategy.


President Obama still claims his brilliant nuclear treaty with Iran, which even the French had to be beaten into submission after initially vetoing the agreement, prevents Iran from attaining nuclear weapons. The statement can only be made valid if one adds, “while I am President,” onto the end. Even the White House had admitted that Iran will be fully nuclear capable and free of any restrictions after just over a decade from now. Then we have the most recent evidence of the hard-line being taken in response to a pair of missiles fired from Yemen originating in the area held by Iranian backed Houthis Rebels. The American Naval forces were freed to respond in kind. Further the United States Navy was ordered to cross into the expanded regions now claimed by China after they built a number of new islands placing military assets including artillery and anti-ship missiles in an effort to control an important Asian trade route. This new and unprecedented stance by President Obama has come with minimal if any inclusion of the Pentagon or Joint Chiefs of Staff other than to relay the orders and is being executed in order to shore up support for Democrat candidates in the coming elections. This also permits Hillary Clinton to imply that she may have had a hand in this new direction by the White House to accommodate her stronger stance in foreign policy. It is all a feint to make her appear to separate from the lead from behind strategy when in reality she will not lead at all with one exception which is worthy of discussion before closing this article.


A President Hillary Clinton will continue to bow to Iranian hegemonic plans in the MENA region and continue to snub Egypt, Israel, Jordan and other allies unless they curry favor as was the way to play when she was Secretary of State with higher entry fees as she is now the President. Further, she will allow China to extend their hegemonic desires throughout the western Pacific Ocean and into the Indian Ocean. This will revive an ancient animosity between China and India, an India which is likely to surpass China as the most populous nation within a decade or two. Hillary Clinton will further aid the influx of Islamic immigrants all but unvetted into Europe, mostly western Europe, while also increasing the rate for accepting immigrants from across MENA and including the Horn of Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other Islamic nations except Iran, they need to remain strong with a large and capable military with secret side deals done without Congressional oversight or knowledge when possible. There is one place where Hillary Clinton will not only stand strong but will seek new venues to pressure, Putin and Russia. For reasons known only to the least sane amongst us, there has been an undertone softly growing demanding that Russian President Putin be brought low and to bend and surrender to the “equality of women” and raise the position of Russian women to their “rightful place” in Russian society. This is partly the demand for a “No Fly Zone” in Syria as this would soon lead to a direct confrontation. Do not doubt that any Russian fighter caught entering such a zone, even after dropping their ordinance and simply transgressing on way back to base, they would be intercepted and very likely fired upon or, even worse, shot from the sky using missiles pressing the Russians to respond. Even if Putin would take such a situation and apologize, explain and request for unarmed aircraft, after dropping ordinance, for Russian pilots to use the “safe zone” for returning to base, the request would be refused bluntly and with no regard for any damage as such would be intentional. What is the end desired? We wish we knew!


Beyond the Cusp


September 7, 2016

One More Time Into the Breach


One of the previous times we went through this scenario we titled our article “Once More Down the Rabbit Hole”, thus the slightly different title though there may be some similarities and potentially even identical phrasing. We are looking at another attempt to force some form of meeting between high level Israeli officials and Palestinian Authority (PA) high level officials. The initial intent is to have President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Netanyahu meet under the auspices of the Russians in Moscow possibly with Russian President Putin moderating. With only initial commentary and reporting the media is likely to report that everything looks promising that President Putin using the weight and international presence of the Russian Federation to possibly lead to their making headway which President Obama and the United States Presidents preceding him inability to make any measurable gains towards the mythical “two states for two peoples living in peace and security” supposed oasis in a dessert of missed opportunities. But the same old problems are already peeking from between the lines and even the letters of initial reports. Of course these reports are all puppy dogs and cuddly kittens snuggling together promising that there will this time be some headway made in finding solutions for the Arab-Israeli peace process. Please do not be sucked in by these Pollyannish reports reporting lollipops and ice cream for all. We are willing with minimal actual reports or additional information other than one small mention in a single quote to predict there will either be no meeting or Mahmoud Abbas will depart any meetings within the first eighteen hours blaming Israel for refusing to make the necessary sacrifices for peace.


What wording in what quote by whom, you ask. The person was President Mahmoud Abbas but we may need to provide you with some other statements and quotes before we go to President Abbas. Netanyahu’s office said in a statement, “The prime minister presented Israel’s position that he is always ready to meet with president Abbas directly and without preconditions. He is therefore reviewing the Russian president’s proposal and the timing of a possible meeting.” This does not sound all that horrific as it sets only one single condition, that there be no conditions, just a meeting as equals and proceeding from that point as equals. Somehow, in the coming weeks this statement will be transformed by those on the extreme left and right as well as some mainstream progressives into some nefarious evil set of denials of perfectly obvious dodges by the Israelis of their obvious obligations to make obvious and logical measures in order to reach a lasting peace. Further it was posted that, Netanyahu has said he is open to such a meeting together with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Further added in reports was this from PA officials who stated, “Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas has agreed on a Russian proposal for him to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as part of a new peace push.” Abed al-Hafeez Nofal, the PA Ambassador to Moscow stated, “We told the Russian side today that president Abbas accepted the Russian initiative about the meeting of Abbas and Netanyahu with President Putin in Moscow,” So far, so good, but wait, there’s more.


Netanyahu, Putin, Abbas

Netanyahu, Putin, Abbas


Netanyahu had the audacity to claim that he is actually open to such a meeting with PA President Mahmoud Abbas with the meeting being together with Russian President Vladimir Putin who can assure that both sides are true to the expectations and necessary steps to make a lasting and enforceable and appreciative peace setting and secure borders which would promise peace for the foreseeable future. How absolutely sneaky of Netanyahu to agree to meet stating his desire for the meet to be without preconditions and to seek an equitable peace respecting the rights of both peoples setting secure and enforceable borders for a lasting peace. Have you caught the series of demands couched in Netanyahu’s statement? Let us list them for you, not necessarily in order, secure borders which is code for a viable Jewish State, enforceable borders which implies safety from terrorist attacks, lasting peace which implied an end to violence, appreciative which implies mutual acceptance and both sides taking steps which demands cooperation and compromise from the PA and not solely Israel surrendering everything just to meet for a few seconds so the media can take pictures. Such demands, surely Netanyahu realizes that the PA and especially Abbas can never accept such equanimity.


And right on cue, President Abbas ordered the usual comeback with the singular accusation against Israel, one Israel has absolutely no defense against, as Abed al-Hafeez Nofal stated, “But it is clear for us that the Israelis are evading the requirements of the meeting.” Keeping in step with the usual modus operandi, Abbas and company insisted that the meeting be scheduled for Friday of this week, September 9, 2016 while insisting Israel meet the required but unspecified known requirements to facilitate the meeting as they had already accused Israel of refusing to meet said but unspecified requirements thus placing all blame with Israel. Israel refused to meet on such short notice as they refused to make the required sacrifices for peace so how could any thinking human being fault the PA or Abbas who was willing to accept meeting with Netanyahu immediately after Israel met the preconditions known to all who follow the peace process. What were these obvious required preconditions Israel refused to meet? Well, there are numerous different such requirements which have been used in the past to make Israel the party unwilling to meet reasonable conditions for peace. One has to note that all PA demands are reasonable conditions which are well known and agreed upon and they are Israeli obligations. Why, one who is erudite might inquire. Well, because at the meetings of the Arab League, the United Nations General Assembly and other such confabs the Palestinian demands are echoed and set down as if they were the law of the universe and denying them would be tantamount to the worst sins humankind has ever committed, which of course is untrue.


This reference was an unobtrusive and subtle reference of the presumed “that the Israelis are evading the requirements of the meeting.” This statement was not followed up upon and there has been no formalization of exactly what Israeli requirements have been left unfulfilled. We can hazard a guess if you would like. One favorite is for Israel to remove all the settlements in order to prepare the lands for the Palestinian state. There is one trio of words which require defining before this “requirement” can be discussed, and those are “all the settlements” which most of the world believes are the Israeli towns, cities, factories, businesses, universities, schools and hospital clinics from beyond the Green Line. Even such as that definition goes well beyond International Law and also beyond any stipulations of the Oslo Accords but that is not the end of this little set of words. One need understand that the PA and much of the Arab World and Muslim World define not only Jews residing beyond the Green Line, the 1949 Armistice Lines as settlements but also all of Jerusalem, Netanya, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Beer Sheva, Eilat, Tiberius, Ma’alot and Nahariya. Basically they believe any Jews residing, as their chanted slogan states, “from the River to the Sea” meaning all the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea should be vacated and turned over to them before any meeting and then there can be a discussion on whether the Jews will be sent to the United States or annihilated. The complete surrender of Israel is the only acceptable end for negotiations and the PA sees no reason to actually argue over details as they prefer to simply demand the final result in some vagaries and then claim Israel is not meeting their obligations.


The hidden secret which has been reported but always gets lost somewhere between the written page and the memories of those reading the articles is that the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) Movement was initially the Arab World boycott of Israel plus the “Three No’s” decided upon in the Khartoum Resolution of 1967. These were; no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel and no negotiations with Israel. Subsequently the PA with the assistance financially of the United Nations, the European Union, United States, European governments and NGOs expanded these concepts folding theme into a package they called the BDS Movement. This went hand in hand with their claims of Apartheid Israel and that Israel was blocking any hope of peace by refusing to meet their obligations. Mahmoud Abbas also declared, with the assistance of an Imam, that all the lands of the British Mandate were WAQF lands, holy Islamic lands which can never be passed on to non-Muslims and that Muslims under Islamic law and Sharia are required to regain the territory and eradicate the nonbelievers who stole this Islamic Waqf. According to this ruling by Abbas and accepted by the Arab World if a Jew were to take a bag of sand from the beach near Akko and return with the sand to the United States then a squad of terrorists would need be dispatched to retrieve this sand in order to make the land whole once more. This is the fanaticism Israel faces where the PA and much of the leftist progressive political world are perfectly content with granting the PA everything they demand including the end of Israel and her people.


Much of Europe is starting their long walk down the primrose path paved with good intentions which includes making the new refugees feel secure and in a familiar surroundings. It matters not that the indigenous population is facing attacks especially against women and girls including young girls as young as nine and ten. There are rape gangs and even rape clubs where they force non-Islamic, and even those Muslims who refuse to wear the protection clothing (Burkas), women into sex through many and varied means which once any one of them gets their way with the young girl she is soon thereafter gang raped and after that any Islamic man can use her for their own pleasure. The sole reason such has not become a common practice in Israel is because of the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) whose members likely include a brother or a cousin or even a parent or uncle or aunt who is able to take their firearm with them, some are encouraged in doing so, and would probably end this horrific situation. Zero tolerance for raping young girls or other such crimes has to be the order of the day every day and such molestations and indignities cannot be permitted to stand. Just because it is a part of Islamic culture being practiced by the thousands of young Islamic men who have been infiltrating Europe as well as the United States and Canada does not mean that their host nations need to permit such barbarity. The enforcement of rape and molestation charges would be an excellent first step in teaching the Muslims what their initial steps towards assimilation will be. If assimilation is not in their repertoire, then either they need an object lesson placing this desire at the head of their “to do list” or repatriating them with wherever they migrated from would be in order. This is not an impossible task and would solve a number of problems all at once.


The same need go for the PA and its population. They need be absorbed as part of Israel and the Israelis should run their schools which must include learning the Hebrew language, learning Jewish and Israelite history, the basic concepts and commandments from within Torah. The younger Arabs as they reached adulthood would need to join their parents in taking the Assimilation testing before being placed on the route for becoming an Israeli citizen with full political rights as well as the other human rights. Those who are incapable of or do not desire learning such history and Hebrew could instead remain in Israel living as a registered alien. This would permit their having voting rights only in Areas A and B but not in national elections. As is required by International Law they would be granted full human rights, the religious right to worship as they pleased but not proselytize or other subversive anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli actions. They would have no voting rights outside Areas A and B as, by Mandate laws which the United Nations accepted in Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, while they are to be granted all civil and human rights, Israel is not required to provide them with political rights or actual citizenship unless the Israeli government so chooses. Any action of terrorism would result in the immediate deportation of any individual convicted of such an act after they served their prison terms. Those committing terrorist acts would forfeit their non-resident alien status and become persona non grata never permitted to return within Israeli borders for the indeterminate future. As Abbas and the rest of the PA and Hamas have all stated they would continue the fight to eradicate the Jews even if Israel surrendered everything but the Tel Aviv metropolitan area then those choosing active terrorism would be returned to their nation of origin or if none could be discerned, they would be unceremoniously dumped across the Syria border and never permitted to return to Israel. But as far as the Russian peace plan, if any meetings do actually come to fruition, it will likely be the shortest peace on record, Hashem willing. When one side will only accept a total and complete surrender of one nation, that nations cannot agree to such terms and the world should not expect Israel to accept such terms. There has been anything but progress towards peace since May 15, 1948, and there is nothing in our current situation which implies that progress is at all possible that might offer even the slightest glimmer of hope. That is exactly what will result from the incidents we have witnessed and we can have little else, especially not hope, but such is the situation which has been exactly as we now see. The future will be promising should a miracle from Hashem strike the entirety of the PA leadership as they open. Anything less and only a miracle will provide and fulfill the needed hopes.


Beyond the Cusp


May 26, 2015

West Ignoring Fatah Naqba Day Message

Filed under: Act of War,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab World,Arabs,Asia,Blood Libel,Calaphate,Chemical Weapons,Chlorine Gas,Civilization,Clan,Conflict Avoidnce,Consequences,Coverup,Defend Israel,Domestic NGOs,EMP Device,End of Days,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Family Farm,Farming,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Government,Hate,History,Indutrial Farming,International Politics,Islam,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jehrico,Jerusalem,Jewish Home,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jordan River,Judea,Judean Hills,King David,King David's Tomb,King Solomon,Leftist Pressures,Mahmoud Abbas,Mainstream Media,Media,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Moses,Moses,Muslim World,Muslims,Naqba,Nationalist Pressures,Neglection of Duty,Nuclear Weapons,Obama,Old Testament,Oppression,Ottoman Empire,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,PLO,Politically Correct,Politically Incorrect,Politicized Findings,Politics,Promised Land,Red Lines,Response to Muslim Takeover,Saeb Erekat,Samaria,Sarin Gas,Secular Interests,Society,Statehood,Submission,Tahadiya,Taqiyya,Temple Mount,Third Intifada,Threat of War,Torah,Tribe,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Weapon Systems,Weapons of Mass Destruction,Western World,WMD,World Government,World Opinion,World Pressures,World War III,Yasser Arafat,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:06 AM
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As has become customary in this new age, the messages by Mahmoud Abbas headed Fatah Party including its militant wing the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades and the Arab Palestinians from within and outside the governing Palestinian Authority were united in their message during their fulfillment of their most cherished and important ideals this recently passed Naqba Day observances, the destruction of all of Israel by violent actions presumably conquering by force that which was stolen by force. Probably the most efficient way to convey their intended message would be to quote a direct translation made on the Fatah ‘official’ Facebook pages for May 14, 2015, which is Naqba Day (Day of the Catastrophe) where it was translated by PMW (Palestinian Media Watch) where the entry read, “What was taken by force can only be regained by force, the 67th anniversary of the Nakba.” This post was accompanied by a poster remembering that this was presumably the 67th anniversary of Naqba Day seen below. It should be noted that one of the numerical figures has been constructed using a AK-47 assault rifle attached as the blade of an ornate and old key presumably to the home lost in 1948 during the formation of Israel and the ensuing Arab war to destroy Israel at birth and map showing all of Israel including all of the areas within the Green Line, the boundaries marking the frontline positions at the end of hostilities in 1949 which were the results of the two years of assault by seven Arab armies to destroy the nascent nations of Israel immediately after it was established on May 14, 1947, and all of Judea and Samaria, renamed West Bank by Jordan while they held those lands under occupation which were finally liberated after Jordan joined the forces of Syria and Egypt, then jointly referred to as the UAR (United Arab Republic) on the second day of the Six Day War in June of 1967, which matches the popular chant even repeated on the campuses of colleges and universities throughout the Western World which states, “From the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea, Palestine must be free.”



PMW Naqba Day 67 Anniversary poster for the conquest of all of Israel by force replacing Israel with Palestine after removal of the Jews by any means necessary, an old and resurgent theme in Arab-Palestinian society directly resulting from government efforts through the media, schools and celebratory remembrances of the martyrs of the revolution naming streets, parks, schools, sporting events among other events and area after these martyrs.

PMW Naqba Day 67 Anniversary poster for the conquest of all of Israel by force replacing Israel with Palestine after removal of the Jews by any means necessary, an old and resurgent theme in Arab-Palestinian society directly resulting from government efforts through the media, schools and celebratory remembrances of the martyrs of the revolution naming streets, parks, schools, sporting events among other events and area after these martyrs.



The representation on the post puts to lie the claims made by Arab-Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in English when speaking to the Western leaders and media that all he seeks is the return of the lands liberated from Jordanian occupation resulting from the June 1967 Six Day War. Abbas often uses an obscure and easily misinterpreted claim to only desiring the 22% of the lands for the state of Palestine without defining what exactly he means by the 22% of the lands. Often this is interpreted by the Western media and political leaders to mean the areas of Gaza and Judea and Samaria (West Bank) which makes up just short of 23% of the total lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea which is quite close to the mentioned and implied 22% of the lands. There is another reference for 22% of the lands and that is the division of the British Mandate Lands dividing them along the Jordan River establishing what today is Jordan on the lands east of the Jordan River and bordering Iraq in the eastern border which constitutes exactly 78% of the lands of the British Mandate which the lands west of the Jordan River were promised to be totally used for the establishment of the Jewish State and never to be divided by guarantee of the British and allied powers at the time of the forming of Jordan after World War I, lands which equal exactly 22% of the British Mandate lands and the actual 22% Mahmoud Abbas claims for the making of Palestine. This demand that the 22% actually is meant to describe 22% of the British Mandate and equates exactly to the claims and decrees issued by Mahmoud Abbas, the Fatah Party he heads, the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) which he cofounded in 1964 with Yasser Arafat for the purpose of destroying Israel replacing it with an Arab state freed of all Jewish presence three years before there was any occupation as the Western leaders define such meaning Gaza and Judea and Samaria, and the borders Abbas has demanded even before the United Nations, the lands constituting all of Israel both within the Green Line and the disputed and mislabeled occupied territories.


Another post was presumably made by the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades in commemoration of Naqba Day stated, “When the al-Asifa (the storm) roars and the nation applauds the eternal Fatah, the world’s dwarfs should remain in their burrows.” The mention of “world’s dwarfs” in a reference which has two meanings in this declaration, the Israelis and particularly the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) and on a more general level to mean all the Western nations, their militaries and their peoples and is, obviously, meant in a very derogatory and demeaning reference implying their fear and submission before the all-powerful forces of Islam in general and the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades specifically. See depiction of the posting made by the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades depicting one of their terrorist members with his AK-47 holding a decorative headdress pointing towards the Fatah logo with two rifles clenched in fists placed over a map depicting the entirety of Israel, the actual target for the establishment of Palestine replacing Israel, not living side by side in peace as is often the claim allowed to stand by the silence of Abbas to its mention. His silence does not mean agreement as it is oft taken to mean, it merely means he prefers to allow you your mistaken beliefs as there is no need to correct a fool who is deaf to the words spoken by Abbas to the Arab-Palestinians in Arabic as to the Western media and leadership Arabic is a language which cannot, or must not, be translated into any Western language as then those words would need to be explained away, much easier to pretend the fool.



The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades commemoratory poster depicting one of their terrorist members with his AK-47 holding a decorative headdress in his hand and pointing towards the Fatah logo which bears two rifles clenched in fists and arms decorated in the declared colors representing the Arab-Palestinians all placed over a map depicting the entirety of Israel.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades commemoratory poster depicting one of their terrorist members with his AK-47 holding a decorative headdress in his hand and pointing towards the Fatah logo which bears two rifles clenched in fists and arms decorated in the declared colors representing the Arab-Palestinians all placed over a map depicting the entirety of Israel.



The theme of this year’s Naqba Day also is a complete farcical redefinition of the connotation for the term Naqba which means ‘catastrophe’ but originated long before there were Arab-Palestinians or the PLO or Palestinian Authority. ‘The Naqba’ was the term applied to the formation of the Mandates over the province of Greater Syria by the Allied Powers after World War I. In the Mandates the area of Greater Syrian Province was divided into two parts, the northern Mandate which was assigned to France and the southern Mandate which was assigned to the British. It was this division and the new requirement for those Arab Muslims residing under the British Mandate in the south to get permission from both the British and the French to travel to Damascus which had become the new destination for the Arab Muslims of the areas of Greater Syria to perform a version of making of the Hajj. The formal definition for the Hajj required travel to Mecca except during the times when Mecca was under separate Islamic rulers than the Muslims in the area of Greater Syria, such as under the Ottoman Empire, there was a ban on travel between Greater Syria and the Arabian Peninsula and thus their being cut-off from Mecca and making the actual required Hajj at least once in their lifetime so the powers ruling over Greater Syria invented reasons to turn Damascus into the objected destination for the Hajj standing in, so to speak, for Mecca. The new requirement, though most likely a formality in order to retain assigned populations and prevent excessive travel which might lead to the fomenting of an uprising, thus the regulating of such travel caused great distress for the residents of British Mandate lands as they feared being cut-off from Damascus and that was a great hardship, a catastrophe even, and thus was called the Great Naqba all the way back in 1922 thus far preceding the adopted, or should we say stolen, use for Naqba Day. Of course this too was stolen by the Arab-Palestinian movement just as they have stolen the entire historical legacy of the Jewish People and with some changes adopted it to establish their claims to all of Israel as it was presumably their ancestral lands from, if one is to believe even the most absurd of claims, over nine-thousand years ago when they first settled in the area now making up Israel. The small fly in the ointment, about a ten ton fly in five ounces of ointment, is that they have no historic leaders’ names. They claim Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon and many of the other names of leaders from the Jewish Bible and writings. It is interesting that they claim Noah as the Jews do not claim Noah as having been Jewish as Abraham, the first Jew, followed years after Noah and the ark and great flood and thus the Jews define Noah as one who had a relationship with G0d and was a righteous man amongst barbarians of the most uncouth and perverted nature who had invoked the wrath of G0d and were to be destroyed to the last individual with the exception of those taken aboard the ark. As they stole the Jewish history they stole from their own history and redefined Naqba not to mean difficulty in travel to Damascus but instead to the formation of a state for the Jewish People in their ancestral lands which even the Quran states that the lands are to belong to the Jews rightfully and be observed and permitted by Islam, but why bother with any truths at this late stage.


The declaration by virtually every side this marking of the founding of Israel as per the Western calendar, Israelis use the traditional Jewish Calendar thus the date is different on the Western Calendar every year which is good as it permits the Israeli celebrations to be less disturbed by the Arab-Palestinians with it not coinciding with their Naqba Day. One wonders why the Arab-Palestinians use the Western Calendar and not the Islamic Calendar. The reason is obvious, they wish to remind the Western world of the calamity which presumably beset them by the founding of Israel on almost a whole one percent of land in the midst of the sea of Muslim lands stretching from the Pacific Ocean in the southern Philippines all the way across Asia, the Central and Middle East and along northern Africa to Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean and it is that less than one percent which must be destroyed for the formation of a new and never before heard of state called Palestine. Some of the lands under Islamic rule have open spaces where nary an individual treads each year, let alone resides in, and these Arabs insist on taking the most populated space for the establishment of their state and demand the removal of any residing there who are in any way different than they.


This is interesting as how does one define the Arab-Palestinians who mostly arrived in the areas now under Israeli control within the past four or at most five generations, that equates to under a century. At the beginning and before the times the final decade and a half before the Twentieth Century saw the rebirth of the lands coinciding with the return of many Jews, the earliest Zionists returning to reclaim their homelands. These lands were mostly a collection of rocks, desert, swamps and ancient ruins with a few small pockets of barely populated cities with the greatest being Jericho, Akko, Tiberius, Jerusalem and a few other names familiar from the Old Testament. Probably one of the most famous descriptions of the lands of Israel, the Holy Lands, is the description from Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) writings across these lands in his worldly travels described in his writings titled, “Innocents Abroad” and specifically the parts described as “Mark Twain in the Holy Land.” Perhaps a few excerpts will give a flavor of his reports starting with his most astonishing comment on Jerusalem compared to the city as it stands today he wrote, “A fast walker could go outside the walls of Jerusalem and walk entirely around the city in an hour. I do not know how else to make one understand how small it is.” Describing the trip from at the Sea of Galilee in Chapter XLVII Twain wrote the following:

We traversed some miles of desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds — a silent, mournful expanse, wherein we saw only three persons — Arabs, with nothing on but a long coarse shirt like the “tow-linen” shirts which used to form the only summer garment of little negro boys on Southern plantations. Shepherds they were, and they charmed their flocks with the traditional shepherd’s pipe — a reed instrument that made music as exquisitely infernal as these same Arabs create when they sing.
In their pipes lingered no echo of the wonderful music the shepherd forefathers heard in the Plains of Bethlehem what time the angels sang “Peace on earth, good will to men.”
Part of the ground we came over was not ground at all, but rocks — cream-colored rocks, worn smooth, as if by water; with seldom an edge or a corner on them, but scooped out, honey-combed, bored out with eye-holes, and thus wrought into all manner of quaint shapes, among which the uncouth imitation of skulls was frequent. Over this part of the route were occasional remains of an old Roman road like the Appian Way, whose paving-stones still clung to their places with Roman tenacity.
Gray lizards, those heirs of ruin, of sepulchres and desolation, glided in and out among the rocks or lay still and sunned themselves. Where prosperity has reigned, and fallen; where glory has flamed, and gone out; where beauty has dwelt, and passed away; where gladness was, and sorrow is; where the pomp of life has been, and silence and death brood in its high places, there this reptile makes his home, and mocks at human vanity. His coat is the color of ashes: and ashes are the symbol of hopes that have perished, of aspirations that came to nought, of loves that are buried. If he could speak, he would say, Build temples: I will lord it in their ruins; build palaces: I will inhabit them; erect empires: I will inherit them; bury your beautiful: I will watch the worms at their work; and you, who stand here and moralize over me: I will crawl over your corpse at the last.


Such as that was the lands which today lie between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and produce a richness of life, agriculture, invention, production and vibrancy returning the lands to their exalted state of preeminence and stature in the world. No longer are these lands ignored by the world and actually have become an unfortunate obsession beyond description. Often there appears to be a driving impetus to force these lands back to their quiet ruin described so aptly by Mark Twain who traveled and wrote in an age before political correctness ruled the tongues and pens of even the mightiest of men and the agencies of their minds and hands. The scorn once reserved for the Jew and often only the Jew has now turned their nation out claiming it to be a pariah amongst nations deserving of scorn and denounced in the harshest of terms whether they actually apply or not. There are groups formed around the idea that the multi-cultural state where women have equal rights and every religion is practiced freely with free and open elections should be deemed a practice of Apartheid while the neighboring nations it is forbidden for a Jew to tread and selling lands to a Jew is punishable by death, where ISIS beheads Christians and Muslims alike for failing to answer questions in their peculiar way, where women are not permitted to drive a vehicle and may only leave the house accompanied by a male relative, places where courts will convict a woman victim of rape to a sentence of death by stoning for having sexual relations with her rapist, where barbarity rules and civility a sign of weakness and forgiveness as much a sin as the sin being forgiven, but Israel is the oppressive nation. This is the state of the world and if the leaders of Israel and the world do not awaken and view the horrors that are fast approaching then once again, and potentially for the final time for many millennia, mankind will gather their swords and shields, their bows and arrows, their aligns and spears and prepare to do battle. The problem is the new weapons do not require even facing one’s enemies to destroy them. Now one pressed the red button, flips a plastic switch, launches a deadly missile and an entire city is consumed in the blast leaving nothing standing, nothing breathing and a band of pain and eventual death at the edges of what was. Armies of steel beast shoot flames pushing projectiles with great speed and greater accuracy and the steel beasts from both sides burst into flames and roast their crews alive. Silver and black birds grace the skies dropping fiery eggs which streak to their target leaving twisted wreckage in its wake. These birds fire streaking spears aimed at the other’s signature locked by computers removing most chances for failure guaranteeing a defrocked bird falling, crashing in flames to the earth below. This war will not require the gathering of great armies for the new armies are automated destruction on scales never before imagined unless those who claim we were once greater than today and we destroyed it all and began again are correct and we are repeating an ancient calamity from which a few may restart and soon forget the higher math and nuclear physics and start by planting seeds and tending herds avoiding areas which nobody dares to tread as only death rules these desolate skeleton of once great metropolises. There will be a great forgetting as the necessity of assuring food will replace the need for education, especially education which produced the destruction because mankind has never invented weapons so powerful that he refused to use it and thermo-nuclear tipped missiles will be no exception. Especially as the next nuclear race will arm those who are largely oblivious to the horrors the use of such weapons are and will have little compunction towards utilizing such weapons as their preferred first-strike equalizer. The abhorrence will come far too late to save civilization from the least civil amongst us. Perhaps this is why mankind will never develop much past tribal affiliations ruled by clannish patriarchs whose minds are fueled by testosterone, not refined postulations and cost analysis, they desire only victory no matter how hollow so they may inherit the world, but this world will be the result of an End of Days scenario turning all into a world made largely of ashes.


Beyond the Cusp


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