Beyond the Cusp

September 14, 2016

The West Which Cannot See Cannot Avoid this Future


Giulio Meotti’s article Another 9/11 is on the horizon was unfortunately as likely as prescient as was the George Bernard Shaw 1903 quote he used which postulated a future where the survival of Western Society would come into doubt due to the insipid and foolish value system which would have replaced faith in Hashem and placing pleasure above family. George Bernard Shaw had written the following:

The day is coming when great nations will find their numbers dwindling from census to census; when the six-roomed villa will rise in price above the family mansion; when the viciously reckless poor and the stupidly pious rich will delay the extinction of the race only by degrading it; whilst the boldly prudent, the thriftily selfish and ambitious, the imaginative and poetic, the lovers of money and solid comfort, the worshippers of success, of art, and of love, will all oppose to the Force of Life the device of sterility.

Those who have read, or especially followed, BTC have read many an article on similar predictions, observations and desperate calls for our societies to awaken to their destructive practices and to turn towards the now seeming ludicrous ideals and cherished ideas of our forefathers from simply two or at most three generations back when family was the measure of a man and the dedication of both men and women. We referenced to such yesterday; so we will endeavor to take a different approach and tack and simply request you read the article from yesterday if you wish a different angle. Of course George Bernard Shaw knew well from what he spoke as he was alive during the peak of the Eugenics Movement, the perfection of the human race through selective breeding. Such a concept would in and of itself lead to a vast and hurried decrease in the size of society as with those determined to be genetically deficient, which would mean the poor, minorities, Jews, and all who would be determined by an elite group not to be as elite or perfect as the few selected to reproduce as they had the superior genetic makeup. These were the same as the envisioned Nazi supermen of the SS who chose males at least six feet tall (two meters), females of an attractive figure and above average height, all with clear blue eyes, blonde hair and an adequate mind and they would be required to reproduce prodigiously and required to change partners after each successful pregnancy so as to maximize genetic diversity with what would be obviously a smaller than optimum population to provide such diversity. Reducing the acceptable qualifying genetic properties by selecting only blonde hair and blue eyed specimen, the gene pool was already intentionally reduced drastically, as both are recessive traits requiring both genes to have that trait be the result, thus those genes will be repeated in all offspring. Further, by espousing eugenic principles one is determining who is permitted to have children and thus will necessarily reduce the population.


There are others who are also calling for a reintroduction of a form of eugenics and a limit on the numbers of offspring permitted in their society and would apply their restriction worldwide given half an opportunity. These people are not so much calling for an improved human race though they add that as long as the reduced population growth was being controlled to allow a merely ecologically sustainable population which would have sufficiently slight demand on the planet, this would permit the planet to heal and remain pure instead of blighted by the expansive destruction of human society with such wasteful things as highways, cities, populations centers and a planet dedicated to people over nature. To these fanatics, the human society is a disease to be wiped clean or reduced to a sustainable level so small as to have little if any detrimental destructive effects. The least strident of these are the Zero Population Growth (ZPG) who believe that the numbers of human beings on planet, or should we say starship, Earth must be frozen if not decreased over time but must never ever be allowed to grow. As this movement has existed since the 1950s and perhaps before, who knows how far before as there were likely such people believing such back in ancient Greece as this unfounded fear that the humans have used up all the space on the planet is a result of people residing their entire lives in cities where people are stacked ten deep or more. There is a reason the main ZPG movement existence is the San Diego to San Francisco California area and the Washington D.C. through Boston corridor along the East Coast and none exist in central Nebraska, well, almost nothing exists in central Nebraska other than a half dozen families on their farms. Perhaps these excitable ZPG movement members should be granted a free trip east to west and back again across Nebraska allowing them to feel comfortable at the start and finish in Omaha, a fair sized city, as there is nothing even close across the rest of the state of Nebraska, trust us.


The numbers of different groups over the long history of missing predictions, probably the most overestimated problem has been population of the entire planet. Thus far every last attempt to mitigate the dire predictions with real and implemented solutions have simply proven far more destructive and disastrous than the predicted problems would have caused. One of the most problematic and unfortunate results of any population control experiment would have to be the recently terminated China one child policy. This policy had exactly the result any sane person could have pointed out, the over propensity to have that one child be a male, which was the exact result. China now finds themselves with a massive imbalance between young male and female population. The obvious old school and historic means for resolving such an imbalance had always been to have a large scale and prolonged war until the imbalance was mitigated through casualties. This may have been one of the factors in the near continuous wars throughout history between the separate Chinese provinces or, after the unification of China, between India and China. Granted that most wars have far more earthly motivating factors such as desires for the neighboring tribes’ women, cattle, fire starter, cave or other valuable item from times so distant that we could never discern their motivations any more than they could have understood our working for pieces of worthless paper which only have value because everybody agrees to honor the worthless pieces of paper, well, cloth actually.


The Crusades were a response to the loss of Jerusalem and the Holy Lands to the expansive colonialist armies surging out from the Arabian Peninsula initially centered around Medina and Mecca after its conquest. This surging of the young religion of Islam in its initial two centuries eventually spread forth across all of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) finally tuned back at Tours, France as they continued forth from Spain and again at the opposite end at Vienna which withstood a siege which was lifted by the combined armies of Poland, Hungary and the Holy Roman Army over a century later. Christianity’s loss of Jerusalem was a bitter and challenging reality which resulted in numerous Crusades, military expeditions, to retake Jerusalem and the Holy Lands with their all meeting with varied levels of success or failure. Eventually the Christian world had to necessarily eventually accept this loss until their retaking the areas from the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Those soldiers who liberated the Holy Land and took Jerusalem did not necessarily have any reaction that these lands were at all special as religious values of the lands; even Jerusalem was at best a secondary thought, as the Great War was a brutal and all-encompassing horror that has dragged for years and introduced carnage beyond any previous war, a carnage which had been intimated by the horrors half a century earlier in the American Civil War. World War I is difficult to understand by the nations of Europe as the assassination of a leader would be treated largely as a criminal event than an act sparking a world conflict. The Crusades would be even more difficult for modern Europeans to understand as religion has become but a puff of smoke wafting away on the winds of time and of as little concern in the world today as they were the motivating factor of all of society those few centuries ago when the many Crusades had gripped a pair of continents.


Crusader Routes I through IV spanning 1095 through 1289

Crusader Routes I through IV spanning 1095 through 1289


Those on the other side of the Crusades have not progressed as has Europe, and the lands of Islam still hold the lands of MENA as they had during the times of the Crusades. The Byzantine Empire was the Islamic Caliphate at the onset of World War I and had sided with the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and Germany much due to their fears and challenges of Russia to their north who were their mortal enemy at the onset of the war. After World War I the Allied powers made a decision to return rule to the peoples residing within the lands taking caretaking positions under the League of Nations approved Mandate systems. Nations were set with borders which either had carelessly ignored tribal boundaries or intentionally set the borders to prevent the nations from uniting behind a leader and once again forming the Caliphate which they blamed for their entry into World War I against the Allied powers. That system known as Sykes-Picot also redrew the lines of borders in Eastern Europe dividing up the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and shrank German borders in an effort to prevent another empire forming in the east and threatening France and Britain in the future. Obviously both presumptions are proving to have been erroneous. Germany partly due to restrictions and punishing debt leveled against Germany partly led to World War II and the disintegration across the nations of MENA and the rise of groups attempting to unify the people under their banner exclaiming their claims to be the new Caliphate.


Islamic Expansion

Islamic Expansion


The Western World and especially Europeans have strayed so far from their dedication to religious underpinnings in their societies that they are absolutely clueless to the reasoning and motivations behind many Islamic forces and the violence against them. The fact that there has also been many violent terrorist strikes in the Islamic World just as there has in the Western World has only increased the misunderstanding of the motivations in the increasingly violent actions between the two very different regions of today’s world. The inviting into Europe, Canada, the United States and the remainder of the Western World of “Syrian refugees” when Saudi Arabia refuses to accept a single refugee, the Gulf States with all their oil wealth refuse to take a single refugee, Jordan holds the refugees in hastily constructed camps refusing to permit a single refugee to resettle in Jordan and Turkey has a very similar policy as Jordan is confusing beyond normative reasoning. One would reason that as these refugees are Arabs and mostly Muslims that Arab and Muslim nations would be granting them entrance to assist these troubled individuals who have the same religion and similar if not near identical histories. Obviously there is something amiss about these refugees and the complete refusal of the entirety of the Arab and Islamic worlds for permitting even family unification or any reason no matter how seemingly rational is the strongest reason that the nations accepting these “refugees” should probably take greater precautions. One has to think at some point that the Arab Islamic World knows something that the Western and formerly Christian World does not know but should be concerned and figure out what the big secret must be. Their survival may just depend on figuring out why their own people refuse to assist them just as they refuse to ever assist or permit a single Palestinian “refugee” to leave their camps and reside in their lands, even in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority areas where Hamas and Fatah rule over the Arab Islamic communities have refugee camps of fellow “Palestinian” Arab refugees where members of the same family reside within and just outside the fences around the camp and they refuse to allow unification. Why is it once an Arab Muslim becomes a refugee is it incumbent on Western nations to take them in and the Islamic and Arab worlds refuse any responsibility for their brothers and sisters. Apparently Islam has little compassion for their own people, their own brothers and sisters suffering and take no responsibility to alleviate such suffering while Christian nations plus Jewish Israel have allowed some of these refugees to live a normal life and even take them in even when there are questions about their actual motives and why the vast majority are military age men without anywhere near a concomitant female populations and children also joining them.


This coming at a time when the Western World has all but lost their ties to religion is even more ominous as there could be a religious underpinning to this possible invasion and with religion all but dead in the Western World which makes the coming times if there should be difficulties and societal trauma, the next generation will look to anybody offering a different path, a new approach as they will see their parent’s methods as the reason and incapable of addressing the problems it is claimed they were causing and these children will become very open to Islam should it be presented as welcoming, open and liberating religion, just the picture that many Imams are selling. Sharia is not being brought into the relations attempting to convert Western liberal liberated youth who feel empty and lost and have no faith in Christianity which their parents have at best observed as an empty set of actions without meaning or any faith in Hashem. This will push their children to seek out those who honestly believe and believe deeply and such holding to faith will be attractive to the children being raised now in the Western World, especially if there are financial crises and political upheavals with collapse of the currencies and the society will be primed to be taken afield by Islam which will blame Christianity for letting the people down and not only allowing but contributing to these calamities. They will point to every fallen Priest, Rabbi, Minister or Christian religious or other leaders from the faith as the reason that Christianity has become a dead religion which has been replaced and that Allah is the one true god, the new face of the singular deity and that Islam is the replacement of Christianity just as Christianity replaced Judaism and that Muhammad was the final prophet who brought the new deity, Allah who is the last name, Allah who is the deity of Jesus, the same Jesus who will now be the messiah in a new manner of coming to ready the world for the return of Muhammad and who will serve as Muhammad’s servant and dedicated follower.


Islam defines itself as the final replacement religion of Abraham. There is a problem with their story for the discerning and true believer will realize the difference immediately. Where Hashem, the deity of the Judeo-Christian religious family, Hashem is of Abraham along with Isaak, and Jacob; Allah is the god of Abram, before Hashem made his covenant and altered his name to Abraham and making his name now holy, Ishmael, and Muhammad. Different lineage even including Abram rather than Abraham and instead of the gentle Isaak and the most noble and nearly free of sin Jacob we have Ishmael and finally Muhammad. Ishmael was prophesized in Torah in the verse of Genesis 16:12 by the words,

וְהוּא יִהְיֶה פֶּרֶא אָדָם יָדוֹ בַכֹּל וְיַד כֹּל בּוֹ וְעַל פְּנֵי כָל אֶחָיו יִשְׁכֹּן  

“And he will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be upon all, and everyone’s hand upon him, and before all his brothers he will dwell.”


Hashem and Allah are not the same and this makes the religions very different and not honestly all Abrahamic religions as Islam is an Abramic religion before Abram was renamed by Hashem into Abraham as a sign of their covenant and Abraham becoming the truth of Hashem. Abram became an entirely different person after making his covenant with Hashem and receiving his altered name adding new letters becoming Abraham and thus now being the individual capable of generating a just religion which would lead to the Messiah. These facts will not be explained nor are they even understood or known to the majority of wayward Jews and Christians who have lost their path walking with their religion. Many of these families may remember a few stories and quaint remembrances but other than a casual smattering of truths they know nothing. They know not the Bible, Torah, Proverbs, Psalms or the New Testament or that the United States was based on many biblical writings as well as common law, the Magna Carta and the most liberal political writings of their times. With a world failing and in utter confusion can we blame our children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren if they take to the seeming caressing arms of Islam if it be proffered as the salvation they seek rejecting that which they believe had forsaken their parents, grandparents and back as it had obviously failed when it had not failed, we had failed. Is there time to repair the damages and return and rebuild our society and give back to life meaning beyond carnal pleasures. Carnal pleasure is a poor base for a society and even less of a base for an entire society, let alone the world. Carnal pleasures will not long remain the basis for Western society and unless something is offered before Islam takes a foothold deeper than it has already established as we discussed yesterday, then our future youth will not be capable of refusing their sirens’ swan song as the Imams call them five times a day and they bow to Allah forsaking Hashem, then where will things go. We know the answer and we must see to it that they are steered to a religion which raises the soul and not darkens life.


Beyond the Cusp


October 18, 2015

When Will the World Waken to Wanton Destroyers


Once again let it be known that the status-quo remains in place in the ancient city of Shechem, which is now called Nablus, as the Arabs, emulating the butchery to world monuments and the holy sites of religions other than Islam of the Islamic State, and destroyed Joseph’s Tomb over the weekend. It really is not fair to claim that the Arab Palestinians, with which Israel had been cursed to deal with while the world celebrates the destroyers of culture, life, monuments, tombs and all things civil are emulating the Islamic State; as it is the Islamic State imitating what the Arab Palestinians have practiced for well over a century with their butchery of Jews and Christians as well as their desecration of all things holy including their own presumably precious al-Aqsa Mosque which is pictured beneath the horrific pictures of an ancient and holy tomb of the Jewish Patriarch Joseph burning. lighting up the night screaming for justice to be meted out, but the world forbids admitting there are destroyers of Israel and the world should they ever be given the opportunity.



Joseph’s Tomb Burning in the Night While Religious Jews and Sympathizing Humans Are Outraged at their Act Allowed to be the Status Quo

Joseph’s Tomb Burning in the Night While Religious Jews and Sympathizing Humans Are Outraged at their Act Allowed to be the Status Quo



The Scene of Joseph’s Tomb Being Torched and Burned to the Bare Stone with All Things Righteous Destroyed Once Again and the World is Silent

The Scene of Joseph’s Tomb Being Torched and Burned to the Bare Stone with All Things Righteous Destroyed Once Again and the World is Silent



Kever Yoseph or Joseph's Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless

Kever Yoseph or Joseph’s Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless



Armory al-Aqsa Mosque Desecrated by making it a fortified base from which to launch rioting


The destroyers of all that is holy here in the Holy Land as pictured above desecrate shrines, tombs, and all things holy or treasured even that of their own Islamic State as long as it contributed to their wanton actions of depravity, they are capable of nothing else. The wide swath of acts of barbarity continued unabated on the Temple Mount, throughout Jerusalem and beyond in parts around Israel wherever these destroyers were able to stab any person in the hopes it might be a Jew. These acts should be expected as the status quo of a society with its media, instructions in their schools, in every part of the lives of their children are filled with propaganda of hatred of Jews primarily and any other that is not Arab Palestinian. When the world demands that Israel maintain the status quo on the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem, in the disputed territories, in all of Israel, this is what they are demanding be preserved, stabbings, desecrations and violence for the sake of violence as that has become their religion, their sacraments.


The status quo was preserved this weekend and the stabbings continued but that is not the message the world had received from their media from almost every journalistic media we monitored from the BBC to the AP wire used world-wide and in numerous others news purveyors around the Western World. The headlines we read claimed that Arab Palestinians were being shot and murdered by Israeli police and Jews in Israel without any concern for their rights to enjoy the pleasures of their culture and while performing religious duties, well, it may as well have said such exactly in that manner. The initial part is what was reported with the typical average being one headline which read, “Four Palestinians shot dead after attempted stabbings”, headlining the article in The Guardian newspaper on the United Kingdom. Please allow us to go further and provide the first sentence which sets the mood for the article and is above the picture that followed before the rest of the article was presented. That first line read “Three of the dead were teenagers, the latest casualties of a spiral of violence in Israel as rights groups accuse troops of ‘extrajudicial killings’” and was above this picture of one of the scenes of these ‘extrajudicial killings’ of the four Palestinians shot dead from the title.



Guardian News Headline Picture of Article Titled “Four Palestinians Shot Dead after Attempted Stabbings”

Guardian News Headline Picture of Article Titled
“Four Palestinians Shot Dead after Attempted Stabbings”



Let us move along to the United Nations where more urgent meetings were convened to discuss the violence in Israel and how the world should view these extrajudicial killings and decide what should be done about these poor Arab Palestinian teens being gunned down by authorities and citizens alike almost wherever they appeared in ‘Jewish areas.’ While these deeply disturbing events were being debated, newly-appointed and hopefully soon-to-be-accredited Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon addressed that austere body of deliberations where he noted that a trend has existed in Israel “since President Abbas made his hate-filled speech (last month) and outrageously claimed that the Jews desecrate the Temple Mount with their ‘dirty feet,’ we have seen a sharp increase in violence against Israeli civilians.” Let’s allow Ambassador Danon to present his delivered short and concise speech himself in the video below as it is always better to see it for oneself.





“We don’t need another general meeting about the situation in the Middle East. What we do need is for this council to convene a meeting on the dangerous incitement led by President Abbas,” was the opener and what an opener that was; let us give Ambassador Danon his due credit. As stated as the main course right before the telltale visual aid employed by Ambassador Danon, he stated, “On Monday, a Palestinian boy attacked an Israeli boy who was riding his bike, stabbing him no less than 15 times. Let me repeat: 15 times! The victim is still hospitalized in critical condition. Ask yourselves, why would a 13-year-old boy decide to go on a stabbing spree and try to take another boy’s life? The answer is that such acts of terror do not occur in a vacuum. When a Palestinian child turns on a TV, he doesn’t see Barney or Donald Duck, he sees murderers portrayed as heroes. When he opens a textbook, he doesn’t learn about math and science, he’s being taught to hate.” Then he sprang an example of what he spoke about just so there would be no confusion, that visual aid is picture below.



Danny Danon Speech and Visual Aid Used to Display the Propaganda Fed Arab Palestinian Children Day In and Day Out Teaching Hatreds and Religious Intolerance Instead of Peace or Justice

Danny Danon Speech and Visual Aid Used to Display the Propaganda
Fed Arab Palestinian Children Day In and Day Out Teaching Hatreds and Religious
Intolerance Instead of Peace or Justice



Ambassador Danny Danon continued with his speech which included this well placed truth for the United Nations to think about realigning their glare at the real sources of destruction, the destroyers of all that is holy presenting in his own words, “What we do need is for this council to convene a meeting on the dangerous incitement led by President Abbas. Babies, children, men and women are being targeted every day. Israelis are being stabbed, bombed, run-over and stoned, yet this council remains silent.


Even here in Israel we have our media sympathizers such as Hadas Shteif, a senior police correspondent for Army Radio, who expressed her being ill at ease that the authorities have not been concerned as she has when she Tweeted, “The ease with which officers and civilians shoot terrorists is troubling. They come to murder but most of them are children. We must calm things down and calm down. It’s spilling over also into the criminal field. It feels bad. Troubling.”


Fortunately there were a couple of following Tweets commenting and challenging Hadas Shteif’s emotion filled rant against the sanity of stopping the destroyers while they are in the act of stabbing and murdering everybody in their vicinity, perhaps for them to receive psychological treatment instead of shock therapy currently being provided. The initial tweet we reference was by Nehemia Gershoni, who wrote, “spilling over into the criminal field?! Did you see what happened when they didn’t immediately shoot but tried to neutralize by other means? Besides, the overwhelming majority are adults, check the facts.”


Another Tweet came from David Elbaz, who added “and the ease with which these animals murder Jews doesn’t trouble you. Better that you should feel bad rather than the mother of one of our Jewish brothers.”


The United Nations, international media and news services and numerous others including officials from many national governments all have one thing they demand, and that is for Israel to prevent this killing of Arab Palestinians youths and return to the status quo. By status quo they mean allowing Arab Palestinians to burn down Jewish holy sites, desecrate Jewish tombs, riot assaulting police on the Temple Mount, show understanding for Arab Palestinian rioting in ancient areas of Jerusalem’s Old City and by all means allow their self-expressions which take the form of running over Jews, stabbing Jews, viscously assaulting Jews, throwing large rocks at vehicles driven by Jews, throw cinderblocks and rocks at vehicles driven by Jews, throw firebombs at vehicles, stores and homes of Jews, and generally be allowed to attempt and too often succeed at killing Jews. We would appreciate for the Israeli government and leadership along with religious leaders to present the Arab Palestinian authorities and society with a proposition that the new status quo which will be enforced stringently and with all required energies consists of all peoples being permitted to pray as they feel the urge anywhere within all the lands of Israel, any restriction to open prayers only can apply to the interior of particular houses of worship, freedom of movement on the Temple Mount in particular and all of Israel and to do so in safety and free of threats or fear within all the lands of Israel. Freedom from assault whether by vehicle, stabbing, stoning, shooting or other violence against their person or property within all the lands of Israel and actions of an uncivil nature targeting any individual will be discouraged to the point of official rebuttal equal to the nature and severity of such insult or uncivil action within all the lands of Israel. Finally we would like to define what is meant by all the lands of Israel, by that we mean all of Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Reuben, Simeon, Gad, Ephraim, Manesseh, Benjamin, Dan, Asher and Naphtali. For a reference please note the map below.



Left side map depicts the division of the Promised Land amongst the tribes and right side map compares the modern promised land from the Jordan west to the Mediterranean Sea compared to the maximum of area during King David’s and King Solomon’s reigns.



In all honesty, despite legally being capable of having retained much if not all of the Sinai Peninsula after the Six Day War and all of what Jordan named the West Bank along with the Golan Heights and would not have been required to accept those residing in these areas as now being Israeli citizens but instead granting them resident alien status and nothing more and even requesting those who did not wish such status move returning to within the new borders of their respective nation, be that Egypt, Jordan or Syria; instead Israel has bent over backwards to be obliging and gone further than any other nation would have gone. Does anybody believe that had Egypt conquered half the Negev, the Jordanians all of Jerusalem and part way through the passes to Tel Aviv and Syria one third of the Galilee they would have retuned a single millimeter of the land or allowed the Jews residing there to keep their lands and homes and be eventually granted citizenship? Of course not as they know that if the Jews were fortunate, they would have been forced into a truncated Israel and otherwise would have been tortured and killed down to the last child. The world knows fully well what would happen if the Arabs ever defeated Israel; there would be a second Holocaust right here in the Holy Lands and is also partly why the IDF fights so hard and assures that such a Holocaust will never happen. Why has Israel chosen to act differently? Because Israel is an honorable and civilized nation and the world knows this as well and is partly why they place all the onus for peace on Israel when unless the Arabs choose similarly any compromise is a fool’s game and will only hasten the day when the world gladly mourns the death of Israel under Arab or Iranian assault. So, may our leaders awaken to reality and simply reclaim the entirety of Judea and Samaria and allow the Arabs to remain as resident aliens for as long as they remain nonviolent and if turning to violence they should be deported, end of story.


Beyond the Cusp


August 2, 2013

Syrian Kurds Another Victim of Hate

Just as the Kurds in Iraq were considered as the others and left pretty much on the side of the Sunni-Shiite debate, they were not accepted by either group. They were the perennial outsiders as under Saddam Hussein they were a victimized minority and now under the Iranian aligned Shiites they are those others in the far north. In many ways the Kurds in Iraq are the fortunate amongst the various Kurdish populations as they have successfully carved out their own little fiefdom and have won for themselves a near absolute autonomous region. In Iraq the Kurdish population has the protection of well-armed and well-trained militias and has gained a relative secure and peaceful region with little to fear from either the Sunnis or the Shiites of central and southern Iraq. There only trouble spot has been the occasions when Turkish military executed incursions into northern Iraq in efforts to presumably eradicate Kurdish guerrilla units which were terrorizing Eastern Turkey’s Kurdish regions. The Kurdish areas of Iraq closest to Syria have been providing refuge for Syrian Kurds who have fled the violence of the Syrian conflict.


But there are those Kurds who decided to remain in Syria and fight to hold and protect their areas and allow their fellow Kurds to remain in their homes and communities. These Kurds had ably cleared and protected their northeastern communities and were content to hold on to their areas where the majority of the Kurdish population resided and leave the civil war to the other groups and al-Assad’s military. For the most part the Free Syrian Army, the secular militia, had respected the Kurds leaving them to care for their own and was almost uniquely concentrating on the overthrow of Bashir al-Assad. For much of the two years the Syrian Civil War had raged, the Free Syrian Army and the al-Nusra Front were both concentrating all of their efforts against the Syrian Military and had occasionally coordinated their efforts when it suited both in clearing or liberating a critical area. This has changed over the recent past as the al-Nusra Front merged with al-Qaeda and other Sunni Jihadists who have now decided to impose a Sharia compliant area over which they claim autonomy. This has led to their declaring their intent to fight the Free Syrian Army as well as Bashir al-Assad as both are now considered to be enemies of their ideals for a Sharia state. This has obviously led to a three way civil war with the three separate combatant groups being the Syrian military loyal to al-Assad, the Free Syrian Army, and the al-Nusra Front which has aligned with al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI) with the new alliance assuming the new title of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). As the Free Syrian Army has slowly but inexorably been losing manpower, the ISIS has reached the decision that they no longer pose either a sizeable threat nor do they offer much in the way as an ally assisting in the war against the Syrian military so ISIS has declared hostilities against the Free Syrian Army as well as their efforts against al-Assad.


That leads us to the Kurdish militias and their held area in the northeast of Syria. With recent setbacks for ISIS and gains for the Syrian military, the ISIS found themselves pushed back northward and coming into contact with the Kurdish areas. This quickly became a problem as the ISIS jihadists declared the region to be part of their Sharia state which was opposed by the Kurdish forces. There has been some nasty firefights in the past week with little actual gains by either side. Late Tuesday the Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG) issued a “victory message”, celebrating the liberation’ of Ras al-Ain, in northern Syria. During the fighting between the two groups over the past weeks has actually spilled over the border with Turkey and into the nearby town of Ceylanpinar where a seventeen-year-old Turkish boy was killed and two other people were wounded. That may be about to change as the ISIS jihadists abducted two-hundred Kurdish civilians and is holding them as hostages. The jihadists after taking Tall Aren, a village in Aleppo province, are now laying siege to another village nearby named Tall Hassel. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has reported that the Jihadists have taken two-hundred civilian hostages from the two villages and are demanding the Kurdish forces surrender the area and cease their resistance and comply with their demands. This has led to a call by YPG in a statement quoted by Al Arabiya requesting, “We call on the Kurdish people… to step forward… anyone fit to bear arms should join the ranks of the Committees for the Protection of the Kurdish People (YPG) and to face the assaults of these (jihadist) armed groups.”


A well-known Kurdish politician, Isa Huso, was killed in Qamishli near his place of residence. Commenting on the situation, a Kurdish spokesperson had decried that “Despite our repeated calls to the National Coalition and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) command… to date these parties have failed to take a clear position. It said it was clear that FSA battalions, Al-Nusra Front and ISIS in particular, were coordinating with jihadist groups, adding that these groups and the FSA “have become one side in attacking the Kurdish people.” This grabbing of civilian hostages is presenting a threat to escalate the conflict into a new and unthinkable area. Should these likely terrified Kurdish noncombatants, which includes women and children, be tortured, murdered or otherwise come to harm an international denouncing would be in order. This might be an appropriate time to repair one of the most grievous oversights committed after World War I when the Ottoman Empire was being sliced up into nations replacing the colonial demarcations and no state was set aside for the Kurdish populations which lived mostly in one region which included southeastern Turkey, northeastern Syria, northern Iraq, and northwestern Iran. Perhaps the time for establishing a Kurdish state has arrived. Should such a state be cut from the areas of Kurdish populations, it could be minimized at the eastern and western extremes thus minimizing the amounts of land requested from Turkey and Iran in order to form Kurdistan. The advantage to Turkey and Iran would be an end to the low level but consistent problems ruling over their Kurdish minorities and the friction due to the Kurds being denied a homeland would be resolved and the Kurds would need to surrender any claims to lands beyond the agreeable borders resulting from deliberations. If the world can go to such extents in order to force the formation of a state for the make-believe Palestinian people, then there certainly should be an effort to form a Kurdish state as we know that there was a long and proud Kurdish history. This is obvious as history tells of a commander of one of the most formidable Islamic armies of all time who was a Kurdish man named Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb, more famously known by his westernized name, Saladin. Certainly the descendants of the tribe of Saladin deserve a rightful place within the Islamic lands if any group is found so deserving. On the other hand, after being so unceremoniously ejected from the Holy Lands by Saladin’s army, it is no surprise that European powers would deny his descendants their rightful heritage. Talk about revenge being served cold.


Beyond the Cusp


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