Beyond the Cusp

August 31, 2016

The Bloodletting is About to Strike Election Rhetoric


The combination of Donald Trump’s infamous acceptance of personal attacks against his business acumen and denials about his self-worth in billions of dollars and Hillary Clinton’s lack of real qualifications other than gender and susceptibility to attacks on her integrity, honesty, and dedicated corruption, there will be much muckraking, ridiculing, disparagement and name-calling. Both sides will trade blow for blow, assault for assault, insult for insult, derision for derision and snideness for snideness. The effect of both candidates taking to the low road will simply act to snowball the crudeness and vulgarity of the exchanges until it serves the purpose one side has intended, driving people from voting for either candidate and going shopping at the mall, watching movies at home, cleaning out the garage or even cleaning the gutters and windows; anything to take their minds from the elections due to the disparaging carnage of the campaigns. You want to ask why either candidate would desire forcing people to be so revolted from the nature of the campaigns such that they prefer not voting or voting third party just as long as they are not responsible for electing either candidate as both would appear unacceptable as the leader of the free world. It would be a campaign gone so low that no revulsive act or revolting comment or other conduct beyond the pale would be left out as each candidate tries to out-defame the other with all decorum left long behind. So, why would either candidate take this as their planned campaign strategy? Because one of the candidates will need for the turnout to be as low as can possibly be forced and may be willing to do whatever it takes to reach such a point.


Donald Trump would like to keep diehard Democrats from voting and would desire to have what has been identified as the Trump voters get out and vote. Still, he would not desire for low turnout all the way across the board. Donald Trump may have a core group of voters who would come out to vote for him no matter what, but such voters would make up but a minor set of the public. On the other side, Hillary Clinton is fully supported by the power elite in the Democrat Party and they have core constituencies which would vote for the Democrat candidate regardless of any distraction or detraction. This means in a super low turnout where only the core voters from each camp came out to vote, Hillary Clinton would swamp Donald Trump and coast to possibly the largest Electoral College wipeout even possibly surpassing the Reagan near sweep in his second election to the Presidency. With a depressed turnout of a general and sweeping measurable amount where record low turnout was recorded in every state, Hillary Clinton could conceivably even win in Oklahoma and Texas only losing in Wyoming to Donald Trump. So, we have a reason for taking the election campaign to such a low point that large sectors of the electorate was so revolted by the nature of the campaign they refused to support either candidate. So, that raises the question of whether or not Donald Trump could show the class not to respond in kind to such a berating assault on all levels from an intentional classless campaign by Hillary Clinton. Many claim that he would lack the necessary self-control to resist such attacks.


We have already seen Donald Trump at his worst during most of the republican primary campaign especially in his exchanges with FOX’s Megyn Kelly and the exchanges about the size of his hands in relations to something far more crass and even an attack on the wife of Ted Cruz or about the facial attractiveness of fellow candidate Carly Fiorina. These were definitely Donald Trump at his worse. We can only wonder if we have seen Hillary Clinton at her worst.


Blame Game Starring  Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Blame Game Starring
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump


The problem and main reason that the campaign of Hillary Clinton for President would be going low is because of her lack of a laudable record which she can tout. Her short stint as Senator of New York was about as lacking in highlights as any on record. Her record as Secretary of State is fraught with problems as it brings into the conversation Benghazi, e-mails and the record with Libya and the Arab Spring; all of which her campaign probably would rather avoid. Even her time as First Lady there was her disastrous attempt to secretively fashion a healthcare system which even the Democrats in Congress refused as well as the entire bimbo explosions including Monica Lewinsky who could also be referred to as the “devil in the blue dress.” For those with really good memories for trivia, they may even remember Hillary Clinton making a comment about how she could have settled for staying home and baking cookies as a disparaging remark. Truthfully, Hillary Clinton has more challenge potential than accomplishments in her political history with some definitive explosive mines which if triggered could prove devastating. Many a political advisor had pointed to disparaging Donald Trump as a look at how horrible and distasteful a person Trump is and would be as President and he is completely unmanageable and unpredictable and sell herself as stable by comparison without ever pointing to any qualifications on her side and simply throwing accusations at Trump hoping he explodes and self-destructs. The less reaction the Clinton Campaign elicits out of Donald Trump or his campaign personnel, the more radical and shrill the Clinton campaign and echo-chamber mainstream media will become claiming ever more absurd and insane accusations against Donald Trump. Every last bankruptcy any organization, company or other business interest has ever experienced, every little old lady who may have been evicted to make room for any project which Trump or any related group was involved in and the thousands coming out of the woodwork filing suits against Trump over Trump University false representation and other suits over anything conceivable will be filed hoping to bury Trump under quantity of assaults even if many have absolutely no quality or substance. Everything will be launched at Donald Trump hoping anything sticks while the lawsuits will expose Trump to bad media coverage and hoping to tie him up with so many lawsuits such that he has no time to campaign. The assaults will be ever escalating only to evaporate as soon as Election Day arrives.


Ugly, ugly, ugly, thy cause is Clinton and everything ugly which can be implied, applied, decried or provide to shame candidate Trump claiming his being unfit to hold the office of President. All will be pulled from the deck in order to deflect any and all attention from the suitability of Hillary Clinton holding the office of President. The entire Clinton campaign will be composed around the unsuitability of Donald Trump and some light suitability qualifications pertaining to Hillary and of course the fact that she would be the first woman President, probably her only true qualification, if being the first is something the Americans should use as the singular qualification for President. Rather than beat this dead horse, possibly the only thing that Donald Trump will not be accused of killing, we should just bow aside and let the candidates test one another and see if Donald Trump can remain calm and scripted and how completely out of her mind a calm Donald Trump will send one Hillary Clinton and how the media will blame her meltdown on Donald Trump’s misogynistic tendencies.


Beyond the Cusp


July 17, 2016

Turkish Coup Second Guessing Begins


We will hear any number of theories about the “failed coup” in Turkey. Due to any number of uninteresting and technical points such as why was internet left running and why were not more of group ‘a’ through ‘z’ not neutralized at the onset and others and the reasons why it failed or if it was an Erdogan run rouse to allow him to remove even more opposition, the realities are the same. Anybody known to be at all important in any Mustafa Kemal Ataturk associated group would do well to become invisible and leave Turkey by any means necessary. Recep Tayyip Erdogan will use this coup as his license to remove all opposition especially from the upper officer class making his position safe for the foreseeable future. How far he might take things will depend on how assured he is that he holds absolute majority. Erdogan made sure of that with a second election after invalidating one where he would have required a coalition and thus not absolute power. Now Erdogan can use this coup in order to cement all power in the President, change the Constitution so as to prevent any further coup attempts such that the sitting President must be voted down by a majority of the people in an election where he runs unopposed and as long as he wins over any negative votes, the election would be Erdogan or full elections, then he would remain and no elections would be required. As Erdogan is supported by the Muslim Brotherhood he would easily win such a vote by such an amount he would appear to be their savior. He could even declare himself Caliph and by doing so challenge al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State as in the end there can be only one Caliph, surprise, surprise.


We cannot think of any means by which Erdogan could extend his clearing of the senior and mid-level officer corps and possibly even the non-commissioned officer corps of anybody not known to be somebody he knows is reliable thus permitting him at any future point using the military to enforce his views. Say Erdogan was to lose an election. With his current power he could easily claim it to be another insurrection just like the coup and claim deep seated voter manipulation and other irregularities and then have another election six months later after a similar removal of key opponents and viola, a reelected Erdogan. The real question is what can we expect in the coming days and weeks.


The elimination of any and all coup plotters is obvious and even if this was crafted by Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood, there would still be those officers who willingly signed on to the initial plan and who were betrayed. They will pay dearly. Some of the soldiers who may have simply been obeying the orders of higher ranking officers will also be made an example of. The critical question will be how many media types; bloggers and other civilians from within and outside of the government will face punishment. Bear in mind, for most punishment will be execution or life in prison with few getting lesser punishments. Being charged with being on the wrong side of things will be really, really bad as torture for confessions and other names will likely be part of the investigatory methodology. I would not like to be a blogger within Turkey right now as even my small slights against Erdogan would be sufficient and my support of Israel would be sufficient for suspicions, it may be that deep reaching.


Turkey was originally steered away from Islam and more to a secular democratic state with equality by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, as he saw that as the only path to modernity. Any hope whatsoever of Turkey returning to a true democratic society, with equal rights, what Turkey had been since Ataturk gave her their Constitution, is now lost possibly forever. If there is to be hope for Turkey it now rests with Islam having a reformation, something many Quranic scholars and others who study Islam and the Middle East believe is next to impossible. As the situation now exists, Erdogan will be placing Turkey on the express to Sharia. Once Sharia has been installed in a society elections are meaningless as the old Stalin definition of how to hold elections takes over where it does not matter who votes and for what but matters who counts those votes. Elections in Sharia states, if any hold them; can announce their results three weeks before the people go to the polls to vote. Candidates running against strict Islam will be duly watched and scrutiny in such states almost always leads to prison and death or worse, and there is worse.


Anybody who might look to recent events in Egypt and point out that the Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi was overthrown and President Sisi, a brave man who we can only hopes succeeds in his efforts to bring a reformation to Islam allowing it to coexist with other religions and forms of governance, replaced him after a second election in less than a year are hoping against hope. Erdogan has been in power since the early 2000’s and has steadily taken Turkey to the dark side and Sharia. One might ask if I have something against Sharia and the answer is only that it enslaves a population removing all need or ability to question the government as the government is religiously installed by the will of Allah thus questioning the chosen leadership is punishable as is apostasy, death. There is no personal freedom and the Quran becomes the only book to study and the Quran and Hadiths are the beginning and end-all of all knowledge. Any study outside of these requires the approval of an Imam and then can only be pursued so as to serve Allah. Perhaps this is what stirred Winston Churchill to write his scathing commentary on Islam in which he said the following; (The below-quoted passage did appear in The River War when it was first published as a two-volume set in 1899, but the selection was removed when the book was condensed into one volume and republished in 1902.):


Churchill gated stride impugning the morning about to tackle the world and all its problems

Churchill gated stride impugning the morning about to tackle the world and all its problems


How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or.


A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.


Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.


We can only hope and pray that such does not befall Turkey as it has modern cities and a well developed intelligent urban communities. The rural areas of Turkey are less developed and in some locations literally still living as they had hundreds of years past. It is in these rural areas where Islam rules their everyday activities and where Sharia is not an imposition, it is their way. Turkey has a population fairly balanced between these two societies with a slight edge towards the urban communities. The difficulty extends from the strong minority of urban citizens who are first generation and remain firmly attached to their Islamic roots. Had Turkey not had the rise of Erdogan and the regimentation and collective awakening brought on by concerted efforts by the Muslim Brotherhood, within the coming century Turkey would have crossed the threshold never to turn back and easily merged with the developed world. This may still come to fruition as the urban population continues to gain and with time perhaps a majority will find an Islamically acceptable leader who still believes firmly in Islam but, like President Sisi of Egypt, desires not to have Turkey pose a direct threat to the non-Islamic world but rather join and forge a new and more acceptive Islam. As things in Islam now stand there can be only one of three outcomes; Islam is defeated and expunged from the face of the earth, Islam conquers all the nations forming a world Caliphate which becomes Allah only knows, or Islam goes through a reformation and declares the Mecca Quranic writings as superseding the Medina Quranic writings (click for a brief explanation of the differences and reasons with links provided by other readers in the comments). Odd as it may seem, that is all that is required for Islam to become as any other religion preaching acceptance and coexistence. The sticking point is that at some point, many claim stated by Mohammad just before he died while others claim this was added at a later date to cement Islam as a religion of conquest, is one of the final Surah states that the Medina verses, the later verses, supersede the Mecca verses, the earlier verses. As with all too many things, time will tell and we can only hope our prayers are favorably received by Hashem.


Beyond the Cusp


April 19, 2016

Suicide Bus Bombing Returns


An Egged bus this Monday was viciously bombed in Jerusalem leaving at least sixteen wounded, with the inclusion of one very critically and two seriously wounded amongst those struck. The initial police investigating the scene reported they suspected the explosion was a terror attack but that report was quickly silenced replaced with a more cautious report simply claiming a bus had exploded with the source being unknown and a second nearby bus which held whatever it was that exploded (see pictures below with captions linked to their supporting articles). Doctors reporting on the injuries their patients had suffered removed all doubt in our eyes, and eventually law enforcement came around as well to the knowing this had been a terrorist bombing and likely an attempted or successful suicidal homicide bombing. Many of the patients had the telltale wounds caused by flying nuts, bolts, screws and nails which had apparently been packed within the explosives. Such wounds do not occur naturally even when the object of the explosion was a bus. The busses contain more rivets than nuts, bolts and screws; and they never contain nails as part of their construction. One of the physicians treating the patients from the attack was quoted stating, “Some of the wounds of the victims who arrived to us are from nails and bolts that penetrated their bodies. It gives the impression of wounds from a terror attack.” The two buses were destroyed in the ensuing fires and a civilian vehicle was also damaged. Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations have praised this still potentially deadly bombing as the most grievously wounded are still not out from danger.



Two Egged Buses on Fire Resulting From a Suicidal Homicide BombingTwo Egged Buses on Fire Resulting
From a Suicidal Homicide Bombing



The attack could have resulted in far more injuries had not the bus adjacent to the bus with the bomb on it being emptied before it caught fire and fire consumed it relatively slowly. This latest escalation of the assaults upon civilians comes amidst a terror wave starting back middle to late September and has claimed thirty-four innocent victims’ lives and wounded hundreds upon hundreds physically and one can only guess at the thousand who have suffered psychological trauma or emotional stresses with any number of which requiring treatment and rehabilitative services. Often the thoughts do not go beyond those whose blood spilled from wounds of varying nature and tend to ignore the other injuries which often strike just as deep as the nuts, bolts, nails and screws often dipped in strychnine or other poisons in order to maximize the injuries and traumas to the bodies of their victims. One has not received reports indicating such yet in this most recent attack but often the full effects of such poisoning do not fully show until a day or more later. Most of the injuries were suffered on the one bus which had passengers and the private vehicle whose injured are somewhat lost due to the greater magnitude of injuries in the bus. The second bus was empty of passengers but is still a doubling of the damages to the Egged Bus Company and their insurers. The advantage to the reports finally proving to have been a terror bombing is it enables the victims to avail themselves of government funds to pay for all care not otherwise covered and even permits insurers to file complaints of losses.



Remains of the First Bus Which Caught Fire in the ExplosionRemains of the First Bus Which Caught Fire in the Explosion


Minister of the Knesset (MK) Bezalel Smotrich called upon Netanyahu to cancel the planned withdrawal of IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) forces from Palestinian Authority Area A as we reported yesterday in our article Netanyahu’s Risky Response to World Threats cited Monday’s bus bombing as “a reminder” of what could happen. Furthermore, MK Bezalel Smotrich stated “Anyone who needed a reminder of what would happen if the IDF will stop operating in the major Arab cities in Judea and Samaria got {it} today. It was fourteen years ago that the Park Hotel was attacked during the Passover Seder; that terrible terror attack that came after a long period of {deadly terror assaults} in which one-thousand people were killed and it was that {bombing} that led to Operation Defensive Shield, and from then on the IDF took back responsibility for ensuring the safety of Israeli citizens.” It truly was the Park Hotel Seder which so outraged Israelis as the victims were mostly older Israelis and resultant deaths with some being Holocaust survivors and to have them die in such a horrific attack upon Jews simply because they were Jews was a doubling of the pain for an entire nations and to others far from the shores of the Mediterranean, the backdrop for such a horrific act of blatant hatreds. MK Smotrich closed stating, “We must never return to the mistakes of Oslo, which cost us so much blood. I call on the Prime Minister to reject the proposal and the concessions [plan] and end the terror [wave] by removing the motivations that have fueled it.”



Burned Out Hulls of Two Busses Completely Gutted by the Ensuing Fire from the Bomb BlastBurned Out Hulls of Two Busses Completely Gutted
by the Ensuing Fire from the Bomb Blast



Israeli President Reuven Rivlin in heartfelt prayers conveyed his sympathies to the victims and their families, relatives, neighbors and friends as well as the nation as a whole, as these acts of violence strike at each of us in their own way, stated, “Our prayers for a speedy recovery go out to those injured in the terror attack, being treated as we speak in hospitals across Jerusalem. On such a day – when thanks to the dedicated work of the security services, this morning the discovery was revealed of a terror tunnel in the south, and in the evening frightened citizens returning from their daily routine are being rushed to hospital {paused, continuing emphatically} it is clear to us all, that the struggle against terrorism is ceaseless. We will pursue and we will reach all those who wish us harm, until quiet is assured.”



Closer Image Showing Burned Bus and Two Private Vehicles Also Caught and Destroyed in the Flames of Terrorist AttackCloser Image Showing Burned Bus and
Two Private Vehicles Also Caught and
Destroyed in the Flames of Terrorist Attack



Revealing their truly hate filled hearts, as empty and blackened as the remains of the buses, the Hamas terror organization approvingly applauded the horrific carnage and bombing of buses and their civilian passengers, riding a known Jerusalem bus route which does not serve any contested areas, stated definitive with awe and praise the bus bombing that it was “the natural response to Israeli crimes, particularly the field executions it conducts, and the assaults on the Al-Aqsa Mosque.” Further and in support of such senseless carnage and taking of even more innocent lives whether through injury eating their spirits the rest of their lives or worse, death as all are not out of the woods yet, Islamic Jihad also justified the attack, presenting their praise claiming that it “delivered the message that the Intifada would continue.”



r Side of Bus and Final Frontal View of Burned Out BusMontage of Fire from a Distance with Inspecting First Bus and Wires and
Destruction of Driver Side of Bus and Final Frontal View of Burned Out Bus


Police reported at the close of their inspections of their efforts yesterday, Monday, stating that an explosive was placed on a number twelve bus line which detonated under or within a bus that was empty of passengers but which led to the wounding of the passengers in an adjacent bus and a private car. They also believed that the person most critically injured was likely the terrorist who set off the explosives as their body was found ripped open nearest the actual bombsite. Daniel Katzenstein, a member of the Psychological-Trauma-Unit for United Hatzalah of Israel speaking to Arutz Sheva informed them of some background tying it to this bus attack referencing that this attack reminded him of the bus attacks of the Second Intifada from between 2000 through 2005 where there were many serious and traumatic bus bombings, many even more damaging and lethal than this particular bombing. He relayed that, “Unfortunately that’s were United Hatzalah gained a great deal of its experience, in responding to bus bombings.” He further expounded explaining that the medical teams began evacuating the wounded, saying, “there were many people who were far too dangerously close to the bus when it was burning. The first task was actually to get them to a safe place and then to begin to treat them.”


Our prayer go out to all affected by this horrific crime against humanity though we advise not holding one’s breath waiting for United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon or President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry to denounce this as a cavernous act of cowardice and as a striking of every person residing in a free and diverse state which are all threatened by such terrorist violence. Additionally, with the discovery of a Hamas tunnel which reached over a mile into Israel and the obvious use of construction material allowed into Gaza for rebuilding of infrastructure and residence for the people being diverted almost completely to the building of terror infiltration tunnels, many of which have collapsed being besides the fact, the misuse should cut off all building supplies into Gaza. The residents of Gaza who are still without places to live and without work as their place of employment has yet to be rebuilt and finding the only work available is to advance the terror goals of Hamas will unfortunately continue to suffer. Such a move will not affect their woes but will prevent further expansion of the Hamas tunnel terrorist infrastructure, the seemingly sole use of every last inch of concrete, rebar and other building materials. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the rest of the terror structure do not care about the people of Gaza which was made obvious through their not permitting them to seek safety in their tunnel system during the conflict, have not permitted the homeless shelter and food in their tunnels reserving such for their youth and supporters and finally did not use their upper-class homes as places from which to fire the rockets into Israel thus tempting return fire destroying their nice mansions while placing the people’s homes and apartment houses, schools, clinics and other needful places and things as legitimate targets once used for launching rockets. One can also almost hear echoing around the globe the howling which would have arisen had Israel targeted only the multi-million dollar and Euro homes of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders and main beneficiaries as that would have been called extrajudicial war crimes which were disproportional as Prime Minister Netanyahu’s house was not struck so why were the leaders of Hamas and Islamic Jihad mansions destroyed. They would have claimed they had no military purpose completely missing the fairness of including their homes as they risked the targeting of the peoples, those they consider lesser people who must sacrifice so they can live luxuriously. This was another war crime committed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad as they only risked the regular people’s homes, their peasants and lessors of their societal importance and structures. This should be the lesson for every Gazan, that ultimately every home and shopping center, school and clinic, workplace and shopping market of the normal working Gazan that will be sacrificed and never rebuilt for as long as they allow Hamas to run their lives and distribute the goodies to their friends and fighters making terrorism the only occupation in Gaza. That is how a nation becomes a true terror state. One need look no further than Gaza to know what a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria would become and thus making it obvious why Israel must always maintain security rights even if that limits the Palestinians to a semi-autonomous statehood and not complete separation and independence as that would result in another failed terrorist state where terror would be the sole industry.


Beyond the Cusp


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