Beyond the Cusp

January 25, 2017

Anti-Semitism’s Israeli Amplifier of Inaction and Timidity

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 War,Act of War,AIPAC,Amalekites,American Israel Public Affairs Committ,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab World,Benyamin Netanyahu,British Mandate,Cabinet,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,EMP Attack,Eretz Yisroel,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Fatah,Federica Mogherini,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Galilee,Hamas,Hezballah,History,International Politics,Intifada,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jenin,Jerusalem,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Judea,Judean Hills,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Likud,Mahmoud Abbas,Muslim World,Muslims,Nationalist Pressures,Netanyahu,Old Testament,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Legislative Committee,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,Peace Treaty,Pentagon,Politicized Findings,President Obama Pessing Freeze,Promised Land,Resolution,Samaria,Secular Interests,Security,Separation Barrier,Shimon Peres,Shin Bet,Shoah,Tel Aviv,Temple Mount,Terror,Torah,Two State Solution,United States State Department,West Bank,World Opinion,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:09 AM
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The existence of anti-Semitism across Europe, Canada, the United States and the rest of the developed world, particularly on college campuses, is growing and will soon be beyond control and spread throughout society. The first waves will soon break out as today’s college students being steeped in anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic programs and virtual pogroms graduate and bring their toxic views into the political world and then the workplace and society as a whole. These indoctrinations are presented as presumed pro-Palestinian protests such as Israel Apartheid Week, mock checkpoints, demonstrations blocking campus access portraying the Israeli security barrier as the modern version of the Berlin Wall or the Warsaw Ghetto Walls as well as faux eviction notices placed on Jewish and pro-Israel students’ dorm rooms claiming their rooms are to be demolished as protest of terror home demolitions and simple, straight out physical intimidation of Jewish and pro-Israel students. For further observations and documentations one can start with these two articles; Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain and Hotbeds of Anti-Semitism in British Academia or use the results from a simple search engine results for anti-Semitism on college campus we performed as a free service to make life easier.


This article is not out to bang the drum which already has been accomplished to the point that a complete percussion section has been added to the anti-Semitism orchestrated noises around the world just covering college campuses and in some cases it spreading to public high schools. This is following a normal progression for many politicized items as has been tracked with other subjects such as global climate change, equal opportunity, affirmative actions, LGBTQ rights and other highly charged political subjects from our modern societies. We will be taking a different tact driving to perceive what is probably the one major change which if taken would help rid the entire developed world from this pernicious evil. We will leave the proof to the links above and what will probably be more than sufficient numbers of articles which are sure to continue to surface. That could change and do so with a rapidity that would astonish the world and could be right around the corner if only some specific events and particular actions taken by some crucially critical people would materialize, but such things are unfortunately not looking ready to occur. So, let’s dive in and see what needs to be shaking.


Anti-Israel Protests

Anti-Israel Protests


One of the first items which everybody a week ago thought was fair accompli and about to happen as soon as all the arrangements were done and ground was broken was the repeated statement once more by a candidate for President of the United States that the American Embassy in Israel would be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Candidate Donald Trump promised, and we quote, “We will move the American Embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” speaking to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in March. Further he stated this important add-on stating, “The Palestinians must come to the table knowing that the bond between the United States and Israel is absolutely, totally unbreakable.” Well, here we are in week one and already the moving of the American Embassy to Jerusalem has gone from we will to a process where ramifications and complications must be weighed and a cost/benefit analysis performed and all the other irrelevant items being spit out all in an effort to say we are going to do the same old same old. We have already heard of Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and other Arab allies having warned the White House of severe repercussions should it proceed with the move. The threats included a threatened review of bilateral relations with both the US and Israel plus warnings of an upsurge in violence should the embassy be relocated. Please do not tell us that the Trump campaign were not aware of these ramifications when they followed the well-worn path of lying to AIPAC knowing full well that they would turn everything over to the State department and Pentagon and either or both would come back with a report warning against such rash actions as they would inflame the world and the ramifications far outweighed any benefit if there could even be an argument that there exists a benefit. Further, they would question the expense and warn that such simply was politically risky should any of the threats of violence be traced to having moved the Embassy, which the State department would warn they would most likely find as the cause of any terrorism targeting American facilities overseas.


So, Trump is not going to be as pro-Israel as advertised, and why should he? Expecting President Trump to be more pro-Israel than Israel is ridiculous, as it should be. We learned this centuries ago and it was most succinctly stated by Rabbi Hillel who wisely asked, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?” When, as we mentioned yesterday, the Israeli Security Cabinet voted unanimously to delay discussion on any law annexing Maaleh Adumim, can we expect for President Trump to stick his neck out and move the American Embassy to Israel to Jerusalem when the Israelis main decision makers unanimously refused to even consider annexing just a suburb of East Jerusalem? Of course that would be ridiculous. For proof just read Hillel above and it plainly states that step one will always be us being for what we hold dear before we can expect others to act similarly in our interests. Perhaps it would be a good idea to inundate the members of the Knesset’s e-mails with copies of Hillel’s quote followed by a simply Yiddish question, “Nu?” implying to ask what have you done recently which changes anything. Israel acting weak and timid reflects on everything worldwide simply because Israel is the exemplary representation of Jewish pride and strength and of late Israel has shown neither for quite some time.


When Israel acts decisively and boldly projects strength and confidence taking whatever steps necessary to protect their people and the future of the Jewish State, it becomes reflected in the actions by Jews in the world and affects the way Jews are treated. When Israel demands respect as she did during the first half of her brief history, the world respected the Jews and allowed for Jews to be proud and live holding their heads high. As Israel has mired herself and given concession after concession with nothing to show for any of it as the land for peace more represented land for terrorism and Israel appeared weak and Jews started to wear long faces and are soon, if not already, hang their heads and shuffle along giving once again the image of the Jew ready to be kicked and ill-regarded. The ghetto Jews, as it had been called throughout much of modern history, was again the view. The Jews were those people who are to be blamed for all the ills in the world, all the wars, all the hatreds, all the destitution, all of any and every evil imaginable and the Jew could be kicked and spat upon and they would shuffle off accepting any scorn. This persona has become accepted on all too many college and university campuses in the developed world. As Israel is demeaned and seen as threatened and not really taking actions to protect themselves, this places the Jews across the world in jeopardy of attack and other forms of anti-Semitism. These acts have already made numerous cities across Europe actually dangerous to Jews to even so threatening that, as in Malmo, most of the Jews are packing up and departing. The numbers of Jews making Aliyah from France this past year was the highest since the end of World War II and many times the average for any year in the past half century. Further, the Arab world is using their oil wealth to finance those NGOs who coordinate numerous campus groups in anti-Israel and anti-Zionist programs with very obvious and well-coordinated demonstrations and events demeaning Israel and Zionism and by an extension anti-Semitism as many times these actions also lead to direct targeting of the Jews on the campus sometimes placing their lives and health in danger.


As noted in the articles linked above, there are campuses in Britain where Jews do not even apply as the atmosphere is that toxic. This is a direct result of Israeli passive resistance to terrorism and apparent trepidation to acting boldly to suppress those acting against her. This has to end but for that to come to pass Israel will need to elect a far more active and bold leadership. This can be done but first an election is necessary and the Israeli Zionists and related activists will need find and promote someone to lead one of the existing parties and then support that party with sufficient votes that they either are the party making the coalition or be the main partner in a coalition with sufficient influence to force definitive action. The United States election set in place an opportunity of a lifetime. The election of Donald Trump as President and the fact that for the first time in memory the House of Representatives, the Senate, the White House and soon even the United States Supreme Court will be Republican or conservative making support for Israel, especially as a fair percentage of Democrats in Congress also support Israel, a given, freeing Israel to act without any ramifications from Washington. This is a situation which has not been seen since the founding of the modern state of Israel and may never return again should it disappear in the next election, a certain possibility as the opponents to President Trump will throw everything they have to at least take back the House of Representatives if not also the Senate. There are no guarantees in American politics but the stars and planets have aligned along with the Congress and White House to favor a bold and take-action Israel, now all that is necessary is leadership willing to take action which will define the state of Israel and the state of Israeli politics for the foreseeable future.


The unfortunate unanimous vote by the Prime Minister’s Security Cabinet to delay considerations on annexing Maaleh Adumim must be laid in the lap of Prime Minister Netanyahu as well as any leaders of the presumed Zionist and Religious Zionist parties who are represented in the Security Cabinet such as Naftali Bennet. There can be no excuse other than fear of retributions from European nations who are acting with ill will already towards Israel and also allowing similar disregards for their Jewish citizens throughout their college and university communities and even in many cities and towns. The BDS movement is making strides thanks to the recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2334 which was facilitated by President Obama who had been rumored was personally involved along with his Secretary of State John Kerry as a means of tying incoming President Trump’s hands in dealing with Israel and in the Middle East. The best way to counter the disastrous implications of that UNSC Resolution is strong and defined actions performed as an in your face Israeli response. The UNSC will not be following up and passing any similar or other damaging resolution against Israel as President Trump will reinstate the American veto of such damaging resolution in the UNSC. The message must be delivered to the Knesset that the irons are hot and it is time to put the hammer to anvil and beat out a favorable fait accompli. The time to annex not only Maaleh Adumim, but Bet El, Ariel, Betar Illit, Modi’in Illit, Har Gilo, Gush Etzion at the least and all of Judea and Samaria returning the PLO, Fatah, and all other terrorist affiliated persons to Tunis or wherever in Europe they would be welcome and give the Arab Palestinians their first hopes for a bright and unencumbered future free of the kleptocracy which has stolen all hope from them for the past near quarter of a century. Will the world, particularly Europe, explode in indignation? Probably, but ride out their initial explosion and with time they will tire of complaining and when things here in Israel settle and the Arabs are slowly but surely incorporated into Israeli society and their lives improve immeasurably, there will be less and less reason to protest eventually leaving no reasons to protest. The future with a secure Israel, and this should be the sole consideration of the Knesset, is with Israel with all the lands promised us between the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and not sharing it with any terrorist nest guaranteed to feed the world’s need to hate Israel, and by equal measure hate Jews. Israel could do more to guarantee her future and destroy anti-Semitism by simply annexing all of Judea and Samaria, removing those who would continue being a menace and reward those Arabs who desire living in peace with equality and security for all. By acting to assure Israel’s future and boldly protecting Israel, Israel would herself be combatting anti-Semitism in the world with better efficiency than any other actions could dream of accomplishing. The first question is can Netanyahu act or is he so damaged by the strains of leadership that he is no longer capable of acting definitively and securing the Israeli future? The last question is are the Zionist Israelis organized enough to start and continue programs and demonstrations demanding that the Knesset and the Prime Minister with his Security Cabinet act definitively with a minimum of delay as time is precious, and if we might repeat Rabbi Hillel, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I? And if not now, when?”


Beyond the Cusp 


February 28, 2016

American Mainstream Jews and Israel Has the Love Waned?


American mainstream Jews’ love affair with Israel has all but died, but it ain’t over yet. Just as in Europe where its Jews had all but turned their backs completely on Israel as there were more important and pressing things that mattered and anyway, loving Israel when all around you are critical and demanding you back-up their views in order to fit in, well, you know. And Israel with its resorting to the sword at any little provocation because, after all, those rockets almost never hit anything vital and the people were mostly safe, at least that is what their friends in Tel Aviv had told them. And the terrorism was mostly aimed at those crazy Jews, the settler people who lived the bible. Now Europe has changed and its Jews are rapidly changing their tune as well. They are coming home in droves compared to ten years ago. These droves will appear as but a light drizzle when the floodgates open and the European Jews come forth returning to their true home as fast as their arrangements will carry them. Towards the end of Judaism in Europe, something the European elite feel cannot happen fast enough, there will be a flood and selling their holdings back home will not even slow them, many leaving that to a real estate broker who they hope does not cheat them too badly. The end of Judaism in Europe will be the final specter over a soon dead Europe as the new owners take to their voting booths and install the exact same theocratic, dictatorial governance they fled dumping democracy because that is not how the Sharia works, the Imams take over and they decide what is best for every last person and their demands are final. This will be the final chapter in Europe as a result of throwing off all religious observance and then even the pretense of Christianity and soon thereafter they will be wondering what was happening as the last vestiges of Judeo-Christian society and all of its niceties fade as a crescent moon rises triumphantly over Europe.


The final flood of Old Europe will make that voyage to Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, anywhere where the old customs still flicker. Perhaps when they reach the shores of North America they will realize their lost religions and rededicate themselves and even mean it. Their stories about the end in Europe might even wake up the masses in the United States though it is doubtful. As the economy in Europe fails, just as the economies in the Middle East and North Africa had failed before, and the population continues to grow as that is the directive of the Imam and the reason polygamy was prized by the Imams in times past, it produced the maximum numbers of children and the majority of the men would find themselves without a wife as the wealthy and positioned each has four wives, some secretively even more as their concubines leaving the one hope for marriage as the spoils of war and conquest. A large share even found they enjoyed the thrill of war and became savage killing machines and Islam prospered through conquest always gathering more wealth as the former rulers across the path of North Africa and the western and eastern edges of Europe slowed and eventually turned back the tide of Islam which became the Ottoman Empire, appeared to have lost their lusting’s for conquest and settled down to a few centuries rest before the house of cards fell during World War I. The centuries of Islamic foreign dictatorial rule ended and the mere decades of European and Christian conquest which largely modernized the large cities where the Europeans were initially met with small bands of resistance and the majority enjoyed the new wealth and modernization which came behind the Europeans. Eventually the small bands became large bands and remaining was not worth the efforts and after World War II the idea of colonialism had died. The retreat of the Europeans gave way to the rule of dictators mostly installed as the Europeans set governances up which would permit their access to the raw materials and other requirements such as the oil of the Arabian Peninsula which remained in foreign hands until the late 1950s and through the early 1960s as one nation after another overtook the oil fields and a weakened Europe simply cried foul and then were not interested in enforcing their will into foreign venture. So, the Europeans came, modernized while setting in place technology for the extraction of raw materials for which the Europeans had some use. They tired far faster than their Islamic predecessors and returned to their familiar shores in Europe and Britain. The locals federalized these assets the Europeans desired and continued selling them to the Europeans and their forces of funding which allowed the rulers to purchase modern weapons with which to firmly entrench themselves with the backing of the Europeans.


This remained the situation with the occasional coup replacing one dictator for another while nothing really changed and Europe remained fat and happy. This was not the case in the United States which though having a lesser interest in raw materials, other than oil for keeping the economy humming along, they demanded maintained blocking mechanisms such as Turkey and their holding both shores of the Bosphorus Straits through which the Soviet Union Navy had to pass to reach the Mediterranean Sea and thus the Atlantic Ocean. All this was occurring while a sea of change in Jewish identity was also progressing. Zionism had been rekindled and Jews sought to return home to Eretz Yisroel, to Israel. This drive preceded World War I but became possible due to the fall of the Ottoman Empire. What must be noted is that Jews had already began to return to Israel before World War I and had set up their communities which introduced modern farming techniques and introduced new wealth and opportunity in the area attracting Arabs to also move to take advantage of an actual economy. After World War I the Europeans seeing a way with which to rid themselves of the incessant demands of the Zionists and at the San Remo Conference where the Balfour Declaration into the Conference final documents which were further finalized and made international law with the acceptance by all parties involved including any Arab representation at the Treaty of Sèvres which was enacted within and superceding by theTreaty of Lausanne. The inclusion of the Mandate System which would eventually lead to a Jewish State, the nation of Israel, which unlike the other nations, exactly as Lebanon, Syria and Jordan which were all birthed, Syria had existed previously but this could have been called the new Syria as it was more the name taken from the Ottoman name to the region, just as the British mandate was over the former province of Palestine so it took that name, was being established as a new and recognized State and not a colony as once released it was freed of European rule making it more like the colonial holdings when they eventually threw off the yoke of European rule. Simply put, Israel was a colony, not a colonizer. Israel was not a purely European venture as it also had a large percentage of Jews who were not from Europe and that percentage grew rapidly in the initial ten to fifteen years of Israeli existence.


That brings us to the world of today after another World War, the European thumb lifted off the Middle East and Northern Africa and beyond setting numerous developing nations free. This included the final ending of the colonization of the lands of Israel setting her borders as the Mediterranean Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, the nation of Lebanon and the Jordan River to the east. Those borders are being blurred and erased by, of all people, the Europeans who should have no business in Israeli affairs beyond assisting with any agreement and not the financing the illegal building of settlements in Area C as set in the Oslo Accords, but when it comes to Europe what is a little item like the entire validity of the reference to another separate state taken out of Israel’s hide. After all, did not the United States with added pressures from the European Union and many of its member States and the United Nations with a large assistance from the Arab League force Israel from Gaza presumably given over to the Arab run Palestinian Authority (PA) who in turn lost it in a coup to the terrorist organization Hamas? What does it matter that the PA lost control of the lands within the first half of the decade after receiving it from Israel and would likely lose the remainder to the Islamic State leading to an inevitability of a major war between Israel and the Islamic State. Perhaps this is President Obama’s actual secret plan to get the Islamic State removed from its Middle East component and showing them to be weak thus destroying their credibility. With the European powers out of North Africa and the Middle East thus ending their colonial rule across the region, still, Israel remained and had joined the nations of the Middle East after its colonizing power, Great Britain, finally packed up and went home. That Israel too had been held as a colony by the British and had fought the colonizing power in order to receive their independence at an even later date than had most, if not all, of the others.


So that brings us to the final question, why is Israel referred to as a colonizing power? That can be answered in three distinct and observable steps. The first is the discounting of the Arab population within Israel and their relative freedom and equality to their Jewish counterparts. What about the lack of freedom of the Arab Palestinians? Are they not colonized? No, they are not colonized but a sizeable number were forced to move into the region when Jordan illegally held the lands they called the West Bank which they conquered during the 1948-9 War to Eradicate the Jews and Israel. The Israelis claim they won that war as they survived while the Arab and Muslim powers claim it as a partial victory because they gained land and it ftr their new idea of eliminating Israel in stages. Their next genocidal attack meant to push the Jews into the sea fell somewhat short as they had lost the lands gained from the 1948-9 War in the June 1967 Six Day War which left Israel back to their Jordan River border, gained and annexed the Golan Heights, gained and returned the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula which is an area vastly larger than Israel itself. The 1973 Yom Kippur War left the borders exactly as they were after Israel agreed to return the lands she had gained in that conflict. When making their peace with Egypt, Israel returned the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula. A subsequent peace treaty with Jordan returned the occupied areas of Judea and Samaria to Israel. This is what led soon thereafter to the claims that the lands which Jordan had occupied and lost/returned to Israel plus the lands the “colonial power Israel had stolen in 1948” be returned to Arab rule under the name of Palestine. This was where the label of colonizing power Israel began and was given world-wide acceptance. This was latched onto by the Europeans as it lifted any accusations that they had colonized that area of the Middle East as it was Israel imposing colonial occupations.


Then there was the super power status Israel gained through advancing her economy from a mostly agrarian economy to one of the best hi-tech start-up nations realized and noted as the leader in many areas in these fields. This tied the Israeli economy to be based on production and as an equal against the Europeans and having a democratic government where the democracy functions and is not a sham which elects the people in power back into those same positions. This difference makes Israel also appear more European if not actually American thus they must be from another place to have these great economic and technical excellence, thus Israel must be a colonizing influence. The final one is the easiest as it takes almost no explanation. The Palestinians, as noted above, have sold a willing world on the idea that Israel has stolen their lands despite the fact that proves the influx of Arabs coincided with the improving technology and economic engines churning out opportunities. But when the Arabs were returned to Yasser Arafat rule they returned to their dictatorial manner simply allowing him and Mahmoud Abbas to take as much of the world’s generous funding as they could get away with. This led to an entrapped Arab Palestinian culture where elections were no longer held and it was Abbas who refused as fear he would not be able to control them and Hamas or worse might defeat him and that would end his comfortable position lording over the peasant Palestinians while blaming Israel for every shortcoming and the Israeli colonization of the Arab Palestinians. This has been accepted in the United Nations due to rabid anti-Semitism, accepted in the European Union and amplified in many individual nations all riding on a sea of anti-Semitism. Much of the rest of the world has been shown to harbor anti-Semitic ideas and views simply because the first world media set the tone for the debate and much of it denounces Israel as a Jewish oppression of the Arab Palestinians and presents the story with a good stoking of anti-Semitism.



Jewish Section of European Cemetery Emblazoned with Swastikas Painted on Every Last Jewish Gravestone

Jewish Section of European Cemetery
Emblazoned with Swastikas Painted
on Every Last Jewish Gravestone



That leaves the United States where the claim is they are free of anti-Semitism, they only hold that Israeli policies are on an errant track. Israel, it is claimed, relies too heavily on the sword using it to victimize the Arabs who are only aiming rockets at Israel in volleys totaling over one-hundred per day before Israel acts. Who could call that excessive use and reliance on force? Well, there is one who is amongst the founders of the NGO named J-Street, a self-proclaimed pro-Israel while also pro-Peace, pro-Human Rights and other warm catch phrased opinions just so loved as you go further and further to the leftist extremes where all must yield to multi-cultural ideals which have worked so well in Europe. Hint, the Europe they envision remains intact and unthreatened as it was 1920s on La Rive Gauche with the famed artists and author/poets of the day lounging in decadent Paris, all so sophisticated and correct in language and style, carrying themselves with that particular aristocratic style, oh, all was and could be so again if only we were allowed to rule the world, the universe itself. But of course the problem is, as always, Jews messing things up, namely those Israeli boors. Their unsophisticated uses of force, if they would only compromise and give the Palestinians what they want, demand. Perhaps a short video showing that founding member of J-Street in an interview, a short except will clarify everything as if a picture equals a thousand words, a video must equal a gazillion words.





Yes, you heard him correctly, Israel defending herself bad, dissolving Israel good, Jews being nationless with nowhere to go when the tides reach the United States and then as things change inalterably they will cry, “It can’t happen here.” These self-defeating Jews will hold on to their copy of the First Amendment while shunning the entirety of the Second Amendment and then wonder how they ended up in a camp just for Jews. They will go to their deaths condemning Israel claiming, “If only those Jews, the Israeli ones, if only they had put down their swords then none of this would have happened.” All they needed do was fall on their sword for the good of the secular Jews who were so worldly and above it all sophisticated. “It can’t happen here.” Oft followed by, “What, move along? Hey, no need to scream, I heard you, I’m moving, I’m moving. How did we end up here?” Yet still they will claim this is different than before, they won’t be executing us, no, they cannot just murder us, after all, it can’t happen here.” For all too many they will be facing a line of men with machine guns and asked if they wish a hood over their head, and they will reply, “No, what for, you can’t do this.” When asked why such can’t happen when it is obviously happening, they will exclaim with their last breath, “It can’t happen here.” They believe that anti-Semitism is dead but it is alive and well and entrenching itself since the 1960s and 1970s in the worst place, the universities. It has been creeping into the military and will march its way into every profession and they will all be comfortable in their anti-Semitism. That does not mean they will actively persecute the Jew but when the government moves to mark Jewish goods into classifications of good Israel vs. bad Israel the first step has been taken. The European Union enacted such a procedure and will now get each nation to comply and a response came from the United States where they said we can do so as well and our law over this is an old promise made into law under State Department pressures in the 1990s. We just needed to write a prescribed regulation and done, it may as well be our first step, but that first step was taken long ago even before the destruction of the World Trade Center.



Start of Anti-Semitism Within the United States Came Before the World Trade Center Destruction As Well as Before Sirhan Sirhan Assassinated Robert Kennedy Way Before the Refusal to Disembark the Jews on the SS St Louis Well Before You or I Walked the Earth As it Was Sewn into the First Flag Unknowingly As Anti-Semitism Then Was the Normal Thing To Do

Start of Anti-Semitism Within the United States
Came Before the World Trade Center Destruction
As Well as Before Sirhan Sirhan Assassinated Robert Kennedy
Way Before the Refusal to Disembark the Jews on the SS St Louis
Well Before You or I Walked the Earth
As it Was Sewn into the First Flag Unknowingly
As Anti-Semitism Then Was the Normal Thing To Do



It was well before Israel from Gaza, even before it was withheld that Sirhan Sirhan who murdered Robert Kennedy was a self-proclaimed Palestinian Arab from Lebanon and he murdered Robert Kennedy because Kennedy was too pro-Israel. It was all in his confession but redacted for years. It was not when the United States placed an arms embargo on Israel in 1948-9 when she needed arms to survive. Czechoslovakia provided the lion’s share. It might have been when the United States refused to take in Jews trying to escape the Nazi extermination camps or the steamer the St. Louis with her nine-hundred-thirty plus Jews refused entry to the United States. Perhaps those were the initial sign as I have a feeling anti-Semitism was sewn into the first American flag as the seeds were there waiting to sprout and sooner or later they were going to grow, and they did. It was those who in sermons blamed the Jews for everything, of from economic difficulty to the murder of Jesus, the reasons are from antiquity with embellishments that are modern but it is and always will be and that is the reason for Israel being vital as without Jews there can be no salvation in the Judeo-Christian World. It is that simple and to my fellow Jews speaking ill of Israel, be careful what you wish for as Hashem will make your words choke in your throat some day and that will come when you realize how much you need an Israel because, for you, it can happen here or anywhere, and when you finally see that you will beg Israel to accept you.


Beyond the Cusp


April 7, 2015

Historic Lessons and Future Nuclear War

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,Absolutism,Act of War,Administration,Advanced Weapions Systems,Alexander the Great,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab World,Arabs,Armed Services,Army,Attack,Ayatollahs,Barbarian Forces,Benyamin Netanyahu,Biological Weapons,Blood Libel,Borders,Breakout Point,Britain,Cairo Speech,Calaphate,Chemical Weapons,China,Civil War,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Covert Actions,Coverup,Ditherer in Chief,Domestic NGOs,East Jerusalem,Egypt,EMP Device,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Fatah,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,France,Germany,Government,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hassan Rowhani,Hate,Hezballah,History,Holocaust,Holy Sites,Hudna,Inquisition,International Politics,Intifada,Iran,Iranian Pressure,Islam,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jihad,John Kerry,Jordanian Pressure,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Middle East,Military,Military Advisors,Military Option,Missile Research,Munich Accord of 1938,Muslim World,Muslims,Nuclear Program,Nuclear Proliferation,Nuclear Research,Nuclear Scientist,Nuclear Sites,Nuclear Weapons,Nuclear Weapons,Obama,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,P5+1,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Process,Peace Treaty,Persians,Plutonium Production,Plutonium Production,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,Promised Land,Recognize Israel,Response to Muslim Takeover,Roman Empire,Russia,Scientific Research,Secretary of State,Secular Interests,Shoah,Soldiers,Special Forces,State Department,Taqiyya,Terminal War,Terror,The Twelfth Imam,Threat of War,Tribe,Twelvers,Two State Solution,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Uranium Enrichment,Uranium Enrichment,Warhead Development,Weapons of Mass Destruction,West Bank,WMD,World Opinion,World Pressures,World War I,World War II,World War III,World Without Zionism or America,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:29 AM
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Since before Homo Sapiens first walked the earth there were earlier versions which vied for predominance and if but for a super weapon would have become the earlier predecessors of modern man. We postulate that the first super-weapon was likely the club which began as a simple heavy branch of a tree. This was a vast improvement over the closed fist as it granted greater range and impressive additional force. The club proved to give even greater force than the thrown rock though it did place the wielder closer to the prey and thus in greater danger. These weapons improved but eventually there was to come a divide which separated the two main branches contending, though unknowingly; to eventually produce what would evolve to be modern human beings. One group had a sturdy spear which, like its predecessor the club, relied at fighting at close distance from the prey and the other the thrown spear which had to be balanced and was to be hurled from a safe distance though it required carrying numerous spears into the hunt. When these two competing branches of what might become humankind came into direct competition the elegance of the thrown spear and the speed and stamina it had granted its wielder over those who utilized a thicker thrusting spear which required close order and greater strength which had their society develop greater strength at the cost of speed and stamina, the more advanced throwing spear proved the vital difference.


Through the years of human history there has been constant evolution of weaponry with each successive development resulting in a more effective killing machine and greater casualties in each subsequent war. The development war soon became a battle between defensive protection and the ability to deliver harm. Shields and leather armor was superseded by steel weapons which led to layered armors and eventually stronger metals and eventually plate armor which made the wearer almost invulnerable to any single blow from any weapon of its day. This led to two weapons which changed the path of human history. The first was the crossbow which was capable of piercing even heavy plate mail armor and a weapon specific to the soldiers of the British Isles, the longbow. The first use of the longbow, made possible due to the Yew tree and its particular properties, came onto the battlefield with initial devastating results during the Hundred Years’ War in the battle of Crécy where the French had set their camp beyond range of archers, regular archers whose ranges were well known by all. The British archers setup early the next morning much to the bemusement of the French who continued with the breakfast presumably trading jokes about the crazy British lining up their archers beyond possible range. The surprise followed by the utmost confusion interrupted the French merriment and fine food as the longbows delivered with stunning accuracy matching their astonishing range. The range of the longbow being an advantage was relatively short-lived as this super-weapon was soon copied by every army across Europe but too late to cause surprise as tactics, especially pertaining to the distance from the enemy when establishing campsites.


Human history could be considered as a succession of super weapons and the tactics and next super-weapons to counter them. For years the chariot was the ultimate weapon which was used to the utmost perfection by the Egyptians and later the Persians and the one form of attack for which Alexander the Great specifically trained his infantry in a tactic by which to not only blunt their effectiveness but actually defeat their use completely, even the bladed chariot which spun sword-like blades from each wheel. The chariot eventually became the tank and the arrow the bullet, grenade and the anti-tank rockets. The trireme became the galleon and then the ironclad to the battleship and aircraft carrier. The hot air balloon used to aim artillery eventually led to the biplane which was turned to a machine of war which would become the heavy bomber of World War II and eventually the jet fighters and strategic bombers. These strategic bombers today carry the ultimate weapon man has produced to this day, nuclear weapons. These weapons have been developed to perform precise tasks. These include thermonuclear weapons capable of destroying cities, tactical nuclear weapons useable for total destruction on a scale appropriate for the battlefield, neutron bombs which destroy the living beings while leaving the buildings and all material things completely intact, an Electromagnetic Pulse device which destroys electronic devices with more effective such devices capable of destroying electronic grids on an unimaginable scale, or even the most simple of nuclear weapons such as those which President Obama has promised to prevent Iran from ever obtaining, for as so many say such weapons must never be used. Perhaps we need never use such a phrase when it would be so much more convincing, especially for the United States and its representatives, to say that such weapons must never be permitted to be used ever again and demand that the memory of their initial use be recalled and their horrors understood and perhaps even a bit of contrition might go a long way in proving the honesty of intentions.


The unfortunate reality is that eventually nuclear weapons will fall into or already exist in the wrong hands and they will be utilized as weapons of war once more. They might be implemented as a weapon of last resort to attempt to alter what appears a certain defeat. They might be implemented as the initial weapon in order to produce a level of destruction making any opposition impossible and producing what is hoped will result in an unalterable victory. They might be used solely to alter the areas of a battlefield where defeat appears inevitable or used to replace artillery in paving a clear path for an advance. The inevitable truth is every ultimate weapon has been used in war even despite treaties or agreements. World War I saw the extensive use of nerve agents and poison gas which produced such a horrific toll in human life that it was relegated to the dustbin of history presumably due to treaties reached after the war making their use illegal. There have even been weapons control treaties since then forcing the destruction of stores of chemical and nerve agents. Still, despite the red line threat by United States President Obama, Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad turned to chemical weapons repeatedly ignoring any threats and calling President Obama who backed down sputtering helplessly until Russian President Putin offered a way out which the United states President jumped at and then allowed for Assad to renege on the deal without paying any penalty. There have been laws to war agreed upon by major powers but often only ever observed by one side in most conflicts. Another weapon which saw extended use even to the recent age but has been targeted for elimination by the United Nations and numerous nations are landmines due to their toll of killing civilians even years after the war in which they were utilized had ended. The same is the case for cluster munitions which place bomblets across a wide area often scattering many unexploded munitions which are relatively small but remain deadly even for years after the conflict has ended. These as well have hurt many civilians and often have taken the lives of children most regrettably. There are presumably treaties against the use of weapons of mass destruction which, unsurprisingly, nuclear weapons are the current kings. Still, the treaties are merely pieces of paper and are not the most effective counter to any kind of weapons and especially not against nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.


All of this leads us to the current situation where we have been told that huge amounts of progress have been made and a framework has been constructed for the remainder of the negotiations which will now have June 30 of this year to reach a final agreement. The expectation is that we will believe that the framework is the actual and set in stone agreement of principles from which the rest of the agreement will be fleshed out and the framework will define the end agreement. What the Iranians have agreed is that they provided President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry with their necessary framework which includes everything they had pursued and explained to the Iranians were necessary for them to continue. This was granted to them but the Iranians have little if any intent of continuing to negotiate using the framework as their model and skeleton around which to structure the finished agreement. The Iranians have simply provided President Obama a piece of paper to wave around and claim victory knowing that the end result will have little if anything in common with the framework. The Iranians believe that everything is fungible and the framework is actually made of wet clay and can be remolded and remodeled until it looks exactly what Iran desires or it will be balled up and discarded. President Obama has about as much a framework as British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin had after the 1938 Munich treaty with Germany. There is a great difference between the framework and the Munich treaty, there are a lot more people suspicious and untrusting that any kind of agreement has been defined by this framework and that the June 30 deadline is almost as meaningless as the past deadlines which have been redefined repeatedly thus far. The odds are that just like North Korea, the Iranians have developed and are producing nuclear weapons and readying the necessary missiles including ICBMs on which to mount their warhead. One thing that makes this even more believable is that many in the State Department negotiations team are the same people who made up the negotiating team that negotiated North Korea into being nuclear armed on their watch. The parallels between the two negotiations are astounding where though the locations have changed, there are actually many of the same players.


The thing that needs to be debated is what to do should, or when, it becomes obvious that the Iranians have been negotiating in bad faith and have been developing and building nuclear weapons while giving the IAEA inspectors the runaround and extending negotiations until they are ready for whatever usage they have planned for their nuclear weapons arsenal. This is not because Secretary of State Kerry is intentionally permitting this farce to occur with his being a willing accomplice. He likely believes that he and the team selected are working towards a comprehensive agreement that will prevent the Iranians from developing and building nuclear weapons. Of course there is the possibility that President Obama and those working with the Iranians are all knowingly working a grand deception. Those believing such a conspiracy existing are beyond skeptical and possibly beyond cynical and into the range of conspiracy theorists who find monsters, intrigues, schemings, duplicities and deceits of every nature lurking everywhere in our world and especially in those places where actions by their government and even more so when their government is dealing with other governments and the more governments the more conspiracies they can believe. I envy such people as they live in a world of scheming and intrigues at every turn; it must be fascinating with options beyond calculations. Me, I try to limit myself to one or two conspiracy theories per week as I find enough need for antacids at that level of cunning treacherous inane insanity.


When it comes to the Iranian P5+1 talks we do not need to imagine conspiracies or trickery as there is sufficient reality to keep one’s mind reeling from the levels of absurdity. The Iranian P5+1 talks have been a part of President Obama’s foreign policy where it has been his hope to negotiate a rapprochement with the Mullahs and leadership of Iran bringing them into the light, so to speak, much in the way that Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon pioneered relations with mainland China. Unfortunately for President Obama, unlike China which was seeking a path into the community of nations, Iran has a totally different dream where they lead the newly unified Islamic world of Shiite Muslims into the great conflagration which will bring the return of the Twelfth Imam and the inevitable Islamic universal rule over the Earth forever in unity, peace, tranquility and perfection as defined by the Quran. The newest intrigue came recently when a journalist, who had close ties presumably with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani running the media campaign which many claim was instrumental in his rise to the Presidency, arrive in Lausanne, Switzerland to cover the negotiations surprised the world and sought asylum defecting from Iran. The Journalist named Amir Hossein Motaghi in an interview with an opposition channel from London claiming not to see any sense pursuing the profession of journalist since he only wrote what he was told and not to do honest reporting. But he had far more interesting information, which many immediately jumped upon as convincing evidence of a conspiracy, when he harshly criticized the American role in the talks was solely to convince the other nations of the P5+1, France, Britain, Germany, China and Russia, to accept the Iranian demands in forming the agreement. He also presumably revealed another conspiracy in that a good number of the Iranian negotiating team are reporters dispatched to assure that the only news being reported in Iran meets with the government approval. Hopefully he does not expect that part of his story to shock too many people but his report that the United States is working with Iran and has taken the role of easing the Iranian preferred agreement through the other western nations as Russia and China are not likely to disagree with such wording of an agreement. The proof will come either at the completion of the negotiations in the wording of the final agreement, not even remotely any framework, or when Iran uses a nuclear weapon either in a test or in an actual attack on another nation.


There is one other aspect of the worth of any agreement, and that is the intent of the signatories now and onto future rulers. Should anybody decide to ignore the agreement, either on the Iranian side or a future President of the United States deciding that they are not bound by the agreement, then it dies a quick and merciful death. That is the one item which nobody other than the people in question can answer and that is such a remote probability as to make for some additional conspiracy theories. While I am not privileged to know any of these schemes, I can guess that just as many claim perfidy by President Obama, ignorance by Secretary of State Kerry, and differing levels of deceit and dishonesty. The interesting thing is that there are numerous people, some holding high national offices, who are predicting the inevitability for Iran attaining nuclear weapons despite any agreement which might be signed at the end of the negotiations, should such an end ever come to fruition. That is the biggest problem with these negotiations as the existence of a term which is defined in the writings of the Quran named taqiyya (Arabic: طاقية) which allows Muslims to hide their true intentions when doing so is required to advance conditions facilitating the advance of Islamic policies or to give the individuals and those they represent or function with an advantage by pretense, dissimulation or outright lying. This could potentially make any agreement made with the Iranians worthless in reality if they are able to deceive about their intents and sign anything with the intent of completely ignoring the terms and limitations of that treaty. When you partner in negotiations believes that it is perfectly moral and virtuous to deceive you and conceal their intents and even define items to mean exactly the opposite or mean anything other than your understanding, then the wording of any agreement is worthless. This was the problem with the 1938 Munich agreement which eventually cost Europe the ultimate price, a price they are still reaping the rewards of that mistake. I fear if the negotiations with Iran produce similar results, the world will be unable to hold up under the ramifications of deceit in these talks.


Another word and concept that should be taken into consideration is Hudna (Arabic هدنة) as its definition is vitally important, especially if the Iranians are looking at this as such a treaty, then we know that it can only be expected to apply for a decade at the longest. Perhaps this is why the major stipulations of the framework are set to expire after ten years. If that was the reasoning behind such a limitation, then why was that not mentioned as it would have been the perfect excuse for the limitation. Maybe there are too many coincidences or maybe we are being denied all the pertinent information, but there are too many things which are suspicious about the framework that beg for an explanation to just let things go by without questions being asked and answers given. Maybe we are all becoming too cynical and suspicious leading us to read more into trying to explain things which will be explained as the final agreement is laid out. The last item that is really worth demanding an explanation is why this agreement will be reached and affirmed by a back door to force it on the American public. Having the treaty affirmed by the United Nations and not through Congress does place a dark cloud of suspicion over the deliberations, the seeming near blackout with information being carefully released to the public and all the secrecy just screams for us to look out and demand some of that transparency we were promised when President first ran and won office in 2008 as the lack of same also leads solely to public suspicions. Just this once open the doors and windows and allow the light of day to shine on everything as what do you have to lose as you are in the final two years or is this the final surrender in your plan to remake America and her place in the world. I sure hope this is not a total cover-up for allowing the Iranians to gain nuclear weapons so they can become the world’s hegemonic power in the Middle East, as that has to be one of the worst betrayals of the free world in history. If that is your plan for your legacy, then you will receive a special place in history, the place of the singular President who brought on the final conflagration that Albert Einstein claimed would cause the next war after that to be fought with sticks and stones. I promise you that is not the remembrance you should desire as it will cause the memory of your name to be even worse than that of Benedict Arnold or Guy Fawkes and be the President that sold out the world and all sense and reason simply seeking a legacy. What a legacy that will make.


Beyond the Cusp


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