Beyond the Cusp

December 11, 2018

Let Them Kill Jews


The absolute venomous loathing displayed once more by the United Nations General Assembly, a representative majority of the world’s nations, has again come to the fore in their voting not to sanction the offensive actions launching rockets into Israel by Hamas in the recent violence. The resolution went further than simply Hamas rocket attacks on Israel, including its digging of terror tunnels, and launching of incendiary balloons at Israeli communities destroying thousands of acres of farmlands, forest and protected wilderness preserves in the Gaza envelope. The ninety of nations choosing to stand in disgrace was the result of fifty-seven countries voted against the resolution, and thirty-three countries abstained. This would be the final vote with the United States represented by Nikki Haley who stated emphatically before the vote in a final plea for the General Assembly to do as it had never done before, level charges against those who terrorists who would attack Israeli civilians and use its own people as human shields. This resolution was not so strong as to attempt to take on such charges, it simple wished to condemn the rockets, the incendiary balloons and kites as well as the border rioting.


She stated directing the weakness of the world in this area by stating. “the question before us now is whether the UN considers terrorism is acceptable if it’s directed at Israel. Is the hatred of Israel so strong that you will defend a terrorist organization, one that is harming the Palestinian people? Isn’t it time to let that go? For the sake of peace and the sake of this institution I respectfully urge my colleagues to this resolution.”


The closest thing ever reputed to be said which makes it one-tenth the way to being as callous as this vote was Queen of France Marie Antoinette stating, “Let them eat cake.” Here the General Assembly stated just as callously, “Let them kill Jews.” This is far from the first time that the General Assembly has done such perfidy. It is not even the most recent even rating such a horrific view as they more than outdid themselves in their recent hate-fest in their annual International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. This is simply another of the annual events held regularly by the United Nations and its affiliated agencies in order to vilify, revile, assail, defame, berate and in other ways excuse any and all hatred of Israel and by association, all Jews. The test case for much of this was the Durban I conference which had the noble title of “World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.” The result of this grandly titled confab was a few days of purely hateful bile being regurgitated in the most caustic manner one could conjure in order to express the contemptable detestations they had or had heard about concerning the dastardly deeds which were intolerably conducted by Israel. The reason the reports only lasted a few days was due to even the Western media departing knowing there would be nothing of more to report, this was especially true as the United States and Canada had followed Israel in departing the conference declaring it an unfortunate waste of their time and so sorry what might have been a productive forum to discuss the world and some of its disparities and other ills was instead hijacked by some of the worst transgressors of human rights in order to castigate and defame Israel as the root of any and all ills which have ever befallen mankind. The Durban Conferences have continued to bill themselves as the protector of the rights of the downtrodden and those without a voice while continuing to allow those with very loud voices to continue to defame a nation which speaks softly and allows her actions to speak for her. But this latest vote was one for the books. When it becomes impossible to condemn an internationally recognized terrorist group which weaponizes their own civilians using their deaths as a means of attacking their object of hatred and thus condoning, with the world’s apparent blessings, placing their children and mothers in the line of fire, inviting youth to admire their rocket launchers during conflicts, chaining women to the roofs of buildings vital to their operations, placing their central command bunker in the basement of a large hospital and so many other obvious contrivances to force their despised neighboring nation to risk international condemnation whenever they return fire or target legitimate military targets, then it should become obvious that the United Nations General Assembly has lost virtually every drop of validity in their assumptions of determining right from wrong or being capable of directing their accusations accurately at those who are criminally intent at disregarding the rules of law and civility versus those who portray the highest standards of integrity during engaging hostile forces who do more to entrap them in appearances of breaking the rules of law than in protecting their own people.


Today, having the General Assembly applaud your actions one need only choose their enemy correctly and then anything they do in the cause of destroying their target will be blessed as actions above and beyond all that could be expected of a fighting force while their targets will be reviled as the cruelest and most dastardly people whose choices on the battlefield make the Mongols appear to have been the most benign forces of history. The means for attaining such a protected status comes from attacking the United States or her allies as the second best guarantor, or attacking Israel which gives one gold-star first-rate treatment as forces for the betterment of mankind and for making the world safe for little children. This status will ignore your actions in all other things and provide you cover for such practices as throwing people whose sexual practices of which your guiding book disapproves off of tall buildings, shooting your political opponents in the street without trials, refusing to return the corpses of your enemy unless they release thousands of terrorist prisoners, honor killing of women family members accused of inappropriate behavior (merely accused without proof), vehicular assaults, suicide murdering bombings and standing for the genocidal murder of the entirety of the Jewish People. At the very least, this is also a description of Hamas which the General Assembly just refused to condemn for their policy of assaults on Israel which began towards the end of March of 2018 and continued up through the recent rocket barrage of over four-hundred-sixty rockets in one day and whose violence has returned to the “benign level” of incendiary kites and balloons, assaults on the border fence, explosive devices used to attempt breachings in the border fence, shooting at IDF soldiers, burning thousands of tires to worsen air quality across the border and other forms of aggressions.


We would like to claim that we expect more from the United Nations, but we do not. We duly understand that admission into the United Nations has no real qualifications except that one must not be amongst the more exemplary members of the nations of our Earth. Were Israel to seek entrance to the United Nations these days, her admission would probably be refused. When the body of nations cannot even agree that the digging of tunnels under the border aiming to reach the center of residential towns for the purpose of killing families in their sleep and abducting others to hold for ransom does not constitute acts condemnable by that world body, then the world is definitely on the wrong track and heading for a great wake-up call in the form of a strong knock upside their collective heads. The problem is that these wake-up calls too often take far too many of the decent people we know reside the world over; often it is just the leadership which is to blame. What become a tragedy is when the governance of a region takes charge of the education system and transforms it into a militarizing and radicalizing instrument fomenting hatred to a the point beyond all reason and uses summer camps for field training and weapons mastery, then the result is lost generations and an entirety of a region which has become lost to mankind. The result of such indoctrination is a population who are unable to produce even rudimentary goods and has been molded as an armed extension of the leadership ready to attack whatever group of people they are facing. When people do such to animals, the result is an animal which, due to no fault of its own, must be put down. That is what people do with animals taught to hate people, we attempt deprogramming and kind treatment. We have had some experience with animals with a dangerous side and have had limited success using kindness combined with obvious negative reactions to their violent tendencies. We can only imagine that it would be equally difficult with people, especially if they have also been taught that any kindness is performed merely to gain an advantage over them and to be suspicious and rejecting of all kindness. This is also part of the terrorist training so as to make them more difficult to repatriate into normal society with any real success.


Hamas makes no bones about their intent for Israel. They desire Israel completely destroyed with every last Jew murdered. They train their operatives to believe that every Israeli who does not actively support Hamas need be murdered. But their extremism does not end there. They further insist that they murder every last Jew on the planet and that their vision and variety of Islam be imposed over the world and their leadership to rule over the world. Theirs is a strict taking of the current teachings from the Quran where the world belongs to the Muslims and only the Muslims be permitted to hold power and only Islam be practiced with Allah being the sole deity with every knee bending to Allah. Well, we are unable to even say that such is a nice goal as goals are a good thing for a people to have, as this is not a healthy goal for any people. There is one thing which Hamas holding to this goal, as do Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and a few other Islamic leaders such as the ones from the Islamic State and other terrorist groups, can be used to teach the Western and developed worlds. In these developed civilizations, cooperation is one of the main themes because these nations have given up on the concept of ruling the world. After suffering the Egyptian Empire, Hittite Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Caliphate, Ottoman Empire, Mongol Empire, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, British, Austro-Hungarian, German, Holy Roman and various other Empires, they have realized that ruling the world is quite impossible. They have also concluded that the remainder of the world has reached the same conclusion. That is a false assumption. If only people were able to read translations of the things stated across the Islamic world in Arabic, Farsi or the numerous other languages which the Western media appear incapable of translating instead of relying on the chosen disarming world of peaceful bliss and loving warmth spoken by the same Imams and leaders in English, then they would be aware that there exists a basic belief across Islam that it will conquer the world and all will be made to convert or die and in the end all will worship Allah and follow the directions of their Imams in blissful ignorance. One need know that the qualifications to be an Imam are to be able to quote all or some fair amount of the Quran and produce concepts in such a manner as to gather a following. To be a great Imam one need gather a great following. One of the Imams with the greatest of followings is Sheikh Professor Dr. Yusuf ‘Abdullah al-Qaradawi (Arabic: يوسف عبد الله القرضاوي pictured below), who was banned from Egypt by President Sisi after the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood from rule. He has radio and television presentations as well as sermons on CD’s available throughout much of the world and preaches some of the more violent and hate-filled messages. He has a particular hatred for the Jewish State, the Jewish People and Judaism on particular and has a special hatred from the United States which he depicts as the second greatest threat to Islam. Sorry, our American friends, but Israel apparently is the greatest threat to Islam as well as the world according to Imam al-Qaradawi. He has the number one listened to radio broadcast in the Middle East and across North Africa (MENA) from his residence in Doha, Qatar. He also is the chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars holding a number of degrees purporting his great and deep understanding of Islam. He is a very influential speaker rousing crowds to his banner and being able to say what he believes and have millions be strongly at his side. His teachings could bring the body of Islam to conduct campaigns of war against those he depicts as enemies but he has restrained from making overt demands of his followers to violence. This may be part of the agreement granting him sanctuary after his initial banishment from Egypt. On the other end of Imams who gained a great following are such as Imam Muqtada al-Sadr who led forces against the United States in Iraq, Imam Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi who leads the Islamic State or, going back into history a short distance to remember the man who inspired Mahmoud Abbas and was the mentor for Yasser Arafat, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini who spent World War II in Berlin and in the Balkans organizing two SS divisions out of the Muslims there and persecuting Christians between hobnobbing with the Nazis elites and even having been rumored to have attended the Wannsee Conference where the Final Solution was launched. Yes, for the record, there are Islamic leaders and Imams who call for deradicalization of Islam and teaching the followings of the Mecca Quran over the Median Quran such as President Sisi of Egypt. We discussed the differences and reasoning in our article Which Quran, Mecca or Medina?


Imam Yusuf al-Qaradawi

Imam Yusuf al-Qaradawi


Much of the Western world has at best a scant concept of what exactly Islam means and the beliefs of its over one-and-three-quarter-billion adherents. We will say here that not all followers of Islam interpret everything including the Quran and the Hadiths reaching the same conclusions and there are a fairly significant number of peace-loving Muslims. But if only ten to twenty-five percent of Islam was to be radicalized and willing to commit acts of violence, that would be one-hundred-seventy-five-million to four-hundred-fifty-million people which is twelve to thirty times the total number of Jews in the world today. To put that in greater perspective, that is between one-half to one and one-third times the population of the United States. For the rest of the world, we will allow everyone else the pleasure of doing the math. We are taught that Islam is a religion of peace yet from the year 720 to the year 750 Islam spread from the Arabian Peninsula to threatening India in the east, the Byzantine Empire at Constantinople in the north and Spain from across the Gibraltar Straights in the west making it one of the largest regions under a single ruler in the world. It was this success which molded much of what Islam believes to this day and why they see themselves as perched on the edge of world conquest. That is the current default belief in Islam as they apply Naskh (Arabic نسخ), or abrogation, the replacing of older texts with more recent texts. They explain the corrections being applied to that which Allah preached not as a correction but that as situations change, reality changes and thus what is correct also changes. What is interesting is that once they replaced the peace and coexistence taught in Mecca with conquest and the sword as in Medina, the situation has yet to swing back such that peace and coexistence have returned to being the driving and central themes in Islam. By coddling these beliefs, the world brings upon itself that which it is rewarding. That is the problem with allowing Hamas to wantonly attack Israel simply because the world could not care less that Jews are being slaughtered, or attempted being slaughtered. The world after three-thousand years of lesson that what starts with the Jews seldom ends with the Jews still has not learned that allowing the Jews to be threatened will lead to all being threatened. This time, it is quite possible that it will mean all will be threatened. Iran, the backers of Hamas as well as Hezballah, Bashir al-Assad, the Houthis, Iraq, Hezballah and internationally the IRGC, has developed, despite what the current propaganda meant to lay fears aside, nuclear weapons and is probably but a test or two away from thermonuclear weapons and have developed EMP devices capable of destroying the European electrical grid as well as the North American electrical grid, and the world simply pretends that the threats they make are too grand to be believed. Iran does intend to do whatever they must to become the rulers of all that is left of the world making Shia Islam the dominant, actually only, religion on Earth. Israel has sounded the warning and attempted to tell the world from their permitted platform at the United Nations. The initial problem is that whenever an Israeli speaks at the United Nations, the vast majority of the world takes a prolonged smoke-break. When it comes to the Security Council, Israel is amongst a small list, if not the only nation, to have never held a seat and thus never been permitted a voice. Israel has been excluded from any number of United Nations agencies and an unwelcomed member at much of the rest. There have been areas where Israel has been welcomed such as the agencies which bring agricultural developments, medical developments as well as training and expertise to third world and developing nations particularly in Africa and Asia and now expanding to South America and those areas which permit Israel to assist. Unfortunately, these areas do not include the Arab and most of the Muslim worlds as they claim that Israel only taints that which they touch and never provide anything of assistance. What Iran is willing to do to become the foremost, if not only, power in the world can be measured by what their Supreme Leader has stated they are willing to have happen in order to destroy Israel. The Supreme Leader has stated that even were Israel to be capable of a second strike which would destroy most of Iran, as long as Israel was also destroyed, that price would be worth paying. Further clarification was made when he referred to Israel as a one-bomb nation claiming that with one Iranian bomb, Israel could be destroyed while it would require at least five such weapons to destroy Iran. If the Supreme Leader and Grand Ayatollah is willing to sacrifice his entire nation just to eradicate Israel, does anyone really believe that a deterrent exists which would prevent Iran from the attempted annihilation of any considered their enemy? The time has come to declare that Israel is a nation amongst the community of nations and not going to be erased and that the world need learn to live with one another otherwise we will all soon die together. So choose, do we live together or die together and if it is live together, that must include Israel or how can anybody believe that those willing to sacrifice Israel are not willing to sacrifice everyone else.


Beyond the Cusp


November 13, 2017

Rape, Sexual Harassment and Feminist Hypocrisy


Let us all admit this right up front, Harvey Weinstein was and probably still is a pig and a disgusting one at that. He deserves much of the scorn for his practices and using other human beings as sex objects, toys even. We should also accept that he operated in this fashion in a time when such was more of a common practice than today and was almost alive during times when slaves existed in many places around the globe openly. If we were to be complete honest about this practice, then we should expect to have much, if not most, of Hollywood, producers, major stars and starlets and to be sure, male and female sexual predators alike. But that is simply Hollywood and the sexual harassment and worse produced as matter of fact coin of the realm.


What about one who preached modesty for women, proper behavior and restraint for women, unbecoming clothing to hide the female form all so men would not act like the sexual predatory animals they presumably are and then acted exactly as one of those predatory animals men presumably are? Should the feminist lobby and membership be outraged or understanding as this presumably honorable man has been accused of acting boorishly, committing rape and taking advantage of his position of power and influence in order to take advantage of women who trusted him. The man holds and has held prestigious positions such as a former Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at St Antony’s College, Oxford, and also teaches at the Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford, is a visiting professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar, and the Université Mundiapolis in Morocco plus is also a senior research fellow at Doshisha University in Japan and is a Swiss academic, philosopher and writer. Since the accusations of sexual misconduct have piled up with some of the women unknowns, a few women of stature have also brought accusations that in their youth when they were not accomplished, they had been victims of this illustrious man of religion.


The man in question, as you have all probably recognized already, is Tariq Ramadan, the Islamic Imam extraordinaire of Europe and as much loved and respected by the seculars of Europe as he is by Muslims the world over. The allegations against Tariq Ramadan must be addressed seriously just as they would be inspected with all seriousness were this a cleric of another religion. Imagine how seriously women would be taken if they were to come forward with similar charges against one of the Catholic Bishops or Cardinals claiming that as a priest they had molested and raped these women in their youth or if high clergy of a protestant church or respected Rabbi were accused of these same charges. In any of these cases, the women would be canonized by the Feminist Movement and these Christian or Judaic clergy, religious men would not be permitted an ounce of sympathy and would be held accountable and their accusers believed just as have the charges against Harvey Weinstein. It has taken Oxford University a number of weeks before deciding to influence Tariq Ramadan to take a leave of absence until these matters have been cleared. The basic response in Europe has been to treat him with kid gloves and accuse the women of slander and protest their absurd and contemptible accusations against such a man who stands above reproach.


Islamic Imam Extraordinaire of Europe Tariq Ramadan

Islamic Imam Extraordinaire of Europe Tariq Ramadan


Did we miss the demand that we return to the 1950s or earlier where a woman accusing a man of rape was ridiculed and charged with asking for it or is this a unique case where the person accused is absolved due to their religious orientation granting automatic immunity against such charges. To claim that Tariq Ramadan cannot be held to the same standards as other men is to support the Islamic claim that if a woman was raped, then she deserved it unless she can produce four men to support her claims and were witness to such an act. There would never be four men who would claim to have witnessed such an act as rape and not intervened to prevent such an abhorrent act, thus the women could never produce sufficient witness to uphold her wild accusations. Tariq Ramadan would be dismissed as innocent and his accusers stoned in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and much of the Islamic world. In reality, no woman would dare bring such charges in a Muslim nation, as they would know they were risking their own lives with such an accusation. To bring a charge such as these against a man of the stature and position of Tariq Ramadan would be certain death. Fortunately, these women are in the Western World and thus are not risking their lives, only their reputations.


But will being in the Western World make their accusations any more productive or will they be discarded as foolish women who should have known and expected such treatment from Tariq Ramadan meeting him in a private location without witnesses. They must have known that being alone with a Muslim man would drive his sexual desires beyond his abilities to control his actions. What were they thinking, one meeting him alone in a hotel room, she had to realize that he was inviting her to his own little den of iniquity. Meeting him alone anywhere, his office at Oxford, a meeting room at an Islamic Center, any location unsupervised would simply be an invitation to do with them as he pleased and he pleased to please them, or himself. These were Muslim women and one admitted to meeting him unveiled and wearing close fitting Western clothing which was in fashion, she had to be temporarily insane to agree to meet dressed thusly. These other students, they were likely improperly dressed to be meeting a Muslim man alone in an unobserved and remote location. The Quran warns women not to place themselves around Islamic men in any place or situation where the men might act animalistic as this is a temptation which no man can resist. Tariq Ramadan is being charged with being a man, a normal man under Islamic belief and as such, he could not be expected to withhold his desires and lusts in the presence of such temptresses. Obviously, the officials and public throughout Europe are well versed in all things Islamic and have already reached their verdict, Tariq Ramadan was acting as a man and these women are to blame for his actions against them as they were asking for it. They placed candy before an infantile mind and the child-man simply took the candy, what did they expect. If these women honestly believe that Tariq Ramadan did something untoward to them, maybe they should go back and consider the stress and irresistible temptations they placed before him and the terrible situation they imposed tempting him in such an unholy manner. To have expected anything different than what they received was simply ignorance and after all, would not any women accepting such a meeting with Tariq Ramadan be doing so knowing the result and secretly desiring such an end? We must understand that these women had glanced the beatific aura and rugged handsomeness that was Tariq Ramadan (see image below) and were taken by his radiance as well as the powerful positions he held and importance in the Islamic World, it is no wonder they sought to tempt him so shamelessly.


Tariq Ramadan

Tariq Ramadan


The end of this series of events, or fiasco depending on one’s predisposition, is still something we will need patience to wait and then ascertain. The initial reading of the tea leaves would indicate that Tariq Ramadan will lose some of his sheen but still be considered a radiant and brilliant person above reproach in the finer societies of Europe and for the leftists in the United States. He might lose his position at Oxford but is more likely to be granted a sabbatical to return to somewhere in the Middle East to further his studies only to make a triumphant return in a year to eighteen months. The women will be insisted to be more reserved and to reconsider their charges. Most will be glad to escape this circus intact and not permanently labeled as a woman without morals, as an easy woman. Hopefully, some will stick to their guns and perhaps receive support from some more prominent women, possibly Muslim women of prominence with a similar story from their past and Tariq Ramadan. There must be some Muslim woman who he demanded favors for a recommendation early in their career. Such a woman making an accusation would be risking becoming a pariah in the Islamic World and be without any support from the Islamic World. They would be signing their own death act should they return to the wrong country in the Middle East, North Africa or anywhere where Sharia is enforced. They would be best advised to avoid many of the Muslim neighborhoods where they enforce their own laws in Europe, the United States or elsewhere in the world. They would no longer be acceptable should they bring down a Muslim man for sexual misconduct as such so rarely exists in the Islamic World as to be considered an impossibility, something one would probably never witness in their lives. These women would become ostracized and face the wrath of Allah according to most Imams. This is the risk each of these women who have made accusations is already facing and that alone adds credence to their claims. The result of these claims and possible future claims will be interesting to watch, not so much the actions in Europe and the United States but throughout the Islamic World, that is where change is necessary and the reaction to this fiasco, as it is currently playing out, will tell us much about the future of the Muslim World, and thus the rest of the world as well.


Beyond the Cusp


September 6, 2016

Coming Pressing Problems


Our world is in a state of flux with only one driving force determining the future and that future is a bleak one. The greatest force being exerted is one which demands of all they surrender their will and simply follow a strict set of rules enforced at the will of self-appointed learned ones. The definition in this future of a learned one is one versed in The Book which was compiled approximately twelve-hundred years ago and derived its base ideals and ideas from two centuries earlier. The most revered figure in this book was a man of conquest who eradicated his enemies, not simply vanquishing them and ruling over them. Those he fought were less than human simply because they fought against his armies and refused to accept him as the voice of the deity he imagined from visions in a cave. This conquest is being accomplished through infiltration and upon attaining a sizeable percent of any population demanding equal rights and the exalting of their law over any law in place. Their intention is the replacement of Judeo-Christian culture with Islam and the eradication of liberal societies replacing them with a retrograde society ruled under a political system which they pass off as a religion, it is nothing of the kind, it is a ruling ideology which suppresses human emotions, thoughts, will, imagination and freedoms. This is the future which is winning the day simply because those who should resist and demand their rights are too passive and have completely lost any respect for their founding principles and their former religious teachings which exalted mankind as a reasoning, rational thinking entity, not a slave surrendered to drudgery of an existence. Look wherever Islam rules and ask yourselves, do I desire to have my society mirror that of those nations? Do I want to live in New Saudi Arabia or New Egypt or New Turkey? These are actually the more ordered of the Islamic societies. Others include Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran. There is even the possibility that there might be a disagreement over which version of Islam that should be followed and then you end up with something resembling Yemen, Libya or Syria. There are alternatives but they require effort.


The first thing which must be stated is we have no problem with Islam as one religion amongst other religions and ideologies. Islam would be welcome as a coequal partner in our society with Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucianism, and even Secular Humanism. We would welcome those who believe in Allah as long as also included in the society is freedom to believe in Hashem, Jesus, Confucius, Buddha or no deity at all and follow rationalism or other philosophies and religions all accepted on equal grounds. This is acceptable and as soon as Islam can agree to such an arrangement then they are welcome but as long as Islamics, Muslims that demand their rules be superior to all others and theirs be the preferred religion on the way to being the only religion enforced initially through coercion and in the end by the sword, then Islam must be fought as would any other fascist imperialist dominance seeking force. Should Islam continue to be determined on world conquest, just as is and was Communism and were Nazism and a multitude of others before including even Christianity at an earlier point before the Reformation, they will sooner or later run into opposition which will stiffen as their pressuring increases resulting in an unimaginable conflagration if they insist on world domination. Islam is capable of being pluralistic if only they would apply elements from the Mecca Quranic writings from earlier in the life and preaching of Muhammad and replace the later texts which were granted preeminence by a later interpretation so as to further the conquests across North Africa and into Western Europe as Islam conquered much of the Iberian Peninsula (see map below). Subsequent expansions by Islamic forces reached the Philippines, Indonesia, as far as Tours, France before being turned back by Charles “The Hammer” Martel and took Constantinople which fell in 1453 and continued on laying siege to Vienna which was relieved when Polish King Jan Sobieski III (Depicted Below) took command of his entire army aided by troops from the Holy Roman Empire and Hungarian forces in the year 1683.


Spread of Islam Across North Africa And Into the Iberian Peninsula

Spread of Islam Across North Africa
And Into the Iberian Peninsula


Polish King Jan Sobieski

Polish King Jan Sobieski III


These were the active conquests by the Arab Islamic Empire followed by the Ottoman Empire which was defeated finally during World War I. The Arab expansive colonialist conquests have colonized and all but eradicated through totalitarian subjugation and intermarriage similar to the Spanish influence in their colonial expansions. These conquests persisted even during and throughout outlasting the European colonialist holdings which began after World War I in 1918 to 1921 and almost all were released to local rule by the end of the 1950s while the Arab’s conquest and colonial empire still exists and has existed for anywhere from a thousand years to twelve-hundred-fifty years. Theirs is the longest colonial empire in history with the sole exceptions being Russia and China which some claim are empires due to the sheer size of the nation of Russia and the size and population of China despite neither actually conquered their peoples and lands as much as congealed rule. So, the claims by Arabs of suffering from their European conquest and colonialism, this is an empty accusation when one compares the Arab conquest and colonialist empire which spread from the Arabic Peninsula across an area greater in size than Russia and rivalling China in population. The Arab Islamic colonial expansionism is now once again surging in an attempt to complete the commands from the Quran to spread Islam over the entire globe converting every inhabitant to Islam by coercion or by the sword only coming to a conclusion once all follow Islam as commanded by the Quran. Here is a video showing Muslims in their own words defining their intentions.



One more forceful faction calls for terrorism as a form of intimidation also following the command in the Quran to terrorize the enemy which in this case is all of the infidel living in the decadent Western World. There is another driving force behind terrorism which is money. Yes, there is a lot of money to be made conducting terrorism providing you terrorize the correct target and for an approved cause. One of the apparently favored causes is the replacement of the State of Israel and the home of the Jews into a terror state ruled most likely by Hamas called Palestine where a second Holocaust would be perpetrated by Muslims who do not believe there was a first Holocaust but are prepared to commit a second. Their conquest of Israel would be complete once they have murdered every Jews residing in Israel and according to the Hamas charter going on to conquer the world for Hamas and its leadership and finish killing the Jews the world over. As far as the monies, well, that comes from the United Nations, the European Union, the United States, and many of the European nations. Many of the nations sending millions of dollars and Euros to the “Palestinian cause” are seriously in debt and actually have no real funds to send, but send they do. Think terrorism does not pay? Then explain this video which covers much of the perfidy committed by those purporting to care for the Palestinian refugees and the downtrodden poor under their rule. Ever wonder why the plight never appears to be relieved despite the monies given to relieve their plight? Watch this and see.



For those seeking links to facts and information about the terror hoax and how Western Nations pay others whose intentions is their downfall and to commit terrorist acts until they succeed in destroying all around them while pocketing millions and billions of dollars, money beyond what they could ever spend in their entire lifetime, here is an article with many links and much information within which says much of what we wish to convey and feel is a good reference.


Some of the more prescient commentaries included in the article are truisms which have historic proof that they have held true throughout history and can be counted upon to make predictions in the world today. One of the most frightening has been whatever starts with the Jews never ends with the Jews, it will spread and potentially have effect throughout the world and as far as we know, potentially beyond the Earth itself on out into the cosmos. Slavery may have predated the Jews but the greatest historical work tells the story of the Jews being saved from their torment of slavery in Mizraim (Egypt, Hebrew Spelling: מצרים). Slavery has slowly but inexorably been erased from the world of civilized man much as Hashem freed the Jews from slavery. Yes, when the Jews receive favor, that favor will also bless the remainder of the world, perhaps beyond, even if it takes thousands of years. Unfortunately for the world, when evils are visited upon the Jews, it spreads to the rest of those in the affected area with an undeniable and certain and immediate future. The Holocaust murdered six-million Jews and at least nine-million additional who were Roma, mentally challenged, physically deficient, unwanted, Polish poor, Russian soldiers and more (see graph below). Then there were the military and civilian deaths from the war itself which spanned the entirety of the globe (see graph below). This was the ultimate in carnage by mankind thusfar, but the coming apocalypse will dwarf World War II civilian deaths just as World War II surpassed World War I civilian deaths when compared against military deaths (see graph below). This is what the world is facing if a new force does not emerge to stabilize and resist the coming Islamic rewriting of the history and future of the world allowing only the definition of the world which allows only for Islam and must erase all else. The claims of world conquest and the remaking of the world in the image of how Muhammad remade the Mecca-Medina area and the areas conquered by him and those following related in our above video are a real and valid threat. This coming push intends to finish what was started in our first map first conquering the Western World as once they have conquered the West, the Muslim leaders rightfully believe that the remainder of the world will succumb or be destroyed in a cleansing fire brought on by the use of nuclear weapons as the Islamic leaders have no fear or hesitation of implementing whatever weapon is available as they have proven throughout their history. It is necessary that there be a force which forces the Muslim leadership to understand that the West will not just lie down and allow them to cut our throats as they intend.


Holocaust Murdered Six Million Jews And Approximately Nine Million Roma, Mentally Challenged, Physically Deficient, Unwanted, Polish Poor, Russian Soldiers and More

Holocaust Murdered Six Million Jews
And Approximately Nine Million Roma,
Mentally Challenged, Physically Deficient,
Unwanted, Polish Poor, Russian Soldiers and More


Military and Civilian Deaths from World War II

Military and Civilian Deaths from World War II


World War II Surpassed World War I Civilian Deaths Against Military Deaths

World War II Surpassed World War I
Civilian Deaths Against Military Deaths


Much of this is ominous to say the least, but nothing is set in stone thus the reality can always be altered providing the right moves are made. The Nazis appeared unstoppable but between errors in judgment and tactics and the stubborn resolution of one Winston Churchill and the bombing of Pearl Harbor bringing the United States and its manufacturing power into the war on the side of Churchill, Russia and the allies, the end of Nazi and Japanese imperialism was doomed. Napoléon was another who appeared unstoppable but he was stuck fighting in Russia during the winter and the battle of Waterloo and that was all for Napoléon. The Soviet Union ran aground when the United States under Ronald Reagan instigated a project known as Star Wars but was simply the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) which literally spent the Soviet Union into bankruptcy. Ronald Reagan believed that the Soviet Union was on shaky foundations financially and vulnerable due to that weakness and he twisted that wound until they broke. He was not in office when the end came, but he was definitely the causal effect and his Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected and continued Reagan’s initiatives bringing the end to the Cold War. Similar walls have been struck by every empire which attempted to conquer the world. What remains to be seen is whether a force will arise which will force, or enable, the alteration of Islamic Quranic interpretation such that the Mecca moderation becomes preeminent over the more violent and imperial Medina verses. This is what is necessary for the world to continue to live in peace and with progress and freedom and human rights. The cries from Muslims that they are demanding their human rights are deceit with which they are applying their initial push and foothold from which they will usurp the entirety of the Western World through subversion. In a free society it is the public who are ultimately responsible and the votes in coming elections and the reporting by the media will tell what the future will hold and not necessarily what is desired. If these forces refuse to address the immediacy of the situation it is up to the people to demand a change in priorities. The coming United States and European elections will be telling and all we can do is vote, wait and pray.


Beyond the Cusp


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