Beyond the Cusp

November 16, 2016

Your Protests and Microaggressions Annoy Us


We realize that the fact that the majority of us who supported Donald Trump and came out in his favor despite his shortcomings and other difficulties was because you drove us outside of our safe-zones, which are far larger than yours as we are nowhere near as easily perturbed by the rest of humanity as you appear to be. You lost a singular election. We were polite during the past twenty-eight years since we rose from our endlessly toiling and had our desired person in the White House. We are the next generation of quiet Americans who elected Ronald Reagan. They call us the silent majority because when we lose the election we simply return to work Wednesday morning and do our jobs. We definitely do not riot, smash other people’s windows, destroy their vehicles, steal merchandise or any of the other lawlessness which far too many of the tender aged youth along with associated paid agitators, trainers and riot leaders who are leading you onward in your own eventual destruction. Stop and ask yourself exactly why you are really out in the streets being part of an ignorant mob being used by those who would enslave each and every one of you. If you can answer why somebody as tainted and corrupt as Hillary Clinton, whose track record looks more like an accident spread across the many years and her campaign was the celebration of rules for the masses, that includes all of you and the rest of us, but no rules for your superiors, the few holding the power then maybe somebody will listen and even care and you will have an accomplishment. At the very least, Trump does not owe foreign and dangerous influences favors for their generous gifts to his own slush fund disguised as a charitable institution. Yes, that’s right; we are referring to the Clinton Foundation. Has Trump cut some corners and likely pulled his share of rolling stops at blinking red traffic signals. Who hasn’t? Still, President elect Donald Trump will not be tied to any moneyed interests except for businesses of any and all sizes. This will be a good thing and may finally jumpstart the economy and return some manufacturing to the United States.


If you must know, there were some things about Trump to like and some reasons to be very concerned, but when push came to shove and many of us stood in the voting booth, we weighed everything and Donald Trump was the safer bet to lead the nation from the doldrums which currently are afflicting America. Trump represented much the same reality and non-membership in the political class. Trump has had employees and even told some, “You’re Fired.” Yes, we knew about his silly show and the fact that much of the time Donald Trump is mainly concerned with selling the brand of The Donald. Yes, we realize he is an uncouth braggart and went through a period where he partook in womanizing, it was called the late sixties and first half of the seventies and all too many of us were almost as bad and that included many women who now claim their vestal status which they had so cavalierly discarded back in the day when fun ruled where there were no rules. Yes, we had our wild days but did not try to burn down cities or destroy entire community areas because we lost an election or two or more, we continued on, grew up and even managed to learn a few lessons along the way. As far as what those lessons were, well, they were lessons acquired the hard way, brutal experiences in which we almost jeopardized our futures. Some of our peers acted as you are currently doing and paid a steep price. What advice can we give you? Make sure you are not among the stragglers and the hanger-on’s who continue protesting until the mass arrests bring it all to an end. When this comes down, all those paid agitators and organizers will magically disappear and those still protesting will pay the full price.


Furthermore, what are you protesting about? You lost one election, granted it was possibly your first time voting, but there will be more elections. Eventually, if you ever awaken from the lullaby being sung to you by your professors, who are supposed to be teaching you how to work and operate in the real world at about $30,000 per semester, then you might figure out that there are no safe spaces and you win some and you lose some. Many of your professors never have held a job outside of the ivory towers of academia and thus have no practical knowledge to impart; so they instead fill your heads with propaganda which they were fed by their professors. When signing up for courses you need to do a little research and a lot of soul searching. The first item is you want to take courses taught by some professor who also worked in the real world as they are able to impart at least some useful input. Secondly, choose a major field which will prepare you for employment and making a decent salary once you get on that path, then your life will be one of greater ease and satisfaction. Majoring in Seventeenth Century French Poetry and Love Sonnets may give you greater depth and some valuable quotes and even some pick-up lines, but what kind of job does it prepare one to earn a salary. One need remember that there are probably thirty or forty professors who teach such a major field and none other as most also teach Chaucer and other writings and may also have an archeology degree to augment their great love of Seventeenth Century French Poetry and Love Sonnets. The fields which produce the greatest number of jobs are the STEM degrees, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math major courses.


Anti-Trump Protesters

Anti-Trump Protesters


I can hear the moaning and whining complaining that those majors are just so hard and challenging and are not soft and squishy filling one with false sense of worth. You will only get out of life equal to what you invested and then only if you work really smart as well as hard. I know that is what you parents told you and they are idiots and what do they know about the new world, they are so yesterday. Well, back a few years and their yesterday was the future world we were looking at as we stood looking beyond the cusp of our college days and when we all had degrees, it were the students who majored in STEM programs who were getting the lion’s share of higher paying jobs. Even a good share of those who skipped college and went a different route had found their niche and were making good salaries. Technical schools which offer a two year degree are affordable and you learn exactly what you need for a professional career working as an electronic technician, biomedical technician, X-ray technician, and a whole myriad of professional positions which require knowledge in the one area, more than you filling your head with elective courses which teach little of value. There are apprenticeships with large companies who test aptitude and should you have what they need, you can get a highly trained position and some even assist you in buying the equipment you will need to succeed. One such company is Caterpillar, yes, the ones who make all the big yellow behemoths found at construction sites where anything from houses to malls to highways are being constructed. Well, Caterpillar trains people on their equipment and how to operate them safely and productively and then they place you in a position and they even pay a salary while you train, beat that. Driving an earth-mover or bulldozer will make you far more than an ethnic studies degree will likely pay. Granted, many of these professors talk about how people in their field have made very good money; remember these people they speak so highly about are amongst the top five to ten percent of those in their field. Then again, the top five to ten percent of those in virtually any field make excellent money. This includes baseball players, basketball players, golfers and researchers who receive grants to write books about Seventeenth Century French Poetry and Love Sonnets, but there is a very strict limit in numbers of such grants, like maybe one each century and looks like somebody already got this century’s easy train. This means one should consider exactly the earning potential for the line of study you have chosen to pursue. You had best answer this honestly, as it is your entire future riding on this assessment. Oh, and a police record for rioting and destruction of personal property often will make you all but unemployable unless you can also organize and speak publically with moving and motivating words as the leaders of the rioting today are doing.


As far as your current acting out because your perceived perfect leader actually managed to lose the election everybody had been claiming for months had it in the bag; not only did your dream woman lose, but she lost to a person you and your peers have deemed to be a cretin. So your perfect candidate who was leading in every poll and who you do not know anyone who was not voting for her managed to lose. How is this possible? Well, have you ever considered that first off, you do not exactly know a whole lot of people and some who are telling you they voted for Hillary Clinton actually voted for Donald Trump. Oh yes there were that select few. If you might widen your pool of people you know to beyond your family, the friends from High School, those two childhood friends you were always seen together with and the people in your dorm and fraternity/sorority, you might develop a different picture of the world seeing it for what it is, diverse. The others who are demonstrating with you have the same tunnel vision of the world and they can only further insulate you from reality, which is obviously in conflict with your perfect little world as otherwise you would not be out in the streets screaming your head off while nobody really cares. That is what even your friends in the media are writing, how these demonstrations will only serve to drive more people away from the leftist defined path.


There is one last item, truth. Claiming that Donald Trump is a capitalist pig and then claiming his administration will make America a fascist nation are contradictory. Real fascists love government and honestly believe that the leaders of industry should work under government guidance and the workers’ rights be controlled for the better good. Fascism is actually a left-leaning form of governance where the top management from industry are aligned and working with the government. Industry thus is also guided in order to provide the government their sharing in the profit but somehow the politicians are seldom made to suffer the consequences resulting from their decisions. A capitalist believes industry does best when untethered from government inclusion in the process. The capitalist would oppose any creep of fascist influences hampering any firm from making the highest profit and still manufacture to their own projections and not what government insists be manufactured. Trump is a free market capitalist and if anyone might have favored a fascist form for the government it has been many leftists and especially the high operatives in the Democrat Party and the leftist Republican Party members. Donald Trump is not a member of either group and this will facilitate his working with a select group taken from both parties in the Congress, especially in the Senate where his appointments go for their week of being battered before approval. Should such materialize and Trump include those willing Democrat members in Congress, he will prove to be the President of all the people even including many who are now in the streets rioting. We will need wait and see whether a President Trump is capable of patching together a bipartisan group who will march along with the President and fashion a model and watch it grow. Should Trump increase opportunity, then we will need to admit he was the best person for the job at this time. We will need to see what the future holds.


Beyond the Cusp


September 6, 2016

Coming Pressing Problems


Our world is in a state of flux with only one driving force determining the future and that future is a bleak one. The greatest force being exerted is one which demands of all they surrender their will and simply follow a strict set of rules enforced at the will of self-appointed learned ones. The definition in this future of a learned one is one versed in The Book which was compiled approximately twelve-hundred years ago and derived its base ideals and ideas from two centuries earlier. The most revered figure in this book was a man of conquest who eradicated his enemies, not simply vanquishing them and ruling over them. Those he fought were less than human simply because they fought against his armies and refused to accept him as the voice of the deity he imagined from visions in a cave. This conquest is being accomplished through infiltration and upon attaining a sizeable percent of any population demanding equal rights and the exalting of their law over any law in place. Their intention is the replacement of Judeo-Christian culture with Islam and the eradication of liberal societies replacing them with a retrograde society ruled under a political system which they pass off as a religion, it is nothing of the kind, it is a ruling ideology which suppresses human emotions, thoughts, will, imagination and freedoms. This is the future which is winning the day simply because those who should resist and demand their rights are too passive and have completely lost any respect for their founding principles and their former religious teachings which exalted mankind as a reasoning, rational thinking entity, not a slave surrendered to drudgery of an existence. Look wherever Islam rules and ask yourselves, do I desire to have my society mirror that of those nations? Do I want to live in New Saudi Arabia or New Egypt or New Turkey? These are actually the more ordered of the Islamic societies. Others include Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran. There is even the possibility that there might be a disagreement over which version of Islam that should be followed and then you end up with something resembling Yemen, Libya or Syria. There are alternatives but they require effort.


The first thing which must be stated is we have no problem with Islam as one religion amongst other religions and ideologies. Islam would be welcome as a coequal partner in our society with Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Confucianism, and even Secular Humanism. We would welcome those who believe in Allah as long as also included in the society is freedom to believe in Hashem, Jesus, Confucius, Buddha or no deity at all and follow rationalism or other philosophies and religions all accepted on equal grounds. This is acceptable and as soon as Islam can agree to such an arrangement then they are welcome but as long as Islamics, Muslims that demand their rules be superior to all others and theirs be the preferred religion on the way to being the only religion enforced initially through coercion and in the end by the sword, then Islam must be fought as would any other fascist imperialist dominance seeking force. Should Islam continue to be determined on world conquest, just as is and was Communism and were Nazism and a multitude of others before including even Christianity at an earlier point before the Reformation, they will sooner or later run into opposition which will stiffen as their pressuring increases resulting in an unimaginable conflagration if they insist on world domination. Islam is capable of being pluralistic if only they would apply elements from the Mecca Quranic writings from earlier in the life and preaching of Muhammad and replace the later texts which were granted preeminence by a later interpretation so as to further the conquests across North Africa and into Western Europe as Islam conquered much of the Iberian Peninsula (see map below). Subsequent expansions by Islamic forces reached the Philippines, Indonesia, as far as Tours, France before being turned back by Charles “The Hammer” Martel and took Constantinople which fell in 1453 and continued on laying siege to Vienna which was relieved when Polish King Jan Sobieski III (Depicted Below) took command of his entire army aided by troops from the Holy Roman Empire and Hungarian forces in the year 1683.


Spread of Islam Across North Africa And Into the Iberian Peninsula

Spread of Islam Across North Africa
And Into the Iberian Peninsula


Polish King Jan Sobieski

Polish King Jan Sobieski III


These were the active conquests by the Arab Islamic Empire followed by the Ottoman Empire which was defeated finally during World War I. The Arab expansive colonialist conquests have colonized and all but eradicated through totalitarian subjugation and intermarriage similar to the Spanish influence in their colonial expansions. These conquests persisted even during and throughout outlasting the European colonialist holdings which began after World War I in 1918 to 1921 and almost all were released to local rule by the end of the 1950s while the Arab’s conquest and colonial empire still exists and has existed for anywhere from a thousand years to twelve-hundred-fifty years. Theirs is the longest colonial empire in history with the sole exceptions being Russia and China which some claim are empires due to the sheer size of the nation of Russia and the size and population of China despite neither actually conquered their peoples and lands as much as congealed rule. So, the claims by Arabs of suffering from their European conquest and colonialism, this is an empty accusation when one compares the Arab conquest and colonialist empire which spread from the Arabic Peninsula across an area greater in size than Russia and rivalling China in population. The Arab Islamic colonial expansionism is now once again surging in an attempt to complete the commands from the Quran to spread Islam over the entire globe converting every inhabitant to Islam by coercion or by the sword only coming to a conclusion once all follow Islam as commanded by the Quran. Here is a video showing Muslims in their own words defining their intentions.



One more forceful faction calls for terrorism as a form of intimidation also following the command in the Quran to terrorize the enemy which in this case is all of the infidel living in the decadent Western World. There is another driving force behind terrorism which is money. Yes, there is a lot of money to be made conducting terrorism providing you terrorize the correct target and for an approved cause. One of the apparently favored causes is the replacement of the State of Israel and the home of the Jews into a terror state ruled most likely by Hamas called Palestine where a second Holocaust would be perpetrated by Muslims who do not believe there was a first Holocaust but are prepared to commit a second. Their conquest of Israel would be complete once they have murdered every Jews residing in Israel and according to the Hamas charter going on to conquer the world for Hamas and its leadership and finish killing the Jews the world over. As far as the monies, well, that comes from the United Nations, the European Union, the United States, and many of the European nations. Many of the nations sending millions of dollars and Euros to the “Palestinian cause” are seriously in debt and actually have no real funds to send, but send they do. Think terrorism does not pay? Then explain this video which covers much of the perfidy committed by those purporting to care for the Palestinian refugees and the downtrodden poor under their rule. Ever wonder why the plight never appears to be relieved despite the monies given to relieve their plight? Watch this and see.



For those seeking links to facts and information about the terror hoax and how Western Nations pay others whose intentions is their downfall and to commit terrorist acts until they succeed in destroying all around them while pocketing millions and billions of dollars, money beyond what they could ever spend in their entire lifetime, here is an article with many links and much information within which says much of what we wish to convey and feel is a good reference.


Some of the more prescient commentaries included in the article are truisms which have historic proof that they have held true throughout history and can be counted upon to make predictions in the world today. One of the most frightening has been whatever starts with the Jews never ends with the Jews, it will spread and potentially have effect throughout the world and as far as we know, potentially beyond the Earth itself on out into the cosmos. Slavery may have predated the Jews but the greatest historical work tells the story of the Jews being saved from their torment of slavery in Mizraim (Egypt, Hebrew Spelling: מצרים). Slavery has slowly but inexorably been erased from the world of civilized man much as Hashem freed the Jews from slavery. Yes, when the Jews receive favor, that favor will also bless the remainder of the world, perhaps beyond, even if it takes thousands of years. Unfortunately for the world, when evils are visited upon the Jews, it spreads to the rest of those in the affected area with an undeniable and certain and immediate future. The Holocaust murdered six-million Jews and at least nine-million additional who were Roma, mentally challenged, physically deficient, unwanted, Polish poor, Russian soldiers and more (see graph below). Then there were the military and civilian deaths from the war itself which spanned the entirety of the globe (see graph below). This was the ultimate in carnage by mankind thusfar, but the coming apocalypse will dwarf World War II civilian deaths just as World War II surpassed World War I civilian deaths when compared against military deaths (see graph below). This is what the world is facing if a new force does not emerge to stabilize and resist the coming Islamic rewriting of the history and future of the world allowing only the definition of the world which allows only for Islam and must erase all else. The claims of world conquest and the remaking of the world in the image of how Muhammad remade the Mecca-Medina area and the areas conquered by him and those following related in our above video are a real and valid threat. This coming push intends to finish what was started in our first map first conquering the Western World as once they have conquered the West, the Muslim leaders rightfully believe that the remainder of the world will succumb or be destroyed in a cleansing fire brought on by the use of nuclear weapons as the Islamic leaders have no fear or hesitation of implementing whatever weapon is available as they have proven throughout their history. It is necessary that there be a force which forces the Muslim leadership to understand that the West will not just lie down and allow them to cut our throats as they intend.


Holocaust Murdered Six Million Jews And Approximately Nine Million Roma, Mentally Challenged, Physically Deficient, Unwanted, Polish Poor, Russian Soldiers and More

Holocaust Murdered Six Million Jews
And Approximately Nine Million Roma,
Mentally Challenged, Physically Deficient,
Unwanted, Polish Poor, Russian Soldiers and More


Military and Civilian Deaths from World War II

Military and Civilian Deaths from World War II


World War II Surpassed World War I Civilian Deaths Against Military Deaths

World War II Surpassed World War I
Civilian Deaths Against Military Deaths


Much of this is ominous to say the least, but nothing is set in stone thus the reality can always be altered providing the right moves are made. The Nazis appeared unstoppable but between errors in judgment and tactics and the stubborn resolution of one Winston Churchill and the bombing of Pearl Harbor bringing the United States and its manufacturing power into the war on the side of Churchill, Russia and the allies, the end of Nazi and Japanese imperialism was doomed. Napoléon was another who appeared unstoppable but he was stuck fighting in Russia during the winter and the battle of Waterloo and that was all for Napoléon. The Soviet Union ran aground when the United States under Ronald Reagan instigated a project known as Star Wars but was simply the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) which literally spent the Soviet Union into bankruptcy. Ronald Reagan believed that the Soviet Union was on shaky foundations financially and vulnerable due to that weakness and he twisted that wound until they broke. He was not in office when the end came, but he was definitely the causal effect and his Vice President George H. W. Bush was elected and continued Reagan’s initiatives bringing the end to the Cold War. Similar walls have been struck by every empire which attempted to conquer the world. What remains to be seen is whether a force will arise which will force, or enable, the alteration of Islamic Quranic interpretation such that the Mecca moderation becomes preeminent over the more violent and imperial Medina verses. This is what is necessary for the world to continue to live in peace and with progress and freedom and human rights. The cries from Muslims that they are demanding their human rights are deceit with which they are applying their initial push and foothold from which they will usurp the entirety of the Western World through subversion. In a free society it is the public who are ultimately responsible and the votes in coming elections and the reporting by the media will tell what the future will hold and not necessarily what is desired. If these forces refuse to address the immediacy of the situation it is up to the people to demand a change in priorities. The coming United States and European elections will be telling and all we can do is vote, wait and pray.


Beyond the Cusp


August 26, 2016

The Potentially Unavoidable Apocalypse


There is a coming apocalyptic war which will spill throughout Europe into the Middle East and may result at some point to one side using nuclear weapons should that option become available and there is no reason to believe it would not as making a nuclear weapon in modern times is just a few steps higher than making a weapon with normal high explosives. Thermonuclear weapons might require a small cadre of dedicated physicists but a nuclear device such as the ones used against Japan are within the ability of many intelligent high school graduates as their construction is available on the internet for any enterprising individual to research. The difficulty, if there is one, is gathering the fissile materials; from there it is a simple matter of machining and choosing your designs. This is a horrible truth to place over the heads of millions of innocents who will pay dearly when the coming war enters its main and determinative battle phase. Imagine the war in Syria and spread it over the better part of three continents and potentially throughout the entirety of the globe with few exceptions. Add in a final set of battles using nuclear weapons, initially the fifteen to twenty-five kilotons and soon after breaking into megatons and thermonuclear weapons such as the type held by major nuclear powers and available to any nations willing to put the necessary effort into their production and there easily could be some non-State factions such as the Muslim Brotherhood or neo-Nazi supremacists who have sufficient resources, talent and safe areas of operations that they also could produce such weapons once they gain access to the necessary materials. Before such a calamity reaches the doorsteps of our lives we need to ask where this war could begin.


The sparking point could be simply anywhere in Europe and it will not begin with any nation as much as a civil war started by the populations themselves. The triggering point would be a massive multi-city coordinated terrorist event where the people in the stricken localities start a war with the claimed intent of vindicating those murdered in the terror attack. Such an event could start the spiral into a more general war with many people caught in the crossfire similarly to what happened in Syria except this would have spread across Europe city by city until it involved national armies breaking from their officers and stepping in to assist the people, or at least that was their intention. Once tanks start to roll on the streets the civil unrest would enter a completely different phase which would snowball until it became another war starting in Europe but this will range far outside of Europe. Many of the terror enterprises are loosely interwoven and could respond to the escalation taking over the military hardware and troops of sympathetic or easily toppled rulers in order to gain the use of military weapons. This could soon spread in such a manner as to include many European state actors pulled into a conflict which would be quickly getting completely beyond the control of normal safeguards as both societies begin to call for the saving of their way of life, their freedoms and the customs and other particulars they hold dear and are comfortably familiar with. Once it becomes nation against nation it will then call upon like-minded or treaty bound allies into the fray and from there it does not stop easily. People discount such events leading to such a conflagration but as they have not studied history they are not aware on what simple actions have dragged humanity into costly and often destabilizing conflicts. Take the second most costly war in history, World War I. This war began with the assassination of a royal family head, the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo by Achille Beltrame as the Archduke and his wife were shot while riding in their car after taking a wrong turn. The real attempt to assassinate Archduke Francis Ferdinand had been set along his scheduled route but a sympathizer saw him passing his location and took advantage of the opportunity believing he was serving his oppressed people and never expecting the horrors of World War I to come as a result of a few bullets into one world leader and his wife. The people called for revenge and soon thereafter it got beyond any local conflict and the entire globe even to include Japan were honoring treaties or simply choosing one side or the other. World War I was more about honoring treaties than revenge for an assassination and that is what is frightening about the world today.


Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg top left: in Car Immediately Before Assassination, Top Right Lying in State bottom picture Pictured with their Children Official Portrait

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg
top left: in Car Immediately Before Assassination, Top Right Lying in State
bottom picture Pictured with their Children Official Portrait


Mutual defense treaties which require entire groups of nations to jump into a conflict once a member demands assistance exist and NATO is simply one such treaty. NATO, as an example, could be called to assist any member state who has become embroiled in a conflict which they feel they might require greater assistance. NATO had an interesting set of members of which Turkey is one of the longstanding members due to their strategic control of the Bosphorus Straights which control access from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea and from there the Atlantic Ocean and the world. These narrow waterways were essential for Russia to deploy her ships and thus the NATO powers bribed and forced Turkey into NATO in case there became a time when the West would desire to blockade the Russian Black Sea fleet from gaining access to the Mediterranean Sea. It really is that simple and Turkey just sent tanks into Syria. The picture of how an intervention can be conducted under the idea, which is obvious when one looks at the bombings in Turkey, which violent attacks originate from the terror groups within Syria who are adversarial to Turkey and their government and President Erdogan in particular. What would be the ramifications should Turkey’s President Erdogan be assassinated or an attempt was made on his life but failed only grievously wounding him but leaving him to survive. By the time he came out of surgery which saved his life the war could have already been started and Turkish jets bombing targets in Syria, specifically the western holdout areas of the Alawites and Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad. It is also the base for the Russian fleet in Latakia, Syria. We may remember the near tipping point reached when a single Russian fighter jet was shot from the skies over Turkey, or at least seemingly over Turkey as it was attacking within Syria and these fast aircraft have large turning radii. Now imagine an airstrike which missed the Syria barracks in Latakia and instead struck the Russian docs sinking two Russian warships and killing fifty or a hundred Russian sailors. How long before Putin declares war on Turkey who then calls in their NATO marker and instant World War as Russia too has such agreements with the likes of China, Iran, some Arab League nations and other eastern Asian nations. The Arab League would necessarily side with Russia believing that Turkey would be incapable of standing against such forces and not figuring on Europe and the United States and Anglosphere nations backing Turkey. Doubtful such will happen, but there was a presumed coup in Turkey recently and that could have turned out much different if it had been a serious coup threatening the governance.


One item that bears keeping in mind, wars seldom start where or how we expect them to. They start with a relatively insignificant shot from one rifle or crossbow or a sword placed within some leader of a following religiously, politically, or even a cause. The Arab Spring, or Arab Winter as we had predicted, began with one vegetable hawker committing suicide in protest of unfair taxes and laws and self-immolating and Tunisia exploded followed by Egypt and down the row of dominoes giving us Syria and also Libya thanks to some overactive interventions from far away in Washington D.C. and someone leading from behind and an overanxious Secretary of State seeking another feather for a Presidential run seeing and grasping what appeared to be a golden opportunity for nation building. Somewhere in these plans things unraveled and we have a dysfunctional Libya with warring tribes and terrorist entities. It, like Syria, is an open hotbed and perfect location for a terrorist group such as the Islamic State to manufacture the bombs of their choosing. One has to figure that at some point the Islamic State has come into weapons such as nerve gas or even radiological materials of weapons grade uranium. One can only guess what their true capabilities might include. Once a nuclear device has been manufactured, it would easily be deliverable to anywhere in Europe including Great Britain. It could be built and concealed inside a cement truck and hidden under a load of dried cement resulting from a traffic holdup which allowed the load to set in the truck. Who would chip away at half a ton or more of cement to inspect the vehicle and once inside Turkey it could easily transverse the entirety of Europe taking it to any European capital city or large metropolitan area for a nuclear terror attack. What comes after such an attack? Yep, there is no telling but it would not be good, that much we can count upon.


Riots can spread and become to have a life of their own and who knows where such could lead. Terrorism can spark unrest which could easily get out of hand. Ultra-nationalist right wing parties are gaining strength throughout Europe and these parties preach an active approach to what they term is an invasion, and who knows for sure, they could be right. Can anyone tell me the results of passing a law to expunge a nation of all non-citizens referring to them as a risk and a threat which the country no longer believes they can allow? Should one incident get out of control with some troops opening fire on unarmed civilians which they are gathering for deportation under the auspices of the new citizens’ only laws, what would come next? Once one nation cleans their population of all foreign noncitizens and shipped them over the border to the next location? Where would this lead once the majority of a continent has cleansed themselves of everyone who is not just like their pure racial idea of their country and there are a few million dispossessed people, what happens to what is now an enraged army of people? Currently the Middle East and Northern Africa are roiling points and Europe is not that far from exploding into riots and other uncontrolled violence any one of which could result in some very undesirable turns of events leading to greater areas of violence stopping who knows where assuming they stop at all. The world at present is a powder keg and it would not take much to light the fuse, assuming it has not already been lit.


Beyond the Cusp 


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