Beyond the Cusp

June 17, 2016

When Opportunists Meet


Moshe Ya’alon rode his wave of disruption and vitriol for all it was worth on his way out the door after turning a reprimand and offer of peace into a council for war, a war against his former friend, Bibi Netanyahu. The final fuselages fired from Ya’alon’s political muskets were easily deflected by a simple set of truths. There was the open defiance of his generals followed by the expressed displeasure of the serving Prime Minister, the same Prime Minister who had entrusted in Ya’alon with the position of Defense Minister not expecting a challenge to Netanyahu’s right and fitness to lead Likud, a position he was elected to hold by the membership of Likud. Ya’alon sided with his generals and then encouraged them to further make waves for him to ride roughshod over Netanyahu in a naked aggression challenging for the top spot. Even this was not sufficient for Bibi to declare war as he is secure in his position. The Prime Minister followed this insult with a soothing balm in the form of the position of Foreign Minister, a fine appointment most would all but kill for, yet insufficient for the hungry Ya’alon who sees now as his time. Slamming the door behind as he left the building, Ya’alon declared his intentions to replace Netanyahu as leader of Likud at the next opportunity, now he just needed wait for said opportunity. But political ambition is not a patience game and one strikes while the iron is hot.


Ya’alon must have welcomed the charging of the Retired Generals in their blistering reports titled Security First penned and presented by a group of retired generals and other security chiefs self-defined with the name “Commanders for Israel’s Security”. Their plans were just a rehash of their defeatist plans of surrender land and expect peace, a trade which despite numerous trials has yet to produce a true peace with any level of security. But when has failure ever altered the political path these other opportunists who have jostled their final military assignments so as to position themselves as the saviors of Israel from a problem many were complicit in forming. We can expect more from these gems in the rough as they polish their acts and each other to a lustrous shine, but diamonds these are not.


Former Prime Minister, Defense Minister and opportunist extraordinaire who had played friend, mentor, commander, and opponent all when it comes to his presumed friend for the expedience, an expediency which we can assume has now past, rides in Ehud Barak. One can only fear that Tzipi Livni cannot be far behind, though she would likely be seen and avoided as Kryptonite as every political entity she has touched withered and died unchosen on the vine. Speaking Thursday at the Herzliya Conference Ehud Barak called for a “popular protest” going into the next elections in order to bring Netanyahu down from power. One can only assume he sees himself as the answer as he often has previously. His claim was summed up in the quote, “A fanatical nucleus of radical ideology has taken over the Likud by taking advantages of loopholes in the party’s constitution regarding primaries, and ‘cleansed’ Likud’s leadership of all those who valued democratic values more than populism or a temporary accomplishment.” Why not just call his former boss and prior supporter as well as adversary an adversary again, the time seems right and the correct attacks from the right people appear thick in the atmosphere, but is this political fog one of change or just a low lying haze blinding small men’s sight? Attacking the entire Zionist branch of the populace as well as their representatives in power, Barak went on to restate previously disproven canards declaring where the current dreaded path would lead pronouncing as proven fact that, “Implementing the government’s current policy will necessarily lead to an ‘apartheid state’ or a ‘binational state’ with a Jewish minority within a generation or two, with a high likelihood of being engaged in an ongoing civil war between its two parts.” Population statistics and all other studies performed on any logical assessment of annexation of Judea and Samaria have shown both the apartheid state’ or a ‘binational state’ accusations of unavoidability to be as false as predictable trends can prove, but why let facts get in the way of another attack from the leftist peace through surrender camp. Their previous peace through surrender in Lebanon and Gaza have turned out so well, why not triple down and bet the house one last time, and it will be the last time as those who are fortunate might escape back into the Diaspora.


Ehud Barak then pointed out that should Prime Minister Netanyahu take Israel down the dangerous path of annexation, even of the main settlement blocks, it would bring ruin down upon Israel and that the only true path would be to start and start immediately dismantling the Settlements in occupied West Bank and bring them back within the Green Line as such would pacify Europe, the United Nations, President Obama, and, most of all, the Palestinians. There would be peace and flowers would grow on barren soil and there would be peace, blessed peace. There is absolutely no possibility that Mahmoud Abbas would rain rockets tipped with sarin gas down on Tel Aviv at the sight of three soldiers talking as he would claim Israel was massing troops to invade and had to be prevented. The world would then congratulate Abbas for keeping the peace as he destroyed the other settlements temporarily occupied by Israel, the settlements of Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Netanya, Ma’alot, Ashkelon, Beersheba, Dimona, Eilat, Jaffa, Haifa and the rest as they join in the desire with Mahmoud Abbas that Israel, the Jewish State, must be destroyed and destroyed utterly. These are the voices and sounds of the next Holocaust waiting for some fool to facilitate it in the name of Peace.


Quoting Jeremiah 6:14 as was so famously performed by Patrick Henry in his speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses on March 23, 1775, considering ratification of the Declaration of Independence he talked of Peace, peace, but there is no peace, the speech in its entirety, one of the most powerful of all speeches throughout history, he concluded stating (full text of speech can be found here)

Gentlemen may cry, ‘Peace! Peace!’ but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!


Ya’alon, for his part, has changed his tune now referring to Iran as a minor nuisance and not an existential threat as he had previously claimed when serving as Defense Minister, something we can simply assure ourselves he was ordered to claim that by the warmonger Bibi in order to frighten the masses into continuing to keep him and his Zionist crazies in power. Never mind that Abbas has said so in just so many words, unfortunately in that coded language which none appear capable of translating or even reading other sources who have translated them for the lazy such as us, there can be no peace as long as even a millimeter of Palestinian Land is occupied. Here is part of a press conference from 2015 where Mahmoud Abbas speaks his truth on occupation, sixty-seven years, since 1948 and the founding of Israel.



The maps used by Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian and UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) schools all show the truth according to the Arab Palestinians teach their reality which has no room for an Israel and especially an Israel as the homeland for the Jewish People. It is the totality demands that resistance of the occupation has been claimed to remain even after any two state settlement may be reached as for the Arabs the only result they will accept is the ‘liberation’ of all of Israel and the eradication of all Jews.


Palestinian Textbook Maps depicting Palestine as replacing Israel, not sharing the land in peace and security as the Europeans and the rest of the West insist to misrepresent


Abbas Accepting Map Depicting Palestine Replacing all of Israel and Looking Extremely Pleased


The evidence of the real Palestinian agenda is often laid bare for all to see but most just ignore the evidence and instead believe fairy-tales they have heard repeated by Western diplomats and politicians who want a Nobel Peace Prize which comes along with even a long handshake between Arabs and Israelis. When Soda Stream moved its Judea factory within the Green Line in the northern Negev, they were met by BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanction of Israel) claiming a victory and then made known their new program against Soda Stream. The BDS claim was Soda Stream buckled under their pressure and then they immediately claimed that the new Soda Stream factory was built on ‘occupied, stolen’ land from the Bedouin town of Rahat, Israel. This is simply a case that the only thing acceptable to the BDS campaign is the eradication of Israel and every Jew residing there after which they would likely turn their sights on all other Jews. There is a reason their chant goes as it does other than to rhyme but to express their true goals when they proclaim, From the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea; Palestine Must Be Free!



These small and inconvenient facts do not bother the likes as the Retired Generals and Security Chiefs nor does it bother Moshe Ya’alon or Ehud Barak as any weapon in a fight is to be utilized and the war against Bibi Netanyahu must proceed despite any dangers which might arise. In this case not only does reality bite, but these opportunists chomp and chomp again at the bit just salivating for their chance to take home the prize. That is the reality that these opportunists live for and what they would be willing to allow all Israel to die for as a result. Just as long as they get to sit in the big chair in the big office being sought by small and petty men, that any consequence be damned as they demand their rightful prize. Further, it is tough out there but before jumping ship, and trust that we have our misgivings about Bibi and would love another choice of a viable and true Zionist, how much tougher will it be when the economic heart and soul of Israel lie smoldering with the acrid stench of death and chemicals fills the air? What is the use of new leadership at the helm steering the ship of state through coral shoals and waters if the mutineers have no true map, just this crazed notion that the sweet song from the shores is irresistible and they must draw nigh ignoring the jagged and sharp rocks and the broken timbers from previous ships who too ignored the warnings and answered the sweet Siren’s song. The sweet song of peace in our time has been tried countless times but there is a way which guarantees that Israel will live, that Am Yisroel Chai, and it comes from the Spartan phrase, the words of King Leonidas,

Molon Labe


Beyond the Cusp


October 10, 2015

Intifada or No Intifada, Media Keeps Silent


The world mainstream media has been completely silent about the declared war against the Jews and other Israelis by Mahmoud Abbas and the terror masters and militants who take their cues from his broadcasts. Below is a clip with translation to English of the Arabic used by the PLO spokespeople, the terrorist wing of the Fatah political party which includes the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades but first a few quotes just to make your viewing displeasure more rewarding. The initial screen opens with a PLO spokesperson comment on the murdering of the Parents, Eitam and Naama Henkin, before four of their children who were in the back seat of the family car during the execution using assault weaponry stating, “Killing Israeli Parent of four children is “national duty.” That screen is followed by a woman representing Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO and Fatah Party which are both led by Mahmoud Abbas stating, “Are they from the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade or from Hamas?” Next speaker claims, “There is no need to return to the argument and dispute about who carried out the operation.” He continues, “There is no need to announce it and boast of having done it. One fulfills his national duty voluntarily as best as one can.” These were the boasting about at least two heavily armed Arabs backed by a large number of other Arabs who were hurling cinderblocks at the vehicles to force them to stop or crash or, if their wildest hopes could be met, killed occupants when the cinderblocks pierced through the windscreens or other window. It was the striking of the vehicle which probably caused the Henkin’s to need to stop even if only for a second, and a second was all it took for the embedded murderers to open fire and murder a mother and a father before four of their children aged nine, seven and four years plus the newborn of only four months of age. The father reportedly exited the vehicle and opened the back door and yelled for the children to run before collapsing on the pavement dead. To read more about this and other incidents proving that the Arab Palestinians are operating under orders to begin the third intifada see our article from October 3, 2015 titled Final Palestinian Israel War Declared at United Nations.





Earlier this week PLO Chairman and chief terror master made a broadcast on Arab Palestinian television which has reportedly been retransmitted regularly clearing or approaching twenty rebroadcasts instigating for Arabs to protect their al-Aqsa Mosque which they interpret to mean all of the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and all other lands where Jews can be targeted including all of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Haifa or anywhere else and calling for all Arabs including those so inclined residing in Israel within the Green Line. Abbas begins his tirade demanding, we won’t allow Jews with their “filthy feet” to “defile our al-Aqsa Mosque” and “We bless every drop of blood spilled for Allah. We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem, which is clean and pure blood.” Abbas continued further on stating, “Every Martyr will reach Paradise, and everyone wounded will be rewarded by Allah…” Abbas went on to claim during this tirade meant to inspire additional deadly violence against Israelis aimed primarily at the Jews demanding, “The al-Aqsa (meaning the entirety of the grounds and structures upon the Temple Mount) is ours, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is ours and they have no right (Jews in particular and Israelis in general) to defile them with their filthy feet. We will not allow them to, and we will do everything in our power to protect Jerusalem,”





Add to all of this and far more coming from all directions instigating violence, rioting and general mayhem from all of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria and especially with radicalized Arabs residents within Green Line Israelis; the attacks have not been limited to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem or places where Arabs reside to rise up and destroy all of Israel so that Palestine can be built on the graves of over six-million Jews and four-million other Israelis. Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh has called for the Arabs within Hamas also to assist in the dismemberment of the Jews which led to a mass rush at the fence separating southern Israel and Gaza which resulted in the death of three or four Arabs from the group charging the fence and ignoring warnings to stop and keep a safe distance from the border fence. The Gaza fence sits within the Israeli side of the border such that if the Gazans were to reach the fence they would have already crossed the border which in and of itself is a violation of all agreements between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Israel. These confrontations require coordination and instigators and community rioting and general mayhem coordinators to get fifty or so people to launch themselves all at the same time charging a border, in this case an actual declared violence and breaking the Hamas treaty which was brokered after the Gaza offensive from over a year ago. This coming offensive will not be limited to Gaza or Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and Yerushalayim; it will be a general uprising which may see additional fronts being opened within the Green Line making for a glorious display of why there were Arab villages, not many but some, that were forced to leave their villages and remain before the armies which were fighting in order to secure the lands and prevent their falling into Arab hands the very first day after the war of annihilation of 1948-9 (what many refer to as the Israeli War of Independence).


Since Mahmoud Abbas gave his speech at the United Nations, he received great response from the nations whose representatives were present at the speech where the Oslo Accords were cast off into the waste bin of history as the they had served their purpose and the terror armies having established their beachheads in Gaza and north central Judea and Samaria while also receiving arms and training from the United States largely during President Bush’s terms in office under the watchful eyes of Lieutenant General Keith Dayton. This task of training the Palestinian Security Forces changed almost before General Dayton took command from simply making the fighting forces better trained to improving the security forces making them all sufficiently proficient so as to prevent any Hamas from taking over the rest of the Palestinian Authority as Hamas had just taken control of Gaza by way of a coup. This was established by arming the Fatah terrorists with heavy weapons and introducing squad tactics and fields of fire with interlocking fields of fire and other concepts of modern warfare.



Mahmoud Abbas grabbing for everything within his reach including all of Israel given half the chance

Mahmoud Abbas grabbing for everything within his reach including all of Israel given half the chance



The Palestinian Authority was technically declared null and void as soon as Mahmoud Abbas declared that as far as the Arabs Palestinians are concerned, the Oslo Accords no longer apply to them as it is those same accords which lent any mantle of respectability to the PLO and was the reasoning used to remove them from the terror lists and placed in a seat with the rest of the civilized world. Truth be told, the PLO never considered themselves restricted or in any way restrained by the Oslo Accords and the world reinforced this concept by not expecting and definitely not demanding that the Palestinian Authority act any different than what was expected from the PLO, namely to act as terrorists bent on murdering as many Jews as humanly possible while allowing the world to defend them by claiming they used to act even more barbarous. Where that statement is valid, they were not acting any more civil by choice than because Israel had taken necessary steps to curtail the suicide bombings and had developed some very effective intelligence with a large dependence on human driven intelligence (HUMIT). The one step taken by Israel which was the most effective step towards limiting terrorist operations was what Israel rightfully refers to as the separation barrier but the world, particularly the Europeans and other Western leftists, refer to as the Apartheid Wall. After its construction, the numbers of suicide bombings dropped by over ninety percent. That is what is referred to as an effective barrier against the suicide bombings which had increased to almost one every week before the separation barrier was erected.


Just in case anybody has been keeping score, the total number of reactions or alterations of policies announced or implemented by the Western World since Abbas announced the departure from the Oslo Accords, compromising the myriad of groups he is chairman, president or leader of, we are not familiar with him applying the title of emperor to himself on any position but give him time, there has been no recognition or reaction of this announcement. The Western world and media appear to not have heard about this change which should have resulted in the returning of the PLO to terror lists, Abbas placed back in exile in Tunisia, and Israel freed to apply their influence over the rest of Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and Eastern Jerusalem, but alas the world continues as if the announcement was but a cute joke and had no real meaning. Meanwhile, the PLO and Fatah Party members and leadership have announced the start of the third Intifada with Hamas and Islamic Jihad agreeing to join in on this installment of the war against Israel and the Jews. Abbas is referring to himself as the President of the State of Palestine and has been operating as such for over a year now even to the point of using “official” Palestine State stationary when declaring edicts from on high, which is a small hill with his office on the second floor in Nablus, about as high as he will ever be elevated except by the West who are counting on his efforts to do away with Israel for them.


Another resurrection has occurred this past week with the reemergence of the Middle East Quartet which was a group consisting of the European Union, United Nations, United States and Russia for the purpose of overseeing the Roadmap, an invention by the administration of George W. Bush for forcing Israel to submit to blackmail and extortions by the Palestinian Authority. Of course, since the Palestinian Authority has been defrocked of any legality with Abbas declaring the Oslo Accord dead and declaring the Third Intifada, the Quartet has also lost its meaning and no longer exists. The problem is once any monstrosity has been incarnated and imbued with powers to make demand upon Israel, that body will never completely die and can and will be resurrected without warning in order to give some gravitas to demands that Israel once again engage in the self-sacrifice and grant some grand motions facilitating some selfless actions to the benefit of the Arab causes against Israel’s existence in order to allow Mahmoud Abbas and his henchmen to sit with the Israelis just long enough to pocket the offering and insult Israel and all those employing numerous grand schemes whose purpose is to form two states, one Arab the other multicultural side by side living with a state of war from the Arabs and self-sacrificing by the other. This is a step that presumably would be employed for as long as the multicultural state exists making a Palestinian State after Palestinian State with each smaller than the precious and all dependent of Israel for their continued existence. Perhaps Abbas is correct and the time has come to end the Oslo Accords and the misnamed peace process and end this process of destroying Israel by a million concessions and just have it out, may the best side win. Allow that final battle to be held now and just end the farcical charades. Abbas declared Oslo Accords dead, live with it and allow sleeping dogs to lie. Enough kicking a dead horse, it will never bear a rider again and the process has been moribund and finally been laid to rest, live with it and allow Israel to finally live without the cloud of a world gone mad nipping at her edges trying to tear her asunder. In the last twenty-four hours there have been over one-hundred-fifty terror attacks against Israeli Jews, Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Europeans, North Africans, Middle Easterners, Asians and anybody else whose vehicle sports Israeli license plates. Simply put; no more!


Beyond the Cusp


August 15, 2015

Destroy Islamic World by Rebuilding Destroyed Synagogue


After the Jordanians took control of not only much of Judea and Samaria but also the entirety of the Old City of Jerusalem, they enforced Islamic dominance by destroying the ancient Synagogues throughout Jerusalem and the entirety of their occupied territories, land occupied from rightful Israel. Since Israel liberated these lands resulting from their gains during their defensive war resulting from the Arab threats to drive the Jews into the sea (Mediterranean Sea) in June of 1967, they have been slowly restoring the Synagogues as funds became available. The latest incident of Islamic outrage flourished with the instigating cry that the Jews are building Synagogues to surround the Temple Mount such that their actions using these Synagogues will destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque. The reason this will destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque and not any other structure is because whenever the Imams use the referencing of harm to the al-Aqsa Mosque this is taken as a call to violence and to assault either the Temple Mount with rioting or the referenced activity or structure. More often than not the calls related to the al-Aqsa Mosque brings rioting to the Temple Mount followed soon thereafter with international objections to the increased violence which the Israelis have refused to prevent or return quiet to the holy sites. Should Israel take the one precaution which brings a state of quiet on the Temple Mount by refusing admittance of Muslim men between age 16 and 40 thus resulting in an end to the riots the new hue and cry goes out that the Israelis are blocking Muslim prayers on the Temple Mount. What is never mentioned is that as soon as the Muslim men respond to mentions of threats to the al-Aqsa Mosque by the Imams with rioting, the first response by the Israeli security forces is to ban all Jewish visitations to the Temple Mount despite such a move has only served to increase the frequency of the rioting. Some things just make one speechless over the profound lack of logic.


The latest threat to the al-Aqsa Mosque, if we are to believe the authorities from the Islamic Waqf, is the beginning of the restoration and rebuilding of the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City. The Waqf spokespeople are claiming that the Synagogue never existed anywhere in the Old City as all the lands belong to the Islamic Waqf so how could they have ever had Synagogues on them. The small fact that the original Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue was originally built in the 1860s and was destroyed in 1948, as were so many other Jewish historic Synagogues and other holy sites as part of the Islamic cleansing of all traces of Jewish existence within the lands which came under their control, is validating facts on the ground even in its destroyed state as it will continue to be once restored, just much more majestic as such a precious and holy structure should be. Such demolitions continue to this very day in areas under Arab autonomous control such as Joseph’s and Rachel’s tombs which are regularly destroyed and when Jews are permitted to pray at Joseph’s tomb the IDF must provide security and the worshippers brought under cover of darkness usually around two o’clock in the early AM and must depart before dawn at most once a month. Often prayers are only capable of being given once the destructions since the last visit have been repaired, a devotion of love which take precious time away from prayers despite the theory and guarantees by the United Nations and the permanent members of the Security Council that all holy sites would be made available for visits and prayer services, a promise which sounds great but nobody apparently ever planned to enforce.


The Arabs took control of Joseph’s tomb fatally wounding Border Police Corporal Madhat Yousuf, a Druze soldier, who bled to death after being abandoned for five hours at Joseph’s tomb by Prime Minister and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, following a Palestinian Authority Arab attack on the site. Barak gave the order to not launch a rescue operation in order to avoid escalating the situation. The hesitance to act may have also been influenced by fear of international reactions had a general assault been launched, which is what it appeared may have been necessary, causing large numbers of additional casualties or it could have been simple temerity which appears to be a malady that can strike even the most heroic and courageous of soldiers with numerous campaigns or the most dangerous and clandestine of missions under their belts. Whatever the reason that no rescue was deployed and why the Arabs simply watched a fellow human being bleed out and die when they could have easily provided first aid and stopped his bleeding but they saw only somebody that was not of them and thus not worthy of any of their efforts to save a fellow human being. There have been a number of people attacked and even died simply because they attempted to pray at a holy site, and those injured praying just north of Bethlehem at Rachel’s Tomb are women who often suffer attacks where bricks are hurled at them simply because they are Jews visiting a site the Arabs wish to claim. Such is a sorry statement of the condition of humanity where such is permitted anywhere and to any peoples.



Six frames depicting the destructions, discovery of damage, finishing rebuilding, prayers and an endearing good-bye, or perhaps with luck til next time



Between the Synagogues the Jordanians destroyed and the almost uncountable times that Joseph’s Tomb has been desecrated added to the destructions being carried out by the Islamic State and other such acts around the Islamic world, they now claim that all they hold is threatened by the reconstruction and refurbishing of a single 1860s Synagogue as such threatens the Islamic lands, their al-Aqsa Mosque, all the lands considered to be a part of the holy Waqf. Islam believes apparently that if a structure is built for any other religion it belittles their holy places is really a sad commentary because mankind can use as many holy sites and houses of worship as can be built, if only they would take the time to use them and learn the lessons which carried humanity this far. There are those who feel that there should only be a single religion and then the arguing and fighting comes trying to decide which religion. If only all could adopt the view that each religion has its contribution for mankind and the more religious thought there is in our world, the richer and more blessings for all mankind. This has been the same reaction whenever a Synagogue has been reconstructed or new Synagogue constructed yet not a single Mosque has collapsed as a result, so perhaps these warnings of the imminent destruction which might befall the al-Aqsa Mosque resulting from the rebuilding the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue are an excessive reaction to what for many Jews is a blessing and joyous occasion. It is really too bad that this joy will not be shared. The world would be such a greater place if we could all enjoy the joys of others. Perhaps the beautiful architecture of the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue can fill just one Muslim’s eye and through the sight their heart with some degree of joy and they realize that another Synagogue adds to the world in much the same way as another Mosque should also fill the world with more joy and celebration.



This is the model of the plans for the restoration and rebuild of the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. The Synagogue was originally constructed in the 1860s and was destroyed when the Jordanians dynamited the original Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue along with virtually every other religious or significantly Jewish building in all ot Eastern Jerusalem which includes the entirety of the Old City Jerusalem which includes structures over two thousands of years in age and other built throughout the centuries. These destructions were wanton, senseless, vile acts for which there was no outcry in 1948 as the world turned a blind eye as has proven to be the reaction to virtually every terrorist or destructive act towards Israel and particularly the Jews residing therein.

This is the model of the plans for the restoration and rebuild of the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. The Synagogue was originally constructed in the 1860s and was destroyed when the Jordanians dynamited the original Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue along with virtually every other religious or significantly Jewish building in all ot Eastern Jerusalem which includes the entirety of the Old City Jerusalem which includes structures over two thousands of years in age and other built throughout the centuries. These destructions were wanton, senseless, vile acts for which there was no outcry in 1948 as the world turned a blind eye as has proven to be the reaction to virtually every terrorist or destructive act towards Israel and particularly the Jews residing therein.



The Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue modeled above has the ornate touches commensurate with 1860s architecture crowned with a dome to complete the splendor. This Synagogue will blend well with the other structures from different periods throughout the history of Jerusalem. We hope and pray that many will find prayer within its walls and study in its classrooms beneficial and imparting joy to their hearts, wisdom and knowledge in their heads and a fullness of life and lightness of spirit blessing all they do and benefiting those they meet. The wishes are as sincere as they are simple and straightforward. May we add that we hold hope that if the Tiferet Yisrael Synagogue manages to have any effect upon the al-Aqsa Mosque that it is one of blessing spirit and enlightenment for all who worship in either house of prayers.


Beyond the Cusp


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