Beyond the Cusp

June 17, 2016

When Opportunists Meet


Moshe Ya’alon rode his wave of disruption and vitriol for all it was worth on his way out the door after turning a reprimand and offer of peace into a council for war, a war against his former friend, Bibi Netanyahu. The final fuselages fired from Ya’alon’s political muskets were easily deflected by a simple set of truths. There was the open defiance of his generals followed by the expressed displeasure of the serving Prime Minister, the same Prime Minister who had entrusted in Ya’alon with the position of Defense Minister not expecting a challenge to Netanyahu’s right and fitness to lead Likud, a position he was elected to hold by the membership of Likud. Ya’alon sided with his generals and then encouraged them to further make waves for him to ride roughshod over Netanyahu in a naked aggression challenging for the top spot. Even this was not sufficient for Bibi to declare war as he is secure in his position. The Prime Minister followed this insult with a soothing balm in the form of the position of Foreign Minister, a fine appointment most would all but kill for, yet insufficient for the hungry Ya’alon who sees now as his time. Slamming the door behind as he left the building, Ya’alon declared his intentions to replace Netanyahu as leader of Likud at the next opportunity, now he just needed wait for said opportunity. But political ambition is not a patience game and one strikes while the iron is hot.


Ya’alon must have welcomed the charging of the Retired Generals in their blistering reports titled Security First penned and presented by a group of retired generals and other security chiefs self-defined with the name “Commanders for Israel’s Security”. Their plans were just a rehash of their defeatist plans of surrender land and expect peace, a trade which despite numerous trials has yet to produce a true peace with any level of security. But when has failure ever altered the political path these other opportunists who have jostled their final military assignments so as to position themselves as the saviors of Israel from a problem many were complicit in forming. We can expect more from these gems in the rough as they polish their acts and each other to a lustrous shine, but diamonds these are not.


Former Prime Minister, Defense Minister and opportunist extraordinaire who had played friend, mentor, commander, and opponent all when it comes to his presumed friend for the expedience, an expediency which we can assume has now past, rides in Ehud Barak. One can only fear that Tzipi Livni cannot be far behind, though she would likely be seen and avoided as Kryptonite as every political entity she has touched withered and died unchosen on the vine. Speaking Thursday at the Herzliya Conference Ehud Barak called for a “popular protest” going into the next elections in order to bring Netanyahu down from power. One can only assume he sees himself as the answer as he often has previously. His claim was summed up in the quote, “A fanatical nucleus of radical ideology has taken over the Likud by taking advantages of loopholes in the party’s constitution regarding primaries, and ‘cleansed’ Likud’s leadership of all those who valued democratic values more than populism or a temporary accomplishment.” Why not just call his former boss and prior supporter as well as adversary an adversary again, the time seems right and the correct attacks from the right people appear thick in the atmosphere, but is this political fog one of change or just a low lying haze blinding small men’s sight? Attacking the entire Zionist branch of the populace as well as their representatives in power, Barak went on to restate previously disproven canards declaring where the current dreaded path would lead pronouncing as proven fact that, “Implementing the government’s current policy will necessarily lead to an ‘apartheid state’ or a ‘binational state’ with a Jewish minority within a generation or two, with a high likelihood of being engaged in an ongoing civil war between its two parts.” Population statistics and all other studies performed on any logical assessment of annexation of Judea and Samaria have shown both the apartheid state’ or a ‘binational state’ accusations of unavoidability to be as false as predictable trends can prove, but why let facts get in the way of another attack from the leftist peace through surrender camp. Their previous peace through surrender in Lebanon and Gaza have turned out so well, why not triple down and bet the house one last time, and it will be the last time as those who are fortunate might escape back into the Diaspora.


Ehud Barak then pointed out that should Prime Minister Netanyahu take Israel down the dangerous path of annexation, even of the main settlement blocks, it would bring ruin down upon Israel and that the only true path would be to start and start immediately dismantling the Settlements in occupied West Bank and bring them back within the Green Line as such would pacify Europe, the United Nations, President Obama, and, most of all, the Palestinians. There would be peace and flowers would grow on barren soil and there would be peace, blessed peace. There is absolutely no possibility that Mahmoud Abbas would rain rockets tipped with sarin gas down on Tel Aviv at the sight of three soldiers talking as he would claim Israel was massing troops to invade and had to be prevented. The world would then congratulate Abbas for keeping the peace as he destroyed the other settlements temporarily occupied by Israel, the settlements of Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Netanya, Ma’alot, Ashkelon, Beersheba, Dimona, Eilat, Jaffa, Haifa and the rest as they join in the desire with Mahmoud Abbas that Israel, the Jewish State, must be destroyed and destroyed utterly. These are the voices and sounds of the next Holocaust waiting for some fool to facilitate it in the name of Peace.


Quoting Jeremiah 6:14 as was so famously performed by Patrick Henry in his speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses on March 23, 1775, considering ratification of the Declaration of Independence he talked of Peace, peace, but there is no peace, the speech in its entirety, one of the most powerful of all speeches throughout history, he concluded stating (full text of speech can be found here)

Gentlemen may cry, ‘Peace! Peace!’ but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!


Ya’alon, for his part, has changed his tune now referring to Iran as a minor nuisance and not an existential threat as he had previously claimed when serving as Defense Minister, something we can simply assure ourselves he was ordered to claim that by the warmonger Bibi in order to frighten the masses into continuing to keep him and his Zionist crazies in power. Never mind that Abbas has said so in just so many words, unfortunately in that coded language which none appear capable of translating or even reading other sources who have translated them for the lazy such as us, there can be no peace as long as even a millimeter of Palestinian Land is occupied. Here is part of a press conference from 2015 where Mahmoud Abbas speaks his truth on occupation, sixty-seven years, since 1948 and the founding of Israel.



The maps used by Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian and UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) schools all show the truth according to the Arab Palestinians teach their reality which has no room for an Israel and especially an Israel as the homeland for the Jewish People. It is the totality demands that resistance of the occupation has been claimed to remain even after any two state settlement may be reached as for the Arabs the only result they will accept is the ‘liberation’ of all of Israel and the eradication of all Jews.


Palestinian Textbook Maps depicting Palestine as replacing Israel, not sharing the land in peace and security as the Europeans and the rest of the West insist to misrepresent


Abbas Accepting Map Depicting Palestine Replacing all of Israel and Looking Extremely Pleased


The evidence of the real Palestinian agenda is often laid bare for all to see but most just ignore the evidence and instead believe fairy-tales they have heard repeated by Western diplomats and politicians who want a Nobel Peace Prize which comes along with even a long handshake between Arabs and Israelis. When Soda Stream moved its Judea factory within the Green Line in the northern Negev, they were met by BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanction of Israel) claiming a victory and then made known their new program against Soda Stream. The BDS claim was Soda Stream buckled under their pressure and then they immediately claimed that the new Soda Stream factory was built on ‘occupied, stolen’ land from the Bedouin town of Rahat, Israel. This is simply a case that the only thing acceptable to the BDS campaign is the eradication of Israel and every Jew residing there after which they would likely turn their sights on all other Jews. There is a reason their chant goes as it does other than to rhyme but to express their true goals when they proclaim, From the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea; Palestine Must Be Free!



These small and inconvenient facts do not bother the likes as the Retired Generals and Security Chiefs nor does it bother Moshe Ya’alon or Ehud Barak as any weapon in a fight is to be utilized and the war against Bibi Netanyahu must proceed despite any dangers which might arise. In this case not only does reality bite, but these opportunists chomp and chomp again at the bit just salivating for their chance to take home the prize. That is the reality that these opportunists live for and what they would be willing to allow all Israel to die for as a result. Just as long as they get to sit in the big chair in the big office being sought by small and petty men, that any consequence be damned as they demand their rightful prize. Further, it is tough out there but before jumping ship, and trust that we have our misgivings about Bibi and would love another choice of a viable and true Zionist, how much tougher will it be when the economic heart and soul of Israel lie smoldering with the acrid stench of death and chemicals fills the air? What is the use of new leadership at the helm steering the ship of state through coral shoals and waters if the mutineers have no true map, just this crazed notion that the sweet song from the shores is irresistible and they must draw nigh ignoring the jagged and sharp rocks and the broken timbers from previous ships who too ignored the warnings and answered the sweet Siren’s song. The sweet song of peace in our time has been tried countless times but there is a way which guarantees that Israel will live, that Am Yisroel Chai, and it comes from the Spartan phrase, the words of King Leonidas,

Molon Labe


Beyond the Cusp


May 30, 2016

And You Blame Israeli Governance


Israel recently made a few adjustments incorporating Yisrael Beitenu into the ruling coalition permitting a more stable government, as the former coalition stood on the whims of as small as a single Minister changing sides. There was the assigning of a pair of Ministerial special assignments one of which granted the Defense Minister position to Avigdor Lieberman replacing Moshe Ya’alon who had been somewhat of a disappointment and had fomented mistrust of the leadership in the governing coalition and there were rumblings in Washington DC. There were the echoes of the whining made by the opposition here in Israel in the halls of the White House. We understand that you wish to destroy the Israeli Prime Minister simply because Bibi Netanyahu had the guts to oppose your gifting nuclear weapons to Iran, a regime which regularly threatens to wipe our nation from the map. Further, there are those in Iran who wish to remove the Jewish presence from the annals of history by murdering every last Jew on the planet, including Bernie Sanders, even with his opposition to anything Israel, that would not save him. These threats from Iran would also include your friends and anti-Zionist allies J-Street and a great number of donors to Democrat Party coffers every election cycle. You slander Minister Lieberman with claims that he is an extreme right wing crazy who only desires war when he has screamed for the opportunity to make peace at any reasonable cost. Then again, you continue to fund Hamas which also calls for the murder of every last Jewish man, woman and child on the planet, not just those in Israel. You back Mahmoud Abbas as our partner for peace despite his refusing your every request for him to take a meaningless step of just saying that Israel is the State for the Jews or give any other signal that there was even a crack of light shining through the door proving that peace was possible. Abbas all but spelled it out for you that the only deal he will accept is for all of Israel to disappear and the Jews dead. But you claim regularly as does the highest people working in the Department of State that Israel is the source of all the problems in the Middle East, Asia and Africa and that they are not sure but also in Europe and the Americas. About the only accusation which has not been leveled against Israel is that we are waging a war or causing one against the Emperors in Antarctica as if these Emperors are all penguins.


Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump What a Choice This Will be for the American People

Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump
What a Choice This Will be for the American People


We understand President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry that you hold a great amount of animus towards Israel and even though nobody in our government would be so bold, we can demand that you end your maneuvering against the ruling coalition in Israel. We do not call for your replacement and never, despite your wild accusations and claims, did we even endorse candidates running against you when you ran for President in 2008 or when you ran for reelection in 2012 like so many including those in your Cabinet and advisors in the White House and even alluded to by you yourself. Israel, unlike the United Stated where the Democrat Party has regularly provided entire campaign specialists, companies and organizers to run the campaigns of the opposition to the current government as you did with the entire Presidential campaign specialists V-2015 headed by Jeremy Bird, the man responsible for your reelection campaign’s success. They were to assemble a door to door grassroots campaign mirroring your campaign success here in Israel and denying Netanyahu any hope for victory. Politics in Israel do not fit well with deceitful practices and your meddling may have actually assisted Netanyahu by giving many a reason to vote against outside meddling in Israeli affairs. But we are used to such as Bill Clinton dispatched James Carville and company to run another campaign which got Netanyahu defeated, a similar move to what you were attempting. Despite your campaign pointing that Israel was working to defeat you, Bibi did not even state a preference for you or Mr. Romney in the last election.


One last item we can bring up even if those sitting in the ruling coalition are too polite to mention, please just give your anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism a rest as you will be out of office soon and you do not even have the support of Congress when you try to act against Israel. There are likely officers throughout the United States military that if ordered to wage an attack on Israel would simply retire their commission and probably any number of troops who would face prosecution under General Courts Martial or at least an Article 15 for refusal to obey a lawful order rather than fire a single round at an IDF soldier. Do not feel dismayed when these would become verified by the members of your Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Pentagon as we have the same types of soldiers here who would never raise a weapon against the United States. Actually, if you ever wished to make a documentary on Israeli views of the United States you would find that the United States is loved here in Israel. The average Israeli believes the United States is the cream of the crop and Israel’s greatest ally, even after all you have done we still feel that way. When your name is brought up many will claim that anything you did denouncing or working against Israel must have had a great reason but that we were not privileged enough to have all the information. Then there are some who are not wearing blinders and know you, Mr. President and soon to be citizen Obama, for exactly what and who you are and know that you hold a special place for Israel in your heart and that is as long as that heart beats you will back anything which would destroy Israel. We know that there are many in the State Department and Foreign Service who would go to any length to hurt or cripple Israel. We know that when you or Secretary Kerry discusses Israel it is with the intended goal of its demise by any means. This may have, in part, made your granting Iran a path to nuclear weaponry, as long as they wait for six months after you leave office to announce their first test, with the intent on using them to destroy Israel. We understand and will celebrate your leaving office and know that even Hillary Clinton cannot do as much to damage the special relationship between the Israeli and American publics.


As far as your Democrat Party and the fact that compared to the Republican Party the Democrats are the enemies of Israel, the majority of Jews are leftists liberals first and Jewish somewhere further down the line and totally unsupportive of Israel in a large part. We remember at the last Presidential Democratic Convention that they voted down a motion to include friendship with Israel and that Jerusalem be her Capital City or the mention of Hashem, though you were going to use a more Christian name, in the Democrat Party Platform and it was only included because the chair declared the motion passed despite the obvious refusal by the floor. The proof is below for anybody to hear and bear witness with the video below makes obvious. We understand the soft spot you hold in your heart for Islam made obvious by your reference that the Muslim evening call to prayer as the prettiest sound you have ever heard and that much of that stems from your childhood in the Far East and your earliest education in a Muslim Madrassa. We understand your solid opposition to almost anything Israel which was also framed well by your relations over a twenty year span with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and your friendship with the Minister Farrakhan and too numerous a list of your personal advisors and friendships. We even understand your otherworldly view of the United States and the evils performed by Western Colonialism and that you view Islamic colonialism as simply the natural order of the world and ignore the almost fifteen centuries of Muslim expansionism and colonialism as they have conquered and held much of the Middle East and across all of North Africa and are now making threats and moves to take over Europe by infiltration and use of their democratic governance to simply populate them out of existence. We understand there are leftists who back this Islamic takeover and that they are fools who believe that they will share power with the Islamic influences. They are as deadly wrong as any in the past who has had similar delusions. We also know that it will be up to the individual European citizen to awaken and save their continent or they will go the way of the Dodo bird.




There may be little that Israel can do as long as we are so opposed and maligned by the President sitting in the White House and many here recognize that should the next election produce a President Hillary that we in Israel will be facing four more years of your foreign policy regarding Israel. We understand that Bernie Sanders’s first appointment to the Platform committee on his way to providing the five people he has been allotted was James Zogby, a recognized, open, adamant and ferocious pro-Palestinian, pro-Islam and Israel hating individual who has called for the destruction of Israel. We understand that the Democrat Party which for so long has supported Israel is drifting away from that point and is soon going to completely go over to the other side. Despite this, there will be legions of leftist American Jews for whom Israel is more an annoyance than an issue for their support and that is their right and choice. What we also realize is that the Republican Party will continue on as the friend of Israel and that a large portion of their Christian supporters are also the best friends Israel could hope to have. Their advocacy has outshone many leftist Jewish organizations in supporting Israel. There are still some here in Israel who treat these Christians with some trepidation as they suspect that they have ideas of converting Jews to Christianity, let that be as it may. We should also know that the average Israeli is strong enough in our faith that such is not a real threat and for those who fear such apparently need to have a little more faith and confidence in their fellow Jews to stay the course as we have for close to three thousand years. After all, there may not be quite as many Jews as we have averaged throughout our history but we are still here as a testament to the love and power of Hashem and know that any apparent difficulty allowed to befall us was likely deserved as the Prophets had foretold of every single calamity and even our eventual return here to our ancestral lands a final time, and we are here to build a future that is the blessing of Hashem and we will tend Hashem’s garden here in Israel as we are meant to do. Our faith and Torah are all we need to survive even the worst possible events in America and hope that our mutual friendship will remain a central theme in both of our societies. That would please the vast majority of Israelis greatly and their desires in this area could prove to be a blessing for both nations and both peoples. We wish America well and will also watch, not meddle but watch the American elections this fall with great amounts of hopes and fears just as so many others around the world. The interesting thing is the Israeli society is split amongst the candidates and much of the discussions here are identical to those being carried in the United States. This can be proven by simply reading the English versions of Israeli media and very quickly such becomes evident which is another reason why the two nations were made to be allies. The last bit of interest is that the Founding Fathers of America admittedly used portions of Torah when crafting the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution including the limiting the power of a President such that they serve the people over other interests. May that become the watchword for the next administration as that too would serve both peoples and nations well.


Beyond the Cusp


October 8, 2015

Accounting of Third Intifada Attacks for Yesterday


On Wednesday October 7, 2015 there was quite a bit of activity on the front lines of the third intifada, the intifada begun by Mahmoud Abbas declaring the Oslo Accords dead and the resumption of the Arab war to annihilate the Jews and turn Israel into a sea of blood. The attacks started ramping up in both numbers and potential for lethality with a number of Israelis being killed since last Wednesday approaching at least a half dozen if not more as the news has been flying by with attacks averaging one evert three to four hours during the day and into the evening. A quick rundown on the attacks which made the news sources we were tracking during the day, an incomplete list but as accurate as we are able.

An Arab man stabbed an IDF soldier and grabbed his gun in the southern city of Kiryat Gat, a few miles outside Ashkelon and within the Green Line and not even near the presumed disputed areas. He then fled to a fourth floor apartment, where he was shot and killed by police.

Arab Palestinian mob throwing cinder blocks and equally sized rocks caused Rivi Ohayon, who was driving to work in Jerusalem, to stop as they also blocked the road. She recounted the confrontations reporting that, “One of them opened the door. There was murder in their eyes. I thought they were going to lynch me.” Ohayon was hospitalized with light injuries. She was saved when a group of Israelis who witnessed the attack interdicted firing at the Arab mob which then dispersed after one was struck. The terrorist is in hospital in critical but stable condition.

Another terrorist attempted running down IDF soldiers at the A-Za’im checkpoint located outside of Maalei Adumim, located just outside Jerusalem. The attack was prevented by the soldiers.

One teenage Arab Palestinian woman stabbed an Israeli man near the Lions’ Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem this morning. The man was carrying his legal concealed weapon and turned and shot the assailant before she could plunge the knife into him a second time possibly killing him. Magen David Adom paramedic Aharon Adler told reporters, “Upon arriving, I saw two patients. One of them, an approximately 30-year-old male with stab wounds to his upper body, fully conscious; alongside him, a young woman with gunshot wounds. According to him, she came up and stabbed him twice from behind, and then she was shot. Her condition was worse than his.” Both victim and attacker were transferred to the hospital after receiving treatment at the scene.
Another stabbing took place in central Petah Tikva next to a busy shopping mall where a man, 25, was injured in the upper part of his torso and rushed to the hospital in moderate but stable condition. This too was well inside the Green Line which the media likes to claim there is no terror and the terror is only against the so-called “Israeli settlers” and not just all Israelis or all Jews.

Josh Hasten, who is a resident of Elazar in the Gush Etzion area of Judea, was assaulted almost immediately behind the attack on Rivi Ohayon as he slowed as did all the traffic when approaching the attack on Rivi Ohayon. Looking towards the Arab village of Beit Sahur he realized there were between thirty and fifty Arabs charging down the hill with yells and holding cinder blocks and rocks. But why not allow Josh Hasten tell his story in the video below.





The above report probably misses the usual dozens of rock throwing incidents where the motorist is fortunate to pass through whatever gauntlet of cinder block and rock hurling Arab youths between the ages of twelve to low thirties suffering only damage to their vehicle. These are daily events and with the more serious attacks now taking up the new spaces we are not going to hear about these assaults, life threatening as they may be, because the news reporters can only be so many places at any given time. If Josh Hasten was not a journalist his confrontation would likely have never received any publicity because the main assault was against the young woman may Hashem bring her a speedy and complete recovery along with all the other victims of today’s and every day’s violence. The attacks have definitely increased in numbers and severity as there had not been attempts to drag motorists from their vehicles for only one purpose, and that is to murder them tearing their bodies’ limb from limb. The attempts today and over the past week to increase the levels of the attacks with the intent to murder the victim if at all possible has placed the Israeli public on edge, especially as about one third to half of the assaults have taken place within pre-1967 Six Day War Israel meaning inside the 1949 Armistice Line also known as the Green Line. We here at BTC are not surprised that much as we have held the belief, nay, the knowledge that the intent of the Arab war on Israel is the complete and total elimination of the State of Israel and every Jew living within after which the other non-Muslims would be targeted.



Terrorist Mayhem Killing Jews Anti-Semitism

Terrorist Mayhem Killing Jews Anti-Semitism



Mahmoud Abbas and the rest of the hierarchy behind the Arab Palestinians, we can no longer refer to them as Palestinian Authority or even Fatah as both of these were names designed by the now refused Oslo Accords in order to white wash the terrorism and criminal infrastructure and kleptocracy run by Yasser Arafat in order to permit the return of Yasser Arafat and his other henchmen and KGB trained murderers, and most important, also his number two man and aid through thick and thin, Mahmoud Abbas such that there could be invented the “Peace Process” which never was entered into with any honesty by Arafat. From the very first Yasser Arafat had lain out the plans for the conquest of Israel by stages. Each stage would require the facilitation by the United Nations, its nearly uncountable NGOs and other agencies, eventually the European and lastly the United States all forcing Israel to comply with demands without giving up even a hint of their demands. This has been why there has been a demand by the world at every restart of the Peace Racket for Israel to make some grand compromise as an inducement for the privilege of having the Arab side walk out once they had drawn every last possible compromise from Israel and immediately announcing that any promise the parties may have though the Arabs had agreed to make were all an illusion and they would then state the next demand for Israel to meet as their obligation for peace. This worked because the Israelis suffer from two really serious shortcomings, the first is they are willing to do almost anything for peace and the second is they are willing to follow any demand from a world that wishes them dead if it is in the name of peace and so they do not ruffle a single feather on any of the vultures all waiting to pick the Israeli corpse once it is truly dead. That brings us to the next subject from the United States.


The United States House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved legislation last week to take forty-three-billion dollars of the frozen Iranian assets in order to pay American victims of Iranian-sponsored terrorism who were awarded that amount by United States Courts. This legislation has been called the Meehan bill for terror victims. The legislation is on its way to the United States Senate where it will likely die a slow and ignoble death tabled due to threat of a filibuster. Even should it actually receive a favorable vote without even changing a single punctuation mark and having no additional attachments and be passed along to President Obama, it will then be duly vetoed. But let us assume for one moment that this legislation makes it into law, what will follow is as easy to predict as it is that the sun will rise out of the east and set in the west. The State Department will object and give some flimsy reason that these funds must be paid as intended to the Iranian government as there is a treaty in place and the State Department will enforce the treaty to the last letter. If a further fight erupts and the whole matter end up before the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Rogers (I know, do not remind you) then it will be a close five to four vote if not a six to three vote that the monies must be remitted to the Iranians and then those who sued can collect directly from Iran, if they can get any assistance from either the Justice Department, who will claim it is the State Department’s jurisdiction, or from that State Department which will give the families a runaround and eventually find somebody whose job it is to say “No!” with great authority. Such attempts have been tried before and failed and this will as well.



Ostridge placing its head in the sand, oh, wait, it is a particular person of note taking stock of their positions

Ostridge placing its head in the sand, oh, wait, it is a particular person of note taking stock of their positions



Back to Israel and politics which are supreme. There was a meeting Tuesday between leaders of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon hosted by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at his official residence despite the possibly over ten-thousand demonstrators demanding that actions be taken to make all Israel safe for all peoples. We mention this as there were things stated which are not only important for Israelis and Zionists to hear but the rest of the world as well such that they will understand the motivations of these two men in the most powerful of position in Israel and what those motivations will produce. The truth here is very frightening. One participant who is considered reliable has told Arutz Sheva that Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon informed the leaders of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria according to the anonymous participant, “Ya’alon argued in the meeting that there is a connection between violent events by settlers and terror attacks. There are gangs on both sides.” One should not be surprised that this comment was met with some excessive expressions of frustration, anger and disbelief. Where does Defense Minister Ya’alon get his news? Is he quoting the impressions that the European Union’s High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini who, like Catherine Ashton before her, is a well-recognized extreme leftist and suspected communist, pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist crusader who never met a disparaging slam of Israel she couldn’t agree with. Where such a damning remark would play well in Brussels, Defense Minister Ya’alon is not a member of the European Union governance located in Brussels, he is the Defense Minister of the State of Israel and if he cannot see that his one and only job is to look out for the betterment of Israel, the protection of its lands and citizens, to predict, plan and execute those tactical requirements to keep Israel safe from all attacks whether internal or external and to serve the State and its citizens, then it is time to replace him with one who will. It is not his place to sympathize or, even worse, adopt the terminology and accusations of the enemies of the State of Israel which is exactly what he has expressed here. These comments make him unqualified to hold the position of Defense Minister and Ya’alon needs to be replaced immediately. The participant had some further comments before we conclude with Defense Minister Ya’alon as the participant stated, “The man has gone mad. At a certain point Ya’alon began to stutter and he understood that he had gone too far in his analysis.” Well, the catch is we can only expect to hear in glowing terms about how Ya’alon had protected Israel at a great sacrifice and with his every effort since taking the position of Defense Minister and all Israel should be glad to have such a warrior on their side. But then we need to consider the source of such praise, Prime Minister Netanyahu more likely than not.



Left side map depicts the division of the Promised Land amongst the tribes and right side map compares the modern promised land from the Jordan west to the Mediterranean Sea compared to the maximum of area during King David’s and King Solomon’s reigns.



Fortunately, we also had a little birdie reporting on comments made by Prime Minister Netanyahu. It was reported that the Prime Minister Netanyahu told the local government leaders that he does not intend to build in Judea and Samaria. The reason was simply because to do so might upset Washington and Israel must not complicate things and test the relations with the United States with such actions. The Prime Minister reported that the United States objects strenuously to such building and Israel must not get into a confrontation. Since when did Prime Minister Netanyahu develop this phobia against stirring the pot with the United States, in particular with the White House and President Obama? It is not like the two have even the resemblance of a relationship. There was no hesitation when it came to giving an address to Congress despite the strong protestations from the White House. The relations were not even warm enough to permit the Israeli Prime Minister to enter the White House through the front door instead being relegated to using the kitchen entrance and being refused the courtesy of a meet the press photo op even without taking question or speaking. What relations is it exactly that all of a sudden prevent the otherwise brazen, brash and unabashed Israeli Prime Minister from taking matters into his own hand and allow for the tenders he keeps issuing and then preventing their being awarded and if awarded then holding back building permits and then allowing the leftist groups to trample all efforts in the courts without even the resemblance of a fight. Why not just tell us and the world the truth Prime Minister Netanyahu, tell us that after the Iran deal fiasco you have lost all heart and that the recent United Nations speech was your swan song, your last hurrah, your last big game hunt and now you are simply going to lie back and sway whatever way the winds blow knowing that they will always blow ill will upon Israelis. You know inside that if you were to confront and fight the White House that you would find friends coming out of the woodwork to fight alongside of you. There would be a greater distance between the United States and Israel if President Obama could find a way of pushing Israel under the bus and then roll that bus off a cliff if he could. And if it were not because the two nations have such similar goals, needs, security arrangements, defense agreements and are intertwined in so many ways including a large block of voters who will vote to protect Israel; that limits the actions by the President which would completely leave the Jewish State vulnerable to its neighbors’ aggressions. That group goes far beyond any groups there may be of Jews as we are referring to the Evangelical Christians who support Israel and her people with every sinew and prayer. I think it might even be an idea for testing the waters for this Twitter hashtag, #Jewish Lives Matter and Settlers too.



Beyond the Cusp


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