Beyond the Cusp

August 10, 2016

The Usual Defense Aid Message Couching the Big Lie


Once more the time is upon the Israeli political and military leadership to figure the most beneficial path forward and what role they wish for the presumed eternal friendship and joining at the hip of the United States and Israel. At the top of the discussion is that connection at the hip which is a three-billion dollar military aid package which needs reviewing. Rumored in the deal presented by President Obama is the demand that the twenty-six percent of those funds permitted to be used by Israel domestically be phased out and that all aid be approved by the President before being shipped even during times of duress such as in a conflict with Hamas, Hezballah or other entity, not exactly an unusual enough occurrence. The difficulty this could present was driven home when President Obama using the State Department held up the scheduled resupply of Hellfire missiles during the 2014 Hamas conflict forcing a rethinking of plans to operate without that strategically vital and important weapons system. Many are looking at the plan and seeing it as a poison pill which Israel should refuse to swallow while others point to the fact that Israel, until President Obama, had almost never had any difficulties and they claim that the American people or Congress could mediate any difficulties despite the wording of the new arms aid proposal that Congress must have no recourse, council or affect upon any decision made by the President and their administration in such military matters concerning Israel. This places an irreversible veto to all military aid in the hands of a single person, the President of the United States, and contrary to seeming popular memory, this was not the first time that an American administration attempted to change the course of a war when the Nixon administration under the advice of Secretary of State Kissinger delayed resupply to Israel during the Yom Kippur War where it was rumored that the missile silos were opened to persuade the Americans that Israel desperately needed the weapons to avoid an escalation neither side desired. That is rumored to have been a very persuasive argument and the arms were released. That led to some of the arms set aside for Israel to be stored in Israel such that Israel never face that predicament again, but obviously that arms cache cannot hold every type and number which may become required or there would be no need for negotiations on a new deal.





There is a second side to the deal which has developed some serious problems and newly found difficulties, the F35 JSF aircraft. The persisting software problems which are delaying delivery to United States frontline air units, the overheating of an aircraft whose electronics are currently cooled by opening all the weapons bays for one minute every ten to fifteen minutes as necessary which compromises every stealth design of the airframe giving enemy radars a fully obvious aircraft for prolonged times otherwise the electronics start to fail, other stealth problems which were unanticipated in the computer modeling (there is something to say for clay and full-scale modeling and test chambers over computer theories), and the necessity to download all information after each flight, the uploading via military network of flight plans before each mission, the ability of the United States to ground all F35 JSF including those given Israel or just the Israeli aircraft, the ability to take charge of the plane mid mission under certain limitations and a plethora of problems some of which will likely not be known until it is too late which makes this aircraft too reliant on American assistance and goodwill to use as the primary fighter in the IAF. Some of these shortcomings have been covered by Caroline Glick and others in their recent articles as well.


Apart from our hopes that the delays and other difficulties cause Israel to never take delivery beyond their initial flight of F35 JSF fighters, the truth is this aircraft fails all standards of measure due to the facts that the aircraft is undeployable as configured, lacks independent missioning of the aircraft free of United States approval, impossible strictly dependent repair as the only method for troubleshooting of the system software and other electronics is by using diagnostics kept within computers in the United States via “secure” downloads and upload of repairs and updates (think Obamacare software or early versions of Windows), and a host of other problems of accepting and basing your nation’s air capabilities on an aircraft not ready for prime time or even airshows without numerous upgrades and some probable system rebuilds which would require returning the fleet to the United States in too many situations. Then there are the negotiations for a new defense treaty which holds a number of points which are equally, some even more so, troubling with the cancellation of the funds available for Israel use at home being just an average of the problems being demanded by the Obama White House. Some even work to the detriment of the United States as well, but even that sacrifice is nothing when one is working to cripple Israeli future defense capabilities independent from White House whims of the moment. Dropping the Israelis ability to use around quarter of the funding on Israeli military spending which will slow both nation’s research in vital areas as the Americans, due to the assistance received from Israeli research in areas such as drones and anti-missile research and development, are dependent on Israeli research to direct their developments in these areas. But this is all about forcing Israeli military research and ability to be strangled making them further dependent upon the United States for any and all advanced weapons systems and greater dependence upon American weapons systems thus placing Israeli defense under control from the White House and, unfortunately, also the State Department.


So, if this is looking like such a stifling deal for the Israelis, then why is there even the slightest consideration given this deal instead of just walking away until the deal returns to something more beneficial for Israel or otherwise prepares to go their own way. The reason for the United States to like this deal are obvious as they would receive all the aid money remaining in the United States spent to strengthen their military and related industries. Further, any surviving Israel research and development would mostly be reliant on United States direct funding, control and benefit from all advances while Israel would be denied similar developments from integration of such discoveries as they will likely no longer be a part of the development team. With time the Israeli defense industries will suffer atrophied funding with many eventually being absorbed by their American counterparts. This in and of itself should make the entire deal a nonstarter. Still, the Israelis are attempting to find the right lipstick which they can put on this pig and make it presentable to the Knesset, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) and the Israeli public.


Still, the political class and some in higher IDF circles are actually going through makeup kits seeking to find the exact shade of lipstick as to sell this deal claiming waiting until the new President is sworn in and then reach a better deal as there are no guarantees on who the new President will turn out to be or their actual feelings regarding Israel. They claim that despite the obvious problems, this treaty can be worked under and improved with time which should allay any Israeli fears. They try to sell this agreement using fear melded with claims that the deal is not as bad as being reported. The real reason that so many top military personnel and politicians are so willing to take this deal is their fear of not possessing the F35 JSF, the aircraft for the next fifty years for the Israeli Air Force. They claim there should be no worries over any early on difficulties as fixes will be forthcoming. We are less optimistic and believe the F35 will be full of difficulties finally seeing limited use in the United States. The deal’s future demands it be completely accepted as is and cannot be altered by Israel, Congress or even a future President. With these clauses the entire deal becomes a poison pill.


The reason any deal has these supporters within the government and the military, especially fairly high up, is these people seek an external source upon which any refusal of action or other distasteful or unacceptable decision could now be passed along and blamed on matters at levels the people are unaware of and pressing interests of an essential ally were involved in the decision. So any deal is a reusable ‘get out of the dog house’ card with which all unpopularity is due to agreements and pressures and such are beyond their control and the people will need to just understand and the media will drop the issue as the fix is in. Yes, obviously there may be such pressures, but that is simply another reason not to accept any deal, contract or treaty in which Israel surrenders her free ability to act to another nations or, as in this case, any foreign individual thus compromising Israel’s ability to act when Israel deems the necessity and not when it is convenient for some foreign head of state whose people are not generally hurt or otherwise compromised by Israeli inaction. Israelis have seen sufficient friends, relatives and even family die after checkpoints were removed to satisfy an unsatisfiable, unfeeling foreign leader whose only problem is Israel and her defense or loss of lives is not their number one problem, the fact Israel exists has become that problem. Such power must not be surrendered unto any foreign decider, especially a position whose track record has been, when it came to Israel and the peace process, to demand from Israel every surrender, sacrifice, concession and other acts of denial or risks taken while ignoring even the broken agreements, treaties and promises from Israel’s enemies simply because, as Israelis too often hear, we are the civil partner of the United States and as such more is demanded from Israel. Perhaps the Israelis would be best served by refusing any deal and manufacturing and designing Israeli first equipment as this would bring building all Israeli defense and military capability home and employ Israeli engineers and manufacturers within our borders and then if the Israeli government were to buy American armaments we can do so as an equal nation and not one dependent on the good will of any foreign power. The Israeli economic benefit from producing our own defense equipment and servicing Israeli designed, built, and software developed domestically would offset any loss of foreign funds. Such systems desired from the United States or any other provider would now be made as an equal and not as the beggar using daddy’s money with limitations which must be accepted as a beggar depends on the alms giver. As an equal, Israel will not be dependent on any foreign power for upgrades and installation of codes or flight permissions even to fly training exercises as now exists. One need wonder why only Israel is kept on such a short leash while other receptors remain independent and do not need sign away sovereignty just for a few pieces of copper. Perhaps Israel needs not the alms which indebts Israel to any foreign influence leaving Israel compromised. Perhaps Israel need rely more on Israel.


Complete freedom to make all Israeli decisions free and unfettered by foreign influences is easily worth every Agora, even three-billion dollars’ worth because Israel must no longer be dependent on others and be constantly looking over their shoulders every step of the way in almost every matter to see if their minder was pleased or distressed after every decision or speech or anything when it comes to Israeli security or military actions. No nation should continue to permit such compromise in their freedoms and decisions as allowing for such control makes one a vassal state and no longer a free nation. The funds received need be put in perspective. They are approximately equal to one percent, that’s 1% of Israeli GDP and as such not an impossible asset which need be bought at such cost. Israel will gain far more international respect and support even at the United Nations if every leader understood that Israel is not and will not be dependent upon any foreign entanglement or restriction in her actions and will act according to the will of the Israeli public in all things concerning sovereignty including militarily. Such independence and freedom to act will more than repay the aid monies from the United States and if such aid becomes direly necessary, then Israel will rely on the good will of the American people and their representatives in their Congress to answer any plea. Israel must refuse to any longer play the beggar in any international forum or venue, even if it means going forward completely alone as Israel had done in the past. That was when Israel received the respect she deserved and Israel desperately needs to regain her freedom to act in her own interest and no other and then wait for the anticipated respect leading to the support of true friends and allies with which Israel will interact without needing ask any foreigner for permission to act in the best interests of the Israeli people. That road should beacon so loudly as to overshadow the cacophonic noises demanding Israeli restraint when it comes to her defense and actions. Imagine how Abbas would tread knowing that the State Department in Washington D.C. no longer had any veto power over Israel to restrict or otherwise mitigate any Israeli actions concerning the Arabs and their incitement to terror and other acts disrespecting Israel leaning on the staff of the State Department and the Secretary of State who would always have Mahmoud Abbas and company’s back. That too has been a steep price which Israel had paid over the last twenty to thirty years and enough is enough with the selling of Israeli independence upon Israel without being dictated to on what Israel is allowed to do and where Israel must only tread with great trepidations of disappointing anybody who holds the President’s ear. Avoiding such entanglements is also a distinct and necessary component of ‘Never Again’ as it were these very same actors who refused Jews any route to safety and would do so again should the prospect once again present itself. When your numbers are but 0.02% of the world’s population, then you hold exactly zero influence in the world except if you have a homeland and then you can act like an equal on the stage of world affairs. As for the dependency of other’s approval we say, “Never Again!”


Beyond the Cusp


July 25, 2015

What Price for Release of Jonathan Pollard?


According to The Wall Street Journal, American officials said on Friday that there is reported information that the Obama administration is preparing to release Jonathan Pollard. So it begins once again, the rumored word that President Obama may or may not be considering allowing the release of Jonathan Pollard in the next few days, weeks, months after Parole Board of the Justice Department ruling due to be held for Jonathan Pollard November 21, 2015. So, just for the record we may as well get the blizzard of quotes out of the way and then editorialize.

In a vaguely stated release it was noted that some officials had strongly denied on Friday that there was any link between the Iran deal and the prospective release of Jonathan Pollard, stating that any decision to release Jonathan Pollard would be made by the United States Parole Commission.

When any comment was requested of the White House a spokesperson referred questions to be addressed to the Justice Department whose spokesperson declined to comment on a matter as such might prejudice the case which may be coming up or not before the Parole Commission.
The AFP reported that in a similar vein, a National Security Council spokesperson emphatically stated that the timing of the rumored release was not part of any deal concerning or in any way having to do with any deal and was purely to be considered without prejudice by the United States Parole Commission and the Department of Justice.

A report recently aired in the Algemeiner claimed, the Justice Department is “seriously considering” releasing the 61 year-old Jonathan Pollard on November 21.

Alistair Baskey stated for the record, “Mr. Pollard’s status will be determined by the United States Parole Commission according to standard procedures.” He went on to firmly emphasize, “There is absolutely zero linkage between Mr. Pollard’s status and foreign policy considerations.”

Further quotes and statements sent to President Obama three years ago when Jonathan Pollard was approaching completion of serving his twenty-seventh year of imprisonment and the signs it was beginning to have physical effects upon his health, a group favoring his release made the following video:




The running theme in these most recent speculations and the commentary from Administration and Government spokespeople stresses this one central point, namely that any consideration at this time have nothing, repeat, absolutely nothing to do with the recent deterioration of relations between President Barack Hussein Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry over the Iranian Nuclear Agreement signed this past week in Vienna. These claims appear to mirror the claims that United States Defense Secretary Ashton Carter arrival this week in Israel also was not going to in any way promise arms, protection or anything additional in the relations between any of the nations on his trip to the Middle East, especially on his stops in Israel and Saudi Arabia. His visit, it was stressed, will not be addressing the Iranian Nuclear Agreement and is in no way connected to that deal. This is purely a scheduled review of military preparedness and an opportunity for allies to exchange information and express their mutual needs and expectations while discussing the situations in the Middle East except there will not be couched any references about the recent Iranian Nuclear Agreement. That sets my mind so much at ease to know that Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter’s visit is purely to converse about defense matters and to address any expectations each side may have with the other and, of course, to address any weapons requests as might be seen to be necessary to fill in gaps in the allies and their total encompassing defensive weapons systems. Any appearance that this might be a mission to provide weapons systems as bribes to keep old allies less demonstrative in their concerns about the latest developments and their possible signaling of a new alignment in the Middle East as nothing could be further from the truth, honest.


We will likely see how much the visit by Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter results in the toning down of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his protestations over the Iranian Nuclear Agreement and his voicing his hopes and expectations for the United States Congress to pass legislation blocking the United States participation for the deal. The only problem with such reasoning is this line leads one to believe that the United States Congress could be duly influenced by any additional caterwauling by the Israeli Prime Minister. True, his might be amongst the considerations though his position is well known and his continued rants will prove ineffectual as those who are opposed to this deal and pretty much set in stone as are those who wish to support the President in his foreign policy moves as they may feel the President is privileged to certain information which Congress may not possess and others simply desire to support their party’s President as he is in many ways their President. If Netanyahu’s statements are to have any additional effects they will be due to constituents agreeing with his views being driven to write their Congressmen and Senators and give them their advice and stand on this issue which might actually make a difference because votes come election time are what matters and people who write their representatives are the type who remember your voting record.


In all honesty, where weapons might be of some use, it would be especially helpful to park an Aegis Destroyer just off Tel Aviv might be very useful providing their radar was directly made available to the Israelis as the Aegis systems are amongst the most advanced in the world. Further, should this Aegis Destroyer be equipped with Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Army anti-ballistic missile systems, it would be considered extremely nice if it would assist in the elimination of any ballistic missile threats perceived to be incoming as any assistance to the Israeli systems would be appreciated. We here at Beyond the Cusp would be particularly appreciative if any missile be computed to strike along the shores of the Mediterranean and just south of the Lebanon border being intercepted, especially if they were targeting town hall square in Nahariya, really appreciative. If such would be asking too much, that would be just fine as the Israeli intercept systems are very robust, especially in the short and mid-range missiles, rockets, mortars and potentially artillery rounds as the Iron Dome tracking ability gives very accurate real time launch and trajectory path information used largely for decisions by the Iron Dome whether the projectile will strike a built up area or in a field away from any civilian or known military positions and habitats and whether or not to fire an expensive intercept missile.


Last summer delivered intercept rating of over ninety percent accurate detection, decision-making and striking rate as something thought near impossible just a few years ago and right up until the Iron Dome’s performance under wartime conditions and heavy bombardment their performance was a miracle. The true miracle though came after an Iron Dome battery had the unthinkable occur, but perhaps it is best to allow the unit in charge of this battery tell this miracle of a true event,

“A missile was fired from Gaza. Iron Dome precisely calculated [its trajectory]. We know where these missiles are going to land down to a radius of 200 meters. This particular missile was going to hit either the Azrieli Towers, the Kirya (Israel’s equivalent of the Pentagon) or [a central Tel Aviv railway station]. Hundreds could have died.”
“We fired the first [interceptor]. It missed. Second [interceptor]. It missed. This is very rare. I was in shock. At this point we had just four seconds until the missile lands. We had already notified emergency services to converge on the target location and had warned of a mass-casualty incident.”
“Suddenly, Iron Dome (which calculates wind speeds, among other things) shows a major wind coming from the east, a strong wind that…sends the missile into the sea. We were all stunned. I stood up and shouted, ‘There is a G0d!’ I witnessed this miracle with my own eyes. It was not told or reported to me. I saw the hand of G0d send that missile into the sea.”


Just an explanation from an United States Army anti-tank M67 90mm recoilless rifle bearer, a weapon which fires what is called a ‘fire and forget’ round, which means once fired you are finished aiming it, it goes straight until it strikes the target, a tree or the ground. The necessary wind to blow a rocket off course such a distance as described would also be sufficient to put every last soldier and anybody else on the ground either in a ditch or blown off their feet tumbling until they find somewhere to duck. The strong wind needed to so divert a rocket that close to target would be in excess of one-hundred MPH or one-hundred-sixty-one KPH. Such is well beyond a strong wind and we are talking even above gale force winds and into category-two hurricane force winds. The 90mm rockets fired in various conditions from thirty degrees below zero Fahrenheit (minus thirty four and a half degrees Celsius) to over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (almost thirty-eight degrees Celsius) with wind as high as forty MPH (sixty-four KPH) and the effect on the rocket was most affected by the thirty below zero temperature as being a solid fueled rocket it accelerated extremely slowly at that temperature but still flew straight. The rocket most likely to have been targeted at Tel Aviv would be the Hamas named M-75 rocket which they build using the Syrian provided plans for the M-302 Chinese WS-2 and the Iranian 333-mm Fajr-5 carrying a 200-lb (90-kg) warhead up to 45 miles (75 km) would likewise be far too heavy and with insufficient side profile and being a round tube with fins is extremely stable in flight. Their being diverted by a strong wind would be possible but not at any sufficient strength that would not have had adverse effects on the people at the Iron Dome sight and the Tel Aviv area. With all things equal, I am glad that whatever or whomever interceded to divert what would have been a devastating rocket strike harmlessly out in the Mediterranean protecting us, all I can say is, “Bless and thank You, Hashem, bless and thank You from the deepest parts of my heart and soul and may Your blessings always be deserved by Israel and her people.”


Perhaps Hashem might also give the United States officials or President Obama a slight nudge and return Jonathan Pollard to his wife and family while his health makes such a reunion a far more joyous occasion and that he may heal while under Your kindness and the wonderful climate and wondrous rains that grace our crops and refresh the rivers and lakes so necessary to life and for this we give our thanks, even those who give it little thought, those little thoughts are their manner of thanking You Hashem as even the slightest of our thoughts which are pleasant are a gift You permit us as Your consideration of us as Your chosen and cherished friends and through whom You wish to bless others who gain more in their lives that come from You through the inventive and wondrous imaginations granted us. Bless You Hashem for all You give us and the every amazement as we bask in the miracles presented us often unknown but never unappreciated are Your works. Bless Hashem and His miracles large and small.


Beyond the Cusp


July 9, 2015

Why BBC, Just Tell Us Why the Distorted Reporting!

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,24/7 News Reporting,Act of War,Administration,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Appointment,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab World,Arabist,Arabs,Ashkelon,BBC,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Civilization,Coverup,Divided Jerusalem,Domestic NGOs,Equal Treatment,Europe,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Fatah,Fatah Charter,Foreign NGOs,Gaza,Government,Great Britain,Green Line,Hamas,Hamas Charter,Hate,History,IAF,IDF,Infiltration Tunnels,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Intifada,Iron Dome,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jenin,Jerusalem,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jordanian Pressure,Kidnap Children,Koran,Leftist Pressures,Mahmoud Abbas,Mainstream Media,Media,Middle East,Murder Israelis,Muslim World,Muslims,Palestinian,Palestinian Pressures,Politics,Promised Land,Protective Edge,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Six Day War,Smuggling Tunnels,Support Israel,Tel Aviv,Third Intifada,Union Interests,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States Pressure,Victims,War,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:18 AM
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The Palestinian Media echoes the same themes consistently yet even when translated word for word none of the world leaders bother to listen. They constantly claim they hear the plaintive cries of the Palestinian people and the BBC just admitted to translating the children they interviewed by consistently replacing their use of the word “Yahud,” which means “Jew” but they replaced that with “Israelis”. This was the first of the misrepresentations made by the BBC in their special titled; “Children of Gaza” which the BBC claims tells how the children of Gaza were affected by “Operation Protective Edge” last summer. This was reported by Israel National News in their article BBC Admits Covering Up Palestinian Anti-Semitism which the BBC’s own chief international correspondent, Lyse Doucet, explains away this obvious blurring of the children’s statement’s meaning brushing it aside almost as if to claim the difference is meaningless and we at the BBC know what is really in their hearts as they feel as we do about the situation and, as she states, “We talked to people in Gaza, we talked to translators. When [the children] say ‘Jews’, they mean ‘Israelis.’” This revelation comes on top of numerous reports and statistical investigations of the BBC’s coverage of Operation Protective Edge last summer reaching the conclusion that watching the BBC coverage one would be left believing that the Israelis were the aggressors and Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah and the rest of the terror groups in Gaza were simply defending themselves. It was particularly noted that the BBC had footage but refused to air these clips depicting Israeli running with their children seeking to reach the shelters within the fifteen seconds they have at best when the “Code Red” sirens sounded in Sderot and refused to show even one of such clips during their entire coverage choosing to emphasize the trauma on the Palestinian children dismissing the damage done by the over twenty thousand rockets and mortars fired at the Israeli communities within ten miles of Gaza, not to even mention the thousands more that have rained down further into Israel where the warning time can approach ninety seconds for the furthest reaches in Israel. Unfortunately, should Hezballah in Lebanon also start a war in support of Hamas and both sides start launching rockets and missiles then the times for the Hezballah rockets and missiles are exactly the opposite with the north of Israel having that fifteen seconds maximum and the south the almost leisurely ninety seconds. I am sure that most, if not the vast majority of British citizens, believe that Israel is at least the size of the British Isles and some possibly equate it with the United States not realizing the actual size of Israel compared to fortress Britain as some history books have cast the British Isles noting the natural mote which has protected Britain from the marching of soldiers onto her shores having to cross the English Channel saving Britain from invasions from before the Spanish Armada right through World War II and the idea of a channel crossing and the cliffs of Dover preventing the Nazis from marching straight into Britain after their victory over the British at Dunkirk. The actual size of Israel is best told by viewing comparative size maps of Israel and other nations. Below are maps comparing Israel to Great Britain, United States, India and Australia Jewish Virtual Library: Israel Maps: Relative Geographical Size.


Four Maps of Great Britain, the United States, Australia, and India with to scale map of Israel super-imposed for comparison on each map depicting her actual rather than perceived size.

Four Maps of Great Britain, the United States, Australia, and India with to scale map of Israel super-imposed for comparison on each map depicting her actual rather than perceived size.



This misrepresentation by the BBC is not limited to this one time maligning Israel while absolving the Palestinians and neither is the BBC alone in slanting the news from the Middle East especially when referencing Israel. The most consistent representation that is more bias than outright lying is to depict Israel in every conflict as the aggressor and the party which fired first and sought the conflict while declaring the Palestinians, including terrorist entities such as Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the other, lesser in size but not acts or intents, terror groups as the poor oppressed victims who are so weak they only can use rocks against the Israeli war machine. These rocks are currently rockets and ‘guided’ missiles (guided is what makes a rocket a missile but with the untruths in the reporting we figured the superfluous descriptor of guided was necessary) with warheads reaching sizes of 200kg as sits atop the M-75 which is modeled as an exact copy of the Iranian Fajr-5 series which have a range of 75km and which allows these rockets to easily reach Tel Aviv and strike at the Jerusalem metropolitan area as well and possibly reach as far north as Haifa. Hamas building these rockets has only been made possible because Iran provided Hamas and Islamic Jihad with the plans, instructions for manufacture, the necessary specialized equipment and schematics and all other required information and production specifications. The events which preceded the start of Operation Protective Edge included in chronological order initially the Hamas kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens whose kidnappers are still being sought, then three Israeli teens, one mentally different, murdered an Arab teen claiming the right of revenge and now serving time in Israeli prison, followed by an uneasy ten days where over a thousand rockets rained down starting with three or four the first day and ramping up so as to resemble the frog being slowly brought to a boil in a pan of water until they were launching hundreds per day the two days before Israel opened fire with some reaching Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem areas which were fortunately protected by Iron Dome batteries which intercepted rockets, missiles, mortars and other projectiles with approaching ninety-percent interceptions. It was the use of the Iron Dome and the building of shelters in every apartment building (every apartment in newer buildings under new laws and regulations) as well as in general areas and inside most office buildings, malls and other public places while Hamas would place their launchers knowing the Israeli artillery and tanks have return fire computers which allow for placing return fire almost immediately to within a few meters of the launch site and hoping they also hit the nearby shelter, hospital, school, nursery or other locations endangering their own civilians intentionally in attempts to either prevent Israeli retaliations or produce dead civilians, especially children, with which they intend to provide for news outlets to plaster their front page top of the fold captioned telling how Israel targets civilians when the media and anybody following the actual events realize is more propaganda than fact. There are even times Israel has been called to explain their wanton destruction of a hospital or school struck with rocket or artillery fire falsely accredited to Israel. The best example came from Operation Protective Edge when the United Nations built Shifa Hospital was struck with a large warhead which immediately was blamed on Israel. The United Nations, European Union and near countless countries and NGOs went purely ballistic in their condemnations of Israel but further study including inspection by outside observers of the entry angle of the warhead and other information including the IDF return radar systems tracking of the four Hamas M-75 version of the Fajr-5 Iranian-made 100 kg warhead missiles fired which showed the actual trajectories with one striking the Shifa Hospital, one striking Ashkelon, one striking the Mediterranean Sea and one striking the Shati Refugee camp in Gaza. Why Palestinians are kept in a refugee camp that is located in an area turned over to Palestinian control when the buildings holding them resembling more an apartment complex than a refugee camp such that all Hamas and friends need do is take down the fence and let them get on with their lives but they would rather force their own people to suffer so they can include their numbers when attacking Israel in the media for keeping those same Arabs in refugee camps, totally ridiculous and the world, including and especially UNRWA, need to liberate the camps within Gaza as well as those within the areas ruled autonomously by the Arab Palestinian Authority which continues to hold Arabs in refugee apartment buildings near Ramallah and in Jenin among others. Our article which includes the return trajectory tracking of the four rockets was titled How to Spell Hypocrite, US or UN?.


BBC slanted over the top coverage which demonizes Israel while turning a blind eye to the terrorism and attacks intended to cause maximum casualties both in Israel and to Gazans who are placed in harm’s way through intentional actions by Hamas and the other terror outfits is almost legendary. After such obvious slanted coverage became too much for even the BBC to presumably tolerate which one incident makes the entire case when a BBC journalist described on air her tears at seeing Yassir Arafat in poor health. In response to serious accusations leveled at the BBC by some NGOs who investigate honesty and accuracy in reporting including tracking biases and other means of distorting the news, the BBC took it upon itself to do an intense internal investigation and to get to the bottom of whether or not there exists any bias intended or accidental in their reporting on everything Israel. Senior Editorial Advisor Malcolm Balin conducted an investigation to determine if such biases existed and to document those instances where such was found and recommend what changes were necessary to correct these minor and unintentional quirks, after all, is not the BBC the news service much of the world tunes into for their information and by which their opinions are determined and if the BBC is presenting biased information the ramifications reach around the globe and can be so detrimental as to completely alter the perception of the world towards the unfortunate victim of such misreporting and slander. Making matters even worse are the near countless numbers of news agencies who use the BBC news feed as their bible when it comes to unbiased and honest reporting and thus any bias or errors, intentional or otherwise, has a rippling affect to the news in places one might not suspect. Additionally, the BBC is often used and quoted in the New York Times, the print and online American version of trusted news and is also distributed world-wide, thus one can start to get their arms around the problems caused by any BBC slanting of news. The Balin Report was completed in 2004 and as of yet unreleased and furthermore the BBC has invested thus far approaching, if not breaching, a nice round number of £300,000 ($460,000 US) fighting against Freedom of Information Act appeals in order to keep their own internal analysis secreted away from the prying little eyes of an anxious world. Why BBC, just tell us why you are so afraid of the report made by your own Senior Editorial Advisor Malcolm Balin’s report, we are sure the report was done with an eye to the kinds of accuracy we have come to expect from you, or is that the problem, a little too much honesty and integrity from Senior Editorial Advisor Malcolm Balin? Why BBC, just tell us why!


Beyond the Cusp


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