Beyond the Cusp

June 13, 2019

The Palestinian Peace and Leadership Dilemma

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 2:07 AM
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There is a simple reason behind all the reasons and all the difficulties and all the problems concerning the Palestinian Arabs and their respective societies. The first problem which strikes one is it is a matter of the leadership. But even they are trapped by their own avarice, greediness, self-professed greatness and simple lack of concern for those they rule. But their problem is also one of a cause divided and this is where we will begin. The divide is deeper than Palestinian Authority (Fatah) against Hamas with Islamic Jihad. The divide exists amongst the people who speak slightly different dialects of Arabic. The ones in the Shomron (West Bank) speak a variant of Jordanian dialect with a mix of Iraqi and Syrian included while in Gaza they have a more Egyptian dialect. The two groups are genealogically separate as well. This is part of the reason that the two groups’ societies react differently when it comes to violence against Israel. The one ruled by the Palestinian Authority look at their difficulty as a political problem where they need to force Israel to recognize their dreams of statehood, a dream which mostly disappears once one of them is outside their community completely and integrated into a new community and a normal life. The Arab Palestinians in Gaza are largely Egyptians who have become caught up in the Hamas and Islamic Jihad contempt for Israel in general and the Jewish People in particular. They are more prone to violence and mass demonstrations. They have bought into the Hamas revolutionary story and believe that Hamas will lead them to a victory over Israel and they will conquer Israel and take its wealth for themselves. What has been kept as a secret and not expounded upon often is that the two groups of people do not particularly even like one another. There exists no brotherly love or desire for unity between the two populations. Of course, if their governments ever agreed upon merging, they would merge but the two populations would remain largely separate.


Then there is the problem of money, and it is not the lack of money that is the problem. Mahmoud Abbas has channeled much of the cash flow which passes through the Palestinian Authority to his three sons and all his devoted followers who make sure he remains in power. Hamas is no different and all of its past leaders have pretty much retired with more money than they can blow through in an entire lifetime, though we are sure they will try to do just that. Neither set of leaders care to solve the problems they have molded from ant hills into what is visually a mountain but, in reality, is still an ant hill. They do it with smoke and mirrors, but mostly smoke. The recent scare is that the Palestinian Authority is dead broke and is unable to pay their government workers and also have enough to pay those and families of those who have murdered Israelis. In the end they cut their government workers’ salaries in half to pay the murderers of Jews, and that is their phrasing. When the Arab Palestinian leadership complains to the world that they are broke, it does not mean what you or I would consider broke. What this means is that their cash flow has been reduced from the Amazon River in the height of the rainy season to the Ganges River at the end of Summer before the Monsoons. Their complaint that they do not have the money necessary to meet obligations means that after they have skimmed most of their usual take right off the top, then they are without sufficient funds to continue and take their large percentage, possibly well over half, and still have sufficient to pay the murderers and also their government workers. Most of the working public are government employees of one sort or another.


Refined Living in Gaza

Refined Living in Gaza


What is so ridiculous is that were the Arab Palestinian leadership to complain that Israel had stolen all of their dandelions, half the European countries along with countless others would be growing dandelions under perfect conditions in order to have them bloom quickly to produce seeds to give the Arab Palestinian leaders to fill the terrible gap they were claiming to face. When Hamas was screaming about their lack of medical provisions, the IDF contributed to truck leads of the exact items they were complaining about and delivered them to Gaza. Hamas left these provisions to rot in the sun, rain, weather, whatever. Soon they were ruined and Hamas was still screaming about their terrible situation. The Palestinian Authority, of course, did not lift a finger to assist their brothers’ in Gaza who were in need, or so we were being told. The real truth was that they had sufficient medical provisions to treat those in need of medical care and this was more a ploy to gain funds than to gain gauze, balms, ointments, bandages or other medical provisions. As long as the leadership, their families, cohorts, security details, relatives and friends are all raking in the cash, there will be no solution and no peace. The over abundance of cash flowing through the Arabs residing in the Shomron and Gaza is more the problem than increasing it would be a solution. The funding to the Arab Palestinians has increased beyond the point of reason. President Trump addressing this situation through economic means is dead in the water as increasing their cash flow will merely increase their graft and greed. We will get back to the rumored Trump plan about to be unveiled later. It may simply be throwing money to surrounding countries who could not actually care less about their Arab Palestinian brothers and sisters and are simply taking all who are willing to cough up the cash for a ride.


The next difficulty is that the entire attempt to replace Israel with an Arab Palestinian nation was not even an idea that was broached before 1964 and even after the September 1964 roll out of the Arab League and KGB production despite it not yet being ready for prime time and was still being fleshed out. Within a decade the Arab Palestinians had become the cause celeb amongst those who knew that their leftist, anti-Judeo-Christian, Israel is the problem positions were the most proper and correct positions they could ever hold. How many of these celebs had ever been to Israel? Well, none as it is near impossible to support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction) Movement and actually visit Israel as that is amongst the things most certainly verboten. They view Israel to be such a horrid place where people are killed in the streets hourly, if even that infrequently, and it gets even worse in the areas of Israeli oppression as Israel is also practicing ethnic cleansing by removing Arabs by force as well as Israel practicing genocide using the IDF sweeping areas clean of Arab existence all of which explains why there are more Arab Palestinians year after year. Do these people ever stop and think their claims through? We mean like, really, do they have such a low opinion of the abilities of the IDF and Israel that if Israel desired the death of the Arab Palestinians, something we would never consider, that there would be any left alive after a few weeks for them to still protest using the same old adages including that Israel is committing genocide.


When the PLO was founded, their desired end was for their terrorist group, and they proudly exclaimed that they would be dealing in terror, would remove the Jews from Israel and then hand the lands to Jordan or sometimes Egypt or both. They had no claims for making themselves into a nation and instead saw them becoming Jordanian or Egyptian. The PLO distinctly stated they had a complete lack of concern for the West Bank (Shomron) or Gaza. Their reasoning was simply, these two regions were occupied by Arab nations so there were no Jews to expel. Egypt held Gaza illegally since they gained the region during their 1948 War to Eliminate the Jews and their State while Jordan held the Shomron region and had annexed it with three nations having recognized their annexation, Britain, Iraq and Pakistan. The Arab League even resisted granting recognition of the Jordanian move. The PLO laid their sights upon Israel and that target has never changed, it has simply regained lands which belonged to Israel legally from the outset. The defined borders for Israel were laid down at San Remo and confirmed by the British Mandate though the British decided that the Jews really would never require lands east of the Jordan River, so they gifted them to the Arabs and to the Hashemites so as to fulfill their promise to give both sons a nation of their own to rule. The other son got Iraq and was gifted the region presumably dedicated to the formation of a country for the Kurds, Kurdistan, but as these lands included the Mosul oil fields, the British cut a deal with the ruling son in Iraq and in exchange gifted him the region of Kurdistan. The Kurds have been denied rectifying this terrible injustice but other than Israel, very few are interested in the Kurds and their situation. Meanwhile, if the protesters really desired that justice be done, promises met and the rights of the Jewish People to be granted that which the world promised through the League of Nations, then the protest chant should be more along the lines of,

From the River to the Sea replete,
Israel will be made complete.

So, the problem for making peace is not money as the Arab Palestinians are the most supported group in the world by a large factor (see graph below). Their difficulty is they have predicated their hopes and desires on the removal through slaughter of the nation of Israel. Many of these Arab Palestinians would murder every individual in Israel should they have the opportunity while virtually all would agree that at the very least all the Jews must be eradicated. That is a definitive and central theme behind their education system, the books used by their education system, the naming of streets, squares, schools, sports parks, sporting events and virtually everything else which requires naming, even to include their children, after known terrorists with those who are valued the most as they murdered a larger number of Israelis (Jews), or as they refer to their victims, Zionist dogs. All of these items and far more has led to their raising a generation of, now, young adults who have a glorified view of murdering Jews, Israelis, Zionists and all those who have been set as enemies of the Arab Palestinians. Their hate has also been set against the United States and President Trump whom they view as a buffoon and a tool of the Zionists. This is why their leadership can reject President Trump’s peace proposals sight unseen before they have even been presented. They have no real desire for a homeland as much as they desire the destruction of somebody else’s nation, Israel.


Graph of Aid Money to Palestinian Territories and other needful locations

Graph of Aid Money to Palestinian Territories and other needful locations


The position to erase the nation of Israel simply because the Zionists had the audacity to decide to create something that, according to the Arabs and the Quran presumably, had never existed and was now stealing consecrated Islamic Arab lands, which cannot be viewed as the homelands of the Jews because the Jews are an accursed people forced to roam the world being forced from one nation to the next and those refusing to leave when told are to be murdered. The Arabs claim that the Jews have never had a homeland in this region as there has never been an actual nation located in this area and none of the cities have ever been the capital of any nation or people ever since the Arabs conquered the region. The problem is that the Islamic faith teaches that Islam existed before the world and man were created as it is the law by which their concept of their deity lives by and expects all the people of Earth to live by the Quran. They further believe that history for any region began once they had conquered the area and that once made Islamic, it may never be altered or removed from Islamic rule. Their belief is that the world began, at least all that is important, around fourteen-hundred years ago as they spread throughout the Middle East and across North Africa. They pretend not to know that Israel and the Jewish homelands have existed for close to four-thousand years and the initial deed is recorded in the Bible. They view Israelis to be European despite the known fact that the Arab world spat out virtually all of their Jews within the decade after they failed to destroy the nascent state of Israel. These near to eight-hundred-fifty-thousand Jews altered the face of Israel making the Europeans merely half of the population. These Arab Palestinians are bombarded day and night with propaganda relating to how totally awful the Israelis are and how they are responsible for everything which ails them. This is also the sorry excuse behind most of the economically challenged nation where the reason for their situation has nothing to do with their actions as they performed flawlessly but the Jews, or Israelis, came like thieves in the night and stole whatever riches and lands which actually all belonged to the Arabs initially. This is a difficult storyline to use and try to rectify with the known timeline which depicts the arrival of the Arabs who currently make up much of the population came after the Jews arrived, cleared the lands, began irrigation, drained the swamps and connected the region with electrical power. These economic improvements implied there would be jobs and people would have cash which the Arabs gave them an opportunity for employment,


The basic problem the world will have with the Arab Palestinians is that the developed world follows the idea of building for the future while the Arab Palestinians desire destroying Israel and tearing down everything the Jews and Israelis have built. The Arab Palestinians are dedicated to the destruction of Israel. This was behind the Gaza rioting replete with the launching of incendiary balloons intending to spread fire destroying all that they were able to set alight. The Arabs, particularly those in Gaza, make great calls on their people to sacrifice themselves for the cause. They make efforts to publicly revere and celebrate death with this taught to youth in an all aspects of their lives. This culture of death taught to children all but demands that they sacrifice their own lives for the cause. They are raised being taught that day to day life is a hard, difficult slog lasting day after day until you die and possibly go to heaven where there is plenty of water, beautiful with lush meadows, flowing rivers and fruit trees. But if you were to die fighting those evil Jews, then your soul is whisked off to heaven straight away with all sins forgiven where you receive seventy-two perpetual virgins who will see to your every need, and they are very explicit going into some depth about how these women would serve, please and pleasure them. Their teachers are largely from Hamas or Islamic Jihad with their core teachers being Imams. These people teach their children to have a deep-seated hatred for the Zionists alongside their expounding about their culture of death. Such is a dangerous and potentially volatile combination. Is it any wonder that the Palestinian Arab culture and life with so little regard for their day to day lives and such an emphasis on death that they have so many youths risking their lives in a hopeless assault on the border wall with total disregard for their own lives. Then again, on the other hand, these youths could simply by depending on the Israeli love for life thus their IDF practices what we preach and do not take lives needlessly. But the brainwashing by the Arab Palestinian leaders leaves little if any hope of peace now or in the distant future.


Beyond the Cusp


March 28, 2018

The Threat Israel Cannot Defeat Alone


If Israel has a mortal weakness, it is that she cares too much for the protection of innocents even if those innocents are trying to destroy her. That is the most serious threat she currently refuses to face and which will do everything to destroy Israel if only to prove they are correct. The current cases are the numerous NGO’s and the Left wing American Jews who support these insidious organizations working to destroy Israel. The leftists within Israel are also contributing to this situation and the potential of ending the Jewish homelands. Part of the attack comes at the religious in Israel who are also the main answer to allowing Israel to defeat the demographic threats. One of the demands made by many on the left is that Israel must forsake Traditional Orthodox Judaism and instead become a purely secular democracy which favors no religion and allows that all peoples of all religions, and particularly no religion, to live within in harmony. The proof Israel can provide for accepting these demands are to first accept the Two State Solution giving over to the Palestinians all the lands beyond the Green Line and secondly permit those Palestinians in refugee camps permission to return to their homes even if those homes are theoretically within the Green Line and would lead to the Jews being outnumbered by Arab Muslims. When Israelis claim that would be the end of Israel, they are told that this is an unfair accusation as how can Israelis claim that this Arab population cannot also operate within a multicultural democracy if they have not given them any opportunity to do so? They do not accept Gaza as having been a fair example and demand Israel again make the sacrifices and accept their promises that the Arabs will work with the Jews in harmony. When asked what happens if this proves to not be the case, their response is that the Jews can come to the United States or they simply reprimand such as naysayers who have no faith in the powers of Democracy. This is especially true of those on the farthest leftist Jews, even more so those residing in the United States.


There are many things which separate the American leftist Jews and their brethren in Israel and much of that have led to numerous misunderstandings. The leftist Jews believe that because Israeli mainstream Judaism is a collection of different Traditional Orthodox forms of Judaism including many Haredi and Hasidic branches, Chabad, numerous Traditional Orthodox congregations and, this may shake any number of American Jews so we advise you be seated, numerous Conservative, Reform and other nonconventional congregations of Jews as well as a fair number of purely secular people of Jewish extraction. The main Rabbinate is selected from the majority and several forms of Orthodox Judaism. There is a reason behind having the Orthodoxy as the prevalent form of Judaism in Israel, and that is because it follows the traditional laws and all the Commandments of Torah, the exact ideas and ideals that even the socialist Zionist founders foresaw as the true future for the State of Israel mixed with Socialism. Israel, politically, still has too much socialism practiced by the government but that is slowly evolving to a more functioning entrepreneurial nation based on the start-up concept allowing for investments to spur the movement of capital and thus leading to a stronger economy and providing higher wages in the future. But the religious base will remain Traditional Orthodox while permitting every other form but retaining the controlling religious administration with the Traditional Orthodox. This is why all marriages and conversions are required to meet the strict Rabbinate restrictions. These religious restrictions are actually sensible in many ways which become more readily obvious once you come and actually live in Israel.


First off, a confession, at least one of us is a long time Zionist but spent much of their life completely divorced of any practicing of Judaism. Even when returning to Judaism after a tragedy in the family, still attempted first to join a Reform Synagogue but there were personality differences with the Rabbi so we tried the other Synagogue which was Conservative and that Rabbi was wonderful. What was curious was that the Conservative was very similar services wise to the Reform services remembered from childhood. If questions had been thrown at us back in the United States, we would have been just as confounded by the insistence on only the Orthodoxy having the main levers of power within Israel and been somewhat upset about many of these demands. So, the question is what do we now feel?


Star of David Ornate


Since moving to our little corner in Israel we have found how much easier it is to be completely Jewish in Israel. Keeping Kosher is as easy as shopping at the food store and only a couple in town needs to be avoided. Many of the restaurants are certified Kosher. Services are easier to attend as there is almost a guarantee that you will discover one within four or five blocks, if not several. With this all taken care of, being Orthodox, Traditional Orthodox, becomes fairly simple requiring even less effort than being any kind of semi-observant Jews in the United States. Given another few generations and while Traditional and other forms of Orthodox Judaism will be prevalent in Israel, other than Orthodox Judaism, mostly Hasidic and Haredi, one will be hard pressed to find other congregations in the vast majority of the United States and all but gone from Europe. This will be due to the rampant intermarriage which will quicken the exodus of Jews from their religious upbringing, assuming they ever received a Jewish upbringing. One quick way of determining the accuracy of our dire prediction would be to simply ask the few Jews you may know who are not Orthodox whether they attended and partook of a Passover Seder and whether it was held in English or Hebrew. Do not be surprised if the answer shows a lack of Jewish participation. Then ask them what does Seder mean and pray they do not say dinner or story or other wrong answer. When they surrender, the actual translation of the Hebrew word Seder is Order, as in structured or delineated. The main defining part of the service is the reliving of the leading events to the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt and the initial part of the years in the wilderness.


Becoming a practicing Jew and following as much of the laws as possible, as we are still learning some of the rules as we go along, and some are likely obscure and will become obvious with time. One thing about Judaism is that everyone and everything is a work in progress, and some are going to take more time than others.


Finally, it is with sadness that we realize that once again so many of our brothers and sisters will become lost to us just as during the Exodus when it was claimed that a mere one-fourth, if that many, of the Jews from Egypt made the trip while the majority decided that they preferred remaining in relative safety and a life, though harsh, still did not require what the new life promised, challenges and the hard work of building a new land. Slavery was a hard life but the Egyptians provided for their food, shelter and other necessary needs. That is what life in the United States will promise, a land of plenty that is easy and there are very few threats in life while Israel is more of a challenge. Getting a job is more of a difficulty in Israel and as an American one need learn Hebrew, not the easiest language to learn. For the youth, there is IDF service which most American Jews would find as a threatening requirement. One of us did serve in the United States military in combat arms but very few of the Jewish kids we grew up with ever gave such the smallest consideration. Serve in the military, that was outside consideration and why so many Jews went to college. Yes, when drafted, they served and what is actually surprising is that Jews have almost always outperformed other peoples in their service in the military in the major wars in history. But the latest generation, such is not considered something a good Jewish boy or girl would want to do. So, having to move to Israel and face military service frightens many. Thankfully, and these youths are treasured and respected in Israel, there are Jewish kids from America who come to Israel with the intent of serving in the IDF and most desire to be placed into Combat Arms. These Zionist youths are a treasure.


Back to how to allow Israel to defeat their foes is easy. Step one; stop demanding that Israel surrender, conflicts are not won by the surrendering side. Israel must be permitted to be victorious and defeat every challenge and danger facing her and her people. Stop pretending that Israel need be more like the United States as Israel does not have Canada and Mexico as neighbors. Illegal immigrants in Israel are more likely to be terrorists aiming to murder Israelis than people seeking to make a better life and almost none are actual refugees. Step two; when Israel is forced to defend herself, kindly support her just as she supports the United States efforts in such conflicts. Finally, try to remember and understand that in Israel Judaism is not so much a religion as a way of life and Israel is the Jewish homelands where the religion, the people and society try to operate as one. Israel is also the only place where the Jewish people will be protected and cared for without question should any disaster or threat raise its ugly head threatening our fellow Jews. Israel is the Jewish safety fuse which will trip and give the Jewish People a home forever into the future. That should be sufficient reason for any Jew to do anything required to protect their safety valve. Lastly, whether they realize it or not, Israel is the homeland of the Jews and has been the Promised Land from over three-thousand years back and that only gets us back to King David, Abraham and Sarah were close to another thousand years further back. That is something which will never change.


Beyond the Cusp


April 26, 2017

Prime Minister Netanyahu Refuses Meeting with German Foreign Minister


This is sure to bring out the opposition who feel their sacrificing for peace and just give Abbas everything he wants for peace club and whatever will happen is simply the price for peace they are willing to have everyone else pay. How dare the Prime Minister set conditions on a foreign dignitary over meeting him during an official visit to Israel. Where this was a contentious move, it was fully justified for the Prime Minister to place conditions for any visiting dignitary that meeting with NGO’s which are diametrically opposed openly to the government and its policies will result in their not being met by the Prime Minister, such as ended up the case with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel who chose to go ahead with his Tuesday meeting with Breaking the Silence. According to the Office of the Prime Minister, “Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policy is not to meet foreign visitors who on diplomatic trips to Israel meet with groups that slander IDF soldiers as war criminals. Diplomats are welcome to meet with representatives of civil society but Prime Minister Netanyahu will not meet with those who lend legitimacy to organizations that call for the criminalization of Israeli soldiers.” The release from his office continued, “Imagine if foreign diplomats visiting the United States or Britain met with NGOs that call American or British soldiers war criminals. Leaders of those countries would surely not accept this. Our relations with Germany are very important and they will not be affected by this.”


Such groups were delineated to include but not limited to Breaking the Silence, BDS Movement and B’Tselem. It is worth noting that there was no public rebuke from the government when British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson met with anti-settlement NGO Peace Now during a visit in March. Where it is doubtful they would now be considered acceptable. Much of this has to do with the extreme left in the developed world where they have sided strongly with the delegitimization of Israel in the international forums such as the European Union, United Nations, Human Rights Watch and numerous others. This movement of the left, the far left in particular, towards delegitimization of the State of Israel is a virtual declaration of a state of war as they are demanding that the existence of Israel as a free nation and the State of the Jewish People be called into question and be forced to change to simply a democratic nation with free and open borders willing to accept any immigrants desirous of coming here to live. When these people are given examples of how their ideas would destroy the Jewishness of Israel, they claim to see no difficulty or problem with such events. These same people are the ones calling for unfettered immigration into and across Europe and North America allowing the borders to be opened in all these lands to anyone with a desire to immigrate without any limitations. Their willingness to remain blind to the consequences is astounding. They defend their positions claiming that the national Constitutions would continue to have these nations remain democratic institutions as if this would defend any peoples residing from their idea of unfettered immigration.


The idea that within weeks well over seven million Arab Palestinians would empty the camps including all the current Syrian refugee camps in Turkey and Jordan and all these Arabs would arrive claiming their Palestinian roots and at the next election, which would be forced sooner rather than later through violence soaked demonstrations across Tel Aviv and Jerusalem strangling these and other cities until elections would be called. After elections, the newly elected Knesset with the new coalition of pure Arab Parties would pass laws calling for the execution of the Jews. The leftist scoff at this and claim, this would be prevented by the Basic Laws, the same basic laws which can be altered by a simply majority vote. Really? Nobody can truly be that blind to facts and reality, but apparently, these people are either that blind or lying to our faces. We suspect we are being lied to, as these are intelligent people, they just suffer from a bad case of anti-Semitism. Actually, their hatreds go a bit farther than simply Judaism; they also hate all of Christendom. Their real desire is to remove what they refer to as White Privilege which by definition begins with the removal of Jewish Privilege. This simple formula has been cropping up in University of Illinois at Chicago (see picture below), taken further to support for idea of punch a Zionist at McGill University (Canada) and is a supporting concept which helps to drive the BDS Movement and the delegitimize Israel movements. It are these last examples which the Prime Minister was referencing as it was Israel he is concerned about directly and world Jewry largely as that is often a forerunner and indicator of people’s feelings towards Israel.


White Privilege Starts with Jewish Privilege

White Privilege Starts with Jewish Privilege


One standing inconsistency is the idea that Israel is made up entirely of Holocaust survivor families, European Jews and North American Jews making Israel a white nation, and this appears to be a widely held misconception. Israel is a diversely colored and peopled nation where half of the population (technically over half) came from the Middle East and Northern Africa and are as dark as or darker than most Israeli and Palestinian Arabs. Additionally, there are the Ethiopian Jews and the Menashe from India and several other groups claiming to be the lost tribes who checked out as valid and was brought back to their ancestral home to Israel. These additions make Israel a picture of Judaism, a picture which many are unaware of its diversity and how despite any outward differences, we all share our love for Hashem, our devotion to His Torah which was given us when we entered into the Promised Land by Moses as one of his final acts before leaving the Jewish People with Joshua leading them into the Land promised to Abraham and Isaak and Jacob. Even in the Exodus we were more than a singular group as the twelve sons of Jacob took different wives from differing places making for our various tribes and their differences as time went forward in Egypt where they were left to experience the world as Egypt was a center of trade and activity bringing people from around the world. So much for the theory that Israel is a European colonial enterprise, another canard used by Peace Now, Jews for Peace, Rabbis for Peace, Breaking the Silence, BDS Movement and B’Tselem; it is the calling card used by virtually every anti-Israel leftist group despite it being completely and thoroughly debunked and proven false.


The Prime Minister was within his rights, within his right mind and we completely condone and defend his stance and reasoning. For far too long there has been no price extracted from those demanding Israel dissolve herself for the good feelings these leftists claim would be enjoyed the world over if only Israel would allow the Arabs to take over their country. So what if the Jews become stateless refugees being kicked from one country to the next, they lived like that for nearly two thousand years, another two thousand years wandering should not bother them. So what if destroying Israel very easily could mean the end of Judaism, who cares. Certainly not the Secular Humanists whose claim is that Judeo-Christian Ethic is the core belief which is at the center of what they see as wrong with the world, and we are back at White Privilege which required the destruction of Jewish Privilege. This entirety is all but unbelievable and that so many Jews would also support such insanity is beyond the cusp in weirdness. Especially for Jews who are living in Israel. Where is it that they reside in Israel and manage not to see the ethnic variety which definitely surrounds them every day, they just need to open their eyes and look around.


And furthermore, we Zionists are going nowhere and refuse to permit anybody to threaten our Jewish State. This sliver of land which even if we were to include all of Judea and Samaria within Israel, this was lands promised the Zionist Congress by the San Remo Conference and the Mandate System in which the lands for Israel as well as Jordan, the first for Jewish Palestinians and second for the Arab Palestinians, were set out as divided along the Jordan River. All those who select Israel for their attack first and foremost, need to understand that demanding of Israel obedience to demands and constrictions which would never be applied to other nations is anti-Semitism as it is stating that the Jews must meet a different standard for having their own State which other nations need not meet. It is about time that we had signs from the Prime Minister that he was ready to fight those who would destroy our dreams and work to demand that which is rightfully ours. We are not yet assured that the Prime Minister is completely with us in all things, but this is a start in the correct direction. Now we must wait and see first whether the Prime Minister ends up caving to the leftist pressures which are sure to follow or remains steadfast on his and our principles. We can only pray that Hashem has finally stiffened his resolve, we can only pray.


Beyond the Cusp


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