Beyond the Cusp

November 1, 2017

Meet the Other Wonder Woman


Have you ever heard of the “Women’s Media Center” before this sentence? Please hold off on going to the link for now, there will be plenty of time later and we want things to be a surprise. The Women’s Media Center was founded by Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda and Robin Morgan. They have designed an award just so they can honor the woman of the hour. What Hour you ask? She is the woman of every hour when it comes to leftists and they are going to keep her up front and hurt by the recent damaging and crushing defeat to Donald Trump in the election she could not lose. What none of them can believe is that the people of the United States are so stupid that they cannot actually realize what they were supposed to do this past election, and that was elect the first woman President and continue the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Clinton cycle until the next generation was prepared or they had finally groomed and convinced Michelle Obama to be the first Black Woman President. After that, the progression would probably lead to the running of the first Gay Man to be President which would likely be former Mayor of Seattle, Washington, Ed Murray. You probably think that such presumption is insane, but the leftmost Democrats had believed that the Republican Party had been so critically destroyed by the reelection of President Obama that they had been vanquished for the foreseeable future. They figured they could run Francis the talking Mule and win the White House, and there they were probably correct, as Francis probably would have garnered more support of regular Americans than Hillary Clinton.


Talking about Hillary Clinton, she is the honoree to receive the Women’s Media Center’s Wonder Woman Award. Gloria Steinem stated at the announcement, “Hillary Clinton’s actions have inspired and protected women and men on every continent.” Wow, that is some introduction for somebody who your organization had to invent a new award to present as a consolation prize for her missing out on her coronation. Along with Hillary Clinton, the following will also be honored: Jane Fonda, Maria Hinojosa, Ashley Judd, April Ryan, María Elena Salinas and Gail Tifford. The event will be hosted by Maya L. Harris. Gloria Steinem had much more to say in praise of Hillary Rodham Clinton. She added, “She has battled negative forces and helped to maintain a fragile peace with her negotiating skill on behalf of this country and peace-seekers everywhere. She has handled all this with grace, grit, determination, integrity, humor and fortitude while remaining a steadfast feminist, advocate, activist, sister and tireless leader in the revolution. With this award, the Women’s Media Center declares Hillary Clinton our Wonder Woman.” After such a start, one can only wonder what they will do next year for their Wonder Woman Award. We hope that their selection committee will find some younger and more deserving of their award. We are not saying that the other awardees are not deserving, with the possible exception of Jane Fonda who has issues from long ago, which some have difficulty getting past.


Hillary Clinton, Jane Fonda, Maria Hinojosa, Ashley Judd, April Ryan, María Elena Salinas and Gail Tifford

Hillary Clinton, Jane Fonda, Maria Hinojosa, Ashley Judd,
April Ryan, María Elena Salinas and Gail Tifford


We wish Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda and Robin Morgan and the Women’s Media Center a wonderful future as another 501(c)(3) nonprofit NGO. We do have to wonder if the Women’s Media Center supported anybody and gave contributions in this past Presidential election. Unfortunately, we do not have any ability to even utilize the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and the online data provided by the FEC (Federal Election Commission) was of no use as we were incapable of finding if they had even donated money. We are willing to bet their major contribution was through volunteers and arranging speaking opportunities for their favored candidate and other behind the scene and untraceable forms of assistance. But we do know we will be awaiting next year’s honorees as Wonder Woman with baited breath.


Beyond the Cusp


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