Beyond the Cusp

August 18, 2021

Afghan Lessons for Israel and Other Allies

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:05 AM
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This article will be addressing what lessons Israelis and their governing bodies absolutely need to use in revising the apparent policies and beliefs of many in the public. Some of the recommendations will necessarily surround items particular to Israel but most will be adaptable by other allies of the United States. The first point relates to the THADD radar system which the United States demanded be manned by American troops so Israel would not back-design the system and build our own. The ground-based system is reliant upon satellite interfaces and information for over the horizon capabilities; such an expensive support in orbital assets places such a price that the system is cost prohibitive. Further, if Israel required technical expertise to complete such a mission, does anybody doubt that such a system is technically possible but for the initial costs?

Other than the THADD system, there is nothing provided Israel by the United States which has not been in place since before President Jimmy Carter. I refer to provisions sufficient to arm any invasion force of the United States if required in the Middle East. Let us all pray that neither the United States nor Israel will be required to utilize these stores which were put in place sometime after the Yom Kippur War of 1973. There is also the implied, even oft mentioned, support the United States would provide without debate or question were Israel facing an imminent threat. The average Israeli feels assured the United States has their back. Despite my attempts to inform them that their faith was misplaced and that never would an American soldier be forced by their government to defend Israel no matter how dire the situation might become; hopefully, these Israelis are watching the disaster taking place in Kabul where thousands, if not tens of thousands, of Afghanis rushing every landing aircraft hoping to gain exit before the Taliban takes the airport. The military flights out are their only hope, as all civilian flights have been cancelled, which is logical as the safety of the aircraft cannot be assured. Then there are those still at the United States Embassy who are cut-off from the international airport and their trip to safety.

Afghanis Storming Planes Desperate to Exit Country Ahead of Taliban

There is an even larger problem existing, as there are, at a minimum, a quarter of a thousand Americans still within the Afghan borders. Was this surrender planned or was an order given either late Friday night or early Saturday morning to be out of Afghanistan before the morning news cycle for the morning rush-hour news. We wonder whether or not General Milley has found white-rage yet, or any form of useful rage for this situation? I can happily provide the ‘proper motivation,’ as my Drill Sargent would scream, “This man’s Army knows two things, how to kill people and break their things.” From my judgement, General Milley has lost sight of this simple but motivating concept, but to tell him this would be received as a microaggression from which General Milley would retreat to his safe place. As we reported recently, >, there are over nine-hundred Generals and Admirals, General Class Officers, many amongst them seek to command a front-line unit, even if their entire career was overseeing some unnecessary inventory control paperwork completely removed from warfare tactics. This number of General Class Officers is unnecessary as well as completely ridiculous. But these General Class Officers can reach the point where remaining in the military only serves to increase their retirement pensions, which is increased for those with combat command experience. General Class Officers have become the ultimate good ol’ boy’s club, and this is a club the United States must not continue to encourage and trim this bloat immediately starting with General Milley, maybe being fired will finally get some form of rage out of him.

Israel cannot rely on America going any further than they are currently involved with Israel. Our leaders have been informed that should troubling clouds swell upon our borders, the THADD and its supporting unit will be removed to safety. So, as soon as THADD might actually become desired, that will be the point it is removed. That should provide all the clues Israel should require to realize that we are on our own. We can expect that should war break out, the United States will begin meetings to discuss what response is required, all the time hoping that no response will be required. Perhaps this debate can be simplified as Israel would only ever require equipment of war, never would we wish to risk a single American soldier’s life due to being ordered to assist Israeli efforts. We have even gone so far as to suggest Israel return the yearly military aid monies and begin to manufacture our own aircraft or do so in a collective design and build with willing partners, including the United States if it were in their interest. The time has long passed for Israel to operate in her own interests such that our equipment is designed specifically for our particular and often unique needs and situation. The one warning I will continue to press whenever possible is that Israel must be independent from all outside control of our military equipment. With more and more military equipment using more software than ever before, thus supplying nations could potentially shut-down virtually all military systems remotely through satellites transmitting the necessary codes. This is another means for influencing Israel by making her military equipment unusable until Israel complies with what would obviously be overt impositions and forced surrenders. We have witnessed just such treatment before from President Obama when he refused to veto the sanctioning of Israel as he was leaving office. I doubt President Biden will wait any longer than the first opportunity and every opportunity thereafter. I simply wish to express my feelings, Israel, be wary, be afraid and very wary and learn to depend on no nation, trust only in Hashem.

Beyond the Cusp

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