Beyond the Cusp

May 13, 2017

The Thrill Returns


Chris Mathews used to speak of the thrill running up, or was it down, his leg whenever he heard a speech by President Barack Hussein Obama. We will not be hearing about him having some form of similar reaction to speeches by Hillary Clinton. Well, we might, but at least it will not be because of speeches by a President Hillary Clinton, at least for now as the United States voting public is very difficult to predict. If we remember correctly, after rejecting Richard Nixon they eventually did elect him President, and then threatened to, and very well would have, impeached him over the Watergate break-in. Well, back to thrills and body parts. The Democrats for the past several months after the election were all but calling for FBI Director Comey’s head on a pike and would have danced jigs, or at least felt a thrill, well, at least a tingle at his being fired. Yet, the funniest thing happened the other day. After the news broke of James Comey being fired, a fair number of Democrats came before the media to protest the firing of the man they had just a day earlier desired humiliated or possibly have his head on a pike. Such a change overnight, it makes one wonder what could be at play here. Let us not leave you in suspense, we have detected a trend in the Democrats, and, strangely enough, the media as well.


We have noticed that the Democrats have reacted with great horror and shock at every turn, no matter what the actions of President Trump. This particular time it is most interesting as some in the media and with the Democrats ridiculed Trump claiming he was keeping Comey on as the Director of the FBI as payment for Comey destroying Hillary’s opportunity to become President with his ill-timed press conference announcing the reopening of the investigation of the Hillary e-mail probe. This might have worked well but for one small item, Trump does not keep people in positions simply because they perform a favor or two in his service. Further, as FBI Director, Comey was not performing any duties in the favor or service of the Trump campaign. Comey was caught between a rock and a hard place as the laptop computer taken in an investigation of former Senator Anthony Weiner inappropriate sexual e-mails to an underage girl as the laptop also contained hundreds of communications between Hillary and her closest and trusted aid and Anthony Weiner’s former wife, Huma Abedin. With literally hundreds of new e-mails to go through and review, what was a responsible FBI Director supposed to do, wait until after Election Day and the votes were counted and then tell the media of the reopened investigation or tell the media immediately about reopening the investigation. What to do, what to do? Imagine the soul-searching done by James Comey with this weighty decision keeping him up probably all night long pacing the floor from his bedroom to his kitchen, back and forth all night long until morning breaks and finally with the rising sun he makes his fateful decision. He made his press announcement and the Democrats went berserk all but calling for his head on a pike. What was surprising was the rapidity with which the media reported this earth-shaking news, but then it was a bit more than even they could keep silent about. Then Hillary lost the elections and the media had to join the Democrats on demanding Comey’s head on a pike as the only others who could be blamed was the media themselves. So, that is where things were for a good stretch with most Democrats and the leftist media blaming Comey for telling the media about resuming the investigation and not hanging Trump out to dry over the Russian interference. But things in Washington are not always set in stone as much in a quagmire of oozing swamp, which had not been totally drained yet.


Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin

Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin


Then, after the Inauguration, the media and Democrats had a second angle from ruining the chances for Hillary being elected, his ongoing investigations into the Russian interference in the election, another reason given for Hillary losing the election. Of course, there were those who griped that Comey was possibly stalling the investigation into the Russian interference and this brought them back to Comey being a tool of President Trump. That all came to a critical point where everything changed when President Trump unceremoniously dumped Director James Comey this past week. Suddenly, James Comey was the victim of a terrible vengeance over the FBI ongoing investigation of the Russians influencing the elections. Then there is one small problem with the expectations over the Russians influencing the election. In the words of Senator Dianne Feinstein, as covered by the Los Angeles Times, there has been absolutely no evidence of Russian interference or influencing of the election and Hillary Clinton actually might have managed to lose the election on her own merit. But there, if you listen to some of the conspiracies, James Comey had to be fired because the FBI was getting very close to proving Trump worked with Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton and impeachment was just a few more days, weeks at most, away. Unfortunately, the FBI reports that they also have found no evidence that implicates the Russians as interfering or influencing the elections or even their coordinating with Wikileaks to interfere or influence the elections. The FBI and the CIA are both not closing, but they are no longer investigating the Russian election quandary. The Senate has ceased their investigation. The House is likely not far behind. Simply put, that investigation has proven to be a dry well and that is the reality which those still screaming over need to get their arms around.


The question is what will be the next reason where demands come for investigations, as it must be provable that Hillary Clinton actually won the election and belongs in the White House, if only the people were told the truth. This has gone from one reason to the next and appears to be running out of excuses and evils which require investigations and whatever else can be demanded which, if things go as truth will out, or so the anti-Trump forces keep informing us, that Hillary won the election and even at this late date can be placed in the White House and Donald Trump can be placed in prison for the rest of his life as he deserves for stealing what is rightfully Hillary Clinton’s. How long will this continue? Well, that probably depends on how long Donald Trump remains President. For the meantime, we had all better get used to Facebook and other social media being constant yelling about the dirty deals Trump made with Russia and how he is mismanaging the nation and soon the world will explode and everything is all Trump’s fault, and that’s the truth. And if you are upset about this, well, there is one piece of advice we can give you, get used to it, period. Things will remain like this until the correct people are in charge and the adults have returned to the positions of power. The question now is, who will be feeling a thrill in the near future and why.


Beyond the Cusp


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