Beyond the Cusp

September 9, 2016

Election of the Millennium


The coming election in the United States may be as breaking important to the survival of the Judeo-Christian ethos and society as any since the British elected Winston Churchill to face the Nazi menace. The problem is the choices with which the American people have provided themselves. The Democrat Party has caved to the pressure from the Clintons and the idea that they needed to place another first onto the ballot, the first woman to be President, or at least to be the choice to top the ballot of a major party. The Republican Party did not do anything really different when they nominated a person who in appearance was closer to class clown than class president. The real problem is that in politics, as in life, you have to play the cards you are dealt.


So we have a political hack who has never accomplished much of anything noteworthy but has still managed to have collected legal baggage unseen in any candidate running for their first term and not reelection, though we doubt there have even been many seeking reelection with such a set of baggage with the possible exception of Richard Nixon. The fact that it would be Richard Nixon who when seeking reelection may have had almost as much legal difficulties with Watergate bring us full circle as Hillary Clinton, then still Hillary Rodham, in her first “big” job after graduating was to be a researcher on the House Impeachment committee looking into charging President Nixon with impeachment. You cannot make this stuff up and making matters worse, there are some who claim, though verification of this presumed fact has been unsuccessful by us and others, that Hillary Rodham (Clinton) was removed from her position under suspicions that she was attempting and had consulted with members of Senator Ted Kennedy’s chief political strategist in violation of House rules. The originating source, as far as we have determined was the Jerry Zeifman book published in 2006, “Hillary’s Pursuit of Power.” In the book our research turned up references to Hillary having “engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules.” Zeifman wrote on his now-shuttered website, “Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president” and further stated that, “if she were to become president, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed.” Then again, these charges and innuendo may simply have been Zeifman’s contribution of more grist for the mill.


Impeached but Untried Resigned in Disgrace President Richard Nixon

Impeached but Untried
Resigned in Disgrace
President Richard Nixon


On the opposing side we have what some have referred to as a huckster, showman, real estate magnate, television reality show producer and even a fraud. At first look one would be led to believe that the two parties are in a race to the bottom, and that may very well be true. The one thing that the media has been very guilty of thus far in covering Donald Trump is their sensationalism over news content. True, Donald Trump was all bombast and insult to the intelligence during the primaries. The media could have derailed Trump early on simply by noting that he had run for the nomination for President on the Reform Party ticket in 2000 and considered to run for President as a Republican way back in 1988 as well as in 2004, and 2012. George H. W. Bush had also considered Donald Trump as his running mate amongst others before selecting Dan Quayle. These former forays into politics have largely been brushed aside as Trump’s not being a serious candidate and only running for further name recognition and the free publicity thus furthering the Trump “brand” making his television reality show more popular and other promotional contents. Had his campaign been treated as such this time, he likely would have seen his campaign collapse as it had in the past and he would have gone on his merry way. The media for reasons of their own chose instead to promote Trump’s campaign as serious despite his running basically on the same bombast as his previous excursions into the field of Presidential politics. Now Donald Trump, some have posited, is in the position of the dog who chased the car and having now caught it by the back tire trying to decide what to do before being pummeled. The problem now is that he may possibly not be pummeled but could conceivably win the Presidency. That is making the theory that the media pressed his campaign in order to have the Republican Party run an incompetent nincompoop allowing for Hillary Clinton to complete her dream run achieving her destiny, as seen by the leftist mainstream media, the Soros foundation, leftist loonies, the BDS anti-Israel fanatics and a coalition of other far left causes, of becoming the first woman President of the United States as their idea of fate should have things. Something went terribly wrong and Donald Trump may not only have caught the car but the entire car carrier on its way to the White House.


So we have the potentially first woman President running against somebody inflated by circumstance and a pliable media attempting to nominate an idiot, fool, class clown and totally unelectable candidate for the Republican Party such that that candidate could be a simple and easy punching bag which Hillary could knock the stuffing out of on her way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. Now the only way Hillary might be able to see the inside of the White House could be as a tourist or possibly by invite from a gracious Donald Trump giving her a personally guided tour of his remake of America’s House. Well, that would get pictures even on the front pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Post, Philadelphia Inquirer and be the lead story on FOX News and Glen Beck’s cable network. What more could Donald Trump desire as the coverage of his first month in office climax press release/conference, and yes, he would definitely invite the entire Washington, New York and Los Angeles press corps. Should Donald Trump win the election and become President it will prove to be one of the biggest coups ever pulled on the mainstream media as they were played like Nero’s fiddle as the conventional rules for campaigning were thrown out the window. Donald Trump saw what they desired, a patsy to fill the other side of the ballot assuring a Hillary Clinton victory and he played the part perfectly. He rode the wave of being the most aggrandized idiot and a fool but if he wins the race it will posit the question of exactly who is the fool in this real life drama.


Choosing Between Crook and Clown, With Which One are You Down

Choosing Between Crook and Clown,
With Which One are You Down


The media is playing another role in this campaign, one of advocate for one side or the other. The talk circuit is probably the most balanced as just as many hate Donald Trump equally if not more than Hillary Clinton and others fall slightly on the other side. Print media and the mainstream television media are completely lined up behind Hillary Clinton to the bitter end. There is one problem which the media need answer for, they chose Donald Trump to be Hillary’s chew toy and it appears Hillary may not have enough bite to destroy her gifted chew toy. With the e-mail scandal, private server problems, inadequacies as Secretary of State, complete lack of positive credentials and most of all, Benghazi; the media have their work cut out for them as they attempt to cover these stories which just continue to plague them and still try to make their candidate look better than Donald Trump. The big question is can the media out-show the showman himself? Thus far they are getting a failing grade. The media will continue to refuse to pass any questions to Hillary Clinton about the myriad of problems and potential criminal charges seeming to chase her wherever she goes as they value their jobs and their lives. Instead there will be the obligatory questions as to how she managed to be the star Secretary of State while raising a perfect child and still finding time to bake cookies. This after she disavowed baking cookies claiming such would be a waste of her valuable time. Of course this was during her stint as the main lead in drafting new healthcare legislation during her husband’s first term, a piece of legislation so ponderous and unthinkable that even the Democrats turned it down flat out. This should be another qualifying study in what a President Hillary would entail. But this too has been forgotten as the only thing anyone seems to remember is how accomplished Hillary Clinton has been in her illustrious career. Why was that again? Oh yea, she is married to Willian Jefferson “Bill” Clinton who gave us four marvelous, prosperous and entertaining, always entertaining, years as President and this makes Hillary qualified, exactly. This will be her campaign story, how qualified she is by comparison. We wish the media luck selling this product.


On the other side of the campaign stretch the media has an equally difficult row to hoe as they must sell that Trump is unelectable due to his incompetence without drawing any attention to whether Hillary is any more competent. Thus far the media is doing an excellent job in making sure nobody inspects anything Donald Trump is actually saying at his speaking and campaign stops. The media is still pounding away at his irreverent actions during the primaries before he realized that he might actually win. Since the point Donald Trump realized he was very likely going to not only gather sufficient delegates to win on the first ballot, but that there would be no changing the rules of the game in order to place anybody else on the ballot, he had changed the entirety of his election team twice. Simply put, the Republican Party went with the potentially disastrously defective candidate the people voted for in the Primaries against the hand-picked candidate the Democrat Party placed on their ballot the voters be damned as it is her turn, promised turn. These changes in his team proved one simple fact, Donald Trump has taken this election seriously and was going to continue to change team members until he found a team to stay on his message and run a credible campaign.


Donald Trump has been putting forth campaign points which he intends to work towards and had been on message and serious for going on a little over a month. The media won’t report this because Donald Trump is supposed to be the foil for placing Hillary Clinton in the Presidency. Instead of covering the Donald Trump who exists currently and who is talking seriously about issues he and many American care about, the future of the United States, immigrations, both overhauling the current system so legal immigrants can actually come to the United States if they have qualities and skills needed by the United States and not just anyone who can walk over the border and register as a Democrat or work under the table for less. Donald Trump is talking about jobs, real jobs for working class people and bringing back industries from overseas. Trump has proposed a flat tax on business of fifteen percent with minimal if any deductions making America business friendly again. He has gone from bombast and claiming to fire every General in military service to discussing with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Pentagon commanders how to best engage and destroy the Islamic State. He also claims to demand a plan to rebuild the militaries which have been gutted over the past eight years. Tax reform has been one of Trump’s lesser mentioned subjects, but it is on his radar. The media may not cover this but every Trump rally and speech is viewable on YouTube as well as his campaign site for those voters who actually desire to see what the media refuses to cover.


This will be the Presidential election cycle which will go down in history as the campaign the media refused to cover even resembling honestly. There will be critiques of the lack of coverage of any detracting facts or lack of principles by Hillary Clinton while the exact opposite where even if Trump were to get a boil behind his left ear the media would run a week or two coverage inquiring if this was a mark of the beast and pressing the possibility that Donald Trump practices demonic covens to decide his positions on the issues. Well, they have become almost that much of a joke. The blessing is that the people no longer need the media to inform them as they can go find the information straight from the sources with the alternative media. Yes, we know that both candidates have their negatives, all we can add is that they both have positives which would be hard pressed to know from watching MSNBC for one and FOX for the other.


Our message is look before you leap and definitely before you vote as the choice the United States makes this fall for Congress as well as President will have profound meaning for the entirety of the free world going forward. The one item we would suggest you find the answer to is what is the term for surrender, because surrender might just be behind one of the doors in the race for President of the Free World. That position has been vacant for the past eight years and the Free World needs it filled and nobody in Europe appears desiring stepping up. In Israel they are holding their own against a rising tide and their fight is transforming from their sole lonely fight to one that much of the world has coming to knock on or knock down their doors. The future is very scary and that truth should guide everybody to take check of themselves, their life styles and their life choices as those are what got us to this point. Any culture which stops raising children is a dead culture and that is the plague that will very probably have murdered the Europe we all thought we knew. Behind the front of glitz and lights with the night life has been a hollow void of childless marriages and relationships with declining and aging populations with nobody home to take the baton forward as the next generation. Another two or three relatively childless generations, another fifty years and there will be no Europe, no Russia and a very different America and Canada. That too is something that needs to be inspected and choices investigated and their ramifications altered or simply admit that the Western World, freedom and Democracy, the Magna Carta, the American Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights, the Bible and Western philosophy will die for the lack of any following and that will be the end of a long legacy.


This legacy started with Abraham followed by the Ten Commandments with Moses and the rules limiting the powers of Kings in Deuteronomy and an entire codified set of rules for society; soon adding to by the Greek and Roman Democracy and Republic which almost died but were defended at Thermopylae; the English Common Law, spelled rights in the Magna Carta once again limiting the King, the Reformation, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution and Information Age; and the freedoms to choose ones’ own future and passing that on to children to preserve which are all wobbling at the edge of extinction. Ronald Reagan stated it best when he said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Ronald Reagan almost nailed it because it will not be only the United States but all of mankind and that is why everything is so seriously wrong and in need of greatness and we get to choose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? Are you kidding me?


Beyond the Cusp


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