Beyond the Cusp

March 20, 2019

The World has Become Filled with a Vicious, Malignant Hatred


The recent statements criticizing and condemning Israel using millennial anti-Semitic tropes on Twitter and in her worlds to the United States House of Representatives by Ilhan Omar have received some attention and even glorification in certain circles. These spiteful and hate-filled condemnations of Israel were not enough. Ilhan Omar went on to use another slur, this time against American Jews and Jews who are not Israeli in general accusing them of holding dual loyalties and inferring that their affiliation to Israel was stronger than their love for the United States. She continued claiming that the Jewish Israel lobby, targeting AIPAC, was buying support for Israel, through what could only be taken to mean bribes, commenting that support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins Baby!” She made a half-faced apology which was more her being upset that her words were not taken as formal critic of American foreign policy and honest assessment that American Jews are unworthy as Americans due to lack of support. Her perturbations were swept aside and deemed a closed affair with the passing of what we were initially told would be a commitment by the House of Representatives against anti-Semitism but the reality was a generalized condemnation of anti-Semitism along with Islamophobia, immigrants, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, LGBT people, and members of other religious minorities and hate generally. The clincher that Ms. Omar’s derogatory and degrading comments denying equality to the Jewish State and the Jewish supporters of Israel were deemed not to be denounced or protested was that fact that she is still sitting on the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House and as such will have a strong format from which to continue her spite and hate for Israel as well as be permitted to know every detail of intelligence which may be presented to this vital committee where sensitive and often classified information is openly discussed. The greater part of shame, though, is not with Ms. Omar but with the Jewish supporters for Israel and the entirety of the House of Representatives, if not the entire Congress, sitting on their hands refusing to call out the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic accusations presented before the Congress.


But the problem does not stop with just Ilhan Omar; there was also the follow-on accusation from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez immediately following the presumed pushback against Ms. Omar when Ms. Cortez complained about how AIPAC, that pro-Israel Jewish lobbying group, was targeting her and Ms. Omar as well as Rashida Tlaib, the new Representative who has claimed that she also represents the State of Palestine and is in the Congress to be their spokesperson. Do not fear, there will be no complaint of Ms. Tlaib having dual loyalties; she does not support Israel or any other traditional American ally. There was so much left out of this debate, if such a one sided series of events can be called a debate. The small, little, insignificant information which was remarkably not mentioned is that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, amongst others, spend tens of millions of dollars more on lobbying the Congress than AIPAC. There was no mention that numerous Arab and Muslim nations have bought the Chair of Middle Eastern Studies and stacked the professors with anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and often anti-Semitic individuals. Further, these nations are buying sufficient influence over many of the most prestigious Universities to such an extent that it has become commonplace for anti-Israel slant being found in other departments and often the faculty overseeing the school newspaper, deciding which committees are permitted funding and backing by the University and sponsoring anti-Israel events throughout the school year as well as often turning a blind eye when conservative or pro-Israel speakers are denied venue or have their events violently protested including shouting down the speaker so they are not permitted to speak and even physical threats such that speakers have required police escort in order to escape the campus mob. There is far more to the spreading around the world of anti-Semitism often packaged as anti-Zionism, anti-Israelism and Zionism equals racism.


The problem is more advanced in Europe where many Jews have ceased wearing a Kippah (Yarmulke) or jewelry and other items which would identify them as Jews. France was forced to use military troops to protect Synagogues and Jewish schools including Jewish pre-school daycares. In Britain, the Labour Party has had a running problem with anti-Semitism. Some of the Labour Party elected officeholders and party leadership have resigned or have been censored for making anti-Semitic remarks. Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn has faced accusation of his holding anti-Semitic positions and beliefs. He has simply brushed such criticism aside as if they were nothing and has been granted apparent immunity from such claims. Further, when the Labour Party performed an investigation into the possibility that there was a problem with anti-Semitism in their party, so an inquiry whose remit would be to recommend how Labour could best tackle instances of racism, including cases of antisemitism and Islamophobia, with Baroness Shami Chakrabarti as the person placed in charge, they unsurprisingly were given a fairly clean bill of health. What made this result both unsurprising and uninspiring confidence was the problem that Baroness Shami Chakrabarti has faced criticisms as being anti-Israel and anti-Zionist to such an extent as to have probably made her a less than wonderful choice. There were no smiles from British Jews at her appointment and little if any surprise that she found that there was a higher likelihood of Islamophobic beliefs than of anti-Semitic and that much, if not most, of the presumed anti-Semitism was actually proper condemnation of Israeli policies and political leaders and their treatment of Palestinians and the apparent lack of commitment for peace by the Israeli government. This may pass muster with the British Labour Party, but it did not receive any glowing commendations and there were many calls for an outside investigation into the potential problem and not to accept the cover-up.


Then there have been the reactions from the Jewish communities throughout Europe. Recent polling and surveys have revealed that as many as forty-percent of British Jews are seriously considering departing as their lives have been threatened or other forms of intimidation and threats including their fear of anti-Jewish terrorism. Many are eying the United States but a majority has stated that Israel is amongst the nations they are considering or have already chosen. French Jews have become common in Israel with people hearing French spoken in areas of the Tel Aviv metropolitan region. The Jews who remain in France also are considering their potions due to the rampant anti-Semitism they have experienced. Britain and France have the two largest Jewish communities in Europe, so what they decide is important, is becoming influential and can sway the decision by Jews in other countries. A survey conducted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights at the end of last year found forty-percent of European Jews have considered leaving their home countries over the past five years because of rising anti-Semitism. This figure very much is reflective of the trend in both France and Britain.


Members of the Jewish community protest against Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn

Members of the Jewish community protest against Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn


What is even more frightening is the trending decrease in the Jewish population in Europe since the end of the Second World War and with it, the decline in the percentage of Jews residing in the continent (see graphs below). Since the end of the war in 1945, the number of Jews in Europe has dropped by over sixty-three-percent, a drastic reduction by any calculation and it might be ready to shrink even faster. The Arab world divorced themselves largely of their Jews in the decade of the fifties after the end of the 1948-9 war with Israel conducted by six Arab armies and a number of militias and support from other Arab nations. Partly, this exodus of Jews from Europe has aided Israeli population growth. And it is not just Europe where Jews have been departing in great numbers. The Jews in South Africa are departing reportedly due to high crime rates, anti-white animus and the accompanying anti-Semitism which has also been on the rise. On November 21, 1984, Israel began Operation Moses, a seven-week clandestine mission to bring more than 8,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel. But this was not to be the final chapter in the return of the Ethiopian Jews. May 24-25, 1991, almost the entire Jewish Ethiopian community was repatriated to Israel in an incredibly complex operation, and the largest air-train in the history of Israel called Operation Solomon. There has also been the return of the Jews from India who have been welcomed home. The rise in anti-Semitism in the world will serve to increase the rate at which Jews return to their homeland from the Diaspora. But that begs the question of where Israel will place everyone should the population due to immigration triple.


Loss of European Jews Since End of World War II

Loss of European Jews Since End of World War II


The answer to the question is that we have a large expanse which is not very populated, we call it the Negev. Yes, it is supposedly a desert. We are Israel and will make even the Negev bloom. Install three or four more desalinization plants and a nuclear reactor or two generating electricity and we will be good to go. One fact which bears remembering, the main number of Jews outside of Israel are in the United States. While the United States was once the nation with the largest number of Jews, about a decade ago that was no longer a valid claim as the Jewish population in Israel surpassed that of the United States. The reality in the United States is that many Jewish communities will be all but a memory within twenty years or soon thereafter. This is due to the Jews leaving the faith and becoming Secular Humanists. These are Jews who are finding their identity within politics and their fellow travelers. Most of these Jews are far left and basically a product of the best indoctrination money can buy, and that indoctrination never comes cheaply. They have entered and graduated college, possibly with a higher degree or even a doctorate, but as long as their degree is in the social sciences, their education was more than likely a thorough brainwashing from which many will never recover. That is the state of higher education in many fields and too many schools where part of the curriculum is learning to hate Israel and for many also how to be suspect that the Jew next to you may be an Israeli spy. Well, it may not be all completely gone beyond the cusp and fallen into the abyss, but in far too many high profile schools, there exists an undertow of anti-Israelism and a breeding for anti-Semitism on campus. This may result in some Jews rediscovering that they are Jewish while others will distance themselves as far from Israel and will become some of the most rabid pro-Palestinians on campus as they go to any extreme to prove they are part of the in-crowd. How this will end is still to be determined, but in all honesty, it does not look like there will be a happy ending to this story. The United States was behind Europe in this race to extinction, but it appears that they are catching up and doing so with a vengeance. So, once again the world is racing to figure out what to do with the Jew. Thank Hashem for Israel and this permits the Jews to have an escape plan, something we have lacked for close if not over two-thousand years. If for no other reason, Israel is needed for that day when the world decides that the Jew must be driven from before them, this time they have a place of refuge. Perhaps this is the purpose of the rise in anti-Semitism, to drive every Jew to either leave their religion and family (Jews are both family and coreligionists) or to return to their ancestral home and learn how good it can be to be a Jew residing in Israel.


Beyond the Cusp


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