Beyond the Cusp

February 2, 2016

Reflective Spurs Reactive


Reflective and reactive sound similar enough and both are applied to an action that many people do not bother to differentiate between the two, they just dismiss them as two ways of getting to a similar result. Part of the reason behind this is our Western society has become so results oriented that the method of reaching results have been so compromised that we seem to believe that the means really do not matter. Such thinking is sloppy and undisciplined and the reason that many see no difference between reflective and reactive if they were to produce similar results. This reasoning, or lack thereof, is what leads many to measure the terror war now being waged against Israel by the numbers of dead largely and the numbers injured to a lesser extent. This is where the fact that more Arabs have died and less Jews that Israel must be doing something immoral as results are all that matter.


So let us take a moment and break down the particulars and discover the real importance of the differences between reflective and reactive. The dictionary defines reflective as “given to, marked by, or concerned with meditation or deliberation.” The dictionary defines reactive as “pertaining to or characterized by reaction, pertaining to or characterized by reactance.” Simplifying this down an act which is reflective is premeditated, planned and intentionally performed and reactive is unplanned reflex performed due to an external threat, stimulus, peril, provocation or incitement. In any situation where there are two related actions in a situation, one reflective and the other reactive, there is only one order the two acts can occur. The reflective act must be the initiating act and the reactive must be the following action as a response to the reflective or intentional action. These are the exact order which has been occurring in Israel with the terrorist actions being the reflective act, as they are premeditated and planned to assault Israelis, preferably Jews. Despite the target being general in nature, the action is still planned even if not to the exact target and the reaction to these assaults where somebody is attempting to stab innocent civilians and is stabbing one victim and then attempts to attack another and it is evident they will continue doing so until prevented, spurs the reactive action which often is a police or military individual or an armed civilian and often thus results in the death of the terrorist. Should the Arab terrorists, instead of deciding one morning to go and stab as many Israelis as possible until prevented from continuing, decide that there is more to living than there is to rewards in some paradise gained through murdering others; the entire pyramid would collapse from the bottom up. Unfortunately, these youths get themselves so worked-up and convinced they will receive rewards in heaven if they die while committing murderous terror actions such that the pleasures, often sexual in nature, will increase with the number of Jews or Israelis that they murder, with partial credit for maimed and injured; they have a double inspiration, one to murder Israeli civilians or soldiers (yes some attack armed soldiers or law enforcement officers as they just want to go straight to Islamic heaven) and continue attacking until martyred, killed to end their stabbings spree.


Some of the reactive actions have, as well as the terrorist act, have been caught on surveillance cameras. Part of the reason that more terrorists have been killed than Jews have been murdered is because some of these untrained terrorists attack people causing grievous wounds but survivable and the terrorist refuses to stop even if shot and injured. They continue to try and attack and attack until stopped permanently; they really live little other choice. Below is a video from October 13, 2015, where the terrorist makes his initial strike driving his car across the oncoming lane striking pedestrians until hitting a bus stop. The terrorist then exits the car with a hatchet or hand axe and starts smashing those he had just run over and then continues on to attack another victim when an armed civilian arrives and shoots the terrorist who continues to attempt to attack as he gets shot a second and third time. He still attempted to get up and after being shot again and eventually appears to be trying to return to his car either to escape or grab yet another weapon. He eventually died from his wounds if memory serves us well. He was driving his company provided vehicle and was presumably on the clock working and had a well-paying job within Israel inside the Green Line. One would have thought he might be the poster for success for coexistence between Jews and Arabs working together for the same company with equal standing, but apparently in some instances such opportunity is no contest against the constant feed of instigation by the Palestinian Authority on Arab radio and television broadcast from the autonomous Arab areas in Judea and Samaria and on social media. The instigation is a tried and useful method as the media provocations used are the exact same as was used by the Arab authorities in the late 1920s and through the 1930s by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem both from Arab areas and from strong radio facilities in the Balkans aimed into the Arab world with the assistance of the Nazis with whom the Mufti spent World War II. We discussed this at some greater depth in our article The New Anti-Semitism Palestinianism.





The difference between reflective actions as the instigator of reactive acts has to be used as a filter upon reading or hearing the news, editorials, commentary or anything regarding the Arab Israeli Conflict; and that is what this is as the entirety of the Arab world has been working to destroy Israel since the very morning Israel was founded in May 15, 1948 when seven Arab national armies invaded Israel intent on a genocidal conflict which they believed they would win in a matter of days if not hours. The war dragged on for close to two years before a final armistice was hammered out. The end result was Israel had lost control over parts of Judea and Samaria along with Eastern Jerusalem to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt. More wars followed and in each case Israel not only survived but took back the remainder of Judea and Samaria and the remainder of Jerusalem as well as Gaza. Israel also took the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. Israel made peace with Egypt and returned the Sinai but Egypt refused any offer to reoccupy Gaza allowing it to be returned to Israel as it was within the original boundaries. When peace was made with Jordan, Jordan relented the rest of Judea and Samaria as well as Jerusalem ending Jordanian occupation of Israeli lands thus ending the occupation of the lands which were a part of Israel on the morning before the combined armies attacked. The Mufti of Jerusalem encouraged the Arabs to leave Israel promising them within a few weeks they would return to a vanquished Zionist entity and share the spoils with the conquering heroes but something did not quite turn out as the Mufti had promised. The Jews lost the war as far as they lost territory, Gaza and East Jerusalem along with parts of Judea and Samaria but had survived and in a celebration of that survival they referred to the victory inaccurately as the Israeli War for Independence. The spirit of the latest Intifada, terror war, instigations or whatever one wishes to call these assaults on civilians by terrorists seeking dead Jews and their own martyrdom can be reflected in the images below which tell the tale more adequately than words could ever do.



Arab terrorist posing with his knife promising to threaten and take Jewish lives, and they claim Jews rather than simply Israelis

Arab terrorist posing with his knife promising
to threaten and take Jewish lives, and they
claim Jews rather than simply Israelis



Picture uploaded within two hours after knifing terror attack in Tel Aviv was reported by the media celebrating the stabbing of a dozen Israelis

Picture uploaded within two hours after knifing terror attack in Tel Aviv was reported by the media celebrating the stabbing of a dozen Israelis



Har Nof Synagogue Terror Attack which Murdered Four Rabbis and injured half a dozen worshipers and murdered a Druze policeman who attempted to save the other worshipers. This was the cartoon which festooned the Facebook pages and homepage of the Palestinian Authority as well as the Fatah Party homepage, both organizations headed by Mahmoud Abbas who has editorial approval for all posts presumably.

Har Nof Synagogue Terror Attack which Murdered Four Rabbis and injured half a dozen worshipers and murdered a Druze policeman who attempted to save the other worshipers. This was the cartoon which festooned the Facebook pages and homepage of the Palestinian Authority as well as the Fatah Party homepage, both organizations headed by Mahmoud Abbas who has editorial approval for all posts presumably.



Knife Wielding Rafah cleric calls upon Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering them wherever they find them and seek them and stab them repeatedly

Knife Wielding Rafah cleric calls upon
Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering
them wherever they find them and seek
them and stab them repeatedly



Israel had independence at midnight and one second on May 15, 1948 and at that point, before the Arab armies invaded at dawn, the Israeli border included all of the Negev including Gaza and the Blue Line as the border with Lebanon is denoted and the Jordan River. The lands that the Arabs claim they lost to the Israelis because of the patrician as described in the General Assembly Resolution 181 which was the United Nations suggestion of a solution of granting the Arabs a second home sharing the lands which were promised the Zionists for them homeland after Jordan was cut from their original lands. When the Arab League refused that offer as they demanded what they are still demanding, including Mahmoud Abbas and the rest of the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezballah, Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Iran, Saudi Arabia and many more nations, terrorist groups, NGOs, European politicians, American and Canadian Politicians, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon (or at least by his actions he favors such) and who knows who else or cares as there are sufficient known forces that any others really make little difference. The thing necessary to remember is that the Arab Armies attacking Israel that morning was a reflective action as any unprovoked attack of those proportions can be nothing else as accidentally attacking with multiple divisions of militaries from numerous nations’ rules accidental encroachment of Israel’s borders out of the equation and certifies such as a planned execution which was further backed by the threats made by the Mufti of Jerusalem on Jordanian and Egyptian radio and Arab radio within Israel played his threats and promises to those Arabs who would vacate Israel so the conquering armies could simply slaughter everybody they found. This proved true when after stopping a bus of doctors and nurses the Arab forces executed them on the spot as impure infidels not worthy of life. The reality is the Arab Palestinians led by Mahmoud Abbas have the blessings of numerous other national Arab leaders, Iran and nearly uncountable Arabs around the world which is why the cartoon below is so accurate.



David and Goliath as in the Reality of the New Middle East Same as the Old Middle East Israel is Still the Small Shepherd Boy Israel is Still David with a Stronger Sling

David and Goliath as in the Reality of the New Middle East
Same as the Old Middle East Israel is Still the Small Shepherd Boy
Israel is Still David with a Stronger Sling



Yes, we know Israel has won every war and has nuclear weapons just as Iran will have produced by the time President Obama leaves office and a superior number should another American President be chosen by sloganeering and pretending the world has not been affected by the absence of American leadership and continue the policies of ignoring the world and going back to sleep as was the standard by the United States only given up due to the Cold War. What the American people choose will have either a willing to take back their mantle of the lone super power or soon be destroyed by Iranian nuclear weapons used in a far more effective manner if you only have four or five EMP producing weapons with only an unsteady delivery system. The main wish is that the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) do not explode into an even greater conflagration as such a revolt against the governments throughout the MENA nations and potentially result in an even greater flow of refugees fleeing broken nations with no effective governance and lawlessness beyond measure. The problem is such uncontrolled waves of immigration could just as easily be bringing terror operatives and instigators along with the refugees as Europe is realizing to their horror. One can only pray that there are sufficient numbers of refugees who are willing to turn in any terror or organizers from terror groups such that the lack of screening does not cause many people’s worst fears, both within Europe and others outside who would hate to see all the art and other great works and historic buildings destroyed simply because they insult Islam according to some crazed Imam such as the one with the knife pictured above.


Beyond the Cusp


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