Beyond the Cusp

February 23, 2016

Two State Solution Already Exists and it Failed

Filed under: 24/7 News Reporting,Administration,al-Qaeda,Alexander the Great,American People Voice Opinion,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab Spring,Arab Winter,Arab World,Barbarian Forces,Battle of Khaybar,Battle of Tours,Blood Libel,Borders,Boycott,Calaphate,Caliphate,Carthage,Charles "The Hammer" Martel,Commander in Cheif,Conflict Avoidnce,Coverup,Disengagement,Ditherer in Chief,Divestment,East Jerusalem,Eretz Yisroel,Europe,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,Forced Solution,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Gaza,German Pressure,Government,Hamas,Hate,History,International Politics,Intifada,Iron Dome,ISIS in Gaza,Islam,Islamic Jihad,Islamic Pressure,Islamic State,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Jerusalem,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jordan,Jordan River,Judea,Kotel,Leftist Pressures,Libya,Mahmoud Abbas,Media,Mediterranean Sea,Middle East,Mohammed,Muslim Brotherhood,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim Invade Europe from the East,Muslim Invasoin of Europe from the West,Muslim World,Netanyahu,Obama,Oslo Accords,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Paris,Peace Process,Politicized Findings,Politics,President Obama,President Obama Pessing Freeze,Promised Land,Recognize Israel,Religious Pressures,Samaria,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Settlements,Support Israel,Taqiyya,Temple Mount,Temple Mount,Terror,Threat to Israel,Two State Solution,Union Interests,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,West Bank,Western World,World Opinion,Yasser Arafat,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:34 AM
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When somebody mentions the Arab-Israeli peace process the first concept out of almost everybody’s mouth is “Two State Solution” and when asked for clarification they claim “You know, the Oslo Accord thingie with there being two states living side by side with the Arabs and Jews in peace and security.” That is when I like to claim that that already has been accomplished, so why are we still talking about it? That is when I usually get the deer in the headlights stare and weird sounds as they try to wrap their brains around why I am so completely out of my mind, and then I give them the magic formula, “There are two states right now, Hamastan in Gaza and the rest is Israel.” Where I may not have had this identical word for word exchange, I have had this exchange as the basic gist of a discussion and then it devolves quickly just as any honest discussion will with anybody taking the most popular reasoning for why the negotiations keep failing, Prime Minister Netanyahu or the Jews refuse to make peace because of the settlers. I go quietly and calmly ballistic and explain the reality and they inform me that until I take a reality check they are not going to waste their time trying to teach me what really is happening but assure me right before they walk away mumbling about my sanity and shaking their heads that Jews like me are the reason there can be no peace. That is one of the blessings of having made Aliyah; that discussion has not and probably never will occur furrowing my brow unless I make the mistake for going down to Tel Aviv and entering one of the exclusive and needlessly expensive coffee shops seeking to distress myself with two state give up the old city and West Bank Zombies still living in pre Arab Spring turned Winter mindsets. The one point they make which is valid is if there is to be a two state solution then Gaza and the parts of Judea and Samaria which has erroneously become the West Bank, a name invented by Jordan during their nineteen year occupation of lands west of the Jordan River; anyway, the two Arab areas must be unified under one entity. That leads to the other problem, no peace as such can be reached until the Arab civil war between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the rulers in Gaza of Hamas and Islamic Jihad reach some agreement on common governance over their respective enclaves. That is another thing that will not be happening too soon either as the only solution which would have any hope of approval by the Arabs themselves would likely be Hamas if they held an actual election. Without any election the only other possibility would be for the Islamic State to come and replace Hamas and scare the life out of Mahmoud Abbas who would be screaming for the IDF to come protect him from the truly scary Arabs. So, you think that Islamic State would not replace Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza? Let’s see.


There has already been a Gazan who died fighting with Islamic State as we mentioned yesterday reporting that Mufleh As’ad Abd al-Wahed Abu Aadra, aka Abu Abdullah, who was killed in or near Tripoli, Libya. This was reported as his wife received notice of his death on February 15, 2016 from Islamic State and she reported this and it was then reported by the Ma’an News Agency on February 16, 2016. People following the Islamic State or knew about Israel and the Arab-Israeli dispute would know that there have been Islamic State cells destroyed by the IDF before they caused any loss of life other than those who resisted arrest. A select few of the Islamic State cells were taken by the IDF within Section A which requires PA permission and thus makes it likely, or at least possible, that the PA could have detected the presence of Islamic State and requested Israeli assistance. In Gaza there are known to be Islamic State personnel who work with Hamas and Islamic Jihad arranging coordination with Islamic State forces in the Sinai Peninsula. This cooperation is partly why Egyptian President Sisi has ordered the smuggling tunnels flooded or otherwise destroyed. This has led to Hamas leadership accusing Egyptian President Sisi of being a stooge working for the Zionist Entity. Egypt has had their own difficulties with Islamic State, al-Qaeda and criminal enterprises all causing dire problems and great distress throughout the Sinai Peninsula. The real problems between the PA and Israel has nothing to do with the settlers, never did and never will because history has shown that for a real peace Israel will and has destroyed complete communities. When Egypt and Israel made their 1979 peace treaty Israel disbanded ten communities: Avshalom, Atzmona, Dikla, Holit, Netiv, HaAsara-Sinai, Nitzanei-Sinai, Ofira, Sufa, Talmei-Yosef, and Yamit. Then again in the August 2005 disengagement and unilateral effort Israel pulled out and destroyed twenty-six communities including one Bedouin village to the PA in the name of peace. The twenty-two including the Bedouin village in Gaza were: Bedolah, Bnei Atzmon (Atzmona), Dahaniyya (Bedouin), Dugit, Elei-Sinai, Gadid, Gan-Or, Ganei-Tal, Katif, Kfar-Darom, Kfar-Yam, Kerem-Atzmona, Morag, Neveh-Dekalim, Netzarim, Netzer-Hazani, Nisanit, Pe’at-Sade, Rafiah-Yam, Slav, Shirat-Hayam, and Tel-Katifa. Additionally, there were another four communities which were in areas being turned over to the PA in Judea and Samaria named Kadim, Ganim, Homesh, and Sa-Nur.


All too soon the PA and Hamas began skirmishing and an ever growing conflict which finally exploded through December 2006 and January 2007 culminating in February on 2007 with the two powers, the PA and Hamas splitting in June of 2007 with Hamas retaining military and civilian control in Gaza from which they have forced an average of a war every two years with Israel starting with escalating rocket attacks over ever greater areas beyond the will of any nation to have restraint before Israel even considers striking back in any forceful manner. Still, when Israel finally strikes back in force the world media responds with accusations of Israeli provocations and use of disproportionate force when Israeli defensive weapons such as the Iron Dome anti-missile systems and well-ordered society which use the nearly excessive numbers of shelters thus keeping the majority of the Israeli population safe while Hamas allows only their fighters to use sheltered areas and force their civilians into harm’s way with intent of causing maximum fatalities and injuries. Should Israel ever vacate any areas of Judea and Samaria allowing the PA to govern them without the presence of the IDF in areas very close to any point and sharing of intelligence then what would stop Hamas from gaining control and defeating the PA forces just as they had in Gaza? The answer is a simply nothing, absolutely nothing. But there is a problem for which we need to thank Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, for initiating the program which went so completely wrong and was finally, eventually documented by a media which has a history of ignoring similar social challenges faced by Israel in dealing with a resolute and fated socio-religious system which structures Arab Palestinian society and governance and their different human right’s values or lack thereof and terribly underdeveloped social constructs with vaguely defined restrictions of interactions as compared with Western society. The New Year’s Eve base social aggressions by “refugee” males to German women across the country’s major cities that anywhere where people were found in close proximity groping and other unacceptable behavior reached levels so beyond acceptable levels that women were advised not to utilize certain central train stations.


Perhaps an example we recently found and can be viewed below, if we can summarize and still get the ideas across. One of the more revered Islamic clerics, Imam (Mufti) Hassan al-Laham was broadcasted giving a sermon from Gaza on Palestinian Authority TV on February 8, 2016. He gave marital advice on how to handle a difficult wife. He advised that initially the husband is to warn the wife “politely” in the hope that she will see and adjust to ease the difficulty, the troublesome actions. But what if she is also a stubborn wife who heeds not her husband? “Allah created a solution for this.” The Imam continues telling the husband that if his wife is one who requires additional management that, “Allah created a solution for this” and the husband should try “hitting that does not make her ugly.” We are advised that the Prophet Muhammad advised, “Do not hit the face and do not make her ugly. In other words, not hitting that will bring the police and break her hand and cause bleeding, or hitting that makes the face ugly.” This is not going to a good place according to Western culture and Western Law but the adviser continues advising, “The hitting is not meant to disfigure, harm, or degrade. The hitting will be like a joke. He will hit her jokingly.”



The above broadcast along with the examples of the inability of merging raw Islamic “refugees” without providing some period of adjustment coupled with education in what is acceptable behavior in Europe and what behaviors will result in their arrest and potential deportation. Such offenses are serious breaches not only etiquette but highly illegal and while molesting unaccompanied women or assaulting and striking anybody are against the laws, numerous laws which when prosecuted would necessarily result in a prolonged prison time and repeated offences would result in deportation, such behavior was acceptable in war torn Syria. One could hope that the recent offenses and other behaviors by the “refugees” would have educated Europeans to the fact that there is no compromise with the behaviors results in simply more egregious behavior and has been the fueling and driving force behind Israeli dealings with the PA as well as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the other “Islamic entities Europeans demand Israel deal with in good faith.” Unfortunately such has proven not to be the case. If anything it has caused the Europeans to drive their demands for Israeli concessions or even leveling accusations that Israel has not sacrificed sufficiently to the PA and if Israel would take the necessary, though self-defeating, steps required to make peace with its Muslim entities to the point of sacrificing all of Israel then the behavior of their “refugees” would no longer be so difficult. How the European Union can see doubling down on pressuring Israel will help to relieve their suffering before equivalent difficulties with their Islamic forces is purely baffling, yet that is exactly what has become the case along with a number of additional calls by European entities for further sacrificing. There can be no further compromises as every compromise up until now has only set to harden the PA hearts, as if they were Pharaoh from Israeli history; while the PA, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Islamic State and the rest of the Arab and Muslim world gaze at Israel as the weaker nation with no confidence in their claims begging for peace purely out of fear.


This has been echoed across the United States and Europe with pro-Palestinian rallies where often the chanted slogan is, “Khybar, Khybar, oh Yahud (Jews), the armies of Muhammad Come for You!” Add to that the other almost War Cry of, “From the River to the Sea-Palestine Must be Free.” This idea of Palestine existing freed from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea would have it replacing Israel, not existing side by side. Put together at rallies organized by PA agitators and other supporters of Hamas, the PA’s al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and by the liberation meaning replacing, not cooperating in any manner. This extremist view explains repeated refusal to make any compromise, and instead of making counter offers, the PA, ever since Camp David and Taba, has met offers, which they agreed to review only after requiring Israel make unprecedented and unwise sacrifices for peace, from Israel as pleas for being granted any agreement as long as they retained something far less than reasonable compromise would grant. The reason behind this absolute rejectionism resulted from the time the Israelis met the exact offer demanded by Arafat one day earlier stating his terms to President Clinton which surprisingly to all involved Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak who agreed to meet all demands which was then followed by rejection by walking out of the conference in Paris furious that Israel met the demands and Arafat returned to the Palestinian areas and initiated the Second Intifada and an end to peace talks. Ever since the demand made in Arabic to their own people has been clear, they will accept nothing less than all the lands and the death of Israel. That is the reality European demands for an Israeli surrender have produced; an irrational belief that the world led by Europe will vanquish Israel and then gift the land to the PA. I wish that were obvious delusional thinking but can one not claim that is not the result the Europeans also champion in secret in their private affairs. The PA leadership is convinced that all they will need do is wait and allow the United Nations, European Union, European sympathizing governments, and the United States will fight against Israel and bring their desired and inevitable surrender of Israel and the entirety of the Jews worldwide laid before them at their feet prostrated in submission. What makes this all the sadder is the rising numbers in Europe, the United States, World Wide and in the United Nations which has led the PA leadership to assume there is absolutely no need for them to condescend to talking with the Israelis as Israel will disappear once Europe organizes a great army to fight for Muhammad and destroy the Jewish State gifting them what once was Israel, the enemy they could never humble, let alone defeat, and then the entirety of the world coming under the rule of Islam. This is the endgame in the PA’s leadership’s minds and this is their new minimal goal which has come one step closer to fruition under President Obama who has issued many supportive claims and demanded Israel cede more lands than ever before. Between the invasion of Europe and their inroads gained in the United States and United Nations, the Arab and Muslim world believe that the entirety of the Western World will be gifted to and all they will need to do is decide on who will lead this great and wondrously new world, but that is the problems, is it not?



President Obama stating that the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam



Currently the United States is under mismanagement and is not likely to change any time soon if the polling in the United States proves to be correct. We just cannot help thinking that the American people have lost their way and once again need someone to show them the path back to sanity. The unfortunate thing is that these polls show either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders defeating Donald Trump. Donald Trump? Are the Republicans truly serious about choosing Donald Trump, aka The Donald, as their Presidential candidate? Such a choice would guarantee the United States taking what may prove to be a terminal nap as the time is once again upon the world when they desperately require the leadership of the United States. With the leftist now ruling across the continent and Angela Merkel single-handedly may have all but destroyed much of Europe, the influx of Muslim Islamists will make things all the more unstable. Apparently Europeans forgot the cartoon draw Mohammad disaster from a few years ago when scenes as the one pictured below were anything but rare and an angry and bitter Muslims threatened every corner of Europe and their reaction was pitiful. They acquiesced and promised to make it illegal to insult Islam, the Islamic Prophet Mohammad or take any actions which the Muslims might take offense from. This produced a grievance committee which then proceeded to take offense from almost everything without exception. Europe and many in the United States, especially on the college and university campuses, are where the leaders of the world for the next fifty years are being educated that Islam is sacred while Judeo-Christian ethics and morality are depraved and rejectionable. These will be the generation who potentially will sell the world to Islam for a promise of no more prayers at which point they will need prayer more than ever before. Will the future surrender to Islam? That remains to be seen but they are not being prepared to face what will be wrought, not preparing them in the slightest. If they follow the teachings and actions of their professors and university administrators then all they will know to do is roll over and play dead hoping that their new masters do not inflict too much pain and suffering. They will have held to also hope as the only real hope is to stand for your principles. Of course that requires having principles to begin with. Below is a reminder of what was, what actually is, and what will be the result if the path is not corrected and corrected soon. Winston Churchill once stated something so applicable to the world situation of today which we will post after the images of the past, present and possibly long into the future. The choice is to be made in the next decade or two and made by the youth who have been cheated of having any knowledge of history to guide them going further. If we could advise the youth of the world to study one subject and do so on their own without any bias other than the obvious biases they know each book to hold and not a bias which must be ingrained to pass some far left or far right professor’s class, we would advise histories of the Middle East and North Africa, Europe from Alexander the Greek to modern day, the Mongols, and the years and wars of the first fifty years in United States history, a subject even our education did not teach in any real depth and that, we fear, was due to their teachers’ lack of knowledge or in depth reasons which is what is so vital today.



Draw the Prophet Mohammad Cartoon Demonstrations and Rioting Across Europe, the World of Islam and Beyond and the World Appears to Have Forgotten the Lessons Gained I Then Draw the Prophet Mohammad Cartoon Demonstrations and Rioting Across Europe, the World of Islam and Beyond and the World Appears to Have Forgotten the Lessons Gained II Now Draw the Prophet Mohammad Cartoon Demonstrations and Rioting Across Europe, the World of Islam and Beyond and the World Appears to Have Forgotten the Lessons Gained III Future


Winston Churchill said, as promised:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”


Beyond the Cusp


February 2, 2016

Reflective Spurs Reactive


Reflective and reactive sound similar enough and both are applied to an action that many people do not bother to differentiate between the two, they just dismiss them as two ways of getting to a similar result. Part of the reason behind this is our Western society has become so results oriented that the method of reaching results have been so compromised that we seem to believe that the means really do not matter. Such thinking is sloppy and undisciplined and the reason that many see no difference between reflective and reactive if they were to produce similar results. This reasoning, or lack thereof, is what leads many to measure the terror war now being waged against Israel by the numbers of dead largely and the numbers injured to a lesser extent. This is where the fact that more Arabs have died and less Jews that Israel must be doing something immoral as results are all that matter.


So let us take a moment and break down the particulars and discover the real importance of the differences between reflective and reactive. The dictionary defines reflective as “given to, marked by, or concerned with meditation or deliberation.” The dictionary defines reactive as “pertaining to or characterized by reaction, pertaining to or characterized by reactance.” Simplifying this down an act which is reflective is premeditated, planned and intentionally performed and reactive is unplanned reflex performed due to an external threat, stimulus, peril, provocation or incitement. In any situation where there are two related actions in a situation, one reflective and the other reactive, there is only one order the two acts can occur. The reflective act must be the initiating act and the reactive must be the following action as a response to the reflective or intentional action. These are the exact order which has been occurring in Israel with the terrorist actions being the reflective act, as they are premeditated and planned to assault Israelis, preferably Jews. Despite the target being general in nature, the action is still planned even if not to the exact target and the reaction to these assaults where somebody is attempting to stab innocent civilians and is stabbing one victim and then attempts to attack another and it is evident they will continue doing so until prevented, spurs the reactive action which often is a police or military individual or an armed civilian and often thus results in the death of the terrorist. Should the Arab terrorists, instead of deciding one morning to go and stab as many Israelis as possible until prevented from continuing, decide that there is more to living than there is to rewards in some paradise gained through murdering others; the entire pyramid would collapse from the bottom up. Unfortunately, these youths get themselves so worked-up and convinced they will receive rewards in heaven if they die while committing murderous terror actions such that the pleasures, often sexual in nature, will increase with the number of Jews or Israelis that they murder, with partial credit for maimed and injured; they have a double inspiration, one to murder Israeli civilians or soldiers (yes some attack armed soldiers or law enforcement officers as they just want to go straight to Islamic heaven) and continue attacking until martyred, killed to end their stabbings spree.


Some of the reactive actions have, as well as the terrorist act, have been caught on surveillance cameras. Part of the reason that more terrorists have been killed than Jews have been murdered is because some of these untrained terrorists attack people causing grievous wounds but survivable and the terrorist refuses to stop even if shot and injured. They continue to try and attack and attack until stopped permanently; they really live little other choice. Below is a video from October 13, 2015, where the terrorist makes his initial strike driving his car across the oncoming lane striking pedestrians until hitting a bus stop. The terrorist then exits the car with a hatchet or hand axe and starts smashing those he had just run over and then continues on to attack another victim when an armed civilian arrives and shoots the terrorist who continues to attempt to attack as he gets shot a second and third time. He still attempted to get up and after being shot again and eventually appears to be trying to return to his car either to escape or grab yet another weapon. He eventually died from his wounds if memory serves us well. He was driving his company provided vehicle and was presumably on the clock working and had a well-paying job within Israel inside the Green Line. One would have thought he might be the poster for success for coexistence between Jews and Arabs working together for the same company with equal standing, but apparently in some instances such opportunity is no contest against the constant feed of instigation by the Palestinian Authority on Arab radio and television broadcast from the autonomous Arab areas in Judea and Samaria and on social media. The instigation is a tried and useful method as the media provocations used are the exact same as was used by the Arab authorities in the late 1920s and through the 1930s by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem both from Arab areas and from strong radio facilities in the Balkans aimed into the Arab world with the assistance of the Nazis with whom the Mufti spent World War II. We discussed this at some greater depth in our article The New Anti-Semitism Palestinianism.





The difference between reflective actions as the instigator of reactive acts has to be used as a filter upon reading or hearing the news, editorials, commentary or anything regarding the Arab Israeli Conflict; and that is what this is as the entirety of the Arab world has been working to destroy Israel since the very morning Israel was founded in May 15, 1948 when seven Arab national armies invaded Israel intent on a genocidal conflict which they believed they would win in a matter of days if not hours. The war dragged on for close to two years before a final armistice was hammered out. The end result was Israel had lost control over parts of Judea and Samaria along with Eastern Jerusalem to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt. More wars followed and in each case Israel not only survived but took back the remainder of Judea and Samaria and the remainder of Jerusalem as well as Gaza. Israel also took the Golan Heights and the Sinai Peninsula. Israel made peace with Egypt and returned the Sinai but Egypt refused any offer to reoccupy Gaza allowing it to be returned to Israel as it was within the original boundaries. When peace was made with Jordan, Jordan relented the rest of Judea and Samaria as well as Jerusalem ending Jordanian occupation of Israeli lands thus ending the occupation of the lands which were a part of Israel on the morning before the combined armies attacked. The Mufti of Jerusalem encouraged the Arabs to leave Israel promising them within a few weeks they would return to a vanquished Zionist entity and share the spoils with the conquering heroes but something did not quite turn out as the Mufti had promised. The Jews lost the war as far as they lost territory, Gaza and East Jerusalem along with parts of Judea and Samaria but had survived and in a celebration of that survival they referred to the victory inaccurately as the Israeli War for Independence. The spirit of the latest Intifada, terror war, instigations or whatever one wishes to call these assaults on civilians by terrorists seeking dead Jews and their own martyrdom can be reflected in the images below which tell the tale more adequately than words could ever do.



Arab terrorist posing with his knife promising to threaten and take Jewish lives, and they claim Jews rather than simply Israelis

Arab terrorist posing with his knife promising
to threaten and take Jewish lives, and they
claim Jews rather than simply Israelis



Picture uploaded within two hours after knifing terror attack in Tel Aviv was reported by the media celebrating the stabbing of a dozen Israelis

Picture uploaded within two hours after knifing terror attack in Tel Aviv was reported by the media celebrating the stabbing of a dozen Israelis



Har Nof Synagogue Terror Attack which Murdered Four Rabbis and injured half a dozen worshipers and murdered a Druze policeman who attempted to save the other worshipers. This was the cartoon which festooned the Facebook pages and homepage of the Palestinian Authority as well as the Fatah Party homepage, both organizations headed by Mahmoud Abbas who has editorial approval for all posts presumably.

Har Nof Synagogue Terror Attack which Murdered Four Rabbis and injured half a dozen worshipers and murdered a Druze policeman who attempted to save the other worshipers. This was the cartoon which festooned the Facebook pages and homepage of the Palestinian Authority as well as the Fatah Party homepage, both organizations headed by Mahmoud Abbas who has editorial approval for all posts presumably.



Knife Wielding Rafah cleric calls upon Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering them wherever they find them and seek them and stab them repeatedly

Knife Wielding Rafah cleric calls upon
Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering
them wherever they find them and seek
them and stab them repeatedly



Israel had independence at midnight and one second on May 15, 1948 and at that point, before the Arab armies invaded at dawn, the Israeli border included all of the Negev including Gaza and the Blue Line as the border with Lebanon is denoted and the Jordan River. The lands that the Arabs claim they lost to the Israelis because of the patrician as described in the General Assembly Resolution 181 which was the United Nations suggestion of a solution of granting the Arabs a second home sharing the lands which were promised the Zionists for them homeland after Jordan was cut from their original lands. When the Arab League refused that offer as they demanded what they are still demanding, including Mahmoud Abbas and the rest of the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezballah, Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Iran, Saudi Arabia and many more nations, terrorist groups, NGOs, European politicians, American and Canadian Politicians, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon (or at least by his actions he favors such) and who knows who else or cares as there are sufficient known forces that any others really make little difference. The thing necessary to remember is that the Arab Armies attacking Israel that morning was a reflective action as any unprovoked attack of those proportions can be nothing else as accidentally attacking with multiple divisions of militaries from numerous nations’ rules accidental encroachment of Israel’s borders out of the equation and certifies such as a planned execution which was further backed by the threats made by the Mufti of Jerusalem on Jordanian and Egyptian radio and Arab radio within Israel played his threats and promises to those Arabs who would vacate Israel so the conquering armies could simply slaughter everybody they found. This proved true when after stopping a bus of doctors and nurses the Arab forces executed them on the spot as impure infidels not worthy of life. The reality is the Arab Palestinians led by Mahmoud Abbas have the blessings of numerous other national Arab leaders, Iran and nearly uncountable Arabs around the world which is why the cartoon below is so accurate.



David and Goliath as in the Reality of the New Middle East Same as the Old Middle East Israel is Still the Small Shepherd Boy Israel is Still David with a Stronger Sling

David and Goliath as in the Reality of the New Middle East
Same as the Old Middle East Israel is Still the Small Shepherd Boy
Israel is Still David with a Stronger Sling



Yes, we know Israel has won every war and has nuclear weapons just as Iran will have produced by the time President Obama leaves office and a superior number should another American President be chosen by sloganeering and pretending the world has not been affected by the absence of American leadership and continue the policies of ignoring the world and going back to sleep as was the standard by the United States only given up due to the Cold War. What the American people choose will have either a willing to take back their mantle of the lone super power or soon be destroyed by Iranian nuclear weapons used in a far more effective manner if you only have four or five EMP producing weapons with only an unsteady delivery system. The main wish is that the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) do not explode into an even greater conflagration as such a revolt against the governments throughout the MENA nations and potentially result in an even greater flow of refugees fleeing broken nations with no effective governance and lawlessness beyond measure. The problem is such uncontrolled waves of immigration could just as easily be bringing terror operatives and instigators along with the refugees as Europe is realizing to their horror. One can only pray that there are sufficient numbers of refugees who are willing to turn in any terror or organizers from terror groups such that the lack of screening does not cause many people’s worst fears, both within Europe and others outside who would hate to see all the art and other great works and historic buildings destroyed simply because they insult Islam according to some crazed Imam such as the one with the knife pictured above.


Beyond the Cusp


November 6, 2015

Wars of Vital Importance, Historic and Current


The name Arab/Israeli Conflict, or the newer more scandalizing title of Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, is actually, if we were to be honest with ourselves, the Islam/Judeo-Christian War for World Domination. What makes this name so difficult for Western minds to wrap their neurons around is because neither Christianity nor especially Judaism has any desire to rule the world but the same cannot be said in any form of honesty of Islam. Yes, the Christians originally had desires to rule the world and becoming the sole or at least the dominant religion on Earth. The leaders of Christianity were disabused of that notion at some point during the Enlightenment at the same time as the concept of a separation between any formal control of governments by religion nor allowing any state religion to be enacted or religion be favored by the government. So Christianity has adopted the concept of a division making religion free from the influences or restrictions of the government though voters of any specific religion are permitted to actually place candidates up for election, they are just restricted by the various governments in the Western World from showing any partiality, support, legal privilege, or other favorable treatments which have been upheld by the courts. The Church of England even though technically a state founded religion; they receive no real preference as a rule throughout the West.


Islam, and both the Sunni and Shiite Muslims are not so restricted and everywhere they have gained sufficient power the Muslims will do all within their power to forge Islam as the sole religion permitted by the State. Saudi Arabia has an official religion of Sunni Islam while Iran has an official religion of Shia Islam. They are far from alone. Currently Iraq is having a war, identical to what is happening in Syria, to decide which version of Islam will be supreme and dominate over the other with Iranian forces led by the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) and with Hezballah support fighting with the remains of the Iraqi Army which has either murdered or forced desertion of any Sunni Muslims making the Iraqi military a purely Shia; or with Syrian forces remaining faithful to Bahir al-Assad and his Alawite Shia Muslims, outfitted military while the central Sunni parts of Iraq and southern and central Syria has fallen under the control of the Islamic State which represents Sunni Islam. The final insanity which is today Iraq as well as Syria is populated by Kurdish peoples who have made their two areas in Iraq and Syria into a singular autonomous zone and their militias are fiercely defending their people despite lack of proper assistance as they had been promised and against any bombing by Turkish Air Force or other interferences by any other forces in the area and would likely be content to just retain their lands and not go on any offensive to gain lands though they might try to reacquire the lands they lost to the Islamic State and perhaps assist the Yazidi retake their mountainous region from which they were forced to flee by what was then known as ISIS and now has changed their preferred name to Islamic State.



Yazidis who left the Sinjar Made the Journey to Iraq Where Are These Refugees Now Does Anybody Really Care


Islam, neither Shia nor Sunni, have ever experienced a reformation nor have they ever forsaken the concept of world dominion. Both Shia and Sunni still believe they should not only be the preeminent for Islam but also the foremost religion on the face of all of Earth. Further, Islam fervently believes that any lands which have ever come under the rule of Islam must remain under the rule of Islam for all time and must never be surrender no matter the cost. This has been true concerning Andalusia which was the Islamic name given to Spain and Portugal when they fell under Muslim rule but were freed beginning in 1492 when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella began the reconquest of Spain and the Iberian Peninsula as well as the Spanish Inquisition which forced the peoples to either flee, convert to Christianity, which meant Catholicism, or be put to death, a very similar fate befalling those who come under the forced rule of the Islamic State except they demand you convert to Sunni Islam or face torturous death which they can publically display on the Internet using such barbarity as a lure to gain followers and to impress fear on their enemies, which are all who are not Sunnis Muslims under Islamic State rule (it had to do with that rule the Earth thing). This is also the reason that no Muslim entity can ever make a peace with Israel which does not entail transforming Israel into a Muslim ruled state with the Jews at best permitted to live as Dhimmi and pay the special Jiyza tax for as long as their Muslim betters permit their existence as a protected second class citizen lower than the Muslim children’s pets which can end at any time at which it will be decided what the fate of those refusing to convert will face, expulsion or execution. Additionally, there is the concept that the Islamic messiah can only come when the Muslims are fighting the Jews everywhere they can be found and the trees and rocks will call out to Muslims saying, “Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.” There is presumably an exception made where only the Gharkad tree (the Boxthorn tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews. This will presumably only happen when the warriors of Allah, the holy Islamic armies have had one side prevail eliminating the other between Shia and Sunni and the winner of that struggle is close or has acquired complete rule over the entire planet, then the final struggle which commences with the hunting down and extermination of the Jews as the Jews were the first to refuse to accept Allah or Mohammad as a prophet and secondly the followers of Islam believe that the Jews murdered Mohammad through poisoning. Further, there is the rallying cry used by Muslims during the rioting and demonstrations to taunt the IDF, police or other Jews which goes, “Khaybar Khaybar, ya Yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa Yahud,” which means, “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning.” Below is a video of the actors in an Arab Television Series Khaybar describing the themes, characters and even some of their roles in the shows in their own words for Egyptian television as advertisements for the show before and while it aired translated by MEMRI.





There have been in history two main thrusts by which Islamic armies attempted to conquer Europe, one from North Africa into Spain and repulsed at the Battle of Tours where Charles the Hammer Martel repulsed the forces of the Umayyad Caliphate under the command Abd Ar-Rahman Al Ghafiqi. This was the thrust from the west in October 732. The other main assaults came after the fall of Constantinople where the forces of the Ottoman Caliphate (Empire) twice made attempts to seize much of Europe and were likely hoping for their conquest to lead them to Rome itself. Both times, as fate would have it, their efforts came to an end on the outskirts of Vienna. The first battle came in 1529 with Suleiman I as the commander of the Ottoman Caliphate forces with two assisting commanders, Grand Vizier and Pargalı İbrahim Pasha. A combination of causes ended this thrust with the inability to breach the walls and deteriorating weather and excessively long supply lines weakening the Ottoman forces which were outlasted and had to retreat. The second thrust came in 1683 culminating on September 11 and 12 after having begun to lay siege to Vienna on July 14. The crucial turning point gave this battle a hero when King John Sobieski III of Poland and his heavy cavalry (Polish Hussars) ride in to crush the Ottomans wearing heavy plate (pictured below) and carrying pikes on horseback. King Sobieski III leading approximately eighteen thousand heavy horse cavalry, some of the finest in Europe at the time, supported by fifty to sixty thousand German and Austrian troops making up the Holy Roman Army broke the siege and saved Europe once again at the gates to Vienna.



Polish Hussars armor with carrying pikes on horseback led by King Sobieski III leading approximately eighteen thousand heavy Horse Calvary


These are the furthest extents to which the armies of Islam ever attained before being repulsed by the European defenders. These defenders are almost nonexistent today and the armies of Islam invading Europe are disguised as refugee families with babies and small children if one is to believe many of the pictures which are often chosen to make the greatest impact and engender as much sympathy for the Islamic refugees within which is the initial seeds for a future army which will rise up all across Europe and the continent will be lost in a single day. The invasion is being planned now and is in progress yet one would be hard pressed to find a single Islamic soldier who is ready to rise up today. The majority of the refugees, the ones who are not Iranian, Pakistani, Taliban or Islamic State planted organizers and eventual leaders, are actually refugee families and single mothers whose husbands have died or been impressed into serving one of the warring parties, are seeking a better life. These refugees will more resemble the families who immigrated to Europe seeking a better life and who contributed working and paying taxes. Even the children will mostly be upright and contributing members of European society. It will be the second or third generation educated either entirely or after school programs or through word of mouth and weekly or weekend classes which will teach them Jihad and slowly train an entire generation of Islamists ready to murder and even die for Allah. These will be children of middle class and upper middle class families which appear to have it all, television, microwave, two cars and kids spoiled and left alone after school to send to the Madrassahs because they promise a proper Islamic and general education but will also choose the leaders of each class to foment the hate and bile necessary for forming an army that will take the entirety of Europe for Allah. This is what Israel is currently facing as the entirety of social media, schools which indoctrinate, camps which provide military training, television which glorifies Jihad, sport teams which incite and teach that sports is a form of training for Jihad where each victory over the infidel proves Islamic superiority and all loses to infidels must be because they cheated or the officials stole it for them and this will build resentment.


We watch this in Israel taking place in Gaza and the Arab areas of Judea and Samaria. Since the signing of the Oslo Accords in September of 1993, the Arab areas in Judea and Samaria as well as Gaza have run their own schools, collected their own taxes, collected their own garbage, used largely Israeli provided electricity and water without making payments to the independent private companies who have had to raise rates in Israel to cover the literal tens to hundreds of millions of dollars, let alone shekels, and run their own governments with Gaza run by Hamas and Judea and Samaria run by Fatah and they have even held an election; that’s right, just one election as Mahmoud Abbas rightly fears he would be unseated and lose his multi-million dollar schemes and perhaps lose a lot more. Their entire society is predicated on glorification of the martyrs and raising each generation to aspire to martyrdom and the murder of Jews; that’s right, murder of Jews as they are not satisfied with just Israelis, they mean every Jews even the most secular Jew living the life in Anytown, U.S.A. Mahmoud Abbas has stated any number of times that he demands all of Israel as he just did before the United Nations Human Rights Council session in Geneva where he claimed that the occupation had lasted sixty-seven years, from the founding of Israel and the inability of seven Arab armies to destroy the nascent Jewish State in its crib. These poor youths who are so brainwashed with hatred and so programmed to violence that they are literally bringing a knife or a rock to a gun fight and then their leaders whine about their being shot. One can only imagine what would happen to a Jew charging an Arab in Gaza City except for one small problem, they would never get that far without being shot dead on the spot as soon as they cleared the checkpoint to enter Gaza, and yes a Jew, if they were even permitted, would need pass through an inspection at the same checkpoint that Gazans must pass through to enter Israel. There are no Jews or Israelis living in Gaza and it has been completely turned over to the Arabs to rule and they have ruled that they should fire rockets into Israel ramping it up to hundreds a day until Israel attacks every two years and then they complain that Israel is suppressing their rights to fire rockets into Israel indiscriminately aimed mostly at civilians. Hamas claims they are targeting military targets because they define every Jew as a military target. Much of the deceptions here are due to definitions which the media never bother to discern. They just repeat the lie. The media know that Hamas and Fatah define every Jew as soldiers even in their swaddling cloths and yet to speak or even crawl let alone walk. The difference between Israelis and the Arabs is that where the Arabs celebrate the deaths of each Israeli and celebrate the death of each of their own children attacking soldiers with kitchen knives and many celebrated the 9/11 attacks handing out sweet cakes and candies, the Israeli by and large mourned each and every one of these deaths and will continue to mourn every senseless death in this endless war. The saddest truth is the only way this Arab war with Israel will end is either Israel along with every Jew on Earth is murdered or Israel deals the Arab nations such a defeat that when their children in a thousand years hear the sound of an airliner flying lower than normal will quake and ask their mother, “Mommy, are we going to die now?” This is not what is desired as living together is far more preferable than this constant fighting and deaths of our children on both sides and our older citizens who are well beyond being capable of hurting anybody. Any senseless death is a death too many and there have been far too many on either side. Unfortunately the leadership in Israel will remain unable to do what is necessary as they fear that others might say nasty things about us and denounce us unless we allow ourselves to be slaughtered just as we allowed before we gained our own nation. I want to end with a question for my fellow Jews; how many of our infants need die, our youths, our teenagers, our octogenarians. When do we decide to do what is necessary and right for us, and in the end for the Arabs, to end this farce from September 1993 already and begin to build a society which respects Arab and Jew, ending the incitement and sending the instigators packing! When?


Beyond the Cusp


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