Beyond the Cusp

May 2, 2017

Germany, Breaking the Silence, and the Lies Europe Sells


A few days ago we wrote about the German Foreign Minister deciding insulting Israel was more important than meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu while in Israel. The end result was he met with the leadership of the NGO Breaking the Silence when given the choice of them or the Prime Minister. This was not a slight taken lightly as Chancellor Angela Merkel backed up the German Foreign Minister’s choice making it the choice of the German government. This insult should weight heavily on the campaign for the position of Chancellor of Germany allowing the people of Germany to hold Angela Merkel, her party and all the parties who remain in her coalition as supporters of her administration intentionally rebuking Israel through intentional insult and actions which are above and beyond just this insult alone. Germany is also the main financial supporter of Breaking the Silence, an NGO dedicated in making false claims about Israeli Defense Force (IDF) actions even to include their humanitarian activities but more about that soon. What need be added is that Germany is far from alone amongst European governments supporting NGO’s working to defame Israel by all and any means possible usually largely through lies and inference. That includes everyone from Sweden to Britain to Italy and everywhere inbetween. They disguise these NGO’s by abusing the open and unrestrictive free speech laws Israel applies to NGO’s and their ability to register themselves as Israeli NGO’s. That’s right, Breaking the Silence is registered as an Israeli NGO’s despite getting a plurality of their funds from Germany and according to NGO Monitor, European governments cover 65 percent of this NGO’s funds, but when Israel attempted to correct this foreign financing of Israeli NGO’s by changing the laws such that any NGO which received a majority of their funds from foreign sources would be required to register as a foreign NGO, Europeans erupted with indignation claiming that if this law passed then Israel would no longer be a democracy. When Israel was discussing this change the European Union and numerous European governments went absolutely orbital in their threats and sheer furious outrage claiming that Israeli democracy was under threat by this law. Did we mention that every European nation requires NGO’s registered by their governments be financed by a majority of their funds from within the nation, some place a higher than fifty percent requirement for NGO financing to be recognized as indigenous.


Now to give you a taste of the bile odium with which Breaking the Silence attempts to paint the IDF’s actions. The IDF sent a rapid response search and rescue teams and were the first nation to have a working complete field hospital complete with an entire diagnostic department, neonatal, OBGYN, surgical wards and other medical services all even before the United States arrived in Haiti after their devastating earthquake. One of the Israeli acts which received international acclaim was their going the extra steps to restore dancer George Exantus such that he was able to return to the love of his life, dancing, despite having lost his leg from the knee. For some of his story and others about the reputation of the IDF covering more than sending aid to disaster regions, we would like to suggest you read our article Time for Nations Saved by Israel to Demand United Nations Halt and even some of the links found there if they pique your interest. Also, there are videos with British Colonel Richard Kemp who was an international observer during the War with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorists in Gaza including his report given to the United Nations Human Rights Council. We doubt that his report made many of those sitting in the chamber overly happy. Breaking the Silence regularly claims that the IDF has its soldiers harvesting organs from the Palestinians. Breaking the Silence was caught by nationalist group Ad Kan, as reported here by Arutz Sheva, spying on the IDF, or people they believe are IDF veterans, in attempts to gather internal secrets and planning by the IDF along the GAZA border. What Breaking the Silence did with the information and there are fears that they were working for Hamas, Islamic Jihad or possibly even Iran, is unknown and may constitute as espionage, a criminal act. We would be very grateful to any powers that be that actually would prove in a court, military or civilian, within Israel that Breaking the Silence has conducted espionage so that they could be delegitimized completely and made to disband. But, the problem is not just Breaking the Silence, they have allies who similarly are largely financed out of Europe with some financed by the European Union, others by individual nations, and some, in order to hide their financial origins, use other NGO’s through which they receive their funding.


One of the main NGO’s through which funds are channeled is called the New Israel Fund (NIF). By funneling through the NIF, they can claim that most of their funding comes from within Israel. We suspect but have yet to find sufficient evidence that there is the funneling of funds in both directions such that many of the NGO’s be sharing the same funds and repeatedly can show a higher percentage of funding from within Israel. For example one NGO receives a million Euros from any European source and then slide one third to two other NGO’s who then in return send the same amount back to the initial NGO. After doing this again with two other NGO’s they will have received one and one-third million Euros from other Israeli NGO’s and one million Euros from a European source and thus claim they received approximately fifty-seven percent funding from within Israel while actually only receiving one million Euros from a European source. They can then continue in using the one million Euros in efforts against Israel and still claim to be an Israeli funded NGO with holy credentials to prove such. Further, all European funding of the NIF immediately becomes Israeli funding when granted to other NGO’s in Israel and this is considered to be one of the main endeavors of the NIF. What is truly astounding are the number of NGO’s and intragovernmental agencies mostly attached to the United Nations which have as their main agenda the criticizing and denouncing of Israel. The German Foreign Minister also met with B’Tselem, another anti-Israel NGO. B’Tselem was founded as a Human Rights organization and has published over a hundred reports on various issues such as torture, fatal shootings by security forces, restrictions on movement, expropriation of land and discrimination in planning and building in East Jerusalem, administrative detention, house demolitions, violence by Israeli settlers and Palestinians, and Israeli operations in the occupied territories. Hiding behind a claimed Human Rights platform is a popular ruse used by numerous other organizations and most famously by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The UNHRC got to a point where they would open their biannual meetings with resolutions to criticize Israel for human rights abuses. They would fill in the particulars at a later time likely given to one of their staff to enter the desired accusations.


Beyond B’Tselem, NIF, UNHRC, and Breaking the Silence there are leagues of other anti-Israel NGO’s and committees. A short list would include but not be limited to Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), Sabeel, Badil, Christ at the Checkpoint, Zochrot (research on these by NGO Monitor can be read here, plus financing by the European Union for BDS supporting groups such as Applied Research Institute Jerusalem (ARIJ), Land Research Center, The Culture and Free Thought Association (CFTA), Edward Said National Conservatory and Music Association, Popular Art Center, Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (COSPE), Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS), Palestinian Centre for Democracy and Conflict Resolution (PCDCR), Arab Youth Against ‘Honour Killings’, and a number of others also researched by NGO Monitor with the report here, and for a little extra, here is a report by If these are insufficient, well then, can we simply provide the link to NGO Monitor’s Home Page and you can spend the rest of the day simply realizing that Israel truly is the central nation, as far as the world’s attention, despite whatever is happening throughout the globe.


NGO Monitor Montage


Granted, one day the headline might read that North Korean missile launch went poorly and exploded upon takeoff. The next day the headline might read about a chemical attack in Syria against civilians. The day after that we might read about the launching of Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at a Syria airfield and a Mother of all Bombs (MOAB or GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast) being dropped on Islamic State cave complex in Afghanistan. But, before any two-week period is up you will likely find at least one front-page headline reporting on Israel. It may only take a week and far less if anything even minor should occur. We have a President in Turkey not only taking over all the power and centralizing it in the Presidency that he holds but also declaring his intent to take Aleppo and Mosul as the southern borders for the new Turkey, there is the continuing five year long Syrian civil war and all that entails, there is the massive refugee and immigrant influx into much of Europe, terrorism around the globe, the slow disintegration of the European Union, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, North Korea’s Kin Jong Un and his dwindling family size, weather anomalies, Voyager I reaching the Heliosphere and so many other monumental news items not all of which are terrifying and yet the news inevitably returns to a nation the size of New Jersey that is not currently fighting a war with any of her neighbors, Israel. How can anybody explain this? NGO Monitor has a partial explanation in that many nations and organizations around the world invest large sums of cash, often money they do not really have to spend, all on denigrating Israel. This is why the news always turns back to Israel, the world is investing huge sums of money in attempts to destroy Israel and they must have the news constantly screaming about Israel has done this or that or the other and it is terrible. The Arab Palestinians all originated in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and even Turkey, the Sudan and Yemen; and these nations stopped accepting their countrymen back at the demands of Yasser Arafat and the Arab League such that they would have the refugee weapon to wield against Israel. The Arab Palestinians, and here is the dirty little secret, do not desire their own nations, they wish to return to where the rest of their families reside, but they are set on destroying Israel first and are willing to live forever in these camps because Israel must be destroyed. The Europeans agree with the Arab world on this point which is why they spend so much time, energy and money in efforts to discredit and demean Israel. The destruction of Israel has become the dream of the leftists who, it should be no surprise, are the modern fascists. The reason everybody has the desire to be rid of Israel is very simple and was given by Adolph Hitler as the reason for the Final Solution; he was going to rid the world of the “Jewish Conscience” which meant he also wanted to destroy all of the Judeo-Christian world. We have discussed this and shown how the left has been against the Judeo-Christian ethics for at least the past century. This was why they supported the Nazis up until Poland was invaded and they felt threatened, further one can simply research Charles Lindbergh and the Eugenicists of his era and their support for Hitler and Mousseline until the start of World War II and the attack on Pearl Harbor. During and for a while after World War II the left fell in love with Communism for the same reason and now are admiring Islam and see it as the savior from the Judeo-Christian ethic which they see as the bane of civilization. We talked of this in our article It Can Get Worse But Why Wait?


The only conclusion which can come from this is even leftist Jews who mostly have left their faith mostly outside their lives with special exception for their loved holiday parties such as dress-up costumes for Purim, jelly donuts on Chanukah and really dressing up for the High Holiday services, have joined in the anti-Semitic hatred for Israel. The hatred for Israel is largely fueled by anti-Semitism which is easily proven by simply asking those anti-Israel demonstrators what other nation they hold to a similar standard as Israel. Mostly they will sputter or perhaps be honest before they check themselves and name the United States. Hatred of the Judeo-Christian ethic is both anti-Semitism and anti-Christianity and often couched as anti-Western culture. The weird thing is the most ardent advocates of these particular poisonous hatreds are people living in Western Society. Why the natives of Western Society and the people who benefit the most from the Judeo-Christian ethics from which we get such niceties as private property rights, civility, polite culture, the Ten Commandments and nearly everything they find pleasant about their life all of which is kept safe due to the legal systems which were derived from Torah and the teachings of the Rabbis (Jesus was a Rabbi) and the philosophies which followed from their leads. Of course, the leftists will claim that religion has murdered more people than anything else in history. What they are doing is repeating a lie which by its repetition has become accepted truth, but it is still a lie. The first thing they need to take in is that World War I was not started over religion but by treaties, World War II and the Holocaust had nothing to do with religion, at least not Judeo-Christianity as the Nazis were anti-Christian and, need we add, anti-Semitic and then we have the Stalin Purges and then the disastrous policies of Mao which murdered more people than anyone has ever been able to estimate and that alone accounts for over three-quarters of the deaths due to war and governments. Only one killer even approaches these counts, disease. The current war against Israel is simply a continuation of a hatred which has existed for over four-thousand years and if only it could end and Israel be given the lands promised her in 1922, well before the Holocaust thus not having such as the reason, and allowed to live in peace, then everything discovered by Israeli scientists and physicians and engineers would be shared with the world and used for the benefit of the world. If you think cherry tomatoes are cool, imagine what other things Israel could invent.


Beyond the Cusp


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