Beyond the Cusp

December 16, 2017

It Is Not Just Israel Muslims Claim


It’s the entire world. But perhaps we should start small and work our way to the entirety of reality. Their current concentration is focused on the crown jewel of the world, Jerusalem itself. There is another name for Jerusalem, which lives in the heart of Judaism, Zion. The very meaning behind Zionism and the Muslims know this, for that is why they make it their central demand as their capital. The idea is to deny the Jews their own nation, self-rule and the right to have an army with which to defend themselves. Yasser Arafat made the original statement that has become the mantra for the Jerusalem is holy only to the followers of Allah when he threatened, “A million Shaheeds will march on Jerusalem.” Thusfar there have been no marches by Shaheeds on Jerusalem, but there has been the normative response to President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as since the speech, thirteen rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel. Three were fired two nights past and still no coverage anywhere else in the world about these attacks upon Israel. But the media may soon awaken as that same night Israel responded striking three known Hamas facilities, training and weapons storage sites. Now the media will announce that Israel has bombed Gaza and mention the tragic damage and the number of people whose coffee was spilt as they were startled and about paragraph four or five will be the mention, in passing of course, that the strikes were in response to numerous rocket attacks on Israel. The media is well aware that the majority of their readers hardly ever read beyond the third paragraph and thus many will believe that Israel attacked Hamas and Gaza for no reason. The world is playing a very dangerous game which will come back to haunt them some day.


The world needs to learn about Islam and the goals, which were set for the religion by the founders who wrote the Quran. The final Quran was written from memories and collected written versions of parts of the presumable original writings, which may have been written during the life of Muhammad. The writing and compiling began with Abu Bakr, and then passed on to the next Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab who then passed it on to others until it was finalized under the supervision of Uthman ibn Affan. This final compendium was set approximately twenty to thirty years after Muhammad’s death. The main reason for Islam, according to the teachings and prophesies of Muhammad was to bring both Judaism and Christianity to a close replacing both as Islam was the final revelation of Allah. Islam claimed that every individual from the Old Testament, the Torah specifically, were actually Muslims. Such individuals Islam claims were followers include but are not limited to Adam, Eve, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Isaak, Yaakov and Aaron. Further, Solomon built a Mosque, not the Temple. The fact that Islam came many thousands of years later apparently poses no problem for the followers of Islam. Their claim is that the Jews and then the Christians had diverted from the teachings of Allah as they had been given to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus requiring for Muhammad to be retold the original message from Allah correcting everything that Jews had believed for two thousand years, despite it being presumably incorrect. So, the Quran claims that Judaism and Christianity are presumed to be tainted beliefs, which have fallen away from the true teachings of Islam, and as they were presumed to have originally been Muslims and now follow false beliefs, they are heretics. Jews and Christians are to be saved only by having them return to Islam and the entire world is to be brought to the sole and only true faith for all of mankind. That is true; they believe they must bring every last human being to Allah, no exceptions. They are also informed that those who refuse to follow Islam are to be relieved of their life of sin. This is why some have claimed that Islam believes they are to conquer the world for Allah.


What does all of this mean for everyone outside of Israel? Well, the first thing it means is that with time you will face everything which has been done by Muslims to Israel. This trend has already become evident with the spread of terrorism to Europe and then the United States. Israel has been facing the terror threats since well before the founding of the state of Israel in May of 1948. This was most obvious during the 1929, 1933 and 1939 Arab rioting in Jerusalem, Hevron and elsewhere with the intent of murdering and maiming Jews in an effort to turn back the tide of Zionism and prevent the Jews from realizing their dream. When this did not result in preventing the founding of the Jewish State, the Arab League declared war on Israel with six nations, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Egypt, all attacking Israel from every direction aided by Muslim militias from throughout the Islamic world. If ever there was a modern day miracle, it was the survival of the nascent state of Israel over 1948-49 in the first Arab War of Israeli Annihilation. There were two more such wars, the Six Day War in 1967, and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Once those proved that regular military attack was highly unlikely to ever result in the defeat of Israel, they changed their tactics turning to terror.


The initial decision to start with terror was in 1964 with the establishing of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, PLO. In 1964, Israel was obviously still within the pre 1967 War borders, so exactly what lands was the PLO founded to liberate as Palestine. If your answer was Israel meaning places such as Tel Aviv, Netanya, Hadera, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Akko and the rest of Green Line Israel, you are correct. When the Oslo Accords were signed, the Palestinian Authority (PA), the replacement name for the PLO presumably now a friend to Israel, was charged with altering the Charter to no longer call for the destruction of all of Israel in exchange for promises from Israel. Well, Israel delivered and the PLO and PA never have altered their Charter which still calls for the complete destruction of Israel. Once, when Western observers including representatives from the United States witnessed a PA government session, there was a vote to form a committee to look into ways in which the Charter might be altered to satisfy the Oslo Accords and as none of the observers spoke any Arabic and all relied on PA provided interpreters, left believing that the Charter had actually been amended during what they witnessed. The committee was never formed and the Charter still calls for the Destruction of Israel while the West continues with the false pretense that the Charter reads as they would like it to read. What is really as sad as it is dangerous is the fact that much of Europe there are those who could not bother to care one way or the other concerning anything in the Middle East, especially Jews and Israel, unless it affects their lives directly, which more often than not, until recently it never did. The rest mostly actively desire the destruction of Israel and the good thing is these people realize the truth concerning the Arabs and Israel and the bad news is they fully support the end of Israel and the Jews if possible. Anti-Semitism is alive and doing well in Europe. The really sad truth is anti-Semitism is growing in the United States, particularly on college and university campuses where billions of invested Arab petro-dollars have bought them serious influence on the curriculum of Middle East studies and even many Political Science Departments, History Departments, Sociology Departments and other social sciences. They do not attempt to influence the hard sciences, as it is difficult to make any alarming alterations to studies which have actual truths which the sciences teach, as these are very unforgiving subjects with real and actual truths. Even more threatening is that these influences are being carried out on some of the most influential campuses in the nation and thus are affecting some, if not many, of the future leaders of government and industry. This too will have a price in the future, as now it is as if the world has been turned upside-down.


A World All Upside Down

A World All Upside Down


Reality is that what has been happening in Israel is coming to the rest of the world and will come with fury and storm. The violence which we have suffered in Israel will now be visited on Europe and, if the United States is not prudent, will strike in the United States soon as well. What will be another sad commentary will be those who will claim that the violence waged against Western nations is because of the Jewish presence and if only the Jews would recant and make whatever amends are demanded of them, then the Muslims would be satisfied and the terrorism would end. There will be demands from Western governments that Israel be forced to concede to the Arab demands and this will very probably lead to nations demanding in the United Nations for Israeli membership be revoked and the articles calling for the founding be erased allowing for the world to pretend Israel has no right to exist. People find this difficult to understand but even the United States will turn against Israel and those who support Israel will face rage and anger beyond imagination. Israel will become the difficult question and Jerusalem will be as in Zechariah 12:3 where it opens with, “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” Unfortunately, for Israel, which will suffer greatly as this day approaches, and even more so for the nations of the earth when they batter themselves and Hashem reveals his might for the entirety of man to perceive. But after that, the world will make a choice, may it be a wise choice.


Beyond the Cusp


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