Beyond the Cusp

May 28, 2018

Time to Allow Two-State Solution to Mercifully Die

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 1:05 AM
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The Two-State Solution to the Arab-Israel Conflict has run its course just as the invade Israel and kill all the Jews ran its course and died as the means of erasing the Jewish People. Let us refresh the fist attempts to solve the Arab-Israeli Conflict. The initial attempt was the genocidally driven attack on the nascent Jewish State at her inception. No sooner had Israel announced her establishment than six Arab armies, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon plus Syria along with, Yemeni volunteers, Sudanese and Algerian brigades, former Nazi officers advising and the brigades of militias under the Nazi allied Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husayni, who spent World War II in Berlin and Albania working with the Nazis while engineering Muslim brigades to persecute people throughout the Balkans while also being invited to attend the Wannsee Conference. The Mufti of Jerusalem called for the Arabs living within the Jewish State to flee to safety such that when the attacking Arab forces destroyed the Jewish State they could simply murder every human being within. The majority of Arabs heeded his call while the Israeli forces were forced to expel some Arab villages who had housed clandestine forces who attacked the Israelis behind the lines and a few others which attempted to interfere with supply lines. Were some Arab forced out who were innocent? Perhaps, as probably some were against hiding what would be classified as spies and commandos were expelled along with the rest of their village, but this is one of the calamities which occur during warfare. The majorities of those expelled were collaborating with the forces attempting to destroy the Jewish state and were not pure innocents as portrayed.


This was attempt one. Then there are the better-known Six Day War in June of 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of October of 1973. In both cases, in the end the IDF prevailed over its adversaries who had attacked Israel initiating the wars. Between these wars there were numerous attacks by terrorists and even before the May 1948 declaration of independence by the State of Israel there were individual attacks plus organized pogroms with the Hevron and Jerusalem pogroms of the 1920’s and 1930’s which attempted to drive the Jews from the lands. These were the outright attempts using war and overt violence to drive out the Jews and destroy Israel as a Jewish state. These all failed and led to the decision to change the game. The Arab world realized that with numerous far larger Arab states attacking Israel they had set up a David and Goliath situation with Israel as David and the Arabs as the Goliath. This led to the formation of the newly formed people, the Arab Palestinians who would be the Arab David against the Israeli Goliath. Now the poor and unfortunate beleaguered Arabs who had been robbed of their homes by the overly militarized and oppressive Israeli aggressors who were occupying stolen Arab lands had legitimate grievance against Israel and could play for pity in the international arena. They played the non-democratic world against the democratic West and garnered a huge advantage within the United Nations and all of its agencies leading to a constant string of condemnations against Israel.


That began the next series of warfare using terrorist attacks; and when Israel responded and killed the terrorist, the terrorist was always portrayed as an innocent civilian which was almost always portrayed as such in the mainstream media. Whenever the Arab Palestinians riot and endanger Israeli lives, lives which has included Arab Israelis such as these two Druze Police Officers, when Israeli enforcement is applied, the world responds screaming for Israel to be careful and not use disproportional force. Disproportional force has been the accepted means by which every victorious military has won their wars, and Israel is in a war for her survival. The recent rioting on the Gaza border, the rioting which was likely reported in your media as peaceful protests for equal rights and to be permitted to inhabit their ancestral homes which had been stolen, was some of the best proof of the media and their slanted and biased coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict. What many need understand is that there are many who wish to return the Jewish People to wandering the face of the earth facing the periodic culling of their numbers as if they were a flock of sheep unable to retaliate. The idea of armed Jews willing to fight for their rights and to fight for their lives is so foreign to many in the world that such a concept frightens them into what would be considered a form of insanity putting them so far removed from what is happening that they start to believe the old tropes about the Jews wanting to conquer and control the world. The old and proven fakery in the form of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion ) has become the second highest selling book across the Arab world behind Mein Kampf. These facts alone should tell one all they need know about the Arab-Israeli Conflict, it is not a simple war but a genocidal struggle where the Jews of the world as a people face the real threat of extinction should the Arab side prove victorious.


Quran and Mein Kampf

Quran and Mein Kampf


Let us repeat that, should the Arab world prove victorious, this includes the non-Arab Persians of Iran, in what is developing into a world war despite the refusal of so many who laughingly believe, just as the Europeans believed after the War to End All Wars (World War I) had brought warfare to an end because war had become too calamitous and caused far too much destruction to ever be used to solve international differences or actual severe antagonisms, World War III would follow. They were wrong and those today who believe that another all-out world war has been ruled out due to the arrival of an ultimate weapon, the atomic bomb and now the Hydrogen Thermonuclear Warhead and the EMP devices, are wrong. The problem with this thinking is that the Islamic world was largely uninvolved in either World War, during World War I, despite the involvement of their ruling Ottoman Empire, saw only the elite and largely Turkish guards were involved in fighting in Europe while the remainder fought largely in the deserts of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) where the weaponry was second rate compared to the warfare using large artillery, poisons gas, heavy machineguns and aerial bombing as was utilized in large numbers within the European theater. The nations of MENA saw little of the carpet-bombing of cities which took place across Europe and in Japan and were completely unengaged when United States President Truman loosed the use of two Nuclear Bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Arab world and Iran have no compunction against the use of nuclear weapons as a first strike weapon. Iran has promised to use exactly these weapons on Israel in order to remove the country from the Map. To quote what has been referred to as a moderate Palestinian Arab spokesperson, Jibril Rajoub stated during an interview on Palestinian Authority television (see video below), “If We Had a Nuke, We’d Have Used It This Very Morning.” Remember, Jibril Rajoub is presumed to be a moderate from the presumed moderate Palestinian Authority which should make him about as reasonable and agreeable as one can be towards Israel and reaching an agreement through honest negotiations. Imagine what the Hamas extremists believe and would do and the Iranians after that who now border Israel with Hezballah in Lebanon and their own IRGC and Quds forces in Syria and along the Golan Heights. There have already been numerous attacks across the Golan Heights by Iranian forces and their proxies and Israel has responded respectively. The violence on this border is unfortunately probably far from over. Imagine if Iranian forces launched a poisonous Sarin Gas attack across the Israeli border. How would Israel respond and with what weaponry as such an attack is an attack with WMD’s, weapons of mass destruction. Israel does not have poisonous gas or biological weapons, thus a massive conventional attack would be the least response, and the world would condemn Israel when all was done.



So, if the two state solution is so severely broken as to be unrestorable, what is the solution? The problem is the entire idea of the two state solution. The Arab side, this includes the entirety of the Arab side, uses the Quranic idea of Islamic supremacism, will only accept the entire destruction and replacement of the Jewish state replacing it with an Islamic Arab state. If any Jews are permitted to remain, the Jews are to be Dhimmis, second-class citizens presumably protected by their Islamic masters. To put this in basic language anybody can understand, there can be only one winner in this war, and it is a war, period. Either Israel and the Jews are completely vanquished or the Arabs who refuse to live within a Jewish state under the laws of a democratic, Jewish majority nation are sent beyond the Jordan River. The false idea that in any such state the Jews would become a minority as the Arab population is growing more rapidly than the Jewish population. The truth is the Arab population is being outpaced by the growing Jewish population even not including Jewish Peoples returning to their ancient home. The population bomb is a misrepresentation of reality; the Jews would remain a majority. The only end to this conflict would be Israel ruling all the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. This would make the Jewish state of Israel defendable with borders which would be defined by that which was promised from the San Remo Conference through the British Mandate where an Arab state was formed called Jordan east of the Jordan River and Israel would be the remaining twenty-two percent of the British Mandate lands. This still would not end the Arab-Israeli Conflict; it would only simplify the situation, as any further dispute would result in a declared war with an easily defined aggressor and defender. Granted this would still be misrepresented by much of the media, something proven from past performance of the media. Israel, in this finality, would be bordered by Egypt and Jordan with whom they have peace treaties along with Lebanon and Syria which are still technically at war with Israel which the Arabs initiated in 1948. In this situation, any resumption of violence would have an obvious nation making the first strike or causing a situation where one side was facing an unarguably imminent destruction such as when Syria was building an atomic production facility to produce plutonium for nuclear weaponry. Israel destroyed the facility before it was fueled in order to prevent widespread contamination (see image below). The building was an exact replica of North Korean nuclear facilities and the attack, according to North Korea, killed a number of North Korean technicians in the strike. This was the final proof for the intentions for this structure which corroborated Israeli claims of this being a reactor for the production of nuclear weapons grade materials.


Before and after photographs of Syrian nuclear site, located in the Deir ez-Zor region bombed by Israel on September 6, 2007, preventing the remote location of nuclear facilities for weapons manufacturing by use of Iranian proxy Syria. Raid was initiated by the Israelis after United States refused cooperation or action claiming the site was not a nuclear weapons site. North Korean observer scientists and technicians were apparently killed as per North Korean complaints against Israel for the raid.

Before and after photographs of Syrian nuclear site, located in the Deir ez-Zor region bombed by Israel on September 6, 2007, preventing the remote location of nuclear facilities for weapons manufacturing by use of Iranian proxy Syria. Raid was initiated by the Israelis after United States refused cooperation or action claiming the site was not a nuclear weapons site. North Korean observer scientists and technicians were apparently killed as per North Korean complaints against Israel for the raid.


The entirety of the existence of a Palestinian Arab population actually was manufactured in 1964 with the launch of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization). The initial PLO charter stated that they desired no claim to the Shomron (West Bank) as this area belonged to Jordan. Their target was to liberate the remaining Arab Palestinian lands which included only the lands which were Israel. After the Arab loss in the Six Day War where Israel liberated Gaza from Egypt and the Shomron from Jordan, the PLO altered their claim to now form a Palestinian Arab state in the areas Israel liberated. Their slogan internationally now became the formation of the state of Palestine from the River to the Sea. This still meant their goal was the complete replacement of Israel with an Arab state. They would officially claim they only wanted a State in the liberated regions but stated such was only their first step and would not end terrorism or violence to destroy the remainder of Israel. This is the proof that this is a war which only one side can be the victor. Should the Arabs win, Israel would cease to exist and her Jews would most likely be genocidally slaughtered, all over six and a half million, a second Holocaust, a second Shoah. According to the Hamas charter, this would still not end the conflict, as their desire is to murder every Jew in the world. Hamas quotes in Article Seven of the Charter towards the end, “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.” (related by al-Bukhari). This is further proof that this Arab-Israeli Conflict is more than an Israeli problem; it will eventually become an international problem. As the old saying states, as quoted in the Irish Examiner, “It starts with the Jews. It never ends with the Jews.” Perhaps time has come to forget the pipedream which was started as a smoke screen of propaganda to hide the actual desire for the destruction of Israel, the Two State Solution.


Beyond the Cusp


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