Beyond the Cusp

October 9, 2018

After Trump, There Comes the Great Question


We can assume that the Democrat Party will lose the coming midterms largely due to the public lynching of Justice Kavanaugh in his confirmation hearings. The Republicans can probably count on the Democrat candidates using similar tactics against numerous Republican candidates in the most highly contended states. This will backfire on them to the extremes. It is even rather likely that President Trump will easily be reelected should, as expected, the economy continue to roll along with a future that appears bright. This will only be more likely should the Republicans experience a red tide flowing fast carrying Congress securely behind the President and his work of bolstering the economic conditions. The problem comes after President Trump for the Republicans to continue to keep the Trump support of what we call the Silent Majority or the Middle American Normals. Vice President Pence is not a highly exciting personality which would stir the base to come out and vote. By 2024, the Democrats will have a completely new and different body of candidates. They will probably run a fresh face filled with the vigor of youth which will produce the kind of excitement which brings out the younger voters, the very kind of voters which elected President Obama and before him President Clinton. The Republicans will be required to come up with a Presidential candidate who can stir the base and get the working class voters to remain steady with the Republicans. The one person we can see who would bring out such passion would be United States Ambassador Nicky Haley. In addition, Nicky Haley could be the woman to claim the treasured title of first woman President. This would be a great thing as she is an invigorating and special personality as well as a great and steady proponent of conservative thought and policy.


United States Ambassador Nikki Haley

United States Ambassador Nikki Haley


Here is where the problem comes, after twelve years of holding the Presidency, it will be very difficult for the Republicans to hold to power beyond, as the pendulum of politics tends to inexorably swing one way and then inevitably swings back. Finally, even should the excitement of having the first woman President, after the period of Republican hold of Congress will also become challenged, and if Ms. Haley does not have a supporting Congress, she will not be able to accomplish her preferred policy and might fall victim to the same difficulties which plagued President George H. W. Bush with having to allow the raising of taxes in order to receive the votes necessary to at least salvage part of the conservative agendas. No matter what, eventually the Democrats will take the White House and if this should come after a near record time of holding the Presidency by the Republicans, history teaches that any Democrat President, especially if this does not occur until 2032, then the Congress will also be under Democrat rule and the mainstream Republican establishment will have recovered sufficiently to have returned the Republican agenda to the unexciting middle of the road policies which has seemingly always put the base to sleep as it lacks vision. This is what led to the initial two years under President Obama where he also had an unchallengeable majority in the House of Representatives and a cloture proof sixty or greater number of Senators. This was how President Obama managed to force through Obamacare and virtually anything else they chose to pass. This is the great problem which has faced every past correction from the seemingly inexorable move leftward by American politics. This will also have a devastating effect on the rest of the world, as the United States once again will change their loyalties away from their former traditional allies, especially in the Middle East, and ally with former adversaries. But with whom will the Democrats ally?


The next time the Democrats capture the White House the only mystery will be whether they ally on the side of the Sunni or the Shiite base of Islam. This decision will determine whether they will support Saudi Arabia or Iran, as they are the leaders of these two variants of Islam. Whichever side is chosen, the reality will also show a new threat to traditional America. The Democrat Party is at the forefront of their new identity. This new Democrat is currently represented by such as Linda Sarsour and Keith Ellison who both have connections with CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and connections with the Muslim Brotherhood and even potentially with Hamas. The main reasoning behind the Islamic preference for the Democrat Party is largely due to their immigration policy which favors immigrants from the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region which is heavily Islamic. Further, the members of Islamic faiths are very politically conscious and realize that power only comes when you concentrate your power in one group which maximizes your influence. It currently appears that the Islamic power base will be cultivated and grown within the Democrat Party over the Republican Party. Their hard work has been rewarded with Keith Ellison being promoted into the second highest position in the party. The apparent partnering of the Democrats and Islam makes little sense until you realize they also have a common enemy, the Judeo-Christian Ethics. The problem in marrying the remainder of their seeming alliance is easily explained by the overly optimistic belief in their powers and abilities of having an ability powered by their overt belief in the rightfulness of their political agenda to overcome all obstacles if only they are able to take power. By the time the Democrats retake power in the White House, the face of Europe will be changing as the Islamic influx creates political unrest. The Democrats will promise to keep the United States out of any European war and not facing the problems which resulted from the two World Wars. This will be a very appealing platform which will likely be successful.


What will also have come into being is a sufficient number of Islamic voting blocks which can carry certain states for the Democrat Party. These states will be, but not limited to, Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia and possibly the Carolinas. Many of these states are the decisive states necessary for carrying the Electoral College and attaining the White House. This will provide the Islamic blocks considerable power in the Democrat Party. It could be that power which may cause the Democrats to break that promise about not entering into the problems of Egypt and further into the imbroglio all but guaranteed to have worsened in the Middle East. Our best guess is that the Democrats will be beholding to Sunni Islam which will place the United States in direct conflict with Iran as well as possibly, should alliances remain as they are currently, against Russia. The wild card would be whether or not the Chinese desire getting involved or take the intelligent path of remaining aloof and out of all wars which they do not choose to start. The truth is that we are guaranteed that the future is going to be interesting if nothing else. The question is will time change Islam or will it remain set on the path of chasing after world conquest as they believe the Quran demands of them. Should the Muslim Brotherhood remain a power determining the policies and beliefs for Sunni Islam, then we can be assured that world conquest will remain their goal. They will desire to use their power within the Democrat Party in order to serve just that goal.


If anyone believes that the United States is in turmoil currently, just wait until the late 2020’s to the mid 2030’s and what is coming. Imagine the conflict which will arise should one party begin to try and replace the Constitution with a new set of laws which, as time passes, begin to point that they are attempting to place Sharia in place of the Constitution. The civil conflict which this could instigate would make these current altercations pale by comparison. That will be because the Christians, who are usually the quiet or at least polite, will be up in arms and become the strongest of Constitutionalists. Things might even start to become uncomfortable sufficiently for the Jews, who currently are very aligned with the Democrat Party, start to depart out of fear and a measure of survival instinct. If the rise of Islamic interests in the Democrat Party does not give the Jews reason for pause, then they are truly lost to their faith. The Muslim power base and ability to fund campaigns for the Democrats will have them a strong replacement for the Jews who will not have the numbers or financial clout to compete with the Islamic power base. Should these events take place, there will be many Jews fleeing to Israel, as Europe will no longer be a safe refuge. The real question is whether or not the Islamic powers through the Muslim Brotherhood actually take power in the United States as their well laid out plans which are no secret.


We may be sounding like fear-mongers, but the above link is real and what we have laid out here is also a distinct probability. We have traced this slow progression of the hate of anti-Semitism which has slowly but inexorably grown stronger and stronger in places which many claimed it could never grow. This growth has been in the far left and not the right. This is why the left and Democrat Party have become the natural home for the Islamic interests. We have witnessed the expression of Israel hatred from the far left and exemplified by Linda Sarsour and many of her activities. How all of the parties and forces in play will make sure that American political theater continues to defy predictions and make turns and spins which nobody could ever have conceived could occur is anyone’s guess. Who could have predicted that President Obama would be elected at the time that Ronald Reagan gained his reelection and it appeared that Vice President Bush would follow for a full two terms, and he lost to a relative unknown governor from Arkansas. Imagine a time when we had little knowledge of a family known as the Clintons. Of all the things which have occurred in American politics, the one prediction which came true in spades was the warning from President Eisenhower to keep a tight control over the military and its potential marriage with a defense industry which would drain funds from the American public at unstoppable rates if allowed to go loose. Well, they went loose and America reaped the misery. We are, unfortunately, not quite as true seeing as was President Eisenhower, but then he spoke of what he knew and you cannot fault him for the ensuing mess because we did not heed his warnings. What will be coming down the road to us looks to be of equal a threat to the American dream and a Constitution which has never known and potentially will never see its equal outside of the bible, the book which began the entire idea of personal freedoms and national liberties.


Beyond the Cusp


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