Beyond the Cusp

September 30, 2010

Chasing the Chimera of Peace

Filed under: Uncategorized — qwertster @ 4:27 PM
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President Obama appears to actually believe he will be the one who has the near-magical abilities to bring people together to an extent needed to produce a peace treaty between Israel and her mortal Arab and Palestinian enemies. His belief is he can get Israel to surrender the magic combination of territories, accept just sufficient number allowed their “Right of Return”, release the vast majority of those jailed for terror related crimes, and acquiesce on other considered vital demands of the Muslim and Arab World to bring about a peace. Remarkably, President Obama believes all this can be accomplished simply by his persistence, the force of his personality, his great, personal understanding of the Muslim religion et al, and the dulcet harmonic tones with which he is able to mesmerize entire peoples, their leaders, and remove any other reluctance or resistance to his superior intellectual ideals. Unfortunately for President Obama, Palestinian leader Abbas is, in reality, still operating from a new form of the original Khartoum Resolution of September 1, 1967, which stated that there would be the three “no”s, no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel. President Abbas, just as Yasser Arafat before him, simply uses any negotiation in order to extract further concessions from Israel. This tactic will continue endlessly to frustrate negotiations as the Palestinian side has also made it clear that in exchange for Israeli concessions they are willing to stop their incitement for violence and the eradication of the State of Israel and most of the Jews as well. Of course, they never make good on the promise, but each time Israel, the United States, the United Nations, and every other interested party is assured that this time it will be different; this time they really mean it. Do I even have to use the old Charlie Brown kick the ball with Lucy holding just to snatch it away just before he kicks every time?

The other constant in this debacle is that no matter how, why, or who walks out ending each round of negotiations, no matter which side makes impossible and likely fatal demands, completely without reference the facts, it is always Israel’s actions or inflexibility that causes the breakdown of the peace talks. This present farce is a perfect example. Prime Minister Netanyahu, against the advice and wishes of almost everyone except for the members from the Labor Party of his coalition, actually risking his government holding together or falling causing new elections, initiated a previously unimaginable ten month total freeze of building for Jews and only Jews in the West Bank, even in the suburbs of Jerusalem. This was to meet the one demand made by Abbas mainly because he had discussed with anti-Zionists in both the United States and Europe, among others, how to break Netanyahu from his ruling coalition forcing new elections. The reasoning was should Netanyahu refuse to comply with the demand, then Labor Party might leave and collapse the coalition and should he actually totally freeze Jewish construction in the “Territories”, then the conservative and nationalist parties would break the coalition bringing new elections. It was figured that they had boxed Netanyahu in by giving him an either or choice, either side of which would cause the collapse of his coalition bringing new elections where they hoped Kadima would prevail and Tzipi Livni would be selected as the next Prime Minister. Those wishing Israel to have a weak government made up of post and anti-Zionists would lead to caving in to any and every demand by the Palestinian negotiators. They saw this ploy as the back door way to get total retreat of Israel back to the Green Line (aka the Auschwitz Borders), total surrender of the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem, relinquishing the Jewish suburbs build across the Green Line (requiring over half a million Jews to be relocated and losing their homes), complete forfeiture of the Golan Heights and Sheba Farms to Syria, and likely a generous allowance for the “Right of Return.” A more simple way to state what they expected if their dream of a new, more forgiving Israeli Government came to be, was the complete capitulation and defeat of Israel as being a Jewish nation.

Somehow, Netanyahu found a way to return the ball into Abbas’s court and retain his ruling coalition. And was the bigoted anti-Jewish building freeze met with Abbas coming to the negotiating table? Of course not! Instead, the Palestinians sat out the offer only choosing to start direct negotiations with a mere six weeks left in the freeze. The blatant ploy of joining the talks so late in the freeze was a calculated move to force the issue to make the freeze permanent, or minimally to extend it throughout the period of the talks. Abbas, with the total backing of President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, and Middle East envoy Mitchell as a united force, challenged Prime Minister Netanyahu to falter and commit political suicide by extending the freeze. As the time approached for the end of the freeze on September 26, 2010 the rest of the world appeared to join in the chorus demanding that Netanyahu break his promise to the Israeli people and obey with the precondition demands of Abbas as if Abbas has been honest and shown even a semblance of honor by his actions of waiting till the freeze was timing out to begin a new demand of extending the freeze. But Israel is being unreasonable by not complying thus causing Abbas to have to walk away all the time screaming, “Israel’s fault, Israel’s fault.” They won’t even extend meeting our precondition for talks supposedly free of preconditions. Wasn’t it President Obama who agreed that there were to be no preconditions?

In summation, I will try to list the expectations from each side and their demands for reaching a just and fair peace. Abbas and Fayyad demanded Israel agree that the final border would be recognized in the final peace to be the pre June 1967 Green Line. Netanyahu demanded that Israel be recognized as the Jewish State, just as the Palestinian areas are a Muslim State. Abbas and Fayyad demanded that all building beyond the Green Line by Jews be frozen. Netanyahu demanded that Israel be recognized as the Jewish State. Abbas and many of the world leaders demanded that all lands gained by Israel during the Six Day War be returned including the Golan Heights and Sheba Farms. Netanyahu demanded that Israel be recognized as the Jewish State. Abbas and Fayyad demanded that every single Jew be removed from the territory making up the Palestinian State. Netanyahu demanded that Israel be recognized as the Jewish State. Abbas and Fayyad demanded their refusal to allow any IDF, NATO, or UN international peacekeepers to be posted in the Palestinian State in any form. Netanyahu demanded that Israel be recognized as the Jewish State. Hamas informed the World that they would not recognize any treaty made by the Palestinian Authority and would continue committed to violence and the destruction of Israel and the Jews. Netanyahu demanded that Israel be recognized as the Jewish State. Hezballah also proclaimed that they would retain the right to use any method to free Muslim Lands from Jewish control. Netanyahu demanded that Israel be recognized as the Jewish State. Fayyad declared that the Palestinians retained the right to free all of Palestinian lands. Netanyahu demanded that Israel be recognized as the Jewish State. Abbas and Fayyad demanded that all of the Old City of Al Quds (Jerusalem) be the Palestinian Capital. Netanyahu demanded additionally that the Temple Mount and the Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem and surrounding suburbs be part of Israel and equal lands from within the Green Line will be exchanged. Obviously, Israel is making such unreasonable demands and refusing to grant the most basic and simple of demands to restore the Palestinian State from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The Arab World cannot seem to grasp that Israelis might not wish to allow their dream of a binational State of Israel with Jews as a well cared for minority knowing their place as good little dhimmi. But, refusal of any of these points makes the failure of peace is Israel’s fault due to the Jews being so unreasonable.

Beyond the Cusp

September 27, 2010

Tea Party and the Republican Pledge

Filed under: Tea Party — qwertster @ 8:00 AM
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First off, let’s have an understanding. I am overjoyed at the rise of grassroots Americans getting involved with their government demanding to be heard. Their message of Taxed Enough Already resonates and is great. Their call for less government and more personal responsibility and liberty are right in line with the principles that founded this country. And lastly, the Republican pledge is hopefully more than a simple ploy to pretend to have received the message from their base.

First, the Tea Party. What you have started is wonderful. It reverberates my own less than successful independent campaign for the House seat in Maryland’s 8th District back in 2000. Now for a few lessons my wife, small staff and I learned from that campaign just in case it might help. You are taking on a huge task that will tax your abilities to manage and maintain. Keeping people invigorated and committed gets more difficult with time, especially if you start to show some success. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but with success comes complacency. It starts from the rank and file supporters, some of who will feel the job is done and they can rest on their laurels. Keeping people fired up and engaged takes more and more time and planning with success than it does with the initial excitement that has carried the movement thus far. Four main items to key on are; 1) Organization, especially down to individual neighborhoods to keep people involved, 2) Independence, stay away from being co-opted by political parties and choose who you support with care, you will be judged harshly by many by the company you keep, 3) Visibility, make regular press releases and appear whenever possible on local talk shows and take opportunities at community activities, almost all publicity can be turned to your advantage, and 4) Avoid Distractions, stay on message and keep it basic and simple. Do not try to take on more causes than your basic message and stick to that basic message. Listen to the people and enlist their input as much as possible. Let the people be your leaders and they will be more likely to stay engaged. My final note is be very careful with your funding. Bookkeeping is vital and sloppy accounting will get you in more trouble than you could ever imagine. Some of those hoping to take you down are also the people in charge of government oversight and they will meticulously go over every penny of money you collect and spend with malicious intent. Filing accurate and timely reports as required is vital to the continued life of the Tea Party Movement.

The Republican Pledge. You have simply stated your platform that was so blindly ignored by President George W. Bush, which is what brought you the 2006, and 2008 election debacles. This pledge is a good start but it is only a start and an unfulfilled promise thus far. My message to the Republicans, and also the Tea Party, is simple, show me! We, the voting public, will probably give you the mandate you seek. Do not disappoint us again. We, the voting public will be watching and judging you every election cycle and you had best not drift away from your pledge. As you have already seen, we are not very forgiving to those who make false promises. We the People are hungry to return to a Constitutionally restricted and reigned in governance and will not accept anything less. Conditional on your delivering on your word, you might be able to awaken a revolution of sorts with voter turnout unlike anything seen in over fifty or a hundred years. The support for real change is out there and much of that support comes from the younger citizens who realize they will be stuck with the bill for the unforgivable prolific spending done by both parties. Should you change the tone of government and bring things back to sane limits, then you will have support for as long as you deliver. Weaken even the slightest and you will feel the wrath of a very angry populace. Make good on your promises and reap the benefit. Falter and feel the anger of people being betrayed once again. Last chance; so do not fumble the ball.

Beyond the Cusp

Ship of Fools

Filed under: Uncategorized — qwertster @ 7:56 AM
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With the latest new wrinkle increasing the terror threat, one would think Israelis would be united. Despite the fact that Hamas has brought in unknown faces from Syria to commit the recent attacks including the fatal shooting of four Israelis including a mother in her ninth month of her pregnancy, dissent still divides Israelis. Some Israeli Jews have joined with Jews from Germany, the United States and the sponsors, U.K. group Jews for Justice for Palestinians, in a new assault against the blockade of Hamas in Gaza. One wonders how much faith can be placed on the promise that at least they will not offer resistance if the IDF should attempt to board the ship.

There are those times which leave this blogger near speechless. I am fully aware that throughout the history of the Jewish people, the greatest enemies of the Jews was often fellow Jews who had turned against their own. From the Jewish taskmasters three thousand years ago in Egypt to the Hellenic Jews under the Assyrian Greeks to the Kapos in the Nazi Concentration Camps to post-Zionist Jews supporting the Palestinian cause over Israel currently, there have been Jews who were their own worst enemies. Having enemies from within your ranks are the worst and most difficult with which to deal and the ones that hurt the deepest.

The difficult question is what do you do when you are faced with facing off against some of your own who have chosen a self-destructive path. You hope you can deal with them and show them where they have gone astray and persuade them to return to the fold. Of course, those opposing the majority often feel they have the moral high ground and will refuse any reason offered. Holding a view contrary the ruling majority is often seen as being of superior morals simply by the mere fact of being contrary.

If nothing else, it must be presented to the post-Zionist Jews who oppose Israel at every turn that their often loud and demonstrative opposition gives support for any others wishing to condemn Israel, demand concessions, and question the validity of the Jewish State. Opposing the Israeli government is the right of every Israeli and I would not begin to deny anyone that right. But there are ways to express a differing opinion without resorting to grand displays that call into question Jewish unity. Internal debate and questions is one thing, outward displays of dispute and rebellion are another entirely. Until the Jewish people can agree to keep dissent internal and present a more united front to the world, then the world will continue to dispute and refute Israel at every turn. No matter how large the support for the current Netanyahu government, rebellious stunts such as this Gaza blockade challenge made by Israeli and other Jews validates every ounce of opposition presented by the united front shown by the non-democratic Muslim world. This is why such acts as this challenge by Jews to Israel’s position are so utterly damaging.

Beyond the Cusp

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