Beyond the Cusp

October 4, 2016

White House Correction Tells the Tale


President Obama spoke in glowing tribute for Simone Peres and his efforts for peace and how his message resonates in the world and lamented its failure in the Middle East. The White House released a transcript of the President’s wonderful tribute except they apparently made one single and glaring error, they corrected the media release thus revealing the ugly truth of the aftereffects of the Oslo Accords and how the world has taken one man’s glorious dream and bludgeoned the nations that Simon Peres loved as much as life itself, a fact which must never be forgotten. The White House official media release told the truth initially that President Obama had delivered this address in Jerusalem, Israel. By anybody’s map this is true as the cemetery is located in West Jerusalem in an area within the 1949 Armistice Lines, the Green Line, the 1967 Lines (border) or whatever terminology one desires to use except if one believes that Jerusalem should be as initially denoted in General Assembly Resolution 181 which was rejected by the Arab League and thus made void, so void as if it had never been imagined and pronounced stillborn never to rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of that burning hot rejection which was punctuated when the half dozen plus Arab armies launched their genocidal intended war on the nation of Israel within hours of her birth.


Two Capital Cities Washington and Jerusalem

Two Capital Cities Washington and Jerusalem


Even Simon Peres would never, even in his most delirious moments, have ever stood for the surrender of West Jerusalem even if he favored sharing, sharing being the pivotal word, Jerusalem as the Capital City of Israel and any Arab Palestinian entity. Only in that defamatory document was Jerusalem anything other than the Capital of Israel in some form or another. The United Nations was the originator of the concept of a Jerusalem as an international city not belonging to any nation but to all people of the Earth and protected by the mere declaration and words of the United Nations General Assembly. Would anybody believe that the Arab League or the Palestinian terror entities would leave well enough alone and agree to share the holiest of cities in all Jewish history, the center of Christianity and a once conquered and ignored as a backwater wasted land with horrific weather left meaningless until it regained the hope of returning as the Capital City of the Jewish State, Israel, and of the Jewish faith foremost in the hearts of all Jews as retold for near endless generations in songs and prayers? Just as Constantinople had to be felled and brought into Islam ending the Byzantine or Holy Roman Empire; or how they call for the conquest of Rome and the return of Islamic domination over Vatican City (many in Islam believe the world was created for them by Allah and no others have rights to any of the world and those parts not a part of Islam must be conquered and “returned” to Islam) and Paris and London and New York, and San Francisco and Washington D.C. and anywhere else one cares to name.


But the reality one will be told of Simon Peres and his quest, noble as it was in the eyes of the Western World leftists, to find the means and path to peace between the Arab world and Israel will be the fancy making of good fiction. Simon Peres was the last of the so-called founding fathers of Israel and assisted in the building of the modern IDF and modern IAF building it from French Mirage jets. He was one of the principles who pushed for the Dimona reactor and all that implies and produced (not an admission of anything beyond nuclear physics research). Truth be told, Simon Peres lived two very different lives tied together by his love of Israel and her holy city and Capital, Jerusalem. He saw and made real the necessary military strength and power of Israel and also knew that Israel also required peace as the standing ready for war as the neighboring belligerents being sworn and dedicated to the destruction of Israel left her no other choice. Simon Peres saw the truth and dreamed of peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors and that dream carried his soul on the second path of his life and in that dream he did not fail but the world failed him as they backed those who would make a mockery of his dream and thus of Simon Peres as well. The murder and twisting of Simon Peres and the peace he was brave and bold enough to dream and the backing of a world ready to destroy Simon Peres’s first and foremost dream, one of Israel living in peace and being a Light Unto the Nations making discoveries and designing methods of agriculture and medicine, in physics, chemistry, mathematics and the other sciences all given to the world freely for the betterment of all mankind in the name of Hashem.


That peace was not made reflected no shame or disgrace upon Simon Peres but the abuse of his words, dreams and efforts to drag down Israel and bludgeon the Jewish homeland brings shame on those who performed such atrocities. Simon Peres was a noble man with a dream equal of all the praises spoken by the numerous world leaders just this past week are more than mere words; they are a tribute to his dream and cast shame on those who misused his driving passion as their bludgeon in an attempt for the Europeans to correct what they believe was their error in allowing the Jews to be as other people with their own nation. This destructive use of Simon Peres and his dreams for peace had given the exact result one might expect when one arms and backs one side while demanding the other give concessions after concession while expecting nothing and ignoring every transgression of the other side, the complete wrath of failure, death and destruction which we see sweeping the Middle East. The only thing keeping Israel from becoming the next Syria is the simple resolution of the Israelis to enforce order and restore their homeland in the lands promised by International Law as described in the San Remo Conference and the Treaty of Sèvres all formalized by Article 80 of the United Nations Charter.


But if there is one thing Jews have learned in our long history, things change and when they do, we usually have to rely on our only true weapon, Hashem and the Love given to all Humankind in measure with how they treat the Jews. There are rumors as reported in the below video and this article that President Obama is believing he will be able to pacify the Nobel Committee by forcing a settlement through the United Nations Security Council upon Israel gifting all lands which were occupied by Jordan to the Arab Palestinian Authority which was formed out of the remnants of the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, a group formed in 1964 to liberate the lands of Israel well before the Six Day War of June 1967 while Jordan still occupied what they called the West Bank. The PLO had no qualms over the Jordanian occupation of the lands which became the lands beyond the 1967 lands which were drawn in 1949 as the Armistice between Israel and the Arab League and all its nations and represented the front lines of the war started by the Arab world against Israel the first day of her existence on May 15, 1948 as they intended to commit another genocide on the Jews. The PLO was also dedicated to the extermination of the Jews of Israel while the Hamas terror group has grander designs, they also want to murder every Jew in Israel and then the rest of the world while they conquer the world for Allah as the Quran has promised. President Obama likely is capable of pressing the United Nations Security Council making it illegal for a Jew to live beyond the 1967 Lines, the 1949 Armistice Lines and even possibly getting it as a Chapter VII enforceable by military action rather than a mere Chapter VI enforceable by hard pressed words and long speeches. Such an item would not be legally binding on the United States without ratification by both houses of Congress. Yes, the United Nations would vote in the Security Council but it would never make ratification through Congress which would nullify any United States participation in its enforcement and, were it against any nation other than Israel, would nullify the entire motion as it would not have been legally presented. We will see and even the will of the American people would likely not prevent President Obama seeking his legacy in such a deceitful manner, but why should this be different. He passed the Iran deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action JCPOA) as necessitating an override of a veto as he claimed it was simply a Presidential agreement and not a treaty and when Congress passed legislation demanding it not be agreed upon he vetoed the bill thus turning the ratification process on its head. He passed his signature legislation of Obamacare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act PPACA) through a Congress heavily Democratic without a single Republican vote and in an imperfect form as had the House of Representatives modified the Senate Bill by a single world or punctuation mark it would have returned to the Senate where the late Senator Kennedy was replaced by Senator Scott Brown, a Republican elected by the people of Massachusetts in order to block Obamacare from becoming law. This would be nothing even remotely close for President Obama and he would likely claim he was realizing the dreams of Simone Peres, not even close to the truth.




Simon Peres will be judged by history but not at this time. He will be judged in the future when the heat of the present no longer blurs objectivity. There were two Simone Peres personas, or at least that has been the theme of many an editorial and attempt at explaining this complex and sometimes controversial man. No matter what one’s views, Peres was a giant in everything he did and his story will be just as controversial as were his politics. He remains the indispensable man in all which he was involved. His legacy will be that of a man who lived as a dreamer and who loved Israel above all else. He saw an Israel at peace with its neighbors but did not live to see that dream come to fruition. As in all he attempted, he gave that peace all he had. He gave Israel all he had. Simon Peres never gave up in all he pursued and Israel is all the better for his efforts and owes the man its undying respect. Simon Peres, may that peace you so desperately desired come and come quietly and settle permanently over these lands and may you see this peace from the next world and smile one lasting smile. Where peace is what we owe the memory of Simon Peres, a whole Israel is also a fitting tribute we can give to Simon Peres as this was his first and primary goal in life.


Beyond the Cusp 


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