Beyond the Cusp

February 10, 2017

More Signs of Impending Violence


Many people throughout the developed world hardly ever hear when Hamas fires rockets into Israel except perhaps as an afterthought towards the end of a news story about the horrific toll suffered by the Arabs in Gaza from the dastardly Israeli air strike. The story inverts the events making it seem the Hamas rocket fire was in response to the Israeli bombing, not the actual path of the events. Hamas initially fired four rockets at Eilat at the southern tip of Israel, a popular Israeli resort town. We have heard subsequently that the Islamic State terrorists claimed credit for the attack they say was launched from the Sinai. This is likely a small difference as many of the rockets used by the terrorists in the Sinai were either from Gaza or supposedly on route to Gaza and purloined for other usage. One missile landed in an open area and no Israelis died though there was a number treated for shock trauma in the local hospital. The other three rockets caused Israeli loss of revenue of over $150,000 as three Iron Dome anti-rocket missiles had to be fired to intercept these three rockets which were projected to strike within inhabited areas of Eilat. Where this may be a one off from Hamas in Gaza as they have tended to fire a salvo of rockets into Israel from time to time just to remind the Jews that their Islamic betters have not forgotten them or the promise Hamas has made to eradicate Israel and then every Jew on Earth. Usually these single salvos are smaller rockets and they tend to be targeted at the Kibbutzim and towns like Sederot. These rockets were far larger than the usual rockets, which usually indicate they will be the first of what will slowly become an ever escalating barrage until Israel is forced to use the IDF and end the attacks. These attacks in this potential future will also include terror tunnels and attempted kidnapping of soldiers or civilians, Hamas considers even the most aged and the youngest baby as just as grave a threat as any Israeli; they see the Jews in the same light as the former Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini (see image below) who served the Nazis residing in Berlin for much of World War II and attendee of the Wannsee Conference where the Final Solution was formulated. The intent of the ruling terrorist government in Gaza has been evident since their initial days after they ejected Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority (PA) and PLO terrorist out of Gaza back to Ramallah. Hamas established their rule after executing numerous PA political and military officials by firing squad, hanging or simply dropping them off the roof of some of the tallest buildings in Gaza.


Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini

Image with our appreciation thanks to Awareness and Action


Their ruthlessness has since mostly been turned towards Israel and in assisting terrorist groups in the Sinai Peninsula who are working to overthrow Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi. Hamas also allows Islamic Jihad to operate in Gaza provided they share resources received largely smuggled from Iran which supports Islamic Jihad and occasionally Hamas as well despite the fact that Hamas is Sunni and Iran Shiite and Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, not one of the Iranian approved organizations. This recent rocket attack is worrisome in other ways as intelligence reports place the newest rockets held by Hamas and Islamic Jihad to have increased range capable of easily striking Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as well as most everywhere south of and including Haifa. Even more troubling is rumored intelligence, though unconfirmed, that Iran may have smuggled plans for guidance systems which could be installed in the larger rockets making them guided missiles though the guidance uses dead reckoning and once fired cannot be adjusted and the accurate will not be as pinpoint accurate as modern missiles in Israeli or American arsenals but when you are aiming at entire cities, the demand for pinpoint accuracy is not demanded. Hamas will suffice to strike with an accuracy of within a quarter mile as that would be far more accuracy than their former rockets promised. Hamas also claims to have learned from their last conflict with Israel and have promised “swarms of rockets which will overwhelm the pathetic Israeli Iron Dome” systems. This is why Israel has been attempting to produce as many new Iron Dome systems as they have been able.


But the threats to Israel have become but a minor front in the growing conflict between Islam and the developed world of North America, Europe and the free world. The first front in this war draws its lines along the reputed “no-go zones” across the major cities of Europe. London, Malmo, Paris, Marseilles, Munich, Berlin and Amsterdam have areas where police enter only in force. This situation exists in some non-Muslim ghettoes in Europe and the United States as well so this is not a situation which is only regarding Islamic neighborhoods and many Muslim neighborhoods are as law abiding as any other. Despite Muslims being still relatively small percentages of the total population (see map below), they are so concentrated in the cities and in many cases far more heavily concentrated in some cities over others. Marseilles has been rumored to have one of the highest concentrations of Muslims in Europe, thirty to forty percent, but that could be misleading as often much of the Muslim populations reside just outside the city limits in the suburban ghettos. Unlike the United States where most poor neighborhoods are in the center or the oldest neighborhoods of the major cities, the European poorest neighborhoods ring the outside of the major cities.


Percentages of Muslim Populations of Europe 2010


The Islamic revolution in Europe is full-on and blossoming into a major confrontation. There have been Muslim protests and signs of unity and confrontation such as prayer sessions blocking streets in Paris and other cities often organized for Friday prayers (see image below). These are blatant shows of force and a declaration that Islam will soon control the city or that they already do control the city if they should decide to take it by force. The media attempts to portray such events as minor and insignificant. Further, if any of the rest of the population should take offense or find these demonstrations of supremacy to be dangerous or a threat to the status quo, the left wing, mainstream media immediately accuses the person of committing Islamophobic crime against societal cohesion and challenging communal well-being. The politicians ostracize their cohorts who desire to address the problems and those who have been most active, such as the one we covered in our article “Geert Wilders Asks, “Who lost Europe?”” who now need twenty-four hour a day-seven day a week-three hundred sixty five day a year police protection and lives in a fortified home at an undisclosed and remote location and whose travel security when he goes almost anywhere in the world rivals that of the United States President or potentially the Pope. Perhaps whistling down the street and ignoring everything happening around one is the safest path, for now.


Muslim Prayer Session Blocking Street in Paris

Muslim Prayer Session Blocking Street in Paris


The media is blind to any Islamic violence until it reaches levels impossible to ignore. The media has assumed the position of the immortalized three monkeys of “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” There are those who are crying wolf about the problem and the media simply says there is no wolf, just a large, friendly puppy that is peaceful and does not bite. When a member of the religion of peace does act more like the wolf than the warm, fuzzy, friendly puppy and commits mass murder while screaming “Allahu Akbar!” what does the media report. They will claim there was gun violence or an explosion or workplace violence or simply not cover it at all. That has been the approach especially in the United States and the European Union for the past few decades. There are claims that a new day is dawning in the United States and the new President is hell-bent on taking a dangerous path leading to wreck and ruin. The media has instituted a cry for President Trump to be immediately impeached before he can damage the calm of the universe. There are those in the Congress of a certain political bend who are claiming that the new President’s chosen advisors, Cabinet Secretaries, and his Supreme Court choice are all extreme right wing extremists. These cries is very similar to the media in Europe, mainstream media in the United States and Haaretz description of the government currently in power in Israel. Apparently if one is willing to call Islamist terrorism by the name Islamist terrorism, that makes you an extreme right wingnut deserving of mockery and potentially imprisonment for the safety of the rest of the population. According to the leftists, the terrorism is the reaction of anybody to actual terror by noting it is terror and actually having the temerity to identify the religion of the terrorist is the real danger and terrorizing the public more than the actual acts of terror. Eventually things will get to the inevitable tipping point and the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States and allowing him a Republican Senate and House of Representatives may just be that tipping point being tripped. This will be the story to watch going forward along with the coming elections across Europe and further whether any other nations will demand a referendum about their exiting the European Union just as happened in Britain with BREXIT. Things could be on the verge of seismic change and if that comes to pass things could become interesting and less predictable. This will remain to be seen and we will comment along the way, we promise.


Three monkeys of “See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil”

Three monkeys of “See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil”


Beyond the Cusp

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