Beyond the Cusp

April 14, 2017

Europe Taking Israeli Price of Peace Path


In Israel back during the early days, before and immediately after the Oslo Accords, Israel would take the position officially that the deaths from terrorism were a price we needed to pay for peace. This mantra was echoed by the liberal and leftist politicians and much of the mainstream media in Israel and was accepted broadly by left-wing and leftist Jews across the United States. In Israel this mantra became to strike sour notes really fast when the Second Intifada was launched by Yasser Arafat claiming the lives of over a thousand Israeli civilians and tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of injured, many with debilitating and horrific wounds which left them crippled, disfigured, scarred and in mental anguish not just for years but for the remainder of their lives. The price Israel was asked to pay for peace by the left was what has led to the public turning to the right to govern as they promised not to accept such a price and claimed they would get a peace with dignity. That is where the problem arose and which the world refuses to accept, that the Arabs do not desire peace, they demand total victory and the Jews dead or gone. The European Union and most European governments refuse to accept such and instead blame Israel for the lack of peace. This has also been the driving force behind the United States means of reaching a peace demanding that Israel continuously make sacrifices and concessions for peace while not demanding any reciprocal sacrifices or concessions from the Arabs. The Europeans, United Nations and United States all historically have demanded that Israel meet one demand from Arafat and then Abbas after demand after demand every time there is a decision to drive the peace process forward. The problem is as long as the Arabs are gaining concessions for refusing to negotiate, they will continue to not negotiate and simply demand more concessions and wait for the United States in concert with Europe and the United Nations to force these concessions out of Israel. This has finally had the breaks applied and Israel is starting to resist the continued concessions. It remains to be seen whether President Trump will be different though, as we covered in our article “Will President Trump Really Demand Same Old Concessions of Israel?”, it initially appears that he is planning on at least initially demanding concessions of Israel. From there we will see but should Israeli Prime Minister make too many concessions he can expect his time as Prime Minister to be limited as the Israeli public has realized the fruitlessness of that game.


Europe has also taken the concept that terrorism is the price they will need to pay while their Islamic populations adjust to European philosophies and lifestyle. The last three months have seen major terror attacks striking in Berlin, London and Stockholm yet Europe continues living responding to these attacks as if stating, “Terrorism is simply something we need tolerate for now as our societal norms are stronger than Islamic terror.” I think we all know the Islamic terrorist response, “We love death more than you love life”. This was made obvious on numerous other occasions in Paris, London, Madrid, Zurich, Normandy, Nice, Brussels and on and on and the list will only grow until Europe disappears or stands up. Anybody with a modicum of common sense can figure out who will win this fight, and it is not European traditions. The problem goes so much deeper than attitude. Currently Europe is in the driver’s seat and if they were to return to what built Europe, then they could salvage their society and their way of life for their grandchildren. As things stand now, the average European born today should at least reach adult life before having their entire existence challenged by the forces of Islam, radical Islam, forcing them to either live in the shadows worried minute to minute what might befall them or fleeing to the United States or South America. Should the trends remain as they now stand, their children if born in Europe will be Muslims with traditional Muslim beliefs and not one whit of European traditions born of Judeo-Christianity.


Map of Terrorist Attacks in Europe Middle East and North Africa after 9/11


The problem Europe is facing is theirs is an aging society which stopped having sufficient children to replace the population, let alone support their aging pensioners. In order to support their elderly and continue the engines of their economy, they brought in immigrants from what they call Asia but most of the world knows as the Middle East, the Arab world plus Turkey and many North Africa countries, the MENA Islamic community. Many of the nations, despite appearing to operate in normal fashion, have actually been failed states with marginal economies having many of their population eking out subsistence farming to survive. This left these immigrants educationally deficient for the European economic model with modern factories and high tech industries. But the problem when it comes to terrorism was not with these immigrants from years past but with their children who feel cheated and abandoned by their European governments and the converts to Islam who often were radicalized from the very start. This has caused a growing problem and with the latest surge of refugees these problems have only become exacerbated. The liberal and leftist governments across Europe were determined to make the refugee influx into their elixir to solve the growing economic problems and thus were invested heavily in refusing to recognize the growing problems. They took on the exact mantra which had been adopted by the liberal and leftist Israeli politicians, that terrorism would prove temporary and that with time the refugees and second generation Muslims would acclimate and blend into the population. Their mistake was they never took the necessary steps to incorporate the Muslim populations into their workforce or to educate and train them adequately and thus they left much of the Muslim population living in the slums where radicalization became to be viewed as a way out, the way to force the Europeans to grant them the solution which they view as Sharia. The problem with this is Sharia and European secular democratic multiculturalism are mutually exclusive and only one or the other can prove dominant. If Europe refuses to insist on retaining their democratic and secular culture, then Sharia will become the new normal and Europe as we know her will die a cruel and terrible death never to rise again, ever.


Europe Islamist Terror in Snap Shots

Europe Islamist Terror in Snap Shots


Israel realized this in time but Israel has an advantage, a higher reproductive rate which is sufficient for a growing society gaining in numbers amongst its Jewish and Christian populations. Israel, and not Europe, is the mainstay where Christianity is actually growing and healthy as is the Israeli religious Jewish population. Israeli secular left population suffers a similar but less severe fate as does the secular left populations suffers in Europe, a reproductive rate well below two children per woman. Replacement rate is somewhere between two-point-one and two-point-three children per woman and that is simply to sustain population numbers. The graph below shows the by nation numbers and what becomes immediately apparent is that the nations with the closest to replacement reproductive rates are the nations where there is also larger Muslim populations such as France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Finland, Norway and Sweden almost attaining replacement rate and their native population reproducing closer to one-point-five and with Turkey, an Islamic nation, actually attaining minimal replacement rate (and Ireland is unexplainable as usual but this time that is almost a good thing). Until Europe can reverse their sagging reproductive rates without taking in ever increasing immigrants, then the continent will continue to be a dying culture incapable of sustaining itself. Simply put, despite having a culture dripping with sexuality from every corner in its commercials, media, entertainment and almost every other means, they use that sexuality apparently purely for recreation and not for procreation. Unless the Europeans get serious and change their cultural attitude where everything is about the immediate pleasures and forget the future and return to their former nurture and natural society which had been based on Judeo-Christian ethics but does not necessarily need to return there, as long as they find some meaning which produces a future population to carry on what they have built. Anything less will bring to an end the Europe which has attained one of the more advanced cultures and civilizations known to mankind, a society now teetering on ruin.


European Reproductive Rates


Accepting terror deaths is not a future, caring about the future is the only future. That means the “now” culture must be placed in the dustbin of history or Europe will be placed in the dustbin of history. If the average European refuses to take even the slimmest of concerns for the future, then those now flooding into Europe will definitely give them no concern. We might ask whether they care about what they are leaving for their children, but there lies the problem, all too many Europeans are not having children at all. Having no children is the quickest path to extinction and Europeans are on that path as a lifestyle. The question the leadership of Europe must find the answer for is how to have an entire population made up largely of narcissistic childlike adults who refuse to leave the playpen into responsible adults who desire a future and offspring to populate and build it. Religion had been the driving force which made propagation a principle worth pursuing. What they are going to replace religion with is a mystery to us here as we remain attached to our religion. The saving grace in the United States is the share of the population who, if we can borrow a description used by President Obama, “cling to guns or religion” and could have added Bibles and children. The other saving grace is the main religion of the immigrants who are coming from south of the border is Christianity. Europe is importing a foreign culture which is incompatible with their historic culture and only one will survive unless Islam has a reformation and decided that the Mecca Quran should supersede the Medina Quran, and not the other way around as they now interpret abrogation. One of those pressing for just such a reformation is Egyptian President Sisi but he has friends who are fighting for the same thing, they are just rather less visible as they are not the leaders of the largest Arab Muslim population. We can only hope they can succeed where former attempts have failed.


Beyond the Cusp


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