Beyond the Cusp

July 16, 2017

Victory Caucus and Daniel Pipes Demands Hitting Deaf Ears


Speaking in concert with the Victory Caucus, Daniel Pipes, Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum President, stated speaking to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, “After more than a century, the conflict is really over. As an American, I would like my government to say to the Israeli government, ‘Do what you need to do to convince the Palestinians they lost.’” Thank you for your great observation of the Israeli victory, Mr. Pipes, but telling Israel she has won the battle will not end the war. Even convincing the majority of Palestinian Arabs that they have lost and they need to face facts and make peace at long last will also not suffice. As a matter of fact, the main people you need to tell are not even residing in the Middle East but reside everywhere else plus there is the problem of those in the Middle East who will never give up the war because this is no ordinary war. The first group you need convince of your point are a lot closer to Philadelphia than they are to you here meeting in Jerusalem, they reside in Washington D.C., and that is the American government and in particular, the State Department. Then you need to convince the Europeans that they too have lost and no matter how much treasure and Euros they send the Palestinian Authority (PA), Fatah, PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and whomever else they are supporting to rid them of Israel has also failed. Then there is Russia, George Soros and the Sunni and Shiite Muslims the world over. What you need understand, Mr. Pipes, this is not a normal war and there are people and an entire industry built around the destruction of Israel and as long as the cash continues to flow, they will continue to murder innocent Jews whose only crime against the world is residing in their ancient homeland, or at least the two-thirds of their ancient homeland they have been able to hold for themselves. That is the problem and the reason the war will not end quite yet, the world is not ready to surrender to the existence of a nation belonging to their favorite excuse for failure, the Jewish People.


The Europeans want Israel gone and their Jews back so they can routinely throw them out of one nation and then the next until the Jews have traveled in a circle right back to the place they started with their money and belongings stolen from them a dozen times as they were sent into exile time after time after time. That was the fate of the Jews in Europe. The Arab and Muslim world had a different means of doing the same thing, they allowed their Jews to remain in place and simply raised the Jizya (tax on non-Muslims paid so they do not murder you for your audacity to remain different) on the Jews to the point that they took all their cash and other items of worth and then relieved the tax allowing them to rebuild their reserves before repeating the exercise. Thus far, the United States has not used either method but the levels of anti-Semitism in the United States were only lessened about a little over a half-century ago and already are showing definitive signs of rising once again. Jews were free to be considered equals in the United States until the Civil War when both sides claimed the Jews aided their enemies and were this suspect to the point that General Grant gave General Order No. 11 on December 17, 1862 ordering the expulsion of all Jews in his military district, comprising areas of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky. The order was issued as part of a Union campaign against a black market in Southern cotton, which Grant thought was being run “mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders. An outcry by members of Congress and the press, at President Abraham Lincoln’s insistence, Grant revoked the General Order on January 17, 1863. Still, the result was that thousands of Jews lost their lands, homes and all valuables and many were refused return by their former neighbors complaining that they were criminal undesirables. It seems that before the State of Israel was refounded after a near two-thousand year erasure, the safest and most fair treatment of Jews was in the Far East in Japan, China, India and the Philippines. Japan even protected their Jews from the Holocaust despite their alliance with Germany. The only European yeshiva to survive the war, the Mir Yeshiva, did so through Japanese assistance. So, despite the world’s considerable efforts to destroy the tiny State of Israel, Jews are still likely safest right here in Israel so perhaps we will remain in our ancient homeland as long as we are able and Hashem allows.


Israel is the 149th nation by size out of the 195 listed here yet is the first nation mentioned by most world leaders when the question of the greatest troublesome spot in the world. What makes this so ridiculous is the reason that Israel is considered to be the number one hot spot of turmoil on the globe is simply, her belligerents are receiving the most money from the world than any other place and yet Israel remains strong and free. Israel is the sole nation which the United Nations had an institution, UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), dedicated to the support of and education for the continuation of the combined Arab effort through the PA, Fatah, PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terror groups to destroy her and annihilate her people. Additionally, the Europeans have a plethora of dedicated NGO’s which they register as Israeli though are funded primarily through the European Union and the individual European nations which operate to spread any forms of information designed to disparage and destroy the nation of Israel.


Further, the PA states in their charter not that they seek a state of Palestine but that they will use that demand in order to destroy Israel even if it must be done in stages. And the PA is not the worst as Hamas has in their charter not only the destruction of Israel but also the annihilation of the Jewish People worldwide. Such an economic structure, which dwarfs every other financial effort of the world except for the Defense spending by the United States and possibly Russia and China, cannot be claimed to have failed as long as the cash flows and there are individuals and groups making millions skimming funds right off the top. Hamas just had some leaders retire as they had amassed over one-billion dollars each and no longer wished to risk being targeted by the Israelis so they took their ill-gotten gains and faded into the sunset. They were replaced by younger and hungrier men who will now begin to amass their fortune only to reach a point where they retire and the next set of leaders will gorge themselves on the cash flow of hundreds of billions if not trillions or even tens of trillions per year of which they can easily steal ten percent. Further, these groups all have education systems, which train their youth to be terrorists and murder Israelis except they more often than not state Jews instead of Israelis because the argument is not with the Christians, Muslims, Baha’I and other religions, their desire is to murder Jews.


Mr. Pipes, the objective to end this insanity is to first end the desire throughout much of the world for the eradication of the Jewish people. To do this one will also have to rid the world of a movement which has existed since the dawn of history to return to the hedonistic ways of barbarism where the rules of the jungle and survival of the fittest reigns supreme and no longer is man condemned by his conscience as Judeo-Christian ethics will have been abandoned. This was part of what Hitler offered and was taken up on with great glee as he mesmerized a people with the concept of the end of Christianity and the death of the Jewish invention of the conscience (see video below). The reason for the destruction of the Jewish People is simply, if the Jews are destroyed, then Christianity also becomes vulnerable. The immediate reaction of people to this claim is to believe that the loss of the Jewish People would actually make Christianity stronger, but that is not true, as if the Jewish People are destroyed, especially now that Israel has been established once again, that would invalidate the promises of Hashem. Once you have proven that Hashem made false promises, you have destroyed the existence of Hashem. Without Hashem, there can be no Christianity as their faith still rests with the same Hashem, the same G0d as the Jews worship. The end of the Jewish People also destroys Christianity as the G0d of Abraham, Isaak and Yaakov is also to Whom Christian worship is intended. The main winner is Islam as the religion born of Avram, Ishmael and Muhammad as Ishmael was born to Avram and Sari’s handmaiden, Hagar, before their names were changed by Hashem to Avraham and Sarah when they entered into His covenant to form a peoples from their lineage of Isaak who also received this covenant through his son Yaakov, while Esau also received a kingdom. This shows how Allah and Hashem are not the same, they are different and thus Islam is not an Abrahamic religion but rather an Avramic religion from Avram who was still to receive the covenant with Hashem at some later point.



So, this war is not over Mr. Pipes because the forces, which desire the end of Hashem, have not yet surrendered and are unlikely to ever surrender until the coming of the Messiah. The main providers of the cash flow are the Europeans in every form imaginable, the United States in their aid to those nations and entities, which are allied to destroy Israel, and the United Nations, which has turned from a power for peace, and the benefit of humankind into an organization hijacked to bludgeon Israel into a bloodied corpse. This has been proven for years by the United Nations Human Rights Council and their Agenda Item 7 that mandates the UNHRC debate Israeli human rights abuses against the Palestinians during each of its sessions. This debate is a denunciation of Israel that has the position of automatic guilt by Israel simply for not committing suicide and surrendering totally before the wishes of the Arab world as channeled through the PA and Hamas mostly. This is simply the demand to denounce Israel as a matter of natural action without need for debate or proof of wrongdoing, Israel is guilty because Israel exists. Then we have UNESCO that is deciding that Israel has no claims to anything related to Israelite or Jewish history and is erasing Israel one edict at a time. Thusfar the UNESCO declarations have decided that there is only Islamic historical connections and absolutely, according to UNESCO, no Jewish or Israeli connection to the Temple Mount, the Western Wall and the Tomb of the (Israelite) Patriarchs. These are in addition to the General Assembly and almost two-hundred nations all recognizing the Arab State of Palestine which by law would, like Saudi Arabia, be Judenrein and which has no defined borders, does not meet the minimal standards under international law for being a nation, and has as its only ambition the destruction of another member nation of the United Nations and violates the United Nations Carter Article 80.


While Israeli Arabs of all faiths have universal rights identical to those of Israeli Jews and serve in the Knesset and are judges including having served on the Israeli Supreme Court including current permanent Justice Salim Joubran, Jews in the Arab and Muslim controlled world face a different prospect. At this other end of this spectrum, the following sixteen nations refuse entry to those with Israeli passports and may also refuse entry to those with an Israel stamp on their passport are Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya , Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Lastly, many Arab nations in order to avoid disclosure of their having driven the Jews almost completely from within their borders will list that Jews make up 0.1% of their population thus allowing the claim that the Jews were not forced, harassed into, or otherwise expelled into leaving their homes and often most of their belongings and all financial equities and assets behind but simply decided to move to France, the United States or Israel, the three largest destinations of the Jewish populations throughout the MENA area (Middle East and North Africa) which is also the range where the majority of the Arab and Muslim influences reside. These deportations by whatever means were carried out largely between 1950 and 1960 by which time the few remaining Jews were most often quite old and often cared for and resided in one of the Synagogues remaining in these nations, many of which are quite old dating back to before the arrival of Islam in some cases. Many of these Synagogues have since been repurposed as museums or transformed into Mosques or simply torn down to make room for new buildings.


Soldiers in Formation Representing the Multicultural Israel Defense Forces

Soldiers in Formation Representing the Multicultural Israel Defense Forces


That is the reality that nobody cares to ever discuss when talking about the Israeli population, that half of the Israeli people are descendants from Arab countries and not Europeans. The sad thing is if you were to ask the average European or American, actually almost any Westerner, where the Jews of Israel originated, their answer would be Europe. This is why you hear calls for the Jews to return to Germany, Poland and the United States, as did American Arab White House reporter Helen Thomas (see video below), not realizing that half the population came from Arab nations who would never accept them in a return and a goodly number families have lived in Israel, many in Jerusalem, for as far back as they can remember or have records. Another canard is that Israel is a racist society of white people. In November of 1984, the decision was made to go forward with Operation Moses and beginning November 21, 1984, Israel involved the Trans European Airways to transport some 8,000 Ethiopian Jews from Sudan via Brussels to Israel, the efforts ending January 5, 1985. Then there was Operation Solomon, the covert Israeli military operation to airlift Ethiopian Jews to Israel from May 24 to May 25, 1991 using non-stop flights of 35 Israeli aircraft, including Israeli Air Force C-130s and El Al Boeing 747s that transported 14,325 Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 36 hours. This puts an end to accusations of an all white Israel as when you include the Arabian Jews and the Jews from India that include the Bene Israel, the Cochin Jews, the Baghdadis from Iraq and Syria, and finally the Bnei Menashe, then you have added an entire range of racial peoples which easily balances out the whole population and negates the accusation.



So, Mr. Pipes, though Israel may have militarily won the conflict, as long as Mahmoud Abbas along with Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezballah, Bashir al-Assad, Islamic State, Iran and other Islamic supremacists are receiving funding or have their own funding and desire the destruction of Israel or the Jewish People there will be no surrender by the leadership of these groups and nations. The PA will continue to fund terrorists and pay their families if they are killed while murdering or attempting to murder Israelis, whether the target is Jews, Christian, Muslims or any Israeli or person within Israel and thus Israel is responsible for their safety, and pay the terrorists in the prisons serving sentences for the murder of Israelis, then this war of attrition will not end. Currently the PA and Hamas, in conjunction with UNRWA, run schools that train the children to be terrorists and make martyrdom appear to be wonderful and a means of providing for one’s family. There are claims the majority of the PA economy is based on the payments made to terrorists and their families. The murder of Israelis is the major industry making a profit in the PA and you are telling us that we won is ridiculous. The terror continues and the children ever younger are coming into Israel by any means necessary and then attempting to kill the first people with whom they come into contact. If they can drive, they ram their vehicle into crowds at bus stops or waiting to cross a street, which is why Israel had placed barriers to prevent such attacks. Others just take as large as a knife they can find in the kitchen and head off to stab Israelis indiscriminately. No, Mr. Pipes, this war is not complete and the PA leadership does not care if they have lost, there are still Israelis to murder and money to be skimmed off or otherwise distributed to keep everything continuing, especially the murdering of Israelis. We are afraid that in the end there will be only one sign that the war is over, when the Palestinian people rise up and remove the lunatics who currently are leading them to ruin. They take every possible step to make earning a living next to impossible unless you are connected with the government. The government only pays people who are related to the leaders or have or are killing Israelis. That is their economy in a nutshell. So, you can tell President Trump to instruct Israel to do what is necessary to convince Mahmoud Abbas that he has lost, but be prepared for some serious violence as he will not go quietly and will allow as many of his people to be killed before he leaves, and then he will take a tour around the world claiming the Israelis butchered innocent people and once again Israel will be in the world’s crosshairs. The world loves to hate Israel and as long as they do, Abbas remains in business. Can you convince the Europeans, United Nations, United States (especially the State Department) and the Muslim world that the war is over, the PA lost and they can stop sending this carcass any further money as doing so just prolongs the death spiral? We really wish you luck, but our experience is their hate overwhelms their common sense and decency, but you are free to try. We give you our best wishes and let us know how it goes, please Mr. Pipes. Thank you in advance.


Beyond the Cusp


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