Beyond the Cusp

October 13, 2017

No Time for Peace Talks and a Time for Quiet Actions


Yes, we know the song goes, “A time for peace and a time for war,” but we prefer to leave war completely out of this discussion, well, if that is at all possible. Right now Israel is in a position with which it has little experience. The world is actually taking a break from everything is blamed on Israel and instead is looking at President Trump, Republicans, Democrats, Congress, North Korea, South Korea and even Europe amongst other places not Israel. When the eyes of the crazed world look to the Middle East, they look at Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen and other locations not Israel. When you are being left alone, try and remain left alone. That should be the Israeli motto written on every piece of official documents. But the Jewish Home Party leader Naftali Bennett is proposing gradually ending Israeli military rule in Area C, applying Israeli law. This part is the good news which can be accomplished without any intervention, acclamation, consternation or other interference from the remainder of the universe. But Mr. Bennett just had to go and add offering full Israeli citizenship to the 80,000 Palestinians living there. We need to ask for just a little amount of clarification. Does that 80,000 Palestinians include everyone or would there be some restrictions whereby those affiliated with terrorism would be excluded? The information we have received is limited at this time, as the official declaration providing all the details was not available. As this will only apply to area C, we definitely support placing the region under Israeli Civil Law and removing it from Military Law and Governance and removing Central Command from their having total control over the entire region.


This would be the first step in normalizing Area C which under the Oslo Accords was to be placed under complete civic and security control of the Israelis while Area A was placed under complete Palestinian Authority control and Area B was under Palestinian civil control and joint security control. Since the collapse of the Oslo Accords, as they passed their five-year target for final agreement, Area A also came under joint security control at the behest of Mahmoud Abbas as he required IDF security assistance to prevent Hamas or others from taking control by coup and making his life expectancy much shorter. The Oslo Accords were arranged by a group of Israeli and American leftists behind the scenes and beyond the knowledge of the Israeli Knesset and was proposed as an agreement which was already approved and accepted by the United States. This turned out to be an exaggeration used to force the agreement upon an Israeli government which probably would never have accepted going forward with the idea had they been included from the start. Since then, the Palestinian and Arab propaganda has altered the perception of the original agreement such that much of the world believes that there used to be an Arab nation of Palestine rather than the truth that Jordan illegally held lands which under treaty and international laws belonged to Israel. The areas were called Judea and Samaria but Jordan renamed it the West Bank as Judea and Samaria has too much of a Jewish twinge in their names and Jordan claimed to have annexed the area. During the 1967 Six Day War, Israel liberated Judea and Samaria only to find that Jordan and other Arab nations had permitted thousands upon thousands of Arab refugees from 1948 as well as Jordanian citizens, some voluntarily and some by force breaking international law, to resettle in the Jordan occupied areas. There was never any nation of Palestine and the Palestinian Arabs are actually simply Arabs from the surrounding areas including Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt and further even to include Turkey. When making peace with Jordan, Israel even offered to return these lands but Jordan refused to reclaim the illegally held lands leaving them to their rightful owner under international law. The real reason was Jordan also refused to allow any of its citizens to return to Jordan claiming instead that they were now Israelis. The story changed once the world involved Israel in the Oslo Accords and the Palestinian State became all the rage ever since. It became such a great thing for the United Nations that they decided to change the celebration on November 29, 1947, from the anniversary of the day that Israel was initiated at the United Nations to Palestinian Solidarity Day where the world celebrates establishing Palestine in place of Israel and allowing the slaughter of over six million Jews. They never state it as such, but that is exactly what the entire celebration is all about, replacing Israel with another Arab state, this one called Palestine which would be the first nation by that name, nothing less.


Europe has latched onto the demand that the Israelis return to the pre-1967 War lines (they were not borders but armistice lines from 1949) despite the well-understood reality by any and all military commanders that such would be the beginning of the end of Israel. The combination of befriending the Arabs, preferring not to risk losing their precious oil shipments, and institutional anti-Semitism of Europe combined to bring around the attitude that Israel and her population is an expendable casualty if that is what needs to be to keep their status quo. The third world has accepted the Arab propaganda that Israel is nothing but an American pawn colonial outpost injected into Arab lands which have belonged to the Arabs since the start of time. Slowly, one disaster at a time, some of these nations after receiving vital and immediate Israeli emergency aid after natural disasters are learning a different truth. Still, Israel should operate quietly and discreetly going the extra yard to retain quiet whenever Israel is not in the sites of the world demanding concession after concession. Being ignored is a good thing as far as most Israelis are concerned and we like not being under the microscope readying us for dissection. This is the reason it would be wiser for this idea of Naftali Bennett’s to be quietly discussed within the cabinet and once its passage is assured, brought before the Knesset for basically quick ratification in quick and quiet votes and then presented as an accomplished fact. Anything placed on the floor to be debated will be debated in the halls of the United Nations, European Union, European parliaments from Britain to Finland to Italy and everywhere in between always claiming that Israel is oppressing and stealing lands when she is simply taking what always has been hers. But the world will never accept Israel having peace and secured borders as designated under the Mandate System, San Remo Conference, Treaty of Sèvres and international law which are from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea (see map below). That is what should be and just as there were migrations between Pakistan and India, Germany and France, Germany and Poland, there should be some responsibility for the Arab nations to repatriate their brothers and sisters and leave Israel in peace. Should such ever come to pass and peace be established and Israel granted her borders, then the violence will end.


Definitive Map of Israel


There is a group which demands democracy for Jordan or for a dividing of Jordan into the Palestinian Arab nation it was intended to be and the eastern third of the country to be allowed to remain under the rule of the Hashemite family. Mudar Zahran is a Palestinian Arab as are all the Arabs who reside in Jordan, who believes fully in the original Mandate System which declared that all 78% of the British Mandate east of the Jordan River would be the Arab Palestinian homelands while the remaining 22% of the British Mandate west of the Jordan River was reserved for the Jewish State. Mr. Zahran desires to install an Arab Palestinian democracy in Jordan either sharing the lands with an area ruled by King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein with the Arab Palestinian State. As Secretary General of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition, Mudar Zahran, proposes building a city on a grand scale capable of housing as many as all the Palestinian Arabs from Judea and Samaria which could then be returned to Israel as was the initial Mandate System ideal plan. Any Palestinian Arab desiring to remain in Judea and Samaria would still be granted citizenship in his Palestinian Arab state as most are already carrying Jordanian passports and identification papers or their parents carry such. They are not Israeli citizens and thus are only a problem for Israel that has no solution. Mr. Zahran has a plan which deserves being that solution.


Secretary General of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition Mudar Zahran

Secretary General of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition Mudar Zahran


Mr. Zahran’s proposal could work for the King of Jordan as he would remain in power ruling over as much as one third of what today is Jordan with the non-Arab citizens remaining in Jordan under the King having whatever form of government desired and with less of a security problem as the Palestinian Arabs would have their own nation bordering the King’s in the remaining western two-thirds of what today is Jordan. Any Arabs desiring to remain under the King may resettle and do so. Mr. Zahran desires having the Arab Palestinians all reside in his new nation which could even be named Palestine. As soon as he has established his state, preferably peaceably, then the Oslo Accords would be negated and Palestine established east of the Jordan River. Those Arab Palestinians remaining in the areas ruled by Israel would be Palestinian citizens residing in Israel as legal alien citizens and would vote in the Arab Palestinian elections in Palestine east of the Jordan River.


Obviously, the main opposition to this would be King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of Jordan and he would require some form of compensation other than being freed from what amounts to a consistent threat to his rule. The remaining opposition comes from the remainder of the Arab world and Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority (PA) kleptocracy. Abbas and the Arab world’s protestations are proof that their desires are more to cause Israel as much unrest and terrorism as possible even if it is at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs themselves. Their hatred of Israel and the Jews spills over into hatred for their own brethren, the Arab Palestinians who they are willing to sacrifice to a life of violence without rights or representation they themselves elected. Mudar Zahran wants to give the Arab Palestinians their own homeland even, or as well as, should it result in Israel having secure borders and an end to the terror threat run by Mahmoud Abbas and the remainder of the PA. Much of the world including thus far the Europeans, United Nations and the United States as well as Russia, China, the Arab League, Mahmoud Abbas and the PA all also oppose this solution either because it solves the Arab-Israel conflict at least for the Arab Palestinians, grants Israel secure and defined borders, and allows both Arabs and Jews to live side-by-side in security and peace. Funny, are not the ideals of Arabs and Jews living side-by-side in security and peace exactly the stated goals of every negotiation being held currently in bad faith? Here is somebody proposing a solution which provides exactly that stated as the goal of the entire world and because it will not lead directly to the destruction of Israel, nobody is willing to support it. Perhaps somebody should permit Mudar Zahran to meet with President Donald Trump in Washington D.C. instead of the President making another trip to the Middle East to pursue the impossible, a treaty where Israel agrees to commit suicide and the Arabs take all the land, which is the only solution which Abbas is willing to accept.


Beyond the Cusp


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