Beyond the Cusp

December 30, 2017

What the United Nations Vote on Jerusalem Means


The United Nations General Assembly’s “Status of Jerusalem” resolution denouncing the United States announcement which carried by a vote of 128–9 with 35 abstentions and 21 absenting themselves from the vote simply showed exactly what the Jewish Prophets prognosticated over two millennia past. They predicted a world turned almost exclusively contrary to the Jews and Jerusalem, the holiest of cities in Israel and continue to throw themselves against the Jewish unbreakable love and attachment with Jerusalem only to be torn and cut as if throwing themselves against a rock-face. The Arab dominated United Nations General Assembly will never find the path to believe that the Jewish State has returned just as Biblically prophesized and their European adjunct simply cannot break free from their over two millennia hatred of anti-Semitism beginning with the Hellenist Greeks to the Roman Caesars on to the Byzantines, the Germanic and other barbarian tribes through the Crusades, Inquisitions, Purifications and other Christian Reformations to the Holocaust and still flowing through the cracks ruining the presumed end of anti-Semitism throughout Europe. The truth is the new anti-Semitism is reborn as anti-Zionism and a total pro-Palestinian slant on all votes, debates and other possibilities with such a malicious vindictiveness that resembles too closely its detestable anti-Semitism of centuries past. The fact that only nine nations including Israel and the United States should not be surprising as between the European influences worldwide and the oil influence of the Muslim Arabs and Iranians, only seven others found the intestinal fortitude to stand in favor of Trump’s engaging the world by starting the move of the American Embassy to Jerusalem in recognition of it as the capital of Israel, well, if truth be told, the capital even if shared in some future of Israel and to be determined. The seven brave nations allied with Israel and the United States were Guatemala, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Togo. Not exactly, the largest and most impressive of nations, but these nations stood up for truth and reality of history.


As for the meaning of this cataclysmic anguished detachment from reality as well as all of human history, it boils down to one simple and recognizable affliction, anti-Semitism. When the greatest example of human despair in and around Syria is, according to the United Nations in all of its manifestations, is the Palestinians condition and their being denied immediate recognition of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount in particular and all of historic Israel belonging not to the Jews but to the Johnny-come-lately Arabs is the initial evidence of unbalanced thinking with a heavy dose of bias. The facts that the only people denied the rights to their own nation are the Jewish People, and they have been genetically proven as a people, is another element to prove the denial of Israeli right to exist as the home of the Jewish People is anti-Semitism. The world fears that permitting the Jews to have their own nation will cement forever the old principles and worn out dogmas of the Old Testament, such as the Ten Commandments and the civil treatment of every person willing to reside peaceably with you and the other mitzvahs, commandments and all the other influences the Jewish People have had on morality and civilization. They fear that they may be judged by their actions and battering their neighbor over the head just because, as is going on in Syria, Yemen, the Sudan with South Sudan, Nigeria and Boko Haram and the other wars and whispers of war, will become something that will be seen as wrong and the world will demand civility and peace between all peoples. This vote signifies that the United Nations no longer cares to observe its own Charter, in particular Article 80, and has abdicated its role as an impartial mediator between Israel and the Arab World. According to Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, the United Nations is tasked to recognize and complete the Mandate system to its completion as laid out by the League of Nations who followed the basic principles of the San Remo Conference. This makes the United Nations party to enforcing the stated border introduced under the British Mandate which was the Jordan River with the Arabs receiving 78% of the British Mandate East of the Jordan River and Jews received the 22% of the British Mandate West of the Jordan River, which makes things so easy to implement. This is what this vote tells us and what the bringing of the similar motion before the Security Council where fourteen nations voted in favor of disestablishing the decree of an American President and an Act of the American Congress forcing an American Veto with the remaining single objection. These motions mean far more than just attempting to dispute Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem or even of dismemberment of Israel piece by piece as the Arabs and the United Nations have been working towards for close to fifty years; these attempts at disavowing President Trump’s statement and superceding his order to move the United States Embassy are an attempt to place the United Nations at some if not any level as superceding the functions of a state to determine their own actions.


British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel

British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel


These actions by the United Nations far exceed anti-Semitism, as they are an attempt to place the United Nations as a superior state which can instruct other nations what they may and may not do even with their own embassies, lands, armies or even diplomacy. The United Nations has for quite some time now been attempting to instruct the Israeli government on what they are permitted in doing and what they may not do as it displeases those at the top of the world in the United Nations, the soon to be one world governance. They have superseded their own rules and Charter; they have disputed and dissolved treaties such as the San Remo Conference, the Treaty of Sèvres and the Mandate System. They have already permitted the almost complete eradication of Lebanon as the home for the Maronite Christians and other Christian sects and are working to do the same to the Jewish State of Israel. They have meddled with numerous smaller nations but avoided engaging to solve or face the violent perpetrators around the globe and end even the most grievous genocidal wars since its inauguration. Here is a partial list, which includes two-dozen of the worst genocides, from which one can start to recognize the complete lack of effort by any world body to ameliorate, prevent or intervene to end any one of these nor do we see any hope that the world will address those genocidal violence still ravaging parts of the world, particularly from the United Nations. Instead, what do we see the United Nations calling a special session to do? They called their special session to first try and force a binding resolution overturning the President of the United States acting in concurrence with a Congressional Directive which was overwhelmingly passed by both houses of Congress, the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 which passed the Senate by a vote of 93 in favor and 5 opposed and passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 374 in favor and 37 opposed, and when that failed going to the rubberstamp committee known as the General Assembly to get an advisory but unenforceable declaration of distressed feelings. The United Nations is standing at the cusp of it becoming a superior entity capable of altering the actions and laws even of a super power or facing dissolution and the end of its dishonorable acts as over the last seventy years the United Nations has run off the rails. This vote against President Trump was simply another hysterical reaction by the one world influence at the audacity of the President the world appears to love to hate and the fact that it included denial of the existence of the Israeli capital, as Jerusalem, was simply the cherry atop the whipped cream and nuts on the sundae.


The United Nations was envisioned by the movers and shakers for the one world government as the eventual successor to the European Union. Their vision while slowly constructing the central governance in Brussels where appointed autocrats dictate to their lessors, the elected leaders of the member states, what currency they must accept, what aid they must give to the failing states and all sorts of other items except for one rather major and vital area, finance. Other than accepting the Euro, and in most cases using it as their official currency much to their own detriment, the European Union central powers do not extend to economic and financial rule. This allows for each nation to set their own minimum wage, their own retirement age, their days worked each week, the hours of a workday, interest rates and other wonderful items are decided by each nation. This has led to Germany being the economic engine which is due to longer workday and longer hours with a later retirement age and much set for industrial output while Greece has a far weaker economy and depends largely on tourism and agriculture and thus a far less dynamic economy. The problem is with their economies both run on the Euro; Greece appears bankrupt and unable to devalue their Euro against Germany’s Euro. If Greece were permitted to return to their own currency, they could adjust it to make their country become more investment enticing leading to an economic upturn, instead the wunderkind in Brussels believe it is better to take some hard earned German Euros and simply allow them to go to Greece in the form of a loan guaranteed by Germany so when Greece defaults, Germany pays Germany back for the bad loan and everybody is happy. Well, everybody is happy once, maybe twice, but eventually Germany, or whatever country is being robbed, as that is what this is, robbery, they get a little peeved and refuse to play any longer. Britain got so distressed seeing that they were next after Germany, did the smart thing, despite the extensive ad campaign to the contrary, they voted for Brexit and went out of the European Union, eventually as it presumably will take two years to completely disassociate. We can expect others to do the same leaving Germany and likely France working away real hard to support Greece and the other nations who are on the receiving end of the cash flow until the European Union goes bust.


The European Union was supposed to grow until it contained all of Europe while NAFTS would unite the Americas, and Asia would be bound with China and these multinational groups would slowly assume total power unifying their respective states into a single entity and those entities would then be absorbed by the United Nations and presto-chango there would be a one world governance. Imagine the wonderful things which could be accomplished if all the nations melted away. Imagine if there is a world living the John Lennon dream, Imagine. Lennon’s dream, our nightmare. What is nice is that Israel is the antidote for the one world government. Israel has been the antidote for quite a few things. They were the antidote for the Greek concept of the perfect human being the omnipotent force in all existence and the worship of the human form. Israel was the antidote for the Roman hedonism and use of humans for sport and entertainment making there a class of human whose value was nil. Israel threw off Greek rule once and Roman rule twice, the second leading to the Jews being dispersed throughout the Roman Empire and some thrown beyond to live in the world which was of no consequence. The Romans had done this to others such as the Carthaginians after they sacked Carthage. The Carthaginians ceased to exist as a separate people as did the others. Most of those the Romans dispersed were lost to history and all such peoples and their societies ceased at the moment of dispersion except the Jews. The others could not exist without their lands; the Jews have two lands, one physical, Israel and the other ethereal, Torah. Torah kept the Jews as a people and the promise of Torah that one day we would return to our land and it would become a nation in a single day, that was the promise we lived for, return to our sacred lands and to Jerusalem. It was stated that the land could only flourish for the Jewish People and would deny all others its bounty. This too proved true as in all the years when the Jews were but a small presence, the land barely produced. Now with the Jews returning, the land has sprung to life in all the areas where the Jews reside. (We found this amusingly interesting and some of it rang true, we will leave the rest to you to see what you might think.) The number of prophesies which have been validated by actual history, and we are referring to those which there is little doubt such as the length of the final dispersion until the reestablishment of the State of Israel for the final and permanent time plus additionally that the entire state will not be taken initially but in steps until it includes Biblical Israel being reestablished in its entirety. The United Nations does not believe the Old Testament, nor does it believe the New Testament or any other religious writings with one possible exception, the Quran. But the Quran the United Nations would have is different than the one the Muslims believe as in the United Nations version there is no Allah or any other deity other than the United Nations itself.


The United Nations wishes to return the world to when man was the highest form of life and everything came into being to justify humankind purely by accident. We are here because in the infinite universes which were thrown into existence at the moment of creation, most failed catastrophically and disappeared, others became massive super condensed black hole universes with all their matter crushed into a single mass, and an uncountable number of universes are similar to ours with some alterations but within the parameters for a working universe and we are on the one which makes us possible and no real need for any deity, just infinite universes. This theory has begun to run into some serious doubt of late. The mathematics has been run through some of the most powerful supercomputers of our day and they have found some disturbing truths. If any of a thousand variables that have been tested had been different in their mass, force particle, interaction-ability and off in any area by even one-tenth of one percent and we could not have come into existence. The universe had to be crafted so exactly and precisely with so many different variables being so specific, that many scientists have concluded that the universe could never have come into being by a pure accident no matter how many universes there were. As one cosmologist put it when asked if the current theories about the universe ruled out there being an omnipotent deity, he ruled out the omnipotent deity who could alter things at a whim and was interactive breaking the rules when such an entity felt the need and stated instead that if there were a deity which created the universe, he was one heck of a mathematician. Still, Jews, at least the majority of religious Jews, will continue to pray and fully accept Hashem as the creator and heck of a mathematician whose formulas include the occasional miracle right when it is necessary. We will also believe that there is more to existence than what the physicists, cosmologists, chemists, biologists or any other area of research can ever explain with all their knowledge. There is a force within every person placed there by some unknown force which must connect all of reality and links us to the next world, a place of unimaginable calm and peacefulness where we no longer need to worry about our physical bodies as we have left them for another existence where our purest form, our soul interacts with every soul that had, does and will exist, for the soul is the true infinite form, a piece of the Almighty. The United Nations becomes so irrelevant at this level that returning to discuss them further would ruin our mood, so for now, good-bye.


Beyond the Cusp


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