Beyond the Cusp

August 16, 2018

The Lesson Israel Must Apply to Hamas

Filed under: Israel — qwertster @ 2:05 AM
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This lesson is actually a lesson that it is imperative that Israel must learn first before anything further can be realized. One would hope that the Israeli leadership has by now realized that Hamas will attack every other year or whenever commanded to do so by Iran. This should be something near the top of their to-do list for finding a permanent solution. Contrary to what the world is always screaming over, there should be no economic crisis within Gaza. First, Gaza could be an economic engine providing a prime Mediterranean tourist haven with excellent economic opportunities. Instead, Gaza is a wrecked economy without even the basic utilities to provide for normalcy. Their waste treatment facilities have been left to fall into ruin. Their electrical power station and electrical grid are barely adequate and slowly disintegrating with close to one third if not more of their electricity provided by Israel providing the power towers and lines have not been destroyed again by terrorist actions. Gaza has not built a single desalinization plant since 2007 when Hamas took power despite sufficient monies provided by the European Union presumably set aside for building three such plants. There have been no hospitals or new schools built or even a Mosque. Military training camps have been built all across Gaza as have tunnel systems connecting bunkers, rocket launch positions, rocket storage facilities, military provisions and infiltration tunnels which Israel has had to destroy once they cross under the Gaza-Israeli border threatening Israeli civilians. One such tunnel was found leading to one of the kibbutzim ending right next to the kindergarten. The bunkers and tunnels have enough room for every Gazan to be protected during times of war but Hamas refuses to permit their civilians to take shelter often shooting those who have the audacity to seek such shelter. This past year, UNWRA had donations providing a $ 1.2 billion budget yet they claim they have no funds for food or schools. Where has all of that cash gone, one can only wonder. Further, Israel provides the majority of the clean water to Gaza as well as almost all, if not all, the natural gas. During the recent riots, which the media called peaceful demonstrations, the water and gas lines, which travel in tandem, were destroyed by the Hamas rioters (see images below). This has interrupted these provisions as attempting to repair them under the current situation would only result in the repair team being murdered. Even when things are considered peaceful, it requires a strong IDF presence to repair such pipes and electrical lines or the technicians would not survive to complete their repairs. This Israel has learned from past experience.


Rioters Ignite Provisions, Trailers, Electrical Infrastructure, Conveyor Belt used to Transferred Goods into Gaza

Rioters Ignite Provisions, Trailers, Electrical Infrastructure, Conveyor Belt used to Transferred Goods into Gaza


Gas Pipes Set Ablaze at the Kerem Shalom Gaza Crossing to Israel

Gas Pipes Set Ablaze at the Kerem Shalom Gaza Crossing to Israel


The recent confrontation, which Hamas initiated, partially interrupted the Israeli provided transfer of humanitarian provisions, some provided by the nations and organizations of the world and a fair proportion provided by Israel. Israel most often provides medical provisions and food and there are times when Hamas simply leaves the food to rot in the sun and destroys other aid thus causing much of the hardships suffered in Gaza. Hamas is sworn to destroy Israel and their efforts are not meant to actually defeat Israel but rather to make things difficult hoping the Jews will tire of these threats and run away. They claim that the Jews will run back home just as had the Romans, the Crusaders and eventually the Mongols. The problem with their logic is really simple, this is the home of the Jewish People and has been such for three thousand years, some figure closer to four thousand years, so we have nowhere to run home to, we are already home. They were the conquerors who rose from the Arabian Peninsula after the fall of the Roman Empire and at the end of the Byzantine Empire thus allowing the Arabs to spread across the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region from northern India to Morocco and northward to the gates of Vienna, twice. The Jewish People are the indigenous peoples of this region with the only other lasting peoples who resided here were the Phoenicians whose last gasp was as the Carthaginians who were dispersed by the Romans just as they had done to the Jewish People, then the Judeans, and the Carthaginians were never heard from again. There are some neighboring people who still exist including but not limited to the Kurds, Assyrians, Baha’I and the Persians far off to the east. So, when making the case as to who are the indigenous people in Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, even the Quran states that it belongs to the Jewish People. So, since it has been made overtly obvious that the Arabs have decided to abrogate their own recognition that the Promised Land belongs to the Jews with their promise from Allah that they will rule the world and all within will be servants of Allah as any other choice would have resulted in their being submitted by the sword. This is something the Israelis understand.


So, what is it that the Israeli leadership need learn? They are required to look back through history and recognize the almost unanimous means by which all previous conflicts have been resolved. The first thing one notices is that the colonial possessions of the British were amongst the very few which gained their independence without having to completely destroy the British and only required being steadfast in their desire and making life difficult that they were no longer a profitable colony. Almost every other conflict throughout History, the sole means of ending a conflict was having one side completely defeat, even to the length of annihilation, of their opposition. They won in a manner which was undeniable. Israel has, on three occasions, won a ground conflict undeniably but had not eviscerated the Hamas or Islamic Jihad command structure. The main reason that this was not accomplished was due to where the Hamas leadership with their counterparts in Islamic Jihad have established their main command and control bunker. This target is placed directly under, in a subbasement, of the main Gaza City hospital, the Shifa Hospital complex. The Shifa Hospital was originally built by Israel before the disengagement when Israel completely pulled out of Gaza ending any even imagined form of occupation. Gaza is ruled, completely independently from any Israel influences, by Hamas. The blockade was not put in place while the Palestinian Authority ruled in Gaza but once Hamas took over through a coup. Israel imposed security checks of imports to Gaza to assure that no war material entered Gaza. Israel has that part figured out.


Israel will need to do one obvious act to end the terror wars started by Hamas and joined by Islamic Jihad and other terror and criminal elements within Gaza, end the leadership and allow for the people to choose governance which will live with Israel peacefully. This will mean entering the tunnel system near the main command and control bunker, militarily take the bunker and take the people inside prisoner. Charge them with terrorist acts, crimes against humanity, war crimes and everything else which can be included. They will need to be incarcerated inside Israel in a special prison built specifically for these leaders where their contacts with the outside world are completely controlled. Israel does not desire to rule the people of Gaza and will gladly assist them improving the infrastructure providing they are willing to live peaceably. Should the people of Gaza elect another group of terrorist leaders and they return to their desire to destroy Israel, then Israel will be required to repeat the beheading of their governance and enlarging that special prison. Should the people of Gaza prove to be the problem by electing a third group of terrorists who insist on making war against Israel, then Israel will be required to clear Gaza and annexing it as part of Israel and develop it for the benefit of Israel, no longer its detriment. Gaza will need to be wiped clear of the entirety of its population as they will have proven that they will always be waging wars against Israel and that is unacceptable.


The immediate response to this last conclusion of what might be the final result if the people of Gaza continue to elect people to make war with Israel will be the United Nations passing condemnations from the General Assembly, the European Union will scream claiming this is outrageous and completely unacceptable, and many nations will be up in arms. The response from Israel should be to tell them, if you really feel that much love for these people, allow them to reside within your nation, as we will no longer tolerate their murderous ways. We have serious doubts that any of those complaining will lift a finger to assist the Gaza refugees and spend their entire effort on demanding that Israel live with a group of a few million people sworn to murder every Israeli living along the southern border of Israel. This must be refused by Israel and allow the world to get over their indignation and the problem will, as all such situations throughout history have, resolve itself in time. Perhaps the Roman method for addressing a group of people insistent on attempting to destroy their neighbors should be employed, spread them into small groups of five or so families in places far removed from one another such that they will have to learn to live with the people around them. If they still prove impossible to reside with as they start using terror to the detriment of their new community, then allow that community to decide their own solution. Israel will promise to understand and will not be amongst those screaming about the horrors of the situation.


As the world screams at Israel about the horrors of the Israeli responses to the violence thrust into Israel out of Gaza, many of the people of Israel, especially those residing in the south who are the main targets and enduring the suffering, also are responding to the horrors of what is being thrown at them and their children. There have been approximately one-hundred rockets on top of countless incendiary balloons and kites being launched starting fires and destroying entire fields of crops and forest lands where some are wildlife preserves in the past week since the ceasefire was presumably accepted. Reports claim that Israel agreed to the terms given by Egypt and the Hamas political wing accepted the terms which means that the European Union, United Nations and numerous nations and NGO’s have all accepted the idea that Israel must end any strikes into Gaza. What is not working is that the Hamas military wing refused the ceasefire and is still launching into Israel knowing the world has their back and will prevent Israeli responses (for results of these attacks see images below). This is nothing new as Israelis have seen all of this before and will unfortunately continue to use the same concepts and tactics as before once again and likely into the foreseeable future while expecting different results. That is the definition which Albert Einstein stated was the definition of insanity. Well, we are just saying. Israel has to try something entirely different as what they have been doing has been putting out flare-ups while never putting out the central inferno of hatred which will simply produce another flare-up as soon as they are able. The time has come to take out the inferno of hatred which will require taking over Gaza, removing all of Hamas and Islamic Jihad along with their supporting criminal elements and then allow the Gazans a chance to try peace and economic growth as they will not have 80% of their aid being stolen by terrorists to attempt to destroy Israel.


Firefighters extinguish fire in wheat field caused by Gaza incendiary kites (c/o Arutz Sheva)

Firefighters extinguish fire in wheat field caused by Gaza incendiary kites (c/o Arutz Sheva)


Fire Damaged Field in Israel with Smoldering Region in Background

Fire Damaged Field in Israel with Smoldering Region in Background


Fire Damaged Area Including Destroyed Storage Building

Fire Damaged Area Including Destroyed Storage Building


This will be their third attempt as the Palestinian Authority failed, which was why the people turned to Hamas which failed just as badly if not worse than the Palestinian Authority. The main difference was that Hamas eliminated any opposition, thus any Gazans wishing to live in a normal life providing for their family and leaving their children with hope and the promise that they will live a life which is better then their parents; and they can do the same for their children, and while residing in peace with Israel, both societies can benefit each other. On the other hand, should they choose terrorism and the destruction of Israel, then we have an intractable problem which has but one solution, wiping Gaza clean and reinstituting it as part of Israel and ending the problem through absolute defeat. As for the Gazans, they can choose peace or they can choose war, once Hamas and company are removed, then the Gazans have no excuse for choosing leadership centered on the destruction of Israel unless this is their hearts’ desire. If the destruction of Israel is their central core that unites their society, then their society requires being dispersed and Israel will provide the first step by removing them from Gaza and the world can take care of their dispersal. Once Israel finds it necessary to remove the entirety of the Gazan population for her own security, then once completing such a mission, Israel will simply turn a deaf ear to the screaming which will inevitably follow. Sometimes one must just go ahead and do what is required for their own safety and peace, and Israel has given the Arabs, who became Palestinian Arabs in 1964 through a coalition of Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, a core of leadership, the Arab League and much aid and assistance from the KGB, more opportunities for peace than they deserved and must now consider simply dispersing them to the winds of fate. Anyone who is willing to be upset with Israel over such had best be very active right now demanding that Turkey end their genocidal wiping of the Kurdish People from northern Syria and at Iran and Iraq for their genocidal military actions against the Kurds in northern Iraq and Iran for starters and if they would like a list of other equally harmful actions against minority peoples around the world, drop us a note and we will provide a rough list which will not be complete but will provide a plethora of choices.


Beyond the Cusp


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