Beyond the Cusp

November 13, 2015

It’s Kristallnacht Déjà vu All Over Again

Filed under: Act of War,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Boycott,Catherine Ashton,Civilization,Conflict Avoidnce,Consequences,Coverup,Domestic NGOs,Europe,European Governments,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Federica Mogherini,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,History,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Islam,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israel,Israeli Interests,Jews,Jihad,Jordanian Pressure,Judea,Leftist Pressures,Mainstream Media,Mecca,Media,Media Bias,Medina,Middle East,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim Invade Europe from the East,Muslim Invasoin of Europe from the West,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Politicized Findings,Politics,Rioters Pressure,Samaria,Sanctions,Sanctions (BDS),Secular Interests,Settlements,Sharia Law,Six Day War,Slective Choice,Temple Mount,Union Interests,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States State Department,Western Wall,World Opinion,Zionist — qwertster @ 3:35 AM
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It’s Kristallnacht déjà vu all over again, to adjust one of the late Yogi Berra’s famous and odd truisms where this was one of his more cogent statements. The eerie similarities November 9th through 10th in 1938 have now had their first order repeat with modern times now, quoting from Mark Twain who was claimed to have stated, “History may not repeat itself, but it does rhyme a lot.” Kristallnacht saw the Brown Shirts mobs rampaging through the Jewish areas in the majority of German towns and cities destroying their businesses, burned down Synagogues, looted homes, murdered at least one hundred Jews, arrested at least thirty-thousand Jewish men to be sent to Nazi concentration camps, destroyed Yeshivas and there were rumored raping of some younger Jewish women and other atrocities. Jewish stores had already been marked with the Star of David painted in yellow and black across thousands of doors and windows, with accompanying anti-Semitic slogans. Signs were posted saying “Don’t Buy from Jews!” (Kauf nicht bei Juden!), “The Jews Are Our Misfortune!” (Die Juden sind unser Unglück!) and “Go to Palestine!” (Geh nach Palästina!). Such activities can be viewed in Picture below. The boycotts and Kristallnacht did not just burst on the scene suddenly out of nowhere. Just as rising anti-Semitism has led to the European Union voting to label Israeli products manufactured, grown, fermented or having any step of its production or harvest from areas beyond the 1949 Armistice Line also called the Green Line; so had rising European anti-Semitism grown facilitating the imposition of the European Union vote to label these particular Israeli goods as they are intended to force the Jews to leave the ‘occupied’ (legally at worst disputed and honestly Israeli) lands which is nothing more than the European Union agreeing with the Arabs that the lands must be made Judenrein. Think about this one truth, the historic lands which the northern half of these lands was referred to as Samaria and had another name historically, Israel and the southern half was called Judea and somehow the world had decided that these lands never did and never can belong to the Jews and that the ancient Jewish capital Jerusalem and its Old City which was the actual ancient capital must now be given to Arabs who gave themselves a name just to change the image from the Arab countries as the Goliath against little Israel as David into the undefeatable IDF and Israel as Goliath against these few Arabs who adopted the Roman given name for Judea of Palestinia, they modernized it to Palestine to benefit from the British term based on the Roman name as well. So the world wants there to be the Jewish People denied the Old City and Temple Mount of Jerusalem, Judea, and ancient lands which were Samaria and also named Israel, what is wrong with the world.



Kristallnacht Déjà vu All Over Again Nazi Brown Shirts Guard Entrance Preventing Shoppers from Patronizing Jewish Businesses Using Excessive Violence Freely and Enjoying Hurting Anybody Passing By They Feel was Insufficiently Cowed While Other Jewish Stores Were Simply Labeled JUDE and with Star of David to Signal Them as Boycott Stores Under Threats of Violence

Kristallnacht Déjà vu All Over Again Nazi Brown Shirts
Guard Entrance Preventing Shoppers from Patronizing
Jewish Businesses Using Excessive Violence Freely
and Enjoying Hurting Anybody Passing By They Feel
was Insufficiently Cowed While Other Jewish Stores
Were Simply Labeled JUDE and with Star of David to
Signal Them as Boycott Stores Under Threats of Violence



What has gone wrong is there has been a demonic combination of events which began with the Six Day War in June of 1967 when Egypt and Syria massed troops in the Golan Heights and along the Sinai-Negev borders. Egypt also blockaded the Straights of Tiran blocking Israeli direct access to Asia and also defined as a Casus belli which instituted an Egyptian declaration of war through that act and the massed troops was simply icing on the cake. Egyptian and Syria radio, television and other media carried repeated calls for the destruction of Israel and the genocidal slaughter of driving the Jews into the Sea as was declared by Gamal Abdel Nasser in his critical and historic speech carried in both Egypt and Syria repeatedly every day for over a week. The world was already mourning the end of the Jewish State and lamenting the coming death of near five million Jews with debates of what exactly any nation or organization such as the United Nations might do and these discussions were designed to move mournfully slow until the time had run out and everything was over. Then the impossible and unimaginable happened. Israel struck early one morning with airstrikes which amazingly hit almost every Egyptian and Syrian fighter jets on the ground and shooting down the few which managed to get airborne and mostly left the decoys unharmed sitting between the burning jets on the airstrips. The ground war wasn’t much different as the Israelis launched assaults into the Sinai Peninsula soon surrounding the Egyptian Third Army closed off in the Sinai Peninsula and the Syrian were knocked off the Golan Heights and were slowly retreating towards Damascus. One would be hard pressed to believe the reality as the Syrian and Egyptian media kept reporting their gains and closing on Tel Aviv so the Jordanian King advised by their military decided they were not going to be left out of this historic victory though the Israelis begged them not to be sucked in by the Egyptian and Syrian lies which served to only convince the Jordanians the Jews were losing even worse than the reports and attacked. Israel diverted reinforcements headed for the Sinai and they soon stopped to pray at the Wailing Wall and reported that the Temple Mount was in their hands. By the time it all ended after Six Days, thus the Six Day War, Israel had regained the lands lost in 1948 of Judea, Samaria (ancient Israel), Gaza and Golan Heights and gained the entire Sinai Peninsula and stunned the world. As the Israelis were threatening to cross the Suez Canal and strike into Damascus the world demanded a halt to the war without demanding the Egyptians, Syrians or Jordanians surrender or admit their having been defeated. The Egyptian still teach in their schools about their great victory of June 1967. But it was the world’s reaction which changed the most drastically.


The world for a brief period celebrated the unimaginable and stunning victory by Israel in only six days but then came the old bugaboo about the all-powerful Jew and their eventual plan to conquer the world. This was followed by the Israeli victory again and against the odds as they were caught initially flatfooted and with their military and reserves spread throughout the lands in synagogues observing Yom Kippur; but after Israel gathered her troops and resurged; they again routed Egypt and Syria until the world again demanded a stop without Egypt or Syria accepting their defeat. Then Israel began to have their economy branch out and began to develop a high tech sector, innovative start-up sector and also making discoveries in agriculture, medicine and sciences both hard and soft of all varieties. This suspicions and old misgivings against Jewish excelling and success again nudged Europe to return to their centuries old hatreds which has slowly gained traction and grew. Then it got a massive influx of funding and a serious and well-financed propaganda campaign claiming the Jews were committing atrocities and had used nefarious and ill-gotten advantages in their wars and were using their same old tricks to gain advantages in business and so many other of the old malice and hatreds. Joining in grudges against the Jews was almost natural and with an entire Jewish nation, Israel; nothing could be better or make a larger target. Hating Israel became the low hanging fruit for those seeking a reason for anything wrong with their world. When economic problems struck as in the late 1970s and again in the early 90s anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israelism grew. Eventually the three, though technically separate in some particulars, they all became known as anti-Zionism. This was chosen largely because the United Nations had equated Zionism with Racism under direct pressures by the Arab League nations and was pushed through the General Assembly with the support of the Nonaligned Nations (NAM) which gave the Arab nations an automatic majority to pass almost any General Assembly Resolution which carries the weight of a suggestion which becomes annulled as soon as any effected nations rejects the resolution.


The next situation which cast Israel in an even worse light was the pressures on the media who were mostly too wary to step out of line and eventually the main news services began relying on stringers for their reporting and pictures from the Arab controlled area. Further, some reporters saw an opportunity to make a name for themselves by taking a position in the Middle East and become known for their reporting on the abuses reportedly committed by the IDF and other Israeli security personnel with staged incidents which were at one point actually revealed by 60 Minutes report on what became known as Pallywood as shown in the video below. Despite such damning reporting by a reputable new team, the world found it more satisfying to continue with their comfort zone which believes the Arab falsehoods because it serves their need for a familiar enemy, and what is a more familiar enemy for much of Europe than the Jews, or who are now called the Zionists. This became even more obvious during the Durban Conference in 2001 which was officially titled “World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance” but devolved within minutes into a free-for-all demonizing Israel from where it spiraled completely into an area from which return is all but impossible. This has been proven with ensuing of the Durban series of conferences, each a simple reassurance and restatement of the original anti-Israel hate-fest begun in the first conference. With denunciations of Israel coming from numerous NGOs, being denounced by the United Nations Human Rights organizations at almost every meeting, UNESCO under pressure granting the Arab Palestinians the rights of sole protector of what are Jewish and Christian Holy Sites which predate Islam such as Rachel’s Tomb, Cave of the Patriarchs, Church of the Holy Sepulchre and numerous others and some still to be decided in Bethlehem, Hevron and other sites.





This brings us finally to the European Union labeling of Israeli goods they believe are from areas which the European Union agree that should have the Jews completely removed as there are apparently places where Jews must not be permitted to reside. Europeans demanding that lands be completely cleared of its Jews, sounds eerily familiar. The decision has not been finalized but perhaps we can be helpful and suggest an example which they might decide fit the bill and are sufficiently different than the Nazi symbols such as swastikas or yellow Star of David with JUDE written large within the star center (depicted below). What is most troubling is that the agitators who pushed so hard to get this action from the European Union but that does not mean they are too tired to continue. As a matter of fact, as this effort should have taken much out of the agitators, the decision by the European Union will now see a regenerated, and European Union targeted demonstrations demanding the full range of BDS be imposed on all of Israel until they do whatever it takes to give the Palestinians a state equal to their desires. Do not expect this to be a finished deal for the European Union and even after the collapse before the BDS protesters who are less interested, for the most part, in the forming of a Palestinian state as they are interested in the destruction of the one and only Jewish State. Now that the European Union has bowed before the pressures which included rioting and demonstrations, they will now face added pressures for their adopting a BDS approach to everything made by Israel hoping to cause Israel and her economy to become destroyed and thus bring down the Jewish State returning the Jews to their downtrodden position within the nations where they had been before the setting up of the state of Israel for intended destruction. The question, surprisingly, is not whether the Israelis will survive but rather whether the Europeans are going to be capable of surviving as Israelis are at comfortably higher than replacement levels, something the Europeans only manage through their recent new arrivals and the finalizing loss of Jews and the replacement of these with families of Jews exiting are being filled by Muslims seeking a better life. These new arrivals will likely have cultural difficulties and may never leave the areas in which they feel safest. It is appearing that Israel will easily outlast Europe as the Europeans prove to have more difficulties both economic and with assimilating these newcomers. This time the Jews are armed with an army which is well-trained and dedicated to their safety and proved to be very proficient at that task.



European Union Boycott Spoofing Label from Elder of Zyion

Above Sticker is the Creation of
 Elder of Zyion Credit Banner



Foil EU boycott by purchasing these EU marked goods, even preferring these goods (the oranges and wines are particularly good), of Jewish products from factories which, as well as being from outside an arbitrary armistice line marking where fighting stopped to end 1948-9 War of Israeli Independence denoting the front line as of noon of a certain day, and which factories employ Palestinians who are not able to work in Israel inside Armistice Lines, and who work peacefully and gainfully side-by-side with Jews and who would lose their employ if these businesses were forced to shut down or relocate. These manufacturers are the exact dream the EU claims they support, Arabs and Jews cooperating to their mutual benefit peaceably and productively benefitting both Arab Palestinian workers and Jewish workers. These manufacturers are the future, if there is to be one, other than a final war.

Beyond the Cusp


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