Beyond the Cusp

February 4, 2016

President Obama’s Wars on United States and Israel


President Obama has eleven months to do the damage he has desired to do all along. First off he will finally do all the things he has complained he did not have the power to do because of the restraints in the Constitution. Those are the introductory steps. His main other goal is to make the United States after the image of Europe except on steroids. His aims are to advance socialism and more effective governance in the lives of the subjects under the United States government. He will do all in his power to centralize all powers away from the individual states and place them within the Federal Government basket of powers. He has shifted healthcare to the central figures within the IRS. He has centralized all Federal grounds which used to be shared with the respective states into the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) and removed state access and land use grants into the BLM or the Parks and Planning and other Federal Park Administrative powers. President Obama is still heavily expounding the depth of Common Core in order to completely federalize the school systems. Expect biometric cameras to become mandated in order to receive extremely sizeable funding for a special program intended for special needs children and a new way of observing classrooms and identifying such needs in every child. This will place every child under Federal mandates and special educational tracking. Such tracking will be sold as making the educational experienced tailored to meet every individual child’s learning habits. What it will do is train each child to fill a slot predetermined to be their optimum ability being utilized. This will rob every child’s ability to strive, to become greater than their expectations. The Gates Foundation is heavily behind this system and using it to identify special problems before they become destructive.



I Am Not Going Anywhere Until I Finish My Legacy Building



One of the things President Obama will do in his final year in office is to make federal loans and other monies easier for students to receive for going to college. This will also place more young adults strapped with heavier student loan debt. These students will be offered a way out from under such debt by joining into some government program where they presumably pay back their loan monies through working for the government and receiving their normal government salary and the debt will steadily decrease with time. Many of these students will then remain as Federal Government employees. This will swell the numbers of Federal Employees.


In the Middle East and North Africa the plan is simple. Whatever “refugees” Europe cannot handle or wishes to send back, which is impossible, or elsewhere will be taken in by President Obama. These rejected “refugees” already count in the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands. He will continue to avoid taking any serious actions in the Middle East and beyond in the Arab and Muslim world to resolve any of the turmoil. The President views what is happening as a good thing as it presumably removes the colonial influences which has been pervasive as per the dreams of his Father. Read about what he finds pleasing and proper from his book Dreams of my Father where he plainly states that the colonial past must be erased and forgotten if the underdeveloped world is ever to advance. This view goes farther than just the Middle East and the Muslim world despite that being his main target and should Islam prove to become a problem threatening the Western World, President Obama sees that too as retributions for the sins of colonialization. Little does he realize but the original sin in the area was the Arab Muslim colonialization which preceded the European colonialization which began after World War I and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and ended around the beginning or end of World War II. President Obama will have people scour the law books and find whatever therein in taking all government power and placing it within the purview of the White House. This brings us to Israel.



Arab and Muslim World After the Initial Breakout until World War I


Recently President Obama’s research arm dug up an old mention in some law which allowed for the marking of all products made from beyond the Green Line separate from the rest of Israel. This new demarcation was even to include those areas which according to the Oslo Accords and everything which followed as to legally be permitted for Israel to build without restrictions as these areas were to become part of Israel’s necessary defense security zone. But why allow International Law to get in the way of slowly starting the dismantling of Israel. The remainder of President Obama’s time in office will be spent in an undeclared war on Israel. Marking all items grown, made or in any way touched by hands or found in the lands beyond the Green Line as made or produced in the West Bank. Using the term West Bank is reinforcing the concept that this was and should always be Arab lands. That is why it does not say Judea and Samaria but instead uses the Jordanian name which they used when Jordan illegally attempted to annex these very lands and extended citizenship to the people living in these lands. Jordan even relocated thousands of their citizens to reside in these lands and placed many in the homes of the Jews who were expelled by threat of death. These Jews were sent to live in what remained of Israel after the Arab forces occupied by military force parts of Israel after they declared a war of genocide against the Jews of Israel. These gains are exactly what President Obama wants to start with labeling so it is made to appear not a part of Israel as part of his coming peace initiative.


President Obama plans on making the United States the enforcement arm and leader of the European Union war on Israel. There will be certain European governments who will volunteer to be the front line in this assault standing side-by-side with the United States. Count Sweden as the prime example and likely France and any other European nation with a leftist government. The hoped for aim is to force Israel, by recognizing a state for the Arabs residing in the West Bank of Palestine, into making grand concessions. It is these exact concessions they will claim are preventing there being any negotiations. This is a true statement because Europeans and President Obama with John Kerry being the messaging pigeon have all conveyed their promises for generous concessions from Israel are coming if only the Arab Palestinians would resume negotiations. Abbas turned that on its head as usual and demanded the concessions be granted up-front as he claimed that Israel would otherwise refuse to grant them until the Palestinians made concessions. Abbas claimed that Israel would pocket these additional concessions just as they have done when Palestinians have made concessions previously and Israel simply walked out ending the negotiations. Obviously Abbas cannot mean such after the generous offer made when Yasser Arafat told President Bill Clinton exactly what Israel would necessarily need to do in order to have a peace with the Palestinians. These demands by Arafat included the surrender of most of East Jerusalem to serve as the Palestinian capital and other Israeli land concessions he thought the Israelis would refuse. To Arafat’s shock and dismay the Israelis agreed on his terms at which point Arafat walked from the Paris negotiations never to return or even make additional demands. He had been so sure Israel would have rejected and saved the day, he miscalculated. It is for exactly this reason the Arab side has never made set demands for statehood as they fear the Israelis might accept them once again.


The aims of President Obama and his European allies are to pressure Israel by systematically threatening to recognize the Arab State of Palestine without defining the boundaries of this entity which has always been the sticking point. The borders are always to be determined which has presumably been the plan from the beginning which is where the talks inevitably fall short. But President Obama has a new plan, define temporary borders for everybody to recognize as the minimal size and scope of an Arab Palestinian state. These borders would then need to be cleared of any and all Jews which are where the Israeli concessions come in to play. One could expect that the delivery of the F 35 Strike Fighter Jets delivery could be added incentive for Israel to agree to such a plan. The boundaries are very likely to be exactly the same boundaries from before the Six Day War, simply another war of annihilation brought onto the State of Israel. President Obama is determined to found the State of Palestine on the grave of Israel, now or future, of that is what it demands. His aim initially is to provide the State of Palestine the boundaries which Israel and Jordan had agreed to as the end point of hostilities in an armistice of 1949. Since then Jordan made a peace with Israel and when months later Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas demanded that the King of Jordan at least pass his claim, bogus as they were based on nineteen years of admitted occupation, of the region of Judea and Samaria to the PLO terror organization, he immediately did so despite having relinquished them back to their proper owner, Israel. We promise to produce an article again some day going over the reason the Arab claims to the land are invalid.



Barack Obama Noble Face for Hope & Change with Stern Punishing face for Suckers who Believed in Him


Further on the Israel front, President Obama is likely to make some attempt to bring down the Netanyahu led right nationalist government. The plan is to then replace it with a Universalist leftist government which holds Israeli democracy as the more noble goal than Israel, home of the Jews. The push will be to grant Palestinians and other refugees to have access just as simple and easy as Jews on the basis of Right of Return. The predication of this demand is upon the Abbas and other’s claims that the Palestinian Arabs are not descended from the same areas in the Arabian Peninsula but are the remainder of the seven Canaanite kingdoms. This, they claim, makes their claims to the lands in question four to five thousands of years and thus older than any Jewish claims. Whatever the logic utilized to form this Palestine, borders is the least of their problems, or perhaps it is their greatest problem. One has to realize that the only borders Yasser Arafat and in turn Mahmoud Abbas have always, since Paris and that debacle, laid their claim on the idea and slogan made famous at almost every demonstration across the Western World with the chanting of, “From the (Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea, Palestine will be free.” The single other reality one must remember is that any lands granted the Palestinians must first be cleansed of its Jewish population, both alive and those entombed there. So the Jews who are being evicted from their lands and having their lives overturned have the additional trauma of their ancestors being reinterred inside Israel with the family reliving the event and explaining why grandmother and grandfather are being buried again. But even if President Obama manages to squeeze Prime Minister Netanyahu sufficiently that he would relent and pull completely out from the areas within Judea and Samaria then President Obama would have gained his other victory, the overturning of the Netanyahu coalition. The object would then be to portray Isaac Herzog as the greatest and most ardent Zionist since Ze’ev Jabotinsky. The greatest problem which would present itself if Netanyahu has become presumably poisonous and toxic to the United States and Europe, which might actually serve him providing him with potentially the best campaign slogan ever as he could claim to be the un-Europe, un-Obama and un-concessions candidate that is pro-one state solution and in offering to buy out any Arab who desires to take the money and start a new life somewhere outside of Israel. There would necessarily need for some to be simply sent off on their way unceremoniously as their presence would prove toxic. Israel should reserve the right to buy out peoples properties and add to that the allowance to resettle elsewhere to be used on those family members of any individual conducting any of terror assault. These deportations would be exactly that, deportations.


The Arabs in the newly annexed areas of Judea and Samaria would receive trial citizenship which would permit them voting in any local elections but be barred for a set period of time and until they complete a series of courses on Biblical Jewish history, Modern Jewish history, the real and true relationship between the Jewish People and how it serves as an anchor for the faith which has held a tenuous grip by a thin strand clinging and living to remember Jerusalem. How for generation upon generation every year we would say and more often than not believe we would some day return. A course in democratic governments and governance which would stress the freedoms equally with the responsibilities would be included in the curriculum. Finally, they should be granted full citizenship after the completion of these requirements which would easily take a minimum of five years and more expectantly a full decade. In the meantime, if one preferred they could declare themselves alien residents and be granted a Visa with that intent. Such a classification would not be transferable. The most important action of all would be Israel taking control of the education system. Where the Islamic madrassahs could be taught by qualified Muslim Israelis who would teach the truth and not the propaganda, the schools run by individual Imams who fervently taught the destruction of the Jewish State would need to face the fate as those who were determined to be arch terror trainers and planners as such an Imam would be a direct threat to the State of Israel.


Israel could serve as the center for an Islamic revelation and transformation bringing the messages of peace, tolerance, refinement of the individual and the soul, the Mecca Quran over the more violent and war based Medina Quran. Our brief and straightforward definition and delineation of the driving forces which brought on the revelations and why they might have altered in tone can be found along with numerous links added by our readers along with others all in the comments here at our article Which Quran, Mecca or Medina? The changes would take time as the indoctrination of the Arab society has been so immersive and complete that it will be like deprogramming cult members who wish to leave a harmful environment but are enslaved to their present situation and must be led free of its all-encompassing immersive grasp. The good news is once Israel committed to retaining all the lands which were promised her by the entirety of the League of Nations, many conferences and treaties, and most importantly by International Law, the violence would immediately decrease and over time that trend would continue and the economic situation in the area would bloom and have meteoric growth as would Israel as the vast majority of the lands are basically uninhabited. This would also make Israel more readily defendable and would grant central hub of Israel around Tel Aviv and also to Jerusalem. This would provide a better life for future generations and many of those who were in the majority but were suppressed into submission which is what defines modern Islam, the submission of the human factor and of the humans themselves and that is what transformation and reformation would all be about, but this too is for another day. For the here and now it is best to be prepared for radical changes in the United States and the most active and virulent interference in the rule of law and governance of Israel by European governments, the European Union, the United States State Department and White House, the European union and Israeli NGOs who are largely if not almost entirely funded from abroad if all of their contributions both directly and those indirectly arranged through other NGOs such as the New Israel Fund and overtly-wealthy individuals such as George Soros.


Beyond the Cusp


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