Beyond the Cusp

April 16, 2016

Requiem for Europe


Europe has survived former presses by Islam and done so with great glory. The first was when the Crusades responded to the surging Muslim Arabs out of Arabia in the Holy Land. These surges into the Holy Lands with the intent and oft success in liberating lands and even Jerusalem may not have kept the lands from eventual Islamic ascendancy, but it did prevent the further surge of Islam into Europe. Constantinople had stood for years against the battering by Islamic forces with catapults, ballista and similar siege equipment but the walls built to withstand any attack of its day did exactly that and Constantinople withstood every barrage thrown at them. It was the eventual equipping the forces of Islam with the newest of weapons, the siege cannon (see picture below) which caused its fall. These were not any normal cannons nor did it throw normal cannonballs. The stone cannonballs weighed hundreds and hundreds of pounds (or kilos) which would bounce across the ground retaining most of their speed and eventually they brought down the walls that had stood since the height of the Roman Empire. The fall of Constantinople revealed the secret weapon of Islam, the renaming; so as to end the former period and reference and restart the history, making it purely Islamic with no reference to the glories of the past. Thus Constantinople was renamed Istanbul and as Istanbul the city had no former existence as a Roman or Byzantine city; Istanbul was purely Islamic while Constantinople now no longer existed in this new history.



Great Turkish Bombard Siege Cannon Utilized by Mehmed II in his Siege and Breaking of the Impenetrable Great Walls of Constantinople

Great Turkish Bombard Siege Cannon
Utilized by Mehmed II in his Siege
and Breaking of the Impenetrable
Great Walls of Constantinople


There was another assault on Europe from the west with the moors spilling across Spain into France, appearing to be unstoppable. The Moors simply ate up one city after another and another beating one force of Christian Europe after another. Finally a French army commanded by a German set a strategy to stop the Moors. Their plan was to not fight the main body of the Moors; they simply had forces meet the main body and slowly fall back allowing them to surge forward. The French main heavy horse cavalry swept in a wide arc around the main body and set down upon the camp and supply lines and destroyed the food and reserves of weapons and destroyed the supporting military mechanism and people, leaving the front unsupported. They then set upon the fight from the rear and succeeded in breaking their lines. With no support and no food or reserve troops, the Moors assault into France had been thwarted. The commander was Charles the Hammer Martel.


There were pushes from the West as well with one of the most famous coming and laying siege to Vienna. The city was holding but required that the siege be broken or the Islamic Turks would extend out of Istanbul (Constantinople) and set upon the rest of Italy and threaten Rome itself. One King offered to lead his entire armies and break the siege relieving Vienna and protecting Rome. There was a catch which he demanded a set of promises from every neighbor and king of every petty fiefdom to protect his borders and hold from attacking while his entire army led by him set forth across a thousand miles and relieve Vienna. The king was the ruler of Poland, King John III Sobieski and his forces broke the siege and liberated Vienna on September 11 and 12, 1683. This stalled the push into Europe and saved Europe once again.


Now Islam is making a new assault on Europe and the European leaders are actually inviting Islam into their nations as their negative population growth leaves there a demand for workers; and while the economies were healthy and demanding workers, things were great all around. The surging economy of twenty years finally ground to a doldrums where growth has slowed and the demand slackened and now the young Islamic population is finding there is little demand for their employ as hiring is at a standstill. Add to this the flooding of Syrian refugees as well as refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and other places across the Islamic world. There is little work and their native society is at direct conflict with the European liberal lifestyles. This has shown itself during the New Year’s Eve celebrations where the women, who were scantily and immodestly attired which was a signal that they were loose and simply asking for lecherous treatment and were open to sexual advances. The reactions of these new refugees sent a ripple of discontent and fear through the women who were receiving treatment and indecencies which they did not understand. The police were handcuffed by demands from their superiors to not arrest the refugees as they required certain leeway and understanding while they would adjust to their new lives. Many did not adjust and expected their new societies to adjust to their demands and the rules and inhibiting societal rules from the lands they had fled. This was a clash of civilizations; one the liberal socially uninhibited modern society facing an invasion of inhibited socially, strictly structured, and socially stunted, demanding women to live shuttered existence ruled by a retrograded strictly restricted and socially shuttered life. What will be the result of this clash will depend on the worth the liberated Europeans place on their social liberated lifestyle against their refugee’s demand that their rules replace those which Europe has developed since the reformation and the renaissance and the political liberation of the people from the stunted social structure of the medieval Dark Ages. Thus far all appearances point to the replacing of liberal Europe with some dark and foreboding repression and stunting of their social fabric. This diseased repression will eventually threaten the United States and only strong leadership will be at all capable of preventing the complete closure of liberal democracies being subjugated and inhibited until they become Islamic theocracies with the stunted social structures mirroring life in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan and possibly falling before the Islamic State as they dissolve themselves through weak and unworthy leadership. The backwards bending of the rule of law replacing it with the rule of foreign inhibitive oppression where nothing can be permitted to offend the sensibilities of the Islamic invaders, the invaders invited to conquest by the weakness and spinelessness of their leadership. Will Europe survive? They probably will not if the current actions are any indication of their future.


While Europe appears to be lost, or at least failing to act in self-defense, and failing to stand against the waves of barbarians; the United States may fair better if they choose the proper leadership. Fortunately, the United States, as usual, is running as much as a decade behind Europe. The threat is likely to advance upon the United States somewhat faster than a ten year delay as the current leadership is taking the right steps to allow the United States to admit large numbers of potential disruptors who will attempt to impose their stridently restrictive societal rules upon America. The American societal structure is more independent than the somewhat stunted European societal structures and thus more difficult to over whelm, but that does not make America invulnerable as nobody is immune to societal disruptions. With Europe poised to collapse before Islamic hordes crashing their shores and stunting their societal freedoms in an attempt to refashion their society into an Islamic one, they will rename the great structures making the great Cathedrals into Mosques and rename the iconic buildings removing their former references and now have them attest to their Islamic greatness. The Leaning Tower of Pisa could be renamed the Bent Minaret of the Caliph, the Eiffel Tower simple redone in a Green Patina Eiffel Tower and Big Ben might be renamed the Great Clock of Allah with Buckingham Palace named the Grand Mosque of London; that is assuming London is not renamed as was Constantinople. The great museums will be destroyed and the art works burned, the statues smashed, the David transformed into marble ruins and the Vatican transformed into Mecca II and the place the Europeans will be permitted to use for their Haj.



Eiffel Tower from the Past to the Future?

Eiffel Tower from the Past to the Future?


Europe managing to turn the tides around and salvage their history and societies will only happen if they find the soul which made Europe great and capable to strive into a future with any promise. The likelihood that the Europeans will find that spark depends on whether they are willing to return to the Christianity which permitted their survival and resistance to Islam in periods past. Without such a return to their religion, Europe will lose as those who are fighting for something greater than themselves will always defeat those fighting for comfort and personal existential existence. Those fighting for Islam and Allah will defeat those fighting for nothing more than their comfortable, secularist, laissez faire, free society as such a lifestyle are designed around this abhorrence for violent behavior, the only thing which could save Europe. Will the United States be willing to fight the good fight or will America also fall due to their abhorrence to fighting the good fight which will take generations upon generations with no end in sight. There is a Chinese curse which decries that one live in interesting times, well; we are indeed living in interesting and dangerous times. Will the survival of a society outside of Islam come down to China and Asian nations or will it fall to the world against Israel, a battle already written about almost two thousand years ago with an ominous tale which depends on miraculous forces beyond out mere mortal imaginations ability to behold. These times may get more interesting than anybody is capable of imagining. The first battle will be fought in Europe, assuming the Europeans actually believe their lifestyle and societal norms are worth fighting for. Will they fight or simply fold without even a whimper?


Beyond the Cusp



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