Beyond the Cusp

June 1, 2016

Coming Culture Clash; Prepare or Lose by Default


Author Samuel Huntington stated in his book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order that “religion is a central defining characteristic of civilizations” (1998, page 47). This war is more than just the resurgence of Islam and their battling one another between Shiites and Sunnis and between self-proclaimed Islamic Messianic leaders and secular leaders as well as everything inbetween. There is the refugee war being waged in Europe inundating the continent with Muslims in an attempt to place a fifth column waiting for the notice to ply their deadly trade. Yes, the majority, possibly the vast majority are peaceful and wish only to live and improve their lives and make a life that is better for their children. The problem is that these are not the majority of those who follow Islam and are not the majority of people outside the influences of the Anglo-American world-sphere of influence and the establishment of basic tenets of Anglo-American values. The advantage of such moral underpinning is made amply evident in the non-English speaking nations which have embraced Western values and are some of the more stable nations on planet Earth. Such examples are Germany, Japan, Philippines and possibly India. Proof that the English history is not necessarily the panacea that it has proven to be through much of the world comes via Egypt, Jordan and primarily Pakistan. What is notable is that the nations where Anglo-American influence has been less than successful are all nations within the Islamic sphere which is currently feeling it has a powerful opportunity to press once again into Europe and finally realize the conquests it has been denied for over a venture starting with the Battle of Tours which began on October 10, 732. Grand Vizier Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha commanded the Islamic troops of the Ottoman Empire. The Frankish leader Charles the Hammer Martel who defeated the Islamic army and Emir Abder Rahman who was killed during the battle became an unrivaled hero who is buried alongside the Royalty of France. Then there were the fights at the other end of Europe where the lynchpin becomes Vienna where two battles were crucial, where the initial siege occurred from September 27 through October 15, 1529 which resulted in the Muslim forces took Vienna and later retreated as holding the city was troublesome. The second assault resulted in a second siege began on July 14, 1683, which was broken on September 11 and 12, 1683. The definitive forces instrumental in breaking the siege of Vienna came largely from Poland and were led by King Jan III Sobieski, who commanded the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and had been made Commander in Chief of his own 30,000-man Polish forces as well as the 40,000 troops of Habsburg and their allies.


King Jan III Sobieski of Poland and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth he commanded in the battle to relieve Vienna from the Ottomans

King Jan III Sobieski of Poland and the
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth he commanded
in the battle to relieve Vienna from the Ottomans


Such history is all well and good, but what about the here and now? Oddly enough the world has changed little from the times above with the major difference was the retreat of Islamic control and absolute rule in Spain, Portugal and southern France as well as some area along the Mediterranean Sea from which they were pushed back. The other change came at the close of World War I which marked the closing chapter on the Ottoman Empire and eliminated the concept of a grand Islamic One World Governance under Sharia forming the promised final Caliphate. The lands were randomly delineated trying to make each state in the Sykes-Picot Agreement comprised of ethnic and religious groups which were not compatible and thus any rule would be a strong-man variety or a failed state. Included in this arrangement was the hope and theory for the formation of a Jewish State with Jerusalem as its Capital City. Israel plays a very vital and important role in this civilizational clash. Israel has played the role before as the lynchpin which binds and separates Asia, Africa and Europe and even today Israel receives the vast majority of media coverage, international conferences, United Nations edicts along with protestations and a drive to destroy Israel and some even call for the annihilation of the entirety of the Jewish Peoples. Some United Nations agencies, UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) being the most guilty list making their entire living off the Arab-Israeli conflict. It truly is the Arab Israeli conflict as the Palestinian factions, Hamas, Fatah, Palestinian Authority (PA), Islamic State, al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad and with the terrorists in Gaza are provided arms and explosives by Iran.


In Gaza there is additionally Hamas who are building tunnels (see below) so as to facilitate their attempts to murder Jews by confiscating an estimated ninety percent, that’s 90%, of the cement, rebar, and other necessary building supplies provided and transported into Gaza by Israel presumably for rebuilding homes, apartments, schools, clinics and other civilian items, for assault tunnels into Israel from Gaza. Some of these latest tunnels have been detected and destroyed but it is painfully obvious that there are scores more not yet discovered or detected and destroyed by Israel. At the same time, from the north in Lebanon, or should we say Hezballah and ask is there any real difference, there are closing in upon a quarter of a million rockets and missiles, many capable of striking anywhere in Israel with a five kilo warhead, all set for launch and just awaiting the order to fire. The vast majority of these launch sites are imbedded in civilian’s homes. Hezballah also claims to be tunneling using Iranian provisions and equipment as well as the provisions they have received during their fighting in Syria, Iraq and Yemen all to further the goals of Iran. The fact is that Iran also desires wiping Israel off the map and the influences of the Jews off the pages of history and literally publically sacrifices each and every Jew on the planet whether they are pro-Israel, anti-Israel as it makes little to no difference when the Islamic radical sentiments invade Western Societies. The fact that the main forces in Islam are currently fighting an endless war in Syria and Iraq may prove when history looks back on this period and hopefully will see that the Western World dodged a bullet. The debates in the United States where Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump lead the two main parties and one will be sworn in as the next President of the United States, revolves around largely which one do the voters hate less. Be that as it may, the campaign will be all about each slamming and slurring the other candidate with little substance to the debates or anything else along the campaign trail. Since both candidates have higher negatives amongst those polled, it is quite likely that slamming the opponent will prove the instrument which wins Election Day. That is a sorry state but there are some positives in that no matter which candidate should win surviving the election. With either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in the White House, the possibility of another nation testing the President and their resolve to tolerate actions against the interests of the United States or most of her traditional allies as, especially under the Donald, the outward directions and actions of the United States will likely return to a traditional outlook. Still, the war between freedom and liberty versus dictatorial and oppressive governance will continue with the three main forces of such governance, Russia, China and Islam all continuing their efforts to spread further into the other nations in the world.


Sec Gen Ban Kimoon visits Hamas tunnel after Gaza war

Sec Gen Ban Kimoon visits Hamas tunnel after Gaza war


Close Up Ban Kimoon viewing Hamas infiltration tunnel into southern Israel

Close Up Ban Kimoon viewing Hamas infiltration tunnel into southern Israel

Ban KiMoon Inspects Hamas Infiltration Terror Tunnel
Which he and the United Nations Pretend do not Exist


Russia will not permanently be seeking expansion and may even retreat from the Crimean Peninsula returning it to the Ukraine. Putin still might expand into the Eastern nations which broke off from Russian as the Soviet Union collapsed all the way back in the past century. The current greatest challenge to freedom and liberty are the forces of Islam. The main reason Europe has not fallen to these powers is simple, their preoccupation with Israel has crippled their efforts. What has been a saving grace for Europe has also placed Europe particularly susceptible to invasion and a complete takeover by Islam without using their armies. The free world will also need to pay close attention to the Sunni-Shiite battle for preeminence. The lines are starkly drawn, Iran which now controls southern Iraq, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and is stretching its fingers into the remainder of the oil fields of northern Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and central Iraq. Further, all of the different Sunni Islamic powers of Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram and Islamic State and GCC States (Gulf Cooperation Council) working in concert better targeting their actions will compete for as much of Europe and North and Central Africa. The spread of Islam into Europe will continue apace with little preventing the refugees from continuing to flood into Europe from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, anywhere in the Middle East. Israel can expect challenges of their hold on the Golan Heights as well as threats from Lebanon and from Gaza and the occasional rocket across their southern border with stateless forces from Sunni and Shiite forces need also watch for any provocation of Egypt who might decide to clear out the Sinai Peninsula. Another set of sources of refugees from Islamic nations threaten Italy as we are referring to refugees crossing the Mediterranean Sea from Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mali, Niger, Chad, South Sudan and any other African Refugees. Amongst the refugees are likely a good number of terrorists ranging from one in ten to a more realistic estimate of one in seven or even five.


The truly frightening thing is the number of Islamic people who are completely normal individuals who say their prayer most days, all five repetitions at their appointed times, and reads the Quran regularly, especially some of the recent teachings and they tend towards a quiet and peaceable life. The neighborhood will remain quiet until a single terrorist joins the otherwise peaceable and quiet neighborhood. Now there has been introduce a fuse and all that is required is the blasting cap and Islam will rear its ugly side and violence will break out and everybody will be wondering what happened, why it happened and how could such have happened. The answer is the Quran and the Hadiths. Muslims are instructed by their religious writings to assist another Muslim in any endeavor and doubly special to assist Jihad, the forceful spread of Islam by the sword. Peaceful Muslims are different than other religious devotees. A Muslim has the potential programmed by their learning of the Quran, and if they are a good Muslim they have the entirety of the Quran memorized and know which verses supercede what versus. Because the Quran is written smallest verses to largest verses such that it is designed to be memorized but not interpreted without an Imam to instruct in the proper precedence and superceding versus. More can be read about this in our article Which Quran, Mecca or Medina? As the good, quiet, respectable and good neighbors know the Quran in its entirety and the superceding verses, when they are called to Jihad their choice becomes extremely precarious as if they are seen to resist too much they will become the target of their former friends because their refusal to take up Jihad makes them an apostate, a disbeliever born to Islam. That is a crime immediately punishable by death and not just their but much of their family and most definitely their wives unless one of the Jihadists decided he desires one of your wives. As long as the children are even sufficiently young to be brought up to be a “better” Muslim than Dad they will be allowed to live and if they are already of sufficient age for Jihad they will be tested. Probably one will be assigned to be a suicide homicidal bomber. So, just because the Muslims in your neighborhood are members of the neighborhood watch, the clean-up committee, property maintenance battalion and nearly every neighborhood help project, they may be doing so just to earn your trust, find out intelligence, who had firearms, where are they kept and the layouts of the houses, entrances, emergency keys and every other thing you thought you had kept hidden so that they know the weak spots and where not to strike until ready, very ready. They will be counting on their neighbors to vouch for their wonderful and helpful nature and be character witnesses before the police. All the while he was a potential Jihad waiting to happen only needing a leader to assign tasks and targets.


On the other hand, Muslims do all they can to get on the school committees, especially those which choose the books. Their Jihad is teaching Islam in the schools and making your secular raised children into good little Muslims who can say the prayer for conversion and know the five pillars of Islam and all about assisting any Muslim in need of help and how their parents are evil if they are not Muslim, oh, and it all is a secret between them and the school. This indoctrination begins as early as first grade and the reading lessons have as parts of their content. Their getting on school boards is all part of the civilizational Jihad with which they are planning on turning the United States and Canada. Sure, we realize this all sounds impossible but there are cases of this being found in areas which would shock those residing there as they have no idea their little Sally or Johnny is being converted to Islam and as long as the Parents have no real attachment to any religion and are true liberals they think many of the lesson plans which have hadiths and Quranic verses included within the lessons but not presented as Quranic, then they will likely get by any parent, especially if they are Mecca verses and not Medina verses. Jihad, be it silent and deceitful or overt and blowing up in your face, either way, they are both Jihad, one by sword the other by collusion. Either way produces the same results, good little Muslims plain and simple. Europe is all but lost and many nations will need to produce rivers of blood, much of it the indigenous peoples while other places are still well within the range of retrieving your neighborhood. The first step is the most difficult; one must return to their faith and pray for strength and guidance like never before. If your home has no religion then the school will implant Islam to fill that void, it is your choice, decide before it becomes too late, period.


Beyond the Cusp


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