Beyond the Cusp

January 23, 2017

Two State Solution Actually Four State Solution


The world is still calling for the mythical two state solution despite knowing that it is a complete myth. Israel has had this choice forced down their throats for years resulting in many compromises which negate any hope left for such as a two state solution. A two state solution was already attempted with the surrender of Gaza which is now a dysfunctional terrorist state run by Hamas and shared with Islamic Jihad, the same Islamic Jihad financed and allied with the Iranians who also are sometimes partners with Hamas as well. You know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, a saying many in the Islamic world live by. So, even if it were possible to connive and wrangle a two state solution with Mahmoud Abbas, which is not possible but more on that later, that would still make a third state with Hamas and Israel as the other two. But wait, there’s more. Before Prime Minister Ariel Sharon withdrew all Israelis citizens, communities, IDF, and other security personnel from Gaza in August of 2005, Prime Minister Ehud Barak withdrew Israeli forces from Southern Lebanon in 2000 leading not to peace with Lebanon but the establishment of a Hezbollah autonomous entity in Southern Lebanon which led to the Second Lebanon War and constant tensions and threats of terrorist war instead of peace. So technically there are already two terrorist states caused by Israeli withdrawals in which the world, the same world demanding yet more territorial withdrawals claiming they will lead to peace in our time, gave guarantees through the United Nations and United States that peace was on the horizon if only Israel would trust those sworn to destroy her and murder every Jew in Israel.


So, let us look at the promises made by a presumed peace-loving world and the entity with whom Israel must deal in order to reach their beloved peace. The entity is the Palestinian Authority, the same entity to which Israel turned over Gaza with the world celebrating with great fanfare the coming peace and proof that Israel could trust an Arab Palestinian State on her borders without fear. The Palestinian Authority which the world put in place with promises of peace within five years back in 1993 with much back slapping in Europe and congratulations all around in Washington D.C. and Jerusalem as the PLO terrorist groups and its leader and his second in command, Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, made grand gestures and with obvious disgust shook hands with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, made possible by Rabin’s Israeli lieutenants, or coconspirators, foreign Minister Shimon Peres and former Meretz Party head Yossi Beilin (image below showing Nobel Peace Prizes for all). That peace in five years, almost identical to the infamous Neville Chamberlin “Peace in our time” promise, led instead to wars which became ever more prevalent after the withdrawal from Southern Lebanon and then the withdrawal from Gaza. But not to worry, this time it will be different, or so the promises from the European Union say and many of its member states, the United Nations, the United States and all the usual leftist dreamers in Israel who also refuse to see reality. Everywhere are the signs including speeches to the Arabs by Mahmoud Abbas and his henchmen, oops, sorry, fellow diplomats, where they guarantee that after any agreement the terrorism will continue, Israeli blood will flow that much faster, and the complete destruction of Israel will be that much closer. But why translate any of these speeches when the guarantees in English are so much more pleasing to those who dream of parties and congratulatory speeches they will give in Europe to adoring sycophants many of whom simply want Israel just as destroyed as do the Arabs.


Nobel Peace Prize 1994 was awarded jointly to Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin for their Heroic Efforts in Resurrection of the PLO Terror Menace and Threatening Israel Which are Known as the Oslo Accords

Nobel Peace Prize 1994 was awarded jointly to
Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin
for their Heroic Efforts in Resurrection of the
PLO Terror Menace and Threatening Israel
Which are Known as the Oslo Accords


Israel just withstood eight years of pressures placed solely on her shoulders to give concessions in exchange for promises which would be broken as they were being stated. President Obama appeared determined through two Secretaries of State, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, to press Prime Minister Netanyahu to surrender all lands beyond the Green Line so that an Arab State could overlook the heart of Israel from the Judean Heights. When Netanyahu refused to cower and crack under the pressure, the American leadership did all they could to defeat him in the election sending an entire campaign assist committee called Victory 2015 and headed by Jeremy Bird, Obama’s National Field Director in his successful presidential campaigns. This pressure backfired as it incensed the Israeli right and Zionist segments of the populous and they reelected the Likud and Netanyahu. This was assisted greatly when Jewish Home Party (Hebrew: הַיְהוּדִי‎ הַבַּיִת) leader Naftali Bennett made comments a week before the elections implying his lack of drive to be the next Prime Minister. There were rumors of some grand deal which, if it did exist, was broken once the votes had been counted and an obvious boost in electoral numbers appeared to have switched from the Jewish Home Party which lost seats to the Likud Party which became far stronger.


Now a new day is dawning and many Israelis feel that changes need to happen and happen soon. We here at BTC support bold and immediate actions to take advantage of the respite being experienced with the change in Presidents in the United States and the fact that the incoming Trump Administration is currently untainted by State Department pressures and demands also from other areas entrenched in the Federal Bureaucracy and special interest NGO’s and others disguised as Human Rights Organizations all of whom are uniformly and completely against Israeli retention of any lands from the Six Day War and forcing Israel to make suicidal sacrifices just so they can claim a great victory. They claim they want peace but have to be aware that once Israel would meet their expectations, then Jerusalem would be the first to face being cut off from the rest of Israel and targeted with terror until the Jews fled or died and then the central plains from Ashkelon through Tel Aviv and on up to Netanya and even to Haifa would be blanketed day and night with rockets raining down from the Judean Hills which overlook the coastal plains. Israel would be warned by a drooling world not to overreact while her infrastructure, power generation, 80% of her industry, three-quarters of her population, her main international airport and her central roadways would become untenable and a wasteland within a few weeks of Hamas style rocket barrages even with easily manufactured rockets with merely a fifteen mile range, hobby rockets with explosive attached would be all that was required (see map below). These rockets could be corrected for optimum effect simply by having observers sit in homes overlooking Israel and reporting back to the launch sites by cell phone. The line of sight and even such easy access of targets as to make a mockery of any promises failing and terrorism being the result are exemplified in this article which has a series of pictures taken from what would become Palestine overlooking Israel with detailed description of some of the major targets which would become vulnerable which can be read here, which we recommend highly (below are but two of the many pictures we thought most exemplified the problem but please read the article and see the remaining pictures for your own edification).


Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan Depicting the Near Complete Coverage of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah Are Capable of Producing in Bulk

Katyusha Rocket Range by Mark Langfan
Depicting the Near Complete Coverage
of the Heart of Israel by Even the Smallest
Home-made Rockets Both Hamas and Fatah
Are Capable of Producing in Bulk


Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Ben Gurion Airport Plane Vulnerability from Palestine
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Trans-Israel Highway Route 6 (c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)

Trans-Israel Highway Route 6
(c/o Dr. Martin Sherman and Arutz Sheva)


Finally, we would like to restate what we posted yesterday in our article The Clocks Are Ticking Bibi where we called for immediate action. We have since learned from sources as well as reading in Arutz Sheva confirming that Prime Minister Netanyahu has asked Jewish Home leader Naftali Bennett ministers not to bring the Ma’ale Adumim sovereignty law to a Knesset so soon after Trump takes office. Bibi Netanyahu made the claim that Israel should not surprise the Trump administration immediately after the inauguration. According to Arutz Sheva quoting the official, “Trump’s officials said Israel can do whatever it wants, and should work as fast as possible so as not to miss any opportunities.” Arutz Sheva further reported they were quoting the official directly having stated, “There is no pressure and we are not involved in the matter right now.” We would like to add that these actions by the Trump Administration is giving clear direction to the Israeli government to act quickly and decisively before any actual steps have been taken by actors in the government to reestablish the former position of such entrenched bureaucrats from the usual suspects, the State Department being at the top of that list, whose entire careers are vested in forcing Israel to make concessions even beyond what is tenable. We would not be surprised if these entities continued to try forcing Israel back behind the Green Line, the 1949 Armistice Line which denoted troop positions at noon of the date set for an end to hostilities with adjustments made for fighting which had continued past that date should Israeli forces had lost territory. We would not even become surprised if after succeeding in the above efforts they would press Israel to surrender the remainder of Jerusalem and the main arteries and train lines which connect Tel Aviv and the rest of Israel through a thin corridor to Jerusalem claiming because of obvious tactical and physical realities they see no way Israel should be permitted to control lands stabbing into the Arab entity now presumed to be forming an actual nation. They would claim it would lead to a more stable border. Eventually they would be claiming that the Israelis should surrender the remaining lands and move into three condos across the street from the departure docks in Tel Aviv and await transit out, should they last that long.


The problem the world will have is that after Lebanon and Gaza we have seen this movie before and do not care for another repeat. Many Israelis are completely exhausted with the Oslo talk, the concession demands, the pressures from across Europe and on to the remainder of the globe and are anxious as we realize that the time to annex all of Judea and Samaria and end these farcical charades is immediately. There is not a single reason to wait and there are a million, nay, a gazillion reasons not to wait. For those of you who demand we list the gazillion reasons, allow us to satisfy your request, reason one; the world wants us dead and gone and will not stop until they have destroyed Israel. Two; the world already hates us enough that there are moves in nearly every corner of the globe outside of swaths of the United States, the same swaths which elected Trump and with small pockets in the blue zones of New York State and California, moving to boycott Israeli goods until we commit suicide and will not stop until that day comes. Three; this hatred is ingrained in their anti-Semitic souls and cannot be satisfied thus the hate will only continue to grow whether we meet their demands to act for our own best interests. Four; simply repeat one through three with repeats of three whenever you desire the order to be interrupted until you reach a gazillion. Done and hope you are satisfied with the answer, and if not, then please continue your campaign of hate. Israel will be singled out for special hatreds and condemnation no matter how compliant we make ourselves or how much we serve our own best interests. As long as the world wishes to hate us, why wait for them to grow tired, if they ever will, of hating us because we did what was best for our interests and simply proceed with what is best for us and would actually also be best for the majority of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria.


We made the arguments yesterday but a few deserve repeating and a few additional will help. First and foremost, it is an apartheid policy to claim that Jews, Israeli or otherwise, must never be permitted to step on Arab lands which have been designated by Abbas and his merry band of terrorists as their lands. Their enforcing a law which imposes a death sentence for anybody who sells their land to a Jew, and in some cases simply to a non-Arab, need be repealed and tossed where it belongs, in some inferno. Given their freedom to run their own lives, make their own choices, make profits from their business free of being robbed by Abbas and his fellow kleptocrats, the Arabs of Judea and Samaria would be infinitely better off. Extending Israeli rule of law and annexing all of Judea and Samaria would benefit the Arab population residing there. A path to full citizenship can be made possible for these Arabs. In the meantime they should be granted as much autonomy as possible while keeping the lands as an integral part of Israel. Develop all of the lands within Judea and Samaria including the Arab ruled areas doing so in their areas with local workers helping their economies. Definitely allow Arabs desiring to move elsewhere and who have the required approvals but were blocked by the Palestinian Authority or threats against their families by the PLO, Hamas, Fatah or other entities to emigrate and sell their properties for whatever the market will provide. If they desire to sell to Jews even at ridiculous prices which are four or more times the properties’ worth, more power and wealth to them. Apply Israeli laws to these areas as far as treating them as completely equal areas and allow for the Arabs residing there to live anywhere within Israel after vetting them for ties to terror. Make provisions for how their status is not changed simply by moving and they remain as a form of residence alien until they complete the requirements for becoming a full Israeli citizen. Finally, by permitting emigration and free market pricing for their properties, the Arabs will themselves choose their path for the first time since 1967 when the Arab terror leaders of the PLO and later on Hamas and Islamic Jihad set the limitations treating these Arabs as weapons to use against Israel and not as people. That will enrich these people’s lives simply by removing Mahmoud Abbas and company and sending them back into exile. Finally, there should be free elections to be held across the Arab areas which had been administrated and oppressed and suppressed by the Palestinian Authority allowing the Arabs to determine their own destiny for the first time since the Oslo Accords bound them under the Palestinian Authority. There are a myriad of other benefits the Arabs would receive and Israel could finally police the area and remove those who desire to take the terrorist route and remove these parasitic individuals who produce only death and allow the Arabs to enjoy life, real life free from threats of an overbearing dictator who has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars since taking the reins from Yasser Arafat who had stolen billions of dollars of aid money before. The Arab Palestinians have been the most subsidized individuals in the history of the world and whose leaders have stolen on levels unknown and many thought impossible to attain making people such as United Socialist States of Russia dictator Joseph Stalin, Communist Chinese dictator Mao tse Dong, former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, King Herod of Judea and numerous other dictators throughout history.


Four of the Greatest Thieving Dictators

Four of the Greatest Thieving Dictators


Beyond the Cusp


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