Beyond the Cusp

October 15, 2018

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Latest Frightening Report


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released their Special Report 15 detailing the absolute necessity for reconfiguring the world and the way of life for virtually every individual on the planet. There would be one consistency which would affect every person on the planet outside of the select special elite few whose style of life and comfort must be maintained as they are the ones who decide the policies. Everyone else would be reduced to dependence upon subsistence farming and reliance completely on renewable bio-friendly energy. These changes would require the end of any reliance on fossil fuel use by 2050 and the near collapse of any industrial society. The reductions they are demanding would mean no more cars for the bulk of the world’s population. No, not just gasoline and diesel powered vehicles because there would be no industrial base necessary to even build electric cars or the ability to generate sufficient electricity to keep them functioning. Their demands would bring an end to the use of plastic in production, should any survive. Fertilizer use would be restricted if not completely banned leading to such a loss in food production worldwide that starvation would soon follow as food prices would necessarily increase around four-fold. Their report does not strike this strident picture until one bothers to process the ramifications of their demands and their complete and total bias against all industrial use of coal and crude oil dependence both for production and energy generation. But all would not be lost as the United Nations would see to it that the available resources would be redistributed in a fair and equitable manner around the globe. They would make sure that we all shared in equal misery.


What is probably the most frightening demand from their plans is for an end to the capitalist model replacing it with a United Nations run centralized economy based on socialistic equality. We have all seen how this worked so beautifully in Venezuela and North Korea, the two nations which might actually see gains for individual wealth and survivability. All of these changes are necessary in order to assure that average global temperatures not be allowed to rise more than another 0.5 degrees C (0.9 F) “above pre-industrial levels.” That was also the end of the Little Ice Age and they claim that all the temperature increase since then is directly due to the use of fossil fuels and other anthropomorphic climate change, human caused increases. We would love to believe that this scare tactic was at least backed by a morsel of reality and not manipulation of the data to support their claims and for the maximum alarmism. The truth is best shown through two graphs, the top graph which covers the period chosen by the IPCC which starts from near the end of the Little Ice Age, as reported above, and the lower graph which shows temperatures from ice core and other scientific research of temperatures from 2500 B.C. through to predictions on to 2040 A.D. The reality of temperature variations over history proves one thing, the climate changes and about that, there can be no doubt. One would be led to believe that the IPCC would claim that it was human use of chariots which must have had oil-based grease used to lubricate their wheels which caused CO2 and thus global warming causing the massive temperature spike centered around 1100 B.C. There have always been temperature fluctuations and not all of them, or even most of them, can be blamed on human causes. All one need do is look back to the climate research done about fifty years ago when the scare was that the Earth was heading for another Ice Age. They even were required to change their scare tactics from claiming that the future was going to be a steady period of global warming to climate change because for the past twenty years there has been almost no warming of any notable amount whatsoever. Temperature of the Earth is affected far more by solar activity, the variations in the wobble of the planet, the changes in the Earth’s orbit and the Axial Precession which has a major effect.


Temperature Graph Used by IPCC

Temperature Graph Used by IPCC



Global Temperatures from 2500 B.C. through 2040 A.D.

Global Temperatures from 2500 B.C. through 2040 A.D.


So why is the IPCC coming out with the alarms and calls of gloom and doom? The answer is simple, control. The IPCC is designed to use pseudoscience in order to allow the United Nations to gain an ever-greater hold on the economies of nations, where their money is spent and simple control over the world economy. The United Nations has become a collection of despotic governance from around the world which is totally against individual freedoms and capitalism which it sees as the industrial world’s means of oppressing the developing world. Their claim is that it is the capitalists of the United States, Europe and the rest of the industrial and advanced world which has forced poverty on the numerous despotically ruled nations and not their oppressive governance which works largely to enrich a select group who rule ruthlessly stealing as much wealth from their nation while denying the people representation and it is their own governments which are preventing their developing a working economy. These leaders dream of getting the United Nations sufficient power to steal the wealth from the advanced world so they can pocket even more wealth as they are not satisfies with the meager wealth they are able to take from their own nation. For a perfect example, let us take what is probably the most highly subsidized region on the planet, the Palestinian Authority. They receive literally hundreds of millions of dollars and Euros annually through the United Nations, United States, Arab states, European Union and numerous European government and numerous other sources. These contributions include those for Hamas in Gaza as well as the Palestinian Authority in the Shomron. There is an easy means of showing where all these resources have gone. Yassir Arafat dies with a wealth of estimated $1.3 billion. Munib Masri served as a minister in Yasser Arafat’s cabinet where he amassed a wealth estimated at $1.5 billion. Estimates of Mahmoud Abbas’s wealth range from a paltry $100 million to $1 billion but what is known is his sons own numerous companies which have been granted part or all of virtually every government contract over the past ten years though their worth is a well guarded secret, and it is obvious why. As for Abbas, well below in the top picture of the planned new home, office and international meeting place he has plans to have built for himself, should he live that long as he is 81 years old and his health has questions. Musa Abu Marzook is or was the number two man in Hamas as well as its main fundraiser and is reported as having an estimated net worth at $2-3 billion. Khaled Mashaal is the former leader of Hamas who is estimated to be worth $2.6 billion. Ismail Haniyeh is the former Gazan leader of Hamas and is estimated at a net worth in 2018 of $3 Billion. We could continue with this parade of people who by being at the top or connected to those at the top of Hamas and Fatah and the PLO and probably Islamic Jihad as well who are worth hundreds of million if not billions of dollars, and they try to claim the terrorism and killing Jews does not pay. But as you can see the top people in Gaza gained, or should we say stole, great amounts of wealth and wasted more on their attempts to destroy Israel which resulted in misery for the regular people of Gaza which is considered to have some of the poorest citizens in the world. This is true as there are two Gazans, the wealthy and the destitute, as depicted in the bottom picture below.


Mamoud Abbas planned masion estimated cosr of thirteen million dollars but will end up costing far more after required kickbacks



The Two Gazas with One Pristine and the Other Ravaged

The Two Gazas with One Pristine and the Other Ravaged


This stolen wealth which is so over the top in the Palestinian Arab communities no matter which group rules over them is not isolated just to their regions. Many a dictator if not excessively wealthy does live a good life with clean and comfortable place to live, plenty of food, television and computer and all the luxuries of the Western World while many of their subjects live in huts or homes made out of whatever materials they can find and live off subsistence farming with a poor diet and often only dirty water to drink. The leaders often are driven around in top of the line Mercedes limousines, have yachts, private jets (often large Boeing jets) and numerous other items many of us only dream of having and their people do not even think of ever being that wealthy as they are scraping to get by. One of the most notorious dictators was Idi Amin whose rule was characterized by human rights abuses, political repression, and ethnic persecution killing between 100,000 to 500,000 people and when he died, he was worth $76 million. But wealth is only part of the worth of these dictators who live a very high and rich lifestyle often at the cost to their national treasuries, in that way they can have all they desire and dine extremely well from the choicest of international delights while claiming to the people that they take only a paltry salary and live a simple life just as they live. Honesty is not a trait found in many of the political world.


But these are the people who pick the membership of the IPCC and governments, in order to gain some of the grant money from the IPCC and to curry favor often only to provide research money to those who support the climate picture they desire. There so exist a fair number of scientists who have performed research and taken measurements which call into doubt much of the climate debate and produce results which challenge the IPCC, directly contradicting much of their results. These are often university scholars who perform their work without any government grants and do so only for the pure science and in the search for the reality, for the truth as honestly as they are able to discern such. Once these researchers are found out through peer review, they are often threatened by their university or by those who control grants. The problem is much of the scientific research required to perform climate research can be gleaned through rather straight-forward and simple means. Much of the data gleaned by NASA is available online and this includes measurements taken from around the globe daily by the International Space Station which can measure both the temperature of the upper atmosphere as well as make measurements of ground temperatures. The International Space Station also collects very important data about the sun as do a number of various other satellites. But here is the kicker about climate change; measurements taken over the last fifty years of the temperatures on the other orbs circling our sun have all shown their temperatures rising proportionally similar to the changes measured here on Earth. We seriously doubt that there exists anthropomorphic climate change on Venus, Mars, or especially the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. But then again, there are those who claim that we already have secret space fleets capable of reaching not only every planet and moon in the solar system, but have also reached to the nearest stars, so maybe the temperature changes on Mars is due to too many rovers being driven wildly across the dunes of Mars by adventurous astronauts. We have our serious doubts, but we will leave this up to the IPCC Space Division when they start one to determine the truth.


Beyond the Cusp


November 4, 2017

Of Democrats and Republicans and Any Difference


The two party system has failed the people of the United States yet many are unable to see this. This problem is partly responsible for the election of President Trump and the other half of the problem was represented perfectly by Hillary Clinton. That was what made the last election so very important. Hillary Clinton represented the idea that everything was working satisfactorily while Donald Trump represented change for the sake of repairing the problems in Washington. Looking at the election through this filter and it becomes obvious why the election turned out the way it did. The interesting thing is that the people have not given up on the two parties or the idea of their representing two separate choices and this election finally offered a choice. The problem does not exist at the local level as at this point the two parties are true to their core constituencies, one appealing to the more rural people and the other to the city dwellers. But as one rises in the two parties, they go through a metamorphosis or they will fail at the State-wide or National level. At these points, one need simply serve the future as it is painted by the elite leadership of both parties, and they actually agree. The core leadership at the national level of both parties and their representatives in Congress and in the White House are big government, progressive, centralized power, influence peddlers. This is the reason that President Trump is so viscerally hated by the leadership of both parties. This was part of the reason why the Diversity Visa Program continued under differing names from the 1970’s and is still up and running today. Part of the proof was the recent Manhattan terrorist attack which was carried out by a person who arrived in 2010 under this program from Uzbekistan.


Many ask how long it has been that the American public has, in reality, had no real choice for President. The answer becomes obvious when one traces the race for the Presidency since Ronald Reagan, the last President where the people had a choice until this past election. We had President George H. W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Obama, and in this past election, the choice was planned on being Hillary Clinton against Jeb Bush. Is anyone getting the picture here? Donald Trump won the Republican primary system exactly because he was somebody everyone could recognize and felt they knew who appeared to be the only real anti-candidate, the outsider who was anything but a normative politician. Trump represented a change if you believed what he was saying. What was more surprising than what he was saying was that once elected he started doing what he had promised; proof he was not a normative politician. Let us look into how the system actually works.


NBC News Final Electoral College Election 2016 Map

NBC News Final Electoral College Election 2016 Map


A person enters politics at the local level. Here they are trained on the buzzwords and how to present themselves to win the love and support of a majority of the people in their area. As they climb the ladder they modify their original wordings some small amount to gratify a larger audience, but their core message remains the same. Their actions, on the other hand, start to transform or they remain at the local level. The more one rises in the ranks, the more they become beholden to people in the major metropolises and the less they care about the individual voter. Their interests change and they start to serve different masters. These masters are the main contributors to both parties, which leads both parties to represent the same big moneyed interests as the same moneyed interests are buying the influence of both parties. By the time they make it to Washington D.C., the politician has been transformed, mostly, to a corporate sponsored tool or they become outcasts who will be rejected by their party and should they continue to win there are other ways or pushing them aside. Take Oklahoma’s First District Representative Jim Bridenstine, a real upstart who loyally represents the people and has had the party try and unseat him in every primary since he won the seat. They have failed, as his electorate is awake. The system still works as Jim Bridenstine has been nominated by President Trump to be the new top man at NASA, and he would be a perfect fit even if Tulsa Oklahoma would be losing a great Representative. That is the other means of keeping the Congress controlled, give the odd candidate who cannot be defeated their dream job, but only after they have served long enough to have the golden-parachute retirement guaranteed all the members of the Congressional Societal Group.


This thinning of the herd such that only the big government progressives make their way to Washington D.C. is done by plans and methods and by the money. Where the Congress passes legislation every few years presumably to take the money out of politics, they actually only rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic and everything continues steaming full-speed for the iceberg. Each new refreshing of the way the money must flow to reach the candidates serves only one purpose, to make it appear that this money is further away from the candidates and to obscure the truth that they have all largely been bought and paid for by the same money. It is as close as one can get to their being one large pile of cash and everybody is at the same feeding trough being paid by the same people to complete their preferred legislation and forget the small people who elected them. Once we all realize this it is easier to understand such actions as the recent antics of Senator John McCain and company or the call by Chuck Schumer for President Trump to do something to make the vetting of people immigrating to the United States more selective after blocking every proposed change to the system President Trump has already proposed. Schumer was simply grandstanding for the media such that he was on record opposing allowing letting terrorists into the country when he really is partially responsible just as are all the others for the current system. Schumer, the Democrat Representative from New York, was actually the person who sponsored the Diversity Visa Program under which the terrorist entered the country, and that legislation was signed into law by Republican President George H. W. Bush in 1990. There was your bipartisan effort to undercut the unity of the country by bringing in hundreds of thousands leading to millions of people with backgrounds completely foreign to the Judeo-Christian base of the United States. This is one of the main objectives of the moneyed interests as this provides them with inexpensive labor and an easily manipulated electorate.


The other main problem is that these moneyed interests mostly are not just people interested in the success of the United States, just the opposite. Many of these people are international in nature and have only a world government as their preferred goal. There are a few problems which prevent their success in their efforts; the United States is the biggest of these problems. The one name when it comes to politics and money almost everybody can recognize is also the best person to prove of what we speak. That person is George Soros who stated in his book ‘The Age of Fallibility: The Consequences of the War on Terror’ (2006), “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” We have provided a video of George Soros discussing his book below. He is far from the only internationalist who believes that the United States is preventing any progress towards a World Governance which was the original idea behind allowing any government so choosing to join the United Nations. This was the idea behind the Common Market and the European Union it eventually produced. Other efforts in this general arena of a World Governance include but are not limited to, the World Courts in Geneva, the World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, World Bank, International Atomic Energy Agency, INTERPOL and for a list of other international agencies and organization one can look here. As is obvious, the world has been either tied into large units or covered universally by subjects. Another side to these efforts would be to start the unification projects by unifying many of the similar NGO’s and Agencies into one central agency for each general area rather than the splintering which has been the practice. Looking over the list of international agencies one could surmise that in some instances, these are simply divisive tactic or, even more simply, they are nothing more than a means to provide employment for far too many people getting their higher degrees by choosing the world crusade which they desire to follow. If you desire to save the world through ecological awareness, very soon you will find that you would be best served to choose a specific ecological identity such as saving a specific species such as the group Save the Beluga Whales and have them pay for your Doctoral Thesis on the need to protect Beluga Whales which would lead to your being employed and that would be your niche. More generally, there is a group which oversees a plethora of save this species or save that species and it is the Defenders of Wildlife. The same is true of almost any special interest group you can think of, and in some cases, it appears more like whatever you can invent. Perhaps we should start our own NGO and call it, The Lost Causes Nobody Thought to Cover and we could collect donations for all the causes which fell through the cracks and anybody with an agency of any sort could list with us and share our financial tools and maybe even receive some money from the central group, though much of that money would go to pay for lobbyists and pay the staff as it would largely be an employment agency matching people to their respective group for their cause.


These groups represent the desired end of our world as we know it. Much of the support many of these organizations get through volunteering and fund-raising comes from people who honestly care and want a better world. Still, if on every last one of these fund-raising efforts they would place the idea that the group supports a one world government such as the United Nations where everyone were to become citizens of the world, the citizens of the world would stop their support, or at least we would hope that would be the case. If the majority of people in the free world actually believe that a world government would be a good idea, then the world is in worse shape than we thought. Just for a moment, we would not ask you try this any longer than that, think of how problems, such as the pothole, which has blown three of your tires upon hitting it on your way to work this past month, would get resolved by a world governance. Did you feel the agony of paperwork and other technicalities which would be required to fill a single pothole? There would be environmental impact studies required and feasibility studies followed by a committee to decide on the best means and methods submitting the five best plans for repairing the pothole. Then somebody would demand that a study be done on the probability of repeat potholes on your stretch of road and whether repaving might be an even better option. After probably three to five years of studies and research, the government would send a large dump truck and a flag waver and streaming tape all to mark the work area so the crew would be safe while repairing the pothole. The union demanded twelve-man crew would be there with eleven men observing one guy shoveling tar and asphalt into your pothole which had grown over the year and a half of studying it. Then, after a whole day or two the pothole would be finished and everything would return to normal except there might be a new pothole which, of course, could not have been repaired by this crew as they were not assigned to that pothole which, incredibly, is all the way in the next block, they cannot be expected to work on that pothole without the necessary paperwork and studies and procedures being followed.


The good news is that the United States is not alone in resisting the idea of a single world government. There are a few other nations such as Great Britain as was evidenced by the BREXIT vote to leave the European Union. You will have noticed that the leading politicians have mostly tried to play down the people’s vote and remain in the European Union. Also remaining outside of the European Union are, in alphabetical order, Albania, Armenia. Belarus, Gibraltar, Iceland, Kosovo, Lichtenstein, Macedonia, Norway, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, and Vatican City State. Another nation which stands against any one-world plans is Israel. The Islamic World is actually in favor of a single world government providing Islam gets to be that power and they see the one world government being called the Caliphate. The absolutely frightening reality is there are leaders in the world willing to make that sacrifice just to reach their goal of one-world governance. As John Lennon put his dreams of a one-world governance in his song Imagine where in it he envisions a world where: “Imagine there’s no countries, It isn’t hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion, too, Imagine all the people, Living life in peace.” Of course he goes full tilt communist crazy in a later verse stating; “Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world. Sure, right John, wherever you are, we tried that and the result was everyone had nothing while the select few had everything they ever desired. We have seen the results of this system in the Soviet Union, North Korea and Venezuela and none of these give any appearance of being enviable.


World Freedom Ratings

World Freedom Ratings


Anyway, the elites of both parties desire centralized power with them ruling that governance. President Trump disagrees with this vision politically despite being one of the preferred people within the system himself. President Trump is the one who can begin the struggle to drain the swamp, as it has been put. He has provided a great service towards that end already by exposing the media for their ‘Fake News’ Stories and how they have lied consistently in favor of the privileged few, the power and moneyed people. He has thrown the covers off and revealed the naked truth, the people have been being fed a bunch of garbage and that the mainstream media has been complicit in providing exactly what was ordered. Climate Change meant that people would have to surrender driving more than two-hundred miles per day in their electric car. Never mind that after five to seven years an entirely new set of batteries will be required which will cost almost as much as the car’s original price. Government will mandate that ethanol be mixed into your gasoline which at a certain point will mean older vehicles will no longer run on the provided fuel mixture. Ignore the fact that ethanol mandates have made many farmers switch their wheat fields to growing corn, which requires irrigation and fertilizers, and that we are now burning a goodly percentage of our food crop in our car engines. This is absolutely not a sustainable development. President Trump attempted to remove the coming increases of ethanol into the gasoline mixture only to have the Congress reinstate the mandate through some resolution where this instruction to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. This was done to satisfy the ethanol lobby, a very powerful lobby which uses the Iowa primary caucuses as their bludgeon with which to threaten politics. This lobby is supported by some very deep pockets which include Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Cargill and three international companies from outside the United States of Bunge (Founded in the Netherlands in 1818), Glencore International (Anglo-Swiss multinational) and Louis Dreyfus (French company founded in 1851). Also in on the lobbying are DuPont and Monsanto plus others not mentioned. Corn for ethanol has replaced wheat and corn for human consumption as the number one crop in the United States, has driven up the price of feed for cattle, and is pressing the prices of the entirety of food in direct jeopardy. Making the entire concept even worse is that gasoline ethanol mixtures not only produce lower miles per gallon but are harmful to the engines literally burning these fuels. The constant creep of more ethanol blended into the fuel also forces the vehicle manufacturers to redesign their engines just to accommodate these fuels. Are these politicians thinking of the people or their campaign pockets when they make such decisions?


Beyond the Cusp


July 5, 2017

The Unintentional Racism of the Eco Movement


We hear all about how the Eco Movement is a holy and wonderful group of people who are simply so superior to the rest of us. Their concern is that the Earth might be becoming ill and, as Albert Gore has loved saying, the Earth has a fever! They demand that bio-fuels, wind power, solar power, geo-thermal power and any other kind of power which does not depend on carbon be used exclusively despite any and all consequences. They ignore much and this was first demonstrated in great detail starting with the 1962 publication of Silent Spring which gave a near hysterical depiction of the world and the wide over-dependence on pesticides. This book began the investigation into the use of DDT and the claim that its use, not its over-use, just its use leading to thinner shells on the eggs of birds leading to eventual inability of birds to reproduce successfully. We will grant that there was an effect on insect eating birds’ eggshells. That is obvious as the way it was utilized all but expunged the entire areas of their insect populations. The rarifying of food sources for these birds is what led to their thinned eggshells. Had DDT been used more precisely, sparingly and moderately rather than spraying DDT indiscriminately over wide-expanses with frequent refreshing whenever a single mosquito was detected by one of the more influential community members, the problems such spraying caused would have been mitigated. In other words, instead of such broad and inundating usages ,DDT had been limited to delicate use where mosquitoes breed such as where there was still water and actual mosquitoes present, then the whole species of insects would not have been so drastically affected. This would have caused less of a deleterious effect on the birds and their eggshells. By 2001, the anti-DDT crusaders reached their pinnacle of success, a world-wide ban on the use of DDT. There were side effects which everybody simply brushed aside but there was a reason the pesticide chemical manufacturers backed, through third party donations such as the World Wildlife Fund, the ban on DDT which we will cover shortly.


The ban on DDT was extended to cover the entire globe after malaria had been almost completely eradicated from the developed world but was still a major problem in the developing world, especially in tropical environments where mosquitos were a present and serious problem. The problem can be put into perspective by simply considering the toll caused by malaria in the developing world. In 2012, malaria caused an estimated two-hundred-seven-million clinical episodes, and six-hundred-seven-thousand deaths. An estimated 91% of deaths in 2010 were in the African Region. The saddest statistic is that aside from tourist cases, the most vulnerable amongst us are the young children, who have not yet developed partial immunity to malaria, and pregnant women, whose immunity is decreased by pregnancy, especially during their first and second pregnancies. The elderly also are more susceptible. The immediate response when people wish to show concern is, are there not other pesticides which can be utilized to reduce mosquito populations? The answer is yes and then people brush off their hands and simply advise that these nations simply use the modern, more specific and targeted pesticides which are more ecologically friendly. Seldom is the next logical question asked, what about affordability? Well, that is the elephant in the room. These new and fancy chemical pesticides which are so completely wonderful and Earth-friendly are more costly and the Eco Movement will contend that the Earth is worth the price. That is true except when the government cannot afford the fancy new pesticides. There was a reason the chemical industry was so keen on seeing DDT banned, it was very inexpensive, extremely effective and was not raking in the money and they were not being able to sell their fancy new pesticides throughout the world as long as DDT was available, thus it had to be banned. Still people are falling to malaria and the poorer nations cannot afford the expensive new and less effective pesticides which, unremarkably enough, also require far more frequent applications making their expense grow even higher. The developing nations then claim to care, especially when fundraising, but they kept pushing until finally in 2001 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants the United Nations banned DDT universally. Now to produce and use DDT makes a nation an international pariah and punishable by the World Court. So, tell me who really cares about third world populations, those who claim to be loving but deny them the use of an affordable pesticide like DDT because, hopefully unknown to them, the corporations desired larger profits from more expensive exotic designer pesticides or the people who want these nations to use DDT more sparingly and dedicated to areas of habitation minimizing its harmful effects.


Malaria Transmission Rates

Malaria Transmission Rates


Energy is exactly the same as pesticides, simply a little more complicated. The Eco Movement would have one believe that with technology and new storage abilities that solar, wind and other ecologically friendly sources of power that we can reduce the carbon footprint of nations around the world. What they do not bother to tell the world is that these new technologies and the ecologically friendly means of producing electric power are extremely costly initially and produce far less power per dollar than coal, oil and natural gas. This puts us right back in the same discussion as the pesticide predicament. The developing world requires inexpensive power, more simply put, cheap power in order to begin to develop industries and everything which goes with a more productive economy. The best example is China which has been building coal and oil power plants about as rapidly as humanly possible in order to build their economy which is heavily dependent upon industrial production. Their consideration for ecological impact of their electrical production must be serious as they have been evident at every conference. They have also managed to have assured themselves to be excluded from the requirements list along with India and Brazil as well as numerous other developing nations, the one small allowance which is commendable. Granted, at some point these developing nations will need to start to address the pollution problems which are now becoming very evident even to them. What need be noticed is that when nations reach a certain level of development and sophistication they also begin to notice the need to be responsible keepers of their own natural resources for their people and their health as well as for the future. The United States has taken on cleaning its air, water and other treasures of nature by turning to the more ecologically friendly sources of power. The rivers and air around the cities has been measurably cleaned since the peak pollution of the 1960’s and 1970’s when the Cuyahoga River burned and Denver would have a brown haze over her for days on end and at one point people in Los Angeles would be healthier breathing their air through an unlit cigarette than breathing the air directly. The European nations also have made strides in reducing pollution just as have the United States. Perhaps it is because these nations have reached the point where they can afford to reduce their pollutants that they are leading the demands for everyone else to do likewise. Perhaps they desire these demands through blindness or maybe in order to keep their comfortable place as economic leaders.


By restricting the means for energy production, the third world is the area most harmed as it also decreases the number of manufacturers of the coal, oil and natural gas plants. That will eventually be the methods by which such means of producing energy will become history, not because there will be little need but because those who most easily can construct such facilities will no longer require them and thus will cease to be major producers of such plants. As the production of such electrical plants dwindles, the developing world will need to build such plants themselves which will mean that these plants will have less of the advanced technologies such as scrubbers and other advances which make the coal and other plants cleaner for nature and ecological concerns. Would it not serve the purpose of the Eco Movement more to make these technologies available to the developing world even if it takes away profits in the near term for the companies currently building these plants in the third world? We know that such would be to the advantage of the planet as would requiring that all these new plants be built with such devices already installed. If the Eco Movement were serious and not just be used to make more money for the industrialists, then they would be raising funds to make sure that every coal plant installed anywhere in the world had the latest carbon reduction technologies included in its installation with the funds available to these developing nations who need such power to have a modern economic manufacturing base. Instead of lecturing the developing nations about the evils of CO2, the nations of the world could be assisting them in building the cleanest power plants even if they are to be coal fired. Would that not be the most productive use of their energies? They would rather take private jets and fly individually to some place like Paris, Tahiti, Hawaii, Tokyo, Rome, Rio or some other relatively exotic location for a conference where they make high-sounding proclamations about CO2 and how it is going to destroy the world. Currently it constitutes about 0.041% which is equal to 410 parts per million (ppm) by volume of the atmosphere. Human’s contribution is somewhere around 1% of that quantity. That means that human production amounts to 0.0041% of the atmosphere. That is the little secret; CO2 is not the main contributor to the global temperature. You desire beating greenhouse gasses; the largest greenhouse gas is dihydrogen-oxide. Di-hydrogen-oxide is better known as water vapor, plain old water vapor, though it has a relieving factor, it also forms cirrus clouds which reflect sunlight which lowers the temperature of the Earth. Water vapor has its harms, its cirrus clouds to mitigate the harms and between the two forms of water vapor mitigates itself and with any fortune, it balances itself out. And if water vapor does not balance out, well, we cannot live without water thus we are going to need to learn to live with water vapor.


Beyond the Cusp


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