Beyond the Cusp

September 27, 2018

To Make a Safer Israel


We will take a look at what it would mean to make Israel safe for all such that none need fear a knife in the back, a gun in their face or any other threat to life and limb. Such an Israel would make life better for both Jew, Muslim, Christian, Arab, Pilipino, Druze, Bedouin and anyone else be they temporary workers, tourists and especially people living inside the borders of Israel. This will not be an easy task nor will it come without some actions guaranteed for brandishing against Israel by her consistent detractors worldwide. The storms which will follow actions intended for mutual advancement and insuring safety for all will be portrayed as racist, the favorite charge of those opposed to equality for all and seeking only power for themselves. You will not have to believe us on this as if and when any of these ideas are adopted generally within Israel, the screaming which will follow calling the people behind the changes racist will be just the start. There will be meetings demanded in the United Nations General Assembly, the Human Rights Commission, petitions of the United Nations Security Council, claims filed with the Israeli Supreme Court, emergency sessions of the European Union and these are but an introduction before the storm of protests in every western capital and major city by all the usual suspect NGO’s. Still, the safety concerns and threats to all residing between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea must come to an end.


The main threat to all these people is terrorism. Terrorism affects every part of the Israeli community from the Jews to the Arabs and everyone inbetween. This scourge should never have been invited back into Israel with the return of Yasser Arafat. We now know that he did not return to be a partner to building the best Israel for all its peoples but as a conquering hero to deconstruct everything which had been built and accomplished by Israel and prevent all which was still to be accomplished by Israel. Oslo is now a sad fact of history and unchangeable. The Second and Stabbing Intifadas are two more sad facts of history which are not going to be easily erased. But as much as these events tore great wounds in the Israeli society and destroyed lives, we would rather not count, and been the cause of too many funerals on all sides; there is no longer reason to continue with this farce, this charade, this war by peace process. Israeli governments had every reason to end this at its infancy and at every painful growing step inbetween and must finally put this monster in its grave. Jews have born the brunt of the damage in deaths and maimed citizens. Arabs have born an unintended damage of lost trust, lost opportunity, lost liberties, loss of freedoms and loss of trust by non-Arabs. The casualties from this monster cut across racial, gender, ethnicity and religious grounds and have taken a toll on all. This must end and end immediately.


The initial step will be the most difficult, it always is. As every paratrooper learns if they have never jumped before, the hardest part of that first jump is the step off of a perfectly functioning aircraft. That first step is a crucially necessary yet frightening step, as are all first steps as they take us from what we were comfortable with, even if uneasily so, and place us in a new and uncertain future where things are going to need to change. The same will be true in making Israel better and safer for every one of her peoples. The first step in this case comes concerning Mahmoud Abbas and his concert of fellow terror masters. They need to be returned to where they were before Oslo, not necessarily Tunisia, but definitely exiled and persona-non-grata from Israel. Then the remaining leadership of Fatah, the PLO, Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, officers from security forces and everyone who is a known participant in the terror campaign to force the Jews from Israel and replace the Israeli democracy with an Islamic Sharia tyranny will need to be removed. This step will be opposed with force often using the very weapons Israel provided the security personnel. At the start, let it be known that every person, both Jew and Arab and all others will have a simple choice, which side they stand with. One side will be represented by the IDF and Shin Bet security agency and the other by the terrorists and their supporters. Those deciding to stand with Israel should let this be known at their earliest convenience to an IDF soldier or Israeli security personnel and you will be located in a safe place for the hopefully fairly short duration. The leadership is known to Israeli security officials and will be located and sent into exile with their ill gotten gains and can live the remainder of their lives in wealth. Those who decide that they would prefer to go out in a blaze of glory, the IDF is fully capable of providing that blaze, as far as glory, the IDF is not in the glory business, just the saving of innocents to the best of their ability.


Terrorism is Light’s Out


After the leadership has been removed, the remainder will be more at ease and able to decide their own future. This offer will be made to all residing between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea, and it will be a one time offer for each to choose including those who are Jews as we would not desire to leave out any from even amongst our own who have questionable loyalty. For Israelis, it will be assumed that you are loyal to Israel and if this is a problem for you, it would be to your advantage to avail yourself of one of the deals which places you outside Israel; otherwise, it will be assumed that you have accepted the loyalty oath. For those residing in Palestinian Arab regions, if you desire to remain within the borders of Israel (River to the Sea), then you will be required to sign a loyalty oath where you are simply promising to never take up arms against the country of Israel nor intentionally harm those residing within her borders. What are the other alternatives should you decide not to sign such an oath? They are very simple. There will be an offer to buy your properties for which you can prove ownership and then you can leave Israel never to return. It is likely that there will be a sliding scale bonus which is intended to make any relocation more easily accomplished. This relocation bonus will start at some set figure and then each month that passes it will be reduced by ten percent and after the tenth month will no longer be available, so if you are leaving, haste is to you own interests. After a year has passed from the completion of removal of the leadership and known terror planners, bomb makers, rocket makers, terror trainers and all the other people deeply entrenched in the terror trade, those remaining who have not signed the loyalty oath will be found and forced into exile as they will be assumed to be sympathetic to the causes of terror and intend to destroy the Jewish state. From this point forward, any act of terror will result in exile with no opportunity for return for the terrorist and every last person who aided the terror. Those who decide that Israel was joking about permanent exile and return into the borders, they will be arrested and their penalty will be simple, first offense will result in exile and second offense will have a sentence of life imprisonment or the death penalty. The latter will be more likely if the return was with the intent of causing an insurrection or for the commission or coordination of acts of terror.


We can propose what we view as the best hope and opportunity for the Palestinian Arabs as have a number of other editorialists and political scientists, and each of our plans will give a disparate group an idea of how their area would best be served, and their situations may change while they adjust, but they all have the same shortcoming, they are not able to be implemented as long as Mahmoud Abbas has the heaviest and largest group of guns and the thugs to use them. Nobody is going to step forward to take any of these opportunities is doing so will only get them dead. That is where Israel will need to step up to the plate and remove the threats hanging over these people’s heads and give them one final shot at freedom and the management of their own lives. They will also need to understand that this is their last and final shot at living real, ordinary lives and that it is going to take all of them working to realize a true and tangible, honest and viable peace with Israel or they will force Israel’s hands, and those hands have even more and bigger guns than Mahmoud Abbas, the PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and all the other terror and criminal gangs combined. Israel can and should offer the Palestinian Arabs willing to sign an agreement where they will no longer wage a war of any kind against Israel in exchange for the managing of their own lives freely and with the rights they are willing to grab. If the Palestinian Arabs cannot take over their own lives and allow criminals or terrorists to take over once again, then they will have spoken for their area and will face the appropriate action in return. Mess up this opportunity and lose your opportunity to remain within the borders of Israeli provided protection and the result is you will likely find yourself in Jordan if lucky and Syria if not or potentially anywhere inbetween where somebody is willing to take you. But this final opportunity will obviously not be won independently by the Palestinian Arabs without Israel first removing the threats from around their collective necks. Initially, this will be peace at the end of a collection of IDF bayonets as Israel provides the initial fertile ground for the Palestinian Arabs to show their true colors.


Israel will need to remove the PLO, Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and everyone else who refuses to permit the Palestinian Arabs their right to freely choose their new leaders for possibly the first and definitively their last time. Either they choose leadership capable and willing to work with and reside peaceably under an Israel security umbrella which will keep out the rain but also not permit threats of any kind from within the Palestinian Arab population. The people of Gaza were presumably given an opportunity to build the perfect Palestinian Arab society and they did this by throwing off the Palestinian Authority and PLO largely and for the main reason that they were not killing Israelis fast enough and they chose Hamas to lead them. Well, this time there will be no PLO, no Hamas, no Islamic Jihad, no Islamic State, no Iran and nothing to prevent the Palestinian Arabs willing to sign a loyalty oath declaring their intention to live at peace with Israel from choosing leadership and a form of self-governance which will work for their benefit and pose no threat to Israel. Of course, some groups of Palestinian Arabs will choose to continue the old habits under new leadership. The first ones caught heading in this direction will hopefully serve as warning to how this will end for any others contemplating their own extinction event. Israel has run out of patience with those dead-set on attempting to murder every Israeli and some even every Jew in the world. This is the one thing which will be evidenced as the quick way to lose everything. This will be the final opportunity to have self governance and for remaining within these walls. Any attempts at choosing a terror based governance or other governance evil in its outcome will result in the elimination of that group of Palestinian Arabs as they will be deported. Any group deciding to elect Barghouti or similar anti-Israel, anti-Zionist or anti-Semitic leadership will find themselves under close scrutiny and if some form of general insurrection is their true choice, well, that will be their last lost hope for independent and a free existence. Israel should be prepared for anywhere up to half of the disparate Palestinian Arab choices to result in a simple continuation of the same embezzlement and rampant violence forcing the Israelis to act immediately to counter such a choice from initiating a more dangerous and well armed core group. Any such group should be treated as the pariah as they have earned to be treated. Israel is under no real suffocation and need not permit any rejectionist groups from operating within her borders and posing a danger to her people. Any township, city or other entity resulting within the Palestinian Arab leadership inimical to Israeli interests will be removed along with those who support them. Should this result in the exile of the entirety of the Palestinian Arab population, then that will just have to be the result with which the world will simply have to adjust, even the European Union. If the European Union truly cares so deeply for the Palestinian Arabs, then perhaps this could be the place to put those whose final choice was to one last time choose those who would work to destroy Israel.


There have been ample opportunities for the Palestinian Arabs to find a suitable form of governance which could provide them with the means for productive lives posing no threats to Israel. Even so, this will necessarily be their final shot at a decent life of self-respect, self-reliance and peaceful coexistence with Israel. Choose poorly and one can expect consequences as the Palestinian Arabs will not be provided any more opportunity to choose wisely, carefully and fully cognizant of what a poor choice will bring upon them. Still, we figure at least one third will still choose leaders who desire to bring Jihad against Israelis before even thinking of their responsibility to govern the people for whose lives they are responsible. These will be sent to join the initial wave who voluntarily decided to leave. There will not be any further games or failures of leadership as the safety and opportunity to live full and productive lives is also the right of every Israeli. Far too many Israeli lives have been lost or shattered being sacrificed for the sake of Palestinian Arab freedoms. It is far beyond time that Israel acted solely for the benefit of her citizens and made a future for their children free from the fear, war, terrorism and the other pestilence which have plagued Israeli society as they wore the albatross of the Palestinian terrorist debacles around their necks. Israel is and always has been and will be a beacon of life and opportunity and must no longer suffer these defeatist attitudes. This may be the last time Israel will have the backing of the White House in taking such steps to bring an end to what has been the most intractable problem of the last hundred years. None of this means that Israel must act rashly or vindictively out of desires for revenge. This is an opportunity to give doing the most for the Palestinian Arabs this final time before simply cutting them out no longer permitting them the free range to harm Israeli citizens. Israel need not suffer any more deaths, kidnappings or even holding the bodies stolen from the field of battle as hostages. The time to push a new dynamic is long overdo and if Israel misses this golden opportunity, she very well may never see another such opportunity come her way for the foreseeable future. Israel no longer has any time to count her blessings and must realize they need to strike while the opportunity is available with a guaranteed veto of any Security Council sanctions. Israel, if required, must act in her highest interests which must be her own people and especially her children. Israel must suffer no further Fogel family slaughters or Salomon family slaughters who were assaulted at their Shabbat evening dinner meal, deaths of infants such as Adel Biton or Chaya Zisel Braun’s whose family were struck as part of a vehicular ramming attack at a Jerusalem light rail disembarking point (see video below), no further Park Hotel Massacres where people, largely older people, siting for a Passover Seder were gunned down where they sat or any other of the nearly uncountable terrorist attacks which have plagued the Israeli people since this war against the Jewish People began around 630 A.D. in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Israel need not lose another soldier to terror and its ramifications.



This must, by necessity, be the absolute final opportunity for the Palestinian Arabs to get their governance correct. Should they at any point going forward allow terrorists to take over their government, then they will have earned Israel sending their entire village, city or area into exile. It is well past time for Israel to simply say, ‘Enough,’ to all the terrorism and violence. There is no other viable option than to pacify the Palestinian Arab population by destroying their ability to do harm as well as removing those communities which pose a threat. This can be accomplished by new governance but should they choose to remain ruled by terrorist masters, then they will be ruling themselves from outside of Israel where such actions would be able to be considered an act of war, and aggression from a foreign nation upon Israel. If it becomes necessary that Israel take the position and the world be damned, then such need be the case. Anyway one slices this cake, it is the last opportunity for a group which has been granted several such opportunities and never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. No more.


Beyond the Cusp


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