Beyond the Cusp

November 30, 2018

Why the World Seeks to Destroy Israel


The world has been attempting to destroy Israel simply because it is the Jewish State and because of their dependence on oil. Until the late 1960’s and more readily the early 1970’s even the United States was, at best, neutral regarding Israel. People believe that the United States had supported Israel from the beginning because Truman voted for the Israeli statehood at the United Nations in that presumed crucial vote. What most ignore or are unaware of, is that immediately after Israel declared statehood, the United States imposed an arms embargo under pressure from the State Department and the Defense Department of the time. This embargo remained in place until almost 1970 (see graph below) when President Lyndon Baines Johnson realized that Israel could be a permanent and dedicated ally and also the Defense Department and United States aviation industry also desired preventing the Israeli entry into the world’s fighter aircraft industry with the Lavi fighter which Israel was planning on putting into production. Ever since, Israel has been dependent on United States military aid, specifically for fighter aircraft. This is an area where the leadership of Israel should be carefully considering reentering this market with a sixth generation aircraft as the continued graces of the United States is questionable. One only need listen and read about some of the newly elected individuals entering national politics and their visceral hatred for the Jewish State. They are the future which is part of what we will cover.


United States Israel Aid (Military)

United States Israel Aid (Military)


Aid for Israel has had bipartisan support for quite a period, longer than any other issue that comes to mind. That phenomenon is coming to an abrupt end. What is almost strange is initially support for Israel began on the left and had been slowly moved rightward. This made it a centrist issue as it slowly meandered across the political frame. Soon, support for Israel will end up as an issue supported by the right until it falls off the political frame and is simply a non-issue. As such, it will bring United States support for Israel slowly to an end. This is something the Israelis need to awaken and realize what is ahead. Preparation for this scenario, Israel will need to find a new source, preferably in making their own factories, providing firearms, bullets, heavy weapons, financing for the Iron Dome, naval vessels, submarines (as Germany will be less giving once the United States ends their support), space launch vehicles and most important fighter aircraft and all other supporting equipment. The up side will be the creation of thousands of highly paying jobs which will largely make up for the loss of United States aid. What is interesting is the fact that United States aid has become something which Israel could make do without if push comes to shove. United States has provided approximately three billion of dollars steadily since 1975 through to the current time. When one compares United States aid against Israeli GDP (see graph below), one will note that up to around 1980 this aid virtually equaled the entirety of the Israeli GDP. Then when looking at this since 2010, this ratio has flipped severely and United States aid has become a mere one to one and a half percent of Israeli GDP. When one realizes the additional jobs which would result from Israel producing their military goods in country, just as Israel makes their own tanks, the Merkava compared to the M1A2 Abrams with the Merkava rated as comparable in most attributes with a few where it gives ground and a few where it has more advanced and innovative adaptations. It is highly likely that Israeli engineers and design specialists would be very capable in designing and then manufacturing a top-level next generation fighter aircraft which would be specifically designed around all Israeli military needs, something the current United States aircraft actually fall short. We would also advise the Israeli engineers to take a long and hard look at the A-10 Warthog and seriously consider producing a modernized version of this excellent close support aircraft which would provide for superior close support in certain situations where helicopters would face serious threats which such an aircraft with its heavier armor could survive.


Israeli GDP Billions $

Israeli GDP Billions $


Now, let us get on to our titled subject. For the last number of decades, the United States has faced similar opprobrium as has Israel, and for similar reasons. For this article, we will largely ignore the Arab-Israeli Conflict as it is anchored in a complete irrelevant base for our considerations. The Arab-Israeli Conflict is simply about one thing, the Islamic Quranic directive to deny the Jews any rights and to kill them whenever and wherever possible. The rest of the world has other reasons for opposing Israel. We will largely be ignoring the anti-Semitic basis for much of the invective witnessed thrown at Israel. The reason for much of the behind the scenes support for every form of vilification towards Israel has had a similar source as the same scorn thrown the United States’ way. This is due to both nations having vibrant democratically based governance and their, what is considered, scurrilous dedication to their independence and the freedom of their citizenry. These traits stand diametrically opposed to the imposition of a single world governance based on a one world religion (or lack thereof), centralized governance, centralized economic control, greater share of world wealth, renewable energy replacing reliance on fossil fuels, demilitarization, centralized police force replacing world militaries, subordination of national governance to a central world order, and erasure of borders allowing free migration of populations. Yes, this is always called a conspiracy theory, but it is also the goal of the United Nations leadership, was the basis behind the European Union, is supported by numerous developing nations who seek the redistributed wealth and is an idea whose time is nowhere near being applied to the world in its current state. One of the main reasons why single world governance is out of the question is largely based on the tribal nature of the world. There are a number of nations within which there are tribal societies which are subdued by force otherwise, they would not only desire independence, but very well might declare independence. The most recent example of such was the Kurdish vote for declaring independence which the leadership was intimidated preventing their doing what would have probably worked out just as well if not far better than what followed with Iraqi troops aided by IRGC provided by Iran sweeping into the Kurdish region intent on at least partial genocide with Turkey doing the same thing to the Kurds of northern Syria. This was the reason the State Department advised against their declaring independence as they feared such a declaration would prompt Iraq taking military action to destroy any Kurdish nation. How that differed from the current situation is unclear. Another reason the State Department advised against Kurdish independence is that they would simply have been another nation completely resistant to any plans to unify under single governance worldwide. The State Department, continuing their long history of choosing the wrong side, actually works, within its deep state belly of the beast, supports initiatives which are intended to slide the world ever forward into single governance.


The problems with such governance are too numerous to list here, but allow us to hit on a few. One of the main initiatives which will be amongst the first acts of such governance will be wealth equalization which will be accomplished in the name of saving the Earth from the ill effects of humanity, especially the high cost which fossil fuels are taking according to the Global Climate Change initiatives. These are not an honest attempt to cut the use of fossil fuels, it is simply a means of forcing the developed world pay the developing world in order to get tokens, carbon credits, in order to sustain their standard of living and levels of production. One can only wonder how loud the caterwauling would be if in order to cut down or eliminate the need for the United States to buy carbon credits, the United States simply cut their agricultural production by not using fertilizers or pesticides leading to a reduction ten-fold in agricultural production and eliminating their export of food because the United States only produced sufficient food for their own population. When one third of the world was starving, does anyone think they would care one whit about Climate Change or would they be begging the United States to simply have their carbon credits and return to feeding the world. There are means by which the developed world could cut back on their fossil fuel use at little cost to their own people but at a severe cost to the rest of the world. Such could be the cost of unintended consequences from the world adopting schemes by which to transfer the developed world’s wealth to a collection of third world dictators who simply drool at the prospect. What they do not see is there are other means of pressure other than military force, food is one great weapon.


The world desires at controlling the developed world and in this fevered fervor, they place the United States as their number one target, which is sensible, and place Israel as their second target, which is not as sensible. When looking at the top nations in gross GDP, the top ten are the United States, China, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, India, France, Brazil, Italy and Canada. Israel comes in, depending on which ranking, in the middle to low thirties, not exactly the second largest target by such a ranking, but still they are second on the One World Order hierarchy’s list. So, maybe they rate better under GDP per capita. The top nations in per capita GDP according to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) are somewhat unexpected, as first is Luxembourg followed by Switzerland, Macau, Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Qatar, United States, Singapore, Denmark and Australia with Israel coming in at twenty. When you check a few other statistics about Israel, serious questions should arise as to why it is so constantly in the news and in United Nations crosshairs. Israel is one-hundredth in population, one-hundred-fiftieth by area, thirty-fourth in population density, and we searched high and low even inventing concepts for which Google had no listings and the highest-ranking Israel received was eleventh place in happiness. We think Israel was robbed, we should have been higher ranked, at least seventh or possibly fifth, but ours is a skewed ranking as Israel is also home. Still, there is no reason why Israel should be the second target on almost any list outside of those controlled by the Arab and Muslim nations, which means almost every list from the United Nations and their various agencies. Still, there can be little doubt that Israel is in the crosshairs of way too many agents who also desire forming singular governance over the world. These same agencies and NGO’s also target the United States making them an even higher nation opposing their efforts. Since the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union (BREXIT), they have moved well up on the targeting list as that was simply a dreaded show of what the One Worlders refer to as despicable nationalism. The raucous accusations clamoring for the United Kingdom to be punished economically even to the point of some demanding the European Union break off all trade with the British Isles has fallen off as things have simmered to a halt which momentarily was aroused for a brief second round when United States President Trump announced the willingness of America to increase trade with Britain. We can almost always count on President Trump to divert attention away from any burning problem of the day simply by stating something which if said by anyone else would not rise to the level of newsworthy. In Israel, we are used to similar treatment whenever Netanyahu or almost any other Israeli gets to a microphone to make a statement. The best example is that any building performed in Israel, particularly a new structure or anything beyond the Green Line, all go through anywhere from five to over ten stages of approvals from conception to the beginning of clearing the region. Whenever one of the beyond the Green Line plans passes one of these stages, they make the headlines of the New York Times and from there a few trips around the newswire. This makes even the addition of a deck or a new room for the coming baby into an international debate and argument for over a year before the first brick is even bought. If anyone who has read the San Remo Conference and the League of Nations Mandate can explain the reason for this with consideration of the promises made Israel which are still applicable under International Law, we would appreciate such a discussion. By the way, do not feel left out of something important if you never heard of these enforceable treaties under International Law which appear to have been sucked up by a political black hole. Forgetting these promises is part of the expediency for placing Israel high on the targeting list. While we appreciate attention, sometimes we would prefer a little anonymity.


Beyond the Cusp


September 4, 2017

What Erudite Opposition to the Taylor Force Act Tells Us


An editorial argument in Foreign Policy titled The Smart Way to End ‘Pay to Slay’ written jointly by David Makovsky, Dennis Ross and Lia Weiner could not have been more off the point had they tried. They did correctly note that the aid the United States earmarks for the Palestinian Authority (PA) is intended (our denotations) to be, “divided into three baskets. The first basket, consisting of roughly $70 million, goes to electricity costs in the West Bank and medical treatment. Approximately $25 million of this basket serves to reimburse hospitals for medical care of Palestinians in East Jerusalem.” Also, “The remaining $45 million of this basket is paid directly to Israeli electricity companies to settle the PA’s electricity debts for services to PA buildings and debts accrued by Palestinians.”


Lia Weiner, David Makovsky, Dennis Ross

Lia Weiner, David Makovsky, Dennis Ross


They then go off the rails by claiming should this money be cut, then the PA would be required to take monies from other uses to pay these debts. The reason these funds are paid directly to the necessary recipients is because the PA never paid these debts and had this practice continued a number of Israeli hospitals would have financially collapsed partially due to providing the free treatments of the PA and Gaza patients and the Israeli electricity company was intending to cut off all service due to overdue, by numerous years, payments which they were no longer going to stick the payments due to their Israeli customers.


Their next notation is, “The second basket of $85 million consists of U.S. aid that is tangentially related to the PA. Most of these projects pertain to roads, water desalination, education, and good governance.” This is a bigger joke than the shovel ready road, bridge, highway and infrastructure repair jobs that President Barack Obama promised the American people in his first term. These vital infrastructures are often repaired due to necessity by Israel and the waste and trash treatment by the PA is intentionally done in the most ecologically damaging manner possible. They regularly pollute ground water and then blame Israel for the tainting of wells their own people are dependent upon, as they get no direct water from the PA due to disrepair or simply not being attached to the water supply. Israel attempted to assist but when workers, including Arab Israelis, were shot upon, this work ceased unless performed under IDF guards. The PA then protested about the invasion of their areas by the IDF to the United Nations and Israel was coerced in removing the protection and the workers. We will leave it to your imagination what the next accusation was against Israel about not completing promised repairs.


The final basket is more tragedy than aid as they tell it as such, “A third basket, made up of the remaining $106 million, goes directly to projects that are completely independent of the PA. These include various educational initiatives and private sector development. One of the notable projects in this basket is headed by the U.S.-based Mercy Corps, which aims to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of Gazans by improving economic growth, education, and health in the Gaza Strip.” Any private sector development goes over 75% to Mahmoud Abbas’s three sons and their numerous construction and other infrastructure companies. Further, there are kickbacks to Abbas and his cronies for every dollar spent thus often doubling or tripling the cost of any project and the enrichment of the PA and Fatah hierarchy. But these are their minor cost arguments.


The rest of their argument is that any cutting of United States aid would adversely affect the poor Palestinian Arab people. They argue that these are a people who have no control over their leadership despite the fact that they overwhelmingly elected them in 2006 and Abbas in 2005. Further, if new elections were to be held to find a successor to Mahmoud Abbas, the two leading candidates are Fatah’s Marwan Barghouti, the Fatah leader who is currently serving five life sentences plus additional twenty years in Israel for a myriad of lethal acts of terror and Ismail Haniyeh who is the former leader of Hamas in Gaza. Further, a minimum of seventy percent would cast their votes for the two leading parties in the Parliament, Hamas and Fatah (in that order) with another approximately ten percent voting for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a potentially even more radical terrorist group. Making their argument that the people are victims and not part of the problem is further undermined by a July 2017 polling by the Palestinian Center of Policy and Survey Research headed by Dr. Khalil Shikaki, the well-respected and known worldwide Palestinian pollster, where, “91% are opposed to the suspension of PA payments to Palestinian security prisoners (a euphemism for convicted terrorist) in Israeli jails; only 7% support such measure.”


Perhaps we should just cut to the chase and take everything down to the ground and forget high principles and grand eloquence. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is in all actuality and honesty the substitution by the Arab Islamic world for the Arab-Israeli conflict done in order to make Israel appear to have the power and numerical advantages instead of Israel as David and the Arab world as Goliath. Their propaganda ploy had worked to the best of their hoped intentions with Europe and the left worldwide lining up behind the poor, downtrodden, unfortunate Arab victims and pulling all sympathy away from Israel. Now the Arab world can berate Israel and feel good about themselves and read in the Western media how they are so feeling and taking the side of the poor, downtrodden, unfortunate Palestinian Arab victims instead of reading how six Arab nations’ armies crossed the Israeli borders outnumbering Israel a hundred planes to one and five thousand men to one and five hundred tanks to one and then read a week later how Israel miraculously survived and even defeated these combined forces. The reality is those same six Arab nations are simply biding their time waiting for the perfect moment to pounce across the Israel borders after using the Palestinian Arab areas as staging zones claiming to have entered these zones to protect innocent victims of Israeli hegemony. There is the reality as simply as we can state the truth which nobody desires to say.


The Arab-Israeli conflict, and let us stop being rubes for a plain case of Taqiyya and call this what it is, the Arab-Israeli conflict is about two completely opposing worldviews and positions. The Israeli position is and always has been peace. Israel surrendered 78% of the British Mandate to provide the Arabs with a homeland which we today call Jordan whose population is 80% Palestinian Arabs, if that terminology is to have any true meaning. Then when the United Nations voted on November 30, 1947, to further divide the British Mandate resulting in the Arabs gaining another 11% and Israel getting only half of the remainder after Jordan, also 11% with two-thirds of the Israel portion being Negev Desert, Israel agreed while the Arabs rejected starting an Arab-Jew Civil War in the remaining 22% as a preemptory start to the ensuing May 15, 1948, Israel independence marred by those six Arab armies and numerous militias attempting to eradicate the Jewish State at her inception. Israel is said to have won, survived would be more accurate as when the Arabs rejected the General Assembly Resolution 181, that resolution basically ceased to exist leaving the entirety of the 22% of the remaining British Mandate, as promised by the Churchill White Papers, to the Jewish State presumably backed by the British Crown, though you would have had a hard time believing this as many British as well as Nazi officers from World War II advised the Egyptians and Jordanians standing together all but side-by-side. The result was Israel lost Judea and Samaria to Jordan and Gaza to Egypt and both nations flooded these areas with Arab refugees and other Arabs they wished to reward with land or simply displace from lands they held. The Jews in these areas were thrown from their homes and properties and sent to Israel, if they were fortunate.


Then there were the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War which were both initiated by the Arab forces and had numerous armies against Israel, yet Israel managed to prevail in these wars. Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza despite Egypt’s illegal occupation of Gaza to Egypt in exchange for peace and offered Judea and Samaria back to Jordan despite Jordan’s illegal occupied for almost twenty years of these areas. Egypt and Jordan resigned their illegally occupied areas but refused to allow their citizens to return from these areas knowing they would cause a demographic nightmare for Israel as well as a security nightmare. The Arab-Israeli conflict comes down to one simple fact, the Arabs refuse to permit Israel to exist. Israel, by her actions, is not attempting to conquer Arab lands, their usual claim. Israel only seeks to retain her 22% of the British Mandate and is willing to permit the Arabs in Gaza to become a nation, Hamasatan or West Iran, choose whatever name they wish, and allow semi autonomy for the Arabs in Judea and Samaria in Areas A and B while Israel retains most of Area C. Israel cannot permit the Arabs to have an independent state along the 1949 Armistice Lines (ala Green Line aka 1967 Lines) as that would place Arab rockets on the crest of the highlands overlooking the central plains of Israel which includes around three-quarters of her population and industrial zones as well as her main international airport. Truth be told, if the world were honest, as they were when creating Pakistan and millions were relocated from one area to the other and vice-versa, they would allow the Arabs to sell their properties in Judea and Samaria and even receive a relocation allowance from Israel and have them relocate to Jordan, Egypt, or whatever Arab nations or other nation willing to house them and end this impasse once and for all. But the world is not honest and as we have stated, they want to have Israel face these crippling problems with the hopes that Israel will fail before the pressures and thus appease the Arabs.


Plain English, the Arab-Israeli conflict are two implacable enemies, not prospective peace partners. The Palestinian Arab leadership and the people themselves have stated that the only solution that they will accept is Israel either eradicated or under Arab rule and every Jew dead. That is not something which can be settled over any peace process in all of history. The Arabs, like the Europeans, spent half their time stealing wealth from the Jews or murdering them and the other half living in an uneasy peace with an additional tax, the Jiyza, placed on the Jews as Dhimmis. Now that the Jews have their homelands returned and rule themselves the Arabs no longer can collect the Jiyza, the Jews are no longer Dhimmi but are instead proud and armed, something not permitted Dhimmi, and the Arabs cannot accept that they were defeated because since they left Mecca and Medina their book, the Quran, guaranteed they would rule the entire world, destroy the Jews and never ever lose a war. Europe is about to learn this lesson of how it is to have Arabs living within your society and desiring all of it for themselves and you enslaved or dead. Europe, learn from Israel, lighting candles and listening to the Arabs sweet songs of commiserating over your loss while handing out sweet candies to celebrate in private is not exactly a recipe for survival. Your ancestors understood Arab Muslim desires to conquer their lands and fought back sometimes successfully and others not so much which is why we are having the crazed discussion about Jews and Christians having no claim to Jerusalem. These are both societal struggles and only one can survive within any national boundary. As an object lesson, allow us to close with a little tale about the Camel and the tent, it is an Arab tale told where they are to learn from the camel and to never be that Arab.



It was a cold winter night. An Arab was resting in his tent when his camel peeped inside and asked, “Master, it’s very cold outside. Please allow me to put my head inside your tent.”
The kind master took pity on the poor animal and agreed to the camel’s request. A little later, the camel asked, “Master, please let me put my neck inside your tent as well.” Once again, the master allowed him to do so.
Next, the camel asked if he could put his forelegs in and again the kind master agreed. Very soon, the camel was completely inside the tent. But the tent was too small for both the master and the camel.
Finally, the camel asked his master to leave the tent so that he could be more comfortable. By now, the master was very angry and turned the camel out in the cold again.


Beyond the Cusp


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