Beyond the Cusp

April 18, 2019

How American Jews Should Influence Israeli Politics


So, you either hate or love Bibi Netanyahu winning and likely forming a strong right-wing, Zionist, Religious coalition. There were four Jewish Congress-critters, Representatives Eliot Engel and Nita Lowey of New York, Ted Deutch of Florida, and Brad Schneider of Illinois, all Democrats, who came out strongly threatening Bibi Netanyahu against extending Israeli law to Jewish communities in Judea-Samaria. Well, that is all well and good for them to do as private citizens, but when doing so as representatives of other Americans and presuming to speak for Jews throughout the land, that is presumptuous to say the least. We are sure that in numerous leftist Synagogues there will be sermons and the usual gnashing of teeth that the Israeli people had the audacity to ignore the advice of their betters, after all, where would Israel be without American support. Well, let us address the so-called critical monetary support Israel receives from the United States once again (previous articles can be read here, here and here).


We will not go into the reason that America provides Israel with military aid as that can be read in any of the above articles. What need be told is the limitations on that aid money. The percentage has shifted over the years but seldom if ever dropping below three-quarters of the aid money being required to be spent on American equipment. The aid money has two main effects in theory. The first is to provide Israel with air superiority, something which has been downgraded slowly over the years to now it is closer to parity with the difference presumably made up for by the skill of the pilots, in theory. The second is to provide supplementary money for the American arms industry. Another effect, many refer to it as a side-effect, is that it makes Israel dependent upon the United States for resupply in times of crisis when Israel is between a rock and a hard place if not resupplied rapidly. President Nixon is loved in Israel for his resolute action during the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Israel initially lost a great deal of equipment and used a great deal of her provisions turning the tide. This left Israel short on armor such as APCs and tanks as well as running out of the very essential bullets. From history we know that then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger advised President Nixon to force Israel to promise to give all of the former West Bank and Gaza to form a Palestinian State before resupplying her with the vitally needed equipment. If we remember well, he may have said to make them bleed. Nixon, to his eternal credit, picked up the phone, called the Secretary of Defense and ordered him to provide Israel with everything they required and to do so with the greatest of speed. The next hurdle was Europe as every ally refused to permit any resupply aircraft heading to Israel to overfly their airspace, let alone land for refueling. Portugal permitted the United States to use their airfield on one of their islands in the Atlantic Ocean and the resupply arrived helping to save the day, you might say. After this near disaster, the United States placed one of their ready supply depots inside Israel in a location which is a well-guarded secret, probably which can be found using Google. The premise for this depot is should the United States be required to respond to an emergency, they could send troops and these arms could be made ready and provided faster than attempting to bring them from the mainland. The secondary reason for this depot is that should Israel find themselves pressed for provisions; they have access to this depot which will provide for the immediate while resupply can be arranged without the urgency as in 1973 where Israel came close to the disaster of losing one war. One need remember that should Israel lose a war, it will be the last war Israel fights as after that loss, there would be no Israel.


Now for some facts which are often met with disbelief. The United States has not always been Israel’s close friend and military ally. In fact, after President Harry Truman went against every advisor and recognized Israel in 1948, the next thing he did was place an arms embargo across the Middle East, Israel included. For the Arabs this was not a problem as they had the support of Britain, France and the Soviet Union. Israel had as her main ally Czechoslovakia. Israel did not receive much in the way of aid from the United States until the late 1960’s and not very appreciable aid until the 1970’s (see graph below). Two items become blatantly obvious when examining the graph. First, is that aid to Israel was nonexistent through all of the 1950’s and well into the 1960’s. Second, is that United States aid to Israel has leveled out at approximately three-billion dollars annually. This fact will become more relevant later in this article. As stated before, the vast majority of this aid must be spent inside the United States. Most of the funds goes for aircraft as might be expected with the next largest amount going for aircraft parts and munitions for those very same aircraft. But the United States receives far more than these orders which benefit keeping the American manufacturing of the weapons of war remaining in business as the demands of the United States Armed Forces would be insufficient to keep all the weapons manufacturers afloat. Israeli orders may not be the largest ticket, but it is not insignificant either.


United States Israel Aid (Military)

United States Israel Aid (Military)


We stated that the United States gets more than just the return of their investment in Israel with orders for arms production from the United States. Probably the two most famous are the Super Sherman Tank and the rear-view mirrors on the F-16 fighter jet which the Israelis noted the pilot was unable to see if there were any enemies at his six o’clock (behind him). The more modern addition of rear-view mirrors came about when Israeli pilots complained of having a vital blind-spot. Some industrious crew chief came up with the apparently bright idea of using sport mirrors he went and purchased at an automotive supply store which led to a design engineering change which incorporated rear-view mirrors on all F-16 fighter jets (see image below). The above mentioned are merely examples as Israel also has provided numerous improvements, modification and other forms of upgrades, not all of which were adopted by the United States. The Trophy anti-missile defense system is one such example and Israel is working on modified versions for use on other vehicles in cooperation with the United States (article here). Israel also designed some other improvements for other systems including upgraded avionics and targeting systems. Israel agrees with every purchase of American weapons systems to provide full documentation of any alterations, additions or other improvements for the United States to consider whether such would be useful on their own systems. Israel most recent upgrade was the use of the Iron Dome targeting software and related requirements which has upgraded the Patriot anti-missile systems, but this is not supposed to be common knowledge.


F16 with After Modification Rear-view Mirrors

F16 with After Modification Rear-view Mirrors


Back to the American aid provided to Israel. When the aid reached the three-billion dollars, this was fairly close to the total Israeli GDP and was essential for Israeli military capabilities. Today, that aid is approximately one-percent of Israeli GDP. What is amusing is both Israelis and American Jews believe that Israel could not survive without continued military assistance as Israel is incapable of affording her own military requirements. The truth is quite different. The main reason that the United States desires to continue this aid is no different than when it was first negotiated, they do not desire Israeli competition in the lucrative field of military aircraft. Back in 1970 it was to protect the sales of the F-16 while today the reason is likely to protect the existing F-35 and more likely whatever a sixth-generation fighter aircraft system might entail. By having Israel in continued dependence on American aircraft, the United States avoids yet another aircraft competing with their own. The rising costs of military fighter aircraft forced the Europeans to jointly produce their Eurofighter Typhoon, the world’s most advance fighter, according to their advertising. Israel would be well advised to adjust their dependence upon the United States militarily as their aid could become questionable under a new administration. For that reason and for the well-paying jobs which Israel would gain, adding to her GDP, are two very good arguments for Israel to plan on becoming self-sufficient when it comes to military equipment.



Now, for those American Jews who wish to force their will and policies upon Israel, we have some basic advice. Make Aliyah and then you can help to elect a Prime Minister and a governing coalition more to your liking. This advice comes with a warning, once you have made Aliyah and are living in a nation the size of New Jersey, and not one reaching from one ocean to another ocean, your views will rapidly become more realistic and fitting to your location. Currently, any advice or demands you place upon Israel do not have any effect on your day to day lives. When you are in Israel, let us say Tel Aviv, and you look to the west and can see the Judean Hills which you currently insist must belong to some Palestinian Arab state, you get this chill down your spine if you have any sense of military strategies. The picture below pretty much defines the result of a Palestinian State along the Green Line. This and the increasing rate of conflict and terrorism are a rude awakening but it is also why Israel seems to be moving more to the right despite the warnings from the left in the United States.


Tel Aviv Now Before Green Line Peace and Tel Aviv the Day After Green Line Peace

Tel Aviv Now Before Green Line Peace
Tel Aviv the Day After Green Line Peace


It is not that Israelis are not listening to their counterparts in the United States, we are. It is just we tend to consider it almost as much as we react to things staring us in the face, so to speak or literally. The last Gaza war, the only reason that buildings in Tel Aviv were not struck and toppling into the streets causing thousands of deaths was simple, the Iron Dome systems which were placed between Tel Aviv and Gaza. Their near miraculous interception rate of close to ninety-percent became the miracle of that war, but eventually a way of getting past the Iron Dome systems will be found and we can only pray that Israel has the next system which will make the Iron Dome obsolete will be ready in time. Israel lives on the knife’s edge with no lack of enemies attempting to press us down and cutting Israel until there is no Israel. Living surrounded by people who desire your complete and utter destruction tends to affect the choices you make when voting. Israel is the safety net for Jews, all Jews. We were the safety net when the Arab world expelled almost all of their Jews during the 1950’s and Israel will be the safety net should Jews anywhere, yes, including America, require finding a home with minimal notice. Israel will not ask if you have any wealth or a job waiting or even an Israeli passport, only that you are a Jew needing refuge. Israel will take such Jews in with open arms and welcome them home, nothing more and nothing less. Jews who believe that tragedy cannot come to the nation in which they live are ignoring Jewish history which should have taught us that nowhere remains safe for the Jews indefinitely. Yes, even the United States has had its time where Jews were evicted from their homes when General Grant ordered the expulsion of all Jews in his military district, comprising areas of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Kentucky. Sure, President Lincoln countermanded that order, but by the time the orders reached Washington D.C. and were reviewed and the countermand was returned to Grant, much of the damage had been done. With the rising anti-Semitism around the world, Israel as the safe haven for the Jewish People has become more important with every passing attack upon Jews anywhere. With Jews being assaulted in New York City, once a safe haven for Jews, what more evidence is required that things are changing. To quote Frank Sinatra, sort of, If it can make it in New York, it can make it anywhere. That is as true for anti-Semitic attacks and worse as well as it worked for Frankie. What counts, Representatives Eliot Engel and Nita Lowey of New York, Ted Deutch of Florida, and Brad Schneider of Illinois, is that Israelis elected a government which will protect them and provide the decisions they find favorable. Further, if the Palestinian Authority can extend their civil law to the regions under their control under the Oslo Accords, why should Israel be prevented from the exact same actions in the regions Israel was granted control by those very same Oslo Accords. If you feel so strongly that you know better than the Israeli public and their chosen governance, then make Aliyah and form a party and run for the Knesset here on those very same ideas. We would wish you luck with your views in an Israeli election, but it is in Israel that you need be to exact the changes you desire for Israel, not in Washington D.C. We would welcome you with open arms, just come here and then you can work to make Israel in your own image. In the meantime, until you make Aliyah, allow us the privilege of electing whom we choose and have them fulfill the promises for which they received so much support. Thank you in advance for your understanding and hoped for making Aliyah so we can discuss this on equal grounds.


Beyond the Cusp


November 30, 2018

Why the World Seeks to Destroy Israel


The world has been attempting to destroy Israel simply because it is the Jewish State and because of their dependence on oil. Until the late 1960’s and more readily the early 1970’s even the United States was, at best, neutral regarding Israel. People believe that the United States had supported Israel from the beginning because Truman voted for the Israeli statehood at the United Nations in that presumed crucial vote. What most ignore or are unaware of, is that immediately after Israel declared statehood, the United States imposed an arms embargo under pressure from the State Department and the Defense Department of the time. This embargo remained in place until almost 1970 (see graph below) when President Lyndon Baines Johnson realized that Israel could be a permanent and dedicated ally and also the Defense Department and United States aviation industry also desired preventing the Israeli entry into the world’s fighter aircraft industry with the Lavi fighter which Israel was planning on putting into production. Ever since, Israel has been dependent on United States military aid, specifically for fighter aircraft. This is an area where the leadership of Israel should be carefully considering reentering this market with a sixth generation aircraft as the continued graces of the United States is questionable. One only need listen and read about some of the newly elected individuals entering national politics and their visceral hatred for the Jewish State. They are the future which is part of what we will cover.


United States Israel Aid (Military)

United States Israel Aid (Military)


Aid for Israel has had bipartisan support for quite a period, longer than any other issue that comes to mind. That phenomenon is coming to an abrupt end. What is almost strange is initially support for Israel began on the left and had been slowly moved rightward. This made it a centrist issue as it slowly meandered across the political frame. Soon, support for Israel will end up as an issue supported by the right until it falls off the political frame and is simply a non-issue. As such, it will bring United States support for Israel slowly to an end. This is something the Israelis need to awaken and realize what is ahead. Preparation for this scenario, Israel will need to find a new source, preferably in making their own factories, providing firearms, bullets, heavy weapons, financing for the Iron Dome, naval vessels, submarines (as Germany will be less giving once the United States ends their support), space launch vehicles and most important fighter aircraft and all other supporting equipment. The up side will be the creation of thousands of highly paying jobs which will largely make up for the loss of United States aid. What is interesting is the fact that United States aid has become something which Israel could make do without if push comes to shove. United States has provided approximately three billion of dollars steadily since 1975 through to the current time. When one compares United States aid against Israeli GDP (see graph below), one will note that up to around 1980 this aid virtually equaled the entirety of the Israeli GDP. Then when looking at this since 2010, this ratio has flipped severely and United States aid has become a mere one to one and a half percent of Israeli GDP. When one realizes the additional jobs which would result from Israel producing their military goods in country, just as Israel makes their own tanks, the Merkava compared to the M1A2 Abrams with the Merkava rated as comparable in most attributes with a few where it gives ground and a few where it has more advanced and innovative adaptations. It is highly likely that Israeli engineers and design specialists would be very capable in designing and then manufacturing a top-level next generation fighter aircraft which would be specifically designed around all Israeli military needs, something the current United States aircraft actually fall short. We would also advise the Israeli engineers to take a long and hard look at the A-10 Warthog and seriously consider producing a modernized version of this excellent close support aircraft which would provide for superior close support in certain situations where helicopters would face serious threats which such an aircraft with its heavier armor could survive.


Israeli GDP Billions $

Israeli GDP Billions $


Now, let us get on to our titled subject. For the last number of decades, the United States has faced similar opprobrium as has Israel, and for similar reasons. For this article, we will largely ignore the Arab-Israeli Conflict as it is anchored in a complete irrelevant base for our considerations. The Arab-Israeli Conflict is simply about one thing, the Islamic Quranic directive to deny the Jews any rights and to kill them whenever and wherever possible. The rest of the world has other reasons for opposing Israel. We will largely be ignoring the anti-Semitic basis for much of the invective witnessed thrown at Israel. The reason for much of the behind the scenes support for every form of vilification towards Israel has had a similar source as the same scorn thrown the United States’ way. This is due to both nations having vibrant democratically based governance and their, what is considered, scurrilous dedication to their independence and the freedom of their citizenry. These traits stand diametrically opposed to the imposition of a single world governance based on a one world religion (or lack thereof), centralized governance, centralized economic control, greater share of world wealth, renewable energy replacing reliance on fossil fuels, demilitarization, centralized police force replacing world militaries, subordination of national governance to a central world order, and erasure of borders allowing free migration of populations. Yes, this is always called a conspiracy theory, but it is also the goal of the United Nations leadership, was the basis behind the European Union, is supported by numerous developing nations who seek the redistributed wealth and is an idea whose time is nowhere near being applied to the world in its current state. One of the main reasons why single world governance is out of the question is largely based on the tribal nature of the world. There are a number of nations within which there are tribal societies which are subdued by force otherwise, they would not only desire independence, but very well might declare independence. The most recent example of such was the Kurdish vote for declaring independence which the leadership was intimidated preventing their doing what would have probably worked out just as well if not far better than what followed with Iraqi troops aided by IRGC provided by Iran sweeping into the Kurdish region intent on at least partial genocide with Turkey doing the same thing to the Kurds of northern Syria. This was the reason the State Department advised against their declaring independence as they feared such a declaration would prompt Iraq taking military action to destroy any Kurdish nation. How that differed from the current situation is unclear. Another reason the State Department advised against Kurdish independence is that they would simply have been another nation completely resistant to any plans to unify under single governance worldwide. The State Department, continuing their long history of choosing the wrong side, actually works, within its deep state belly of the beast, supports initiatives which are intended to slide the world ever forward into single governance.


The problems with such governance are too numerous to list here, but allow us to hit on a few. One of the main initiatives which will be amongst the first acts of such governance will be wealth equalization which will be accomplished in the name of saving the Earth from the ill effects of humanity, especially the high cost which fossil fuels are taking according to the Global Climate Change initiatives. These are not an honest attempt to cut the use of fossil fuels, it is simply a means of forcing the developed world pay the developing world in order to get tokens, carbon credits, in order to sustain their standard of living and levels of production. One can only wonder how loud the caterwauling would be if in order to cut down or eliminate the need for the United States to buy carbon credits, the United States simply cut their agricultural production by not using fertilizers or pesticides leading to a reduction ten-fold in agricultural production and eliminating their export of food because the United States only produced sufficient food for their own population. When one third of the world was starving, does anyone think they would care one whit about Climate Change or would they be begging the United States to simply have their carbon credits and return to feeding the world. There are means by which the developed world could cut back on their fossil fuel use at little cost to their own people but at a severe cost to the rest of the world. Such could be the cost of unintended consequences from the world adopting schemes by which to transfer the developed world’s wealth to a collection of third world dictators who simply drool at the prospect. What they do not see is there are other means of pressure other than military force, food is one great weapon.


The world desires at controlling the developed world and in this fevered fervor, they place the United States as their number one target, which is sensible, and place Israel as their second target, which is not as sensible. When looking at the top nations in gross GDP, the top ten are the United States, China, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, India, France, Brazil, Italy and Canada. Israel comes in, depending on which ranking, in the middle to low thirties, not exactly the second largest target by such a ranking, but still they are second on the One World Order hierarchy’s list. So, maybe they rate better under GDP per capita. The top nations in per capita GDP according to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) are somewhat unexpected, as first is Luxembourg followed by Switzerland, Macau, Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Qatar, United States, Singapore, Denmark and Australia with Israel coming in at twenty. When you check a few other statistics about Israel, serious questions should arise as to why it is so constantly in the news and in United Nations crosshairs. Israel is one-hundredth in population, one-hundred-fiftieth by area, thirty-fourth in population density, and we searched high and low even inventing concepts for which Google had no listings and the highest-ranking Israel received was eleventh place in happiness. We think Israel was robbed, we should have been higher ranked, at least seventh or possibly fifth, but ours is a skewed ranking as Israel is also home. Still, there is no reason why Israel should be the second target on almost any list outside of those controlled by the Arab and Muslim nations, which means almost every list from the United Nations and their various agencies. Still, there can be little doubt that Israel is in the crosshairs of way too many agents who also desire forming singular governance over the world. These same agencies and NGO’s also target the United States making them an even higher nation opposing their efforts. Since the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union (BREXIT), they have moved well up on the targeting list as that was simply a dreaded show of what the One Worlders refer to as despicable nationalism. The raucous accusations clamoring for the United Kingdom to be punished economically even to the point of some demanding the European Union break off all trade with the British Isles has fallen off as things have simmered to a halt which momentarily was aroused for a brief second round when United States President Trump announced the willingness of America to increase trade with Britain. We can almost always count on President Trump to divert attention away from any burning problem of the day simply by stating something which if said by anyone else would not rise to the level of newsworthy. In Israel, we are used to similar treatment whenever Netanyahu or almost any other Israeli gets to a microphone to make a statement. The best example is that any building performed in Israel, particularly a new structure or anything beyond the Green Line, all go through anywhere from five to over ten stages of approvals from conception to the beginning of clearing the region. Whenever one of the beyond the Green Line plans passes one of these stages, they make the headlines of the New York Times and from there a few trips around the newswire. This makes even the addition of a deck or a new room for the coming baby into an international debate and argument for over a year before the first brick is even bought. If anyone who has read the San Remo Conference and the League of Nations Mandate can explain the reason for this with consideration of the promises made Israel which are still applicable under International Law, we would appreciate such a discussion. By the way, do not feel left out of something important if you never heard of these enforceable treaties under International Law which appear to have been sucked up by a political black hole. Forgetting these promises is part of the expediency for placing Israel high on the targeting list. While we appreciate attention, sometimes we would prefer a little anonymity.


Beyond the Cusp


October 24, 2018

The Khan al-Ahmar Conundrum


Whether Khan al-Ahmar is a conundrum, a challenge, a problem, a dilemma or a complete cop-out by the Prime Minister after the Supreme Court finally got a decision correct is for each person to decide. There is another word which describes Khan al-Ahmar, that word is shambles (see image below). These are the structures which the European Union claims is a model of modern living where people have all the amenities for a comfortable life. This is supposedly a wonderful community which is well established and thriving. The European Union must have very low expectations as these shacks do not have water, sewage, electricity, gas, roads or anything necessary for modern life and minimal economic survival. Originally, the Europeans paid a number of Palestinian Arabs to take up residence and within two years, they left as they never received any of the promised utilities and recognized that the Europeans were simply using them and that their lives were not going to improve as long as they remained in these shacks. The Bedouins are using these shacks as they tend their flocks in the various fields surrounding the area and even they leave for periods of time. The European Union, United Nations, Palestinian Authority, a number of European nations and the United Nations International Courts have taken turns demanding that the Israeli Supreme Court prevent the relocation of the Bedouins, most of which have their own tents in which they normally reside, and preserve this precious Palestinian Arab village where Bedouins reside. The Israeli Supreme Court has ordered the destruction of Khan al-Ahmar repeatedly since the mid 1990’s over and over repeatedly ad nauseum. Finally, the Israeli Supreme Court, historically the Israeli institution which preserves almost any feasible Palestinian Arab structures from destruction while ordering the destruction of Jewish towns on the flimsiest evidence, finally made a final resolution that Khan al-Ahmar had to be destroyed and they refused to accept further petitions. So, this time the threat was directed at Prime Minister Netanyahu by the International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda who said that Israel could be prosecuted for war crimes if it goes ahead with the demolition. Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda was quoted stating, “Extensive destruction of property without military necessity and population transfers in an occupied territory constitute war crimes.” She further warned that, “I will not hesitate to take any appropriate action within the framework of my authority according to the Rome Statute,” which would enable the International Criminal Court (ICC) to prosecute world leaders.


The Shambles of Shacks which Make-up Khan al-Ahmar

The Shambles of Shacks which Make-up Khan al-Ahmar


There is not another nation anywhere on the Earth where the entirety, or much of the entirety, of the world’s nations and international institutions take such interest into the minutia of the day-to-day operations of the government both national and city levels. The ICC, we are sure, check every order to destroy illegally built structures which are not even inhabited by their presumed original occupants, who happened to be paid to reside there and when the pay stopped, they left, and are now inhabited by migratory Bedouins and blocking long standing plans for the building of modern communities and work places and schools, restaurants, stores, offices and interconnected with roads connected to the remainder of the city of Kfar Adumim which is already connected to the remainder of the Israeli transportation systems. These structures will be interconnected with gas, water, sewage and be hooked to electricity. The plans for this extension have been on the books for a considerable time awaiting the legal machinations to play out in order to allow them to proceed. We still must ask, where on the earth are such things blown up into international criminal threats for charges to be filed against national leaders over what are simple zoning decisions and the removal of what are at best shanties. There is another level of these frustrations which are actually proudly marked with the building financiers mark despite the structures in many of these places also have no utilities, no water, no sewage, no electricity, no gas, no roads or anything necessary for modern life and minimal economic survival. These structures bear the mark of the beast, well, almost, they bear the mark of the European Union (see image below). It is beyond hypocritical that the European Union builds illegally within a region which by International Law belongs to Israel and then when Israel makes plans to demolish these structure, the European Union screams bloody murder and sues Israel through NGO’s one after another pressing the case over and over for years and then turning to international institutions such as the International Courts and the United Nations or UNESCO and other agencies all simply to block any and all Israeli construction.


Illegal European Union structures bearing obvious EU Identification signs

Illegal European Union structures bearing obvious EU Identification signs


In this current effort, they targeted not the Supreme Court, their normative agent used to implement these plots against Israel. This time the targeted they Prime Minister directly by threatening war crimes prosecution using the Rome Statutes. This worked exactly as they had hoped and he buckled despite the overt desire of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet where many insisted that Israel go ahead with the relocations and destruction. Leading these demands to continue with the order of destruction and relocating the squatters are Defense Minister Lieberman, Education Minister Bennett and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked. Still, these conspiratorial efforts are performed simply as a mean-spirited targeting only of Israel so as to prevent economic growth and the building of new residences for a growing population, not a falling off of native population as has infected European society. They are working in a concerted effort to destroy Israel by any and all means at their disposal. Europe has worked, with some few exceptions which mostly lie in Eastern Europe such as Czechoslovakia, and their ensuing two independent break-offs of Slovakia and especially the Czech Republic as well as Romania, Belarus and nations within Asia. What is interesting and takes us to our next report we will be commenting upon briefly is that if one were to list the European nations which are pursuing ways to assist Iran around the Trump imposed trade sanctions and the throttling of the Iranian ability to conduct world trade through impeding the use of the trade banks thus isolating their currency, these are the same nations attempting to destroy Israel, a coincidence which is as interesting as it is obvious. These efforts are being assisted by the United Nations (UN), the agencies of the UN, the International Courts, numerous Arab interests (but not all), Iran and the satellite supporting nations of Iran which include Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia and other choice nations. The latest threat from Iran is that should Israel “make a mistake against Iran” where mistake means attack or another little episode, such as stealing the entirety of the records from their nuclear program since 1975 through the entirety of the Mullah’s rule including tons of information in CD’s, file cabinets of papers and all forms of data taken from Tehran in a single night, then they will “raze Tel Aviv and Haifa” according to a Senior Iranian official Hossein Amir-Abdollahian talking to Russia Today TV on October 18, 2018 (see video below from MEMRI). Why are there no threats coming from the ICC to indict Hossein Amir-Abdollahian for war crimes for threatening to raze Tel Aviv and Haifa without even making the slightest of efforts to resettle the residents beforehand? We will tell you why, they are not the Jewish State and thus what they intend to do is unimportant and only Israel must be above and beyond what is expected of any other nation. Israel is expected to reach perfection according to the ideas and measures of the world bodies and the Europeans, numerous Arabs and the Iranians and meet the main requirement that Israel simply disappear by its own hand in order to satisfy their lurid dreams.



Now is the time to actually reach our conclusions rather than simply talking about what is actually occurring and leaving it at that as we do all too often. Yes, we put our slant and beliefs upon the acts, actions, speeches, legislations and world events. But now we will go further as we do on rare occasions. These are our opinions and do not necessarily represent the opinion or positions of any other institution or group outside BTC. Now on we go with the launch of the solutions. Israel needs to get on some armor and simply choose her directions and start to move. She has to stop worrying about what others might do or trying to do to prevent Israel from reaching the goals and solutions which would best serve her. Let them do their worst and we will simply do what it is we are required to do to make our nation safe and our people safe. Israel might actually be required to actually take risks, but that is often how progress can be made. The very first step which Israel must take is to become completely self-sufficient. This does not require that Israel grow all the food she requires within her borders or mine all the resources from within her border, but anything other than raw materials must be manufactured within Israel and not be relying on any foreign nation for her own defense. Currently, Israel is a slave to the United States because she is tied to the United States for her weapons, ammunition, munitions, armaments for aircraft, helicopters, fighter jets and air equality as the United States has broken her promise to provide Israel with Middle East air superiority but currently is providing Saudi Arabia, Egypt and probably Jordan with the same aircraft as has been supplied to Israel and combined these Arab and potential adversaries in the future with superior numbers against Israel leaving any equality up to the ability of Israeli pilots. Any coming war between Israel and Hamas or, even worse, Hezballah, which is the same as Iran, then Israel could lose some numbers of aircraft and armored vehicles and worse, unacceptable losses of our most precious resource, our young IDF soldiers. Should Israel be attacked and the President of the United States decide to force Israel to dance to his specific tune, all the President need do is refuse to provide the needed bullets, grenades, other munitions, aircraft, helicopters and armaments for the aircraft unless Israel dances as requested. There is an even worse scenario, the United States could decide to renege on their promises and break off any friendly relations with Israel and decide to fully back the Arab demands for Israel to be placed under Muslim rule.


Looking at the future, Israel needs to be building their next fighter aircraft and helicopters inside Israel by Israeli companies requiring only the raw metals and materials to produce the ceramics and other nano-materials and all carbon based materials, especially carbon fiber in its numerous varieties and formulae. Israel can fully afford to make all their own weaponry, munitions, arms, armaments, aircraft, helicopters, armor (which Israel already does as well as other armored vehicles) and absolutely anything else required to defend the nation and keep her people safe. The Iron Dome and Merkava Main Battle Tank are proof of Israeli ability and she had three more layers to her missile and cruise missile defense. Israel could place the manufacturing center for aircraft as well as rockets and make an entire space and air flight center in the middle of the Negev Desert (see map below). This place should have multiple launch facilities and be capable of launching as many as three to five orbital launches or further every week. This would permit Israel to become the main center for the launching of satellites for the world outside the big three, United States, China and Russia.


Israel Space Port Launch Facility

Israel Space Port Launch Facility


Using this launch facility, Israel could build a space wheel in the near future. Further, we believe that Israel could design a passenger aircraft with numerous varieties to fit the numerous different styles and types of flights from transcontinental and intercontinental to short hops which would use less fuel and fly faster while also using less runway lengths. Israel would also be able to enter into the sales of military aircraft and all of these industries would offer numerous skilled jobs of many and varied levels with most paying well. This would provide a new tax base simply through the new employment and would provide entire industries requiring different engineering degrees and mathematics as well as physics specialists. The assembly technicians would also be required to have certain special abilities. Who knows, perhaps such a location which would have so many people which design specialties, maybe Israel could make a completely green car capable of replacing the electric and gasoline and diesel vehicles with different versions from the family wagon to the sport version capable of zero to one-hundred-kilometers-per-hour in three and a half seconds. Once Israel has these industries in place and are ready to start to produce her sixth generation aircraft, then she could easily tell the United States that she no longer requires or desires their military monies. Hopefully Israel could divorce herself from total reliance on the United States before the United States cuts off all aid to Israel. This would allow Israel to make her decisions without having to conference with the United States and make sure they satisfy the State Department; buy sufficient from the Defense Industries to make the Defense Department happy and also satisfy the President of the United States while also meeting the demands of the Ambassador, the Middle East Advisors, the Special Advisors for this that and the other, the United Nations Ambassador and who knows how many other advisors; Ambassadors representing every Tom, Dick and Harry representing nations from across the globe and whomever else gets to put their two cents worth in; and tell them that we are not taking your money or need your weapons and are free to do as we please. This accomplished and Israel can tell the United Nations, the European Union, the nations of the world and anybody else who believes they have influence and the right to instruct Israel in what she must and must not do that we are free and independent and have our own hopes and desires and these will guide our actions, not any of the rest of you. Israel must become self-sufficient followed immediately by becoming fully independent and seeking that which serves Israel and her needs and not worry about what the rest of the world demands of us. This, in our version of the world, would result in our immediate establishing the borders we were promised in the original British Mandate and inform the Palestinians that they are residing under Israeli rule and are legal resident aliens and if they should partake in any terrorist or other acts against the Israeli governance that they would be deported. As for any offers to assist them in leaving by their own volition, well, that would be up to the Knesset and for them to decide if such an incentive program would be desired and how it might function. As far as Gaza is concerned, Israel should recognize it as the nation of Hamastan and then should Hamas attack Israel to continue with the infiltration tunnels, then that would be an act of war and could be taken seriously and once a state of war exists between Israel and Gaza, we would not put much hope in the entity of Gaza continuing to exist or for her population to remain once that war was completed. Some problems can be framed in such a way as they rapidly solve themselves, and that is how Israel needs address her problems, period.


Beyond the Cusp


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