Beyond the Cusp

October 1, 2016

Khamenei Frightening Regret of Nazi Defeat


Iranian Supreme Leader and Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei in a speech on September 18, 2016, while denouncing President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani calling for more investment in the economy rather than increasing military spending also made commentary which was far more disturbing. Khamenei lamented the results of World War II and insisted that military spending continue to be the highest priority even if the people are made to suffer economic hardships as Iran must not suffer the same fate which was the fate of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. What makes this all the more threatening is for Iran to suffer such a fate would require their placing themselves in a similar situation threatening other nations to the point where warfare is thrust upon much of the world in a determined effort to resist the threat of world conquest be a single minded nation led by people determined to commit genocidal cleansing of the world of all who are not subservient to them and their philosophy, or in the case of Iran, surrendered to Islam, and that would be Shia Islam. Khamenei was disturbed by the forcing of Germany and Japan into submission and forced to be disarmed which was, according to the Supreme Leader, a humiliation which Iran must never be made to suffer. Khamenei lauded the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) as the key to the success and completion of the Islamic revolution which was started in Iran in 1979 and is expected to enforce the Quranic call to conquer the world for Allah. This was the cause which Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini set as the purpose of all efforts and dedications of the Iranian people onto perpetuity. Khamenei has reinvested Iran in the dreams and goals set forth by Khomeini thus making more than their names sounding so similar as so is their dedication to the supremacy of Iran and Shia Islam.


Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei
Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini


For most nations to be led by a dictatorial leader with dreams of world conquest there would not be any serious concern as it is unlikely that they could build sufficient military to potentially pose such a risk. Muammar Gaddafi often made speeches telling his people that their suffering would be alleviated once they defeated the nations oppressing them and denying them their rightful place as leaders ruling over much or all the Earth depending on his feelings of bravado on any given day. After pushing his terrorist sponsoring too far he faced a severe kick in the ego from the United States when President Reagan struck Libya responding to a Libyan terrorist strike on the “La Belle” nightclub in West Berlin which killed three people including one American Serviceman. The American and allies response came on April 15, 1986, in the early morning hours striking numerous targets throughout Libya including the Bab al-Azizia barracks, Murat Sidi Bilal camp, Tripoli military airfield, Benina military airfield, the air defense networks in Benghazi and Tripoli and Muammar Gaddafi’s house in an attempt to kill the dictator himself. Muammar Gaddafi, with his family, rushed out of their residence in the Bab al-Azizia compound just before the bombs dropped. The warning phone call came from Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi. Among the estimated sixty killed was one infant girl who was used as an attempt to vilify the American raid. Her name was Hannah and she was displayed before Western reporters with the claim she was the recently adopted daughter of Muammar Gaddafi. All things considered, this raid ended any claims from Muammar Gaddafi of Libya being a world leader and destined to lead the entirety of the world. Libya was never actually a threat to attempt world conquest and that claim was made to excuse a retrograde economy and the suffering of the population from the failed economic state. Iran has sufficient oil which as long as the price per barrel remains above approximately $50 to $75 Iran makes a profit from a percentage to all of their wells as their oil is thick and of poor quality thus costing more to draw from the ground. This is part, if not most of the reason for Saudi Arabia pumping out close to full capacity oil production to force the price per barrel below that $50 price. This has the additional effect of starving Russia from large oil profits and makes American fracking no longer cost effective thus having a deleterious effect on every oil producing nation with whom the Saudi Arabian Royals are having difficulties.


Still, Iran is currently cash flush thanks to the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), better known as the Iran P5+1 Nuclear Deal, plus other additional payments made by the Obama Administration with a reported four-hundred-million dollar payment for presumably a broken arms deal with the Shah and definitely not a ransom for the released four American hostages. But wait, there is rumored to be more as that four-hundred-million dollar payment for the arms deal has been rumored to have been followed by another payment more than three times that size; a staggering one-point-three-billion dollars claimed to be interest of the original payment. As this payment was delivered in a secret aircraft delivery in actual American cash, thousands of hundred or even thousand dollar bills, hard currency, something unimaginable but somehow true. One can only wonder whether President Obama is going to further finance the military build-up before leaving office, and if so, how much more will he send? Additionally, even by the assessment of President Obama himself, the Iran nuclear deal will allow Iran to be within a few months of attaining nuclear weapons status after the ten year deal expires and there will be nothing to prevent Iran from building a nuclear stockpile challenging that of the United States within a year or soon thereafter once the deal has expired. But don’t worry, Iran will have calmed in that time and will no longer be set on world conquest in a decade or so. Just because Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei just declared the need for Iran to be so militarily powerful that should they set out to conquer the world they will not end as did Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan and be humbled in failure a full thirty-seven years since the 1979 revolution when the military path was first set upon. Sure, of course Iran will be a happy and cooperative nation in a decade or two, sure they will, right? Well, time will tell.


Still, one has to understand that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is seventy-seven years of age and in unknown health as such is a very secretive piece of information. Besides that, in a decade he will be eighty-seven (higher math skills paying off) and even with good health that is an advanced age. There is a possibility that he will have stepped down and a new Supreme Leader and Grand Ayatollah have been selected by the Assembly of Experts (aka Council of Experts) and now setting the direction of Iran. There could be a turn around and the next Grand Ayatollah and Supreme Leader will decide that the economy and the lives of the people are far more important than the destruction of the Great Satan (United States), the Little Satan (Israel) and/or the Wahabbist menace of Saudi Arabia. You doubt this? But President Obama has set the hopes of the free world on Iran becoming another nation happy to be a member of the community of nations and live in harmony with the rest of the world including those mentioned above. Come to think about it, you are probably right and things will probably get dicey. How dicey will depend on what the rest of the world does and the outcome of the Islamic infusion into the Western World and whether they assimilate or set on conquest, and the reaction to whichever path is chosen. The leadership in the Western World and beyond over the next decade or two will be very important and revealing on the importance for the continued freedoms of the developed Western World. Why am I so seriously concerned over this outlook?


Beyond the Cusp


May 21, 2016

Worst Nobel Peace Prize Nomination Ever?


There have been those questionable Nobel Peace Prizes awarded, let alone nominations. President Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for being elected and presumably because of the promises that he would be capable of forging an Palestinian-Israeli peace, bring the world to a period of global Shangri-La, or who knows, but many might doubt he lived up to such a bold beginning and definitely blew everybody’s faith in his future actions. Yasser Arafat was awarded one along with Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin for rehabilitating the PLO renaming it the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the world followed up by rewarding Arafat, his side kick and number two, Mahmoud Abbas, with billions of Dollars and Euros combined proving how much terrorism actually does pay. Sometimes one simply has to stop and give out the Homer Simpson comment of the week, “Doh!” This week an Argentinian Nobel Peace Prize winner has joined with leading Belgian Members of Parliament from across the political spectrum announcing the nomination of Marwan Barghouti, arch terrorist serving five life terms for only five of the dozens of Israelis murdered by his bombs and terror plans as well as likely hundreds injured, many horrifically suffering from crippling effects of these attacks. Never was a person so completely and utterly undeserving of a Nobel Peace Prize as the only peace he ever dealt with was the peace of the grave. This nomination has absolutely nothing to do with peace and everything to do with the European idea that any terrorist jailed by Israel is a political prisoner and none deserve their being incarcerated and should rather be celebrated by all mankind. There is a similar piece of insanity in the United States with the free Mumia Abu-Jamal who was convicted of murdering a police officer shooting him from across the street injuring the officer and then, according to a number of witnesses, walked calmly up to the injured and unarmed police officer and shot him execution style twice into the head. But he was misunderstood and knew not what he was doing and was only given a life sentence because of his race, not because he murdered a police officer in cold blood. Mumia Abu-Jamal and Marwan Barghouti are about equally qualified and delightful people but for some reason the supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal have yet to believe he should be considered for a Nobel Peace Prize. At the risk of giving some people an idea, perhaps this year would be the perfect year to nominate and support Mumia Abu-Jamal for the Nobel Peace Prize as he would have a fair contest and good company running against him in Marwan Barghouti. This would also be the perfect year for somebody who might actually be qualified but that might be cruel to the qualified candidate as he would not have the star quality or the public support of the farthest of the far leftists in Europe and likely much of the rest of the so-called free world. Of course all bets are off if President Obama were to force a Palestinian State on Israel through the Security Council and then enforce it with NATO troops augmented by Russian, Chinese and anybody else who desired to join in and establish the presumed perfect terror state. Anyway, what would be the real difficulty should the state they form become the next Hamastan or another district of the Islamic State or the PA formed government prove just as dangerous and capable of launching thousands of rockets into the headlands of Israel, what loss would that be?


Nobel Peace Prize 1994 was awarded jointly to Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin for their Heroic Efforts in Resurrection of the PLO Terror Menace and Threatening Israel Which are Known as the Oslo Accords

Nobel Peace Prize 1994 was awarded jointly to
Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin
for their Heroic Efforts in Resurrection of the
PLO Terror Menace and Threatening Israel
Which are Known as the Oslo Accords


We would really like to claim surprise at this development and the Europeans nominating a terror murderer who slaughtered as many Israelis, read Jews, as he was capable of enacting plans. The Cannes Film Festival which is held annually in Cannes, France, has now hosted “Munich: A Palestinian Story” by the Lebanese filmmaker of Palestinian origin Narsi Hajjaj. This apparently wonderful, accurate, and insightful film depicts the Munich Olympic Games slaughter of the Israeli Olympic Team including athletes and coaches. The film depicts the Black September, an offshoot of the PLO and thus related sort of directly to the PA, referred to the terrorists as “freedom fighters” and the Israeli Olympic Team as “representatives of an occupying country” and likely left out a small little fact, namely that Mahmoud Abbas arranged all the training, equipping and financing, especially the financing, of the terror strike which the world got to view live as it played out but apparently times have changed. Now the terrorists are being cheered at one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world and their victims as the despicable people deserving of their fate. Talk about Bizarro World? Sometimes I start to believe that the world is run by disguised family members of Mr. Mxyzptlk, the imp from the fifth dimension who one had to get to say his name backwards to return him from whence he came. The problem is that his relatives have taken new names and are serving in European Union and European government positions under assumed names so that it is impossible to return these malevolent and destructive entities to their proper dimension where they can harm the real world no further. Additionally, Iran is hosting its second annual Holocaust Cartoon Competition and France holds the honor of sending the largest contingent of competitors, of cartoonists who are likely their most talented, to compete and likely bring home many awards and potentially the gold or silver. Oh, did we mention that the French also recently voted to remove all Jewish ties to the Temple Mount and other historic locations and did so referring to Jerusalem as al-Quds, the Arabic name for Israel’s eternal and ancient Capital City. Making this theater of the absurd complete, the French claim they are qualified to hold a conference on what need be done in order to reestablish the Arab/Palestinian peace talks with Israel. They are attempting to have a minimum of twenty national representatives including numerous other European nations, potentially Arab and Muslim nations, many other anti-Israeli nations which harbor great amounts of anti-Semitism as well and have exclusively excluded Israel from taking part in the discussions as what could Israel add other than confusion and occluding and muddying the waters making reaching some just peace deal which could then be applied to the situation. And what if the French confab gets it all wrong and terrorism rains rockets onto Tel Aviv, it’s only Israel, only Jews, why bother with any concern, they will just be getting what they deserve and better them than the Europeans. Maybe if Israel is served up juicy enough on a silver platter then maybe the terrorists will love Europe and leave them alone leaving Europe in peace. The problem is not Europe, it is Israel and beyond taking out Israel there would be no reason to continue any terrorism in Europe as the Jihad would end with Israel, right?


Marwan Barghouti, arch terrorist serving five life terms for only five of the dozens of Israelis murdered by his bombs and terror plans as well as likely hundreds injured, many horrifically suffering from crippling effects of these attacks

Marwan Barghouti, arch terrorist serving five life terms
for only five of the dozens of Israelis murdered by his
bombs and terror plans as well as likely hundreds injured,
many horrifically suffering from crippling effects of these attacks


For some reason we believe that the French, the European Union, the European governments and the others outside of the Arab and Muslim worlds might not honestly understand what is driving the terrorism. It has little to do actually with Israel as it has to do with Islam and making Islam the sole religion on Earth and conquering everything for Allah. There exists the further prospect of insuring that the correct kind of Islam is practiced everywhere. The initial fight will be against those Muslims who are not practicing the religion with sufficient fervor and obedience, especially those people who chose to convert when threatened with some form of horrific death. Then there will be the struggle between Sunni and Shiite forms of Islam which will be a deadly, long and hard fought struggle killing hundreds of millions before the struggle can be claimed to have reached a termination point with either all of Sunni or Shia Muslims destroyed or converted as this has been a fight which has risen and fallen but never reached its logical end. The carnage does not stop there as there is much more to be done to complete the forging of a pure and special form of Islam. We will assume that the Sunni form of Islam will eventually prove prominent as there is a four to one ratio of Sunni Muslims to Shia Muslims.


Next comes the largely three way struggle between the main forms of Sunni Islam; the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State and Wahabbists. Eventually there would be new outcroppings of new forms of Islam with many being within the surviving form which initially would likely attempt to keep as quiet as possible and avoid the main struggle hoping against hope they will be permitted to retain their new form of Islam with some minor alterations to fit with the winner of the three way struggle. Truth is they would not get that opportunity as they would face hostilities as soon as they refused to fight in the ongoing war. Finally there would be purges based on color of skin, former religion, claims of apostasy, racial origins, and eventually purity of Arab lineage. It is very possible that by the time there could be a real and lasting peace the fighting will have murdered close to two-thirds of the entire population and even possibly over eighty percent. Islam is more of a promise for violent conflict than it teaches peace and acceptance of those of a different version of Islam, let alone practicing anything outside of Islam. How far the violence would go in destroying the Human Race is difficult to predict but something tells us that it would easily pass half and also climb past three quarters before peace could be declared. The problem is there may be inquisitions at any time should any group of Muslims be deemed requiring correction, a lesson which results in death more than correcting. Life and death will be determined largely as if by lottery as Imams will be granted full power over the Muslims residing in any area and fights breaking out between two Imams whose flocks resided in close proximity could have suspicions grow between them and finally reaching some breaking point and elevating into violence. The potential for such a breakout into violence to spread from its initial point of conflict across the face of the Earth would be one of many dangerous occurrences. And now there are Europeans who believe their intelligence and knowledge of the Arab Israeli conflict are going to attempt another peace initiative which, if we may pose a guess, will be long on demands of Israel and devoid of enforcement on any items demanded of the PA and accompanied by an influx of funding which will astonish even the most greedy of their peace makers who will also be expecting Israel to be forced to release Marwan Barghouti in addition to the majority of terror prisoners and surrender all lands beyond the Green Line as well. Nobel Peace Prizes being granted as a political statement and as an assault on a sovereign nation is beyond disgusting though some of the other potential changes fired from a Paris Convention to establish a “just” peace with the PA are beyond any rational expectation, something which Israel should expect and be ready to deal with the consequences which will once again be determined by people with no dog in the fight beyond their fictitious tying of Israel as the sole trigger of terrorism. Many nations have this fallacious concept as the reason they are assaulted by terrorists and presumably threatening Israel and all but delivering the Jews to a killing site is what these leaders honestly tell themselves will bring an end to terror attacks at home. Too bad they will have to learn this the more difficult way. No other explanation covers the actualities of Islamic terror and more aptly.


Beyond the Cusp


December 18, 2015

President Rivlin, the Post Zionist


Israeli President Reuven Rivlin has had a very interesting and denigrating visit in the United States which began with a meeting with United States President Barack Obama as we covered in our article Once Again the Discussion is How to Satiate Mahmoud Abbas where the two Presidents discussed their mutual concern of the consequences should Mahmoud Abbas and the governing Palestinian Authority (PA) fail due to one of any number of reasons, many of which were caused by Abbas and his supporting band of kleptocrats. The President of the United States was sounding out on his guest what very well will soon be an enacted plan which will more likely blame Israel generally and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for not salvaging any remnant of hope for continuing the ill-fated peace process. The aim and results of the secretive meeting between the Presidents, one, the Israeli, in a nonpolitical role and the other, the American, all too political very likely misled and made indications which though meaningless and no promise of Israeli intents or actions will still be utilized to attempt to bulldoze concessions from the Israeli government in order to reconstitute the PA and restore faith and trust in the idea that Mahmoud Abbas, Saab Erekat and the rest of the officers in the PA are agents seeking peace. This has been the misconception which had been the basis of the United States policies and decisions as well as the underpinning of the European Union and its individual governments such that their condemnation of Israel can be made with righteous indignation only exceeded by their hypocrisy and that by their resurgent anti-Semitism whose historic malfeasance is epic and writ throughout European history. We cannot say for certain that President Reuven Rivlin promised that the Israelis were willing to give away the store in order to have peace and were willing to accept almost any demand in order to satisfy Abbas and make a final peace. The problem there is for Abbas to accept a peace it would require the end of Israel as we know it. The question is whether President Rivlin knows such or is he the new Simon Peres, his predecessor as President and possibly the most damaging person to ever hold the office.


But Israeli President Reuven Rivlin’s fateful week was far from over and would hit two distinct peaks, or should we say sink to two troughs, one at the White House Hanukkah Party and the other at a very unusually decorated Haaretz Party with some questionable guests and main speaker in New York. First the White House Hanukkah Party where at least President Rivlin was not the main problem, his not making some protest, a mild and polite rebuke would have sufficed, but to pretend nothing untoward had occurred was a bit disappointing. Of what should President Rivlin made a critical comment? The Rabbi must have been carefully vetted by the White House to find the least Jewish most ardent leftist which called herself a Rabbi. What she was was a walking, talking advertisement for why Reform and Reconstructionist Rabbis and their congregations may not actually be all that Jewish and a reason for orthodoxy. The hand-picked Rabbi’s name was Susan Talve and I plan to take great care to keep the title of Rabbi separated from her name out of respect for the title of Rabbi. Susan Talve touched every liberal cause, or should we say extreme leftist as we feel that even some of the most liberal American Jews would have still felt uncomfortable with Susan Talve and even more so were she named their congregation’s Rabbi and they heard her presentation at the White House. With her opportunity to light the Hanukkah candles one would have expected at least one comment about Israel, the Maccabees, the little vial of oil burning for eight days or something related to Hanukkah, Israel or Judaism, which she did not unless leftist Democrat talking points is now considered Judaism which would be a sad commentary on American Jewish community, but we refuse to believe that the entirety of Judaism in the United States are this lost from their roots.


So, what was it that Susan Talve, the White House selected Rabbi, said which was offensive? Well, it is a multiple choice test as she made a number of questionable statements with some sufficient on their own for rebuke and the others simply further supportive evidence. For a soft preparatory introduction we will tell that she wanted her fellow Jews or Americans, she did not specify, to “clean up the fires of toxic nuclear waste.” We never realized that nuclear waste, even toxic nuclear waste, actually qualified as something on fire or even that such gave off flames of any kind by the regular definition of flames or any kind of fire, and I was a trained crash and rescue air field military firefighter; so I know a little about what constitutes a fire. Then there was another of the milder comments when Susan Talve pleaded for getting the “guns off our streets.” As the old Ronco ads said, but wait, there’s more. She has been described as screeching though I prefer to be kinder and refer to it as a high pitched emphasized with ample volume firmly warbling, “I stand here with my fierce family of clergy and Black Lives Matter activists who took to the streets of Ferguson.” Well now, guess we are starting to go off the rails finally. While rambling on about anything but the reasons and events celebrated in Hanukkah where one of the Priestly class was forced to make an apparent choice between making a sacrifice to a Syrian-Greek idol or be murdered along with the entire town he served decided to refuse the two choices and take matters into his own hands. Grabbing the Syrian-Greek unit commander’s sword the lead priest and head of the Maccabee family, Mattathias the Hasmonean, first killed the individual who stepped forward offering to make the sacrifice for Mattathias and then killed the Temple Priest who accompanied the Syrian-Greeks as they were an anathema to the Jewish religion and with the assistance of his family, Judas Maccabee and his four brothers, Eleazar, Simon, John, and Jonathan; Mattathias started the revolution with the words as he prepared to head into the Judean hills from where they fought a guerilla war eventually causing the Syrian-Greeks to depart with the words, “Those who are with Hashem come with me.”


The epitome of the offensive and anti-Rabbi whose name must not touch the title she claimed and the White House chosen Rabbi when lighting the Hanukkah Candles, Susan Talve made her dedication, probably instead of the actual blessings, “I stand here to light these lights to say no the darkness of Islamophobia and Homophobia and Transphobia.” And in her continued running at the mouth before she mercifully was seated included here represented in bits and pieces she called for, “Justice for Palestinians” and closed with the coup de gras, “InshAllah, InshAllah.”



Israeli President Reuven Rivlin Lighting Hanukkah Candles at President and Michelle Obama National Hanukkah Party

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin Lighting Hanukkah Candles
at President and Michelle Obama National Hanukkah Party



Then there was the Haaretz Party in New York, New York. As with any party this had its share of luminaries. What it did not have are supporters of Israel. This was a very exclusive event with Roger Waters of Pink Floyd and BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) supporter who has actively advised other performers against playing or performing in Israel. This is forgivable. Coming to an event where Avner Gevaryahu, representing Breaking the Silence was the featured speaker is highly questionable as long as your time at the microphone defends the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and makes known your discomfort with the invitation of such a hater of the IDF might be in order. Remaining at an event being given by what we are to assume is an Israeli news source which has removed and refused to display the Israeli flag is an insult to every caring and patriotic Israeli. One does not need be a Zionist to expect Haaretz to display the flag of Israel, particularly when inviting the President of Israel to attend and making the comfort of the Israeli President and the Israeli People he represents over an anti-Israeli representing a group which is reprehensibly defaming the IDF, is unacceptable. No foreign nation would invite the President of Israel, or any other nations’ President, and not fly the Israeli flag in honor of his presence. To not permit the flag of Israel is firstly an offense committed by Haaretz as one of Israel’s presumably premiere news sources even worse than having Avner Gevaryahu, representing Breaking the Silence, as your featured speaker and placing his speaking as featured over President Rivlin are first and foremost an insult by Haaretz against the Israeli people, the Israeli Defense Forces, and the nation of Israel.


It is solely because this event was an anathema to any respectable and patriotic Israeli and triple that to any Zionist Israeli and should have been sufficient warnings that this was not a venue suitable for the President of Israel who is presumably the representative of all Israelis and by attending and apparently having no difficulty with the insult to the nation of Israel and her people by refusing to fly our flag is where President Rivlin showed poor judgement and to put the bow on top, he gave a warm and welcoming speech expressing his pleasure and privilege for attending an event that so insulted the nation and its peoples. President Rivlin, it is your poor judgement in representing most Israelis we know, potentially every Israeli we know, that have us questioning your sensitivity to our expectations and something we would sincerely request you either become more sensitive to our feelings and sensitivities or hire a person who could assist you in sensing when Israelis like those we represent and other friends of Israel we represent from our readership that we show our concerns and hope your staff will find somebody from amongst them or from outside to alert you to such potential signs which might arouse our concerns in the future. Until such wisdom and discernment is shown by preferably yourself, or at least one in your staff, we will remain fearful that we once again have a President from whom we can again expect insult after insult to our feelings and once more we are left unrepresented in the office which is presumably tasked with representing Israel spiritually and emotionally and to show respect for our nation and its valued trappings such as the flag and the IDF. We hope that is not too much to ask of our President but thus far we are unsure such a level of dignity will be forthcoming. We have a friend who expressed suspicions that the Presidential Office or potentially the Residence itself has a particularly virulent virus which will infect every Israeli President going forward called Peresitis. We hope that you can be cured of Peresitis and have the entire trappings of the Presidency cleansed of this virulent endemic of Peresitis as soon as an antidote or other method of destroying this pathogen can be found. Until then we can only hope your case of Peresitis passes soon from your system and your developed immunity can also cure the rest of the trappings of your office from Peresitis.


Beyond the Cusp


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