Beyond the Cusp

May 28, 2017

Troubles Begin in Thinking Islam Must be Repaired by Islam


There is a theme that in order for Islam to find some means of coming to grips with modernity and make the changes necessary for it to coexist with the non-Islamic world instead of seeking to destroy all which is not Islam must be managed by those within Islam and not the remainder of the world. This is a great concept for those of us who are not Muslims as it frees us from any obligation to work to assist Islam in finding a new path. It allows those who are not Muslims to simply wipe their hands of the problematic situation and leave all the heavy lifting for those within the sway of Islam. Imagine if we had decided that the problem caused by the Nazis had to be solved by those who were part of the Nazi party et al. Where would such an idea, if followed by France, Britain, Canada and the United States have led? Well, it would probably not have been very pretty. There were those within the United States who thought that the entire Nazi war was a European problem and that it should be left to the Europeans to hash it out. Their logic was quite appealing as the United States just finished fighting a European War called, you will love this one, The War to End All Wars. These Americans, and many others who were on the fence or just tired of European catastrophic endeavors and waring for supremacy over one another, simply desired to be left at peace and unbothered with the world even if it was heading for Armageddon and going to Hades in a Handbasket. They were winning the popularist debate and had most Americans believing the European War was no business of the United States, as it would never come to American shores, it was not their problem. Well, the attack on Pearl Harbor blew all that thinking right out of the water and propelled America into the war. Those who claim that Franklin Delano Roosevelt and many in his Administration and the Congress and other leaders of business and society knew the attack was coming and did nothing to prevent it are missing the point. Had these leaders of the United States, both governmental and private, known about the coming attack, what were they supposed to do? Plead with Japan not to strike Pearl Harbor? The Japanese had already decided; so that was not going to work, as they would not alter their plans. Call for a draft before the attack and try to get some workable defense in place all but instantly? That would never have flown in Congress and even had they drafted the entire population, there would not have been sufficient pilots or aircraft to stop the attack. Once the Japanese decided to strike, the war was coming to America and there was nothing that could prevent that; so any venturing into excuses and what ifs is a waste.


There is a message in the run-up to America entering World War II, namely that some things are inescapable and the sooner this is realized, the sooner the problem can be addressed, solved, or, if necessary, eliminated and all at far less cost in treasure and manpower. Imagine if Britain had listened to Winston Churchill’s warnings when he was telling them of the coming conflagration and the inevitability of war with the Nazis. Imagine if instead of sending Neville Chamberlain to the Munich conference the British had sent Winston Churchill. The conference would not have reached any agreement, Czechoslovakia would not have been gifted to the Nazis, and just maybe Germany would have been stopped as France and Britain kept their mutual defense pact with the Czechoslovakian friends instead of simply whimpering as the Nazis were gifted half and rolled over the remaining half soon thereafter without any response from Czechoslovakia’s so-called allies. Hitler would have been stopped cold as soon as he had entered Czechoslovakia instead of months later after building his war machine using the existing arms factories he conquered as part of taking Czechoslovakia. Instead the war came after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact in which the Nazis and Soviet Union divided up Poland between them and rolled across their respective borders crushing the Polish cavalry and military meeting in the middle and that was the end of Poland with their prisoners taken to their respective conquers’ camps and many were simply executed as the Nazis and Soviets both viewed the Polish people as inferior and unworthy of consuming oxygen. This led to the most devastating war in which an unbelievable number of the resultant casualties were civilians far exceeding the totals and percentages of previous wars (see comparison between World War I and II below). It is startling that many historians look at World War II and realize that much of the death and destruction could have been avoided and the leaders of nations who could have intervened early and, by taking the bull by the horns, have stopped Hitler cold preventing his attempt at world conquest and the eradication of the Jewish People. What if the world is approaching another of those critical points where unfolding history is about to hit a divergence and the next couple of years, maybe months or even weeks, could decide the entire future of humanity? We could not be more serious.


World War II Surpassed World War I Civilian Deaths Against Military Deaths

World War II Surpassed World War I
Civilian Deaths Against Military Deaths


Manchester, Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino, Orlando, Nice, and decades of terrorist activities in Israel plus any others anybody cares to fill in are but the latest wave of Islamist attempts to conquer the world in the name of Allah in order to fulfill the prophesy from the Quran, the part written in Medina to be exact (for more on the bifurcated Quran, please read our short article as an introduction Which Quran, Mecca or Medina? which has included numerous helpful links in the comment section added by our readers). The initial Islamic attempt in world conquest began in the year 622 under Muhammad for the first decade and then Rashidun and then the Umayyad caliphs covering the first wave of Islamic expansion (see map below). This has been followed by other waves with near continuous aggressions of varying degrees. Some of the history might be of interest to many Westerners.


Islamic Expansion

Islamic Expansion


If one were to ask most Americans when was the first terrorist attack on the United States in the modern era, meaning the past one hundred years, what would be your guess. Most people would likely claim it was the attack on the World Trade Center which then requires asking which attack. Too many would then answer the one on 9/11, of course. That is the state of history knowledge for far too many Americans. The truth is there was one before the 9/11/2001 hijacking of four American airliners crashing two, one each, into the World Trade Towers; one into the Pentagon and the last one was crashed by the passengers into a field not far outside of Pittsburgh upon learning of the intentions of the hijackers. There was a first attack on the Towers on February 26, 1993, when Ramzi Yousef and Eyad Ismoil drove a truck filled with 1,336 pounds of explosives into the parking garage under Tower One with coconspirators Mahmud Abouhalima, Mohammad Salameh, Nidal A. Ayyad, Abdul Rahman Yasin, and Ahmed Ajaj all led by the Blind Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman. But even that is not the initial attack since the start of the Twentieth Century as for that we need go back to June 5, 1968, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, at 12:15 AM when Sirhan Sirhan Assassinated Democrat Party frontrunner candidate for President of the United States Robert F. Kennedy. The public was told that Sirhan was insane and simply was out of control, crazy, demented or anything other than terrorism by a Palestinian sympathizer born in Lebanon who identified with Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian cause and murdered Robert Kennedy because he supported Israel. Yes, the truth will set you free and the assassination of Robert Kennedy was an act of terrorism aimed at Israel and the United States by an Arab Palestinian supporting terrorist.


But when it comes to conflicts with Islam and the United States there is an even earlier precedent. The United States fought two wars with Islamic forces known as the Barbary Pirates who were stealing ships through piracy demanding tribute from the owning nations and taking the crews as slaves. The major slave trade in the Mediterranean was called white slavery to differentiate it from the rest of slavery in the African continent where the Arabs and Muslims played a critical role in acquisition of the African natives which were then transferred to the coast where they were bought by European slavers and then sold to ship captains who would transfer them for trading across the world. The Barbary pirates collected tributes from every nation and got more and more greedy and at some point, the United States came to the decision they were not going to be blackmailed any more. Under President Thomas Jefferson, probably the greatest of all isolationists of the Founding Fathers, the United States Navy and Marines fought the Pasha of Tripoli Yusuf Karamanli after refusing to pay the demanded tribute of $225,000, which led to his declaring war on the United States. You could say that President Thomas Jefferson obliged him.


But wait, there’s more. After the United States had somehow managed to win the war of 1812 against Britain, the Barbary Pirates thought that the United States would be vulnerable and began their piracy again, demanding ransoms. The Regency of Algiers Mohamed Kharnadji who was followed by Dey Regency of Algiers Omar Agha insisted the United States resume paying tribute this time to Algiers as their ships now ruled the seas. President James Madison showed the same resolve as had Thomas Jefferson and again the Barbary Pirates were defeated. What is of interest, the Barbary Pirates never signed an actual surrender but instead insisted that any surrender was but a Hudna. Traditionally, a Hudna lasts a decade or until the forces of Islam believe they are capable of defeating their enemies. The Barbary Hudna lasted significantly longer than a decade but it appears that it is coming to its end and they believe that the United States is primed to fall right along with Europe, Israel, India and the remainder of the world is all ready for harvest and they are out to pick it clean.


Why, you might inquire, are they so dependent on using terrorism as a way to defeat the world? Well, the world has only themselves to blame for making it appear that terrorism is the route they can ride to total victory. They watched how through terrorism and a campaign of lies and propaganda they believe they are on the verge of destroying Israel and how the Europeans have all but folded before them with terrorism and infiltration leading the way. It is simply appearing to be working and so they will ride it for all it is worth. As long as the world remains in a coma ready to surrender over enduring any struggle, then Islam will continue to surge. The continued reaction to every terror attack by the European elite is to blame Israel and the growing anti-Semitism spreading across Europe, even ahead of and in excess to the numbers of Muslim refugees joining the already present Muslim populations. The excuse that the anti-Semitism is driven by Muslims sounds hollow when percentages of those holding numerous anti-Semitic tropes far exceeds the percentage of Muslims residing in most European nations with amongst the most threatening being Sweden, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. What has been amongst the most disturbing trends are the numbers of people in the developed world who blame Israel and Jews for the terrorism when it strikes their country. There are many who claim if only Israel would give the Palestinians and the Arabs what they demand, then their own nation would be fine and the terrorism would stop. Making this even more distressing is that many of these people know that what the Arabs and the Palestinians demand is all of Israel and the Jews within murdered to the last man, woman and child and they have little problem with such a sacrifice if it would keep them quiet for a few decades, enough to last for their lives as they care not about the future, just about the now and their future. Beyond their lives, they could not care less. The willingness to sacrifice Israel is made all the more evident when votes are taken in various United Nations agencies and in the General Assembly where European nations consistently abstain rather than support Israel against false claims and demands to wrench lands from Israel through votes most recently in UNESCO. The developed world can decide to end this awakening of Islam now or pay a horrific price once the majority of Muslim nations have developed nuclear weapons programs with each maintaining and equipping ICBM’s with twenty, fifty, hundred, three hundred, a thousand or more warheads. At what point will Europe and the United States awaken to the reality that Islam is incapable of taming Islam. The reason why is basic, the pacifists cannot prevent those intent on war from violence through passivity. Islam does not require every Muslim to Jihad, but every Muslim is required to either pay, house or otherwise support those who do commit to Jihad, or at the very least, lie in order to facilitate and occlude any evidence of Jihad. And the bad new is that Greater Jihad is warfare and violence to expand Islam until Islam is the only religion worshiped on Earth and Lesser Jihad is self-improvement and the juxtaposition of the two is Taqiyya (see below for definition). Lastly, there are those few true lunatics who feel if they cannot rule the entire world, then there should be no world for anybody in which to rule.


Taqiyya defined in plain and simple easy to understand terms

Taqiyya defined in plain and simple easy to understand terms


Beyond the Cusp


March 31, 2017

ISIS is Not the Progenitor of Vehicle Terrorism


Going back we have seen attacks where vehicles were driven through crowds of pedestrians or people at festivals in London, Brussels, Paris, Munich and Nice. In each of these attacks ISIS took credit hours later or even a full day or two as if they heard the news reports and decided that they could use claiming these attacks to sell their relevance. What was disgusting was the way the media played up their claims and stated that this was a new form of terror assault which was being used against the West. The media knows what they are selling is a completely false face for reality. They are fully aware because they have previously mentioned, we cannot quite claim they actually reported as they would give it play for a few hours before the story would quickly fade from the front end loaded news. These attacks where a terrorist uses a truck or car to run into people waiting at an inner-city light rail station or at bus stops or tourist attractions and when the vehicle finally was prevented from further rammings, they would then proceed to stabbing or shooting until finally and permanently prevented from attacking more innocent victims which have been occurring for over a decade. What, you do not remember these attacks? Well, do not worry, that has been the entire desired effect of the media reporting and why they reported these attacks for a couple of hours before retreating them to the running news stories at the bottom of the scene and then soon thereafter only mentioning it deep inside section B of the newspapers reporting them because these attacks have taken place in Israel. But why would the news do all they could to hide the news of these attacks in Israel?


There is a reason which actually only minimally has to do with Israel. What it has to do with is the fact that these vehicular, shooting and stabbing attacks are incited by and committed by the Palestinian Authority and the Arab Palestinians. These are the same Palestinian Authority and the Arab Palestinians which the European Union, United Nations, European nations, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many of the NGO’s from the free and developed world finance with ever increasing amounts of funding. Sure all the funding comes with the caveat that the funds must not be used for terrorism but for humanitarian uses. What is the dirty little secret is that the Palestinian Authority, Fatah and the PLO all give large sums of cash to the families of terrorists who either are imprisoned or have died committing terrorist actions commensurate with the numbers of Israelis they murdered and injured and list these dispensations as being humanitarian funding. This means simply that they are using the funds from the West to pay the families of terrorists because of the terrorism committed by their relatives. These funds are also used for their advertising which incited for terrorist acts to be committed in addition to their schools teaching their children to be future terrorists over their other lessons. They name schools, parks, streets, soccer tournaments, children’s camps and virtually anything possible after terrorist martyrs, another term used to glorify terror, martyr. Below are some of the advertisements from the Palestinian Authority, Fatah and the PLO inciting the use of vehicles in terror attacks from the past decade. The ones towards the bottom are the most recent and most violent in its intent.


Incitement for Vehicle Terror Attacks by PLO, Fatah and Palestinian Authority

Incitement for Vehicle Terror Attacks
by PLO, Fatah and Palestinian Authority


As is evidenced above these advertisements for terrorist acts using vehicles have gotten more polished and professional with time. There is also the incitement in children’s television shows and also on radio programs. The news reports on the terror attacks play up each attack as being committed by a proud and valued citizen of the Palestinian Authority and a role model for children and their funerals are turned into parades and great celebrations given to a lost hero of their revolution against the Zionist occupiers. And one more truth, the Zionist occupiers are every Israeli. Let us clarify, not every “settler” but every Israeli. When Mahmoud Abbas speaks of the occupation he claims that Haifa, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Eilat, Beersheva and all the rest of Israel as being occupied by the Zionists and as Palestine. He often states, even reported in Western media, that they consider all of the British Mandate as Palestine and the commentators in the media restate this as Abbas only meaning the West Bank, only Judea and Samaria, when they know just as we do that he means all of Israel. This is why he has stated that even when the two state solution is settled and the “peace” treaty signed; it will not bring an end to the popular protests against the rest of the occupation. It should be noted that popular protests actually means terror warfare and intifadas and other acts against Israel just as they use currently and they will continue to claim that they be funded by the world because there is still the remainder of the occupation. Trust us when we tell you the world will rush to write him more checks despite their own financial destitution because he is fighting the good fight, he is killing the Jews. Please prove us wrong but as he has received ever increasing amounts of funding as the Palestinian Arabs have murdered more Jews, is that simply coincidence or should more be read into this seeming correlation.





We have talked previously and given evidence of the morality of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) with testimony from outside observers such as Colonel Richard Kemp. But there is always the academic who finds the evil lurking behind the IDF soldiers and their actions. Such was doctoral candidate Tal Nitzan from Hebrew University. Her research paper won a Hebrew University teachers’ committee prize for excellence. Her subject was to show that in the IDF that “the lack of organized military rape is an alternate way of realizing political goals.” Her paper explains, “In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it can be seen that the lack of military rape merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and clarifies the inter-ethnic differences – just as organized military rape would have done.” Furthermore, she claims that because the Israeli IDF soldier sees the Palestinian women as less than human, they find them unsuitable as an object for rape. At no point does this excuse for academic research even briefly entertain the idea that the average IDF soldier might come from a community where rape is considered an unacceptable act. Nowhere is the recognized high moral conscience displayed throughout the IDF ever enter the mind of this researcher. One can only ask what kind of interaction she has had with the average Israeli and if she has had contact with Israelis, what could they have been and what might have led her to reach this completely insubstantially supportable conclusion.


There is a reason, a theory which might explain her reactions. Much of the IDF combat personnel are religious soldiers. Further, the Israeli public has been coming steadily more religious. The fastest growing sectors of the public are the Chassidim, the Traditional and the Religious Zionist. The Secular community still holds the majority of the highest positions in the IDF as well as in academia, judicial positions and many other power positions. They are feeling the pressure of the increasing numbers of religious soldiers who are taking the leadership and officers training courses and doing very well. The Military highest levels are attempting to protect the secular nature of the highest positions against what they see as an onslaught by religious hordes. The animosity between the secular with the religious can only be unhealthy and the religious are feeling unwanted and also are resentful of some of the conditions being foisted upon them in efforts to push them to choose their religion or the service by having mixed company functions, mixing women soldiers in combat companies formerly containing religious soldiers and the push-back in other fields is just as hard. The resistance is futile as within a decade, two at the most, the secular majority in the upper ranks will fold and the IDF will become a far more comfortable place for religious soldiers and this will make the IDF all the better for it.


But the anger between the secular against the religious community is often palpable. This is mostly in the singular direction as for the most part the religious are unable to understand why their needs are so difficult for their superiors to be accustom with and to accommodate. There is no religious disdain for the secular sector and most of the religious simply wish their secular brothers and sisters could understand and feel the joy they receive from their religious life. They see many of the problems and troubles apparent in the secular lifestyle and believe that a more religious life would benefit many secular Jews, but they largely keep such thoughts to themselves and not pressure the secular Jews to become religious. It is also their religious life which forbids their taking any immoral actions which obviously includes not raping the Palestinian women, nothing else. This was simply inconceivable for doctoral student Tal Nitzan which was made more than evident in her paper. From the reviews we can remember, Tal Nitzan was excessively dismissive of IDF and its increasingly religious flavor. This was a sad but definitive case of predetermination clouding reason forcing a slanting of a research paper. What is the saddest part is that Hebrew University faculty thought such a work was noteworthy and gave it a teachers’ committee prize for excellence.


And now let’s see something remarkable from an Arab woman’s own testimony which will allow us to conclude and make sense.



We can now tie everything together and have these disparate stories make sense. The slanted view of the IDF as evil and thus visualizing the lack of rapes by IDF soldiers as damning evidence of their dehumanizing their enemy and their women and not the exact opposite, the respect by IDF soldiers of all human beings as precious and worthy of respect, is simply an application of every suspicious belief by secularists that the religious are just as driven and consumed by sexual desires as are they. This was evidenced by the witness testimony of what initially appears to be a hysterical Arab woman but who is simply expressing something she witnessed which altered her life’s view of the world and the Jewish IDF soldiers. She probably had believed the stories and anti-Semitic incitement coming at her twenty-four hours a day seven days a week and when that IDF soldier entered their house, she probably expected him to start shooting everybody starting with the baby. When instead he shared food and water and then took the woman and baby along with the others to a safer location, this was a life altering event which she could not tell calmly as it was beyond believable; yet she witnessed it as it happened. The average Arab never has such a moment and continues with their belief that the Jews stole their homes and that there is no attachment of the Jews to the land of Israel. There is little hope that the incitement can be overcome as it would require each and every Arab to witness the kindness from a Jew and realize that what they were seeing was normative for the Jews and not a trick, which is what they would be told. Any kindness from the Jews is explained as a trick in an attempt to steal or gain undue advantage and Jewish kindness is to be suspect, not believed no matter how many examples one might witness. The Arabs are told that the Jews, the Israelis, are shooting their youth in the street for no reason and not because they are defending their own lives against attacks. They believe the Pallywood scenes which show the Jews murdering an innocent girl who was out picking flowers and then planting a knife and that this is the way of every case where a stabbing was the reason. Never is an Arab shot in the process of a terror attack; yet the same Arab will also be lauded as a martyr who died in an attack on Jewish Infidels. That is correct, he died attacking Jews but was murdered as an innocent and the knife placed beside him and both stories are celebrated equally and as valid. There are those Arabs who have learned the truth and now witness for Israel such as Walid Shoebat. Eventually the truth will out and the faster Israel becomes a nation of religious Jews, the sooner the truth will come through if for no other reason than that will end the tension and struggle pitting Jew against Jew, at least in Israel. As for the leftist Jews in the United States, well, they will not be Jews in another generation because already their children are mostly not considering themselves Jewish, or they are becoming religious and with a better than average chance of Zionist and will be in Israel and not the United States in the next quarter century. Things are soon to improve; and if the Western and developed world would cut off the flow of money to the Palestinian Authority, things would improve almost immediately. Once Abbas cannot pay off those protecting him, his days are over and then things will either improve or deteriorate catastrophically. Either way, the problem would then be solved definitively. Maybe then ISIS might be the next progenitor, though with the Palestinian Authority gone, ISIS too might very well evaporate into nothing more than the mist of horrific memory.


Beyond the Cusp


March 30, 2016

Not as Simple as America Safe Europe Not


There has been much discussion over the lapses in security follow-through by Belgium Security Forces which may have contributed to both the Paris attack and the more recent Brussels bombing as Molenbeek neighborhood produced both terror cells and much of the planning for both attacks were carried out there. Additionally, the leader of the Paris attacks was captured by Police in that same area. We have heard that Turkey had deported a number of Belgians who had been arrested attempting to enter Syria presumably to join the Islamic State and that the Belgian authorities did little if any follow-through and allowed these people to slip from view of enforcement personnel. There was told that the United States and Israel had both warned Brussels of the coming attack with some information pointing to Molenbeek and bombing of the airport and main subway station, the exact targets. Still, the Belgians did little if anything.


From this one might think that the situation in Belgium in general and in Brussels particularly was excessively lax considering the warnings received. What many may not have caught is that much of Europe and the world are similarly not well protected from terrorism. Egypt had a Russian jet loaded with a bomb explode over the Sinai and just this week had another aircraft hijacked by a disturbed individual. Though the hijacking was not technically terrorism, the people suffered through an ordeal which for all intents and purposes was an act of terror. The number of attacks across Europe since 9/11 has far outstripped that of the United States, a fact that almost every news coverage stressed, especially those based in the United States. This begs a few questions as to what are the differences between Europe and the United States which might account for this difference.


Could it be as simple as availability as most terrorists can walk to Europe from the Middle East or Northern Africa (MENA) where the United States would take a deal of swimming. That makes entry into the United States more regulated despite its presumed porous southern border with Mexico. One fact many are not aware of is that the southern border of Mexico is heavily guarded and short of bribery one does not cross without proper authorizations which in a strange manner makes that porous southern border of the United States a little safer. But there is a greater difference and it has to do with dividing the authority and assignment for responsibility to prevent terrorist strikes. The fact that the United States has an overriding security apparatus which operates nationally while each state operates locally makes all the difference. When one police force in Europe gets any evidence of a terrorist cell operating within their area, they would hopefully monitor them. But what if their plans are being sent cryptically to a cell the other end of Europe, what would the interaction appear as. Would it be as the Turkish, Israeli and American security warned the Belgians. Even with warnings, would there be in existence the infrastructure in their police to handle such intelligence. Very likely not and this needs to be made evident to those in the United States of their good fortune for being a republic binding the fifty states together in cooperation with set rules and assignments and this is their security which is lacking in Europe.


Let’s do a thought experiment. Imagine the United States never did become one nation and instead became fifty nations just as Europe has different nations. There would be different languages spoken in some of the nations due to the primary immigrants and no universal English preferred as was the case for over two centuries. How well would the individual nation states be at handling security? Would they have in place a unified method of securing their airports? Would they have the funding for expensive scanners and detectors for every air terminal? What would they do with individual bits of information from the many varied individual nation states to figure out a grand scale the targets for terror strikes? Remember that the United States had the CIA, the FBI, Military Intelligences, all the individual state, county, city and rural police. All together they might have been able to piece together the 9/11 attacks and prevented them. They had all the pieces and even the computer of one of the conspirators along with all their levels of security and they missed it! Europe has no overriding law enforcement which can operate freely and without any interference from local authorities. Don’t even try to claim INTERPOL which puts out its Ten Most Wanted lists and attempts to coordinate two hands clapping patty-cake from two people across the room from each other, it does not mesh well.






That is the problem in Europe, no coordinating body which can gather all the information and coordinate efforts. Even if INTERPOL had the smoking gun they would still require local police and security personnel to act to prevent any catastrophe. There was one article which got the solution correct, but it will require the nations of Europe to make a decision. Will the nations of Europe actually make an effort to cooperate if an overseeing agency is activated and placed responsible for tracking all things terror related and to whom these individual police and security agencies would necessarily need to report all leads and respond to any inquiries. Without their agreement in advance there is no reason for going through the actions as full coordination and cooperation is the key to success, just as it works, mostly, in the United States. What would rankle the nerves of the Europeans the most is that the overriding group would be NATO and would necessarily coordinate with Israeli security services in order to gain the whole picture. There would also be coordination with Egypt, Jordan and any other government willing to share solid and good information and intelligence. We all know that the European will do almost anything not to appear to react as Israel acts. They view the Israelis as paranoid lunatics who howl at the full moon and other imaginary threats. The Europeans are convinced that through respect and deference they can avoid terrorism like has been levelled against Israel, justifiably by most European thinking. Well, that same snake which the Europeans have been financing for decades has finally come home to roost and is killing Europeans and not just Jews. The time has passed where Europe needed to awaken to the threat levels they are facing and it is not too late, but it is imperative that action start and start soon to fight this rising menace. Either Europe will learn from the United States for coordinating across state lines and from the Israelis on how to implement smart security.


A final note on air safety. We have done our share of international flying in the past five years and have seen differing levels of security in the United States and elsewhere. We also have had more than sufficient relations with others including one friend whose plane landed in Brussels minutes after the terror attack, their ordeal was harrowing at best and maybe, just maybe, their luggage will find them again some day in the not too distant future. United, American, Southwest and whatever airlines you care to mention with one exception rely on whatever security the airport at which they fly from provides. That is pure insanity as that does not guarantee a level of expertise or efficiency that provides a safe environment for their passengers and employees. Many of these airlines met with Israeli representatives who described the means by which very few El Al aircraft has ever been successfully hijacked. The solution explained by El Al have always been regarded as the best methods for protecting passengers and aircrews but also too expensive and man-hour intensive to be utilized by these other major carriers. They claim passengers would refuse to pay the extra required for such screening while El Al does the multi-layered screening of passengers and background test their crews leading to the safest flying experience possible. Even further, the El Al aircraft are fit with Elbit Systems C-MUSIC anti-missile Protection systems, and that alone is worth the price of the fare.





The people at El Al take these incidents very personally. One of the most daring and astonishing stories is well worth reading titled How to thwart a gunman at 29,000 feet, by the only pilot who ever did. Please take the time and read this true story of one pilot who asked the right questions and used every bit of resources he had to foil an armed hijacking using guile, skill and a large dose of chutzpah. Meanwhile, if Europe is going to get a handle on the terror threat they prefer to pretend is not real, they are going to have to accept facts and deal intelligently with the threat and find a means for a coordinated effort by whatever means. NATO is simply the best suited with its current configuration and technical abilities and was designed to protect Europe from threats, that may as well include current terror threats, and let us all realize that maybe the Israelis actually know what they are dealing with and one might learn a thing or two.


Beyond the Cusp


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