Beyond the Cusp

September 23, 2016

Can There be a Single Palestinian State?


This question has been raised numerous times as has the other question of whether or not the lands west of the Jordan River were recognized until the November 29, 1947 United Nations illegal vote to further divide the area set aside for the Jewish State under International Law which was rejected by the Arab League who decided on a war of genocidal annihilation and for taking all the land over the dead bodies of the Jewish State and every Jew they could lay their hands upon. It was not Israel’s fault they were unable to defeat the nascent Jewish State. It was not the fault of Israel that Jews have been persecuted and expelled from most Middle East Countries and they managed to find refuge in Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey. reported that since 1948, 850,000 Jews have been expelled from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen and other Middle East Countries. Israel is not “Occupied Palestinian Land”. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish People and the only safe haven for Jewish Refugees in the Middle East. Israel knows that should the entirety of the case for another Arab failed state to be formed from the lands which were the British Mandate ever come before any International Court including, or even especially, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) all the Israelis will need do is present the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Conference Report, the Treaty of Sèvres and Article 80 of the United Nations Charter and the court will have no choice but to award the lands west of the Jordan River in its entirety to Israel and the Jewish People and possibly allow for the placing the entirety of the “Palestinian People” across the Jordan for the Arab League to decide their fate. We already know what the Arab League will do, they will immediately capture and hold every last Arab and place them is squalid camps to rot until time and the wearing down of the will of the world results in a war against Israel in order to give these people, the new refugees plus all the old ones, a land atop the dead bodies of the Jewish State. The Arabs will become additional refugees cared for by UNRWA which will demand funds from the Western and non-Arab Worlds with the Arabs pledging but rarely providing any aid except in the form of explosives for bomb-belts for terrorists to use to blow up Israelis, most often women and children as those setting the explosives are just as craven and cowardly as their leadership. But what about the viability of an Arab Palestinian State, is such a thing possible?


Ah, yes, that chimera known as the Arab Palestinian State. That would require the impossible, the locating of leadership acceptable to the entirety of the leadership, the most fractured of leadership, of the so-called Palestinian People. Such an entity would be as impossible as resolving the untying of the Gordian Knot, the knot which Alexander the Great was unable of untying and instead cleaved in two with his sword instead. The initial problem is the obvious need for reconciliation between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Arab Palestinian Authority (PA) as well as Fatah which rules the PA. Hamas is an Islamist group which is largely sponsored by Iran though remaining loyal on paper to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and their being a sworn Sharia State of religious extremists sworn to the annihilation of the Jewish State and every citizen within including the Arabs and the further extermination of all Jews throughout the world on their way to establishing the World Caliphate. The PA is a nationalist entity also sworn to the destruction of the Jewish State, the Zionist Entity as they have refused to accept the statehood of Israel, and the murder of every Zionist and Jew found within replacing it with another Arab democratic dictatorship where the casting of votes is secondary to who does the counting and verification of the election and the votes cast. This is the simplest of problems facing unifying the Arab Palestinians and forming a state, the unification of the governments in Gaza and Nablus is the obvious divide and step one.


Gordian Knot and Alexander the Great

Gordian Knot and Alexander the Great


Then there are the additional problems facing anybody seeking the real and true leadership of the two separate and unequal factions of Hamas and the PA. Let us take the Gaza Strip and the rule there of Hamas and see what is within that onion as we peel back the layers to the very cores hidden within. Hamas currently controls the majority of the lands and people but faces threats to their claim to the throne by a number of other groups, some even more viable than Hamas can itself offer. The most evident threat comes in the form of the true and faithful representative of the MB which has not been corrupted by Iran, the Islamic Jihad group. Just as Hamas was the religious fanatic groups against Fatah, Islamic Jihad is the pure entity uncorrupted by power and outside influences carrying on the good fight for the MB. They claim to be the true and clean representatives for the religious Jihad being waged against the Jewish State and accuse Hamas of corroborating with Israel whenever they face political realities and enforce a ban of the firing of rockets into Israel. The enforcement on bans of firing rockets until such time as an actual attack plan on Israel has been formulated and formalized is imposed by Hamas, waiting until then for choosing an actual warring front against Israel being readied and the supporting rocket fire planned and to their (Hamas’s) advantage. Until that time Hamas is unwilling to choose to fight Israeli presumed oppressive and subjugating rule and occupation in Gaza. The problem with this presumption is simple as Israel departed the entirety of Gaza in a painful destruction of the Israeli Jewish communities which some remain unable to restart their lives and farms within Israel. Israel turned the entirety of Gaza over to the PA who simply handed it over to Hamas after Hamas won the elections within the PA legislative body largely on the support from the Gazans voting in their favor. They then conquered Gaza taking it in an abrupt and short coup where a fair number of PA members were killed or sent fleeing back to Nablus in Judea and Samaria and the center of power for the PA. That would be the final rift to repair and likely the most difficult.


Islamic Jihad likely has the support of what would become their rivals should the Islamic Jihad Islamists ever take control of Gaza. Hamas has become detested because they refrain from firing rockets into Israel before they have actual achievable objectives which are feasible and the detailed plans worked out and practiced. Hamas rules Gaza through intimidations and a strict enforcement by their Force 21 elite fighters. Hamas has also enlisted the support of many of the Tribesmen who also sport fighting units which they control and could turn on Hamas immediately as they would show weakness and vulnerability. Islamic Jihad could likely expect the support of the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and various other crime bosses and Islamists itching to constantly fight against Israel with no real game plan or overriding planning which Hamas insists are a necessary evil best carried out in calm but seething silence. Further, the Islamic State would like to see their leadership become the ruling force in Gaza as well as in Judea and Samaria which would assist their claims to proper rule representing the will of the people. If either Islamic Jihad or Islamic State were to assume power in Gaza, they would be ruling under their claim to have replaced Hamas completely. Should such a coup occur the initial signs would be the slaughtering or execution of the leadership of Hamas along-side any Hamas known allies caught using mass hangings with which to clean the area of “traitors” and all opposition.


Such a sustained journey to capture any and all their leadership would present such a challenge that the immediate response would result in a reduction in numbers which Hamas claims is the heart of the resistance as well as the knowledge of where the supplies are stored which would be required to continue the war of attrition against the State of Israel. As soon as Islamic Jihad or any other group might rise to power they would be facing the same threats to their rule as currently are faced by Hamas. They would necessarily immediately execute massive rocket fire on Israel which would be countered by the Iron Dome Systems placed near every main city and targeting the front lines against any current Hamas rocket and missile threats. The group taking over Gaza would face the daily problems of housing those whose homes have been destroyed or rendered unsafe through action taken in response to former threats from Israel. The new leaders in Gaza would learn quickly that running a city, a province, requires people dedicated to cleaning of Gaza and providing security, the rule of law and a myriad of other services plus the need under all of this of a fully volunteer force which would do as their passage to safety. Ruling a people requires such not so trivial problems such as a currency valued to continue trade of goods and services, trash pick-up, power generation, water purification and distribution, sewage treatment and numerous other relative works required by any modern society. Much of what Gazans receive are gifts provided through Israel which includes electricity, water, natural gas and other seemingly necessary items. The demands of leadership such as these and a million other otherwise petty actions would take on lives of their own demanding resolutions and access to resources, resource management would become an important and new task requiring a talented entity to carry out such a demanding position. Any new leadership would face a very steep learning curve and an unforgiving public demanding immediate attention and relief.


Then there soon comes the challenges of payments for services provided and rendered which requires a tax or other money stream and sooner or later the Islamic Jihad becomes the Israeli puppet masters preventing near constant rocket fire not desiring the additional need to command during a raging conflict with Israel and Hamas would now become the pristine and clean choice to attack Israel unmercifully. These comparisons and different leadership eventually would require some form of coalition of the groups sharing the same philosophy concerning Israel to lead in Gaza. Whomever it turns out to be leading such a groups would necessarily be a religious jihadist who believes that Islam must invariably rule the entireties of planet Earth, that Islam will eradicate the Jews from the Holy Lands and then the rest of the Jews around the world, and further that Allah will solve every problem and break down every barrier they might face. Should such a force become a viable leader for the entirety of the planet, the industrialized and modern world could forget all about individual freedoms as under Sharia it is all about the collective underlying Ummah which blindly obeys the Imams who rule religiously over the planet taking from it any will to live free and act independent of the Imam’s choking iron fist. That is the promise Gaza offers for the Arab Palestinians and eventually the world. There is no difference between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Daesh, the Islamic State (ISIS).


Over in Nablus is a different monster and it goes by the name of Mahmoud Abbas and his sons. They have an economic relationship with power and found that power enriches at a level commensurate with corruption. Mahmoud Abbas at age eighty will eventually fall and then comes the free-for-all to determine his successor. There is no heir apparent though there are a few favorites. There is a list of who’s-who of the Fatah ruling elite all of which desire to replace Abbas. Here is that list with their jihadist names in parenthesis and then we will talk about some of the more powerful and likely successors to Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen): Al-Tayyeb Abdul Rahim (Abu al-Tayyeb), Zakaria al-Agha (Abu Ammar), Azzam al-Ahmed, Mahmoud al-Aloul (Abu Jihad), Marwan Barghouti, Ahmad Sakhr Khlousi Basseiso (Sakhr Basseiso), Mohammad Dahlan (Abu Fadi), Hassan Ahmad Abu Einein (Sultan Abu Einein), Saeb Erekat (Abu Ali), Othman Abu Gharbieh, Muhammad Ghneim (Abu Maher), Muhammad al-Madani, Sharif Ali Meshaal (Abbas Zaki) (Abu Meshaal), Jamal Muhaisen, Nasser al-Qudwa, Jibril Rajoub (Abu Rami),Nabil Abu Rudeinah, Nabil Shaath (Abu Rashid), Hussein al-Sheikh, Mohammad Shtayyeh, Tawfiq al-Tirawi (Abu Hussein), and Salim Zanoun (Abu Adib). Saeb Erekat (Abu Ali) had the misfortune of being the heir apparent to Mahmoud Abbas but Abbas is viewed with such a jaundiced eye by the Arab Palestinians that anybody Abbas would support they would equate with poison. Saeb Erekat has another problem in that while he would be a competent leader he does not have the stomach for what would be demanded of him to remain in office. Marwan Barghouti is another of the terrorist arm of Fatah and is currently serving five life sentences in an Israeli High Security Center in which the “inmates” who are all Arab Palestinian terrorists and their planners and bomb makers, a really sweetheart of a group, live with generous conjugal visitation rights, sporting events such as volley ball, soccer and others, often hold extended family picnics and other activities more in common with summer camp than prison camp which was proven when a terrorist stabber a few years back was insistent that the IDF security checkpoint soldiers arrest him to the point of repeatedly attacking them until he got his wish. When his case came before a judge he pleaded to be found guilty of the crimes he had confessed to having committed despite the judge knowing different. When finally he was broken down to giving an honest confession it turned out he wanted to be sentenced to life in prison for having killed at the least five Israelis so he could be well employed and eat well and having his family be financially well off and taken care of due to his “criminal acts murdering Israelis.” He confessed that he could not find work as a carpenter as those jobs were given to family and friends and not to actual carpenters. He eventually was simply released and cleared of all charges and was warned that should he come before the courts again he would be tried for perjury and imprisoned with no Israelis lives to his discredit. Back to Marwan Barghouti, possibly a competent leader but also a terror mastermind who plans bombings which has made his the poster child of the European Union, many European government agencies and the United States State Department. His candidacy is supported by many in the West which may be his undoing. Already there are calls from across Europe for his release so he can run against Abbas should there ever be elections. Ever be elections, now That’s Funny but also so predictable and tragic.


Mohammad Dahlan (Abu Fadi) is one of the favorites of the rank and file terrorist members of Fatah and a solid politician in the most corrupt of ways, which is what qualifies him for the job of replacing Abbas. He is another one the Western World finds irresistible. We believe we have figured out why the West falls for some of the worst of these candidates, they support any of the terror masters who can wear an Armani suit and look comfortable doing so. Dahlan is another of those who sends others to their deaths in the cause he believes people should commit even unto death to believe in. He claims to have such strong beliefs in the elimination of the “Zionist Entity” yet somehow he is still with us. Some of the others with which we are familiar include Jibril Rajoub (Abu Rami), Nabil Shaath (Abu Rashid), and Tawfiq al-Tirawi (Abu Hussein). We copied the original list from a PDF formatted report titled Fatah Central Committee Profiles which has a complete profile for each person and far more information than we could ever contain in a single article. We advise those interested to seek this and use it as an introductory piece covering the aspirants to succeed Abbas as Chairman of the Fatah Party. Whether that would suffice to give them a leg up for assuming other positions Mahmoud Abbas holds which include but are not limited to Fatah Chairman, Palestinian Authority President, Secretary General of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization terrorist group), and considered the general spokesperson free from terrorist ties. That position is held despite the common knowledge that Abbas was instrumental in the planning and arranging finances and travel for the Munich Olympics terrorist squads who murdered the Israeli Olympic Team and coaches. It is also known that Abbas has taken numerous other planning and financing position assisting with terrorism. Still, as anyone can see, once Mahmoud Abbas no longer rules in Nablus the ensuing warfare which will come before a new leader emerges guarantees the next leader will be the person with the deepest terror support and a man of weapons, not peace, thus changing nothing.


So, even if one could arrange the two main geographic sides settling their differences and expectations through elections, there would be no guarantee the elections would resemble anything representative and is but a pipe dream. Even after complete elections there will be those on either side who will desire contesting the results by assuming whatever power they are capable through force of arms. Then one need address the individual elements within each side and arrange for a period of international control preventing any criminal tampering with the election material such that their preferred candidate, often themselves, wins the positions desired. Then would be the real and actual fun of assuring those elected would survive long enough to assume their office and then actually get to conduct business without the same corruptions taking over the government.


That is your Arab Palestinian State, part fascist, part religious fanatics, all violence and tampering with government and all this with an undercurrent of a terror war with Israel driving decision making and diversion of funds to weapons purchases and development. As we have witnessed in Gaza, the allotting of concrete and cement with rebar and much other construction materials being provided under the demands of the European Union for the rebuilding of the residential structures so the hundreds, if not thousands, of homeless Gazans could return to homes and apartments has failed. All that has been built are tunnels under the border into Israel for kidnapping Israelis or attacking Kibbutzim. There was sufficient provisions for the rebuilding of numerous apartment buildings yet almost none were constructed. Instead of apartments or other facilities for the people of Gaza over ninety percent according to estimates was confiscated for use in building tunnels under the border and into Israel to carry out terror attacks. The redirecting of these provisions was committed from under the “watchful” eyes of the United Nations and European Union. What was the suggested solution to this theft and tunnel construction? The forces that are in the positions of power decided that what was required would be a constant stream of construction materials until the apartments and other structures would be completed claiming that not all the material could be stolen if sufficient were passed across the border daily. They also pointed out that the only way that sufficient material could be transferred would be to remove the restraints and allow trucks to cross freely into Gaza from anyplace and at any time. Hamas and Islamic Jihad could not steal that much that fast and that would end their interference with the rebuilding projects. These people are simply brilliant beyond comparison such that it makes one wonder where they find such mentally defective people. The alternative is even more frightening to contemplate, that these people are actively trying to assist in the murder of over six-million more Jews in Shoah II, the wrath of the European Union with the return of the fascist anti-Semites. When the Jews stated emphatically and resolutely, “Never Again,” we meant “Never Ever Again” even if we need take on the entire world, something that often appears to be knocking at our doorstep ever closer each day after the last. Be warned that if that is what the world doth demand of us, then that is where we will stand, but do not expect us to fight alone as there are a few hundreds of millions for whom standing with the Jews this time will be their pleasure though they fathom it as a calling not to be denied.


Beyond the Cusp



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