Beyond the Cusp

October 7, 2017

The World Often Appears Insane


Well, not necessarily the whole world all at once, but there is plenty of crazy to go around. Currently, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein is the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights as well as being Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein of Jordan. That is right; he is one of the Crown Princes of Jordan and direct relative of Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein of Jordan. He has instructed the United Nations Human Rights Council to distribute letters to over one-hundred-fifty major companies warning them that should they continue trading with Israeli companies which may have business dealings or selling their products in the “Occupied Territories,” also known as Judea and Samaria, then they will be black listed making it illegal for nations to use their products or services. Most of these companies appear ready to move all their operations from within Israel and possibly to cut off all trade with Israel. This is straight-forward blackmail and a blatant attempt to place universal sanctions on the nation of Israel.


This is in addition to the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) making rulings that divest Israel from the Temple Mount, the Cave of the Patriarchs (Cave of Machpelah where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, and Leah are buried) Jerusalem, Hevron, Judea, Samaria and given time assuredly anyplace on planet Earth. All of these came after UNESCO became the initial United Nations agency to admit the Palestinian Authority under the guise of being the country of Palestine. This came on the heels of Mahmoud Abbas declaration declaring the end of the Palestinian Authority replacing that name on all paperwork, passports and other legal document with State of Palestine in January on Monday January 7, 2013. Then there is the fact that the UNHRC has as the initial part of the agenda for every gathering the denunciation of Israel as a required item. Below is a quote from UN Watch concerning the obsessive, one might say maniacal, nature of the United Nations General Assembly.


GENEVA, Dec. 21, 2016 – The UN General Assembly has wrapped up its annual legislative session by adopting twenty resolutions against Israel—click here for detailed chart—and only six resolutions on the rest of the world combined, with three on Syria, and one each on Iran, North Korea and Crimea.


If it were only the United Nations, it could be ignored; but it goes so much further. Recently, INTERPOL decided to admit Palestine as a new member nation. Just place that front and center in your mind and imagine INTERPOL sending their Palestinian inspectors to aid in finding the reasons behind the recent attack in Las Vegas. Additionally, the European Union has ordered Israeli goods to be marked separately if they were produced in Judea and Samaria. If the wording were to be carried to the ludicrous extent, then this special labelling could be placed on any item that might contain parts that were produced in Judea and Samaria. If one were to carry it to even further extremes, one could simply mark everything Israeli made as from Judea and Samaria. There have been some unintended consequences of this system where adopted as some people have actually sought items marked in this manner for purchase over items not carrying the stigma. Sometimes, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, as we all know all too well. Then there have been a long list of European nations that have either recognized Palestine or passed rulings supportive of recognition but not actually formally recognizing Palestine. The Vatican also recognized Palestine. There actually is an internationally respected and often accepted document from the International Alliance for Holocaust Remembrance which contains a suggested legal Definition of Anti-Semitism. This definition has been accepted by many nations for prosecuting crimes but somehow the definition never quite gets applied to the government actions.


There is an area which deserves note, the many individual states within the United States which have passed laws making any invocation of BDS (boycott, divestment and sanction) against Israel by any government agency as well as business or company doing business or receiving State contracts illegal and as a disqualifying act. The Federal Government has not adopted such legislation despite it being potentially a part of their responsibility as part of international trade and dealing with a foreign nation. What most people are unaware of is exactly how and where the BDS movement began. The origin was the Arab boycott of all things Israel started in 1948 and decided upon before Israel was even declared a nation. The Arab League at the bidding of the PLO took the Arab boycott of Israel and decided after watching what happened with the Apartheid boycott of South Africa that they would adopt the same idea and reasoning with Israel. It does not matter that in Israel Muslims are granted all the same rights as Jews as are Christians and every religion, race and ethnicity. Israel is a multicultural democracy as well as the Jewish State. But the Arabs are betting that because Israel is the Jewish State that they can make people believe that only Jews have rights. That would be the same as believing that in France no one of English or German origins could have equal rights.


European Union Labels for Products from Judea and Samaria

European Union Labels for Products from Judea and Samaria


These efforts are playing on the historic idea the Jews are different and prefer other Jews and are united against non-Jews. They particularly misuse the Palestinian Arabs as not having rights in Israel where they have rights except voting as they are not Israeli citizens and most were Jordanian citizens and still have Jordanian passports. Claiming that Palestinians should have full rights in Israel would be equal to claiming that Mexicans should have full rights in the United States. But this works because of Arab propaganda which has a multi-billion dollar industry backing the efforts and have been attempting to destroy Israel for decades, actually over half a century and approaching a century. The Arabs have been fighting against allowing any Jewish State since the end of World War I after the Ottoman Empire was defeated and the Balfour Declaration was made public in 1917. Unfortunately, Israel does not have a department specially designed to fight this propaganda war and this proved a disaster after the Durban Conference (World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance) in 2001 which was turned into an Israel hate-fest. The following Durban Conferences were basic repeats of the original. These Durban Conferences have become so toxic that the United States, Israel, Canada and a number of European nations amongst others have refused to attend. But not to worry, hatred of Israel will remain a part of the world’s agenda in far too many places for as long as the Arab nations demand on pushing their agenda to destroy Israel and Islam insists on declaring their war against the Jews.


Beyond the Cusp


October 14, 2016

UNESCO Continues the Lies


UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, recently proclaimed a historic revelation that the Jewish People have no historic connection to the Temple Mount. This is the Temple Mount where Herod extended the area building the modern walls in order to enlarge the area such that the Temple he built, the Second Temple, would stand in a large plaza making the building and its environs more grand. This is the same Mount Moriah where Solomon constructed the First Temple which was a wonder of the world of that era. This is the area which overlooked the city of David which is currently being archeologically and meticulously excavated and where numerous findings of ancient Jewish history from the First Temple era many providing proof almost word for word what was written in the Old Testament (see video below). But all this Jewish historical stuff is of no concern to the modern world of men of study and the deciders of truth, the new truth which bears an uncanny similarity to the “Big Lie” sold by the Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels that the Jews have no real history and that by disowning the Jew the world would be free and all would become right with the world under the leaders of the Third Reich.



But who are the members and the ruling deciders of this great human endeavor known as UNESCO? The Organization claims to include have 195 Members and 10 Associate Members. A listing in alphabetical order can be found here and for the record they include Israel as a member state as well as Palestine. Looking a bit deeper into the organizations we find it had numerous field offices set up to oversee regional interests. There is one in Khartoum which oddly enough does not decide anything for Africa where the Sudan is located but instead decides for the Arab States. As a matter of fact, there are a large number of regional offices which are dedicated to the Arab States including one in the vicinity of Israel, Ramallah. There is no regional office in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv nor does any regional office list Israel amongst the nations they are responsible for looking out for her interests. Israel appears to be the sole nation in the world for whom no representation is provided in UNESCO, but my bet is they would claim that they are covered by the offices for Europe.


The offices for Europe are listed as covering Europe and North America and are located in these cities; Brussels, Geneva, New York and Venice. Our bet is that if one were to inquire as to whether any of these field offices is responsible for Israel their immediate answer would be no, that is part of the Middle East, and then perhaps look up in some book and reply, wait, it does say we are responsible for Israel in here, who knew? Just for the record, there are no offices responsible for the Middle East and all offices which one might suspect would be are instead labeled Arab States in order to separate their coverage of the Middle East and North Africa to include every state except Israel, specifically except Israel. Perhaps that explains why they are unaware of any Jewish claims, when Israel tries to protest they tell them to bring that up in their regional office of which they have none. Israel is not directly represented in UNESCO, which is the plain and simple truth. As Israel has no representation through any field office, there are no Jewish State interests which UNESCO could be said to cover or even hear about. This is nothing new to anybody following the machinations of UNESCO who will remember their insistence on admitting the country of Palestine and setting up a field office for now in their current temporary capital of Ramallah. The generous people at UNESCO also recognized that there is no Jewish history or attachment to Jerusalem, the Cave of the Patriarchs where Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah are buried and is located within a large rectangular Herodian-era Judean structure which has been since modified to sort of resemble a Saladin-era mosque.


The recording of this plot is in the Old Testament, the Torah, stated that Abraham bought the Cave of Machpelah as a burial place for his wife Sarah, Abraham did not argue or haggle on the price paying well above market price for this cave with the field of Ephron the Hittite outside Hevron. Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver. Abraham paid for the land and cave using foreign monies such that the cave and field were not bought with Canaanite currency thus it could not be claimed that Abraham was in any way just another Canaanite thus reinforcing a distinction Abraham made all his days that he was of a different people than those amongst whom he resided. Abraham even took care to find Isaac a wife from outside Canaan and from a member of the tribe, the family from which Abraham was descended, Laban, the son of Nahor, Sarah’s brother. This was the extent of Abraham specifying his separateness in Canaan for he had been told by Hashem that he was to be the father of a new tribe which was to be separate from all the existing tribes. Such was the beginning of the Israelites whose tribes of Judah and Benjamin and their Priestly class became known as Judeans and eventually simply Jews.


Back to UNESCO we find that Israel National Commission for UNESCO is listed, believe it or not, as a part of Europe and North America as their overseeing body. One can only wonder how that has been working out for Israel. Wait, we can attest to that, horribly. Piece-by-piece Israel is being parceled out of existence. The Cave of Machpelah, Kever (tomb) Yosef, Kever (tomb) Rachel, Temple Mount, Western Wall and other Jewish religious sites from antiquity, as distinct from Islam by approximately a thousand years have all been determined to be Islamic shrines, mosques, structures and their histories altered to match the Quranic version of the world. The Western Wall built by Herod in the times prior to the modern Western calendar was determined to have been built, likely by magic, just for Muhammad to get off his magical steed (horse) in order to mount another magical steed (also a horse) to fly into Heaven. One can only wonder why the steed which brought him from the regions of Mecca and Medina to Jerusalem and back within one night and leaving time for the other steed to take him on a journey where he spoke with every prophet, whose names Muhammad remembered from living amongst Jews and Christians, was unable to fly the entire distance using one magical steed. Also, Muhammad presumably traveled to Jerusalem which had the farthest mosque, the al-Aqsa Mosque, which was not built until 705 CE, many years after Muhammad had died and if his trip was to the farthest mosque even if not yet built, then why did he not fly to the al-Aqsa Mosque in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States? So many queries and so little time, and this one I know not the answer unless he actually went to the farthest mosque of the time which was some ninety miles north of Medina. More questions and we have no answers, how sad.


Al-Aqsa Mosque Temple Mount, Jerusalem Al-Aqsa Mosque Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Al-Aqsa Mosque Temple Mount, Jerusalem
Al-Aqsa Mosque Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Israel has come to understand UNESCO as well as the numerous other United Nations affiliated organizations and committees. There is the special place Israel has ensconced itself in the Human Rights Council which more often than not adopts some resolution at the majority, some have stated all, of their meetings no matter the reason the meeting was called. It is so nice to be appreciated (sarcasm alert) by some of the warmest and most just of UN committees. Sometimes we wonder for what reason is Israel even a member of the UN. Israel has never served on the Security Council and there had been plans for Israel to be the European and North American representative until Germany decided they wanted another turn. It still remains to see which country will be chosen through the United States, Mexico, Canada, Britain and the European Union members. Germany would be the safer of bets but weirder events have transpired in the past, so we will see. Taking the many tentacles of the UN and its two main bodies, the Security Council and the General Assembly, and peruse through their archives and one would be amazed at the frequency with which Israel is the topic of discussion and if not Israel then Jerusalem or any of the myriad of Israelite holy sites which are always defined as having no Jewish roots despite full knowledge of their true origins being of the Jewish Israelite people.


Arab World Showing Twenty-One of Twenty-Two States with Comoros Off the Map South of the Arabian Peninsula and Depicted Bright Blue the Sole Jewish State with Original Borders of Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea


To tell it as a story, imagine a visitor from another solar system would be given access to the UN records from all the various major agencies. They would likely average a guess that Israel is one of the most aggressive and threatening nations which has size, geographic area, military might and great resources in order to garner so much attention. Israel must be attempting to control the entire world and is literally squashing all who get in her path. Such a visitor when shown a map of the unfortunate Arab states which are all feeling so threatened from the nation of Israel located centrally within their area would suspect of seeing that these Arab nations must be a collection of smaller states which all neighbor Israel and are under near constant border trespass and are under great duress. Imagine their shock when shown the map of the Arab states and Israel and they are shown the map below. Their laughter and complete loss of understanding and complete incongruity would be amusing if it were not a situation so turned on its head. The Arab nations plus Iran are not threatened directly, indirectly or in any other way by Israel except that they have defined the mere existence of Israel as a mortal threat to their understanding of the world. But they also believe they are the rulers of the world and that the entire world should bend to their slightest of desires. The visitor would leave Earth fully believing that a full third tf not two thirds of the peoples on the planet they had visited were exhibiting some form of mental delusional sickness. They would be correct and the disease is known as creeping anti-Semitism. That is the truth behind so much and we would be hard pressed to find any other reason for Israel being the main target of every form of investigation of criminal acts by nations of the world. How else can the imbalance be explained as no nation could ever be as evil as Israel is portrayed and be so diminutive in size and still manage not to be crushed by one of the larger and more militarily powerful nations. This parting map tells the size story in its entirety.


Four Maps of Great Britain, the United States, Australia, and India with to scale map of Israel super-imposed for comparison on each map depicting her actual rather than perceived size.

Exactly How Small is Israel
A Comparison Against Four
Well Known Countries


Beyond the Cusp


November 6, 2015

Wars of Vital Importance, Historic and Current


The name Arab/Israeli Conflict, or the newer more scandalizing title of Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, is actually, if we were to be honest with ourselves, the Islam/Judeo-Christian War for World Domination. What makes this name so difficult for Western minds to wrap their neurons around is because neither Christianity nor especially Judaism has any desire to rule the world but the same cannot be said in any form of honesty of Islam. Yes, the Christians originally had desires to rule the world and becoming the sole or at least the dominant religion on Earth. The leaders of Christianity were disabused of that notion at some point during the Enlightenment at the same time as the concept of a separation between any formal control of governments by religion nor allowing any state religion to be enacted or religion be favored by the government. So Christianity has adopted the concept of a division making religion free from the influences or restrictions of the government though voters of any specific religion are permitted to actually place candidates up for election, they are just restricted by the various governments in the Western World from showing any partiality, support, legal privilege, or other favorable treatments which have been upheld by the courts. The Church of England even though technically a state founded religion; they receive no real preference as a rule throughout the West.


Islam, and both the Sunni and Shiite Muslims are not so restricted and everywhere they have gained sufficient power the Muslims will do all within their power to forge Islam as the sole religion permitted by the State. Saudi Arabia has an official religion of Sunni Islam while Iran has an official religion of Shia Islam. They are far from alone. Currently Iraq is having a war, identical to what is happening in Syria, to decide which version of Islam will be supreme and dominate over the other with Iranian forces led by the IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) and with Hezballah support fighting with the remains of the Iraqi Army which has either murdered or forced desertion of any Sunni Muslims making the Iraqi military a purely Shia; or with Syrian forces remaining faithful to Bahir al-Assad and his Alawite Shia Muslims, outfitted military while the central Sunni parts of Iraq and southern and central Syria has fallen under the control of the Islamic State which represents Sunni Islam. The final insanity which is today Iraq as well as Syria is populated by Kurdish peoples who have made their two areas in Iraq and Syria into a singular autonomous zone and their militias are fiercely defending their people despite lack of proper assistance as they had been promised and against any bombing by Turkish Air Force or other interferences by any other forces in the area and would likely be content to just retain their lands and not go on any offensive to gain lands though they might try to reacquire the lands they lost to the Islamic State and perhaps assist the Yazidi retake their mountainous region from which they were forced to flee by what was then known as ISIS and now has changed their preferred name to Islamic State.



Yazidis who left the Sinjar Made the Journey to Iraq Where Are These Refugees Now Does Anybody Really Care


Islam, neither Shia nor Sunni, have ever experienced a reformation nor have they ever forsaken the concept of world dominion. Both Shia and Sunni still believe they should not only be the preeminent for Islam but also the foremost religion on the face of all of Earth. Further, Islam fervently believes that any lands which have ever come under the rule of Islam must remain under the rule of Islam for all time and must never be surrender no matter the cost. This has been true concerning Andalusia which was the Islamic name given to Spain and Portugal when they fell under Muslim rule but were freed beginning in 1492 when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella began the reconquest of Spain and the Iberian Peninsula as well as the Spanish Inquisition which forced the peoples to either flee, convert to Christianity, which meant Catholicism, or be put to death, a very similar fate befalling those who come under the forced rule of the Islamic State except they demand you convert to Sunni Islam or face torturous death which they can publically display on the Internet using such barbarity as a lure to gain followers and to impress fear on their enemies, which are all who are not Sunnis Muslims under Islamic State rule (it had to do with that rule the Earth thing). This is also the reason that no Muslim entity can ever make a peace with Israel which does not entail transforming Israel into a Muslim ruled state with the Jews at best permitted to live as Dhimmi and pay the special Jiyza tax for as long as their Muslim betters permit their existence as a protected second class citizen lower than the Muslim children’s pets which can end at any time at which it will be decided what the fate of those refusing to convert will face, expulsion or execution. Additionally, there is the concept that the Islamic messiah can only come when the Muslims are fighting the Jews everywhere they can be found and the trees and rocks will call out to Muslims saying, “Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.” There is presumably an exception made where only the Gharkad tree (the Boxthorn tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews. This will presumably only happen when the warriors of Allah, the holy Islamic armies have had one side prevail eliminating the other between Shia and Sunni and the winner of that struggle is close or has acquired complete rule over the entire planet, then the final struggle which commences with the hunting down and extermination of the Jews as the Jews were the first to refuse to accept Allah or Mohammad as a prophet and secondly the followers of Islam believe that the Jews murdered Mohammad through poisoning. Further, there is the rallying cry used by Muslims during the rioting and demonstrations to taunt the IDF, police or other Jews which goes, “Khaybar Khaybar, ya Yahud, Jaish Muhammad, sa Yahud,” which means, “Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning.” Below is a video of the actors in an Arab Television Series Khaybar describing the themes, characters and even some of their roles in the shows in their own words for Egyptian television as advertisements for the show before and while it aired translated by MEMRI.





There have been in history two main thrusts by which Islamic armies attempted to conquer Europe, one from North Africa into Spain and repulsed at the Battle of Tours where Charles the Hammer Martel repulsed the forces of the Umayyad Caliphate under the command Abd Ar-Rahman Al Ghafiqi. This was the thrust from the west in October 732. The other main assaults came after the fall of Constantinople where the forces of the Ottoman Caliphate (Empire) twice made attempts to seize much of Europe and were likely hoping for their conquest to lead them to Rome itself. Both times, as fate would have it, their efforts came to an end on the outskirts of Vienna. The first battle came in 1529 with Suleiman I as the commander of the Ottoman Caliphate forces with two assisting commanders, Grand Vizier and Pargalı İbrahim Pasha. A combination of causes ended this thrust with the inability to breach the walls and deteriorating weather and excessively long supply lines weakening the Ottoman forces which were outlasted and had to retreat. The second thrust came in 1683 culminating on September 11 and 12 after having begun to lay siege to Vienna on July 14. The crucial turning point gave this battle a hero when King John Sobieski III of Poland and his heavy cavalry (Polish Hussars) ride in to crush the Ottomans wearing heavy plate (pictured below) and carrying pikes on horseback. King Sobieski III leading approximately eighteen thousand heavy horse cavalry, some of the finest in Europe at the time, supported by fifty to sixty thousand German and Austrian troops making up the Holy Roman Army broke the siege and saved Europe once again at the gates to Vienna.



Polish Hussars armor with carrying pikes on horseback led by King Sobieski III leading approximately eighteen thousand heavy Horse Calvary


These are the furthest extents to which the armies of Islam ever attained before being repulsed by the European defenders. These defenders are almost nonexistent today and the armies of Islam invading Europe are disguised as refugee families with babies and small children if one is to believe many of the pictures which are often chosen to make the greatest impact and engender as much sympathy for the Islamic refugees within which is the initial seeds for a future army which will rise up all across Europe and the continent will be lost in a single day. The invasion is being planned now and is in progress yet one would be hard pressed to find a single Islamic soldier who is ready to rise up today. The majority of the refugees, the ones who are not Iranian, Pakistani, Taliban or Islamic State planted organizers and eventual leaders, are actually refugee families and single mothers whose husbands have died or been impressed into serving one of the warring parties, are seeking a better life. These refugees will more resemble the families who immigrated to Europe seeking a better life and who contributed working and paying taxes. Even the children will mostly be upright and contributing members of European society. It will be the second or third generation educated either entirely or after school programs or through word of mouth and weekly or weekend classes which will teach them Jihad and slowly train an entire generation of Islamists ready to murder and even die for Allah. These will be children of middle class and upper middle class families which appear to have it all, television, microwave, two cars and kids spoiled and left alone after school to send to the Madrassahs because they promise a proper Islamic and general education but will also choose the leaders of each class to foment the hate and bile necessary for forming an army that will take the entirety of Europe for Allah. This is what Israel is currently facing as the entirety of social media, schools which indoctrinate, camps which provide military training, television which glorifies Jihad, sport teams which incite and teach that sports is a form of training for Jihad where each victory over the infidel proves Islamic superiority and all loses to infidels must be because they cheated or the officials stole it for them and this will build resentment.


We watch this in Israel taking place in Gaza and the Arab areas of Judea and Samaria. Since the signing of the Oslo Accords in September of 1993, the Arab areas in Judea and Samaria as well as Gaza have run their own schools, collected their own taxes, collected their own garbage, used largely Israeli provided electricity and water without making payments to the independent private companies who have had to raise rates in Israel to cover the literal tens to hundreds of millions of dollars, let alone shekels, and run their own governments with Gaza run by Hamas and Judea and Samaria run by Fatah and they have even held an election; that’s right, just one election as Mahmoud Abbas rightly fears he would be unseated and lose his multi-million dollar schemes and perhaps lose a lot more. Their entire society is predicated on glorification of the martyrs and raising each generation to aspire to martyrdom and the murder of Jews; that’s right, murder of Jews as they are not satisfied with just Israelis, they mean every Jews even the most secular Jew living the life in Anytown, U.S.A. Mahmoud Abbas has stated any number of times that he demands all of Israel as he just did before the United Nations Human Rights Council session in Geneva where he claimed that the occupation had lasted sixty-seven years, from the founding of Israel and the inability of seven Arab armies to destroy the nascent Jewish State in its crib. These poor youths who are so brainwashed with hatred and so programmed to violence that they are literally bringing a knife or a rock to a gun fight and then their leaders whine about their being shot. One can only imagine what would happen to a Jew charging an Arab in Gaza City except for one small problem, they would never get that far without being shot dead on the spot as soon as they cleared the checkpoint to enter Gaza, and yes a Jew, if they were even permitted, would need pass through an inspection at the same checkpoint that Gazans must pass through to enter Israel. There are no Jews or Israelis living in Gaza and it has been completely turned over to the Arabs to rule and they have ruled that they should fire rockets into Israel ramping it up to hundreds a day until Israel attacks every two years and then they complain that Israel is suppressing their rights to fire rockets into Israel indiscriminately aimed mostly at civilians. Hamas claims they are targeting military targets because they define every Jew as a military target. Much of the deceptions here are due to definitions which the media never bother to discern. They just repeat the lie. The media know that Hamas and Fatah define every Jew as soldiers even in their swaddling cloths and yet to speak or even crawl let alone walk. The difference between Israelis and the Arabs is that where the Arabs celebrate the deaths of each Israeli and celebrate the death of each of their own children attacking soldiers with kitchen knives and many celebrated the 9/11 attacks handing out sweet cakes and candies, the Israeli by and large mourned each and every one of these deaths and will continue to mourn every senseless death in this endless war. The saddest truth is the only way this Arab war with Israel will end is either Israel along with every Jew on Earth is murdered or Israel deals the Arab nations such a defeat that when their children in a thousand years hear the sound of an airliner flying lower than normal will quake and ask their mother, “Mommy, are we going to die now?” This is not what is desired as living together is far more preferable than this constant fighting and deaths of our children on both sides and our older citizens who are well beyond being capable of hurting anybody. Any senseless death is a death too many and there have been far too many on either side. Unfortunately the leadership in Israel will remain unable to do what is necessary as they fear that others might say nasty things about us and denounce us unless we allow ourselves to be slaughtered just as we allowed before we gained our own nation. I want to end with a question for my fellow Jews; how many of our infants need die, our youths, our teenagers, our octogenarians. When do we decide to do what is necessary and right for us, and in the end for the Arabs, to end this farce from September 1993 already and begin to build a society which respects Arab and Jew, ending the incitement and sending the instigators packing! When?


Beyond the Cusp


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