Beyond the Cusp

August 10, 2015

The Cancelling of Israel

Filed under: 1949 Armistice Line,1967 Borders,1967 War,Absolutism,Administration,Aliyah,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab Authority,Arab League,Arab World,Arabist,Ariel Sharon,Arutz Sheva,B'tselem,Benyamin Netanyahu,Binding Resolution,Blood Libel,Civilization,Condemning Israel,Conflict Avoidnce,Corruption,Court Order,Courts,Demolitions,Disengagement,Domestic NGOs,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Pressure,European Union,European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs,Fatah,Federica Mogherini,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Free Israel,Gaza,Government,Green Line,Hate,Hilltop Youth,History,Internal Pressures,International Politics,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Israeli Interests,Israeli Media,J Street,Jihad,Jordanian Pressure,Judea,Judean Hills,Kotel,Land for Peace,Leftist Pressures,Media,Middle East,Muslim World,New Israel Fund,NGO,NGOs,Open Society Institute,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Palestinian Pressures,Peace Now,Peace Process,Politicized Findings,Politics,Post-Zionist,President Obama Pessing Freeze,Prime Minister,Promised Land,Protests,Ramallah,Recognize Israel,Rioters Pressure,Samaria,San Remo Conference,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Secular Interests,Settlements,Six Day War,Snipers,Submission,Supreme Court,Supreme Court President,Supreme Court President Aharon Barak,Torah,Union Interests,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,Victims,Western Wall,World Opinion,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:16 AM
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The Leftists of the World have united with a fair number amongst their ranks and strewn widely within their leadership including well paid traitors in Israel itself. Their operations have led to the demolitions of Jewish residences across Judea and Samaria. Making matters worse, they have succeeded in removing any claims to Jerusalem by bending governments to make all babies born in any part of Jerusalem to be denied having the nation of their birth as Israel, even should they have been born in Western Jerusalem well inside the Green Line, the 1949 armistice line which it was Yasser Arafat’s wildest dream to alter that truce line and move it inexorably westward starting with Jerusalem and its surrounding area. Arafat knew that without Jerusalem, and particularly the Temple Mount, the Jews would have no claim to any of the lands known as Israel. This concept of a free zone in Israel within the Green Line a child can be born and if on their birth certificate it states legally and honestly that they were born in Jerusalem, Israel they cannot get passports from the United States or now from Brazil. This is presumably uncontested lands which have been a part of Israel since its founding and at all times after the Armistice Lines had been defined. But that is no longer sufficient and we can bet as sure as this has become the policy by the Brazilian government and the United States government thanks to some fancy footwork by none other than the Arabist, Islamist, Communist infested Department of State that it will soon sweep across Europe including the European Union as well as the individual national governments until the entirety of the West will no longer recognize Western Jerusalem or any part of Jerusalem to be used officially as part of Israel. Thus far there has not been any child born in Eastern Jerusalem to apply for a passport from either Brazil or the United States requesting their place of birth be Jerusalem, Palestine. I am even willing to bet they could have been born in West Jerusalem in the Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem and received passports stating place of birth as Jerusalem, Palestine; but not Israel.


The plan is very simply, if the property in question is east of the Green Line all any leftist NGO needs to do is find an Arab who is willing to claim that the lands in question were a part of his or her family’s lands and sign a petition claiming the lands belonged to their family and then the NGO need not show deeds or any other document beyond that claim and the land becomes contested. The Arab claimant need never appear in court, produce any further documentation for the court and the NGO only need to sue the court with the document recognized formally by the courts and the Jews on that land are forced from their residences and even should they produce actual deeds and receipt for payment of the lands they will still have an uphill battle and often the destruction order is carried out before they are able to churn the wheels of justice. Once the property had been razed of any buildings and the residents or businesses have been relocated, even if the relocation is to storage containers, the courts then consider the matter closed as they have carried out their legal standings in these fraudulent proceedings. This has been the procedure followed in Beit El where small sections are stolen through the courts and the structures on them torn down.


This is currently occurring in the community the Givat Ze’ev where their Synagogue is currently scheduled for destruction in just under a week on August 17 unless the court can be convinced that the deed and sale of the land was procured legally and from the person currently petitioning or their family or the actual legal owner. This is a Synagogue which has served the community of Givat Ze’ev for the past twenty years. The court order screams of scandal as the community has a deed and bill of sale and only after an intervention by Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu was the demolition put off for a week and prevented from being carried out before the community can produce their presumed legal bill of sale and other accompanying documents they may have showing legal ownership. Meanwhile, the current state of affairs can be viewed below depicting the preparations for the destruction of their Synagogue of twenty years. Such an act tears the heart from a community and renders a major bonding element torn asunder and destroyed. One can only pray for their petition to be honored by the court otherwise their removal of the Torah scrolls this week may be the sign that the community’s heart will be destroyed and finding a proper place at which to build its replacement will start immediately. The presumed owner for whom the petition was filed has refused a generous monetary offer to buy the lands from them as well as having bought the land from another presumed owner who actually possessed and produced the deed for the land over twenty years ago. This petition was not filed for the presumed Arab owner of the lands to use it for any purpose; the sole reason is to destroy the Synagogue and hopefully the community’s disintegration will follow. This is an act of wanton destruction and not of justice. {One need view the video in full-screen setting to see the entirety of events.}





This has been the modus operandi used by NGOs which either are rooted in Europe to operate as the agent of the government in many instances or as the legal arm of a European NGO. Even the registered Israeli NGOs which are engaged in filing such petitions receive the majority, even the vast majority or complete funding, from European and North American donors almost exclusively. Many of these NGOs attempting to operate in any other nation would be required to register as what they truly are, foreign agents, and thus be limited in their legal ability to use the courts as has been done in too many instances in Israel. The aim of this legal offensive is not to restore land to rightful owners and not even to destroy Jewish ownership of these lands as some times Jewish ownership was restored after long struggles in the courts where actual deeds are required to prove ownership. But what actual good does it do if your Synagogue, your home, your place of business even if it is your entire business is destroyed. Who had the ready monies to rebuild their lost structures that the courts, particularly the Supreme Court which, unlike nearly all other nations, can hear any complaint and there is no requirement that the petitioner go through the lower courts to be heard before the Supreme Court which can and often will issue destruction orders without any evidence of actual ownership as that is only required in the lower courts where the actual ownership will subsequently be determined.


The battle to erase the Jewish presence centimeter by centimeter continues apace with no defense being provided by the government to require these cases be heard in a lower court where deeds and other ‘insignificant’ ideas such as actual ownership and holder of a legal deed and bill of sale which names the price and from whom the lands were purchased. The reason the Supreme Court intervenes in this manner is based on the fact that should a bill of sale be produced that whomever sold the lands might be tried for such a blasphemous act against the people and imagined state of Palestine and once found guilty, that takes about two minutes, hung from a crane in the middle of town for all to witness and heed the warning, The Supreme Court hearing the case removes the potential possibility that the person selling the lands originally does not have their name appear on the order for destruction and remains anonymous and unstated in the destruction order thus protected from the courts in Ramallah. For the presumed safety of a person who would face trial and capital punishment for selling their lands legally to another who was Jewish allows the very left leaning Supreme Court to adjudicate the matters directly and order the destruction without naming any names of who may have originally legally or as a scam sold the lands to Jews.


An entire community will have their Synagogue of twenty years torn asunder will need to find a place and the funding to build for them a new Synagogue and restore the heart of their community and like any transplant surgeon will attest, the new organ, the new Synagogue will never quite have the same feel as their old Synagogue even though they will soon learn to love the new one once it gets built. All of this destruction may only be the beginning as very possibly the rest of their community, including their residences of twenty years and more in many cases, in groups or twos and threes or even entire sections as once a single piece of the community’s lands, or any community’s lands, have been used to set the precedent, the procedure is repeated with new or the same petitioner making the claims and the Supreme Court following their precedent set in place which, if attempted to be struck down by the Knesset, the Supreme Court simply ignores the pronouncement declaring the Knesset irrelevant in changing this procedure as the Supreme Court is operating under the presumption that whichever Arab originally sold lands to Jews are threatened by their semi-autonomous government’s own laws and courts which will provide them with a very quick trial before hanging them from a crane, ala Iran, and let them serve as a proper cautionary threat as the personification of the threat for selling lands to the Jews.


Such disasters have almost become commonplace and often smaller destructions of a single home or two or possibly as many as four or five appears to make a tripping point where the news travels outside the community and makes its way into the Zionist, Nationalist and some of the balanced media. The reason likely has to do more with the numbers of protesters any such destruction draws. An example which we covered of a destruction ordered by the courts in Beit El even before the structures were even completed was in an article titled Beit El a Case of Promises Against Facts contains much information with pictures, a video and a link to further coverage by Arutz Sheva. Those buildings were to be apartments for Israelis, potentially Jews or Arabs, bordering on frantic and desperate to locate an affordable residence within half hour to hour commute into Tel Aviv and its expanded work environment. Despite the facts detailing Beit El as a sufficiently large metropolis where there are ample jobs within the community, though not sufficient to employ everybody, the loss of these buildings will impact the community and leave many living under the roof of the family leaving everything cramped and uncomfortable and which was intended to be temporary. This misfortune has played out over and over most significantly after the Disengagement from Gaza and Northern Samaria ordered by the government under Prime Minister Sharon which included amongst other demolitions the destructions of Gush Katif. This was a bloc of twenty-one Israeli settlements in the southern Gaza Strip which also served as the prevention and defense from rockets being fired into Israel and the development of larger and more destructive rockets being designed and built as these communities permitted the IDF a base for operations within Gaza which also ended with the disengagement.


Temple Institute concept for what building the Third Temple in modern day Jerusalem would appear like from a distance with modern buildings of Jerusalem in the background. May their vision and this concept figure become fact and fulfill our desires for unity and a single Temple and House for Hashem in our midst. May this dream be fulfilled before the next Ninth of Av so our lament will be lessened.

Temple Institute concept for what building the Third Temple in modern day Jerusalem would appear like from a distance with modern buildings of Jerusalem in the background. May their vision and this concept figure become fact and fulfill our desires for unity and a single Temple and House for Hashem in our midst. May this dream be fulfilled before the next Ninth of Av so our lament will be lessened.



These orders are made by Judges and brought before them by NGOs all of which have the same interpretation of the situation where they agree with the Europeans’ and leftist Israelis’ view that if only Israel would return to within the Green Line and gave into the demands of Mahmoud Abbas and the Arabs then peace would break out and the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea would be greeted the very next morning after the signing ceremony on the White House lawn with flowers and rose pedals falling from the sky and soothing and joyous music on the soft and warm winds. If such were possible every last Israeli would be engaged in providing the refugees from beyond the Green Line into our homes in the name of peace, but that is not what will occur and we know this from history and from the words which come from Abbas and the rest of the Fatah leadership’s mouths. The reality is the Israelis could expect within a few weeks, months at the most, that Mahmoud Abbas would be begging Israel to grant him asylum as Hamas or ISIS will have taken control of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and were planning on putting him on trial for treason for signing the agreement and thus basically selling land to the Jews. The United Nations, the European Union, the Vatican, the United States (especially the State Department) and countless others from NGOs to human rights groups to University Professors and celebrities when approached to give him a place to settle down where he might feel safe, all these entities would suddenly go mum. At the same moment any Jew found at the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) would be shot and the entirety of the lands beyond the line in Jerusalem would be a no man’s land for Jews. Within days anybody living with windows facing any hill in East Jerusalem would need to relocate, as snipers with .50 caliber heavy-machineguns would be placing bullets through the rooms and hallway almost making it out the far wall, placing anybody living in the house endangered. How can we predict this? This was exactly the case up until June 8th or 9th 1967 as the Jordanians insisted on sharing the spoils of war as the radio reported the Egyptian and Syrian troops were swarming across Israel and for two days were at most three hours from taking Tel Aviv. The Israelis begged Jordan to heed the warning that the Egyptian and Syrian communications were false and they were being readily defeated. The rest will make the history but as of yet it is still being written. May it be written that the foolish and the brave both found peace with each other as well as with Hashem for without Hashem Israel has no heart.


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