Beyond the Cusp

October 23, 2014

Israel Should Simply Apply the San Remo Conference Agreement

Filed under: 24/7 News Reporting,Absolutism,Administration,Amalekites,Anti-Israel,Anti-Semitism,Anti-Zionist,Appeasement,Arab World,Arabs,Article 80,Balfour Declaration,Ben Gurion,Blood Libel,Borders,Britain,British Mandate,Building Freeze,Cabinet,Civilization,Consequences,Defend Israel,Enlightenment,Europe,European Council,European Governments,European Media,European Pressure,European Union,Executive Order,Forced Solution,France,Gaza,Government,Green Line,Hate,History,Human Rights,Intifada,Islam,Islam,Islamist,Israel,Israeli Capital City,Israeli Interests,Italy,Japan,Jerusalem,Jewish Heritage,Jewish Home,Jewish Leadership,Jewish State,Jews,Jihad,Jordan,Judea,Judean Hills,League of Nations,Lebanon,Leftist Pressures,Legal Blockade,Mainstream Media,Media,Middle East,Muslim World,Netanyahu,Old City,One State Solution,Oslo Accords,Ottoman Empire,Palestinian,Palestinian Authority,Politics,Samaria,Security Council,Statehood,Syria,Temple Mount,Third Intifada,United Nations,United Nations Charter,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Pressure,West Bank,World Government,World Opinion,World Peace,World Pressures,Zionism,Zionist — qwertster @ 2:12 AM
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Contrary to the stories which many believe about the birth of the Jewish nation of Israel, it has absolutely nothing to do with the Holocaust and was set into International Law back in the Villa Devachan in Sanremo, Italy, from 19 to 26 April 1920. The document which was resolved at this conference was the San Remo Conference which was formulated by representatives from the four principle victorious allies from World War I; Britain, France, Italy and Japan. The nations were represented by Britain by Prime Minister David Lloyd George and Lord Curzon (Lord Balfour also was present as his authored Balfour Declaration played a part in the discussions and final decisions of the conference), France by Prime Minister Alexandre Millerand, Italy by Prime Minister Francesco Nitti and by Japan by Ambassador K. Matsui. This agreement set up the Mandate system for the aftermath of the breakup of the Ottoman Empire. Additionally, the United States attended as a neutral observer as they had joined the fighting well into the years of fighting in World War I. The final agreements of the San Remo Conference were given the weight of an allocation of Class “A” League of Nations mandates for administration of the respective lands from the defunct Ottoman Empire. These agreements led to the formation of the nations of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel. The French were tasked with managing the northern Mandate lands and setting the borders for the states to be included within while the British were tasked with the same responsibility for the southern Mandate lands.


The French made a distinction when setting their Mandate lands dividing the lands between a Christian state named Lebanon and an Arab state named Syria. The British formed an Arab state named Transjordan, which later became simply Jordan, and a Jewish state named Israel. When the British divided off the lands east of the Jordan River to form Transjordan they requested the approval of the Zionist leaders who had yet to receive their own state which the British were presumed to establish. The promise guaranteed by the British for not establishing the Jewish state at that time was that all of the lands which remained west of the Jordan River would remain inviolate into perpetuity reserved solely for the establishment of the Jewish state which would become known as Israel. This guarantee is known by the European nations and the entirety of the members of the United Nations can reference these validations as the United Nations included these agreements when they revalidated all of the treaties including the Mandate System along with numerous other League of Nations agreements and treaties as part of Article 80 of the United Nations Charter. This too is public record and can be verified by any person desiring to chase down the truth. But the European Union and numerous member nations are all aware of these agreements yet they continue to fund NGOs in Israel to attempt to represent the European desire to destroy Israel while forcing the founding a Palestinian nation replacing the Jewish state and to counter the majority views of Israeli citizens. The Europeans are currently financing directly the building without filing for permits for houses and structures within areas which are not under Palestinian control and are by treaty, including the Oslo Accords, are under Israeli control in order to change the facts on the ground and be able to gain additional lands for the Palestinians to claim they have the overriding interest and investment. They are intentionally working against the Jewish state of Israel despite being members of the United Nations and are working to destroy another member state of the United Nations which is a violation of their obligation as members of the United Nations. These nations leaders and other political operators and their NGOs which they finance and operate in Israel; actual European national governments finance directly and give directions, orders and write their charters and operating priorities of these NGOs in Israel; and finance supporting operations within the Palestinian Authority and Hamas run Gaza including textbooks in which maps of the Middle East show the Palestinian state in place of Israel and youth camps which operate as miniature military training centers and also indoctrinate the children to believe that their actual place of birth was within Israel, within the Green Line which demarks pre 1967 Israel free of any presumed occupied lands which are nonexistent according to the San Remo Conference and various other operations which are concerned and aiming to replace the Jewish state of Israel with an Arab state free of Jews called Palestine.


The world is playing make-believe ignoring their promise to the Jewish People originating with the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 and reconfirmed with the San Remo Conference and further confirmed with the United Nations Charter Article 80 which every member signed and agreed to enforce upon joining the United Nations. Apparently there is one truth which still in this modern age has refused to die despite the claims of civility and having joined the world of civilized nations by joining the United Nations, the greatest and final hope for honesty and trust between nations setting all interactions under the light of enlightened thought and interaction, that any promise made to the leaders of the Jews dies as soon as it becomes uncomfortable or inconvenient. The latest escalation and shrillness of insanity of universal charges against Israel during the Gaza conflict which was started by Hamas abduction and murder of three Israeli teens and then the escalating firing of rockets into Israel but somehow is now being referred to as a conflict which proved Israeli aggressions and use of unnecessary force and the claims that the Palestinian Unity government is deserving of trust and their own nation at last has all taken by governments and people who are aware and understand that their efforts directly contravene legally decided and established international law. Yet the charge that is always heard is that Israel is always contravening international law when Israel lays claim to Jerusalem or decides to build new homes for Jews, Arabs, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, Hindus or anybody living in Israel can purchase or rent. What part of all lands west of the Jordan River did you forget about that allows you this perfidy. It is all about the problem the modern world has with the existence of a Jewish state as the world has grown comfortable with homeless Jews, the wandering Jew constantly running from one persecution into the next. But a Jewish nation, they will then lie and claim that no such thing has ever existed in all of time. Never mind the Bible and the archeological evidence that there was a Jewish nation before written history had officially begun and that land was the home of the Jews for almost fifteen hundred years. That area is from the Jordan River to same of the Mediterranean Sea and granted did not include Gaza which Israel has completely withdrawn all Jewish and Israeli influence including almost ten thousand civilians living there and all of the IDF bases and troops. The original lands even included two tribes whose lands were completely east of the Jordan River as well as part of a third tribe, look up ancient Israel and the tribal lands. Still, the Israelis are not even seeking those lands and would be content with simply the world living up to their promises and guarantees which they enacted into International Law. Is that really too much, apparently anything remaining in our hands is too much for far too many. Where are those who prize honesty and the fulfillment of promises made in good faith by the nations and the community of nations both as part of the League of Nations and then guaranteed once again by the United Nations? Let those who value honor and truth check what I have put forth here and once validated then please stand for truth and the words and promises given and ratified by the body of nations repeatedly since World War I and the reconfigurations which came from that great struggle. Nothing was enacted on lands outside of the nations who were aggressors from one side or the other in these agreements, accords, conferences, charters and other documents and treaties, all was enacted over the lands owned by the defeated nations and borders were drawn in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The other big lie is that the Europeans redrew the Middle East and North Africa alone but that is far from true as they also redrew the lands of central and Eastern Europe. Check the truth and look at the maps before World War I and after the World War I and before there is the Austro-Hungarian Empire and after it has been drawn into individual states and other states gained or lost lands as borders were redrawn through much of Europe. All that aside, the time has come to give Israel the lands they were promised and end this drive to eradicate the Jewish state; or are the promises of nations worth so little?


Beyond the Cusp


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