Beyond the Cusp

February 21, 2012

A Question for the Catholic Hierarchy

The idea that the Catholic Church in particular and religious people and institutions in general have come under direct assault by institutions within and outside governments by Secular Humanists throughout the public sphere is not an illusion but a truism. There have been those, including Glenn Beck, who have claimed that we all need to back the Catholic Church in this fight as this assault needs to be halted before it spreads on to the religious generally. I agree with the urgency to stand against threats to religious freedoms especially in the relatively few countries where it exists as a universal and guaranteed governing principle, as they are in truth a small minority. Where I stand in support of religious freedoms and will oppose any and all attempts to squelch the vitality and lifeblood of freedoms for religious observances and practices, I do have one simple question, or is it a request, to ask of the Catholic Church which I would like to announce and share on this space.


I will begin by offering thanks to the Catholic Church for their liberalization and reset of their relationship with the Jewish people. In an edict issued from the Vatican during the Second Vatican Council, which met from 1962 through 1965, the Catholic Church changed its definitions of relations and definition of Judaism from Replacement Theology to a friendlier acceptance along with forgiveness of what had been defined as cultural and actual guilt and sins for endless centuries. There have been claims of backsliding on this decision, especially when it comes to matters concerning Israel. My challenge to the Catholic Church is whether they will support Israel in their struggle for survival against the forces which aim to erase Judaism, not only from the face of the Earth, but from all of history as well. One would expect the Catholic Church to have stood with Israel and the Jewish People against those forces who have declared war against all religions other than their own which eventually will include the Catholic Church. These forces include the Islamists and the Secular Humanists which have formed an informal alliance, each intending to discard the other when they are no longer useful or necessary. One of these two is grossly underestimating the power of the other and it really does not matter for Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormon or other religious groups who will all have been marginalized or destroyed by that time. Will the Catholic Church recognize their need to ally with the Jewish People and with Israel or will they continue to be lukewarm fair-weather-friends picking and choosing when to smile and when to cast aspersions when the mood and subject suits their ends.


I fully understand the Catholic Church is in an unenviable position when it comes to the Islam-Israel conflict as many Catholics live within the Muslim World and the Catholic Church believes supporting Israel will cause great harms to befall their members living within the influences of Islam. I have a little piece of news for the Catholic Church, if the Muslims and Islamic forces which make up the radical Islamist forces win out, after they rid themselves of Israel the Catholics are very likely next on their target list. Feeding this alligator the Jews will serve only to whet its appetite for a continued feeding frenzy feasting upon the World’s Christians. If you have doubts about this, remember Spain from the period of the early 700s until 1492 when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella initiated the Spanish Inquisition after the war to liberate Spain from Islam to rid themselves of the Islamic Moorish remnants, oh, and of their Jewish population as well. Ask those who have studied the history of Vienna which was twice barely saved from the relentless spread of Islam. Search your modern World map and find Constantinople, a once great Christian city which is now named Istanbul and once held a grand monument called the Hagia Sophia which was transformed into a Mosque and all of the beautiful mosaics were plastered over as their subject was an insult to Allah and his Prophet. Do you really need prompting to remember your own early history of the last two times Islam turned to their goal of World conquest, the same style of conquest that many feel they have rediscovered with their third attempt is currently beginning.


We are on the cusp of two World movements which are both making their push for dominance. As mentioned earlier in this article, one is Islam and the other is State promoting and deifying Secular Humanism. Both of these forces are antithetical to Catholics just as much as they abhor Judaism. Both influences will spell the end for all Catholics just as they will Jews and those of many other religions as well. Plain and simple, putting this in the most basic terms I am able, both of these ideologies detest Catholicism almost equally as they do Judaism and the difference will not matter if in the end either one is allowed to become dominant. This is a war of civilizations and of ideologies. Trust when I say that Catholics and Jews have more in common with each other than with either of these destructive forces which are now ascendant. Christians and Jews will be stronger together than separate, let alone in opposition. So, I ask the Catholic Church, where do you stand in this critical time and day, with the Jews and Israel or on the sidelines or with those who wish the end of the Jews and Israel, and do not pretend there is a difference. Should Israel fall and half of the World’s Jews face extinction, rest assured the rest will wither and die the slow death of assimilation. Israel and the Jewish faith are one and the same for all intents and purposes. Choose carefully, our Father watches.


Beyond the Cusp


November 4, 2011

Is Kadima Simply Obama’s Representative in Knesset?

I find it interesting that Tzipi Livni has used her position and the whole of the Kadima Party simply to echo virtually everything which is stated by American President Barack Obama whenever he speaks out against Prime Minister Netanyahu. When Prime Minister Netanyahu announces plans to build additional housing for Jews around Jerusalem or anywhere outside the Green Line, it is a sure bet that either President Obama or somebody from his administration will admonish Prime Minister Netanyahu and within 24 hours we will hear the same criticism from Tzipi Livni or other Kadima spokesperson. This time it has become so completely obvious that one might wonder if the Democrat Party has sent advisors to Israel again to work to bring down a Netanyahu Coalition as happened when President Clinton decided he had to find a new person to deal with the last time Netanyahu was Prime Minister. Just last week, the new Secretary of Defense and former CIA Director Leon Panetta visited Israel and his entire trip seemed to be centered on the message that Prime Minister Netanyahu was causing Israel to become more isolated in the world.

Defense Secretary Panetta told reporters during his flight to Israel, “There’s not much question in my mind that they maintain that edge (militarily), but the question you have to ask, Is it enough to maintain a military edge if you’re isolating yourself in the diplomatic arena? Real security can only be achieved by both a strong diplomatic effort as well as a strong effort to project your military strength.” Secretary Panetta was later quoted saying, “It’s pretty clear that at this dramatic time in the Middle East, when there have been so many changes, that it is not a good situation for Israel to become increasingly isolated. And that’s what’s happening,”

Reacting to Prime Minister Netanyahu cutting Israeli aid to UNESCO in response to the organizations acceptance as a full member state the Palestinian Authority, the exact same action which was also taken by Canada and the United States, Kadima released a scathing denunciation on Netanyahu’s actions blaming him for making Israel a pariah nation becoming isolated from the rest of the world. Despite the Prime Minister simply taking the same actions as two of the other major democratic states which support a negotiated peace and not a de facto end run through the United Nations and its surrounding institutions, a Kadima spokesperson stated in a press release, “The government of Israel has lost a diplomatic confrontation and is punishing the state of Israel for its losses. First it fails to block the Palestinian gains and then it decides to simply give up and leave the game. It is time Netanyahu realizes that his actions punish his fellow Israelis more than they hurt anyone else. Netanyahu is forcibly isolating Israel in the international community in order to try and make excuses for his government’s failures.” That sounds almost exactly the phrasing as well as the intent of the words from President Obama’s Secretary of Defense. This is not the first time that a Kadima spokesperson, or Tzipi Livni for that matter, have sounded as if they were reading from the exact same teleprompter as had President Obama and his advisors.

There are a number of revealing facts that are quite troubling about much of the opposition to the Netanyahu coalition. The seeming constant rebukes and criticism often done simply in order to disagree by Tzipi Livni which have become expected every time Netanyahu makes a speech or whenever the ruling coalition takes a stand on an issue, especially if it is in support of Israel and opposed by the Palestinian leadership, are becoming so expected that one could predict the rebuttal before it is even spoken. But if we are now witnessing a new wrinkle where Kadima is going to become the spokespeople for the American Democrat Party, this may quickly become tedium as Kadima will quickly become as inconsequential as they will be predictable. Israel already has so many news outlets and leftist organizations which are simply pawns for European Governments’ influence through the NIF and reporters quoting leftist propaganda from other countries quoting sources such as the New York Times, Washington Post, the BBC, and even Al-Jazeera that having Kadima puppet the Democrat Party will simply add to those who have come under voluntary control of foreign interests and influences and simply render them virtually mute.

If Israel is becoming isolated from the rest of the world, it is not because of anything Israel has done, whether Netanyahu or Olmert or Peres are the ones speaking in Israel’s behalf. Much of the isolation that had come Israel’s way is directly due to the same evils that has often plagued the world and made the Jewish people targets for hatred and murderous intentions countless times throughout history. To blame Netanyahu instead of joining in Israel’s defense is a sign of great confusion and questionable behavior. Jews blaming and berating Jews has always been used by others as their permission slip for their anti-Semitic behavior. Have none of us learned our lesson yet from our long and troubled history or are we going to go to our fate once again blaming each other and aiding those who would tear us down and feed us to the manifestations of growing hatred who seek a target to blame for all their ills. When such times approach, if we Jews do not stand together and take each other’s backs, then all our backs will remain unguarded simply waiting for the stabbing pain as the knife is thrust deeply into that unguarded back. “Never Again:” were to be watchwords which would guide us and keep us from the same splintering and infighting that has preceded every previous age when we were marked for final solutions. “Never Again!”

Beyond the Cusp

October 20, 2011

Obama Sent Troops Where? Uganda?

Yes, President Obama has sent a hundred or so “advisers” from our military to advise, train, and offer technical expertise in hunting down and capture or destroy Joseph Kony and the members of his Lord’s Resistance Army. Don’t let the high sounding name fool you; these people are hardened, cold blooded murderers who have nothing to do with any religious group we would recognize. They are simply a terrorist cult and their leader, Joseph Kony, is a classic example of the charismatic but crazed phony religious leader who mixes indigenous witchcraft with bits of Islam and Christianity into a blurred mystic theology with him as its high priest. The horrors they have committed as they maraud throughout multi-country areas in central Africa are well documented here. Needless to say, the general practice of the Lord’s Resistance Army is to spread dread, fear in the villages where their marauding violence is as senseless as it is murderous and inhumane.

President Obama, when announcing the mission assured that our troops are in an advisory mission and will not be required to perform in a combat mission unless they come under fire. If, as this implies, there is a possibility that our advisors will be doing their advising in such close proximity to the fighting that they may become involved, I think I would have been happier with a slightly larger force sent with the mission of taking out Joseph Kony and his murderous followers on their own. Unfortunately, President Obama has yet to understand that our military is best suited in killing enemies and breaking their stuff and they are some of the best in the world at doing this. Instead, President Obama seems to believe our soldiers need politicized minders to tell them when they may use deadly force and when they are not allowed to shoot back as it might upset somebody. I’m sorry, but I, as a veteran, value our service personnel and have full faith in their judgment and discretion in target selection to be fully trusted not to use deadly force needlessly. Yes, there have been exceptions, but they are extremely rare and our military has proven very responsible in their efforts of self-policing such occurrences. Having our troops imbedded as advisors leaves them at risk with forces that, no matter how well we may wish to believe they are trained, are nowhere near as able as our military people. That is why I always prefer that should our troops be sent into harm’s way that they are sent with full complement of support and combat units so they are not dependent on other countries’ forces for their safety.

With that said, I hope our people all return intact and with full health and they are successful in their mission. I did find it interesting that President Obama released this information as part of the late Friday afternoon news dump where things are often released when they are intended to be kept hidden. This is one case where I believe the President would have received bipartisan support for this mission. I will simply chalk this up to President Obama’s lack of comfort with anything military, though he does seem to use the military quite a lot for a President who won the Nobel Peace Prize in advance with the full expectation that he would live up to the award. Perhaps somebody should ask him to return the medal and make him put the money against the national debt.

Beyond the Cusp

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