Beyond the Cusp

September 20, 2018

Meanwhile on the Gaza Border


Yes, that’s right. The Holiest Day in the year for Jews while everyone including as many IDF soldiers as can possibly be spared, and we mean as many, are on leave to attend services with their families, Hamas had their youth warriors out on the border with firebombs which included one made of a gas petrol tank, grenades, some explosive devices and their favorite low budget weapon, rocks. Numerous Gazans breached the border and actually did something almost normal for teens, they spray-painted parts of an IDF position which we assume was not in use at the time. Most of the assaults were repulsed using crowd control such as teargas which will be reported by stringers within Gaza as the IDF using chemical weapons. There were a few reported uses of live fire to repel the most violent and sizable incursions over the border. Where one any day this would not even be a story, the fact it was timed with Yom Kippur makes it different.


Why would that be such a difference? Well, one has to understand the Middle East, something many in Western countries are going to soon be far more familiar with than they desire. During the month of Ramadan, the Muslims demand that people respect their daylight fast and try not to be out on the street eating where it might tempt a Muslim to break their daylight fast. When in a Muslim area, anyone caught eating in public could face being attacked and beaten. Well, rules are rules, right? This insistence is because religion is so important to Islam and if we desire our religion to be respected, then we must do so for theirs. Now we understand that there is a difference between the Muslims in Israel and the ones in Gaza. Imagine the screaming to the media and anyone of authority who would listen, such as the United Nations and agencies or the European Union and friends if Israel were to implement a raid against Gaza to remove a dangerous rocket position during Ramadan. It would be depicted as the most grievous display of discourtesy and insult imaginable. This ‘day of rage,’ which basically is what this was, which instituted attacks on the holiest day in the Jewish religion, Yom Kippur, would be recounted as common sense, you attack when your opponent is most vulnerable. It is simply another instance of the Muslims demanding ‘respect for me but not for thee.’


For those who might think this could be simply a one time event, allow us to remind them of the Yom Kippur War when Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom Kippur and almost wiped Israel out. Fortunately, Israel still held the Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula which provided the extra precious few hours for the IDF to recover her soldiers and mount a counter which resulted in no change to the borders. As this event was in October of 1973, a very primitive era as there were no cell phones or beepers, the IDF sent jeeps out through the streets going past every Synagogue with loud speakers announcing a complete call up of all reserves and off duty personnel giving them their rendezvous points. Units were patched together initially from combining units with similar duties. By the time this war was coming to an end, Israel was within sight of Damascus and closing on Cairo and Alexandria when the State Department in the form of Secretary of State Kissinger demanded Israel cease all attacks and return to the final lines from the Six Day War. This was also the conflict where Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a nice Jewish boy, advised President Nixon to refuse to resupply the IDF as urgently requested by Israel until Israel agreed to a general peace settlement giving all lands back to Syria and Egypt and forming a Palestinian State along the pre-Six Day War 1949 Armistice Lines. Fortunately, President Nixon was a man who could think for himself, and he called the Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird and ordered him to get everything the IDF requested or might require and put it in the air immediately and get it to the Israelis as fast as possible.


Actually, this is where the story gets interesting and weird all at the same time. When the European world heard of the United States about to resupply the Israelis, they were quite put out, after all, this appeared to be that golden chance to have the Arabs erase Israel from the map. Every European country refused to grant any resupply aircraft flyover rights or refueling rights. They were even denying the United States the use of her own airfields within their borders and probably threatened to shoot them out of the sky, though that probably would have been one threat too many. Initially, President Nixon desired to avoid direct American involvement so El Al was used to try and resupply the IDF. El Al is a passenger airline making it kind of impossible for them to transport vehicles such as tanks and APC’s. Realizing that this was inadequate, on October 12, 1973, President Nixon decided that no more delays could be allowed, and ordered the United States Air Force to “send everything that can fly.” Within nine hours, C-141s and C-5s were en route to Israel. But how were any of these aircraft to make such a trip with no refueling point en route? Well, after some arm-twisting and the granting of some inducements, Portugal provided their Lajes Field in the Azores Islands as a refueling base and saved the day as well. This did provide evidence to the United States that they had a deficiency in their ability to provide necessary emergency aid even to their own forces across the globe which led to their vastly increasing their refueling capabilities, especially in the area of air-to-air refueling. President Nixon also took one additional step and placed an emergency resupply depot secured somewhere hidden under the barren Negev Dessert which would serve to resupply either Israel or United States troops in the region in case of emergency. This depot was quite a bit more important than many might think as the Iraq war progressed.


Henry Kissinger wished this map be forced upon Israel in exchange for resupply in the midst of the October 1973 Yom Kippur War

Henry Kissinger wished this map be forced upon Israel
in exchange for resupply in the midst of the
October 1973 Yom Kippur War


This was supposed to just show that attacking Israel on the Jewish religion’s holiest day is a recurring theme and has led to fewer soldiers from the IDF getting to services with their families and instead having to attend them in the field. This is not exactly an ideal way to observe Yom Kippur or Rosh Hashanah or any of the other Jewish holidays but has become a necessity as apparently Jewish holidays are not to be respected, only Islamic holidays are worthy of such. Oh, and if one were to be versed in the Quran, something we actually do not claim, we are only somewhat familiar with much of the Quran, they could quote you the verses which claim that only Islamic holy days are actual holy days and those of other religions matter not because no religion other than Islam is recognized as a religion. Yes, there are verses from the Meccan Quran which claim that Christians and Jews, as religions of the Book, receive special respect and their observant members will be treated as respected and kept people known as Dhimmis. Dhimmis can be taxed a special tax called the Jiyza and can be demanded to convert to Islam or die at any time, so special, don’t do me so many favors. The Jiyza is usually high enough to run the government and pauperize the Jews and Christians which makes them useless so when they run out of money and other means of paying the Jiyza, then comes the convert or die phase. Meanwhile, in the Medina Quran Christians get a promotion to idolaters which allows for them to be killed on sight. The Jews get a promotion too, we become the worst kind of scoundrel the world has ever laid eyes upon and must be eradicated so that the Islamic judgement day and completing their conquest of the world can become completed. Through abrogation, the replacing of the older verses of Mecca by their more violent and supercessional verses of Medina replace those from the earlier Meccan Quran as explained here. The end of this story is that under Islam, there is but one recognized religion, Islam. Thus, according to Islam, attacking Jews on Yom Kippur is simply good tactics as they do not have an actual religion, thus they have nothing which could be called a holy day.


That was then and this is now and apparently nothing has or ever will change until Islam is forced to take a hard look inwards. Currently, that does not appear to be on the horizon any time in the near future. We have often asked each other here at BTC is what it might take for a second reformation of Islam to take place. For those who missed the first reformation, that came back when abrogation was initiated ensuring that their only solution to any situation was to wage some form of war against their perceived adversaries while insisting that there was no state of belligerence and demanding that their perceived adversary’s military stand down. This reformation was one of many. There was the splintering of Islam into Sunni and Shiite branches and later the Wahhabi break in Saudi Arabia, the Ottoman Turks takeover of Islam and their fall and the latest has been a reaction to Islam’s apparent fall from being the preeminent force in the world as the Western World appears to be militarily superior. This latest reformation decided to adopt the concepts from the first great spread of Islam and have simply screamed ‘JIHAD’ and started to conquer Europe and the United States by means other than direct conflict but by conflicts within. Their hope is to infiltrate men of fighting age and become sufficient in numbers in pivotal cities such that they can paralyze the city with violence leading to their reaching an agreement where they rule a large section of the city completely. From that base, more Muslims will arrive and weapons will be stored and at some point, when sufficient numbers of these bases exist, then they will pour out armed and take control of the major cities of Europe. So you think that all of this is mere conjecture? Perhaps, or maybe this is simply another time that BTC is giving warning, a warning which has been sounded by Giulio Meotti. Is this really in the cards? That is for you and your leaders to decide. What can be done? Well, the first step is stop trying to eradicate Israel and take heed of how she approaches these problems. The Israeli approach will become even more efficient and laudable once the world finally decides that everything depends upon what Israelis had for breakfast and what their daily plans were, or more easily put, the world moves along and worries about their own problems and stops making Israel the cause of every ill.


Beyond the Cusp


October 11, 2015

In Israel America is Still That Gleaming Land of Greatness


The statements in this article are formed from the Israelis I have met and is hopefully something which continues to hold truthful as my experiences broaden. The vast majority of Israelis, particularly young Israelis, have an idealized view of the United States. They believe that in the United States opportunities exist like nowhere else on Earth. They see the United States as being capable of achieving just about anything they decide to put the efforts towards. This is not to say that they approve of everything the United States does or does not do that concerns the Israelis. Despite their love affair with the United States, that love affair sours rather rapidly when one takes stock in how Israeli feel about the United States governance. There many Israelis have more difficulty understanding as they see the United States as capable of doing unbelievable good if only the government would allow the people to take care of things themselves. You see, where one’s initial observation would be that the average Israeli has a view of the United States which is unrealistic, as you delve deeper you realize that they are not seeing the United States as perfect or they believe that things in the United States are perfect. What one sees is that the average Israeli loves Americans and their forms of governance and have just as jaundiced a view of the government as the most conservative Tea Party individual. Rumor says that this belief does not extend to much of one large city where their views match closer to Boston, New York, Los Angeles or most other large cities in the United States. Thus far I have avoided visiting this one city as I like the idealized view of the United States, well, more so the views of the average American citizen.


This view of America, as that is the real love, is that ideal America that went to the moon in less than a decade after deciding they were to meet that challenge. They love the concepts of full equality of opportunity and the spirit which made America great and is still there as a creative spark which is inside every human being but stifled more everywhere else outside America. The America most Israelis have experienced has been through the eyes of those who have visited the United States and seen the great potential which exists in the United States and these people have not stayed in the United States sufficiently long enough for the bad shortcomings to become just as easily witnessed thus bringing even the most devoted Israeli to see that there are places where the United States falls well short of the mark. Ask the average Israeli what they think of the United States and you get the feeling they believe that America can do no wrong. Dig a little deeper and you see a people whose idealized view is of the average American and their can do attitude becomes more of a could have been attitude which is more in line with reality.


One looks a little deeper and one begins to understand where the average Israeli gets their views on the United States and things begin to make sense. The average Israeli forms their views of the United States on the relatively small number of Americans they meet. Here in Israel most of the people get a small sample size and have only met Americans who have afforded not only trips to Israel but many have also an apartment that they own and plan on retiring and living in said apartment, so obviously the Americans they have met are the more wealthy and additionally their sampling consists solely of American Jews who are also Zionist and tend to be more conservative. Many of these Americans have completed college and are by and large physicians with many also being surgeons. So, their sample size is rather small and more indicative of the wealthier Americans and often include other than those in the medical fields, Americans who have some form of engineering or other scientific degrees and again often post graduate work with many having gotten their doctoral degree. So, again their sampling is skewed to successful Zionists which mean that they have again met mostly conservative people who have often also formed their own companies and many also hold a MBA degree to go along with their doctoral degree. To point out these are highly motivated people who would have succeeded in almost every nation in the Western world would be an understatement. If one speaks with the Americans who reside now in Israel after holding a successful career in the United States, many also fulfilled their required service in Israel as well. The sample size keeps being refined down to a very motivated and brilliant people who are driven and who meet very high criteria in education and accomplishments to their credit. These people tend to be conservative but still often voted as a good social liberal though they often had a very simple and basic filter which was dependent on one issue. Would their preferred candidate support Israel with almost a blind zeal bordering on fanaticism.


If one would make a list answering the question, ‘What is right about America?’ you would probably get a definition of the attitude of many of the Americans one meets in Israel. Giving even more validity to the assessment of the average American Jew who at some point after quite an impressive career decided to live in Israel and sufficient numbers of these people also gave half of their career time to working in Israel, there is an overwhelming number of the American Jews residing or regularly visiting Israel that have a less than admirable view of the current holder of the White House. As many of these people have what is called dual citizenship and are eligible to vote in the State they last resided in and do cast absentee ballots, their choices are easily researched and the story is quite telling; where in the United States President Obama won over seventy percent of the Jewish vote in both of his election victories, the Israeli Americans voted in the opposite direction with the 2008 votes exceeded three-quarters voting against President Obama and in 2012 an even higher percentage voted against his return to the White House. The consensus amongst the Americans here was obviously that President Obama was bad for Israel and the overt actions during the last Gaza war on Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They viewed President Obama directly for the closing off of Ben Gurion International Airport due to the terror threat which could have resulted in downed aircraft, something the United States had not done in Syria during the five year war continuing to rage nor have done in Lebanon, Libya or any of the nations struck by violence as a result of the Arab Spring turned into an Arab Winter despite some of the most vicious threats to flights in or out of their countries. In some of these cases the airlines themselves refused to provide service to these nations. Then there was the channeling the resupply of arms which the United States was obliged to automatically approve with the military itself charged with authorizing and supplying replacements keeping Israel provided with the means for her defense through the State Department with their withholding approval until Israel had presumably buckled to the demand to cease their hostilities in Gaza and returned control of Gaza to its ‘duly elected government’ which is the same as saying Hamas as it is their people who rule in Gaza. The White House was fully aware of this situation and the obligation of the United States which they modified so as to make their obligation into a wanted dead or dead poster on Israel, and that is not a Freudian slip, dead or dead was exactly what the White House was aiming to produce by withholding the resupply which was an agreement included in a defense treaty making it the law to make such resupply in a timely manner.



Stronger Together Enforcing Similar Ethos

Israel and America Stronger Together Enforcing Similar Ethos



This treaty was entered into for the Nixon Administration doing exactly the same withholding of the resupply to force Israel to comply with their demands that they simply cease fighting in defense against the invading forces of Syria and Egypt during the Yom Kippur War which caught Israel at her most vulnerable time with three-quarters of her military personnel in synagogues across Israel and not carrying any electronics and thus forcing the IDF to send personnel to as many Synagogues as possible and to send vehicles announcing the emergency call-up using loudspeakers and driving through one city after another. This withholding of resupply was advised by then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a Jew but apparently only by birth. The reasoning Secretary Kissinger gave for refusing to meet the Israeli request for resupply was that by refusing to send the arms Israel would be more vulnerable and thus far more easily forced to meet the demands which the State Department was pushing for President Nixon to demand of the Israelis. Fortunately the resupply was held a dangerous two to three days and Israel had begun to run low on some vital armaments which would have threatened their ability to defend their country had resupply not reached them in time. This was the reason a treaty was signed by the Nixon Administration after the Senate overwhelmingly approved the agreement. If one has seen a potential viewpoint against all things Israel coming from the State Department, please allow us to also point out that the State Department very strenuously objected to the decision by President Truman to recognize Israel as a new nation in May of 1948, May 15th to be exact. The State Department has been more stridently anti-Israel and anti-Zionist from their objection to the aims of forming the British Mandate in order to form a homeland for the Jews after World War I as part of the San Remo Conference which set up the French and British Mandates.


Fortunately most young Israelis know very little about the dastardly designs of the State Department which by their actions have proven to desire the death of the Jewish State by any and all means available. Fortunate for Israel that this is beyond the ability for the State Department to pull-off but they will apparently continue to try. The love affair which Israelis appear to have with the United States is actually more with America and the American People and independent of the government of the United States. What makes this all the more rewarding a relationship is the fact that large majorities of Americans love the Israelis as well, as has been proven in poll after poll. This is likely due to a love of freedom and a shared morality in many ways. The Israeli government often appears to take their cues from the Constitution of the United States or at least the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments required by a number of the signatory states as a condition for their signing onto the Constitution. That is most likely the glue holding these two peoples in mutual support and admiration and it would be wonderful if their relationship continues and those values prove to be the perfect glue which both societies use as their moral guide throughout their histories. It would be quite sad should they not remain as the constant rock mooring both ships of state.


Beyond the Cusp


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