Beyond the Cusp

March 21, 2016

Candidate Videos We Will All See in the Fall Election


Come this fall there will be only three or four candidates for President on many ballots. There will be the Green Party and the Libertarian Party and the Constitution Party and we will likely see absolutely nothing from these candidates unless they make the most astounding stupid or ludicrous remarks. The media uses them as comic relief but why should these outlier parties get all the humorous spots.



Election Headlines

Election Headlines



I figured we may as well start with the one guaranteed video we will see ad nauseum should, as expected, Hillary Clinton be the Democrat candidate for President. This will be the main driving video from every Super Pac backing the Republicans guaranteed.





Then there is the great video that Ted Cruz has left the Democrats which actually might soften his image and make him somewhat more attractive to many voters. You know which kind, the ones who will vote for somebody because nobody can be that insane but just in case Ted Cruz is that far beyond the cusp they will have to elect him hoping to get more of the same as in this video.





OK, those were ridiculous but they are exactly what is deserved in the coming elections as from all indications these elections appear to be more like electing a senior class president and not the leader of the greatest (presumably) nation on the planet. Still, we will actually, and hopefully, need to use actual positions of the candidates and we may as well begin early. First let us take a gander at Bernie “Feel the Bern” Sanders in an interview with Charlie Rose where he is asked about taxes and redistribution of wealth. The only warning we can give as commentary is that should Bernie actually be elected and try this, the United States would face the greatest movement of wealth beyond the borders ever even imagined in the worst case scenario as that is what this would pose.





Then there is “The Donald” Trump who has been evasive and his web site is only marginally more informative. The worst explanation of a position was his claim that he was the Grand Marshal of the New York Israel Day Parade. So, Donald Trump donated the most funding one year and got to ride in a convertible wearing a really nice velvet sash with an attractive young woman on either side as a reward for his contributing the most funds. So, what was Donald Trump’s answer to a direct question about the Arab-Israeli or Palestinian-Israel peace problem which has stymied every President since Truman in 1948 through President Obama currently. What words of wisdom or evasion did we get? Let’s look and listen.





Ted Cruz claims that he separates his politics from his religion and vice-versa. That was not exactly his position stated when speaking to what he considered a friendly audience. Whether the United States is a Christian or Judeo-Christian nation is debatable. There are those in Islam who claim that their religion was the basis for the United States founding principles and the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Ted Cruz laments in this interview that the Christian vote should in greater percentage than the approximately half registered but remaining home on Election Day. This, he claims, would alter the face and nature of the United States in this interview which follows.





Then there is Hillary Clinton whose hope is you will ignore all her negatives and concentrate on her positives. This may prove to be a hard sell but such would not be something beyond her audacity or deceptions which she would be sure to use. There would be Bill Clinton aiding any deception necessary as should she lose it, still Hillary will need a better answer on why she should be trusted beyond any FBI investigation. This clip gives straightforward examples of the real Hillary and campaign Hillary and never the twain shall meet.





There is a treasure-trove of videos available on line and all one need do is type the subject in at You Tube or any search engine and a virtual cornucopia under each candidate and covering a plethora of interesting items mixed in with even more trivia all of which show off the candidates in any form and forum desired. We hope everyone enjoyed our sampler package. Perhaps we can share some more videos once we are down to the wire with just the few candidates left standing for election as the President of the United States.


Beyond the Cusp


July 1, 2015

When Our Traditions All Fall and Fail Us

Filed under: 24/7 News Reporting,Abortion,Administration,Alawite,Allah,Amalekites,Amnesty,Appease Islamic Interests,Appeasement,Arab Appeasement,Arab World,Assimilation,Bashir al-Assad,Bible,Bible Study,Carl Sandburg,Charles Darwin,Charles Lindbergh,Chief Justice Roberts,China,Chinese Pressure,Christians,Church,Civilization,Class Warfare,Commandments,Commerse Clause,Conflict Avoidnce,Consequences,Corruption,Covenant,Coverup,Crime,Defend Country,Definition of Marriage,Domestic NGOs,Dr Ezekiel Emanuel,Dr Margaret Higgins Sanger,Ecology Lobby,Enforcement,Equal Responsibility,Equal Rights,Equal Treatment,Equality,Equality of Mankind,Eugenics,Europe,European Governments,European Historic Anti Semitism,European Media,European Pressure,Failed State,Five Books of Moses,Foreign Funding,Foreign NGOs,Francis Galton,Government,Hate,Health Care,Hispanic Appeasement,History,Humanist,Illegal Immigration,Immigrant,Immigration,Internal Pressures,International Politics,ISIS,Islam,Islamic Pressure,Jesus,Jewish,Jobs,Judaism,Judeo-Christian,Kurdistan,Kurds,Leftist Pressures,Libya,Magna Carta,Mainstream Media,Media,Media Bias,Mohammed,Moses,Mosque,Muslim,Muslim Expansionism,Muslim World,Nationalist Pressures,Noahic Covenant,Obama Care,Palestinian Pressures,Perfect Human Society,Planned Parenthood Federation of America,Pogroms,Politicized Findings,Politics,Pregnancy,Rebel Forces,Register to Vote,Regulations,Religion,Religious Institutions,Saudi Arabian Pressure,Seclective Reproductive Rights,Secular Interests,Slective Choice,Standards,State Department,Submission,Survival of the Fittest,Synagogue,Syria,Temple,Torah,Tradition,Traditionalists,U.S. Supreme Court,Union Interests,United Nations,United Nations Presures,United States,United States Constitution,University,US Supreme Court,Voting,War on Religion,Wealth Redistribution,Western World,World Government,World Government,World Opinion,World Peace,World Pressures — qwertster @ 2:11 AM
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Shared traditions and agreement on common goals are the glue which holds societies together. Without these familiar items as the glue there is no need to fear threats from without as the society eventually will tear itself apart from the inside. You want a current example of such a society all one need do is look to the Middle East and pick a nation which is crumbling and intertwined in a destructive civil conflict and you have your example. Syria is all too obvious as Bashir al-Assad had a view of his Alawite minority should be defended by the Druze militias acting as his personal army and all the aid he needed from Iran in arms and even soldiers as things began to go wrong. Bashir al-Assad’s father held the nation together with the glue of fear of his wrath while the son is nowhere near the fearsome leader imbuing strength and competence like his father and before one knew it he was challenged and failed. When an iron fist and the fear of it visiting your little corner of the world is all your nation has holding it together, then you better be ready to use it and use it without mercy or else you are doomed. Such nations are destined to fail from the outset as sooner or later one falls victim to the el-Duce syndrome where the people revolt against your leadership as soon as your power comes into question even if it was your alliance with one megalomaniac that collapses and the next thing you know you are strung up in the town square for a week or so. When the Soviet Union began its surprisingly rapid crumbling from the inside, a friend asked if this was real and if it was, what would be the sign to look for that would signal it was irreversible. As for if it was real, let us say I was as in shock as the next person. As for the sign signaling this truly was the end, that was the easy part so that is what I tackled using that to hedge my answer on belief. I simply told him that I would believe this was the end when Nicolae Ceaușescu fell in Rumania, and sure enough he was the last of the leaders to fall and he fell almost as hard as the European Axis leaders at the end of World War II. The other modern day examples of such failures are Saddam Hussein’s Iraq where the three main societies within have each gone their own way whether by choice, the Kurds in the north, by default, the Shia who hold the power of the governance now, and those who lost outright, the Sunni who are now caught between two enslavers, the Shia government of Iraq and the murderous hordes that are ISIS and they have nowhere to turn as neither the Kurds nor the Shia have any love left for them as they were seen as the cruel oppressors who benefitted from Saddam Hussein’s rule and are now collecting the payment for his sins. Libya is the final example where without a strong leader or the perception of such the entire society reverted back to tribal divisions and will remain each tribe to themselves against the other tribes forming and breaking alliances as it fits them without any possibility of reinstituting a central government which has reach more than twelve blocks in any direction from central Tripoli. There are even those who blame the collapse of the Roman Empire on their failure to incorporate Roman culture, rules and societal structures on those they had conquered at the fringes of their empire which eventually led to the downfall which is a concept with a share of its validity.


If such failure of the Roman Empire came from the fraying at its edges of the application of a singular set of societal norms, then we are today witnessing the death throes of the United States as their common heritage and societal norms are currently under assault in the courts where laws are being fortified in defiance of the traditional culture ripping things apart in such a manner as to make the separate, even disparate, parts of the society unglued from each other which may lead to the collapse of that society. The latest and possibly second most destructive tear just was handed down by the Supreme Court with their universal acceptance of same-sex marriage as the law of the land. The real culprit which will eventually topple the United States and potentially all of Western society is multiculturalism which stands that one must honor all others and their customs and no universal set of shared standards can be allowed to stand unassailable by the many and varied lesser cultures within the society. There was a time not that long ago where gun ownership was near universal in the United States and now in most of the major cities gun ownership is not only shunned but illegal which has led to rampant crime as now the criminals do not need a firearm to make them equal to any victim they choose as all they need is two other fellow miscreants to forcibly take anybody’s money by force of numbers, though there are those who prefer not sharing who simply use a weapon, not even necessarily a gun. Then there are those cultures which are forced into remission and made to hide their identity or to regress into enclaves where their numbers provide protection. The day is coming and coming rapidly to the United States shores and is awash over Europe which is pushing the Jews out of society despite the Jews having mostly adopted what was sold to them as the societal norms. The Jews have been consistently seen to be on the leading edge of every trend which came along and was considered enlightened. They were among those marching for civil rights for blacks in the fifties and sixties and have remained supporters of equality of the races through to the current times. They have been at the forefront of the march for gay acceptance and even same-sex marriage. Now that the Jews are the ones being shunned from the college campuses, and trust that which enthralls the masses in the colleges today will be the mainstays of the society ten to twenty years hence; there are already signs that there is sufficient an undercurrent in American subcultures which already hold anti-Semitic feelings which are now slowly emerging from what many would claim were the same centers from which Jew hatreds grew in Europe in the rise of the Nazis. One of the things people seem to forget was the rise of the Nazis had two epicenters and the college campuses were just as important if not more so than the reemergence amongst the rest of the areas blamed for this resurgence of Jew hatred as the ideological leaders more often came from the ivory halls of academia which was also one of the first places that the Jews were banned, from either attending or teaching in the universities. How much longer before such purges strike Western nations’ colleges and universities. It already happens on many campuses for a period every year during the heights of Israel Apartheid Week or during pro-Palestinian celebrations which have started to resemble the pogroms of Russia and the Inquisitions and other cleansings in Europe where the Jews were singled out for exclusion from the society often simply by their being expelled with only the possessions they had packed in a suitcase or two readied ahead of the pitchforks and angry mobs wielding them and other times by simply removing them permanently often burning them at the stake and other methods the crown would demand during their frenzied assault on the other, the Jew.


When that befalls western culture once again it will have started in the exact same place but with a slightly different target, the unfitness of the unborn. The undertaking has traditionally been referred to as Eugenics Movement. The idea of eugenics reaches back at least as far as Plato who called for the formation of a guardian race of selective breeding of those who were of superior mind and body, the mating of the cream of humanity to produce a master race. Sound familiar? Francis Galton, the half-cousin Charles Darwin, had taken his relative’s work on evolution and the survival of the fittest and applied it to be used within the human populations to breed the perfect human being and for the removal of those who were inferior. He coined the word Eugenics and eventually it became a course of study in the universities leading to a movement started around a core of its most ardent and adamant proponents and the rest is history. What is less well known is that the forefront of the Eugenics movement formed in the United States and its acceptance was so universal that it was from the United States that the most strident proponents of eugenics emerged. Such names at the front in founding the eugenics movement in their day and up to today are the poet Carl Sandburg, the aviator Charles Lindbergh, the mother of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger, the Perfect Human Society and an interesting proponent in current times, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel who was instrumental in the drafting of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or Obamacare. People might be shocked to be informed that Planned Parenthood has not always been the equal provider of alternatives for those who either desire preventive methods to avoid pregnancies or alternatives to carrying, their terms to birth of the child, a fetal mass to its conclusive child bearing as it would cause the mother undue mental stresses and interfere directly with their pursuits in life, it originally was used to sterilize those seen as unfit to have children thus forcing a eugenics program which was, as it is today, centered in minority neighborhoods. Providing you desire to seek the reality that is Planned Parenthood all one need to do is to research Margaret Sanger and her relationship with what we would today refer to as black genocide, it is not a pretty picture. There comes now another eugenics styled movement and this time the target will be traditions, the very traditions which were the glue of Western culture and society for the last two millennia.


The scissors that cut the pages into confetti will be forged by multiculturalism where no culture is to be preferred because we are blinding ourselves to such observations and the axe which will sever the binding making the job of the scissors even easier will be the axe taken to the Judeo-Christian culture and in particular to cut the binding of that book which professes that there are such things as good and evil, there is such a concept as right and wrong, that a life lived with proper restraints is life to be pursued, the book that once graced nearly every house and every hotel room across the United States and now a book scorned as old, out of fashion and obsolete, but the Bible is that book which we could learn where our new follies will lead, they will lead to the same place they have always led, ruination and the destruction of all that made the Western World strong. Choosing to lose ourselves in a culture of any culture of the moment is the culture we desire to raise up, but we cannot raise up debauchery and the damnation of human life as equal to the pursuit of a good life spent rejoicing in the gift that life provides and not seeking some manner of faith which demands of us surrender or die, such is a choice without a choice. We need return to our former ideals which permit those whose cultures differ to continue such practice in their private times and spaces such as their homes and houses of worship, but also we demanded they accept our cultural rules when in public. The Western culture allowed for certain irregularities such as special religious clothing being worn in public and even providing areas for prayer permitting such did not interfere with the performance of one’s job and was committed off the clock and on the individual’s own time as the whole cannot be forced to pay them for their private time spent praying and not producing things of mutual gain as that is what working at a job is, producing things for mutual gains, a cooperative effort and a central pillar of our traditional society.


Schools were a place where we learned about our mutual culture and were able to master those basic tenets which supported the society, and where we learned how to think and not so much exactly what to think though guidelines were imposed and what was out of bounds was ingrained. We even learned to cooperate through sports where we also learned the easy joys of winning and even more importantly how to cope with losing and thus with failure. The best amongst us learned that failure was not the end but rather a stop where we reassessed our priorities and assumptions making changes where we found things in error or lacking altogether and then proceeded on towards our ultimate goal. Further we learned, were we that fortunate, lucky even, that failures come in the thousands and that success comes only to those willing to fail and fail repeatedly and learning from each failure where we diverted from our goals and how to get back on track. Are there ideas whose failure is guaranteed and where one can never fully achieve the goal? Yes. We can never make a machine which is 100% efficient as in all things there is that degree of wasted effort, effort which does not contribute to the completion and realization of the goal. In a machine that goal is the product such as a generator making electricity; we use water, steam, explosive fuels all to drive the generator to make electricity but there are losses to friction and pushing the generator against the resistive magnetic forces induced in the coils which does not directly produce the electricity but which must be overcome. The same is true in life. Sleep is something our bodies must submit to or we will eventually collapse and possibly die. Still, it is sometimes in our dreams that the spark bursts forth solving some vexing problem which assists the project to completion. Such is an exception and even that spark was not the only dream we enjoyed or endured, and there were the periods of sleep which were used as a dedicated means of repairing and preparing the body for the next day. Another item which obviously diverts us from achieving goals but may be necessary in order to reach our goals are the failures along the way. Lessor peoples will allow failures to prevent them from trying and just surrender to their failures. That is not an intricate part of our society until recently when we found ways of rewarding those who become mired in failure.


Another casualty in our modern society is the loosening of the moral structure. In the lives of the vast majority of the population, and to a limited extent to all of the population not restricted to an asylum (do we even have asylums any longer to care for the elderly and the comatose?) as we all wear clothing though some wear far less than others; we all eat and sleep as nature insists on these; and we all live and let live because if large segments of the society, and it need not be more than ten to twenty percent of a society, take to being belligerent and resorting to murdering those who they fear or refuse to submit; then the society will fracture and it will soon become a free-for-all with every faction against the rest; see Libya, Syria or Iraq for current examples. What many do not realize is this is rapidly becoming the definition of Western culture. The society of the Western World has become unmoored and without an anchor with which to tie off and provide immovability, permanence and the Western World has rapidly been cranking the centerboard retrieving it from below the boat allowing the winds to blow us as they may while our ability to steer the boat has failed without the centerboard. That centerboard was western Judeo-Christian ethics and the anchor was the ideal of hard work will produce and provide for one and one’s family and charity would take care of the few who for reasons often beyond their control are unable to find a place within our society. We did not used to change our society such that everybody’s quirks or the beliefs of those coming to our shores being used as a cudgel with which to beat and force us to alter our religious and social structures which we have held dear fashioning our societal norms around and have worked just fine for us and is tried and true. Therein lies the current problem, we in the West have doubted our own culture while allowing another culture whose adherents have little doubt that it is superior to all the Western World has ever known and that the Western World must be cowed and beaten into submission, and that is termed our surrendering to Allah. Do not mistake Allah for the same as G0d in our Judeo-Christian society as Hashem does not demand surrender but instead reason, trust and faith. The easiest manner to present a difference is to look at the lineage of belief. In Judeo-Christian ethics the line of faith flows through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob while Islam and Allah follow the lineage of belief through Abraham, Ishmael and Mohammad. Perhaps this is as good a place to stop before I get into deeper troubles and this is way more sufficient amount to chew of for one day. With any luck I’ll get into this stranger side of my reasoning after a decent period of rest. Thank you all for reading this far and may your life be blessed only with those failings which aid you in your journeys and make you a stronger and better you, even if others spend some time confused at what you are trying to say, and boy have I spent time on that bus.


Beyond the Cusp


January 28, 2015

Holocaust Remembrance Day, the BBC, and Lessons Lost


On International Holocaust Remembrance Day the BBC show The Big Questions asked and debated the topic as follows, “Our one big question this morning: Is the time coming to lay the Holocaust to rest?” To many the answer is obvious; the problem is the obvious answer is rapidly approaching being evenly divided between the affirmative and the negative. It used to be that if one claimed that the Holocaust was a myth invented by the Jews to use to garnet sympathy or to bludgeon the world with a guilt trip, particularly Germany and the Europeans, was a view which relegated one as outside acceptable society throughout the world with some obvious exceptions. It was certainly not something even debated within Europe or Western society. That has changed to the point that a group of eighth-grade teachers in the Rialto Unified School District decided that asking their students to take a side on whether the Holocaust happened and back up their arguments with facts would be a good way to stretch their students’ creative skills and provide an avenue for them to develop effective debate skills in writing. In some Albany, New York schools, seventy-five tenth-grade English Class students of a teacher received an assignment with the description to write an essay proving that Jews are evil. The assignment read, “Your essay must be five paragraphs long, with an introduction, three body paragraphs containing your strongest arguments, and a conclusion. You do not have a choice in your position: you must argue that Jews are evil, and use solid rationale from government propaganda to convince me of your loyalty to the Third Reich!” So, perhaps the debate by the BBC is not as horrific as it initially appears.


The problem with even debating such a question is that with time others will take the BBC initiative one step further and eventually the Holocaust will join many of the other evils in the dustbin of forgotten memories. Hitler queried in second speech to his Wehrmacht commanders, “Who still talks nowadays of the extermination of the Armenians?” This question is one that many should have to answer before they attempt to relegate the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews and other undesirables into a similar category. It should be hoped by all people of compassion and good conscience that all such atrocities remain in human memory for the simple reason as for them to be reminders how dark and evil men’s hearts, minds and thus actions can turn when such things are allowed to be forgotten. The Armenian Genocide being forgotten despite its having occurred just before the onset of World War I and yet it was already a non-issue left from collective memory during World War II and thus did not serve as an early warning lesson against the evils which soon resulted. The Holocaust committed by the Nazis needs to actually be broadened and applied as a warning against easy solutions to societal problems as the Nazi Holocaust did not only murder millions of Jews, but also another six-million others who were considered threats to the government, impurities within the society and still others who were relegated as being too costly to remain within the societal structure.


Some of the earliest victims of what eventually led to the Holocaust were not the Jews as their inclusion took a series of dehumanizing steps before it became acceptable. The earliest victims of the whole idea of perfecting the human race were found throughout Western societies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The mentally insane and deficient were initially simply sterilized so they would not have children who would by the very fact that one or both of their parents were mentally challenged or deficient be tainted human beings and too likely to be similarly afflicted. Margaret Sanger was amongst one of the early birth control advocate whose efforts led to the founding of the American Birth Control League which would later be renamed Planned Parenthood organization. Her intentions are often only partially revealed as much of her efforts are no longer acceptable and there are those who wish to prevent Ms. Sanger’s racial purification efforts to taint modern birth control and abortion rights efforts and lobbying. Her efforts including working with the growing eugenics movement which sought to purify and advance the human race through controlled breeding as one might breed cattle for healthier and many preferable results. This movement made some headway in the United States and Europe and was oft misused to sterilize those considered inferior, be they racially inferior, mentally challenged, those with physical birth defects, people who were outside norms lacking in height and an ever increasing number of other qualities simply regarded as inferior. The eugenics movement had progressed to the point of forced sterilizations where women who came to clinics or when giving birth were sterilized without their knowledge or consent.


These ideas were adopted by the Nazis and initially went no further than the eugenics had progressed in the United States and across Europe. Hitler was regarded as taking the proper and necessary steps to improve the human race and was initially lauded by the practitioners of eugenics in the United States. Eventually their support waned as Hitler went beyond the steps the eugenics progressives were comfortable with. Hitler took the theories of eugenics and married them to religious hatreds and persecutions which led to the extermination of six-million Jews and his use of eugenics generally led to the extermination of another five to six million humans determined to be unworthy of life. Those included homosexuals, the mentally challenged, Roma (Gypsies), Serbians and eventually those considered not to be purely Aryan race. The deaths of all of those innocents murdered including those who were simply included who were labelled enemies of the State as well as those included above are the reason the Holocaust must be remembered. The memory of the Holocaust murder of six-million Jews needs to be remembered for all-time as there are those who wish to repeat that undertaking by murdering the slightly more than six-million Jews living in Israel. Then there are others who use Israel as their reason to kill the Jews but actually their desire is to murder every Jew everywhere as is related in this video where New York Councilman David G. Greenfield who is the grandson of Holocaust survivors, gave an impassioned speech, noting that the anti-Semitism inherent in the virulent opposition to Israel at the session of the New York City Council commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance at which he spoke unmasking the real hatred and desires in the protest, the murder of every single Jew wherever they be found.




Remembering the Holocaust is more than simply the Jews who were murdered in mass numbers but the Jews are the consciences who are best able to continue the memory of those horrific times. The lesson of the Holocaust must also go further and also include the entire eugenics movement and any political movement which includes the ideas and ideals of eugenics and other concepts accepted by the progressives of the early twentieth century. Some of their concepts have begun to slowly edge their way back into society once again. Statistics reveal that there is near equality in the general New York City megalopolis between Black children born and those terminated in the womb by abortive techniques. The general acceptance of abortion in society is something the eugenics proponents would have applauded and supported with great enthusiasm. They would have encouraged women of what they considered lesser societal acceptance, otherwise expressed as those less wealthy, to have abortions as they saw wealth as proof of genetic superiority.


But the Holocaust was not the only modern murder by governments of those considered to be lesser human beings or even as human beings at all. In the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin committed a Holocaust of proportions were only exceeded by Hitler a little over a decade later. Over the period of 1932 and 1933 it is thought that seven-million Ukrainians were starved to death as the entirety of their produce was transferred to Moscow to feed the starving Russians who were considered to be more essential and true believers on the Soviet ideals and the Ukrainians were expendable. That is the famous words uttered by most mass murderers; they were one or more of the following, expendables, unbelievers or inferiors. There was the famine in China which resulted from Chairman Mao Zedong’s programs of the Great Leap Forward of 1958 to 1962 where inside China it has been estimated that the loss of life equaled from fifteen to forty-five million with the accepted standard places the totals between twenty-one to forty-three million deaths. The deaths inside China were only exceeded by the cover-up and deceitful history which denied the failures of the state.


There were other such government initiated mass deaths including when the Japanese Imperial Army entered the Chinese Capital City and committed the Rape of Nanking murdering half of the six-hundred-thousand people in six weeks, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge who orchestrated the Cambodian genocide, Bosnia-Herzegovina genocide of 1992 through 1995 which murdered at least two-hundred-thousands, Rwanda genocide where in a hundred days in 1994 up to 800,000 Tutsis were killed by Hutu militia using clubs and machetes killing as many as 10,000 each day and the wholesale slaughter of human beings by human beings all due to one group believing that their right to live outweighs others’ right to life for any reason be it religious, racial, political or any of the other contrivances of human kind meant to select one group as superior to all others. It is for these peoples as well and the hundreds of millions or probably billions upon billions who have been slaughtered through wars, enslavement, political purges, purifications, religious differences or any other distinction used by man throughout his history that we must remember the Holocaust if only because there are those who refuse to allow its memory to die. It is the calling to memory the six-million Jews and the rest of the twelve-million or more murdered in death camps, open fields, ghettos, in the back of trucks feeding the exhaust into the back compartment or simply shot where they stood who represent the entirety of the hostility of men against their fellow men that the Holocaust must echo throughout the rest of human history as a reminder such that we never again turn a deaf ear to the suffering and deaths of our fellow human beings. No, the time has not arrived to lay the Holocaust to rest, and the time we pray will never come to lay the Holocaust to rest. When mankind forgets the horrors of his past, he will live to repeat them and that has to end now!


Beyond the Cusp


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